ALLEN NEXT WEEK NARK TWAIN'S "A Connecticut Yankee! In King Arthurs Court" =r The Daily British Whig KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1022. CLAIMS HE WAS TRICKED OUT OF SOME VOTES ANGRY MOB LAST EDITION ----y Reginald De Koven, composer of "Robin Hood and other operes, After the death of her sister, Mrs. ole ° H. Chatfleld-Taylor, to whom she was devoted, Mrs. De Koven realiz- ed she had no philosophy or religious ? view that could reconcile her to her determined to dis- YEAR 80; No. 45, SERVICES mre CTRONG CASE Hotels, loss. She was controls, he is carrying on negotia- cover whether the loved companion tions with the soviet authorities with Substituted Red Pencil In| Berlin, Feb, 23.--Hugo Stinnes hs I E Polling Booth?--Loss to GIVES CH JM | bit upon another idea. Through the DISAB D X R. F. Elliott. Hamburg Traftic Company, which be The Nickle-Elliott election is still the cause of much comment. There is a report in circulation that some To Mormons in Portsmouth, largot hotel bundings ia Rossa: Tc Father Delorme Is Not To Be Hotel \ Astoria in Petrograd and the Hotel Metropolitan .n Moscow, wh:=h Through Dr, Edward Worcester of Boston she met a Mrs. Vernon, who, had survived the change called a. death. But So Also Is the Revenue, Says Attorney-Gen- . o Tried Until Next though she shrank from public no- June. tice, possessed yndoubted mediumis- 5 tic powers. A week after her sister's Montreal, Feb. 23.--The witnesses death Mrs. De Koven attended her Toronto, Feb. 23.--In the legisla this phenomenal | ture yesterday afternoon T. Herbert Lennox asked what was the to'al cost of enforcing the Ontarfo Temperance act since 1918. Mr. Raney replied ra---- of Mr. Elliott's supporters were | Eng. \ 1 Women The Snow And Sleet "tricked" out of the votes by a de- had an titersational ta*ion Te. liberate scheme. The scrutineer at|- For Utah. fore the War. No. 17 A, George Turcotte, reports | 'There is every prospect of the ne- orm ea that nine ballots marked for R. F.| Plymouth, Eng, Feb. 23.--A |gotiations being successtul. Stinnes Elliott were thrown out, because they number of Mormon missionaries | thinks, and so does the Soviet govern- [to the will of Raoul Delorme will first seance with were marked with a red pencil. While | were pursued through the streets ment, that in the near future 'he |be subpoenaed and ordered to be |w n. gl reet , woma } this was quite proper on the part of | yesterday by an engry mob becauge | umber of visitors to Russia, mainly present at the resumed enquete of Se---- the returning officer, William Saund- | , their utterances in the market business people, will increase enorm- | Abbe Delorme. On Celestial Transportation. . ers, someone was responsible for the square. They were rescued by the ously and that it will be necessary to This fact was made known by Result, 'the bourne from which [that in 1918 the total cost was $210,« Western Ontario Is Tied Up use of a red pencil and that some | ice with difffealt have hotel accommodations for them. | Chief Lorraine, of the provincial de- no traveler returns is no longer im- | 829; in 1919, $235,454; in 1920, - . one" was not a friend of R. F. El- So A ¥. emer ent rective force. The chief stated tuat |penetratable," says Mrs. De Koven |$316,055, and in 1921, $482,084. «Industries And Light liott. The contention is that it was me of the newspapers have been To Fly Across Atlantic as Father Rheaume and Dr. Renaud, |in her book, "A Cloud of Witnesses," He added, however, that the reves substituted for the legal black pencil |condusting a campaign against Mor- In Thirty-Two Hours both of whom wiiessed the muider- [in which she records her experiences, | ue received from fines and confisca- Plants Suffer. when known Elliott voters were |mon activities throughout the coun- ed brother's will had shown no inclin- "What is my sister doing?" she [tion had exceeded the cos of en- ; 2 about to vote, or else was used for|try, slaging that the missionaries New York Feb. 23.