Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Mar 1922, p. 1

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Ey ch A JEN TIBFTHORE EL 4 Jl 1 15 1 NN ARRYMORE |__wosiVimn | by L |" Loris EAR" LAST EDITION YEAR 80; No. 64. KINGSTON, ONTAKIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1922. "7 roe DRURY SNEW "55 vr RISH TERROR. : Dofiald Crane. . New York pra Birth of a | British War Secretary to En- .-| Rejection Would Extinguish| OF TAXATION :: to Alice Brady, actress, and dau- | DE VALERA list Key Men and Make RADIAL | | - Only Bright Ray of Hope NOW AT END : ghter of Willlam A. Brady, became | Fresh Start. ~ London, March 17.--Risks involv- London, March 17.--Debate on {known yesterday with the filing of a! on Horizon. certificate in the bureau of vital sta-| iia : «pg (tistics at Mount Vernon. Miss Brady . J the Irish 5 2 i . s : , y 1 *d in the reducti f the army, 1 * see th sh Free State treaty was re-| Griffi Whe « Provincial Treasurer Smith ves aivorcea trom" Jumes ryons Boston Irishmen Pledge Sup- coin te recuction of secervary, | Municipalities May Form a/sumed in tne stones of torte sess: According to Grif h Crane, ctor, last January. They ' . fie i iF Lanting Wanhnec . he . day. There have been persistent re- | P , D Makes Budget: Speec were married two years ago. port to the Collins-Grif- { Evans, were outlined by the war se. Partnership--Financing By ports that the "Die Hards would | Iuakes dt. ainck's ay Without a Budget. at a diby, ranied tn ihe dex Bula) % fith Government. { cretary in introducing the army esti- B d Is seek to destroy the treaty by amend- | Statement. {as Dona rane was bo n Mount | { 4 ; | 8 {Vernon hospital where Miss Brady | mates in the House of Commons. He on Sues. ments, but the tone of the debate | Toronto, March 17.--The import- i i - said the proposed personnel of 153, gave little indication of such tactics.| Dublin, Marca 17.--Arthur Grife ra A at ia Th or John Ed-| Boston, March 17.--The loader- | prop P The Marquis of Lansdowne, who |tith says: The treaty signed between wards, of Scranton, Pa. leat {Ship of DeValera was repudiated DO) excluding He trooné 98 tus ro.|80t radial legislation which nas i$ one of the leaders of the 'Die |lreland and Great Britain gives Ire taxation or mention of the 1921-22 | Crane is a son of Dr. Frank Crane |and his policy of external assoc.ation | !aPlishment in India, showed a fo [been awaited with interest was in- Hard" movement, was one of the land the substance of freedom om estimates, the Budget speech of Pro- fwriter. | With the British Empire was com- | Suction or 20,000, Sombpated wun Ltroduced fn the legislature yesterday | speakers. He admitted that he was this Patrick's Day. > | gt | ' 1 y sure Peter Swh 18 the | sented i212 Feglution passes les | behind the army a reserve of 146,000 |itarnves 3Y Prenter brary rhe bil an unrepentant- Unionist and called The realty of Hie is already ap- dissertdtion decidely uninteresting. Irish Freedom at their St. Patrick's{ Men and 55,000 militia. The reserve [on d > " |attention to grievances which he parent. The provisional government g {Ini m i t. Patrick's today. he said. was 650007800 no ction and operation of muhi- | gig ought to be remedied, but at|of the Irish Free State is taking cén= Tha main point of the treasurers f militia. but therd Wis 'a large po- cipal electric railways." It was ex- the same time he sald he recognized [trol of all departments of Irish gove iriet Sommells wpel governmental | tential reserve of war veterans plained that the bill proceeds on an [nat the Unionist policy had been [ernment and an Irish army occupies Fiance Nas that although STpendr . Sir Laming Worthington-Evans entirely different basis to any pre- | jettisoned and that nothing remain- [barracks and strongholds hitherto re Jad ustensed they Vers wis aid he proposed to strengthen the Yious legislation respecting radial [eq but to see the government's pol; | held only by the English. gh BE ate ane on statistics | reserve by enlisting key men and aye: ther of municipalities icy through and to do what was in In a few monthe an election will Iready furnished and made public Bill Be Unch 1 {make a fresh start with the militia |, h D €8 may |their power to make it successful. [take place, when the Irish people will 5 ready SD Hi to he IAnger., at a cost of £1,000,000. 