\ 2. oe : . i WURSDAY. ARCH 0, 1008, ga THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. -- Ee ---------- ------ ee | Halifax Explosion J | ® , : : -r | . FOR CHOICE Wrecked Her Nerves ® oe: Go : refneiow | Kingston and Vicini MEATS be¥ when & few years ago there was i raci f Il ue 5% a collision in the Halifax, N. S., Har- | ' : ; bor and one of the Buaiiion ships | El a afte, a Jl was blown up, causirg: great loss of | : and ! life and laying a large port on of the | Father of Prof. Malcolm, Queen's, | her eldest son, Albent, was united in | travel between the two counties. will | : Hard Coal Screenings, pressed into moulds about the city in ruins, and' causirg a grem George Malcolm, B.A., vice-prin- | marriage to Miss Hazel Stewart, Des- | be relieved. ' ' ' 8izé of a hen's egg, make a very satisfactory fuel for stoves, IRST QUALITY deal of suffering and distress among | cipa) of the Stratford collegiate in- | eronto, Ont. - The ceremony was per- : heat di ' I the inhabitants, i of Wind ! ehituta or many years, is retiring at | formed by the Rev. R. O. Duford in Held Euchre and Dance, eaters and furnaces. now of Wind-| alifax at|oRce owing to failing health, the presence of the immediate re-| A successful euchre party was held | We have a popular size; about equal to large Chestnut in 2 é ~ * ~ x Mrs. Winfield Dill WESTERN BEEF sor, N. 8, was living hohe) eset Fo iin latives and friends .of the young lin the Orange hall on Tuesday even- [| * or small Stove Coal. TRY ing experisncn and he +bch mronke] A Teal Bargain couple, ing under the wmuaagemont of the | a : ed her nerves. She writes as fol.| We are going to offer for ten days ---- {Canadian Order of Woodmen of the | It is clean, burns to ashes--no clinkers, oaly eur made to measure blue serge Carters Getting Busy, World. There was a large attend- | : 3 lows: --*I was living. in Halifax nt ) * jthe time of the explosion, "and it |suith.gs guarantee indigo regular | During the past few days a num- |ance and the competition was keen. | S ANGLIN & CO ! + " ol j Wrecked 1; nerves so thet 1 coud value $65 and $40 for $40, We | ber of carters, whote niles a ladies' first prize was won by . . * . not do my h work. I wouid take |. arantee first-class fit and work- been rather quiet during the cold iss Clemalian and the gentlemen's | " 252 PRINCESS STREBTY . R|SUch nervous spells 1 wauia bn under | ZT, 86 pTECSH Clothfug - Store, | weather, were able to get a number | 8ret prize by F. Tody. gentlemen's | Wood torking Fuctory and ria, Bay and Wellington PHONE 1182 ste doctor care, sod Nerve] BV Bt: of jobs cleaning @shes out of the { second, Levi Robinson, Jadies' second Btrecty, » Ont. actory . Pit Say Miloure 8 Heart an 1 erve | cellars about the city. The men ex- | by Miss Manur, Dancing was started i 8 advertised, so I took-'two oe pect that they will do a rushing busi- |at the conclusion of the games, and | {and they helped me so much I k - [ots mors co rt on eek Destroyed by Fire. Tees duricg the next couple .of was kept up until 1 a.m. arb ckir | Barns For moving of jev [es 1 The kicking over of a lamp by a 'months, {orchestra provided th si = PURNTPU . { relieved, 1 cam recommend them to J © musle. 3 uh af CANIASS™™ |auyome sullorne" commend them to], The Tuesday, caused the destruc- | --_-- 'YOU'LL NEED CHAINS Es | la. . . - n y 5 i 8 " EVERY DESCRIPTION | nerve troubl dion by fire of the barns o Celebrated Anniversary. | Addressed Catholic Women's League It you ever did, you do NOW. We've chains, the best ta the Phone 1415. -------- To all those who suffer from ner- |derson, Glen Buell, Leeds county, t0- | Migs Sarah Garratt the oldest per- | On Sunday afternoon Mrs. James 3 . » ' 3 , . ket. N ri MAXOTI RES, Kingston Transfer Co vous hock we would reeomgend our | gether with their contents, excepting son in Wellington, celebrated her Rigney was the special speaker at = gy ABEaa ane -- R