' fn ~ ¥ ¢ ¢ Daily British Whig = EN TO-DAY ALBURTUS "THE MIRACLE MAN? % - -- LAST EDITION -- DIES AGED 100 YEARS. -------------- FARMS IN NEW ONTARIO Mr. Murray's Conclusions, The Mirray-Flood conclusions may be divided into two parts: those con- demnatory of Hydro specifically, and those which seek to discredit public ownership in general, With regard to Hydro, the report says that American companies in the Niagara district are supplemented by steam power far more than are those on the Canadian side, but that in spite of this increased cost for the benefit of . The report fs most expensively | the consumers and the public gener- Prepared consisting as it does of 224 | ally, power is being furnished at a _ printed pages, including 41 color lower cost on the American side than plates a diagrams. It covers in- vestigations between August 22n¢, 1921, and February 10th, 1923. rn Homesteaders Provided for 300 Be. tween Port Arthur and Manitoba, Port Arthur, Ont,, March 10. -- \ When a Farmer Sells His All to Pay an O. T, A. , Fine. 'ectric utilities in the United States and since my analysis of the 'situa Lid in Canada, I cannot do wo ~ there." Mr. Murray contends as follows: #in order to be superior in kind to . Migs] rae Davy, one Bf ne daugh- : Sat that supplied by the privately-owned | t°T. Who survive, is fee ng rather ~ Hydro Gaye Free Hand, electric utilities of the United States, | POOTIY. The death is very sad in « How Murray came to get his in- power supplied in Ontario from the view of the fact that one of the formation about the Hydro, he telis governmentally-owned and controi- | 5iTlS, Miss Bthel, is a missionary in "Quite frankly. He went to Sir Adam ed system, in associate relationship Africa, and the news of the death of Beck and Engineer Gaby, with whom with the Hydro-Eleottic Power Com- | ler father and brother was cabled to Be had been associated, and inform- {1 ston. must be more adequate, | Per: /8d them of his retainer from the Na- more reHable and cheaper, The facts | ~ Th08e surviving "ars the widow, L -tlonal Electric Light Association. He slow, however, that the eleotric util |.tWO 5008S, Bert at Verona, Barney. at #ald he was going to collect the com- ities of the States hold more power | 10°, and six daughters, Ethel, in Seattle, March 10.--Johnny O'Leary, former Canadian cham- pion Mghtweight boxer, was shot and killed this morning by BE. Frank Leslie, ship worker, who later surrendered to the police, YEAR 89; No 58, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1922, 8 v rin - . : | 9 (All Non-Medical Cults CASE IS HALTED FOR | | . R { Will Be Investigated PUSSY AND HER BROOD P | ay | 1 | tions calling upon the association to [investigate chiropractors, Christian | : | faiths. The resolutions asked that al 3 i magistrate's court was adjourned 3 king bo That By Expert Murray Who Was Engaged By Hydro And To {ons made a 'thorough investi- As Viceroy of India--Gandh yesterday until such time as seven In ge Sart Sei Jo, Eilon lad . A i " . 0 {gation and report next week to the x { $x - ronto----Declares Quebec Province And United States v Is To Be Arrest- TROD arr eclares Hon. Howar gisiature Whiskey Party, , The resolutions was introduced by The case was against Max Schwar- Dr. Walter L. Bierrinxg af ves 8 : ; i 10.--Removal of [Which the teiement house inspector Sarnia, March 10.--Speaking for | 'Toronto March © 1¢.--A personal Toronto, March 10.--Engiucer | & AAA EERE EE XR Ir B. A. Strickle Ps London, Mareh said he had refused to repair holes = " 2 : (Pr. B. A. ckler, of Denver, Col,, Le: { s vice: of India, it ad refuse Di the Conservative party in the legis- [statement was made by Attorneys William' 8. Murray and his partuer, |# ! *|who discussed the nonmedical so: |0r8 Reading & Toy ot J orneys_/ i court he had plugged the holes, but hi f f the aft ession, tiiis afternoon in regard t- he *} hi uds . TO S 3 2 the final denounceinent of the pub- A sey the ppening of the afternoon se o ta OR In regard to the "las hitmental tedort Wi NE ante Ss Ad : TO SIR ADAM BECK 3 lication of the Indian government's |2PON hearing '"'mee-ows" tore them yesterday of the Orange convention, | n'ght party." * ; her brood smuggled In the partition. |, . > I ap : ------ which to base this belief, but it is » his face against any change in the highest court in Ontario, and not Ownership, and declares that power | not the most powerful of per : Fuux Perrin Had Lived in Pem- |. improbabld as a sequel to the vir. Pussy wouldn't budge, he said, Separate School Act, no matter what only the custodian of its own honor, joe nL the Hnlicd Suates, than 3 A nan: 9 lag Hast isizepid + Ps & oke, March 10.