tn TIRE wa foro I " Te 7 ro as wT ! oe _ | y tg' " | -THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. x mucnsDaY, vanes oe mm---- ---- m= RE -------- ee ~7[ CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH (1. . CANPBELL SPEAKS | FUR | FOR THE PUBLIC, LIBRARY 10 WISERALH * °" MO-NA-LU | 6 ni : Pon i Vr idsrel Bote Boop. peters aan "|| The Song of a Million Homes. * Greater Than Aloha-oe (Farewell) | ; : E S Best Place. ° Nesday Afternoon. This is the number filled with harmony, now being played at 4 A HOT. botmg Dut forth 19.5%- | The weekly losturs 0% . comings the Strand Theatre. Hundreds have inquired of the management cure the First Congregational church cial subjects at the Royal Military *+1. : . DS . building for a public library. Thig College was. held on Wednesday af the title of the number, A A : ) : 7 building 1s for sale, and it is eom- ternoon when J. M. Campbell spoke [JI : ¢ ) 3 . oo in | DAye ol ie, place for adil. | on "The Desp Waterways 'Scheme, This and All Other 40c. or 50c, Numbers |... Four for One Dollar E~ " | brary could not be secured. It is un- and otlined in detail the proposals 2s . ? : ; | derstood that a proposal has been being: considered by the Jatarbacion) Present Best Selling Numbers Are ; # . | made to the ee Sy fhe gorse &1 Joint Commission. Th» speaker Mo-Na-Lu, I Have a Rendezvous With You, " Me, Just the Type for a Bungalow, Just Like a 2 AMERICAN. OPPOSSUM--selected quality =, .. wena $8.50 {¥. hows tu at eo oxi bed frovided maps Ho vac ir] the Ming Me in the Moonlight, Three Orcloes in the Rainbow, Say It With Music, Hawaiian Chimes, . KIT FOXES--Natural Silver. , ,, ,.. VE $ 9.00 erm the mle Brock | oatlemen cadets who followed the Morning, Wabash Blues, When Fragei. Dances Dapper Dan, Hortense, Leave Me With a Smij. : MINK --One ski : [the corner of Bagot amd Brock |address with great interest, With Me, When the Tide Comes In, Ma, Wim- 1 Ain't Nobody's Darling, One Kiss, Thrills, : i: a Bousyone beeean * temaieminean ss $15.00 streets, offered as a public brary, In introducing Mr, Campbell, the Men, Poor Little Me, Swanee River Moon, Say When Shall We Meet Again, Winning Ways, Bj. Re AMBRIOA FOXES hetrmae treremmene om $22,50 and arrange that the proceeds should ccmmandant sald that it was always' Tt With Music, The Sheik, Ty-Tee, Mandy 'N mini Bay, etc., ete, a RIPE am en ryan to +senne $1.50 80 towards the purchase of the Con- [a great privilege to 'hear anyone 2 RED FOXES .. EAM CSN ye a ies cn vie i $20.00 { gregational building, part of which Speak who was an acknowledged ay- BLACK FOXES ............ we memransnnmnnm $30.00 toiready being used by the public |:hority on 'any. sir thie. Nr. ||} HE COI I EGE BOOK STO E Fiteh ......... EW eee. as ttrearnvaiveees $12.00 library board. The, balance of the (Camphell was acknowledged all over cost could be met by the city. It is Ontario to be the expert on tha deep PHONE 919, : : 2 : OPEN TILL 8.00 P.M, desired that the library should be waterways project, an enterprise known as the George Y. Chown | whiqy should, be of interost to ail memorial Wbrary. The hope is ex- Canadians, whether we believe in jt pressed by many interested that this [or net." scheme will go through, The speaker opened his address -~ y with a brief resume of the organiza- tion o1 the International Join Com- mission, composed of three Cana- dians and three Americans, The commission appointed consulting engineers to thoroughly investigate the proposed deep waterways sys- tem and to report on the advisabil- ® ~ y ° ° A John McKay, Limited v . MANUFACTURING FURRIERS 149-157 BROCK STREET - KINGSTON, ONTARIO : : La " STITT, EN ------ tyr TD ------ I THE ELECTRIC SHOP ( ew Woollens .. That