i " . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG . ee FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1029, | THE COUGH 'FOR CHOICE \ MEATS and FIRST QUALITY - WESTERN BEEF TRY B. V. McGeein PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 : 282 For moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS and CARTAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 377, Evenings 2231. 153 WELLINGTON STREET DRAW. WINNETT Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 363 Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. Phone 256 > R . Scaled, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete, We do repair work right and glare antee satisfaction. 197 Wellington 'Street. WATTS People's * Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. 3 . WITH THAT Tickling Sensation A little tickling in the throat; now. {and then a dry, hacking cough; yon i think it is not bad enough to bother | about, but every hack.makes a breach {in the System, strains the lungs and | Prepares the way for,more serious | troubla, 5 {| Mow many people { 800d night's rang by that nasty, tick- | ling, irritating sensation .in the {throat? The dry, harsh c ough keeps {$04 awake, and when you get up-in | the morning you feel as if you had [had no rest at~al) | DK. WOOD'S. | | have lost ga 2 NORWAY PINE SYRUP 118 just the rauiedy you require to $t0p that irritating' tickling coggh vn account of its Svorhing, healing and 8Xpectorant properties. Mra. p. Johnson, Port Alberni, B C., writes: --; have suffered for Years, off and on, with a "tickling cough. I could not sleep nights and had to sit up in bed to get relief, in frct, 1 coughed so | used to vomit. 1 ried diffefent doctors' prescriptions until 1 heard of Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, I tried it and found Ereat relief after I had taken the first bottle and have not been troubled since. [I shall always keep it in the house." : Be sure and get when you ask for it. 60c. a bottle; PT. Milburn Co. nt. "Dr. Wood's" Price 35¢. and put up only by. The » Lifted, Toronto, INA PIANO TUNING Plang Tuning and Repairing, Also Organ Work, : All work guaranteed. PETER D, BROWN 12 Markland St. Phone 2397m, -------- HE racking, agonizing rheumatic ache is quickly relieve by an ap. plication of Sloan's Liniment, A For forty years, folks aij ment the world have found' Sioan's to be the natural enemy of pains and aches, It pencirates withous ing. You can just tell by its healthy, Simiating odor that it is going to Keep Sloan's handy for neuralgia, Sciatica, lame back, stiff joints, sore i a Stains and sprains, / ru ges I no . TA For Furniture or Ba ring with miotor truck vehicles, any kind in connection. Saddle Horses 8 specialty, Pre-war prices, FINKLE & CO. 120 Clarence Street. Kingston, Ont. -- Pe A A Art rmg-- BUILDING ? REPAIRS An kaTION? 291 COAL Cholcest quality Scranton Coal. No othe ind sold by us. i BOO _ Grove Inn PHao0. oi 0. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Stree e 1670 DR. S. E. PORTER Corer Alfred and Johnson Streets Phone 1072F, DR. BELL'S SHAVING CREAM Brushes up quickly; creamy lather and retains its moisture 800 shaves tevees..85¢ a tobe DAVID SCOTT Plumber Plumbing and Gas Work a spec- falty, All work Buaranteed. Ad. dress 145 Frontenac Street, Phone 1277. FOR RENT Good seven room dwelling-- moderate rent. Possession on April 1st, 1022, W. H. GODWIN & son _ Wagstafs Glager Marmalade, | Woegstams Pinenpple Marmalade. Wagstaf'a Bramble Jelly, if We also have a full line of fiber reiaible makes of & Jam sad Jeliies for sale x AUTO TOPS RECOVERED and REPAIRED R. H. JONES 390 PRINCESS STRERY Phone 153, and OVERCOATS Now, Men, this 1s the place te Kingston and Vicinity 3.- F. Smith has bought the resi- dence of Clifford Gerow, Northport, and intends making it his home in the near futufe. 8. | Bought A Residence. { ------------------ Sugar-Making Started. Sugar-making has commenced in Brockville district, and farmers pos- se. g maple bushes report a fairly heavy run of sap, Has Returned Home. WwW. H. Wormwith, who has been confined in the General hospital fo!- lowing a slight operation, was able {to return to his home on Thursday. -y A Lady's Misfortune, . Mrs. Bert Reeves, Belleville, has gone to Picton to visit her aunt, Mrs, James May, who had the misfortune to fall and break her arm icc Are Under Review. The union of Methodist and Pres- byterian churches at Toledo, Jasper, Merrickville, Winchester Springs and Calhoun, are under considera- tion. To Be Immigration Inspector. J. W. Preston, a veteran of the immigration inspection service, has been transferred from Miami, Fla, to Clayton, N.Y., and is on his way north to take up his duties. Supervising Repairs, Johin Waller, "representing the Keystone Stéamship Line, is in the city from Montreal. He will super- vise some of the repairs being done on the vessels of the company, which are in winter quarters here, Inspecting Hospitalg, Major W. H. .Ballantyne, Ottawa, was it the city on Thursday, mak- ing an