--The fuh- as secretary for India, the kittens out before their eyes (po party would oppose, with all its | the members. The offence-- if there by the Hydro in Ontar courage of conviction, who has 3 eral took place yesterday of the late opened. power, the severing of the tie to the | was one--wvas at a time when every Average cost of power delivered to (+ remarkable for its physical uni- late Mr. Perrin had lived in Pem. London, March 10.--The Earl ot |Trenton Ratepayers the privy council provided. When | place. : congpmers in Toronto from the local [4 quences gs for the administra- [broke for about 50 years. He leaves a tat The i i . Hydro-electric power system was 20 [4 tion associated. with it | ; ig ° | Derby, former secretary for war, has [ Will Vote on Bonus | the Conservative 'lea er was intro- © information in itsel? was not 5 . the " » 2 at Si oe | 5 rhic ; -- Der cent. greater than that to the | I am confident that Sir Adam Jers, one fuveral, Which ee 3 India in succession to Edwin S. Trenton, March 10.L The rate-| The whole assembly rising to its | der the O.T.A. He reported the mat- |large one, too ace from © resi- A a Ereater than to the people of Buf-|4 dro Power Commission is pro- % | denve of his son yh Perrin 522 Hopp, ry ual ergs, 1 1zi h Ee oh ey Sscompunlen a Fr oe aL: no ni ne ind 3 i v s | . rer y C "upon a by-law authoriz ng the cor- ! 10do. The increase in the average (4 ducing power which is the most * | Miller street, to -the St. John the tary lobbies today. In the event Of | noration Lo raise the sum of $16,000 "It 1s a. pleasure for me to get a | minister implicated. Mr. Raney had 3 ' day off to get away from the foul I not conceived it to be his duty to ley, which was brought about by the | worlq. [Roman Catholic cemetery. Sy, ned of 0) ey y 8 y y Increase in cost of labor and mater- | 4 "In no man can there exist a + | Devonshire is men 3 Y | Mills Company, with headquarters in : appointee. Toronto, to locate a plant in Tren- | said the captain, "to get a breath of would have been against parliamen- fur Montreal, 27 per cent. for Buf-|# purpose than in Sir Adam , fresh air in this Orangé crowd. tary practice. falo, and 44 per cent. for Toronto, |g Beck," & « Are Seriously Gassed To Arrest Gandhi, [freq site, exemption trom municipal ug - 1 J 4 Delhi, India, March 10.--The EOV- {rates and taxes for a period of ten "You know that thefe has "been Casselman, the U.F.0. member for . . In Dual Capacity, # Adam.Beck, has never. failed to #| .Montreal, March 10.--Ten. per- 5, Murray is an American engineer | # register with me thé integrity % sons were seriously gassed early Brfeet Mexsndak Solin; Bodeoup. in their proposed agreement with:the | in foree Suck day; ey ragu nT nat the frm ot Maguire aug . eration eader, © 0 town of Trenton. son, strike 0 n, c ayor Maguire ig Hydro and who acted as ons of its |#% purpose of the commission, 4 |in the basement of a tenement house Sierts In the Sutirland radial {4 namely, service to the people." #|at 582 St. Dominique street. The |City. upon a by-law to grant the Tren- [very basis of that citizenship in |miums by the Ontarto Hydro Com. ton Hardware Flooring Company | this country, because, as you know, mission last year to the amount of experts in the T. 8 R arbitration, PEPE HPP P2249 2 5) Where it was reported that they were He conducted. the super power eur. not in any immediate danger. Belgrade, March 10.