PRIDAY, Mancn 17,1022 : TH E DAILY ; 11 Er Ta THE JUNIOR BRITISH WHIC won] | MOT = TE -- SPORTS ' BIGGEST LITTLE PAPE" IN THE WORLD We are again on the ground floor with fresh stocks of Pine, Hemlock and Spruce, at prices that mean business, | ONE EEL YARNS | A RAINY DAY MOVIE ALBERT L.CLOUGH. : . Turbulence Allan Lumber Co. THE ST. PATRICK CHARM - ' anid Kathleen, with a tore ot nes ci | ms : . Pe Sika 2 oe Fuel Charge Is Being Intensively Studies "Ana you beloning to the tran | LOIN (11, | # To Sih] | | Bit their cylinders ang yao INTLY designer aYites the Saiemont Phone1042 . . _. _ Victoria Street i Ce , J " : - o. | h or) EE nr Tr a rar Been vpoR 8 lms there was a! 'y. 'ouring down. Now has board divided into two-inch A on mye veaten ofr" aad Re ori! 4 shsleney, QUEBEC IS TO BUILD ° | door handed him her wedding ring, Said Nora, the cook. 'Tm surprised at | [7]; fhee ; | Qulte frequently to be noted, and 3 te Ad AN | = ) J | , W words as to what turbulence is it Br Er Tabi ibe me you N° kd : o axd what advantages it is supposed to confer, may not be amiss. The Eirl who was shy and didn't make Drearily tapping on panes, squares. % that, with th le h aldn't it h ald ch r Aftarm . Wat lors again. ' , e charge jostling EW RO leclaring she n't want any friends easily. No' one p muc Saturday afternoon. ater col Crtier of ace, when the , moving portions MANY N Ay ADS: longer. don't believe in fairies." ttention to her. She could go along Johnny and Bill restless, Johnny begins at left-hand 3 The marriage, which took place MITT EH eharms shart All Gia medion . ---- Wilson, the ni iue sombustion 18 much mors rapid, clean and efficent . , t ke people b." . 410 fl. i ," than when Pa ator nr Sharma lv wake Decple / " : 7 : Z e i it is in a state of rest . combustion means higher ae ra: J $A | N << I efficiency, due to reduced heat losses, it renders a large spark advance "You think <you're a pretty wise h J ls : £ Jynecessary and permits of high engine speeds, so that turbulence, in so young lady," said Nora. "But I'll tel > = F far as it speeds up combustion, 1s desirable. Detonation or pinking has you a story about a charm that is all ; oh a ben the engine designer's bogie of late, for if an engine were given a > Si Q hilo psi ig ; 5 : | Mixture within the cylinder 1s said to be "turbulent" when it, as a whole, Nora looked at her in surprise. "So EC ------ rar osm: Bi 53 3ejive Soninion of whirling motion and it is a pretty well you don't believe in fairies or in| = . a. CE A z ie wa { Seiablished fact, that it the. charge 1g thus whirling at the instant of 1 h the combustible 1 1 Sn ---- the street without any one speaking do. the board end farthest from him and 5 ug! mass, Igniting it at numer to her or more ust glancing at Be 0 roken. checkers loat. | makes that square black. points and mening its normal combustion, with the result that {Additional Seven. and Half March 5th, became known last Bel, ishman said to| Sister lent the dominoes. a Juars w it he yale vey, ock Off the colinger ire, Waves do not have time to form es dames | Millions To Be Spent This | Thuis. when the pedr wee found "Then one day an Iris han eae| Too far to store. Next black. ock off the cylinder head. No one seems to know Just how turbulence { i lo al hotel. ber, Tll give you a charm ro we Johnny registers bright !dea. And so on fhotions, but it appears from experiment that higher compressions can Year. n a local hotel. Sunt will hake People Xa th oe Goes. down into basement. Rain st all 0% nny and Bif? employed, without knocking, when a turbulent mixture ig provided. are you : Finds old broom, " W to secure energetic mass motion of the mi Haris co a : ther: Your move! mixture at the ignition ye girl didn't think much of ft Conversation with mother iptant is the problem that engineers ar ing to solve. By shit. 915,716 had been spent in improve. St Brat, but she agreed to Uy In. Go) Findamw disks off - y shaping the cylinder head and passages, the charge as it fo nts of road in the a t she wore the charm one day and Broom: Ba atic. * f ers the cylinder may be motion, but this ig likely to jas . A province 9 started down the street. And sure If looks ystified 4 stroke. 