-- i Markets Reports | | i a shipping steers, $7.50 butchers, $7 lings, $3 to $9; heifers, $5 to $7. $2 to $5.50; bulls, $3.50 Cattle: lsg.25: $8.25; LIVE STOCK MAIKETS, Montreal. Feb, 24.--Cattla: WS, les: » fresh cows and springers, $110, Calves, $3 to $15. Hogs: heavy, $10.50 to Mortreal, cher steers, good $7.50 to medium, $6.60 to $7.50; $6 to $6.25; butcher heifers, ct 1c £6.75 to $7.40; medium, $5 59 ; 25; comramn, $4.50 to $5.50; as , chic $5.50 to mixed, $10.85 to. $10.90; medium $4.5¢ to $5.50; canners, $2; {light do and pigs, $11; ou cutters, $3.25 to $3.00; Dbutcher{§8.50 to $8.75; stags, $4 to $56.50; bulls, good, 35.25 to $5.00; common, Sheep and lambs--Lambs, $3 $4 to $5. "Gopd veal, $12 to § medium, $9.50 to $11; gra Sheep sold at $6; lambs, $10. Hogs: Off car ects $14 to $14.25. co $35 to mixed sheep, $8.50 to $9. weights, se. | --- | Chicago. Feb. $9; rave q oo Chlcago, Toronto. [heavy steers, Toronto, Feb, 24.--Heavy steers, $8.75: choice, $7.25 to $8; butcher sleets, canners and cutters choice, $7 to $7.50; do good, $6.75 strong to 15c¢ higher; to $7.25; do medium $6.25 to $6.50 Sf tout steady; do common, $4.50 to $5; _ butcher fitm, bulk. $6.25 15 $7 heifers, choice, $6.50 to $7.25; do cows and heifers, $4.35 medium, $6 to $6.25; do common, $4 bulk butcher bulls, to $5; baby beeves, $7 to $9; butch- Hogs--Top, $10.65 er bulls, good, $4 to $5; do medium, {og atersgss; bulk 2.60 to $3; butcher cows, $3.50 to $10.50: pigs, 25¢ higher: 35.530; canners and cutters, $2 of 3; sirable 100 to 120-pound feeding steers, good, $5.50 to $6; $9.50 to $10; do fair, $12 to $14; calves, choice, ap to $10.25. $12 to $14; do medium, $9 to $11; do common, $6 to $8; milch cows, $50 to $100; springers, choice, $50 to $60; sheep, choice, $5.50 to $7.50; do heavy, $3 to $3.50; lambs, $10 to $14; culled lambs, $6 to $7; Te hogs, f.0.b., $13 do fed and wat GRAIN QUOTATIONS. ered, $14; do to the farmers, $13; ' -- | Toronto. Toronto, Feb. top slow; veal bulk to Sheep lings, $13.75; $8.25; shorn, $7; $13.25 to $14. shearing corn-fed hogs, 7c to $1 legs. Buffalo, East Buffalo, N. Y,, PA, A Feb, 24. --|No, 2 Banking by Mail MANY and varied are the types of men who conduct their banking with The Standard through the post. ; men who live far away from any bank find that our plan of banking by mail saves ; them making special trips to town, and i i is satisfactory in every way and quite : simple. We pay interest at current rates on such accounts. sto Tene---- THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS J. F. Rowland, Manager. Kingston Branch, - = to! to $8.25; year- 7 stockers and feeders, $5 to $6 $10.75; yorkers, roughs, to! ; $16; yearlings, $10 to $14.50; weth- -lers, $9.50 to $10; ewes, $2 to $8.50; 24. --Cattle--Top yearlings, | bulk beef steers, $7 to $8.05; bulls calves stockers and feeders fat $5.75; ! $4.35 to $4.75. on sorted 180-| $10 to bulk de- pigs some strong weights -Fat lamb top, $16.10; bulk, $15 to $16; good year- woolled fat ewe top, '{do., No. 3, 64 to 64 1-2¢. lambs, | $29 24. -- Manitoba | 3-8; No. 8 Northern, $1.27 7-8: No. | wheat--No. 1 northern, $1.62 1-2; northern, not quoted; No, 3| consists in spending less than you earn. If by careful economy you can save money, you have taken a long step toward contentment. We pay interest on Savings bal. ances and shall welcome your accounts - THE CANADIAN BaN OF - COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 Kingston Branch, . - R. T. Brymner, " Princess & Clergy Sts. Branch } Manager Successful Farming