--Foreign 4 provide for a free site, and also [shapes all our institutions. My own | as any other firm received. The States. The facts As bled d rn. Minister Ninchitch informed parlia- a fixed assement for a period of | view is that the only way to breed Royal Insurance Company, of which S DS, e facts ssembled . an ment on the Atlantic seaboard be- ; POI mrnrds at 5 years. P tween Boston and Washington, of Nekr conclurrent conclusion answer, FA ed assurance from the Italian gov- The vote on this by-law will he|is by one system of public schools, $7,815.61 direct. ] ernment of an energetic and prompt taken on the same Aste. The compromise that the exigen-| Hon R. H. Grant, answering Mr. Beck He adds that the Hydro commis- settlement of the Flume incident . sion plan.only cams into existence in ae cessitate dn the early days of the|the whale amount of legislative fled with public ownership bodies in # " . . Canada rin 10/6 borne ep all iy latory public service commission in WIFE AND BABE for this country, in Mr. Ferguson's rural public schools was $1,610,289 ' : Ontario, on the order gf those oper- evacuation of the third zone of Dal- opinion. "And it is unique in this and to rural separate schools $1365, @r from the National Electric Light commission was created. Frank Da A dR bert Vi vy And Ko Ic- the Zionist tion which ig controlled by privaiely- Scores the Zionis "We wil a the lett ¢ owned concerns, Julian C, Smith of We: will stand to the letter o Company of Montreal is president of Ver ona. mag Mr Fsfguoon Joctred, in the Canadian division. And as to hie Fink Div . {ding | View today, Right Rev, Maximos we intend to see at the same time : > i ge Ta Dav. Jarmer vesiding Saigh, Roman Catholic' archbishop Bairspring." With a record of 300 homesteads T. Murray confesses in the fol ow- * taken up last year in the arable | | Ing terms: "I have never subscrib- So Rover ed Bie yuars, movement in Palestine, and predict- a fateh : on Thu as-a resu ife now in hospital sufferin M ed that bloodshed, massacres and [the wife now Pp g LARY IN ASE Railways between Port Arthur apd 2 YeIy Severe attack of pneumonia. revolutions will occur in Palestine | from exhaustion and the children re-| CFFOSES SA ¥ INCREASES ihe ey iy. uy A Same Tt ic est Davy Jed ish protection are allowed to re- {of Noshing, a how Sevsiopment 2 Resigns Over Move. Western New Ontario is at last com. ray |T4IR in power, : arisen in the case of John Ceddar, Hamilton, March 10.--When the [ing into its own with respect to agri about twel o'clock night; , Rn i -- z Be ) 1 Geddes a in 3 Mew: Dn e y o ies ang & ua nicer Jor the increase in the minimum stip-Yent of the C.N.R. reserves departe ; : er ving 4 Smal am it the | "NaS of ministers from $1,600 to $1 . ment, Winnipeg, stated. direction of the Hydro commission. were be 1 : now appears he had to sell his cattle presbytery, résigned his position. lo raise the money and stay out of | Presb Mr. Pitcher objected to the WIFE F ¥ CER Suted Wan; that fig shatk Jatkay Jue burden to the rural parishes. : ale necessities o : : The reverend gentleman told of She Sues For Divorce--Hug«* dar and his wife would sit crying in crease the burdens of the tillers of -- the shack while the hungry children the soil in any way. | ¢ | Chicago, March 10.---The conereea | 4 {Court Agrees. It Would Be < i [of the American Medical Association | 4 1" Cruel to Eject Them from | ' 9 jon medical licensure adopted resolu- | J { { Wall. : [Science and all nonmedical eul-s ang | New York, March 10.--A' case in | new-born kittens grow old enough to association. . onli ' Ran Power Supplied Cheaper. > ed. zer, owner of a Bowery 'building of Ferguson. Says ey. Moines, Ia., and follows a spe2e¢lx by in the wall. The defendant told tha > | Gus 'ho Henry Flood, jr., have issued a mo- ([¢# MURRAY'S BOUQUETS + | cieties 2nd ballet, is believed in some quarters will be lature, Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, at | General Raney in 15. legislature ~~ open again and discovered a cat with ; H belittles Hydro, denounces public [4 "One of the most powerful it note. There is nothing tangible on | sald that he had determiffed to sot | © sald that the legislature Is the 18 supplied on better terms in Que- [4 Sonalities fn Canada." broke for Fifty Years. tual dismissal of Edwin S. Montagu (21d he felt it would be cruel to drag Is fate might-be. At the same time {but has complete jurisdiction over During 1920, states the report, the | 4 'reared a structure in Canada as Felix Perrin, aged 100 years. The Derby or Devonshire? mother country that the appeals-to | member's duty was 'to be in his * (a family of six sons and two daugh-{},00," offered the secretaryship for duced he was greeted with cheers. [sufficient to secure a conviction un- People of Montreal, and 25 per cent. [4 believes absolutely that the Hy- +4 ) payers are to vote on March 27th n Joseph Thompson. investigated it 'and found no cabiret tost of electricity in the several cit- * reliabzle, and cheapest in the ~ ty pes {Baptist Church, and thence to the Lord Derby's refusal, the Duke 9 1to assist the Dominion Combing smell down there in the assembly," start a police inevstigation, as ft ia since 1917, has been 35 ber cent. (gogreater honesty of mind and + | : MRL Montreal People ton. The company is asking for a Laughter greeted this Y. In answer to an inquiry by W. H.