80 in order to insure turbulent | Quebec since 1912 was the declara. enough, nearly everybody she passed $11 Joa re colors. . 5 ditions at ignition time, the clearance Space is shaped so that "uot | tion made by Hon. J. E. Perrauit, Sixlied at Bes or. nl oe By Paints half of disks red and other . NY th piston comes up on compression the charge wiil be forced to [Who opened the debate in the house NE 0d _Tusde he day. Tt was | half black. J {on the new highway bill, this after- the charm, you see. that did it." BI dooka Whee "Kind sir. will you give me , noon. Provisions are made for the . hat was the charm?' asked Johnny gets heavy plece of card- A dime for a bed?' absence of appropriation of $7,500,000 top| Pil ---- About the best way to get along with some people is to get along without them, : Quebec, March 16.--That $34, al " d from storeroom. "Well, let's see the bed first," latter, and by the maintenance, improvement and con- on 33 So x amiler oar {om Moewtoom. The young freshman said. lication of turbulence data it is hoped that higher SUmpraaion, mors. Lsirustion of mew pe ir. year -d Or, day she wore it was St.| Makes dot every two inches all the -- lent engines can be successfully designed. powers to borrow $6,000,000 vorms d th e. ¢ v yo Patrick's Day." Way a1ound the Ye with hia. Dad's Fix ne GENERATOR AS OUTSIDE | resistance in the orout for pure |sought by the measure. are Geually due to straining ng oppo: A little girl held up to hear | CHARGING SOURCE Poses of regulation p= whea constipated. father's voice on the telephone began b BK writes: Ihavea y The acting minister of highways to cry. "What are you crying fort" " OF FOO ator 'which 4 ad Tor Informed the house that there were Nujol being a lubricant keope Ee child, "how ever ' with an 8-16 volt battery and 40,000 miles of roads in the whole the food waste soft and there first is In money, but not in ; : add t of that little d like to know if I can drive province, 4,000 of which were now fore prevents straining. Doctors oan we get d y out of - n Yet wot 1s Hl! | | hoter " . 800d roads, and when the plan of the asa become i ng. in sing, but not in song, 3 i fm. Z government would be completed, 10, po . Sarin of is in ri not in . gi Rastus (after a visit to the doctor): 1 S i 5 " 000 miles of good roads would be at : ful v he \ # fh P nT { hn brings comfort and helps to res "Dat doctah sure am funny." the disposal of the public. Ile con- move them. . p . a or in eat, also in feast; Zo 0 Mandy: : How come? - 3 oi es Rastus: "Made me swallah two car \ \ tended that heavy motor trucks had ym = : medicine or lazative--e0 cannot tridges filled with powdah, and then Rn ex becn responsible for the damaged isi ma AL Shown' smoke, just as --- weds ¥ writes: 1 was recom- portion of roads which had brought gripe. Try it today. ! 7 ey br a a graphite, a te "ALR the provincial treasurer to impose A smallgirl was shown a picture of Eine of my car and ordered a Quan. heavy taxes on such vehicles. Joan of Arc. ; tity of the same. Since receiving The provincial department of "Who was she? asked the child. it, I have been told that its use is {roads by the act takes under its "Noah's wife? inadvisable for the reason that the a graphite contained ro) will clog control all regional! and provincial 8. |fronr Toronto on Saturday, Mr. and FOR HER WEALTHY BOY S. Rauking, Cherry Valley, has been | for | Tired warker: 'Tse dat man. I just Re "No. for width" ® two $-volt batteries simul- lubrication. Win the graphite sete |that the government may subscribe ; y thought you had it down Samson. . usly, Fareed in Serise--the tle out and produce this effect ? [even over G0 per cent. of the cost so or-Constrpation : " 4 n 0 the| A Genuine deflocculated to decreas the bligati " . REPORTS FROM WELLINGTON. |visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. tive of the other--but the rate In a state of minute | ase o> gations or |, NX ----. 