or THE SPORTING NEWS o Sports at the Y.M.C.A. Volley-ball and basketball was the order of the day at the Y.M.C.A. on Wednesday afternoon and even- ing. Now that the regular schedul- ed games are practically over for this season, the gymnasium is more at the disposal of the members, ana a number of exhibition games are being arranged. WHIG. THE REAL PREACHER MUST |F | BE A SENSATIONALIST . THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 192%, Sp ---- ~~ DAILY BRITISH - Theatrical To-Night "The Third Degree." "The Third Degree," the play that the Rex Stock Company is appearing in at the Grand Opera House, tonight and Saturday of this week only, is, perhaps, one of the stron plays ever produced. Can you im@gine a young man of good family, who. after hours of torture by the "third de- gree," finally confesses to a murder of which he {s innocent? His young " wife makes a wonYerful fight for his life against tremendous odds, his | own father even is against him on account of him marrying a woman his social inferior. Zana Vaughn plays the part of the young wife, and brings to the part some of the most wonderful acting that hag been seen in any play put on by this company. Rex makes a great hit in the second character part he has played this season--that of Judge Brewster, a grim old fire eater whose rough man- nef covers a heart of gold. Bill Yyle is again seén in one of those parts he does so well, that of a Police Inspec- tor. The balance of the company all play their parts well and the settings and electrical effects are excellent.-- Advt. St. Patrick's Matinee and Night "My Irish Rose" The Pulpit Pussyfoots' Grate on the Nerves of Dr, || European Plan Dining Room Straton. | . Service De Luxe New York, March 16.--In a letter | addressed" to "discriminating New || A x Yorkers," Rev. Dr. John Roach || { HA ] E U Straton, pastor of Calvary Baptist 4 church, yesterday pleaded fot the - overthrow of 'pulpit pussyfooting" || and the adoption of more sensatiqn- (l al preaching." : I It was from Dr. Straton's pulpit {| . 141 King E. Phone 1743 M. C. FENWICK, Prop. that William A. Brady, the theat' CH Arts Wins Championship. * For another year the Queen's University . basketball championship goes to arts. The Medical, after | having defeated Science, tried con- | clusions with the arts team Wednes- | day afternoon with the result that they were decisively defeated by a score of 29-17. The game was closely fought and the winners showed a familiar acquaintance with the bask- ets with the result that they were able to make their shots ¢ount. The first half was very even the score be- ing 15-11 at half time, but in the second period the arts men hit their stride and got in some pretty plays running up the score. Arts--Forwards McKinnon and Nickle, centre Shaw, defence Salter and McCrimmon, spares 'Cross, Con- nor and Wood. rical producer, recently defended the Rone of the stage and moving | picturd studio in an open debate with the pastor. Rev. Dr. Stuart MacArthur, pastor emeritus, recent- || ly withdrew from the congregation after criticizing his successor for sensationalism, 'There is no use in trying to heal f {the cancer of sin" with soothing syr- | up," Dr. Straton declared in his open | letter, "and it is idle to sprinkle col- Ogne water upon the putrid iniquities | of a rebellious race." To counteract the "appalling looseness and rotten- ness of the time," he asserted, "ey- ery real preacher must be a sensa- | == tionalist, because religion is the = most revolutionary thing ever given LE to earth, | iH MOHANDIS K. GANDHI Here is a good photograph of the leader of the Indian mon-co-operation- ists, who has just been arrested. TAXED $10 AND COSTS FOR HIS TRESPASSING A School Teacher Who Used | a Rail Bicycle on the C.P.R._ D At the court house on Thursday LOOK FOR A STRIKE A i Ada a win. morning a.resident of the county r : jcentre Drury, defence Mc {elvey and wag found guilty by Justice of the BY THE COAL MINERS; ars, spares Muirhead and Camp- Peace Allinson of "trespassing" on U. 8. Secretary of Labor and bell. the tracks of the Canadian Pacific Referee--J. Bews. Railway" and was taxed the sum of Mine Workers' Head Hold Similar Views. D. M. DUGGAN Mayor of Edmonton, who is in East- ern Sarnds ik connection with finance matters, particularly in regard to bond issues cast, which is exceptionally strong. Larry Semon appears as a lumber jack in "The Sawmill," a comedy which is chuck-full of comicality, of the genuine Semon type; which simply means that it is a laugh-rais- er from start to finish.