Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Mar 1922, p. 11

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THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1929, THE DAIL J TINT GRAY __HAIR Von't Tolerate Faded, Streaked, or Bleached Hair; Tint ith Brownatone -- Safe, Sure Inexpensive, ---- TRIAL PACKAGE SENT Why tolerate streaky eached hair when it is Jus tint your tresses a brown as"it is to powder Fray or as easy beautiful Theatrical To-night Rex Stock: Co. One of these "'addle-fated" brain- less chaps, thoroughly at home in any environment, frightfully susep- table to the charms of the fair sex, loaded with money he did not earn, bored stiff with everything in gen eral is the part that Rex has in New York's biggest melo-dramatic come- dy, "Officer 666", at the Grand the last three «days of this week, Need- less to say, the part fits him like a glove. While we really know that Rex is very much of a business man in gendral, we sort of like him on the stage as one of those lovable, but worthless chaps, that drift through life. Bill Yule in the title role is more than funny, he is a scream. For a Scofchman Bill plays a very fine Irishman, and as the patrol man "Phalen" he does his bit. Billy Sey- mour is again a crook, but this time a very high class one. A very funny story goes with Billy in this play, the first time he played the part, there is one condition where he gets into an ancient chest to hide. The tirst night, Billy was smoking a cig- ar whose reputation was not nearly as strong as its fumes. He forgot the chest was air tight, ang jumped in, with the burning cigar betwee his teeth. After the lad was lowered he found his mistake, but it was too late. The lid could not be raised till the cue, and there was no chance to get rid of the cigar that was slowly "gassing" him. Whén he did come Makes Me Look Tem Years ¥, No other Preparation is so Simple to ap, 80 uniform in results, spots, 1 Jona ht TA; rands or streaks, an al Arar and he thir. Srigingl beguty, Absolutely Harmleas, Brownatone is guaranteed perfect- safe and harmless to both the ¢ Contains no olsonous ingredients such as sugar of lead, sul. phur, silver, mer ry, aniline or coal tar products. a8 no odor and is Breaseless. You Apply it in & few mom- ents with your comb or atone is sold and recom ston by Mahood Dru wT 4nd 'other leading dealers." 80¢. and $1.50. Insist on th Spec 0 Send only with for Free Trial Packag. bookle* an the eare of t d helprol an elptul Re ar. Mail This Coupon Now. The Kenton Pharmacal Co., 80 Coppin Blag., Covington, Ky. Enc find 10 cents (to dover rial pack. tedium Brown or rown to Black. ted and Y | canopy, "| fluence; out, Rex. hag hysterics, his eyes were red and "weepy" and he was gasp- ing for breath. --Advt. ! ------ = '""Alburtus" at the Allen. Capacity audiences still continue {0 throng the Allen Theatre, to gee ""Alburitus," the iniracls man, who has pet all Kingston agog, with ex- citement, His amating ability to answer all manner of questions, with remarkable speed and accuracy was again demonstrated, * showing that he Is indeed without a peer in the science of crystal-gazing, During his hypnotic demonstrations, he showed a power over his subjects which seemed almst uncanny, and kept the entire audience convulsed with laughter, - The young, man, who, since 9 arm. "today has attracted a great deal of attention, by riding a bicycle at ter- rific speed, on the Allen theatre while under the hypnotic in- will complete bis-twelve- hour grind on the stage of the Alen threatre, this evening, 'when he will -- March 9.