3 f 3 ) : Tge could not be much more of permanent sug. mutiicipalities. ORE THROAT ie | Harold Cahoons. Hilton Clapp has tH half of the normal full charg- | pension ana wil not settle out of : ' A Second Government Dock Needed | gone to the North-West and Mr. and rate without overloading the oll, when used in accordance with Pi East of Main One. Mrs. Edward McFaul returned home a or. One 13-volt battery | directions. You need have no fear NOW SHE DOESN'T CARE : ® 1 p | US CONDITION. SIMILARLY Mrs. L. K. Shourds and Miss Stin- | ould not be suMcient to char, 3 MAY rs / Ke (It. No doudt your § f | top AND REQUIRE SUS- the guest of Mrs: E McFaul son are in Florida. Mrs. Emma Fra- oNS-volt and one 13-volt battery | to distinguish Between the ner ric] { * AEE ELE 1B), ome re" Tio cet ins dl eh Yao was among thre In he © | Ba mints (TOR Sar by agi Beiveruedas, pe [Broadway Chorus Beauty| ER held; QueRcoME MycH SOS days, . |P.R. wreck last week, was the guest 3,Correct and it would be erized graph. Hopes to Find Way Out | Gi Ean EUR considerable damage and many of to use the relay which accom. g Pp y ives to ydia E. Toround in some cases the residents had 10 ve sstaged_without Be cbnipany iil YOU may want a litle dead 1a os Va » removed from their homes. Little] . We Srs i . New York, March 16.--A. h DB THOMAS ; : {soon be in full swing, and ordé + » : nnulment "CTRI Cc hope i ofterad for. the gieovery of | 407 coming In every Boye Hop or Oar laentification Marks may be sought of the marriage in ECLEC jokin ap asa, entertained that ' the government They Enable Ownership To pe Positively EstadNeneg Milford,' Conn., last week of Geneve | ,, Fork River, Manitoba --*1 saw in with poe . will place a second dock east of the CASE YOUR CAR is stolen, are their plenty: of distinctive things Mitchell, 11-year-old g Broadway | the 's Veosters where Lydia E. Plak. | Mrs. I's sister, needed someth| po i iSlegram Shai vy. Soxal Windsor, | Toronto, visited his mother and bro- d he numbers are on record and if you carry theft Insurance, further for Yaie, { I used to be very 1 Stan va prog to RAILWA cin heart failure. Mrs. Coxall has ther, F. M, Nash, last week. ; f the police in S. W. Rice, the girl's grandfather, (Dow. I live on a farm in the home . CTX) lL N SEAT Io, oars lature. Mrs, Cozal] bas | stated that her mother, Mrs, Verna | stead district and we have to do all Joe we - ih inher sad loss. | - Lost Goods Recovered, : . Mitchell, probably would start an | ur Own work. I tell all the women lage and community here but a| Oshawa, March 16.--The local po- action this week to have the gpe- | I See what Lydia E. Pinkhanys Vege- | Mrs. Pollard was a guest here but a ' numbers, such as the carburetor, battery, horn, generator, starting mony set aside on the ground 'Phat | fable Compound does for me, I think {again in the summer, d eighty-five | November, which were stolen from a numbers. Nearly every that the young couple had separated | River, Manitoba. : x] oo BWTOR8 Lyons, aged eighty t | Summer cottage at Cobourg, belong- sosminor peculiarity as to i" last Saturday fifght and that the next c Lydia E. Pinkbam's w » 'OCEAN STEAMSHIPS | rears. one of the oldest residents o |ing to L. G. Harris, of Toronto, In| slipr and more obscurely ey day Savage had started for La Jolla, | COMpound is a medicine for | ail- jthe community, died last Sunday; | there bent, dented or nick Calif, to see his mother, ments peculiar to women. It fg Pre- 'Yeh, What about it?' : E SIs "Do they oall you Tubby for short?" 