inspection of the military hos- pitals. Major Ballantyne is a son of John Ballantyne, of the city buildings. ------------ A Real Bargain. We are going to.offer for ten days only our made to measure blue serge suitings guarantee indigo regular value $55 and $60 for $40, We guarantee firstclass fit and work- manship, Prevost Clothing Store, Brock St. ------ en Would Alter Election Date Brockville is memonrializing the Provincial government to change the date for the holding of municipal | nominations and elections, in order {that they may not fall upon a statu- { to | year, r---------- | To Reduce Fire Staff. The five auxiliary the fire department's engineer are [to be dropped from the Belleville | pay list, with a total saving of one thousand ™dollars per annum, in a total civic pay list of over $80,000, | Signs of Spring, : | Spring is surely here. The boys are {busy with their marbles ,the girls are playing with their "jacks," while skipping ropes are also on the £0, | committee) introduced the lecturer, | | firemen and them, Mr. Holton, who gave a very inter- | ry holiday as was the case of last | esting talk on Mant lite which was greatly appreciated by the troop. | Acting Scoutmaster Hall afterwards | paraded the 'troop and inspected | and was well pleased with the | smartness of the boys. He also gave out the new patrol flags and should- er badges. A new Cub patrol was formed with Cub Edward Kidd elect- ed as patrol leader. Some more scouts were passed for profictency guages, | Ee -------------- , i f JT. McNeill. | At the meeting of the Brockville «4 nnox church, | The downtown stores are doing a Prescott, on the 7th inst, Prof. J. T. rushing business with the "kiddies." Clearing Market Square, Thanks to the weather man, the farmers will have the market | clear of snow for Saturday's market, | providing good weather continyes {and there is every indication that the | square will be well cleared after the j rain. ---- Repairing Wolfe Islander, The crew of the steamer Wolfe Is- lander is busy making repairs so that the steamer will be ready for | navigation as soon as the ice clears out of the harbor. Extensive repairs | were made to the steamer last spring [which will mean that very little wiil have to be done this year. Hotels Well Filled. Most of the Kingston hotels have {been well-filled with guests during fthe past week or two, th majority of whom are travellers onder busi- ness men. Very little tfavelling for pleasure is being done, though the tourist trade will commence in a few weeks. = m-------------- Held for Grand Jury. George Brown, Alexandria Bay, N.Y., charged with assault, first de- gree with intent to kill, alleged to have been committed on William Ayoup, Syrian merchant, was given Charles A. Benson and held for the grand jury in bail of $2,000, He was unable to furnish bail and was taken to the county jail, ---------- To Wear Macdonold Tartan. Authority has been granted wnsler recent-militin orders for ths s65ver- slon of the Stormont and Glengarry Regiment (formerly .59th Stormont ahd Glengarry Regiment) ixte a Highland (kilted) regiment and per- mission has been granted to wear the Mezcdoznell of Glengarry tartan, The esteblishment of the regiment is fo- the present Limitel to 250. ¢ eee. The Late Mrs. Charles Fothe: At the Homeopathic hospital, Montreal, the death occured on Tuesday of a former resident of Brockville in the person of Estglie Maude Barr, beloved wife of Charies Godfrey Fothergill, Montreal! The deceased was born thirty-one years ago, daughter of the late Fred Barr and of Mrs. Barr, Brockville. The late Mrs. Fothergill was a trained nurse by profession. ---- | Ointment | REMARKABLE LETTER Canadian Woman Recom- mends Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Winnipeg, Manitoba.--*T ean Speak too highly of what Lydia 's Vi oe Compound has done for me. I was & hervous wreck and I just had to force myself to do my work. Life was a misery and work was a burden. Even the sound dren playing made must | ! not | E. | | E » °F he Blek out your mew Suit or Over. coat, : A dandy, extra dye, Blue Serge, guaranteed fast lor. One year ago price was $60. NOW SELLING FOR ._... $35.00 Grey Worsted Sult--extra good - value, 801d one year age for $60. NOW SELLING srrsenns SES.00 Nice, up-to-date Spring Oyer- softs and Raincoat, $15.00 up te $29.00. &ood, Indige sold Mr, | Fern Hal, jot 2.05 1-4. Finding's Keepin', The little folks. say but an adult mesh bag, a bull pup, a bunch of tise his loss quickly. = Finders read the Lost and Found columns and it you are Tn oo of your loss-- the finder will find you and your pro- perty will be restored, i -- Nice Mare Sold. A nice black mare four years old owned for about a year past by B. H. Soper, sold to Charles Schooley, Peterboro, who has a string of four or five good square |e a hearing before Justice of the Peace |. who loses something whether it is a Bun keys; or a bank book should adver- Xho Smith's Falls, has been Ju McNeill was the unanimous choice for the vacant chair of Church His- tory in Knox College. Dr. Love of Quebec was nomipated for the mod- tor of General Assembly, and Dr. {P. Macleod, Kemptville, for modera. tor of synod, ---------- "Services on Sunday. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter | Day Saints--Trades and Labor Hall, 270 Princess street, Sunday, March | 12th, service 7.30 p.m. Come and hear the truth about Mormonism. "Prove All Things," says Paul (1 Thes. 5: 21). It is the part of true wisdom to follow this advice; for "he that answereth a matter before | he heareth it, it is folly;"" (Proverbs 18: 13). Everybody welcome. anemones | Married in Kingston, Princess street parsonage, King- ston, was the scene of a happy event on March 1st, when Rev, J. A. Wad- dell united in marriage Miss Nettie Anna Cowdy, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cowdy, Godfrey, to Ira Snider, son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Snider, Godfrey. The bride was cogtumed in a brown velour suit' with hat to match. After the cere- mony the happy couple left for the groom's home at Wilkinson. . -- Names Are Mentioned. Messrs. H. W. Airth an D. wW. Stewart are trying to get the post- mastership at Renfrew. Both are gentlemen of education and qualific- ations well qualified to fill the ap- pointment 'creditably. Both have connections politically and other- wise, Mr. Airth {s at present a mem- ber of the Civil Service Income Tax i' Anthracite Briquets 3 Hard Coal Screenings, pressed into moulds about the size of a hen's gg, make a very satisfactory fuel for stoves, heaters and furnaces, We have a popular size; about equal to large Chestnut Or small Stove Coal. It is clean, burns to ashes--no clinkers, 'S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wells agton Streets, KINGS10N, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory { Phone 1415. et ca a tot "tsa YOU'LL NEED CHAINS If you ever did, you do NOW. We've chains, the best market. New prices on MAXOTI RES, 30x3% EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBIER co. A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050. in the Beautiful Brick bungalow, 7 rooms, electric lights, gas, 3. iece bath, hot water heating, hardwood floors throughout, draw &e open fire place; beamed ceflings; fine cellar vash tubs, with hot and Cold water. Lot 50 x 130; by hedge; in rear, cherry, apple, pear trees and small fruit bushes.® In finest residential part of city. No Informa- tion given over phone. Please call at office. ys «LF: TRUMPOUR Department, .Qttawa. The post offica | is the Institution most intimately connected with the income tax since it issues the forms and doubtless in the filling of them the postmaster is often asked many. questions. With | all these Mr. Airth would be quite Lathiliar, Mr. Stewart is the. secret. ary-treasurer of Stewarts Limited. Hood's cure constipation, Pill mez Pills Mer ALR i Cras De Siliousness and all Feet Hurt ? Torturing, Joy-killing Corns fons or sore, hot, tired, tender, len feet are unnecessary now for folks know about Geero Wormwood im---the new foot joy. Why be irri. table, cross and peevish, limping and dodging down the street--every step An agony? Try this: Before you 89 to bed to-night just rub on .a little cool- ing, soothing, penetrating Wormwood Balm. Ah! what relief. Instantly your feet will feel cool and fine. It draws out all the aching, stinging, burning Soreness like magic untj] your feet could dance for Joy. No more danger- ous ocorn-cutting or peeling, no more sticky, burning messes that eat off half your doe. N plasters. e and At all druggists, Gourdier's BROCK STREET, ones and will train his Smith's Falls | Geero Wormwood Bal purchase for the track. The mare Soper 1s a full sister of a trotter having a record ---------- County Medical Association, A meeting of the medical men of Renfrew county was held at Pem- broke to perefet the organiaztion. Dr. S.-H. Murphy, Renfrew, was elected president; Dr. Joseph, Pem- broke, vice-president; Dr. McKin- non, secretary-treasurer. The execut- Ive council consists of these officers and Dr. Maloney, Eganville; Dr. Dodd, Pembroke; Dr. Stewart, Cob- den, Dr. McNaughton, Arnprior. ---- Seeks Grant for Road. The condition of the main high- way between Tichborne and Sharbot Lake is being brought before the highway commission of the Ontario government by the Addington county member, W. D. Black, M.P.P. For years this piece of road has been difficult to travel at times, on ac- -, count of the very bad condition of AT ITS BEST J MEN and .YOUNG MEN'S NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 * TWEDDELL"S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel)' - SATURDAY _ NEW GINGHAMS in pretty pat- terns, Checks, Plaids and plain shades gt iLL +++. .25¢c. and 35¢. a yard APRON DRESSES -- splendidly made and finished; all sizes up to 44 fos snnisnncsne sony esos. .98¢c. each PORCH DRESSES in a great va- riety of styles and colors made from Ginghams and Chambrays; a full as. sortient of sizes for . . . . $2.95 each