-- Mrs. M &way at the home of Turcott, on Bostwick Tuesday night. Mrs. Dafoe returned to her home fn Oshawa after spending a few 'Weeks with her sister, Mrs. Alice mpster, Charles street. t Mesdames QC. ang R. nsdowne, d Mrs. A. The Triple ant evening a urdoch passed her sister, Mrs, Island, during MeDonald, are the guests of Mr. Vincent, Tanner street, Link Club spent a very at the home of Mrs, icy, Main street on' Tuesday. Miss Lottie Henderson has return fromk Montreal where she was the "guest of Mrs. Gratton. i -- Another Governor 2 For Fiume. Free State ------ | Fiume, March" 9.--Parties com- Prising the Fascist! nationalists, re- Bubitcans and Catholics, claiming at they represent the majority of the people of Flume, have chosen Gi- ovanni Giurfati, formen chief of * d"Annunzio's cabinet, as head of an- | other provisional government of the | Flume Free State. : Bob Rogers Visits Ottawa, . Ottawa, March 9 Hon, Robert gers arrived in the capital yester- ¥ and will be around for several He expresse satisfaction t the party caucus devided to re- to the old name of the Conserv- tive party, a course of which he has een a consistent advocate, The na- ton convention idea was his origin- ally. i ---- © Ocean Freight Rate Drop, * New York, March 9. t rates on provisions between York and Europe have dropped _ Gents a hundred pounds since . last week of the Nonth Atlantic oconfererce, W. J. Love, Fpresidont of the United. States Pping 'Board, Emergency Fleet be brought out of that hypnotic syell, in full view of the audience, Ap. other demonstration of the "miracle man's" amazing Power, A picture that will startle and amaze yu; a production that will send you away from the theatre with the thrills still tingling ur and down your spine, that's "The Face of The World" which will be shown together with "Albuntus" at the Allen theatrs for the remainder of the week.-- Adve, -- At The Strand. All the pith and punch lar novel and a successful play, plus the spaciousness and variety of Scene impossible on the stage, are contained in "Miss Luly Bett," the feature which opens at the Strand to- day. The story is from the pen of Zona Gale, one of the most widely- read writers on this side of the At- ldntic. The vogue of the book en- couraged the writer to prepare a play of the same hame, with the result that the play went one better than the book, winning the mue ught Pulitzer prize for the best American Play of 1920, Now William de Mille, one of the front rank masters of mo- tion picture Production, has given us a picture that is arousing enthusiasm among the most judicious eritics in Canada and attracting = huge audi- ences in our great cities. Kingston. dns will rejojoe in the fact that four of their favorites appear in this fine Picture--Lojs Wilson, Milton Sills, Theodore Roberts and Helen Fergu- son, "The New York Times" places "Miss Lulu Bett" among the notdhle pictures of 1921, and the Limestone City; ts privileged to have an early | showing of it, for the demand. from larger centres is clamorous., And the chief comedy caterer of the Screen will appear at the Strand also, Charlie Chaplin in "A Night At The Show" is just a good Square meal of whole matter in g nut-shell.__Advt, "By a vote of 208 to 0 the British House of Commons permitted Lord Robert Cecil to Introduce a bin de- signed to extend suffrage .to women of a popu- on the 'same terms as men, . Every time you by highest grade household y "SURPRISE" SO. of v Je + | GOING TO WEST Dr. C. A. Chant, will go fo, the west coast of photograph an eclipse of the sun who shown with his dau student, who will ai results obtained, wil Einstein's theory is WHOLE CHIPPAA 155 15 T0 BE D {Reply of Premier Drur Ferguson Regard "Toronto ders of the day were co |day, Hon. Howard Ferg ito the recent discussion |leged "inefficient and m timates" for the Chippawa charges, he said, had. wide publicity. As a re: dro engineers now rested und Moreover, cial credit of the depart, y- affected by the al- Therefore, he urged that grave shadow, being adversel | legations. {the whole matter be cI (an edrly date. In 'reply, Premier Drury that the government [placed In the hands