2 You should be able to | the oil passages and Interfere with | highways, with the understanding Sommon i) 1d charge all ht (x right at practic: | of the a all pass - i MAY LEAD 1 A Wellington, MArch 13-- Mrs. ABfull rate. -The generator volt- | cating ow em Boe fhe Jub C ¥ clogged by A COUGH O EV AY 'B Clark. She MAY BE AVOIOED. A ildinzs hb flo In of her cousin, Mrs. J. JB, pd the generator. We presumes : » coy the buildings have been floo ) of Love Tangle. Pinkham 5 Vegetable 4 Lawrence Coxall, of Coxall Bros., . ham's Vegeta] | main one which will prevent the t it, by which it can be positively identified and have you a record chorus girl, to Robert Bavage, 20, getable Compound was doing loca hardwarg. merchants, received sand from dribbling in. P. C. Nash, V fled away that covers all these points? Necessarily, your oT and for Yai, Ci00Iboy, Who is preparing | $0 uch good to women, and nT . | | > covered the last T {short time ago, and Mrs. Coxall had (lice department recover » distributor or magneto and the vacuum tank and while it" is . it saves me from going to a doctor AGENCY FOR ALL {planned to have her sister here [$2,000 worth of goods for which 100 practice for thieves to interchange these ry both parties were under age. and is the best medicine women can | they have been hunting since last nt stolen cars, if is neve 5 Mr. Rice also confirmed a report take." --Mas, Wax. Courras, Fork -- v ood tol- : : od at Valley. {all $5,000 worth of goods were s i | pared from medicinal plants, wi and ay h-butied: at Gerry tet en, including one Oritntal rug valued Anjanges which have be ; It's a mystery to us why Geneva | care ang accuracy. It ean be Be ELAR HOOD 2 : of | same model are of A " | v For particulars apply to: -- | the funeral. The' local lodge A.F. at $1,400 and a Chinese rug valued vegnlikely a thief will , especially w! e oh Taried am, ua uy Bie. | women of auy age. : jand A.M. held a banquet on Tues-|at $500. ptidde parts of He frame, the aside surface of the engine oil pan unole of Yer's Sewompunion her to | Allowing themselves aks 1 | day whi was largely at- Se -- €r. rather obscure places, ese ma . g | J. P. HANLEY es and gontle.| Police Magistrates Not Fitted. Prick punch indentatiofs or fie marks In ue te Sold ry rote Savage's apartment -in his | Merny, at vous ¥ hay their jmen,. An orcheatrs trom Belleville| Toronto, March 16.--R. J. Mag- het location and form of which should be recorded. These wil |U0tel for dinner, when she told him | Decessary household duties. Pee come A A was io attendance Lennan, K.C., president of the On- poome covered with dirt and cease to be noticeable until the part she didn't think she cared enough Such symptoms as pains and frreg. | Miss Mary Boyce called on het fa-|tario Har Association, told the an- . rs, used In obscure places: can have distinguish. for him to live with him." ularities, all-gone feelings, backache, TRANSATLANTIO STEAMSHIPS Iher de, Br on her return nual meeting of that body that On- g ém, which will be hidden by their nuts and Miss Mitchell, according to the re- hy , hot flashes, ne Be its Asaavs. 1022 [trom New York. Mrs. Pearson, |tario had too many police magi. by disassembling the car. ._ Port of the separation, allowed Say. mn lown, condition, Cs. K.rkpatrick | Syracuse, N.Y., was a caller on Mrs. | trates, and that they should have a a made mo that charging would take erie Jor to her grandfauers Vegetable has Agent - - 3¢ Olarence Street | Rebecca Jenkins on Friday last. Mr. lawyer's training to fit them for KE Place at speeds as low as § to 10 apartment, where she had been mak- brought relief to thousands of women # per hour, ing her home even after her mar- suffering from such aliments. Let ig rte] | Re Mrs. D. D. Cronk