-- Louis Gan. | Xion to tell the what they [asked the medium, forcement of the act: Toronto, Feb. 23.--All the open voters by the returning officer. |were trying to obtain women con- Bort Pra b Irhror "betore safling knew, summary wetion was necessay. 'She is aiding in the transporta- The revenues were: 1918, $218, worst features of the elements A ballot marked in red or any|verts who would proceed to Utah for France today, deslared that he |. ° SubPoena will be issued before |tion of messages and exchanging of [709; 1919, $316,087; 1920, $785. combined in yesterday's storm |color except black is nottegal because | ang poly / 4 (aq | the end of the week. ideas with those who perform this (788; 1921, $663,886. The attorneys and embrace polygamy. This state- | intended to fly back to the United \ > to inconvenience Ontario, pir- the color destroys the secrecy of the : 3 Crown Prosecutor Walsh is going service over here," came'the answer. | general added that there was approx= , |ment was strongly dénied by the [States in a Goliath plane carrying |, ¥ j S of-oon ticularly the Niagara, Western ballot and might lead to identifica- | yo on elders ten passengers within the next two 0 ede ho stone ustuiked 19 con Mrs, De" Koven then stated she mately 200,000 Astated ligus Oe arin sagara, SE) tion of the voter. For this reason | ig ors, . 4 [tte He prided viet bis man ,he declares. thought of her sister constantly, ors on hand, so that the total revenue II Bd Ou Ona I. only a black pencil is specified. poss that members of the flight across the Atlantis ines. thay I have plenty of time," said Mr. "Perennial affection like your sis- | for 1921 would be abou' $863,000, ' Ty Er It is "understood that the matter | 5°¢t will be deported. thirty-two Bours Walsh, "for 1 do not wan' Father De- ter's lights the way through etern- In replying the legislature this at io bled; has been directed to the attention of | teow -- : lorme brought to trial until June. ity" was the reply. According to |ternoon to a question asked by How- Was at least partially disabled; |, 0 ning officer, H. D. Wight. | MAKES ADULTERY CRIME . You can rest assured that my case |information gleaned by Mrs, De ard Ferguson, Beniah Bowman stabsd in some oases put completely out man, for his investigation. Nine bal} _ will be strong enough. | Koven in her spiritualistic adventures | that Com nisslopers Riddell and of commission. In Western On- jo 4¢ one subdivision was a large | ational Council of Women to Ask It Is reported that much pressure women after death assume female | Latchford had been paid $2,000 each tario last night, there were |nuymber to lose, and if the same prac- | oO 'For Change In Law. Is being brought to bear on the de- | (orm, but they are not annoyed by [for their services on the probe. many points as isolated in the tice was followed at all of the polls | Hawa, Feb. * 23--On Friday toctives ail the authorities by tie | furbelows of fashion. They may Answering another guestiom, Ate matter of communication from |the defeat of Mr. Elliott could easily | oC "ing the National Council of officials of /the Roman Catholic | gress as they choose, imitating flow- | torney-General Raney stated that 36 Labrador. With be sctouited for Women executive, in session here, church. One detective whose chil- ing Greek effa:ts if they desire. men had been appointed to the pro- main centres as . . will go as a deputation to the gov- dren attend a Roman Catholic school, ! Many '"messages" received by Mrs, | vincial police force since January 1st, no Information possible from ernment to ask that their proposed reports that his children have bean De Koven have been of a nature pos- | 1920, some of them being required to many places, even an approxi- amendments to the Criminal Code be dubbed "Orangeman'" by all the toa- sible of verification and have been | fill vacancies. . ol.ers and pupils in the school . duly substantiated. G. G. Halcrow, Labor member for Little news is received of Father Mrs. Enrico Caruso's passionate | Bast Hamilton, continued the debate