'Dealing _.» What would practically be a| To reject the Irish treaty bill de-|eléct the parliament of the Irish in the accounts, and pointed out the London, March 17.--Although "ith oe risks incurred IN. conse. partnership with regard to a radial clared Lord Lansdowne, would be |Free State. > oe Mmitiation in me | quence of the reduction, he sald the railway. These municipalities would | to extinguish the only bright ray of | Irish people henceforth will gov= terfally Increasing the provincial re- Pini a] Bt rs altel on to reintores appoint five persons, not members of hope now illuminating a melancholy |ern their own country and the Irish mn fast yor eres Sue he | the } mis of the drowl in India. sn I ie municipal councils wno {and depressing horizon. His speech |nation takes its place among the na~ brags, Toe bins mare an 3) py GA | coral eventusivls reatorements TL (TRAE I8 Meeclation, Th wae aken as a nda gaat he lon of the writ And with increased revenues in Ubon ancient Spanish masterpieces. | |, modification, | greatly exceeding the proposed fu-{yo1d office for five years would to a u evenigaly Is : ZOVOInm CHE the b kat, 2 oroisa various fields, both old and new, he |AR advalorem tax of 100 per cent. | | ture establishments might be requir-| ooo great extent haye the same : BOvernIme In br 8! er nothing declared, the burden of taxation in has' been levied upon alle Spanish | Shooting in ( Cork, ed, Sir Laming hoper that a sound | 0 Cd 25 tho directors a Taliwee Pu B\ ane 10W concentrates upon Ontario was being felt on the shoul- | Works ot art GE a dale earlier than} Cork, March 17.__Four persons | Policy and. wise administration | oo ooo The method of appoint- NEED HIGHER STANDARD btn) oD aural eEth wad 1850 which are exported from the | were wounded here last night in a | WOuld justify runing whatever TSR Cont hay eer ty worker ou g peo- ders of those best able to bear it. The SaGnLY ehloas ing th , ple. rank and file of the 'citizenhood of | Tr. clash between persons following a |Was involved in reducing the-army. fy o-oo large and small municipali- FOR THE STUDY OF LAW A year ago today Ireland was in brass band and the republican po- ¥ ties will get proper representation. [the grip of terror. That is now end- | -- ed. the province, he said, were affected | The municipalities must first obtain only by the amusement tax and mo- lice. Shots were exchanged. v tor vehicles licenes tax. GO SPEAKS , ee at their own expense a report from | Danger of it Becoming the! on this our national feast The estimated receipts for the pro- DETECTIVES LOOKING g 9 east day, we the Hydro Electric Power Commis- are h t vince for the year ending Octobar INTO WATCH THEORY Easiest Profession to Got RP Py 10 exprdss (0 the Americal 31st, 1922, are $32,971,378, and the IN THE COMMONS estimated expenditures, $24,805,181. | ---- > 4 {Interview Small's Wife and sion giving estimates of the cost of | people our appreciation of the great construction, equipment, operation, Into. | support which they have at all times Statutory uotima} en are not includ- ed in these amounts -o it is not pos- Barber Who Tells the Watch Story. BON OF ALICE BRADY . A A Divorced Actress' Baby Is Named MOVIE STARS LEAVE ile por {day dinner. Miss Minter Going to Honolulu, Miss | : Normand to. Europe. ! Loyal support was pledged to the : " | provisional government of Ireland ! San Francisco, March 17.--Mary | " i i Pikes Miles Minter, motion picture act. | nder the leade ip of Coline and ls ress, registered under the name ot| STi, Miss Shelby, was a passenger on tha | steamer Wilhelmina sailing for | | Honolulu, | Lord Carson in the House of Lords yesterday indicated an attempt . to Jmpost on Exports of Art. {amend the Irish treaty bill in com- london, March 17.--Spaln has |, ittes, the belief is expressed here [taken drastic action to prevent raids, + the bill will become law with- palities will then enter into an agree-| Toronto, March 17/--Great stress instrumental in b ringing us the si ment, which must be submitted to | Was laid by speakers before the On-| ... we gained ging . ue and receive the approval of the elec- |tario Bar Association on "the neces- The sincer : A : e friendshi hich tors qualified to vote on money by- |Sity at the present time for a higher | oy 10g petween our us laws in each municipality, whereby | standard of preliminary training re-| continue in the future as in the X the proportions in which the cost of [quired from those intending to en- | t : . therup, barber, and Mrs. Ambrose bast, \ construction and equipment to be [ter the study of law.. -- > Ottawa, March 17.