Be ®| Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, t:achinery and live stock, Dinety-sixth birthday on Feb. 27th. | meeting of the - Catholic Women's | 5 AX0TIRE & R ER CO. 183 WELLING oN SaaaaL. : ong st Tomed; to lone up the | 2 (Friends and relatives called ta offer | League in the Notre Dame convent A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ongarso Street. Phone: 200. Pcs > system and strength. { congyytulations, and the old lady was | hal), She spoke on the life of Sir | en the weakened organs. Miibvra's Gave Heaped Measure, aa : | Heart and Nerve Pills are the origi-| mMpipity church Napanee, at the | feeling Jartieniany good. She is re- [ Thomas More and revealed rare gifts | RA W WINNETT nal heart and nerve food, having been anniversary services on Sunday and | Marksbly smart pirysically, as she Is jo inence. She held her sudience | . ole fon the market for the past 27 vears. | Monday, asked a contribution of | 3D to read ordinary print without spell-bound for fully an hour, and | F R } : DENTAL SURGEON | Price, 50c. a box at all dealers, Of | 1 $00 fr the members of the | the aid of glasses, and she occasion: | the members feel justly ppoud to {fll - Gi oi Mmalled direct on receipt of price by} ¥ +VUL hon ptnibations on Sun- |2lly visits her neighbor, | think that they havesin their midst | 0., Limited, Toronto, | ¢RUrd's Shwe cont: . -- 80 talented & member. A hearty | Beautiful Brick Bungalow, 7 rooms, electric lights, gas, 3- Corner of Johnson and Wellington | the T. Milburn C | y Ont. {day totelled about $100. dver the . pblece bath, hot water heating, hardwood floor throughout, draw- Streets Phone 363 | Ont Officers Were Elected, | vote of thanks was moved by Miss | ing room has large open firs place; beam BIE fine cellar ~~ om aa | mount asked for, : At 'the annual meeting of the | K. Corrigan and seconded by Miss A. [ With stationary wash tubs, with hot 'and cold water. Lot 50 x 130; r lawn surrounded by hedge; in rear, cherry, apple, pear trees and ey Ladies' Auxili@ry of the Hotel Dieu Doolan.. Miss A. Ronan, president a . G ( 3 A er Moving, ' | small fruit bushes. In finest residential rt of city, No informa- PIAN TUNING Tr a ey lug, his farm | Hospital, the following officers were | of the league, occupied the chair and | tion given over phone. Please call at office, ¥ * : Py were Dr. Waugh a0 Jouning Jud Repairing, {in tho township of Wolford to Mal- |©lected: President, Mrs F. J. 0'Con- | introduced Mrs, Rigney. dl { Also Orgen Work, a : 4 i. |mor; first vice-president, Mrs. J. Sow- -- : All work gunranteed. | vin Munro, Merrickville. Mr, Gardi- Chak pre » -- . {ner and his family will move to the | ands; second = vice-pres{dent, Mrs. Diocesan Board of WA. ! : . . Dentist °, H- PETER D. BROWN Melville: ia] =e rn Miss N.| m1 thi in i " >, igh y 3 r ville here | Melville; financial secretary' ss N, | 'e monthly meeting of the dio- | 4 12 Markiang 81. Phone 2307m, | neighborhood of Bredkville, where treasurer, Mrs, Sarah Hart- |cesan board of the Women's Auxil- | 237 Bagot Street 'Phories 704 or 1461w | | ws bought A twehty-ncra truck | Kirke; ' ] 106 Wellington St. Phone 256 [Se 280 Lows engage {n the vage- |Tuan; corresponding secretary, Miss | tary was held in St. George's Hall on | | tas 1 : 2 Ve Ee at-- 4 4 P 0 a | Madeline O'Connor, | Monday with the officers of the | = |. ONE 20 2 ii : [ire Sal Sheqnimives presen [ { » e o age Transfer- NE Ss a y s C . ve J : | Ting with motor truck or horse drawing Dejourdan-Stewart Wedding, The Diieery Uliosen of lie | otto Ny SPY were sent to ove S épairs Vehicles. Motor Cars ana Livery of A pretty home wedding occurred At the inaugural De g x Is rs. P, uyck, superintendent of [ atY Kind tn connection. Saddle Horses|at the residence of Mrs. Matilda De- | Deseronto public school board, ¢ © | St. James' juniors, on the sad death Seales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, | a