of the house a notice of ny for a discussion on the whether such a committee appointed. This matter up for discussion on the on which such business | cedence. | nday. ASKS $20,000,000 FOR RIFLE ---- Dr, McClean Declares He In the Wespon. | Re ' '| pla h 3--In ap sort! day evening. The rin Cleveland, Marc to establish hig* 000 Yoyalties from the s. rifles during the worl Samuel N. McClea eral court. Dr. M to be the invento also the inventor rapid firing machin claim ¢Clean e-gu mantled a Lewis machine-gy McClean gun with the aid of Judge Peck, and describ. of each gun, which, he ¢ identical. ~ . -------- tray; | Gets Two Years"in Jai} ---- Guelph, March 9.~--Two years in iary was the Led Young Girl As Portsmouth penitent sentgnee handed out .at Court yesterd who gave Grace Arc 8¢. John 8t. Joha, crease of oent. in the number of rested for druakenn 1921, as compared with taken on this charge of the annual Police, presen Oounell. .. In 1920 and last year the May Be Hamil Hamilton, March 9. Out of respect fo Milne, no appoin for two weeks, who were deféated in have promised him Was a member soap. Sealey /i1an parliament from 1 Estimates. » March 9--Before the or- which had been submitted work. ---- | an accougt of his hockey abilities. n. testified in fed. r of the Lewis, is | ve of the McClean ay afternoon by Judge Spotton to James Walsh, young man, who was convi bringing a 19-year-old] Toro two names/to th hibald and \Grace to Guelph for immora 'purpos | -------- Grows Mode Sober, N.B., March 9--4A de nearly thirty-eight per ess in St. John in ton Senator, e Hamilton Lib- past Precedence. ' of the Dom. 908 to 1911. astro nomy Sept. 20th, a third-year on ghter, Elizabeth, d her fathe l, it is expe right or wr cted, help to prove ong. TA em UE ISCUSSED HOCKEY SCOR y to Mr. ing the Professional, Hamilton 7, Ottawa 2 alled yester- uson alluded over. the al-| isleading es- 2 Regina 2, Vancouver "Wally" Mrs. street, received a e Hy- | morning from her so °F mer, who is playing w the finan- | ment was These been given sult th tel | group, and will now | Boston for the United eaned up at | Paul on Saturda stated | ¢yo St. {in the Bean City | week, the exact dat | later, "Wally" has helped a had already the clerk of otton "calling question of should be, ould come | according first day writers, had some to the St. and though w | Was able to return to the | the last two needs an introduction to ented One game in the club a to $20,000,- ale of Lewig d war, Dr. by A. N. Robinson won Hooper by a score of 11 rinks wot: Capt. Daryaw J. + Who claims [Hane W. R. 8. C. Calvin I N. Robinson W. J. --skip 11. ~--sk George Laws won the petition at the Joecal ¢ Thursday morsing by d N. F. MacFarlane, 13 to He dis- n and a Federal ed the parts ontends, are n, The Home and School Central school held its. re ing on Tuesday evening, ance. President Law the County discussed and dis a local | eal programme followed cted of nto girl, e lice, Oster, es. enjoyed, Mrs. Pr 'audience with her Solos. Miss Hq Mrs. Prager, lections were The enjoyable to a close with National Anthem. C1 The market persons ar- the number during the prev- of the features port of the Chief of to/ the Common there were 935 total was 591, has been prominent circles since the W. 0. Seal |erown and nw after many years candidates electi wr AUSTRALIA FOR ECLIPSE. professor at the University, Australia this + summer to {plonship. The Boston tea ¥, March 11th, and Paulites play a re in the victories of his tea -- Home and School spite the unfavorable con the weather'there was 2 gO presided and after the business of the club was posed of, a musi- solo by Miss Katie Ryan w ager delighted the splendid vocal Harold accompanied Several fine plano given by T. R. A evening was bro the singing of the -- losing Up Branch A is here medical r in the photographing. The whether SPORTING NEWS