i tet ec 2 IN POLAR, GRIZZLEY, CINNAMON, BLACK BHAR, SPECIMEN SKINS, TIGER, LEO- PARD, WOLF, ETC. We tan, dress, mount and line fur skins of all kinds, for Rugs and Robes, Quetationd and full infermation on request: John McKay, Limited 149-167 BROCK STREET - KINGSTON, ONTARIO 4 SR THE ELECTRIC SHOP Call and arrange for a free trial of the A.B. C. ELECTRIC WASHER 115 Brock Street. Phone 1545. F. J. GRACE W, C. CANNON $12.50 Per Ton We are offering for sale 400 tons small size Hard Coal at the above price while it lasts. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY. ' PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE; McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. 2 A A Briscoe Opportunity There are several Briscoe Cars In service in this vi that have travelled over thirty thousand (30,000) miles and still running well. One car, an improved model 4-34, ran all last season at a cost of 2%c. per mile. Experts admit it has a truly wonderful motor. Owners are enthusiastic. We can sell you a brand new model 4-34, five passenger Touring Car at the bargain price of $995.00. All charges paid. No other car on the market has made such a reduction in price. . * ANGLIN BROS. TOILET ROLLS 1.000, Rolls. Tollet Paper, large pe $2500--Quebec Street, frame, 2 " "story, 7 rooms, bath and tollet, good - cellar, electric light. $5500--Collingwood Street, de- | tached brick, 8 rooms, hot: alr furnace, electric light; Jot 83 x 88. GENERAL INSURANCE . Fire, Burglary, Plate Glass, + Automobile, Accident and Sicke ngas, otc. Best of contpanies represent- SANI-FLUSH Large Tins SOAP Mother Hubbard ....5 bars 35¢, CASTILE 1,000 bars, bath sise ...7 for 2Be. Goblin (Tellet) Glycerine (Toilet) Princess Soap Flakes ..3 for 28e, Cullen's CASH AND CARRY Victory Bonds bought and YOUR EYES . WILL CARE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ADDRESS ON "QUACKERY" By Dr. L. J. Austin Before the Royal Military College Cadets. College on Wednesday afternoon was Dr. L. J. Austin of Queen's, who chose ag his subject "Quackery." In { opening his address he briefly re- { viewed the history of medical science | trom the days of the Greek physi- | clans and pointed out that the his- [tory of quackery was synonymous | with that of medicine. When the Ro- | man. Empire fell, all learning in the science went to Constantinople, Eu- rope then settled down to the Dark Ages and medical science disappear- led from the Continent almost en- 'tirely. Later, #t was through Italy that it was returned to Europe. "It does mot matter," continued Dr. Austin, "to what particular point of medicine you refer; it has always attached a secret remedy, or what is commonly known as a patent medi- cine. Runcing all through the ages and indeed to the present time the patent medicine has attracted the public. For centuries in "the East there has been a patent medicine | known a "HEIRA" and you will find {that remedy today in the bazaars at | Da and throughout the cities of the East. Thig medicine is nothing more than aloes." The speaker then referred to an ancient patent cure-all known as Venice treacle, which contained about 400 drugs of various sorts all mixed together, and also discussed the classes of stores to which the superstititious attach a curative pow- er and which at one time had a ready sale, such as the BEZOAR stones, Toadstomes, etc. i | | | The speaker at the Royal Military | belongs the responsibility of having first legalized the sale of patent me- dicines, Poor Elizabeth was always "hard-up" and she hit upon the luc- rative scheme of obtaining revenue from a tax on each bottle of patent medicine or stone sold, Coming to the presént time, Dr. Austin asked how it was possible that, when all the skill of the medi- cal practitioner, all serum work and all tests had faied, the patient could decide the nature of the sickness and select a suitable cure out of a news- paper, "The hope of long life, the fear of 6 for 29e. | | dicitis, but, if the cause is stil] un- Surprise, Sunlight, Gold, P. & G., f death and the dread of pain are the reasons why these remedies have such an enormous power. The amount of money spent in the Unit- ed States in a recent year in adver- tising secret remedies was forty mil- lon dollars, and you may rest as- sured," added Dr, Austin, "that mon- ey would not have been spent unless the patent medicine vendors would get It back with from 200 per cent to 300 per cent interest. "All must be familiar with the ad- vertisements. There are certain pat- ent medicines which do as they say, as for instance some preparations extensively advertised as containing no potassium, bromide, Nevertheless they contain ammonia, bromide or lll sodium bromide or a drug of that I| family and the caption ll { camouflage readily