is the Backbone of Business Farming is a business requir- ing study, foresight, commone sense and close application, The Farmer re a bank- ing connection the same as other business men. For this reason we invite the Farmer to open an account with this bank. You can submit your state- ment of assets and liabilities and receive the same considera- tion in the handling of your ac- count as we extend to other business. . "BANK-=TORONTO Lgndburst THE DAILY BRITISH {not quoted. | oats--No. 2 CW, 81 C.W., 58 1-2c; extra No. | { Manitoba 1-2¢; No. 3 1, 68 1-2¢c, Manitoba barley--No. 3 C.W., nominal; No. 4 C.W., nominal. All above on track bay ports. ] American corn--No. 2 yellow 77c; No. 3, 75 No. 4, 74 1-2¢; on track, Toronto. Ontario oats--No. 2 nominal, ac- cording to freight outside, Ontario wheat--Car lots, No. 1 commercial, $1.35 delivered, asked. Quotations purely nominal, as there is not enough wheat offerings to] make a market. Buckwheat--No, to Bic. 1, nominal, 78¢ tye--No, 2, 86¢ to 88c. Ontario barley--No, 2, 57c to 60c, Manitoba flour--First _ patent, $7.40; second patent, $6.97" Ontario flour--90 per cent. patent i lots, delivered, $5.10, bulk, seaboard. Milifeed--Bran, $28 to $32 per ton; shorts, $30 to $32 per ton; good feed flour, per bag, $1.70 to $1.80. Hay--Extra No, 2, $21.50 to $2 mixed, $18; straw, car lots, $12; loose hay, per ton, No. 1, $25. > Montreal. | Montreal, Feb. 24.--Oats, Cana- {dian Western, No. 2, 66 1-2¢ to 87c; Flour, Man. Spring wheat patents, firsts, | $8. Rolled oats, bag 90 1bs., $3 to 1$3.10. Bran, $32.50. Shorts, $33 Hay, No 2, per ton, car lots, $28 to test 47 ibs., 9. | Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Feb, 24.--Wheat--Neo. | hard, $1.39 3-4; No. 1 Northern, {$1.39 1-2; 'No. 2 Northern, $1.34 i 4, $1.21 3-8; No. 5, $1.12 7-8. Oats---No, 2 C.W., 50 1-2¢; No. [8 C.W., 46 3-4c; extra No. 1 feed, 46 3-4c; feed, 46c; No. 2 feed, 42 3-4c; rejected, 41c; track, 49c. Barley--No. 3 C.W., 63 1-2c; No. | C.W., 60 1-4c; rejected and feed, | 2; track, 63 1-2c. Flax--No. 1 N.\W.C., $2.37 1-2; No. {2 C.W., $2.32 1-2; No. 3 C.W., $2.- | 09; rejected, $2.09; track, $2.37 1-2. Rye--No. 2 C.W,, $1.02 1-8. Chicago. Chicago, Feb. 24.--Wheat, No. © red, $1.33. Corn, No. 2 mixed, 56 1-2¢; No. 2 yellow, 56 3-4 to 57 1-2c. Oats--No. 2 white, 39 1-2 to 44c; No. 3 white, 34 3-4 to 36 1-2¢. Rye-- No. 2, 99 1-2¢. Timothyseed, $5 to $7.50. Cloverseed, $12 to 22. Pork nominal. Lard, $11.42. Ribs, $10 to $12, Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Feb, 24.--Flour, $8.- 20 to $8.50 a barrel. Cash wheat RoTthetr. net quoted; No. 4 wheat, t DOWN THE ROAD ZZ a -- Ten, -~n --~ -- --- Lg SAAT Dm Two days after you sold them the old car, Cheese .. Vegetables. Beets, 2 bunches Cabbage, 1b, .. .... Lettuce, 1b. 5 Carrots, 2 bunches .... 5 Potatoes, bag $1.50 0 $1.69 weet potatoes, 2 Ibs, .. 38 Onions, 1b, .. ., .. .. ...0s 9 Fruit. Bananas, doz. ........ grape fruit ... Lemons, dozen ., ., Oranges, dof. .o...... . .30 to 12 to .50 15 3) 70 .30 to .e L785 $30 to $32 $32 to $34 ~--No. 1 Northern, $1.52 to $1.57; May, $1.43; July, $1.33 1-4. Cora --No, 2 yellow, 61 to 61 1-2¢. Oats --No. 3 white, 35 1-2 to 36c. Flax --No. 1, $2.47 3-4 to $2.64 3-4. New York. New York, Feb. 24. -- Flour: spring patents, $7.90 to $8.50; spring clears, $5.76 to $6.25; soft bush, .... 1 30 ..$28.00 to. $29.00 $28.00 .89 Buckwheat, Hay, baled, ton Hay, loose, ton Corn, yellow, feed, bush, .... Flour, standard (Gov't) «eo $4.50 to $4.90 .55 to .60 Straw, baled, ton .... $16 to $13 Straw. loose, ton .... $12 Wheat, local «. $1.15 to $1.25 winter straights, $6.25 to $6.75; hard winter straights, $7.25 to $7.