ES Allan Cup Elimination, Iroquois Falls 9, Kitchener 3. Fort William 8, Brandon §, Stanley Cup Semi-Final, 1. S---- Elmer's Team Wins, William Cockade, . Brock egram this n "Wally" gi- ith the St. » Minn hockey team, | effect that his team has wo! play off with States' cham- n their m visits St. turn game time next e to be arranged great deal m to date, Paul sport Burt rather Dre-| seriously in ene of the recent games, This Probably will be next | conflict for games. No Kingston fan "Wally" or Curling Game, ~ series was yed at the curling rink on Wed- k skipped from W. J. to 10. The Taugher Allen A. B. Kingsbury Hooper ip 10 single com- urling rink ef epting R. Club. Club of lar meet- and de- dition of od attend- gu A piano 14, ht Bank, organizatio, Crown Bank, later the Northern: the Royal, of splendid service, »|Tecognition of diaries of about e WINNERS OF GOLD | "IN DIARY CONTEST | List Eagerly Scanned by Thou- sands Keeping Diaries in Dr. Chase's Almanac. This apnual competition has done | much to encourage the useful and in- { teresting habit of making note of | business transactions and social ev-| ents. | So'unany experts have developed | up the prizes this year, This seemed | to be the only way to ensure a fair [ qual | merit. Dr. Chase's Almanic bag been sent | out to practically every home in Can- | ada, 1,40,000 in all. Jf your copy | has not reached you it will be sent, | Postpaid, on receipt of your name | and. address. I nthe almanac you | will find full particulars in reference | to the Dgiry Contest now on. 1st Prize---$50.00--Miss P. Flor- ence Miller, Topsail, Nfid. (Box 10.) | $50.00--Miss Sarah Lawrence, 295 | Wharncliffe Rd. N., London, Out. ! 2nd Prize--$§25.00--0. J. Kraal, | Vedora, Sask. (Box 124.) | $26.00--Ivor C. Bice, Clandeboye, Ont, $25.00--Mrs. Cumberland, N. 3rd Prize--§ Martin, Leslievil $25.00--Miss Highgate, Ont. 4th Prize--$12.50--James Arthur, North Rustico, P.E.I. $12.50--Mrs, William Hirlehey, Bradford, Ont. 5th , Prize -- $15.00 -- Arthur Burnfield, Mponstone, Ont. 6th Prize--3$10.00--Mrs, G. Ww. Barber, Sussex, N.B.., Kings Co. Harvey G. Pierce, B., R.R. No. 2. 25.00--Thomas Vv. le, Alta. Addie Attridge, 7th Prize--Réceipt Book, $6.75-- Alfred E. Lee, No. 1461 Elgin Ave., Range, N.B., Que Winnipeg, Man. 8th Prize-- Receipt Book, $6.75-- Mrs. R. J. Douglas, Shelburne, N.S. 9th Prize--Receipt Book, $6.75-- Miss Jennie Kell, Elmvale, Ont., R. R. No. 1. that we have been obliged to divide || THE GLOVER GROCETERIA rhe Store of Economy. MARMALADE MAKE IT NOW for quality and economy buy our bitter oranges, ready cut; save tins and worry, add sugar and water, 'boil for 25 minutes. We have genuine home made bread, the kind our mothers used to make in the good old days of the wood fire. Try a loaf. Special for Friday and Saturday. New laid eggs .... . Cross Fish sardines ... Sliced breakfast bacon Will deliver grocery orders $5 an Sr aera. ir oe d over, J Le ------ Both Utility and Charm Here 10th Prize--Recei --Mre. J. Smith, No. N.W,, Calgary, Alta. 11th ~Prize--Receipt Book, $6.75 --Jo ilkinson Davidson, South Durham, Que., R.R. No, 3. * I2th Prize--Receipt Book, $6.78 ----Miss Gertrude H. Meggison, For- tune Cove, via Howland, PEI R. F.D. 13th Prize--Recei ~--Mrs. Stella Pur Creek, B.C. 14th Prize--Recei -iMre. H WwW Wanamakes, en's C, 15th Prize--Receipt Book, $5.90 --Henry Twigg, Corner Booth and King st., Campbellford, Ont. (Box 72.) 16th Prize--Recei Pt Book, $6.75 . 