--Advt. si SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK We always have on hand a choice selection of Azalea, Cycla- men, Primroses and Boston Ferns. Floral Designs Yor Wedding and Funerals a Specialty, LAWSON FLORIST STORE: Corner Wellington and Brock Streets. Phone 770. CONSERVATORIES: 68 Centre Street. Pho ne 1174J. TT THE GLOVER GROCETERIA The Store of Economy. MARMALADE MAKE IT NOW for quality and econ- omy buy our bitter cranges, ready cul; save time and worry, add sugar snd walter, boil for 25 minutes. We have genuine home made bread. the kind our mothers used to make in the good old days of the wood fire. Try a loaf. 2a 2 : Try a pound of our soda biscuits. Sold in bulk, 16 ounges ta the pound, for 15 cents. You '#ré not pay- ing for expensive packages to throw in the waste basket as soon as they are empty. The bulk sodas are fresh from the ovens, never a week old. Special for Friday and Saturday, fresh eggs -....30¢ Will deliver grocery orders $5 and over. SUM S-- Saturnalia of Vice. "With: 10,000,000 of the human race rotting in untimely graves be- cause of humanity's sins and "war lust, and with such a Saturnalia of | crime and vice and shamelessness | An event of interest to all patrons of thé Irish drama will be "My Irish Rose' presented on St. Patrick's day matinee and night at the Grand Ope- ra' Holise. The play, being presented in aid of the Nurses Home of the Hogel Dieu Hospital, will be enacted by a caste of players from Queen's Univereity under the careful direc- tion of May Bell Marks. Special sce- nery and electrical effects have been secured to properly present the play. Haunting Irish melodies, real Irish dancing and Irish musical selections will be interspersed throughout the action of the play "My Irish Rose" at the Grand Opera House on St. Patrick's Day matinee and night.-- Advt. For another year the arts men $10 and costs. The fine was paid. {have been able to trot out teams When the aécused was charged with | that have cleaned up the interfacul- strespassing on the C.P.R. he ac- |ty basketball and hockey. The rule knowledged his guilt. which bars men who hawe participat- | According to the story told hy ed in intercollegiate games prevents Tj. Rigney, K.C., who acted on be- oo views yesterday on the Tacuinies from showing their réal pap of the defendent, the accused, e, Syne situation in the bi- |StTeNEth along these lines but itl, school teacher, had a considerable threatening gives a chance for the development distance to go to school. If he toos | tuminous com! industry, and both were said after ee to [of new players. It Is unfortunate the track the . distance was about [any hazard--yes, some who will cry that the hockey games -have to be be of the opinion that a national played off at such a_late date every strike dn the union fields was in®vit- I year as there is little opportunity aple. My. ia assured Ms: Davis fven for real hockey to he played again of the willingness of the min- | y played, ers' union to open negotiations for a new national wage contract, a pro- RUSSIAN CHILDREN ition wh ' operators are ! Jopiion whid) Wine: Operator BARRED BY BRITAIN Later Mr. Lewis declared the ces- he did not pay :any attention to the (have been convicted as criminals sation of work: in the union mines Be warning. Mr. Rigney asked the !their day. after April 1st, was "coming about court to make the fine as light as Dt the tiies; Dr Strate sais fi automatically," and asserted that "a possible as, although the accused had © have reached a pass where Jo lou: Tusuifive Yuin wn bli {bold er policy of the opera- travelled on the track contrary to | messengers cannot step from a news | another and yet never setting foot |toré for which the public must pay" law, he had not been the means o? | paper office into an auto waiting di- | ashore, is related in "The Lotus Eat- | Was in part responsible. London, March 16.--The Frome |delaying any the main line trains. rectly in from of the door without er," an Associated First National at- "If there is mo conference between | Office has decided not to allow Rus- -------- being robbed of thousands of dol- traction which 1s to be the 'feature [the miners' unfon and the opera- | 8ian children from the famine areas |. IN THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S - |lars. Peaceful merchants are murd- at the. Allen theatre for a run of [tors he added, referring to the bi- |t® be brought into England by the | -- ered In their open shops. three days, starting to-day. | tuminious situation, "there can be |MOVement towards a Christian in- | Three Students Bereaved--Glad Bil- Many of the playhouses are so | Johh Barrymore the foremost of | MO wage contract drawn up. If there | ternational. The