Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Mar 1922, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FOR CHOICE MEATS and FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY B. V. McGeein 282 PRINCESS STREET 2 PHONE 1182 | i------reissd? ! Churches, Sunday Schools and charitable institutions of all demomi- mations will be supplied FREE OF CHARGE ome evening each during winter with team and sleigh for driv- ing party. | | THE HORRORS OF | INDIGESTION Relieved by "Fruit-a-tives" the Fruit Medicine Indigestion, Weak Digestion or partial digestion of food, is one of the most serious of present-day complaints--because it is responsible for many serious troubles. These who suffer with Indigestion, | almost invariably are troubled with Rheumatism, Palpitation of the Heart, and excessive Nervousness, "Fruait-a-tives" will always relieve Indigestion because these tablets strengthen the stomach muscles, increase the flow of the digestive juices and correct Constipation, which usually accompanies Indigestion. 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢, At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. + mm, mame Kingston Transfer Co. DR.A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington Btreets Phone 868 | ~~ Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. Phone 256 IANO TUNING Plano Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work, All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St. Phone 2307m. BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 1 Main Street. Phone 1670 W.R McRae & Co COAL Cholcest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 188 SLOAN'S RELIEVES NEURALGIC ACHES R forty years Sloan's Liniment E has been the quickest relief for i", neuralgia, sciatica and rheuma. tism, tired muscles, lame backs, sprains and strains, aches and pains, Sloan's handy and freely, wa] posed hay nd apply : It 'eases and brings comfort and readily. You'll find it clean and non-skin-staining. Sloan's Liniment fs pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. Sioan's ent At inim DR. S. E. PORTER Corner Alfred and Johnson Streets Phone 1072F, i mtetet et eirttoted WE BUILD HOUSES ON TERMS THAT WILL SUIT YOU Kingston Cement Products H. F. NORMAN, Manager OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street Phone 780w. GET 11 REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted. Parts supplied, Saws filed, knives, Scissors and edge tools ground. + Locks repaired. Keyy Mtted to all kinds of locks, Aili makes of Lawn Mowers sharpened and ree paired. We can repair anything that is repairable, J. M. PATRICK 49 8 a Kingston and Vicinity | Appointed Assessor, George Cliff has been appointed assessor of Napanee at a salary of $350 a year. Had His Nose Broken. Charles Kendell, Green Point, the mail courier, had his nose broken when his horse reared up. The accl- dent happened in Picton. Has Quite Recovered. The friends of Miss Grace Graham, of this city, are pleased to hear that she has recovered from her recent illness and is able to be around orce more. A Real Bargain. We are going to offer for ten days only our made to measure blue serge suitings guarantee indigo regular value $65 and $60 for $40, We guarantee firstclass fit and work- manship. Prevost Clothing Store, Brock St. Great Quantities of Hay, During the past few days the Wolfe Island farmers have been spending a great deal of their time drawing large loads of hay to the city. It is expec'- ed that navigation will break up the early part of April, so all the hay will be over in time. Enjoyed a Sleigh Ride. On Tuesday evening a number of the members of two of the junior classes in Sydenham street Methodist bible school went on a sleigh drive Lo the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Murton, Front road. The evening was spent in games. Passed Military Examinations. The following officers successfully passed promotion examinations in the recent militia officers courses: In- fantry: Captain B. O. Smith, fieid officer; Lieut, J. W. Kelly, captain; Lieut. W. Ponsford, captain; Lieut- enants S. Allen and W. Germawm, Heutenants. To Erect a Memorial. The municipalities of Kemptvilie Oxford-on-Rideau and South Gower purpose erecting a memorial in the village of Kemptville this summer to those who fell during the European war. The names of 28 soldiers be- longing to this category have so lar been received. Late Willia Bryant, Willtam Bryant passed away in Toronto on Sunday. He formerly re- sided in Kingston and the remains were brought to the city on Tuesday. The funeral took place from the G.T, R. station to Cataraqud cemetery an- der the direction of 8. 