Delorme. His sisters visit him dally | or eat in psychic subjects {s well jon the address. In reaffirming his and take him books to read. Other known. Immediately after the death'lown belief in the political recall, he than his immediate family, no visit- {of the great tenor in Italy, an en- | asked whether the government mem= tors are permitted to see him. deavor was nade to communicate | bers' were equally fai'hful to this No credence ic placed in & StOiY | gyn him concerning little Gloria's plan in their platform. published in a morning paper hers | pars fn her father's estate. Mess-| "They don't need to lie," eadd & that an tmportant witness has disap- ages, believed by many to be genuine, | voice. "They'll get the recall soon Noithor Io he rotort at Rives bu, [Vero received trough wolivms. | encugh = xed P 1 : - r. Halcrow attac remier lorme dined with a young girl in a . Asks After Husband. Drury on the ground that he had Montreal restaurant 'aken seriously. Believing she is psychic, Mrs. Ho-) never done a thing to justify hie pro- ward Sanford has plunged enthusi- testations of friendship fog public ing still conducted by the late Mr.| Toronto, Feb. 23.--Sir Edward astically into the subject of lite aivey ov] enh. Hepburn. He married Miss Johnson, | Kemp has placed $500 at the dispos- R. GP RC death, in an effort to communica r. Halcrow would like to see the Well-known Londen, Ontarjo, counsel, Corset Stay Plerced Woman's Heart | {ih her late husband. premier discharge Sir Adam Beck, te in Falling. Mrs. A. M. Williamson, of the and to see the two meet on the pub daughter of late J. W. Johnston, M. {al of the governors of the University who has been appointed to the bench Geneva, Feb. 23.--A whalebone [famous C. N. and A. M. Willlamson | lic platform. He had no doubt who P. P., Belleville, and to them was |0f Toronto to be used as a scholar- ' y { of the supreme court of Ontario. . ; {ship for a 5 born four children. Mr: Hepburn and | ship graduate of a western uni corset stay caused the death recently |eombination that turned out many | would come out on top. of a Zurich young woman, while ski- | «pest sellers," declares she is in con- all his family were prominent busi- | versity during the session of 1922-23 | Fraternitics Snobbish Chicago Seeks Answer ing. She was making a steep des- qunfcation with her hus- ag . stant commun 8t. Lawrence Clogged DEATH OF R. G. K. HEPBURN. mate estimate of the damage is jassin considered this sessign. Among Prominent Resident of Picton Passes | on Wednesday Afternoon. | them is the amendment to make ad- ultery a crime, Mrs. O. C. Edwards, Picton, Feb. 23.-- R. G. K. Hep-|¢0nvenes the committee on arrange- burn died in Prince Bdwand county | ments for the presentation of the hospital last evening after an opera- |C0URcil's views, and assisting her are tion for appendicitis. Mr. Hepburn |Dr. Stowe Gullen, Miss Charlotte was born in Picton some thirty-six | " bitton, Mrs. Smillie, Dr. Margaret years ago and was a son of Mr. and Patterson and Mrs. W. R. Lang. Mrs. A. W. Hepburn. Mr. Hepburn's SE father was formerly president of the Bay of Quinte Navigation Company, -- and did a lumber, coal and forward- | Scholarship for 'Western University ing business, the coal business be- Graduate, impossible. Weather forecasts for to-day bring greater fear that the whole electrical transmission service will be disabled, throw- ing the province into darkness and industries Into idleness. With lower temperature and' continued rain and sleet, as in- dicated from the observatory offives, the power company offi- elals fear that all lines from Niagara will be tied up. SIR E. KEMP GIVES $500 KILLED WHILE SKI-ING Situation Still Precarious. Toronto, Feb. 238.