* "Th i icer, 8 . * at splendid officer, Sir 4 ernment has definitely decided to years, and for other benefits set out [an agitation going on and growing Dundas, the legislature was told to- whe has twice been retained by the f hi ind, his ty. ¢ ha this morning when a pi e exploded i . y 3 of bis mind, his qu 3,804 1 + pip P . two hundred miles south-west of this Trenton ratepayers will also vote |our citizenship. It would alter thea member, was paid insurance pre- robe. He is also one of Toronto's | ¢ lvictims were rushed to hospital OE # * P To Settle Fiume Incident. with head office at Trenton, $3,509 | education is the basic fact that ($31,067.71 more than twice as much ve; r the United tata rn- 5 y fo 8 8 govern ment yesterday that he had receiv- andj develop a . patriotic citizenship | the mayor is. agent, also received hich his partner wa ral n NO c er 8 secrelary-en- pa y 4 ; ; 2 cies of the situation seemed to ne- Cook, stated in the legislature that whicvh would, involve also the e- op But while Murray has been ideuti- Canada because there was no regu- DIE SAME DAY finite and complete execution of the province was an unfortunate thing | grants pa r the year 1921 to : . treaty of Rapallo, including the Bis new report is made on a retain- ating in the States, when the Hydro matia by Italy, iy. respect that there is no jther coun- | g27. ssociatio f A i - HAVE T0 STARVE = that has such a system of edu- 4 3% America, an associa S---- . . { cation in the world." tims of Pneumonia At Movement In Palestine he latter ¢ ' the Shawinigan Water and Power . me our bond the agreement having been Windsor, March 10,--In an inter- Past attitude upon public ownership, h ! 4 i that our rights are not invaded one near the village of Verona, 'and his of Tyre, Syria, scored' the Zionist Ss Fort William, March 10.--With x areas along the Canadian National od to governmental ownership pf e!- oh, Were taken down with the dis- as long as the Zionists under Brit. ceiving help from the municipality Moderator of Hamilton Presbytery | strong indications that this part of lock and the. father passed away Poor farmer, arrested by the Mount- Hamilton presbytery approved of culture, John Wardrope, general Age Sunday, called Dre. I, G, Bogart an 4 upon the Canadffin side under the LW. hum but" both igen Is Kill mash in Bie nvkuools shack 48 the '800, adopted by the Gudea} Assemb- ? SODVR ' bi! Sho And ed ; ly recently,"Rev. C. B. Pitcher, On-| o t child, and fined $300 and costs. It elda, moderator of /the Hamilton MILLIONAIRE DISCARDS mL t th Cedd 2 approval of the increase on the 8 @ man Ceddar was a perse. grounds that it would be a financial drén were clad in old bits of sacking conditions In the rural sections and . in lieu of proper clothing; that Ced- 324 time not opportune to in. band Won Decree in Pennsylvania. sobbed together; that the children New York, March 1V.--The ages 'plete facts of situations in Canada |, v . and the States under private and oe ay i) ore irl public ownership and be governed hy token, they can claim a greater reli- them. "Sir Adam," he sald, "advised ability of supply and that the. supply « Mme that he would place at my dispos- is cheaper to the consumer." 