- 50. Flour--Rye, fair to good, $6.00 to $6.35; choice to fancy, $6.40 to $6.75. Buckwheat Flour 256 per 100 lbs. Cornmeal--fine white and yellow granulated, $1.60 to $1.65. Rye--No. 2 western, $1.14 f.0.b. New York and $1.12 1-2 c.f. ex- port, Barley--feeding, 71 1-2 to 1-2¢ and malting, 71 to 75c New York. Wheat--No, 2 red and No. 2 hard $1.44 1-2; No. 1 Manitoba, $1.52 1-2 and No. 2 mixed durum, $1.36 1-2 c.l.f. New York to arrive. Corn--No. 2 yellow and No, 2 white, 74c and No. 2 mixed, 73 1-2¢ c.i.f. New York all rail. Oats--Spot. market firm. No. 2 white, 49 to 49 1-2¢. : ---- GENERAL TRADE, $3.10 to §2.- 75 eit. . . Toronto. Toronto, Feb. 24.--Butter, dairy, 45 to 50c; do., creamery, 48 to 53c; eggs, fresh, doz., 60 to 66c; cheese, Ib., new, 25 to 30c¢; chickens, spring, Ib., 35 to 40c; fowl, 1b, 28 to 30¢c; ducklings, 1b., 30 to 33; turkeys, 1b., 50 to 63c; geese, 1b., 32 to 35c. Montreal. Montreal, Feb. 24, -- Dutier -- Creamery sol!ds, 35¢ per 1b.; prints,' 86c per 1b.; cooking butter, 29c¢; olgomargarine, 22¢ per lb, Eggs--New laid, 47c; 62c. Ham---Large size, 28¢c; small size, 30c; cooked, 43¢c 1b. Bacon--Windsor boneless, 38¢ per Ib.; preakfast, 28¢ te 34c per Ib. Dressed Poultry--Milkfed chick- ens, 39¢ to 42¢ Ib.; selected chick- ens, 34c to 37c; fowls, 24c to 32¢; goase, 28¢ to 30c; turkeys, 48c +) 53¢c; ducks, 33c to 36¢; green ducks, 42c per 1b. Dressed Hogs--Fresh killed, abat- tolr stock, $19.50. Potatoes -- Quebec, white stock, $1.10 to $1.15 per bag of 90 1bs., ex- track; Reds, $1 in bulk. THE KINGSTON MARKET Kingston, Feb, 24, specials, Ohtekens, 1b .......cruse wm Hens, dressed, 1 ..ocvv.vne 25 Dairy Products. Creamery Butter, Ib..... .35 to 45 Dairy butter . 32 £33 50 '| Lion - roasts, 1b. 26 Finnan haddie, Haddoch, fresh, 1b. ... Halibut, 1b. Kippers, pair Perch, 1b ... Pike, 1b. .... Salmon, 1b. ... Steak, cod, Ib, .. ; Trout, salmon, 1b. «+e. 18 to 20 White fish . 18 to 20 Herring, fresh, 1b. ...... 8 to 123%! v+.12% to 16 Meats. Beef: Porterbouse steak, 1b. Round steak, 1b. ... Boiling cuts, 1b. ... Western carcase, cwt. .. Western hinds, cwt. .... Local. . Pork: see sees esans Rib roasts, Ib, . Pork chops, 1b. ...... .e Hogs, dressed, cwt, ... Bacom, breakfast .........0 Lamb: Fronts, 1b, quarter ...... Hinds, b., quarter ...... Leg, Ib. .. Loins, 1b Chops, 1b Mutton, 1b. oausage meat 1b, ....ce00u Hides and Wool. Wool, per 1b., unwashed ... Deacon skins .. Lamb and sheep skins, up to ..75e. Horse hides ...............$2.25 Deer skins sessses 10¢ per 1b. Tallow, rendered .,......7c per Ib. Ginseng .......... . ..89 per Ip. Beeswax, clear, ....., 33c peri. Se 48 es es seem "ss ecsscsannsn cscs sa ose Hide Market, Beef hides, 45 lbs. and down 7c 1b. Beef hides, 50 Ibs. and up....6c Ib. Kips . Tc per id Calfskins ............ 10c per Ib. You May Have Ee Kidney Trouble ~ And Not Know It If your back aches and you suffer from dragging pains, it is an evidence your kidneys may not be acting just right. What you need is a course with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They con- taih both Mandrake and Butternut and act very beneficially upon the liver and kidneys. "I was bothered a great deal with my kidneys, but got quick relief from Dr. Hamilton's Pills. My trouble manifestea itself by pain in the back and by cohstant headache. I quickly recovered after using a few boxes of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They brought me health, strength and vigor." Sold every- where, 25¢c., or The Catarrhozone Co., Montreal, 3 of TAMWORTH HOME BURNED The House of H. E. Thornton De- stroyed on Wednesday. Tamworth, Feb. 23.