---Toronto and the westeren part of On- tario this morning seemed to be recovering slowly from the par- alysis of the light, power and transportation systems depend- ing on transmission of electrical " jenergy from Niagara Falls. Telegraph and telephone com- ness men, being identified with the Thighs in Yesponse to en appeal from canning industry. He leaves, besides | Pres t Falconer, of the Universit; . his as and Nr children, his fa-|of Toronto, for graduate goholarhrr -- cent with a party of friends when |;,,4 without the aid of ouija or ther and mother, three brothers: |at the local university. Chicago, Feb. 23.~--An investiga- | she fell over a ledge, landing 20 feot | madium, and she believes he has aid- By Big Ice Barrier Brig.-Gen. B. R. Hepburn, ex-M P., of tion by the faculty to find out if Uai- { below in deep snow. Her companions ed her in the books she has written Prince Edward county, now residing . versity. of Chicago, fraternities sre (attached no Importance to the fall, |gj;ce nig death. Loh 1 'ntreal, Feb. 23.--An unusugily in. London, -Eng.; Jas. D. E. C. Hep- | I Juabblsh ote to the rich (but on reaching her found the bome | wry. Otto H. Kahn, wife of the | severe winter has riveted the dos bare , ; 5. Mrs. George Rublee, in the | rig on (he St. Lawrence river and as and assuming 8h air of tlass super- [hed pierced her hearty... | ent of tha her ad- | 4 vagult shipping men say, the 1933" This is the second imcld: panies are completely cut off from communication with that part of South-western Ontario west of Hamilton, Many miles of wire are reported down in burn, Toronto, Capt. Colin Hepburn, London, Eng., also five sisters, Mrs. T. Plummer and Mrs. A. Padmore, Toronto; Mrs. (Capt.) Ackerman, OF KING'S GOVERNMENT fority over nonfraternity students, will be started at once, President Harry Pratt Judson announced todey in reply to a letter from the parents kind in Switzerland. banker BOT fimblight recently because vocacy of birth control; Mrs, Robert A. Gardiner and Mrs, Richard Mans- field, wife of the late actor, are all delving into the caus of physic opening of navigation on the riveb- will be considerably delayed. April 15th is the usual date. At this season, say the river there is usually a stretch of that section of the province. phenomena. Evyen the power situation in To- . water seventy miles, between M Tonto and other cities and towns _ Is still precarious, and will ep- _ parently remain so until milder "Weather relieves the heavily- laden wires of the ice. Pétérboro; Mrs. Nokes, Virginia, and The Wat ays' Project Is|of a student in which those charges THE SMART Stl TEARING real and' Quebec. Now the open Miss Gemehe Hepburn, Calgary. The y made funeral takes place Saturday after- Likely to Stand For the a Stier declared that one 'fra- . Proton. AT THE VEIL OF DEATH Sn Field the favors alone cost $5 each and the rous 2 is barely thirty miles long. In addi etme The investigations of these women 20 "0 © Conted area of ice, the noon. ternity recently gave a dance at which CANNOT BE EQUALITY Ottawa, Feb. 23. Parliament as- | 00st for each couple was at least $20. . n By sembles in thirteen days and cabinet | The fraternities are in a campaign of | Efforts to See Beyond Grave need Bok be sunfounded ith spisits river covering is reported to be um~ Before the Law Till All Have the Ministers have thelr work cut out in | trying to outdo each other in ex-| Supplant Bridge Parties in |U° Re roPwTOught. others are proving | usually thiek. Same Chance. getting ready for that date. pensive entertainments, the letter New York a Tre #7 YS omtiste in their Heavy frosts and the absence of Washington, Feb, 23.--Equality be- | . The government has plenty on |sald, with the result that the poor boy gi on50' Vig _| snow in the first part of the winter : 23. quality Pp vy unimpasstoned research into this fas ate ns for the fo New York, Feb. 23.--The discov- |cinating, reasons assigned rmida~ ery that Mrs. Enrico Caruso is deep- |field, fore the law is impossible so long as hand to attend to, not least among [has no chance. 