specialty. Pre-war prices, Jourdan, Cape Vincent, N.Y., when [following officers were elected: bi her young daughter, and to Mrs, Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc, ; 5M ~owws | Chairman, C. H. Sager; 7 secretary. | H. W. Kelly, Napanee, on the death We do repair work right and guar. FINKLE & CO. Many Women Need treasurer, C. H. Froste; chairmen of (of her husband. Antee satisfaction, 130 Clarence Street. Kingston, Ont. finance, B, L. Detlor, C. BE. Argue The date of the annual meeting to Better Blood Was appointed to the High School | be held this year in Napanee is fixed : 197 Wellington Street, : ~ \ B U I L D ING P| They Lack Vitality and Color, |Board, and W. J. MeMicking to the for the 23rd, 24th and 25th of May, tr ® It is a fact proved by thousands |Public Library Board, Splendid reports 'were read from the REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? of grateful letters that Hood's Sar- ese country branches, The lantern slides, Estimates given by saparilla is remarkably 'beneficial to Finding's Keépin', showing the work being done in the women, whose most common ail- The little folks sa: , y but. an adult | mission fleld, for the use of the Jun- WA ] ] S | 0. Aykroyd & Son Menta drain and weaken the system who loses sbinething whether it is a | for branches are a great success and 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. nervousness, general break-down, |mesh bag, a bull RUD, a bunch of [have been shown dn several of the People's Te in Women overworked by family due keys, or a bank book should adver- parishes of the diocese being uséd in : ties or overtaskéd socially, find their [tise his loss quickly. Finders read St. George's hall on Thursday last at @- [the Lost and Found columns and if the weekly Lenten lantern service for . : 2 nerves all unstrung, faces pale, a Florist ) DR. S. E¢ PORTER tite poor, sleep unrefreshing. you are there--telling of your loss-- children, 177 Wellington. street, Hood's Sarsaparilla gives the blood the finder will find yeu and your pro- Fresh flowers and plants daily ) Comer Alfred and Johnson Streets } | more vitality and better color, makes perty will be restored a 2 : Funeral designs, and wedding AS Phone 1072F, stronger nerves, and contributes to » - : quets to order. Phone 17 ee the enjayment of life, - : He. pou FEES = - It embodies a long-tried and found- No Word of Sentence, MA ; Res., 1187, ---------- | true formula for reliet of the pale, | Justice Riddell, who presided at nervous and dyspeptic. the sitting of the high court when A 0 : ' . the Upton brothers pleaded guilty to aA BROCK STREET, Deve 0 HOW TO BEAUTIFY the charge of manslaughter, had not tf loping and YOUR COMPLEXION £x, coeocs, vs wt Weare | igh, \ TARR, : P mis Film Justice Riddell has been very busy or rinting S Pretty Sits very whee Pik hd that he will not make any announcé- o < ; Wafers is Your One Sure Way oan tt oe Bryan 0g t-didpos. ur work is done by experi- Get a box to-day of Stiart's Cal- enced help, in glossy finish, ciufa Wafers and in a few hours you and our customers are always [|| WOR't Question why they are the Mrs, Pansy G. Davis, aged thirty- pleased. Don't have' your snaps : seven, wite of Anson R. Davis, Cape | - spoiled by amateur work. 1 fo Vincent, *N.Y., died on Monday fol- quality counts to you,\just leave Bh lowing an illness of several months your next film with-- ; Be due to a complication of diseases. . ; . { ™ y Sh mative of Cape Vincent, a B | M R McColl ey } : ay the oe Mr. and Mrs, lue-jay s 2% : ; : 'Thomas Holland. ' She was married to your druggist Prescription Druggist. 