Are Select, Yet Inéxpensive i : Call and arrange for » free trial of the oe ity of adopting the matter from an a {neering and from a commerical : A. B.C. ELECTRIC WASHER ; a eng : 1 115 Broek stress, PAoBe Ire : The Late Edward Whitty, standpoint. The reports of the en- hemos. Edward Whitty - passed away at the General hospital on Wednesday after an illness of four weeks from Montreal and Quebec, whose ship- blood poisoning, the result of an in- ping" might be affected should the Jury to his hand. The deceased was | plans materialize, the commission a farmer and resided at Harrow- | recommended it for the favorable smith. He was sixty-seven years | consideration of the Governments gineers were favorable, and notwith- standing opposition trom New York, W. 0. CANNU» ENN crn "SOMETHING TO REMEMBER If your eyes are subject to strain we can. furnish you with the glasses you should wear * for comfort and visual enjoyment. - R. ARTHEY, Rj, F. J. GRACE age and had retired from active | concerned. farm work. He was brought to the Mr. Campbell pointed out that ac- hospital one week ago for treatment, cording to the present plans, the and everything possible was done | deep waterway system would be - to combat the progress' of the dis- constructed to the south of King- * / ease. : ston, passing Cape Vincent, but that The late Mr. Whitty was a Meth- could be overcome by the dredging : VISION SPECIALIST - - 143 Princess Street. odist and was widely known for his [of the flats at Vote Aslan, thus 7 & +] : 'Phone 2108 for appointment, Oculist Prescriptions filled, industry and integrity. He is suryi making Kingston rbor a possibil- : . aii, . . Y > ed by his wife, five sons, y ity for the big ships, FANCY SKIRTINGS--A big range of new Skirtings in Plaids : Ee -------------------- ---- | Estevan, Sask. ; Charles, St. Cath- | » . : : -------- === |arines; Edward, Sydepnon. co He then discussed in detail tne and Stripes; newest colors; 54 inches wide. $3. a yard up. [NN : lie, H th: t chief points which make the propos- : "ie . . iis Ny a Bi dua tug als so attraétive from a commerical | HOMESPUNS.--Homespun S uitings that are right to the min- Hartington, and Miss Irene, Harrow: | standpoint 'as to Justify their very | ; S . . . . 4 . : A riscoe Opportunity smith. - The remains were sent to | *erious consideration, sua' ric ute, and well worth your Inspection. Moderately priced , cinity ro toro Several Briscoe Cars 'in service in this vi Harrowsmith by John Cornelius, un- low the several dams and power sta- Srvisisivaileis sin aninietoieininianiciirs os ininieie foeisinteies $2.50 up. that' have travelled over thirty thousand (30,000) miles ang dertaker, on Thursday, and the fun. | tions would be constructed. : : still running well, eral will take place from the family the Sy eteating Statement was that JUMPER FLANNELS-- Plain and Stripe effects, including One car, an improved mode} 4-34, ran all last season at a Fesidence. the 18Vel of Take aureus below 'T 1 cont of ip AR fmpr BXDOrts admit It has a truly maemo TM practically under waton wg od P Paddy Green, an, Blue, Brown, Fawn, 54 ins, $2.50 yd. = motor. Owners are enthus astic. sate Mrs. Isaac Jarrell, ' - ' : , teract this, it was proposed to put 1 1 1 : The funeral of the late Mrs. Isaac put a ; We can sell you a braid new modal 4.34. ave passenger {I ; The tuner Sf the Jute Mr Cherry | 48m. around 1t and make gs «abt 2 SPRING COATINGS Newest creations in Coatings for the 3 Touring Car at the/bargain price of $395.00, £11 charges paid, {i owellt, the rottioece el daugh- (Kuyder Zee. Similar action woulq Spring. Tweeds Velours Duvetyn Fancy Mixtures: 54 k . . . ' ' > No other car. on the market hag made such a reduction