reason given is the ly Hughes Is Remaining, foul that our childrén cannot walk} - actors, ie the star of the picture, |18 no wage contract there won't be |POssible danger to public health. Over the week-end, three medical | the streets without confronting' veri- | ee i >) shall directed ve {any coal dug after April first in union The home secretary refused per- students were bereaved. C. M. Eynon | table traps of hell, the vileness of | all a a. Barry Anna | mines." : mission for the children to enter of the final year was bereaved by tho | which is reflected even upon the A. Nilsson and Colleen Moore 'are in oace before, but agreed to recon- death of his mother in Ottawa. H. billboards. the supporting cast. sider his decision. An elaborate set A. Richardson of the fourth year and Our young women and men are Because of his disastrous martial of precautions to prevent the spresd J. F. Richardson of third year were [jazz wild and dance . crazy. Our experiences, young Jacques Lenoi's | of such diseases as the children bereaved by the death' of their fa-|school girls, even, are poisoning father. to Save him from the wiles of might bring from the fam'n- areas ther in Brockville. themselves by smoking cigarettes. crafty women extracted a promise was drawn up and agreed to' by the They have forgotten to blush and from the boy that he would remain sponsors of the mcvement. are being taught that the smart h ny the "Psyche," until he The government's of Finland and thing is to use the lipstick and paint my ta ein age Young Sweden had promised-gheir Cco-opera- pot and to swagger at least a little Jacques, although only seven years tion in bringing the children to Eng- |self popular with the boys and to bit, old promised. And he kept his word, land; so the burden of their trang the mints of the students hds been although his father died shortly. portation should not be too great for | ablé to put teams out who can stand The yacht put into many strange British charitalilo institutions . the pace. ports, but Jacques remained on the vessel. And when he stepped ashore in New York City on his twenty-fifth Washington March .1 6.--Secretary of Labor Davis and John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Work- \ | society has ever known before, surely some preachers are needed who will dare to speak the truth at five miles while it was mearly twice (aloud and spare mot, even though that distance if he went by way of | they are quartered in the streets and (the main road. A special devised bi- [nailed to a cross." |eycle. had been built and the man | The clergyman declared that if it had been in the habit of travelling | Was a crime for a preacher to be a on the railway track. sensationalist, then Amos, Elijah, On one occasion he had been | Daniel, Peter, Paul, "and even the arned by the railway officials but { Divine Son of God Himself," would an Will Not Allow Them To Brought in From Famine : Areas. At the Allen. The strange adventures of a youth @ Underwent An Operation, Miss Eleanor P. Noonan, dental nurse in the office of Dr. R. P. Millan who hag-been ill at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Noonan, Brockville, underwent an operation for appendicitis at St. Vin- cent de Paul hospital there on Tues- day evening. : 'Pure Blood Is a necessity to health at all sea- ona, 3 eter time for blood- eansing n now, afd the one' true Spring Medicine Is hi... ms A ee ee At arse ROYAL MAIL BOXES RECEIVE GREEN COAT communications will be stablished) with headquarters in Dublin. A eom« mon sight in "the streets now are armored cars taken over the British, but flying the tricolor. They are an gained The students are glad to hear that "Billie'® Hughes is to remain nat Queen's. He has certainly made hin- -- Irish Free State Government Also to Paint Postal Vans An Emerald Hue. p------ Clothing and the Flapper "A condition of undress that for- merly would have caused a raid by the police, even in the Tenderlion, is now the accepted style in the ho- tel lobby, theatre, ballroom and even advertisement of the benefits from the treaty, and seem to have a propagandist effect on the people, ------------ & Epidemic Killing Indians, Edmonton, March 16.--8ince Sep~ Dublin, March 16.