believed by the public." is simply The speaker then referred to the patent medicines advertised to || "guard against appendicitis." "If I could tell you why we get that mal- ady," he said, "I would be known || throughout all time as the physician i] who discovered the cause of appen- fi known, how can it be guarded aga- il | inet," he enquired. "Another advertisement reads that 90 per cent. of the medical profes- | sion are agreed that constipation is the cause of all diseases, and the fli public swallow this statement just {{as fast as they swallow the reme- 1] dies." . Continuing Dr. Austin, pointed out that there were three types of sec- ret remedies which were immensely harmful and he wished to warn the gentlemen cadets of their danger. || These he named as headache reme- {| dies, V. D. G. remedies and cancer cure medicines. He described cancer as practically an incurable disease, only a very few cases presenting themselves where rays which would help were found. Dr. .Austin loudly applauded for his most interesting lecture. the next speaker is to be J, M. Campbell who will give an address on "The Waterways Scheme," It is believed Mr. Campbell intends to prepare in- dividual maps for each cadet so that each detail can be closely followed. As the R, M. C, cadets come from all over Canada, there is no doubt that the deep waterways scheme will be heard of in every Province and its | benefits to the country explained by the cadets to their friends at home. -------- + THE CARPETEER. ir George Muller Ready to Perform That Service For Kingston. There are muleteers, musketeers, gondollers, and on the sport page, To the virgin Queen of England INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Racy Local News and Items of General Publio Interest. Eskimo pip at Austin's Drug Store. The, store offerings are for every- body--not just a select few. Kingston had another Jight fall of | snow during/ Wednesday night. Work on the new office for Chief of Police Robinson is progressing nicely. Mr. Swaine, plano tuner, orders received at 100 Clergy street w Phone 564w. You will find their news fn this paper's store advertisements. 5 Archibald Davideon, Smith's Falls, spent the week-end in Kingston vis- iting his brother, Sydney. The bank clearings for week end- ing March 2nd, were $648,418.67, and for the previous week $637,880.- il. Miss Nellie Noonan, Kingston, is ill at the residence of her parents, bo and Mrs, Robert Noonan, Brock- Ile. R. G. White, Prince Albert, will stay with his son, who is in his final year in medicine at Queen's, until April 1st, Charles Davidson, who was called to Gananoque owing to the serious illness of his mother, has returned to Brownville, N.Y. ¥ In Belleville on Tuésday, the mar- riage took place of Miss Evelyn Grace Geen, a popular nurse, and R. 8. Rutherford, Napanee. There was no session of the police court on Thursday morning. There has only been one case before Magis- trate Farrell so far this week. Merchants buy in the best mark- ets. That is a good rule for home or office purchasing, Buy in the best markets. i, The Royal bank, market branch, Is merged into the main branch at the corner of Bagot and Princess street and the staff also taken over. Eskimo pie at Austin's Drug Store, Dr. C, Clifford Sharpe, a former Ernesttown boy, now of Havre de Grace, Maryland, was married, on Feb. 15th, to Miss Annie Seneca Greenfield, Havre de Grace, At the G.T.R. stations the com- pany has introduced a licensing sys- tem, not for revenue purposes, but in order to secure control over the vehicle drivers soliciting passengers at the station. . Mrs. Elias Baldwin, Brockville, hes been arrested, charged with re- ceiving stolen goods, Some of these were found secreted in the centre leg of an extension table in the Bald- win house, The late Mrs, Sidney Denyes, Odessa, who died of burns, was for- merly Miss Elizabeth Anderson, Belleville, She leaves three broth- ers, Shelley Anderson, Belleville; W. G. Anderson, Massassaga, and Morley Anderson, Detroit, The funeral of the late Joseph Compeau took place to St. Mary's ca- thedral on Thursday morning, and a solemn requiem mass was sung by Rev. Father Hanley. The remains were sent to Howe Island for inter- ment, The provincial department health has sent a nurse to Bellevil to carry on there with the assistance of the medical men, She is Miss M. R. Heeley, a veteran of the great war, having served with the Queen's Hospital unit in Egypt and Salonika. Ohange in C. P. R. Train Service. "On and after Monday, March 6th, Train 618 will leave Sharbot Lake 5.05 a.m., instead of 4.30 a.m., and will be due at Kingston at 8.50 a.m., instead of 8.156 am." THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1922. ------ PHONE 91 TWO BIG MUSIC SPECIALS LATEST POPULAR MUSIC ..... .FOUR FOR Regular price 40c. and 50k. per copy New York Operatic Hits of 1920 and 1921 at _ Seven for One Dollar This is just the kind of music you would want in your cabinet. Over MARCH LADIES' HOME JOURNAL NOW ON SALE THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE ONE DOLLAR . .20c., Three for 50c. 100 titles to select from. =~ OPEN TILL 8.00 P.M, and checks. At that are sure to please SILKS.