in ter, to Catataqui cemetery on Thurs- A he BOpagALY. pt Hortistizs, : : / ; 1 Price. . y day afternoon. Adjutant Conde, of | Which is also situated on low ground. inches wide; pure wool; pretty shades that will stand the z | the Salvation Army, to which the de- The total cost of the whole pro- | {consed 'was devoutly attached, of. |Jject, for navigation, including the test . . MAC sree pve sy wine ine $2.00 a yard up : x : J development Of power at Long Sault, would be' $252,000,00% with . an additional $18,000,000 'for mm. : > crease in depth of 30 feet, . : 2 Newman & Shaw || The Big Dry Goods and House F urnishings Store aK ficiated at the religious service, and OS. ¥ there was a large attendance of . friends and relatives. The casket { GARAGE, BAY STREET - - KINGSTON, ONTARIO was banked with beautiful Howes} -- . MONDAY, MARCH 18. : if Date of the Re-appearance of "Coll. ege Frolics of 1922." In response to many requests of the people of Kingston, and for the At the close of the | LC address, Mr. benefit of those who were unable to Campbell was loudly applauded. and obtain admission to the first per- | fo the commandant expressed . to him formance of "The College Frolte of the thanks of the gentlemen cadets | 1922," the Theatre Night committee t pol : Or an interesting address, "This has arranged a second perfcrmance century,". said Sir Atchinalq, is 1] to be held in the Grand 9 Monday, Canada's century, and whilst it Wil FOR 'SALE ~ Solid brick, 9 rooms and bath-room, two toilets, combi- nation hot air and hot water furhace, electric light, gas, good cellar, modern plumbing, Bagot street, near City Park. ONE PART CAR, CHOICE WHITE POTATOES EXTRA fl FINE--00 1bs. BAGS, $1.50 bag GET YOUR MARKERS =i # l| March 13th. ( 4 : - : . Ee aiid ridley do. {l| Based on the experience' gained Jot Ttefest ue Jory ae 10 I OR PAY IN COURT 4 g I} 3 piece bath, hot water turnace, Brooms i from the Previous Peodustions, the hymns, it is a fact ar oy io . a 1 3 "electric light, gas, garage, good fl Programme has been revised slight- The Police Are After utoists ncess 3 [il sized lot, ' 800 dandy Brooms--regular ly and the'comimttes promises an | ™ deeply. impressed on the minds 3 , . ; 3 B50c. «<=. Friday, 87c. ea. of €Very gentleman cadet of the R.|- Not Fitted Out For | 3 better entertainment that that |} These are two first class resi- bj even i M-C. ° This century belongs to Can. 1922. - . 3 : . I dences in a most desirable and Mich glo] the letge audience ada and the progress whieh will be 922 : Semi-detached solid brick, 10 rooms, gas, fur- J convenient part of the city. Cocoa Sale ast week. ey made by Canada will astonisa the GR sure to go bigger and potter than Droge, World. The deep waterways| OWners of automobiles who not nace, cellar, fireplaces, right-of-way, yard un Hl ev citizens of Kingsron are : et secured their markers for 1927 '@l For turther particulars as to Bilton... .. .; | 2 lbs, 25¢. ever and the c ing | Project is. one of the great nter- | ¥ ' . 'll terms, apply at ofrice. 5 Ibs. lots, 1 Ib. FRER offered an opportunity of AMENAING | ices Wiles will nate ills Yenc! has better get busy, for the police Possession 30 days * Sisieieininin sinieinteis a SD 000 . a first-class vaudeville periormanca, the dom'nfon, ana I urge every sad. |2r® out with a big stick after all ' ' il | which plays continuously with no Il Cullen's | CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and indian et to study the matter closely." the guilty parties. wait between acts. : The speaker "ne: In the police court on Thursday E Ww MUI I IN & SO Pep. xt wee i » Many of the acts are in ig k Will bo T morning ten autoists were before . N ep J. Rigney, K.C., who will taka