5 if somewhat dangerous, ble ice b : ly interested in psychic subjects has Elsie de Wolfe's psychic excur- the rich and powerful are represent-| the subjects is the international wa- ed in court by highly educated law- | !eTWays question, in respect to which | $2,400,000 Expended vers, while the large part of the poor | th Quebec premier, Tuesday night In Removal of SNOW | revealed that half the well known [sions date back 20 years. OPPOSED TO GIVING and ignorant are represented by un-| raised the issue e autonomous -------- women of New York society are del- | Mrs. John Wallace Riddle, cele- Than trained and incompetent men, Judge | FISMS of Quebec. ¥ New York, Feb. 33.--A sumptuous | vers into the strange science of pene- | brated architect, formerly Miss Theo- | The Resources of the Country to the Reduction In National | cy ence Goodwin, Chicago, declared | The same position has been taken | 4 a tment on Upper Broadway, said | trating beyond the veil of death date Pupe, and Elizabeth Marbury United States, Expenditure, British Trades |in his address toddey as chat:man of [PY nat. paar eck oun Ontario, 10t | by the police to have been maintain! The oulje board has ousted the |are others frequently seen at gath-| Quebec, Feb, 28.--An appeal to Union Congress Claims, [the conference of bar associations |fE8Inst Power development, but age- {eq by Ernest A. Miret, a young 24- ;card table--in society's real holy of |erings of the enthusiasts, Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, Prime here. Until such condition is cor- In any alienation of provincial au- dollar- a-week clerk for the Borden | holies. Lady Muir-MacKenzie has been an | Minister of Canada, not to permit London, Feb. 23. --Dealing with the |eCted. he said, there will be little |* QHity 18 $40 thom, Milk Products company, was closed | Social climbers and "hangers- on," investigator 'or many years, both |the schemes for the deepening of ; ? justice in the courts. The best guess In regard to the | yesterday when Miret was arrested the lowliest beads on the outer fringe | here and in England, where she is a | the St. Lawrence river, was made by & economy recommendations international waterways project, es " ' Premier Taschereau on behalf of the the national joint council represent- with many others, is that th on ooharge of grand larceny prefer- {of New York's soctal elect, may still | member of the English Society for | Fuer Te Quebec | ing the Trades Union Congress of | Would Give Home Rule ernment will lof Ii sleep for 'a good | "2 his employers. trifie with bridge and squander their | Psychical Research, Sites of QUOBIS. es will a | the Labor party passed resolution To Wal B The specific charge against him fs money at poker, but the real creme In the thedtrical social world, ° es and Scotland | time yet. Especially this session, ac- that he reised and cashed a $76 |de 1a creme those whose names |Janet Beecher, Elsie Ferguson, Ros. | P0%6 the scheme for the devel . ation London, Feb. 23.--A group of hr pr a, on ts supposed Yousher: Ho was held oid iu $5,009 sat suggest either the Mayflower or solid |hanara the flancer : and Dosis Keane 3 Canadian w Watery to bs gontratied . » o-- a : r- i] t or es n onal terways " Janel expenditure may ba, the | weieh and Scottish members of par- | to come before the cabinet this week en pre Mpeg iE Boney. 55 otk Ja Dw no He 1 s ge other psychic discov-|mMission," sald Mr. Tasc en rl pi 8 bro. lament have decided to draft a devo- | cow that Mr. Kennedy, the minister, | getectives, Miret has spent between siediumistie' saances. efvetal gazing jeries 'and,' he added, emphatically, ation. demands the liquidation |y,ion bill conterring home rule on |is back with masses of illuminating | $70.000 and $80,000. and other mysterious appirtasanees : ask you, Mr, King, to oppose Of & substantial portion of the Wer |\.jeq and Scotland. material. That a policy will be the |" 15 gddition to the establishment [of th oY plan whenever it comes before ¢ "debt by a graduated levy on accumu- : subject of much definite legislation | on 'Br ay, they tothat foi al Poo ius Vanderbilt. Ji. oh The province of Quebec opposes ft tod wealth and supports a maxi- St. Ja rch Missiol this session, however . vadway, hase