--In our shades in Duchess Sati Chene, Georgette Crep also many Novelty Silks SPECIAL, $1.35.--150 yards of 54 inch fine Dress Serge -- Navy Blue with very fin pure wool, therefore eas y to make up. Friday you can buy this extra fine Serge for .......... $1.35 yard NEW ARRIVALS DRESS GOODS AND SILKS COATINGS--Our range of Coatings includes what you' want for a new Coat--Tweeds, Homespuns, Velours, Duvetyns and Broad- cloth. We have them in all the new colors and priced at $2.00 yd. up. SKIRTINGS, 54 INCHES WIDE.--F ancy Skirtings in stripes Beautiful shades of Fawn, Blue, reese sce meen eien sine memes « $3.00 and $3.50 yard HOMESPUNS.-- and we are showing some real classy shades in plain and stripe effects ceseemiseise ne meme. $2.00 and $3.95 yard Silk Department you will find all the new » Canton Crepe, e, Wash Satin, Grey and Brown. Homespuns are very popular this season, Charmeuse Satin, Crepe de Baronette Satin, Habutai Silk, for trimmings. Moderately priced, e twill --specially suited for dresses. All Three yards will make a dress. - 'Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" Play Well Pr "Over the Hill to the Poorhouse," was presented at the Grand Opera House by The Acme Play Co. on Wednesday evening and it was high- ly creditable to the performers. Special reference should be made of the splendid acting of Jean McAlpin | Our February Sale of Furs WILL SOON BE OVER 1 'WISE BUYERS WILL CHOOSE THEIR FURS NOW Two days more and our ans nual Fur Sale will be over. For a sensational finish to this big fur selling event, we have pre. pared some special snaps, of which we only mention as Mrs. Saunders, Isobel McMinn, the daughter-in-law, Irene Harper and Ann Browning. James P. Hous- ton in the character of Judge Josh- ua Billings was perfect, while Bur- ton Mallory as Hban Halt, Jack Harvey as James Watson and Fred BE, Strong, the officer, were central figures who 'were all well chosen. The scenery and costumes left noth- ing to be desired. The audience was gripped by the fine emotional acting of Jean MeAlpin and Burton Mallory which this gave to this famous New England play the touch of pathos that is its chief merit. At Oso Station, Oso Station, March 1. -- Ernest Dart Kingston, {s visiting at William Conboy's. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Warren and son James and Oscar Chambers and Miss Mildted 'Butler and J. Bourk spent Sunday at W. Kimberley's, Sharbot Lake, A num- ber from here were sorry to hear of the death of Edward Noble, King- ston. Josie Warren and George But- ler spent Sunday at George J. Mec- Pherson's. Mr. and Mrs. John F, Bourk and family spent Friday ev- ening at Joseph Warren's. Joseph W. Bourk attended the funeral of E. Noble, of Kingston. Ernest Dart ' , Ethel, Arthur spent Sunday Warren's, - Was a Splendid Show. Verona, Feb, 28.--Bert W. A. Johaston's big magic and fun show arrived in town today and appeared in the Grant hall to a big house. To say the audience was pleased is put- | ting it mildly. The show is first class in every respect, Murial thel| hy who knows, is truly wonder- ful, her mind reading being super- ler to anything ever seen in this vi- cinity, Bert Johaston and his big ABERDEEN AVE. Detached Brick Dwelling, 11 rooms, furnace, electric lights, gas, 3 piece bath, excellent cel- lar. Private gateway and yard. Possession on APHETBE i coiviamivis vi iieins csiaieic -.. $7,300 E. W. MULLIN & SON EXCLUSIVE AGENTS : Corner Johnson and Division Streets - Phones 580w and 58eJ, Conboy evening ot Joseph - Ne cr ee ------ SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK DAFFODILS $1.00 PER DOZEN We always have on hand a choice selection of Azal Cyclae men, Primroses and Boston Ferns. oy Floral Designs for Wedding and Funerals a Specialty, LAWSON STORE: Corner Wellington and Brock Streets. Phone 770. CONSERVATORIES: 68 Centre Street. Phone 11745, HE SHHHHHIHR HHH HI ---- -------- NEW SPRING FOOTWEAR FOR THE MEN "The New French Toes Are the Thing" We are now several new lines in Men's Fine Brown Boots, with Goodyear Welted Soles--made on the slightly wider lasts, properly called the mew French toes, at the special price of $4.95. Theso are splendid quality--the utmost in style and comfort, and very low priced. All sizes In cach lime. Specially priced at sesvenncurinins sensssrrisasass DADS S. J. MARTIN EE ------------------------