FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1029. Sunday Services in Churches | University Service--Sunday, Feb. |Dle's Rally in Queen Street Metho- | 26th, 2.30 pm., Convocation Hall. Speaker, Principal Bruce Taylor, who will deliver the final address, St. Paul's.~~Morning service, 11 o'clock. Preacher, Rural Dean Crisp, M.A. Sunday school, 3 p.m. Even- | ing service, 7 o'clock, Preacher Rural Dean Crisp, M.A. Pentecostal Tabernacle, 285 Queen Street.--W. Browning, evangelist. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 3 p.m, pecial address to Christians 7.30. Evan- gelistic service Tuesday and Thurs- day, 8 p.m, Everybody welcome, Cooke's Presbyterian Church, Brock street.--The minister, Rev. W. Taylor Dale, will preach at 11 4m. and 7 p.m. You are invited to Pray for these services and to come. Sunday school at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Bible class at 3 p.m. Chalmers Church. -- Rev, R. J. Wilson, D.D., minister, services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The mindetor | dist church, Tuesday, 8 p.m. Prayer | meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Stran- [gers and visitors cordially welccmed. St. Luke's Church, Nelson street, ----Rev. J. de P. Wright, M.A., B. D., .rector. Quinquagesima | Sunday, 11 a.m., morning prayer; {2.30 p.m., Sunday school and Bible classes; 4 p.m., holy baptism; 7 pm, {evening prayer. Musi, anthem, "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say" (Bontemts), Bethel Cougregational Church, cor. Barrie and Johnson streets, --- A. Sidney Duncan, pastor. Phone 1387w. Service, 11 am, and 7 P.m. Sunday school, 3 p.m. Morn- ing subject, 'T*he Holy Spirit's Mis sion." Evening subject, "Harmony of the two Worlds." Christian Enaeav- or, Monday, 8 p.m. Remember Wed- nesday's special. Come and welcome. First Church of Christ, Scientist Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington, Sunday school at 9.45 Will preach. Evening subject, "In- heritance and Experience," the firs: of a series of evening lectures on the life problems of Jesus. You are invited. Gospel Hall, Upper Princess strect. ~--A. BE. Bodaly, returned from six Years in Cenfral West Africa, will speak Sunday evening at 7 o'cloek and Monday evening at 8 p.m. . These should be two most inter- esting evenines. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Queen Street Church, corner of Queen and Clergy streets.--Rev. W. 8. Lennon, .A., B.D., minister. The Pastor will preach at 11 am. and 7 Pm, Sunday school and Bible classes for adults at 3 pam, Fifteen minute song service at 6.45 p.m. Every. Ybody welcome. Seats free. Sydenham Street Methodist church ~~R. H. Bell, minister, will preach, 11 a.m., "Be Perfect': § P.m., "The Life Which is Life In- deed." Morning classes, A. Shaw, 9.45; pastor's class of young folk, 10.15; bible school, 2.45. Usual soc- fal hour at close of the evening ser- vice, ¥ -- Zion Presbyterian Church, Pine street.--Rev., Edwin H. Burgess, minister. 11 aml, subject, 'Casting i a.m.; Sunday service, 11 a.m., afd 7 P-m. Subject, 'Christ Jesus." Public reading room, same address, every afternoon, except Sunday and holi- evening from -7.30 to 8.30 o'clock. All are cordially invited to the se1~ vices and to the readingroom. -- St. James' Church, cor. Union and Barrie streets.--T. W. Savary, | ree« tor, the rectory, 152 Barrie street. 8S am., holy communion; 11 a.m., morning prayer and ltany; 3 p.m., Sunday school; 3.30 p.m., special service for men; 7 p.m., evening service, Rev. R, P. of St. Luke's church, St. John, N B, Special mission services conclude on Wednesday evening. ' Present Truth Hall, cor. Princes and Montreal street.--Song service, 7.15 p.m.; Preaching, 7.30 p.m. Speaker, Eva.gellst C. 8. Joyce. Subject: "The Mark of Apostasy". The scriptures warn wus again re- ceiving this mark. What i8 it and can we discern jit in our midst to- day? It is a counterfeit--what is the true, genuine seal of righteous- ness? Come, hear this lecture all welcome. Firat Baptist Church, Sydenham and Johnson streets. --Rev. J. 8. La our Burdons upon the Lord." 7 p.m, | Flair, pastor. 11 a.m., sermon theme, subject, "Happiness." The minister will preach at both services, Seats free. Everybody welcome. Sunday school at 3 p.m. Calvary Congregational Church, corner Charles and Bagot streets. . Pastor, Rev. A, PF, Brown, 144 Bar- * street, Phone 1806w. Sunday, "21 am, topic, "Tragedy in the Gar- ~ @eu™ 3 pm, Sunday school; 7 pm, topie, "Cutting Down The Armour." Monday, § p.m,, Christ. Jan Endeavor; Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Drayer meeting. All dre welcome, Princess Street Methodist Church ~Rev, J. A. Waddell, minister. Ser. , 11am. and 7 pm. The minis- "The Quest of the Best." 2.45 p.m, Bible school. 7 pm. service eon- ducted by students. Regular cheir augmented by student quartette and orchestra. Union Street church. Bible school, 3 p.m. Evening ser- vice, T pm. Rev, J. MacKie will preach. Music by young ladies choir. St, Gedrge's Cathedral.