--S8ir-Lomer Go- | Small, wife of the theatrical mag- b RT A : ] orne by each municipality will ve Dean McRae, of Dalhousie Univer- Attacks Propagandists uin broke out of silence in the House | nate who has been missing for over lit i h . . t : : settled. The agreement must also |Sity, Halifax, sald that dentistry, Washington, March '17 of Commons yesterday. Sir Lomer [two years, are being interviewed by ~. : diel dq h h 8 ' ~A gruel« . spoke only "twenty minutes but it is| detectives, to-day regarding the Provide for the construction of thy [Medicine and perhaps the. horse: ling attack on Irish propagandists 2 , 3 2 £ he |rallway, either by the association or doctors, too, were all lengthening |p, are seeking to intimidate sena- probable revenue, etc. The municl- given us, and which was so largely sible to forecast what the actual i- (Declares Premier King the mances will be at the end of the year. Only Chief of Liberal A Supplementary estimates ior ne Party year ending October 31st, 1922, . amounting to $8,852,736 were tabl- ed. The highest amount was for edu- cation, $2,982,052, in which was In- cluded $1,675,789 for provincial and . ather nniver oa | ---- | Toronto, March 17.--Arthur Wea- | W. E. N. Sinclair, Liberal financial critic, moved the adjournment with the comment: "I accept the treasur- a long time since twenty minutes contained anything so vitally inter- esting to the House of Commons. His remarks cleared the political atmos- misséng man's watch, Weatherup, who shaved Small the day he disap- peared, says Small produced a cer- tain watch which was subsequently by the power commission. To Issue Bonds. After the railways has been con- the period of study before which a student would be allowed practice. Law would come to be looked upon as the shortest, quickest and easiest tors into opposing the treatiessare ranged at the Washington Confers ence was made in the Senate yesters day by Senator Williams of Mississ: ais challenge. and will 'undertake to phere. found among his effects at the Small on Tuesday where 3a the province a Ye For two or three days Sir Lomer | residence. The question is, did 8 has sat in the House listening pa- [Small go home before he disappear- structed the association may, if the profession {6 get into. ippl. agreement between the municipali- " We must dei," Jala Dean Mac-| ~ Myeh of his speech was devoted ta aatr AGT, Or ade ae a 1 appr ties so provided, enter into an agree- | Rae, "put a bait before the student |, scathing attack on the Washington gan tlently to the many speakers, a num-| éd, ment with the Hydro-Electric Power (0 lure him Into a profession for |pyreay of \2tormation of the Frionds " a ber of whom made references direct- | 88 has generally been supposed. Mrs. " SAE S050 2 +2000 On RS eS dre a Hes: Bishi fot Bae , ed) | Commission for the operation of the whith Be i Sot Jued. kb it of Irish Freedom. This organization, * 0 ! concerned himself witli none but Mr. | watches and two different ones must PREMIER NORRIS railway by the commission as its ag- e wge Btarlo 10 make Wo ne charged, was attacking with pre- ¢ AIR | \ Leadey . of' government, ient for a period not exceeding five |Years in the university a requisite da al BRITISH N OUT ¢ |Melghen, Opposition' Leader, and |be referred to. which was defeated Tuesday in the leg- BE JY | for the Studorit destsl paganda all persons who were sup. APPROPRIATION OU WItH one, retérence fo My. Crorst. is sslature. years, but such agreement may be |TOT the student desiring to enter law. parting the conference treaties a March "17. Drastic #1 admitted: that - he would mot: have Le renewed for further periods of five | Manitoba had adopted this standard, | wgs branding them as disloyal and * _loudon Mare i spoken in debate had not Mr. Mei- WONT YIELD ONE : years. and he hoped to be able to announce agents of Great B # reductions are anmounced in DE VALERA FORMING The financing of the enterprise |Next week that Nova : Scotia had Great Britain, & the estimates fos the British ghen made some assertions which re- AN ORGANIZATION Ts . nos k EW by the association is- |@dopted