Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Mar 1922, p. 5

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FOR CHOICE MEATS ~ and FIRST QUALITY 'NESTERN BEEF TRY B. V. McGeein 282° PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 i. : For moving of . FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS and CARTAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ; Kingston Transfer Co.' DRAW. WINNETT Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets ~~ Phone 377. Evenings 2231. { 153 WELLINGTON STREET Sana [NBR Nothing else known to science performs the same marvellous healing and dis- pels disease from the tissues as Zam-Buk does. This pure herbal balm takes the fire out of a wound or sore, kills and repels germs and grows fine new skin. Zam-Buk is acknowledged " THE WORLD'S TAY [FTT7) | ! b DENTAL SURGEON, Phone 363 PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work. All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 2 Markiand St, Phone 2397m, Dr. Waugh Dentist Phone 256 106 Wellington St. [2 BUILDING? KEPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 1 Main Street. 3 Pbove 1670 | torian Order ) ..C.. Angrove's Repairs Scales, Talking Machines, Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc. We do repair work right and guar- antee satisfaction. Bicycles, DR. S. E. PORTER Cerner Alfred and Johnson Streets Phone 1072F, 197 Wellington Street. WATTS People's Florist . + 177 wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1137, Er rrr [1] a year; DAVID SCOTT Plumber Plumbing and Gas Work a spec falty, All work guaranteed. Ad: dress 143 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277. PAA AAA AAA ¥ DR. BELL'S'SHAVING CREAM Brushes up quickly; creamy lather- and retains its molsture 800 shaves ....,....85¢. a tube > | | LL 1 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Kingston and Vicinity | Smith Elliott 111, | i George D. St. Remy, Dins- | mofa, Sask.. has been called home lon account of the illness { father, Smith Bijott, | Transferred From Quebec, ! Lt-Col. A, F. Harris has joined | No. 3 Company, R.C.G.A., Kingston! | over to the firm they belonged to a-| |Laving beén recently transferred ! » . \ . { from No. 4 ( ompany in Quebec City. Teaving For Ireland. Rev. Father D. A. Cullinane, Bal- {lycanoe, who is visiting his brother and siéter at Bridgeburg,' Ont., sails {trom New York on Saturday, on the [White Star liner Baltic for Ireland. | { | . Infantry School. Provisional Schools of Infantry have been recently established Peterborough and Bowmanville For the infantry units in these dis- | tricts. Died in His Eighty-Third Year. { John Gemmill, an old and esteem- |ed citizen of Almonte, died on Tues- |day night of heart failure. Mr. | Gemmill was proprietor of the Davis House for years. He was in his | elghty-third year. 2 Returns From Ottawa, J. B. Walkem, K.C., has returned from Ottawa where he attended a {meeting of the directors of the Vic- of Nurses. Mr, | kem was the guest of Lord and Lady | Byng. Mrs, Betsey A. Orman Dead. Mrs. Betsy A. Orman, Clinton, N. | Y., aged seventy-one years, died on | Tuesday at the home of her sister, | Mrs. William Russell. She had been Her husband, | Orman, died a year ago. George Lifingstone-Beach Wedding. At the Methodist church parson- (age, Brockville, on Wednesday, Rev. 1G. W. McCall united in marriage Miss Ethel Béach, Philipsville, to Mr. Robert Livingstohe; Yonge, The bridal couple were unattended. ---------- Our Success. We cater to, every man's taste, | whether his pocket or his inclina- [tion is the dictator. Spring coats, Spring suits, spring underwear, new AUTO TOPS RECOVERED and wi RH JONES W. R McRae & Co. The Telgmann School of - Music Piano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ac (cepted. 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325;. Se -------------------------------------------------- ee COAL | Choicest quality >t Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us, £ BOOTH & CO. Grove Inh Yard a Phone 1388 -- PRIVATE SA EVERSHARP PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to'above pencils. We carry a supply of parts, Prompt service, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, ' at 25 PINE STREET W. H. GODWIN & son Real Estate and Insurance 80 Brock Street Phone 424 DID YOU EVER TRY e Also have a full line of other relaibie es of Marma- lades, Jam a ilies for sale at-- 3 BON MARCHE GROCERY Cor. h snd Earl Streets vie No. 5-27149 Phone 1544. NI a tt Second Hand Lumber, barns and gar ing, cvitable for MEN! See Us For Your New Spring 0Coat Big variety of Men's Spring Qvercoats. Price $15.00, $20, $25.00 and $29.00. These are all the latest style and the prices are away down. Big range of Men's Fine Boots--black and tan. Price. . IL. ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET shirts, everything in men's wear at a very reasonable price... Prevost, Brock street. Tuberculosis. Experts Meet, Dr. Bruce Hopkins, - superintend- ent of the Mowat Sanitorium, is in | Ottawa, attending conferences on tuberculosis. The sessions are be- ing held at the call of the Depart- ment of Soldiers' Civil Reestablish- ment, ] a ---------------- Here From Boston. Hugh D. Nickle, Boston, a son of ex-Mayor H. C. Nickle, is spending a short holiday in the city. He is at tending the Massachusetts institne of Technology. Mr. Nickle played goal for the "Tech" hockey team, this win- LIVER ILLs HOOD'S | PILLS SLOAN'S EASES PAIN RELIEVES THE ACHE RMENTING, agonizing rheu- matic aches are quickly relieved by Sloan's Liniment. "Apply it frefly and enjoy a comforting sense of warmth. If penetrates wi rubbing. Good also for sciatica, lumbago; neuralgia, over-exerted muscles, sti joints, external aches and pains, aches, strains and sprains, Don't let: pain lay you up. Keep Sloan's Liniment handy and at the first sign of an ache or "pain, use it, for it certainly does Jrogice results, nada. At all dru Oc, $1.40. 9 3 in Cai of her | at | in | order to qualify officers and n.c.o.'s | Wal- |i ter and the Boston papers gave glow= ling accounts of his prowess. | ---------- Found Cheques on Street, Harry Orr, who resides at the | corner of Princess and Barrie streets, | picked up a number of checks am- | ounting to $3,400 and handed them 'few minutes after they were picked up on Princess street. kg Died in Toronto. | MrSQv. J. Wilson, Toronto, a sis- {ter of ¢. W. Vandervoort, Switzer- Lville, passed away at her home in | Toronto. The late Mrs. Wilson has been an invalid for about a year. | Mrs. Wilson was a frequent sumnier | visitor with her brother at Switzer- { ville, Badly Wrecked. The Ford sedan of Herbert Miller ed Sunday afternoon | when Mr. Miller drove it off the state {road three miles from Clayton, N.Y {towards Theresa. Mr. Miller ran the can into a ditch to avoid hitting a dog. The car hit a telegraph pole and | was smashed. No one was hurt! was badly sma i Want No Change, A petition has been circulated {among the shareholders and [scribers of the | Telephone Co. to be presented to the {board of directors asking that the | Misses Shook be allowed to remain | ssion of the office at Lynd- lhurst. Great Values Are Being Offered in Our Boys' Shop. We again would like to call the at- tention of the mothers of Kingston {and vicinity not to fail to visit our | Boys' Shop as we are offering some remarkable yalues in our Johnny-Tu- sell, has an extra pair of bloomers, the only way to buy. a Boy's suit these days. The Lion Clothing House, 356 King street, Kingston. To Become Missionary. Dr. Percy S. Tennant, Vernon, B. C., well known in this district, i% to leave in September for West China Ly, Coatsworth The petition was largely as a regular flim-flam game?" asked | L signed. ! Pant Suits. Remember every suit we | {ceived their discharge. | Waubfe is a beautiful boat and is |ideal for the ferry service between | Kingston and 'the Cape. Dare-Devil Stage Drivers, It was learned on Thursday after- {moon that Messrs. McDenmott and Woodman, dare-devil stage drivers from Wolfe Island who carry pas- sengers to and from the island dur- {ing the time that the ice is weak, |got in air holes during the past {couple of days. | | Brought Remains East. { Dr. and Mrs. S. R. Walker, Che- | |banse,, III, are spending a few days | |at the homes of Mr, and Mra. J. | Burnett and Mr. and Mrs. Harry | Burnett, Havelock. They brought 'o | Buffalo the body of their niece who passed away on March Sth, most of | | her near relatives residing there at ithe present time. She made her {home with the doctor and his wife | tor the past sixteen years, where she | {grew from childhood into beautiful | | womanhood. 1 EE ------ a ee -- { To Pen for Five Years. | Max Rosen was sentenced by | in the Torotno | | sessions to five years in penitentiary | {for the theft of $850 from Max Sha- an envelope containing newspaper | iclippings and $2 for another envel- | [ope containing the larger sum. | i 1 supopse this is what is known | his honor. "Yes," replied Crown Attorney Ar- | mour. "I supposed that this trick | had a bald head by this time." } Third Anniversary, Three years ago Friday the first troops from the 3rd Canadian divis- ion sailed from Southampton, Eng- land, for Kingston where they re- The., men from the third district came over on the steamer Olympic and landed at Halifax. When the steamer arrived near the dock at Halifax, the wind was -hlowing-so hard that the vessel had to"anchor in the harbor for fifty hours until the wind dropped. The where he will become a medical mis- sionary under the central board of missions of the Methodist church, Dr. Tennant is an honor graduate in medicine of McQill University and served overseas with< spital unit. Advertising Allitebation! As advertising assists all ambiti- ous. aspirations and. accompanies adequate activity, as all