--Outward evid- ence of the existence of the Irish Free-State was given when a Dublin Galts standing in the bomd market The Aesculapian society was ad- is shown by the sale of an issue of dressed on Wednesday afternoon by $200,000 local Hydro bonds to Me- Dr. J. F. Sparks. The subject of » birthday he had never seen a woman | And then begins a series of adven- tures which are highly entertaining. As an added attraction, Luke W. Gask, Kingston's own baritone will render several pleasing numbers. Advt, Hood's Sarsaparilla THE SHAMROCK'S At the Strand, Bebe Daniels, the irrepressible, in Leod,; Young & Weir, at'a price of $100.8] per $100. | address' was one of timely interest to the students. PROUDEST DAY *Nancy\ From Nowhere," and Larry Semon, the irresistible, in "The Saw- By Juanita Hamel in the streets. The flapper has taken the place of true femininity. Con- temptible little dogs are in the arms of wives instead of babies. "The marriage vow fis being thrown aside like a scrap of paper. Our American home life is being broken up by a thousand outside at- tractions. The Sabbath day is be- ing desecrated by commercialism. Some of our preachers even have lost Painter began the task of covering the red mail boxes, bearing the royal coat of arms, with a coat of green. The first box thus treated was that outside Dublin castle and all the boxes in the country will be painted green in ithe next few days. Post- master-General Walsh, not walting for the official adoption of a national color, is also going to paint all the Postal vans an emerald hue. Evacna- tion of Ireland by Bhitish troops is tember 45 Indfans have died from a mysterious disease in the districts surrounding Fort, Smith, Fort Fits gerald and Fort Resolution, accord~ ing to word received here. A nuf= ber of matives died at Rocher River early in the season, while the latest reports state that Indians on Stony Island, in the Great Slave Lake, have now become infected. The deaths have been attributed to chickenpox, but the traders in the north express faith in the Bible and have gone mad over amusements and materialistic rationalism, . "The very foundation of our mod- ern life seems at times to be tremp- ling." mill," 'are the two big attractions at the Strand to-day, to-morrow 'and Saturday. We associate Bebe .with costly clothes and luxurious sur- roundings. In 'Nancy From No- where," however, she appears as an orphan drudge, whose acquaintance with "glad rags' is of the long dis- tance order. But Bebe is versatile, and in this new kind of role she proves that she is made of the real Actress stuff, equal to many de- mands. Of course she appears, dur- Ing the picture, 'In dainty garments, but the point to remember is that she is always the Bebe we have learned to love. In glad rags or sad rags she is' still Bebe, holding us spell- bound by her own distinctive charm. Myrtle Steadman and Edward Suth- 'orland -are among the supporting © DO YOU SMOKE % TOO. MUCH ? Are many men on whose and nervous 'system tobacco roduces the most serious results. It} uses pal Pain in the heart, of its beat, makes the ds tremble, sets the nerves on edge, causes shortness of breath, and loss of sleep. : To counteract this demoralizing influence on the heart and nerves again proceeding. Detachments de- parted from the central camp at Cur- ragh, which will be taken over by the Irish Republican army as its {main station, Underground cable the opinion that it fs something of a more virulent nature. - » i ------ About 1,000 varieties of apples are cultivated in the United States, SCHOOL SECTIONS ARE LIKE HEAVEN Neither Marrying Nor Giving in Mardiage in Some, Says Inspector. Smith's Falls, March 16.--=That there are some school sections in this part of Ontario which should be called paradise, because the people fleither marry nor are given in mar- riage, was a statement made at Merrickville by R. C. Rose, public school inspector for Lanark east and Carleton west. Mr. Rose was a speaker at a moet- ing held to adyocate the erection of a consolidated school at Merrick- ville. He told of some schools in his inspectorate with only three or four pupils, with the cost of educating each pupil running as high as two or three hundred dollars. Mr. Rose con- tended that rural pupils now are not getting a fair chance, also that con- solidated public schools would make for better roads in townships. T. A. Craig, school inspector for Grenville county, drew attention to After working else is so alto, "Ovaltine". at high pressure th the d er satisfying Te | of pr ei Re r ti 's n or ing to J He wad need for something te ve ; § [Now af all Canadien Druggisti 50c, 5c. and $1.50 | A trial sample cunts to cover cust of Docking oo peony British--and used throughout the Empire | A. WANDER LIMITED, (Cansdisn O a ie 1H Was there ever before a St. Patrick's Day so brimming with special significance as that which comes this sevonteenth of March? All the old songs--the old costumes. -the shamrock itself--take on new meanings which are reflected in the sparkling eyes of each o 2 iis :