8. Corbett, undertaker. Rev. R. H. Bell officia'- ed at the cemetery. The late Mr. FOR RENT Good seven Sous duuinese April = oa ! : EVERSHARP PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. Bryant fs survived by his wife and two brothers, Henry and Anslow, of this city. ' Engagement Announced. The engagement is announced of Florence Irene, only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Charbonneau, Lan- ark, to Lorne Edward, youngest son of Mrs. Margaret Keays, Chaplean, Ont, The marriage is to take place during the early spring. Old Resident Dead. William O'Hara, probably the old- est resident of that part of the coun- ty, died on Thursday at Almonte. He was over 101 years of age. He had been in falling health for some years. He was born in County Tyrona {in Ireland in 1821, and came to Can- ada nearly seventy years ago. Gave a Supper, The choir of St. James churca gave a supper after the mission ser- vice on Monday evening, when Rev. R, P. McKim, 'the missioner, who has made so many warm friends ia town was the guest of honor, Rev. T. W. Savary was also present and the affair was an exceedingly pleasant one. Shot Huge American Eagle. An American eagle, having a spread of seven feet from tip to tip, was taken to Belleville recently Jy Jacob Hill, an Indian Hving on the Tyendinaga reserve. The eagle, a - cording to Hill, alighted in his chick- en run and after securing one of the hens flew to the barn roof to devour (his catch. A charge from a shot gun destroyed its existence. Presbytery Not to Divide. The presbytery of Lanark and Renfrew met in Canleton Place. Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Pembroke, was ¢lect- ed moderator for the ensuing six months. Rev. Mr. Ferguson, Lan- ark, was heard in support of his mo- tion regarding the -division of the presbytery and after some furihar discussion the motion was defeated, though by a narrow margin of votes. To Build Fine Church. At a congregational meeting of Westminster Presbyterian church, Smith's Falls, confirmation was giv- en of the resolution adopted at the men's banquet for the erection of a new church, On a fine site opposite the town hall one of the handsomest churches in eastern Ontario will be built. Work is to commence in the spring. Not Celebrated Here. The twenty-second anniversary of the surrender of Cronje, the famous Boer leader in the South African war, which fell on Monday, 27th Febru- ary, passed by without any special re- cognition on the part of the veterans 'lin Kingtson. The day was marked by anqguets in other military centres, 'here live suryivors of this famous tion in which the Canadians played such a prominent part. Fined $300 and Costs, Harvey McFarlane, Roblin, was convicted of a breach 'of the O.T.A. | before Magistrates S. Gordon and A. Gray at Sharbot Lake on Monday, and fined $200 and costs or three months in jail. He had a jug of whis- key in his car and had the misfort- une to run his car into a well. Tae case came under the notice of the M- cense inspector and prosecution fol- lowed. C. R. Webster was the pro- secutor. Who succeed. in securing good used 'cars. You have the same opportuni- ties he has. He, 'nm all probability, studied the for sale and exchange columng of our classified advertise- ments uptil he found exactly what he wanted. What he did, you can do. You can have long, delightful trips into God's country this spring in a good car that you can buy at a reas- onable price. If you don't find the car you want advertised, advertise for the car you want! | Don't Envy Neighbors. - Late William Sleeth, Battersea, The funeral of the late William Sleeth took place from his. late resi- dence, Battersea ,to Sand Hill ceme- tery at 2 pan. Monday under the di- jrection of James Reid, undertaker. (Rev. Mr. Coddling officlated, and there was a large attendance of rela- Dixon, Thomas H. Dixon, Fred Rit- | chie, Thomas Ritchie, Elmer Richie. Surviving are: Five daughters, Mrs. E. Lake, Inverary; Mrs. H. Ritchie, | Battersea; Mrs. 'R. Smith, Mrs, Shannon, Mrs. George Thompson; and three sons, James Dixon, Wil-| Mam H. Dixon and Robert H. Dixon. Some Odd Facts. Here is something that is not gen- erally known, but which can be easi- ly verified by referring to the calen- dar: October always beings on the same day of the week as January, Ap- ril as July, September as Decemb >. February, March and November be- August always begin days from each other, and other month in the year. The first and last days of the year are siways | the same. These rules do not apply to leap year. Orphan's Guild Euchre, A most successful euthre was held ! in the Recreation Hall of the House | of Providence, under the auspices of | the Orphan's Guild on Monday even- | ing. There were forty tables in play. | The convemor, Mrs. F. Gallagher, re- | ceived with the president. The