active ad- vertisers admit; as advertising aids accomplishments and attracts at- tention, allurmg as ably as attract- ing, all ambitfous aspirants are ac- tive advertisers. Alleluiah and amen! His Eye Injured. While sawing wood at Albert Os- trander"s near Picton on Saturday last, Clayton Ostrander had the mijs- "| instruction, care of arms, postage, train over the Grand Trunk railwey arrived at Tete de Pont barracks at about 5.30 o'clock on the afternoon of March 28th, The troops "were given a civic reception of which Ex- Mayor H. W, Newman was in charge, -------------------- The Money Expepded, o¥Che report of the department of militia and defence for the year end- ed March 31st, 1921, shows the fol- lowing expenditures in Kingston: Royal «Miltary College, $$321,308:- 94, This was reduced by cadets' fees and supplies amounting to $70,107.- 39. M.D. No. 3, allowances for grill, stationery, and gratuities and bon- uses, $12,338.33. Kingston, pay and allowances to officers and warrant officers, permanent force, $196,350.- fortune to Have a small stick of wood strike him in the éye with the re- sult that he was taken to Picton hospital and had his eye operated on by Or. Publow. At present he is still at the hospital and his friends hope that he will recover fully the sight of his eye. . Captured World's Record. W. D. Wright, the Wright farm, near Brockville, has been officially notified that Echo Sylvia Laura, the heifer owned by him which recently won the Canadian championship for butter production in seven days, has 'also won the world's championship record for two-year-olds with first calf. EHEcho Sylvia Laura is still un- dergoing a test and promises to break the 30-day record for butter production. Looks for Big Tourist Traffic. Captain R. H. Carnegie, of the Rockport Navigation Company, own- ers of the steamer Waubic is plan- | ning for a heavy tourist traffic via the Cape Vincent route after the opening of navigation and he has en- larged the deck space available for automobiles so as to be able to carry twelve cars easily. He has a gang of workmen and engineers at work out- fitting and overhauling the vessel in 21; pay and allowances to N.C.0.'s and men, $311,273.74, total $507,- 623.95. R.C.H.A. officers, $118,877,-} 92; R.C.HA. N.C.O.s and men, $183,611.36. Get Well Quickly IET WINCARNIS build yon up - TENEW your waning strength--tone up your system. Wincarnis is a concentrated food *& nerve tonic. 18 es, Bottles, $1.50 preparation for an early season. The "~~ # A LARGE STOCK OF ABOUT 50 USED Stoves and Heaters Small, medium and large sizes. Many of them in very good . condition, but slightly used. Suitable for heating shop, garage or house. As they are not in our line, and we arg keen to dispose of them, will sell them at Bargain Prices. -" S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking «k actory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON Out. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. \ \ ( If yon ever did, you do NOW. We've chains, $6.00 market. New prices on MAXOTI RES, 30x3% EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBI ER CO. A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050 FUR SALE Beautiful Brick bungalow, 7 rooms, electric lights, gas, 3- plece. bath, hot water heating, hardwood floors throughout, draw- ing room has large open fire place; beamed ceilings; fine cellar With stationary wash tubs, with hot and cold water. Lot 50 x 130; lawn surrounded By hedge; in rear, cherry, apple, pear trees and small fruit bushes. In finest residential part of city. No informa- tion given over phone. Please ca ll at office. M. P. TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street 'Phones 704 or 1481w the beat JUST ARRIVED FOR SPRING WEAR FEATHER BOAS and CAPES ourdier's BROCK STREET i WINTER (OVERCOATS: MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) ee ---------------- estan a. --------r ws FOR Saturday 'WOMEN'S PORCH DRESSES -- Plain Chambray and Fancy Checks and Plaids for ...... $2.95 each APRON DRESSES-- = in a great variety of patterns for ........ sesersrnes. O80, WOMEN'S CREAM BLOOMERS Just the right weight for this wea- ther ...... 60c. a pair ------ + -------- NEW GINGHAMS-- All the wanted Checks and Plaids at...... 25c¢. and 35¢. yard eee » roves AppIlN L Cohen & Ce. a J. Burnett, Havelock, just rétara- ed from Buffalo, N.Y., where he at- tended the burial of Miss Eliza Wal- ker. She Was the daughter of Par- ker. Walker, a broter of Mrs. J. Burpett, whose home is in Buffalo, : ENGLAND'S ROYAL HONEYMOONERS TRAVELED. | __ Here is a view of the #terior of the parlor car of the special train on which Prince: Mary and Viscount Lascelles traveled from London to, Weston Park for the first week o their honeymoon, The train was luxuriously fitted throughout. W. N. Linton & I hone 191. D Co. | The Wauaron Store 1 4 ac *

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