---H. ©, Thornton lost his home by fire Wod- nesday morning. The fire had such a start in the partition upstairs tha' in spite of the people's efforts the house could not be saved. Most of the contents were saved. The Thor:- ton family have moved over Floyd's store. The teachers and pupils of the continuation school held an enjoy- able concert and reception in the assembly hall of the new wing of tie school. After an excellent pro- gramme of speeches, dialogues and music, a geographical and musical contest was held. The evening clos- ed with dainty refreshments served by the young ladies of the school. Pittsferry News Budget, Pittsterry, Feb. 22.--The farme:s Manslaughter in 2nd Degree Using a razor--bad stuff -- but manv people do it for their corns The only remedy that is painless and sure {a Putnam's Corn Extractor, which does rem>ve warts and corns, cieans them right off. Refuse a sub- stitute for "Putnam's." 25c. every- where. FA A i PP are all busy sawing their wood Miss Norma Orr has returned homo after spending tne past two weeks | with friends and relatives in Enter- prise. The girls of the golden rule class met at the home of Mrs. W. W. Brash on Tuesday afternoo:. The many friends of Irwin Orr ars sorry to hear that he is in the King- ston General hospital undergoing treament owing to an accident *»- ceived when playing hockey. Mrs Robert Barclay has returned home | after spending the past few days in Kingston visiting friends and rela- tives. An interesting game of hock- ey was playcd on Tuesday after- noon on the Leeds rink, the teams being the Pit'sferry Prospects and Long Point, the score being six to three in favof of Long Point. Mrs. S. A. McKenzie, Gananoque, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Jo- seph Lane, here. The ladies of the community aid met at the home of Mrs. John A. McMaster on Wednes- day afternoon. The many friends of Mrs. Harvey Payne are sorry 'o hear that she is confined to her bed with quinsy but all hope she will have a speedy recovery, An enjoyable time was spent in the Orange lodge on Thursday evening when the Orange- men gave an euchre party and dance. Nelson M. Ostrom, a former busi- ness man of Belleville, died on Wed- nesday aged sixty-seven years. ~r me $4-96, REAR BARRICK ST, A AANA AA AA rAd eat a 1 An old citizen of Frankville in | the person of Mrs. Briton Ellis pass- ed away at the home of her son John. She was much respected and {had many friends who will regret her demise at the age of seventy eight. "Miss Lena Warren has resigned at jouw school to go on the staff of | the Deseronto public school in the | place of Miss Kelly, who is detained | at her home at Colborne through {ll- ness in the family. freee || No mechanical trouble | too great for our expert auto repair men. Try Us The MAPLE LEAF GARAGE A Service Station for all makes of injured ears. Not enough Fords to go 'round It YOU want a Ford in March or April you are likely to be disappointed unless you make reser- vation NOW, We can obtain just so many cars for Spring de- livery, and a recent survey of our territory shows that the number allotted to us is likely to fall con- - siderably short of our requirements, Order NOW and we will store your car until you are ready to take delivery, . VanLuven Bros. PHONE 1609 - 34-38 PRINCESS ST. EI,