--Very Rev. G, Lothrop Starr, M.A, DD, dean and rector, 78 Wellington street, phone 2156, Rev. W. EB. Kidd, M.A, MC, curate, 7' Wellington street, phone 369w. Quinguagesima Sunday. 8 a.m., hely communion; 11 a.m., merndng prayer, Preacher, the Bishop of the Diocese. 3 p.m,, Sunday school; 4 p.m. holy bap- ter at both services. Sunday school, 2.45 pm.; Epworth League, Mon- day, 8 p.m. Methodist Young Peo- tisms; 7 p.m., evensong. Preacher, Rev. W. E. Kidd. DARE THE UNTRIED ROAD By the Rev. be ~~ There is nothing simpler in life _ than to be really great--all grea: things are simple, so that even the humblest may not be handicapped. | The reason so few of us are great is because we want to do something great--not be somebody great. © The doing is least important--it's spirit that's back of the doing counts for most, Charles Stelzle, "He made himself of no reputa- tion." This was sad of the man who is today acknowledged to. be the great- est character in all history. * "He took upon himself the form of a sorvamt.™ # And you and I and every man and woman in the world who knows him days, 3 to 5 o'clock and Thursday | |= T who fought in the name of the Phil | 1stines. | © It was when he went otit as a shep- {herd boy, with sling shot and pep- | bles--weapons which were his own, and which le knew--that he drove {home the stone through the forehead of his boastful opponent, And the glory of the victory was all the greater, You can't fight your best fight in another man's Armor--you've got to | tight in your own Way. i It's really a question of courage with you, _* Have you the nerve to be different from others, o} are you tied up to the "regular" way af doing things? Dare you go out in @ way untried right? How the Israelites must have {laughed at David and his little sling! And the glant-- dg yon remember how it got his goat? "Am I a dog that you come out against me in this fashion?" ; It wasm't a bit regular, David was breaking the rules of the game, And Goliath was taken off his guard, You ean't do your best work ums less you do it in your own way. Don't forget that every man who made good on a big job did so be. cause he was different. And s6--ba different, - Be yourself, and you'll be differ- the world just like you, To be the master of one's self is the first and most fundamental thing And this is largely a question of per- sonal calibre and equipment. In almost every case it's a matter of de- velopment, It's easy to stop when the job be- comes diffidult--and find an excuse and be a comfort to ourselves, | Those who do succeed, get thera | principally bet:ause they | | power. There are, of gourse, ths great mass of drifters, who will ne- ver attempt to swim against the tide, but I have in mind the verage fel- low whose honest purpose it is ta excel, Furthermore, it is in the little things that most men fall down, It Isn't the big obstacle that stamps us--we'll sursfount that and win out, { Sometimes it's only a word spoken at a 'critical moment which either makes or unmakes a fellow. An opin- fon expressed a criticism made, a Judgment given--and the keen judge of men sizes you up and gengrally buts you where you belong He doesn't always hit it right but | there's unusually a character and a | life back of Your remark, and your alert mgn of the world knows it. You will undoubtedly get another chance, but for the Present you've lost it. i Sometimes t's a matter of dress. (a frayed linen collar, worth, at the |time, less than a nickel, has cost many a man the chance of a life- time. "Cheap, careless slouchy"-- was the verdict of the relentless Judge, and the opportunity was gone. There are geniuses who can af. ford to be slouchy, but you've got Prove that you're a genius before rou afford to be a slouch, In the end it's the man whe really 13 on the job seven days in the week, who will win out. Not in the same Way every day of course, for if he has 800d sense, he'll get strength for his Job on the first day of the week be- fore he starts in for the week's work, Put always, whether he works or plays, whether he talks or thinks, or thinks end talks--always on the joh ~--that's the follow who will make his way to the fremt, while others step e EE ---------------- At Camden East, Camden East, Feb. 23.--Miss Tur. ner, Campbeliford, addressed quite a number in the Methodist church on Thursday evening of last week in the 'Interests of the W.M.S. After the meeting a mission circle was or. ganized. Mr. and Mrs. Orser, Gane --even though you're sure you're 8 ent--for there's nobody else in all | that will be accepted by our triends | hang on | y i 8irl. I feel that efter what Dr. Wil- | when others let go, and not because | 8'T. . sacher at each | » ' > prayer and sermon hd reator | they actually possess more original | ams Pink Pills have done in my HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 13 {WHAT DOES YOUR MIRROR REVEAL? Does It Teil You That Your Blood Is Thin and Watery, When a growing girl becomes pale, complains of exhaustion, dizzy spells, headache and stomach trouble, she should know that