it. # air forces. About ten million 4 |Quired a reply from him. INCH OF TERRITORY {suing bonds which will be secured on | Dean McKay, of McGill University, | SCATHING REVIEW & po nds will be provided, as ors la mortgage deed given to a trust | 8180 spoke, strongly endorsing Dean OF TUMULTY'S BOOK # against about twice as much Issues Manifesto to Maintain company and secured upon the rail- [Stone's advocacy of case law as tend- Fen . & last year. Republic and Repudiate way. Each municipality will also be [Ing to bring students to concrete Daily Chronicle Humiliates * Peace Treaty. required to deposit with the trust |C¢ases, so that they might avoid the Wilson's 8 . a company -its-debentures for the pro-|efTor of being short on facts and son's Secretary--Tenth Dublin, March 17.--De Valera is-| portion of the cost for which it :s [long on law. Rate American Journalist. sued 8 manifesto yesterday launch- liable under the agreement and these : in a new Irish organization to be debentures will be deposited with the called the "Cumann Na Poblachta '|trust.company as collateral security multy's "Woodrow Wilson as I Knew or Republican-association and asked | for the bonds issted and charged Litto De Ea ; Him" is published here yesterday. A was trying to be the "dictator" of (declared. Harry Mulholland, mem- | financial and moral support of it. |upon the Hallway. Such bunds and E . He Bese for Help | reviewer in the Dilly Chronicle the government and that the "inter-|ber of the Ulster parliament, son of | According to the manifesto the |the debentures issued by the munici- Winnipeg, March 17.-- There wit | Ju eats" of Montreal were the.dominat- [Lord.Dunleath, told the meeting. the | B€W Organization takes its stand on |pality will bear the same rate of in- be littl ond t : It professes to reveal Wilson the its semi-annual five per cent. oy ra In tHe HOW Sovernect. JOrEagens or bad decided to have no-|the proclamation of the Irish re-|terest, and will be payable in forty- oe ttle or on. hn ar farm held {man; what it does reveal is Mr. Tue dividend to six per cent. This Is The Conservatives readily admit' that thing to do with the boundary com- [Public in Easter week 1916 and its | four years. 8 Manitoba, this spring, Judging |muity, the tenth-rate American the best Bank of England divi- |, "yo 0 or commons has gained | mission provided for in'the Anglo-|Fatification in the declaration of in- Tom inquiries alrindy Selves, 2 journalist with all the incorrigiole dend since before the war and |, 0h wnoge ability fs equalled by | Irish treaty, dependence of January 1919. or WA, Super Ble Nent Mos ihe vanity and cheap sentimentalism and financiers see an omen of re- [goo "Before we yield an inch of our| De Valera signed . the manifesto prow Service of Canada, said i ld intellectual standards of his type, 'turning prosperity. Sir Lomer spoke of his own atti- territory to tHe rebels, they, will [OD behalf of the Republican mem-|..... Gale Releases Large Field Off | day. Only sixty replies have been re Panning his puny tape measure over itude on the tariff and on railways. | have to kill twenty or thirty thous-| Pers of the Dail Eireann and their England. ceived to an Inquiry sent out to 250 |i truly g7sat man, one of the mogt As to the tariff, he declared, amid [and Orangemen," he declared. 'If|Standing committee, Paris, March 17.--The great gale agents two weeks ago, and these in- ca pres rts, welicics that. Atholl 2 enthusiastic applause from the Lib- [such a thing is attempted, thousand The main objects of the organiza-| op. b jase k v WERE COER c app o g p 0 0 | tion, as stated in the manitesto, are | "PICh 1ast week swept the English |dicated men would be required only ington, Jefferson and Lincoln, aud Smothers Insinuations, . : By the Liberal group the speech of Ulster Orangemen Firmly Dew Sir Lomer was regarded as a triumph - clare That the Rebels Will for seldom has a minister or member 38000000000 0000y Get Nothing. -- of 'the house been accorded such an ovation as that given to Sir Lomer BANK OF ENGLAND when he resumed his seat. The Lib- Belfast, March 17.--Not an inch DIVIDEND INCREASED cral members believe that Sir Lom-|of Ulster territory will be yielded to - er successfully and completely de-|Southern Ireland, speakers ai the stroyed the campaign talk that ne |Kilkeel Orange meeting last evening, 44d PPro tbo tree : London, March . SE FARMS OF MANITOBA eh 17~Jossph Ty 'ork, March 17.