were recent|work. a tay = | : - Fis begin to charge the ory 1 riage and 'when they reached the help you. | y . If it does not cut jnto hws + -------- BESSON Thats a Nasty Cough df os, I : = : ) 0 do 80 by a re. : Tl | (ou shoud vee Y i ICD ' ] Ny May even find that cleaning and smoothing up the commutator and Tomorrow Alright LIVERPOOL / ° . BQ) | putting the brushes into condition aren"3; JON TO LIVERPOOL £E NADRUCO A KX [Will result in an earlier "cut-ipr ALE TT, XN r. Mrntoalm If your battery itself fs in good , Brats or . c : Wh Apri) 23. press of Rritain ! - fe » - Writes: en winter |eondition and there are no leaks in [ST S0HN To GLASGOW BO > RZa?4 f2 of cil b. 1 had the oharging rate | the sys 0 should keep charged. SAPr. 9 Li Tunisian fx 2 ~ Of mpnerator slightly increased, | Pernape ihe charging rate of the SART. 81 ........ NBRFOOL. Gio sioan of thing that this would be advis- | generator should be increased. Sy dT JOHN, LIVER re. .Metagama ry Jad \ opi make ™ og BL Our electric service sthtion wii : 3 ANTWERP E ave 0 | take care of this } Via Hao Southampton) \ a het rater each cell of my bat- { that of the relay. SApr. Scandinavian 3 | eryput once a Week---more | - 8T. JOHN, SOUTHANPTON, ANT. 2 "T used it last winter when I had a rasping, hacking Raat phan I did lest summer-- | 3 | cough It run only about five . Medi that nearly shéok me to pieces. a i gas Fe rE i CT cco | BY ei BE BY £3 SATURDAY CANDY kiNGsToN Slots \ stopped the cough, healed my throat and bronchial A¥: Presumably It a It . i : RP a tubes, and I have not had a cold since. mos] your running i to olf Ey . 3 . VERPOOL : : yaw YORK 0.10 ER of Britain There's a drug store--get a bottle and take a dose as soon as you get home, dayy and your engine starts Ni : RENCE SALLIN '0--there's no taste of oil about it--it's pleasant to take." red there : . 2 avcsecs LAWRENCE BALINGS -- _-- by all Wists, ie ing es Th up E TIALS Prepared by NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED amobt refilling | C : Hambdurg May 8|May 30/June 27 Empress Scotland amg 'May 18[June 13[July 11 Bn press France LES CEPR L060 i vl ~ » BS AES EAR EN Jie od ~~ oven thin] 'May 26)Jun iy 2 Jupres Britain : n > 3, May §[June + siontealm 1 - C t and look inte them, 1% 4 ab stn uxurious Comftor RSE | Lt nto ah Se Jul 3 harge, Answe Montclare | Montreai--Glasgew : = rr ates a ya "promt al ihe tims. Assorted hand-rolled Choco- . 2, A ay 6/June 3July 1 . Metagama - Tunis} DE rate. Running the . The fully charged . May Miiune 11iuly 18, ss Corstens i rage Toesionally.' wil Car battery considered funn lates in 1b. boxes ... 35¢. May 4/June 10 . Scandinavian Ps E 0 e generator adsygtmant. align Nha . . May Misung Nijsuly 18 Rael a re: : , - CHARGE AT rowmgr | B® cell has leaked or lost' Assorted Chicken Bones in MONTREAL SOU ANE : SPEEDS Shouts be. xan but 8 a or Ib. boxes 35c¢. B eis sasiasatssnssrisas V + | 0 it. . "RTE 0m eee. rg, nasi FF | ain my iy nl ox ay 8 ..... Sa%este iigos sub n ' . F . ers, uen indicates ' . : MONTREAL, NAPLES, GENOA | and should like tot rnal ~etreult June IF... 0 tu XAPLIA, & Montreal [hl adjustment could not to a in intern 3 vinta od Humbugs, Wintergreen and Vanilla flavors . . . . | 19e. FREIGHT ONLY Approximate Sailing Dates ST. JOHN---LONDON 30 ...¢ Pevrenin Bolingbroke sescsterans., Batdford John, N.B, Leadon, Rotterdam a 6 oy . sass. Bosworth . John----Avoamouth Apr. 7 5 MAY to Freight Dept, Phone Main 6580 Otta h 16.--One member ° 2 of Parli§ has risen in the House § ; L a pars to urged his own' indemnity, | agi S rior Ice Cr cam P arlor : hy a of the 234 other Adelaide 21 along oe be cut Rallv . | : 3 € . » : down. § course of his speach in : ¢ 204 Princess St. P hone 648 Thé Chigese admire their women | ' po a ---- -- the address, T. B. Ross, Was increased : . - : for their small feet. i; . pF from North ]