these things are jevidences of anaemia or bloodless ness.' A glance in the mirror will teil the story. There is immediate need for a tonic, a system builder that will completely restore the missing qualities to the blood that every part of the body will share in the bene- t A good example of the result of wise treatment in cases of this kind is given by Mrs. George R, Smith, of Queensport, N.8., who says: 'I can- not praise Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills too. highly for what they have done for my three daughters, My eldest daughter, Edna, at the age of 14, he- came run down, and I got her three boxes of the pills, and by the time she had taken them she was in good health, and is now gq healthy mar- ried woman. My second daughter, Martha, at the age of 16, was aw- fully run down and pale, In fact, she had always been a delicate child, but gradually became worse. At last she {could not go upstairs without having to sit down and rest, and could not |€ven do any kind of light work withe {out being greatly fatigued, Finally | I gave her Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, {and after taking them we found they did her more good than all the other medicine she had taken, and she is now in good health, Then my young- jer daughter, Greta, now fif- teen, became so run down that she had to stop going' to school. But after taking eight boxes of the pills she is now a big, healthy home there can be no doubt of their [Rome and I hope someone else will benefit from our experience." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail postpaid at 50 cents a hox or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, On- tario. '| THE MAN ON WATCH Will Kingston's bridge ladies give up the card pack aud take up the study of psychic science in order to delve into the unknown? It being the fashi n in New York, Kingston Will wo doubt follow. | The killing of the Napanee con- stable was mot any 'mors serious than the wounding of the Kingston constable, for involved kept 3 broad' daylight against three men whose lives wera all endangered, -- - The Wolfe Islanders lke to buy cheap hay and coal, but de not like to part with butter and eggs at the low prices they have been gelling for across the border. hen stands up some: and directs attention to the fact that he is a Hehrew. However, this rman every dey per forms what are known @&s Christian aots. There are probably a dozen char. itable leadars in Kingston who are holding things in check. No moce worthy memorial lot with their Dames could be reared in a public place here. After the missioners get througn 48 @ingston, what are the clergy to We rest of the year in Kingston Good, A THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER =r ree [% MY DEAR - THEY SAY A SINGLE BEET IS MORE MUTR(TIOUS THAN A POULAD OF MeaT -- Poms. VEGETABLES WEL EAT -- THEM DAYS IS GOAc FOREVER ! 'BY [FRANK 1. SOLAR) 0 Thod Awe, Deng reir of Mame Trung, Ot gh Schacih is proud to acknowledge Him as mas- ter, Jesus rules the world today be- cause He became the humblest of men, submitting for the sake of oth- ers, Other men have died for their fel lowmen, but one chief difference he tween Jesus and all others who have given themselves for others is the spirit in which the supreme sacrifice Was made, It may be asking too much of an ordinary mortal to fo about his reputation and it's to put your- | oid self into the "servant class'--that's why 50 few of us are really great-- but doesn't the attitude of Jesus re- garding reputation and life make most of us feel mighty small? : Why should we have a feeling of contempt for our neighbors, our shop mates, our office associates, our school friends, our social acquaint- : x : : i 5nd if; [4 [ite 55 it § § esent to hear his eloquent sermon, A euchre party and dance the hall on Tuesday ov- Helen Dickinson ra e from Toronto last wesk Bang! Goes Bronchitis Gone! Swept right out of existence by Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture 40 Doses for 78e. Sold under a MONEY BACK GUARANTER | Sold by all drugyion or by mail from 7 ' ; g i El {1 anyone. The church was finally sold, and like the temant om the first of May, it moved away. HT Hi H : 8 =f £5 § -- The town ig still There fH i full of curious i ii i g ik il § i; if £ § h i fain 5 g i : iy 3 gis Er il fi i i i £ £ ! | fi i § i § i ; gf i { it i iif H f { i iE fie ig El th I | : : i i I a ; i F i : i : i 5 Hi i Bt Ei a 8 | i § #f i § i i I ¢ HS ih g i g : | | i fl i ! i if t Sealed , all s or direct Be Ep Stop Falling Hair can easily clean your head of ruff, prevent the hair falling out beautify it, if you use Parisian , Says MeLood's Drug Store, who tl rH ge 8 § ir -2 2 f i if is i And the world exalted him, and God gave Him a name that is above every name, } here alone lies happiness, It fsn't giver to every man to just es others have won. . You'll win in ur S AND BOYS--DO YOU KNOW the robin has a red breast? the Bear lost bis tail? hy the Wood-Pecker has a red jose things ave delightfully told which you can borrow from