--Lon- do: les to-day state that the Bank of England has increased MANY MINES LOOSE eral members, that he favored the |of Orangemen in the colonies will channel has,' according to reports | for spring work, Laurier-Fielding type of tariff, "tak-|flock to Ulster's aid." to secure International recognition |g. Cherbourg, &nd other seacoast Froduciag Ah ncieuivly valgar Slee . a sl ing into account the Interests of the| Lady Craig, wife of the Ulster |°f the Irish republic, to maintain towns, relieved a large number of BY REVOLVERS consumer as well as those of the far-| premier, also spoke, saying the pre-| the undiminished sovereign authori-|go.. and Allied mines which had " Han, yon When he has obtrusive mer, whose industry we have always | mier's recent tour had resulted in a|!¥ Of the Dail and to repudiate the + pon picked up during the sweep- P iY S REPLY personality, can write a first rate bi regarded as the basic industry, and | determination on his part never to | Proposed agreement with Great Brit- ing operations at the end of the war. ography of a big man fs shown by : e he classic example of Boswell, but the interests of the manufatcurers in [allow an inch of territory 'to bein as humiliating to the nation and | pro oe the mines are of the German t » To Call South African Strike a, filched trom Ulster," destructive to its status and rightful {gp poo variety, and it is presumed Boswell did at least given Johnson Statement by Toes Georae Can er object Is stated to be to that, owing to the décay of thelr y Rie pron or Toot slatas te ug Union Executive. Fair Trial for Railways. Lloyd ge didate maintain respect for political pledges Juvuriage uring the pus Your Years Bishop Fallon Wants More De- Sir Lomer said the opinion of Elected In Cambridge | and the high standard of probity and ia broken a 2 re Seas finite Pronouncement on those who did not favor state owner- -- honor of Irish public life. ' ing at large. The fishing smack Ebro Separate School Plans. take Tumulty's word for it, hardly a ship of railways should be respect-| London, March 17.--The' Coali-{ The new organization will probab- us reported by wireless to Che single act of Wilson's public life, ed, but he put himself on record as|tion Unionist Lloyd George candid-'1y act as the Republican party mach- vour ponte it passed » through Pe London, March 17.--Bishop M hardly a great word that he uttered, supporting the announced govern.|ate Sir Douglas Newton has been el-|ine since the old Sinn Fein party or-| 1... fer of DAU about pid 3 F Fallon, recognized dader in the | but was suggested and urged updm ment railway policy of giving the Na- | ected to the Cambridge vacancy ganization, the Ard Fheis, will not be re east of St. Catherines Poi wi Roman Catholic move for revision |RM by his remarkable secretary. it tional Railways "a fair trial under|caused by the resignation of Sir | available for that purpose for either | . y ah 3 is Mr. Tunrtity all the time, and the the best possible conditions Erle Geddes. Newton had a plural-| the Republican or the Free State 1sle of Wight. From along the Nor. of the law affecting division ot president, if nowhere, was at any The "Interest" which had defeat-|ity of nearly four thousand votes| advocates, owing to the recent ag. A ao the piesenes of other | schoo] tates sud recontary, on 2 | rate 'Tumulty's impressicnable 'and ed the late government, Sir Lomer |over the combined Labor and Lib-|reement reached at a meeting of | IRS Is reporte opal 7 | responsive pupil. Just as Mr, Tue v LI would not express even lukewarm , . muity made Mr. Wilson, Mr. Tu= the inspirer of Johnson's best say- -- ings and the master of Johnson's yi« Johannesburg, ° South Africa, gorous wisdom. But if we are to March 17.--Joséph "Thompson, prés- ident of the augmented executives of the South African Industrial Federa- tion, was arrested in connection with the mine strike. Two rebel leaders were killed in the bombardment of Fordsburg by government forces: The old Industrial Trades Union of South Africa has issued a state- told Mr. Meighen, "was the will of |eral vote. that organization, f ' : Ei, whlch wae scrompebion. (he Canaan Denil." butt an | ee Site Height of Hospitality £2 Sepuiion of Cahora whic |All made tho wan, and Mr. The revolutionary activities "nd defeated ne EE SouSerning Wmtel) a His "Ghost" PROMISES . . : Is Enjoyed by Guest waited on the eablagt Wednseda?. | Inuity nade the pases. bY armed goverment forces, was dress that Sir Lomer "cleared the at- EAR TRE ur 2 9 ropes 1t Jiepare 3: i t - Bs, called by the executive which was mosphere properly." . : ' Cobalt, March 17.