81 the commigsion's books and all The report further asserts that tabi data in thelr hands to as-|,, Tio Tepon the fiscal year 1920 sist in this undertaking. That he has only twenty-three per cent, of the made good on this promise may be total power plant capacity operated gleaned from the information pre- by the Hydro-Electric Power Com: » Sented in this report." Murray ex- mission was constructed by the com- Plains this willingness to give infor- mission, tlie remainder representing Gabe Oh. the ground that Beck ana | {ieHOn and risk of private inves- Africa; Mrs. Stuart Snider, Odessa; Mrs. Gordon, Sharbot Lake; Nettie, Irene and Ruth, at home, The funeral takes place to the Free Methodist church and the ser- vice will be conducted by Rev, H. Crowder, * SHIMMY-SHAKING DEVIL OF TO-DAY HE "PASSES THE BUCK" TO QUEBEC LIBERALS British Columbia Premier to did not know what toys were; these were statements submitted in a let- ter by Willlam Ferguson, a neighbor of Ceddar, at Jarvis Creek, to the Times-Journal. The letter was sent Let Them Fight Liquor Tax Issue. Vancouver, March, -10.--Premier Oliver has decided not to further pro- test to the dominion government re- garding the federal taxation on li- quor. He believes that Quebec, with out, before publication, to represen- tative farmers of the district who knew the man, .and they endorsed the statements. The matter was then placed in the township's hands for relief purposes. That was on the day Mrs Ceddar and her new-born babe were brought into Fort William ing bec Quebec, March 10.--~Second read- L. A. Taschereau's marriages, baptisms and rites « bur- ial in the cases of non- men. Recent investigation of obscure Hard legislation showed performed in the province of Que- | ident Parnham was an eighteen-doliaps a-week Louise Harding, a Canadian girl, 20 technically *"'valid." --_ Quebec Legalize Marriages. Was given 'in the house to Hon bill, legalizing | cess itish clergy- | divor. that marriages | John by non-British clergy wefe not -------------------- old story of the wife beloved through adversity and struggle, but discard ed for some younger and rucre ape pealing woman when wealth and sane have altered man's tastes and proclivities, is told once mou in tha ce suit which , Mrs. Louise ing Parnham has begun zgaunst H.-Parnham, millircaire pres. of the Milton plano company. clerk when he niarried Gaby believe that Hydro service is tors and acquired from those inves. on a sleigh and placed jin McKellar : best anywhere and were 'corifid- 'ent that he would so report. He says: Jor by the omission. = The report "They. the made | States at in acquiring ownership } Ag rtat faots of "tho of §, intangibles such as franchise Ruown in | when Bagt _ {rights and good-will were included ; Xe Met would be Gey that Amgen in the purchase price. This intangi- id ble cost, therefore, being represented as by the Hydro was " , Cheapo in power "at cost,' 'such 'intangibles t fall years ago. Through long yerrs of Shunghal Welcomes Joltee, 1a. | Want and struggle, she stood by him Shanghai, March 10.--Th resid- and together they raised a daughter, ------ buck to them. Quebec and British ents of the French and other foreign fldred, now eighteen. The vi Famous Reformer. settlements of Shanghal, joined by | wd a oy eighteen. -- ' ravine : Columb th only province H Ids > : olumbia are e only t Practically interested in the removal 0 esigna on the Chiness people, united y28lerdas font in the plano manufacturing nome methods must be used In fighting the | Of the federal tax, which amounts to Of L: d G ) ? anaiag «. \remendous wiicous wo pany of which he later beac pregis loyd G.orge? ase wil re | BY 1922 model, shimmy-shaking devil. | fifteen dollars on each case of Ii- rh will You can't combat dr or toa, quor. an Suitgaal three Saye, Biting Mrs. Parnham and her daughter Satan, who shakes a wicked knee on | It iS Announced that prices of oF ¢ 5 id devin red "7 {went to visit relatives in Canada in the dance floor with the weapons our | Dard liquor sold by government aboard the mer Silver a, 1920 and while there, she raceived a grandfathers used against the otd-|Stores in British Columbia, are to Be message from her husband to meet fashioned brimestone-breathing Me- | reduced by about thirty per cent., fr- him in the Iroquois hotel, Buale, phisto. : respective of whether the tax is re- She did so and learned tha. Parnham Ths Is the answer of Dr. John [Moved Or mot. 