. TUESAY, MARCH 28, tim, LOOKING FORWARD THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG By Juanita Hamel ey a Ati GAs: RS Fouture Sarvica:lne. Groat Brisas bane S40 Kendo . ~ The flower-like things, David found out, were Mr, Cuttlefish's eight arms and although they were not all the same length, they were all furnished with suckers on their sides. From either side of this group of arms one long arm almost reachig to the bot- tom of his body waved at his side. At the ends of these long arms David could see little holes which Squeedee informed him were more suckers. ~Mr. Cuttletish's head was perched on a neck which looked almost too {small for the body under it. The up- oer part of his body was long and slender, while the lower part, almost |a triangle in shape, looked rather |out of place. Mr. Cuttlefish certainly | was a strange-looking creature, and Guaranfeed fo be the and best baking uresf powder possible fo produce. Because of the purity and high quality of Magic Baking leavening qualities: are of the ingredients 'Powder ifs perfect and it i5 therefore economical: EW.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED winaorso TORONTO, CANADA. Sy "If it hadn't been for my ink-bag that time, no telling where you fel- lows would have found yourselves, I tell you that discoloring the water behind me many times fools my ene- mies. I don't like to fight, so I run, throwing that inky fluid out behind me, and in this way my pursuer ne- ver gets close enough to harm me." "Sure enough, David!" laughed Squeedee. "I almost forgot to tell you that it's » from this very ink-bag which Mr. Cuttlefish has Just used that the wise men of your world, David, make their paint called sepia.' "Well, now," laughed Mr. Cuttle- fish, "I'm certainly glad to know that, after all, he's some good in this | world. Well, po David had to try real hard to keep | you folks come back from' laughing at him. |again whenever you can, and maybe {I can show i } "I know that I'm queer-looking," c you something else you've laughed Mr. Cuttlefish. "But I can't] help that, you know. You evidently don't admire the ower part of my | | figure. Perhaps you would if you | | knew what a help it is to me. Why" | never seen, and who knows but what A Net aarti Ran MONTREAL And with a merry chuckle Mr. Cuttlefish swam away. Then Squeedee and David rode back to the shore on their sea-horses. ---------------- you can tell me something." No one likes to play second fiddle, but just the same, it a wise man whe lets some one else sample the home brew first. TT TN Ne ty HARMLESS MEANS OF REDUCING FAT y fat people fear ordihaty means cing thelr weight. Here is ab dinary method. Extraordinary because while perfectly hatmites no dieting or exercise are n ry. mola Prescription Tablets are meade exactly in accordance with the fa 08 Marmola Prescription. You steadily and easily, with ng il] effects. Procure them from your druggist at one dollar for a ease or seh Pp direct to the Marmola Com any. 46] Woodward Avenue, Detroit, ich. # GOOD GLASSES But before Mr. Cuttlefish could ex- { | plain, there was a terrible commo-1 {tion, and David and Squeedee were | gathered up in Mr. Cuttjefish's long | arm and whisked, on his back, and --- away he sailed through the. water, | Is it memory or expectation that makes almost any girl, when she takes up her tennis racquet, think of the game? But how could it be otherwise when Cupid whispers in her ear, "Love-- fifteen," and all the other magic phrases that tell of winning? She knows these are the countings of the tennis score, but she feels that they are also prophecies of winning in the greater game of--lJove! Good Glasses, if needed, mean less eye- strain. They yield you a dividend every time you use your eyes. R. ARTHEY, R0. | cating a dark fluid behind him as | he went, making the water all black. ' A champion Nebraska steer has There is much between word and the name "Fatty ArBuckle IL." | deca. Sine. The Way Oscar Wilde Introduced Himself to America. ' When the steamer bringing Oscar ¢| Wilde from England 'arrived in New York there were many representa- tives of the press ready and waiting to interview the famous poet and playwright--the author of "Lady Windermere's Fan," and "The Im- portance of Being Earnest." Wilde was very genial and talked freely to reporters on all occasions, but particularly on this one--the oc- | FAMOUS "WITS" OF HISTORY | By MARK STUYVESANT, od tionalist and companion, Wilde was stimulating and refreshing. Accord- ing to Mr. Frank Harris, in his most interesting book, "Oscar Wilde," no man of his day was as clever as Os- car Wilde. He had the gift of speak- ling in the most humofous way, and of playing with words. Mr. Harris says: : "One night he took up thé word 'lose' at the table, I remember, 'We lose our chances,' he said laughing, | 'we lose our figures, we even lost our "Now I guess you see why I'm proud . of myself," Mr. Cuttlefish : ? laughed when he had stopped to rest. 'Phone 2108 for appointment. Kingston's Up-to-date Optical Parlor - 148 Princess Street. Does Not Feel the SHE GIVES THE CREDIT TO DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Lo Weight of "Years | Nova Scotia with her Kidney Troubles Gone Can't Realize She is | Eighty and Sings the, Praise of | Dodd's Kidney Pills. White Rock Mills, N.S., Mar. 27.