ladies p ting were Mrs. J. Kehoe and the | Misses G. Darragh, Mr. Shanahan, B. | Shaw end K. Thompson. The ladies' | prize was won by Mrs. James Do- | herty, the gentleman's by Gerald Gal- | livan. Dainty refreshments served | at the conclusion of the games were | in charge of Mrs. P, Grattan, Mrs, J. | Kehoe and Mrs. F. Milo, Story of a $5 Bill. On Monday, a well-known citizen was in the local post office and re- called the fact that while in Montreal on July 4th, 1877, he deposited a $5 [bill in the Latour street branch ot | the post office. From that day to ths [he had not added to his saving there {and had not drawn on his account. { Postmaster James Stewart notifed | the branch in Montreal and received a savings acecunt book for the King- stonian, with the sum of $19.57 to | his credit, showing that the smail sum he had deposited had bean wovi- ing for him during the forty-four years. Decayed teeth, a sign of toothaocne, has been found in a skull thousands of years old, thus proving that tais ailment is not a modern one due to civilization. The Palestine government is plan- ning to irrigate the Jordan valley. The mint at San Francisco carries about $480,000,000 in its vaults. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH FOR EIGHT YEARS The cause of this trouble is the fermentation of food in the stomach which generates a gas that is very frequently belched up. There is also a rumbling of.the bowels and a dis charge of gas therefrom, there fis constant retching, and the meals are frequently vomited. There is & burn ing pain in the stomach, the appetite is fickle, the tongue coated, the breath bad, constipation is generally present and the sufferer becames weak, nervous, depressed and ex- ceedingly miserable. The blame lies with a sluggish liver, as it holds back the bile which is 80 necessary to promote the move- ment of the bowels, and when the bile gets into the blood a badly dis- ordered condition of the = stomach, lHver and bowels will surely follow. Keep your liver active and you will always enjoy good health. Mrs. Agnes Gallant, Reserve Mines, N. 8., writes:--*I had been a great sufferer for eight years, from catarrh of the stomach. I tried sev- eral, so-called, catarrh remedies without relief' until a friend advised me to try Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills, which 1 did, and four vials complete- ly relieved me. That was six years ago, and I have had no return of my old trouble." Price, 26c. a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price b, The T. Milburn Ce., Limited, Toron. Ont. re a NR =TABLET: RR. r ¢ 3 '¢ { SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Stove and Egg. This is splendid Coal of good heating quality. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415, ROYAL OAK GREETS 1923 With a better tire tham ever. The new Rorsl Oak, 30x3% fabrie tire; weight, 16 pounds; mileage 6,000 miles (backed by the come pany); price, lower than ever before. See them before buying at: EASTERN CANADA MAXUTIRE & RUBI ER CO. A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050. inns FOR SALE Brick House on Brock Street, near University Avemue; all ime provements. Price $6,000 Frame House, Quebec Street; improvements; alsd barn and hen house. .Price .. $3,000 Brick House, Princess Street; all improvements ...... $6,000 M. P. TRUMPOUR 111 1-2 Brock Street 'Phones 704 or 1461w FURS | Gourdier's BROCK STREET 'MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 - $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. ' (One door below Randolph Hotel) W. H. GODWIN | « He WIN & SON Prompt service. {tives and friends. Beautiful Mowers Real Estate : ! . s and Insurance J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. banked the casket. The paillbearer 89 Brock Street Phone 424 | were William Lucy, Robert Lucy, A. a : 1 McLean, Ohas, Clarke, Chas. Barr and | /Charles Gibson. Surviving are two sons, Harvey and Wallace at homs, and one daughter, Mrs. Willam Di xom. : + . mm FOR tl SALE 15 room house, two garages and shop now rented as four apartments. Total fents $135.00 monthly; would make an ex- cellent boarding house. Own- er anxious to sell. Basy terms, FOR $2.95 EACH; Plain Chambrays, neat Checks and Fancy Plaids, well made and hicely finished in this spring's latest styles --all sizes from 36 to 44 at the one APRONS, large sizes included, Tor . ivan iviens 980 Each & 3 W. N. Linton & Phone 191. Quebeq ana Fire King Heaters _ Nickie Plated Showers jasing and Toilets pimber, Cement. 4nd Corrugaus _ L Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. Phones 836, 83; Apply to-- S. Roughton Insurance Broker 60 Brock Street Phone 610 or S61. Kington

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