'An arrangement has had decided they should live apart. Roach Straton, famous, reformer, ts [8150 been reached with the brewers They had been married 18 years but Dr. Robert Stuart MacArthur, who |%0-Provide a five to seven per cent. Parnbam told his wife her temparne quit Calvary Baptist church----which [Deer at a reduced figure, Probably ment and idlosyncracles had grown he founded---because * he 'eouldn't | $1.60 per dozen pints, instead of $2 upon him until he decided he could iStand Straton's sensational style. Dr, |28 at present no longer stand the strain. It weald Straton will preach next Sunday on y be better, he thougt, If thes jived the subject of Dr. MacArthur's re- apart, at Jeast for & while. ' He would. provide generouiiy for signation from the church. . her, he said, and placed at her dise | "No longer does the devil woggle a wicked forked tail, but now he J posal their handsome country home at Stoney Creek, Conn., with an in- mend itself as applicable in the ig HUSBAND AND WIFE. shakes a shimmying shoulder," Stra- : : : § | ton declared. "The devil of today is come of $3,000 a year for her dau 28 ® - . : | id Songer Le oid; brash devi) of ghter. He strenuously denied thre : | . ¥ was any other woman in the case rayed himself Jie an angel ob light, There was a stormy scene at 'he its solid sixty-five members, may ; Must Be Combatted With Dif- 5 *1id Initiative at Ottawa on this | hospital. ferent Weapons, Says a Question, so he proposes to pass the "New York, March 10.--Mederr. . to any elsewhere. also necessarity 'would be included ya igor id oar ohat.1 in the cost of any governuuental plan : where they may' and they met | °F lke characteristics which might 5 as one, dn this spirit of fair play. in future he inaugurated in the Uni- } are impersonal things. Some. | 'd States. i they hurt, but no school pro- (Continued on Page 15.) re teachers such as they. This RRR : Tt cannot and does not intend to 2 the glory of Hydro's achieve- 3 ts. Hydro replaced certain un- \ private electric utilities 0se operations were far inferior 10 ft. The principal problem was to') whether' there was any- : in the Ontario plan to com- London, March 10.--The Sat- urday Review states that Pre- mier Lloyd George has virtu- ally resigned, and that Austen Chamberlain, government lead- er in the House of Commons, has, the prime minister's resig- on in his pocket and with Power to use it when the op- DORtunity presents itself. Ss... MAJOR WILLIAMSON DEAD. Veteran Militiaman and Member of , Teams, Beveral Bisley Lindsay, March 10,--When M J A. Williamson passed away Lindsay lost one of its best-known business men. For forty years the deccased He dresses in latest fashion; is a bunny hug." , Nor does the new devil care where he goes, invStraton's belief, for, he says: "The' devil often sits in the seats of theologians, and sometimes an advocate of jazz and a regular at- * Jtendant at moveis and theatre," past master in bridge, whist and the : enters the pulpit. The 1922 devil mf had conducted a harness shop in town. He was always active in mil tary matters, rising from the rank of private to that.eof major in the 45th Victoria Regiment. He twice won prizes with the Bisley team in England, and was a member of the Council of the Ontario Rifle Associa- tion. «+ For years he had been vice- presideitt of the Lindsay Fair, and Iroquois, but finaly Mrs. Parnlar would not live at Stoney Creek ex cept as a summer residence. She is living now in Brooklyn with her dau- ghter. About a year ago, she received through the mails an elaborately en graved card announcing the marr age of Mrs. Blanche Miller to John consented to the plan, but said ne h Supreme efforts of the new devil, [81s chalgman of the " ; according to Dr. Straton's analysts, © |Health, in . P& _ (are: To undermine the virtue of women; to destroy masculine honor, Makes Payment on Reparations, r or dence in Lancaster and obtained a : Paris, March 10.---The German « to wreck the marriage vow; to ' y Pennsylvania divorce on grounas -- ----h how ihre whe church; and to. over. | parations Commission sha od Re-| BNGLAND+S NEw 10RD CHIEF JUS: per,' S8 EFFIR BENTHAL ~ |!hfow the old-tashioned home. parations Commission that ft had ay nl is of Tne Aas Just arrived on his side| "These things are the 1932 model placed on deposit G. s sixth Sonn owar, woul spur] Tho Sebond M aan ov 3 he ae Barnardo rohit 33 head of | devil, and these are some of. hfs ten-day. reparstions 'payment, am- mansion in the milliongires' colony land. ae, works, Straton « . jounting to 31,000,000 gold marks, Fleet], Manhasset, L.1I. gi H. Parnham at Lancaster, Pa. Ms. am learned that Her taken up a legal resi-