--Harry Wilson, | ¢3%¢ and appeal to the cour Ss no . RUSSIAN ARISTOCRATS, partly coerced by revolvers of ex- "The Liberal varty Bas one chief | i GHOSTING workless and without anything _to|In accord with the bishop's idea of ; tremists who would aor allow any: and one chiet only," 'he -declared. : eat, applied to the local police: tor [how the controversy should be set- §5ome Are Settling om Canadian 3 une 10 we Jie oom 3 strize "and that chief is the prime minister Spiritualigtic Medium GQives assistance. He was given shelter |tled. He still adheres, it is under- Prairies, * and a meal. While in the town hall stood, to his statement made at To- Vancouver, B.C., March 17.--Rus HUSBAND AND WIFE. of Canada." He won further acclaim when he said. "I am nothing but & -will. I have only one to be permitted to serve my country in my own} madesyfay and to give [all reports, the ghost of the father- the spirit toward | in-law of Franklin CrandaM, who was which I have directed all the efforts | been haunting she Crandall home of my political life of 25 years in an- [here for some nights, has promised full express Spirit Iding and It Will Keep Away. Windsor, March 17.__According to he broke into a cupboard. and. stole some liquor stored there, disposing of some of it internally. In police charges of being drunk and of theft, and was sent to North Bay jail for {three months. court here he pleaded guilty "to| routo, that it was a friendly argu- ment and there was no reason, as yet, to go to the courts. This morning the bishop indicated that he was far from satisfied with the definiteness of Premier Drury's answer to the deputation. He says he cannot possibly give a reply till he knows exactly what the answer slan aristocrats, dispossessed of the'r lands by revolution, are coming to Canada to settle on prairie farms ace cording to H. J. Loughran, colou a tion agent of the Canadian Pagifie Railway at Vancouver, The ploneér of the movement, Count A. Koukolevski, is already es tablished with his family near Bag other: field--the spirit of unity, to quit his "ghosting." By arrange- '| Farmers Have Difficulty ony aan which is so nececssary for the pros- | ment with Crandall, Mrs. Sydney » Tur 8 sano, Alta., and ten families to whom, 0) In Securing Hired Help| sn4 even then," he added, I will | ne ated come perity of our country and the happi- Nua, pizitnaiatie medium; visit- 3 ; give no nih the matter has fe Jot ay bp | ness of our citizens." u ihe me last ant and, as told Peterbore', March 17.--Peterboro' been thoroughly comsidered "by the "Although an aristocrat to the fin- | Sia Hr rhe Suva the ghost county farmers are experiencing | Catholic Educational Council of On-|ger tips, Count Koukolevsk{ showed alte 2 Samar Haas Sane Vian fal o pro- difficulty in securing farm help, 'In tario, which is the official repregent- iby his conversation when here that Lore urn up again. Cran- spite of the fact that a large num-|{ative of §eparate schools in this o " on, March 17.--Summer|dall and his family have returned ber of men are walking around the province." Bri ne morte ot Benen | MR] (oc rm TS ofr steno - are Match 26th, and to continue till] National legislation making fur- E {ing from $20 to $40 a month with iis ennet . oatyote roa A unday, October Sth. This period | ther restrictions in 'he liquor traffic {board. In the married men | Drury's answer to the Educational houses and everything found is in-|{Couneil as a definite one to hind cluded. The local unemployment|the case over to the courts, and re- situation shows very littlf improve-igard the turn of events as a step My wife always lea.es wer high: has been fixed in accordance with an | will be asked for a deputation heeled pumps In the middle of the agreement entered into with France| the Dominion ines oath floor.--A. R. R. 2 'What Does Your Wite Do? and Belgium to secure uniformity in| wait on Premier King and the do- the three countries. : mindon government on March 28th.

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