2% seven years ego. Mrs, Davis was an Stops Pain Instantly agtive member of the Methodist The simplest way to end a corn is 'MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW Episcopal church and treasurer of the Sunday school. stanly. They the corn ocacna aay [| MODELS -- BEST VALUES AA Ag is 3 comes out. Made in two formi Died of Pnevmonia, colorless, clear liquid (one drop does pr Mrs. William Cardiff, whose maid- | jt!) and in extra thin plasters. Use : uc 3 t wideh a gq [én name was Mary Jane Porteous, whichever form You prefer, plasters $25 00 28 00 est known, most widely used an ome or the liquid--the actio " most successful complexion beauti- lied on Saturday lat, at the & of Safe, gentle. Made in a world-famed . 9 " her brother, Mrs. Thomas Porteous, 1 : fler ever found. They clear your 'Carleton Place, of pneumonia, after| laboratory. Sold by all druggists. blood, they remove the sluggish im-|© » , |. Free: Write & 213 est SES TIRE pled | @35 00, $38.00 ; x . pimples, boils, rash, blotches, black- [®Xty-five years of age, had been heads, muddiness and such blemish. [thrice married, and is survived by AAA AAA AAA AA ee es. The calcium itself is the greatest [her last husband. A week prior to skin influence known. It causes the (her death she had the misfortune to DR. BELL'S SHA G : Choicest quality of Scranton We have just received a large skin to wake up, it begins its work bave a fall, thet shook her up comn- Ya oREAM i WE D DEI A 'S Sous, No other kind. sold by, assortment of at once, you observe the results and siderably, but she was iil at the time || Brushes up quickly; creamy lather . in a few days there is absolutely n0|an4 iq mot know it, and retains_jts moisture question as to the wonderful action . y 3 "Grove BooTH . oo. 183 RENNIE'S, FERRY and- of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. Get a : 800 shaves comses...85¢ a tube > 131 Princess St. A 60 cent box to-day at any drug store, . : " a STEELE BRIGGS They are truly a complexion marve: | , Entertained the Ova, (One door below Randolph Hotel)' Gard fourth class tn the Robert Meek | ~~~ hand Flower Sebds For Raw Sore Throat [iis Jo to ¢ the older girls Why Buy your Seeds now from:-- t , ; ; : At the first of a raw; sore [from the O - Home on' Friday . FOR RENT throat rub on & Hite Musteeie pues afternoon, A pure ot. Peiday . . i : : ; . " your fingers. - through the school from the well-ap- F * Good seven room dwelling-- | pointed basement to the roof where I 8s | > moderate rent. Possession on. || I - H Cockburn & Co. tingle, congestion, draws an excellent view is obtained. Then EY en [a ' i Pri and' Wella all gathered in the euditortum and Whe Pyramid Pile {) oll April 1922. . ncess an ngton Sts. s ho ointment |gufter an interesting account of a Bring Such Blessed Tne y wonderful 10 sass pain, i J 4 Phone 216. old-fashioned visit to Scotland by Miss Basson and ar Sti Pyramid Pile Suppositories W. H. GODWIN #& SON . x blister, i The girls 4 ve t relieve itching, err, | on SEE SFesen =! Bw out Liven miovns| WE ===: OO | Tobe Cis Now taint [|] Xe mes. aie to he stave io ph the company With For a number of years Pure Linen Da- 3 ek rae It your hair Is falling out. Jong discovered mask was very hard to procure and many 3 4 § J r ED #5 ia y color, dry, wispy and difficult to ar- : > 3 | gow MARCHE GROCERY ire, Bue Somperenieat: Intige Ql color. dry. wispy a To eult ia ar- : women had to use a substitute, which was ; Ring hy S-arise . Parisian sage, The first application ndi : ' : . very unsatisfactory, Re Suffer ------ color. One year price Now SELLING pon a. removes all dandruff and makes the rr Wobng 0 hair and scalp look: and feel 100% |g; ; : : : : Tua. S01a one sear ago tor 800. ll] Beristin sacs supplies ail" Bate in A . We are now showing all Pure Linen NOW SELLING srereetee 83500 Bl) needs, It contains the exact ele- re m-- " : Tab) D k in Bl ched dU bl - ments nebdod to make able Damask in Blea and Unbleached com and mien vs ors J] ure ; : from $1.50 a yard up. Very attractive de. signs. Also pure linen pattern Cloths in all sizes at moderate Prices; : al Be rh |@ W. N. Linton & Co. ea Py Nr Phono 191, Thé Waldron Store, 4