-- (Special) --Eighty years of age but still feeling many years younger, Miss Amy Schofild, a highly respected old resident here is prepared to give | {all the credit to Dodd's Kidney Pills. | "I cannot speak highly enough of | Dodd's Kidney Pills," Miss Schofild | says. "I yas so weak I could hardly walk and my back hurt me. I suf- fered from rheumatism too, and | urinary troubles at night so I scarce; could sleep. Dots wi "I got six boxes of Dodd's ney . . Pills and took them, They did me so | Made and sold in Kingston do much good and I can do so much | work I can't realize I was 80 my last | Ice Cream Eclairs 5¢ WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? ; ; \ Accept only an '"unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of 3 | K 'KMALE PILLS FOR WOMEN'S AILMENTS Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by "I have Nothing to Declare But My Genius" 25 years Standard for Delayed and physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis .' casion of his introduction to the new| characters, but we must never lose Painful Menstruation. Bealed Tin Earache 7 Lumbago Pain, Pain world. He was anxious to make a our temper. That is our duty to our package only, all or direct Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tableta--Also bottles of 24 and 100--Drugglsts. Eo my outon and 4 usr Tos neighbor, Fragk. Jus. somatisies we eats olen 13.00 "Pranek ar booker Aspirin ia the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- : ' y ronto. Aceticacidester of Salleylicacld. While it is well known that means Bayer Of course, his every word was lis- Wilde was. in great demand as a tao oF onoray Sate mitations. the Tablets of E Company tened to eagerly, and the distinguish- | dinner guest. It is not surprising, pn ror Syvay, ed arrival was 1 good form. His wit| when he could say such amusing! DAVID SCOTT was spontaneous and never failing. [things in an off-hand manner, as he! Plumber It was always bubbling--even after £} did once to a certain prominent host- || Plumbing and Gas Work a specs rough voyage across the Atlantic. ess, lalty, All work guaranteed. Ad- Wilde's trunks were piled on the Wilde was an inveterate smoker, dress 145 Frontenac Street. dock, and, as usual with a néw ar-|and Was miserable if he couldn't have Phone 1277, rival, he was anxious to get away | his cigarette. One evening, at a from anything that looked like a|large dinner, the ladies, fascinated by ship and go to his hetel. But he | Wilde's wit and brilliant conversa- had to wait for his luggage to be in-| tion, lingered too long in the dining- spected. When the revenue officer | room. Wilde wanted his cigarette approached him and inquired wha(| and was anxious for the ladies to re- Mr. Wilde had to declare, the poet | tire to the drawing-room so that he made the following remark, which | could smoke. has been quoted many times, and Suddenly his hostess glanced at a | which made fine eopy for the nmews-| lamp near Wilde. The flame had | paper men. ETOWR too big, and the shade was | Wilde said, as he flicked the ashes | starting to smoulder. She said: from his ever-present cigarette: "Please, Mr. Wilde, put it out, it's "I have nothing to declare but my | smoking!" genius." Wilde jumped to avert what might But Oscar Wilde's genius was a[ have been a serious accident. As he very wonderful possession to declare, | reached to turn down the wick, he re- and with which to delight his audi- | marked: ences and readers. As a conversa "Happy lamp!* > IS ed David, and he had a good look at Mr. Cuttlefish, His funny head looked more like a vase filled with queer flowers than like the head of an animal or a fish. rove 1 ou | by The Superior Ice Cream The kidneys are the first to show | the strain of advanced years. Ask | your neighbors if Dodd's Kidney Pills | do not make strong healthy kidneys. | DR. MARTEL'S F| Parlor, Superior Ice Cream Parlor 204 Princess St. Phone 64g NN N NN Fletcher's Castoria strictly a Foods are prepared is even more essential for Baby. Remedies for grown-ups arp not interchangeable. What ASTORI Castoria is a harmless substituté for Castor Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic age is its guarantee. For more than * thirty been in Constant use for the relief therefrom, a's : and by regula Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; thy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort--- ] Friend. GENUINE' CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Oh, Squeedee!" exclaimed ' David, all excitement, when they jumped off the sea-hofses at the bottom of the sea. "Who in the world is that funny-looking creature?" "Well," laughed the elfin, wink- 'tion. "Don't you kmow--but, pshaw, of course not! David, meet Mr. Cat- tietish," ; 'Cuttlefish 1s "only one of my!" HL N . names," laughed the funny creature, | IN : /} extending his long arm toward David. L "Some folks call me, Squid. Haven't Jrou ever seen a squid before?" _ "Not that I ean remember," taugh-| A full-size, full-weight, solid bar of good soap .is "SURPRISE." Best forany and-all household use, For use in washing machines shave or slice 8 portion of the "SURPRISE" bar direct to the machine.--Tt will do fine work. fa . £m In Use For Over 0 Years : ™E CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW vorx ciry EN ue ~