Mrs, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jrs, the 'gjx Aged Men Lured because it mean resours retrenchment in the the mes Cy B ' » 15. most ques- | maintains a summer home on LOBE | young Neely's wife, seems convinced s giving our : adiymont § navy, A goodly number were present at|tionable. : Island and drives 3° costly automo- Toul So pd Ee aT oo By Joys of Boyhood | es to the Amerfsans, I do not want | y end ores. the mission services in St. James| Estimates, the draft of which are bile, with all the accessories which |, Rachel Iittleton should :sus- the United States to come to the church yesterday, and much interest | said to embody extensive reductions constitute a "gay life." TB of super-normal powers South Orange, N.J., Feb. 23, -- | Province of Quebec and get the water 'Montreal May Become was manifested, a number waiting for have to be revised within the next eal the has not confided to her friends, | Last night a movie illustrating 'he Sowers Alves by God » this country, : America's Greatest Port | Personal interviews with the mission- | two weeks. Then the budget has to be Being a medium is no enviable | JOYS of boyhood was flashed on the | We © provifice of Quebec can : er after the meeting in the afterndon, | Considered, but Hon. W. 8. Fielding $2 400,000 Expended. role. As a rule mediume are con- [Screen at the Newark aimshouse here. | FO! Consent to give our resources to Jr------ : and practically all remaining for the | 2l0ne, is likely to do the considering, New York, 23.--Removai of tha Today six men, ranging in age from | the Americans.' Now York, Feb. 13.--The possibil- | 1 PrUZERI all =m both of the tariff and fivancial snow from the streets here has cost |sclous of strange forms rking about |," 5, ® Ltn LE lala ; GE Monteeu! booming the great; |S mene atmeht, Ct © | $2,400,000 tnis winter, and apring 1s |» "Sani ule0q MOPS IRIEE op (1 nativution said they believed pointed out. by the. World: this again remarked on the large mum- still it distant, the board of variety of mediums can tep floors [they hed rua away into the hills. ring in a Sapona supposting r of prayers for bodily healing. and move furniture about, without ¢ bill now ore the state legis CANADA AT BARBADOES Famtire Opening of Parliament. Ottawa, Feb. 23.--Canada assisted at the opening of Parliament in the Barbadoes. The Canadian 11 consisting of the cruiser Aurora the destroyers Patriot and Patricias, has been spending the winter in the south, and the crew of the cruised furnished the guard of honor at the opening of parliament in the B bado Islands. The governor of islands specially thanked the eaps tain of the Aurora, and commented favorably on the appearance of ian sailors Jesus is able and willing to heal to- apparent physical contact, day. These prayers indicated | y ; a oe pe apt lcziod oak en Samoan the sossen i Eaow' si your Koad 430 vielows 103 York. Jesus to ask for a blessing. If me ha p dencles after a cory mtrodue. | 3 mm tonmmenenenwren | 80d Women will comply with J ; sun $400.000 31 be nooed this Christ's conditions they will week to pay those who shovelled and | tion. be granted His blessing. But Jesus carted away last week's snowfall. must be Savious if He is going be Healer. 'In view of the many who are seeking healing Mr. McKim sald he was contemplating having a spe- cial service for these afflicted ones. | -------------- Death of John Porter. London, Feb. 23.--John Porter, prominent British race horse trainer died at Newbury, at the age of 84] {eo 4 : * years. During the height of his aott i J re : unds vities he was the trainer of ; The 1 : d | on : ont eof: Derby winners and winners of 1] | abort tae da amounting to $3,980,135, the larg. "be the In est amount ever won by any trather. em ce-- } The state convention of the Amer recognition Mrs. Vanderbilt's Record. A really astonishing person--a 'e | medium, and whether Mrs. Vander- ican Association for the Irish Republic last night adopted say .it all. Tesalutions at Utica, N.Y., supporting }. : stand of de Valera and his