as his | @ whole show and the composit " » | Magistrate Farrell and of this num. EX : 7 gramme is a bill of such merit as is | Subject The Legal Profession, 3 CLUSIVE AGENTS 4 eS a ber but one case was dismissed, and : rarely seen outside of New York. R -- this was due to the fact that the eit. Corner Johnson and Division Streets - . Phones 530w ana sd, rr -- had secured his marker but he : Citizens of Kingston! This 1s "The Hat " {had not placed it on his car. Al] the . your night. The Rotary and Kiwanis others were called upon to pay the | R. H. Waddell 3 The McCann Agency | Phones 830-800, | 88 Broek st. the students hope to further cement the bond of good fellowship that exists between them and Queen's, clubs have lent their patrenage snd I " n - - FB costs of the court. Another batch of 5 x : " offenders have been summoned for E Friday morning's session" of the @ 4 Re rr < -------------- . ; ie v [ THROWN FROM SLEIGH C APS : core We are offering for sale 400 tons small size Hard Coal at 5 IT |A Young Grocery Driver sutters a DID SHE COME TO KINGSTON? fhe above price while it lasts, : Fractured Arm, John Thompson, a young man em Pleyed by Caverly's , grocery asa driver, is in the General Hospital with a fractured arm, as the resilt of a runaway aceldent on King Street early Wednesday afternoon. The young driver was near the city park; AA 4 . Mex's and Boys' HUNDREDS OF NEW STYLES ° AND COLORS JUST PUT . \ \ 4: Pivmien chores. Young Woman SOWARDS COAL COMPANY 'a Week. » . A young woman residing in Kit- - PHONE 155, chener is missing, and the Kingston UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. police have been asked to keep a - look out for her in case she came . this way. The missing young wo- A rm En : when his horse beeame frightened at man is Jean T. Moore, about thirty | . -------- J a .. ' & street car. Indiis endeavors to quiet years of age, and has been missing * : : y & a 2 ' the animal and at the same time to | from her home a week. : ° v ila . ' 3 FIRST Al D avoid an approaching auto, Thomp- It is stated that Miss Moore left . i Son was thrown from "the sleigh, her home at 8 o'clock in the even- : So 00 ear . . he when the horse made a sharp' turn ing, and took nothing" With her but x TO A WEAK FINANCIAL STANDING in an unexpected direction. Some the clothes she was Wearing and her . F W. be om pare pad gh, channel ot hatier vis. passers-by caught the horse, and the : purse Sontainilly between $40 and : or Women : i: > on. ally Of us have defectiv - ; \ ; i sight --without knowing it. Naturallpr-our abil. { oy was.driven to the hospital, where ob he aul eft. an uneashod Featuring the latest modes in smart, low cut Footwear, devel. Jy 30 think, to work: to eam, to save is ho Is tiow resting very nicely. cheque on ne Oped from selected leathers, and selling at the new os prices Paired. Kuow that your eyes ace right, You other injuries were s = this supported Be relatives' belfet ; : d May not need Glasses, but be sure, OuP pew a rather severe fracty that she would rn, Shelltex Shur-ons are much the vogue just now, arm, and a bruised s a popular Kitchen- Consult: oving in leading society J ; ; er To Locate at er father was the late J . : w late register for the ; y e lott for Ban v . : : * Ve where he has secured a ps5 rt say have A ERE, ETR : the Edmonton City up an automobile 'REGISTERED OPTONETRIST superint is supported by some, a > factories Seem to scout this jdea. McBwen is a one of the most baffif Ty School, es the Kitchener police have tery promising future in the An some time, : {a anim te, ' p have tor 'The some days. making some repairs of Educatio "Key" boats which have and the princi; ot the Grand Trunk whart \ a i i tT T- 2%