309 6th Ave. » pt Book, $6.75 keypile, Riske pt Book, $5.90 The pt Book, $5.90 ay, Georgeville, 17th Prize--Receipt Book, $5.90 Spreads. Any woman who. can sew can make herself such a s read with little effort and stiiall ¢ 3 For a spread like Miss Wilson' take two widths of Quaker tuscan net, two yards in length. Cut one in half and join the gelvage Selvage of the uncut width t will use for the cover of the Finish the edges of the spread with three inch fringe. Run two ribbons down each side of the spread. The outside ribbon - should come just to he edge of the bed. Run two more ribbons across the foot' and over the the spread and finish with The ribbon your lining or be of a contrasting color Two tone or shaded ribbon gives a charming effect. The pillows are covered with Quaker sam ler lace Sud Fdged with shirred bon to mat 3 Underwood-Underwood MISS MARGARET WILSON At top is a decorative bedspread made of the popular net and lace --J. Hugh McCrea, Moncton, N.B., R.R. No. 1. ; 18th Prize--Receipt Book, $5.90 ~--Samuel Jacobs, No. 168 Garden Ave., Toronto, Ont. 19th Prize--Receipt Book, $5.90 --Mrs. J. Verna Roger, Munro, Ont. 20th Prize-- Receipt Book, $5.90 --Mrs. Eddie D. Collier, Elgin, N.B. (Albert Co.) For a free Copy of Dr. Chase's Almanac refer to this paper and send your address to Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. ---- JUST AN ORDINARY DRESS. Agnes Macphail, M.P,, Says She Is Net and lace in interior are becoming Popular because they combine beauty and grace with utili Sampler lace to match as do no others. Miss Margaret Wil. chaining bed. pic Son uses one of these Te -- 3 - AMONG THE SIX MILLIONS Undoubtedly no dramatic producer Mr. Hoping pur this on five years of our day has more courage, more Mate bad me of year and softly faith in his convictions and more . tered the 'war, It fajle. That didn't discourage him in' the insistance upon giving the least. what he fecorations au scarf that ve understanding. There is little doubt but that this time jt will be the suc- cess that it ought to be, The cast is these brave qualities, too, Otherwise Some of the best pr-ductions of the Tired of Publicity, Ottawa, March 9.--One woman in Ottawa is not w. 'over what she will wear to the Ex of par- liament and the 'drawing-room. "Just an ordinary dress," was Miss Agnes Macphail's reply to the ques- tion of the hour, 3 "Yes, it's the blue serge I sald. I would wear," she continud, an- Swering the inevitable query. 'I don't think it mat ers much, any- way, and I shall judt wear whatever I happen to have on." Miss Macphail dig not know whether she was going to attend the drawing-room. She confessed her- as much 8e~ He béat the out the risks, That's the many people never touched it hasn't. t poisoning from a sliver in, his caused the deat Giles, employed by the B Company, children, a good many times "It's never touched he explained whén good make when they hear that the drug element i tea and coffee often h nerves and health. them they only think Wakeful nights, that splendidly chosen and not a shade of satire or the humor or the sadness is losgy American stage would have been lost, Take, for instance, "The Deluge," Préference To Canada, Kingston, Ja, March 9,--The leg- lelative council Passed a tariff mea- sure giving a preference of twenty- five per cent. on goods from Canada ang Great Britain, and of fifty per cent. on empire-manufag- tured cotton piece goods, Fashion is sometimes a player with the pocketbook. In union there may be persecy- tion, as well as strength. J self tired of Dublicity, and mented upon the kindness of members to the only woman m ber pt parliament. <om- men eme-- Died of Bigog Poisoning, Peterboro, Ont., March 9.-- Blood hand, Edgar e was h of Clifton aged thirty-one years. H owman Lumber and leaves a wife ang twe havoe train fo the crossing 0 Vv judgment in taki harm with Over on the safe side is Postum, a pure cereal bever delicious and ini nothing that eS hing th who used to me yet," ng needless they pointed " ; 'can harm Thousands answer a in arms They say it's yet. i It's worth your while to make drowsy with Postum keep com- ing. more fre- quently--often are blamed on bad luck when the blame be- longs on bad ~ imported

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