THE DA _------ = 1022 reese TUESDAY APRIL 4, NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS TEE days the happiest time life. in charm. 'Admiration, attention--groups of eager young men awaiting her ap- pearance and more partners than she can dance with--this makes girlhood To miss this popularity is a tragedy. Yet many girls are socially unsuccessful because of some lack What constitutes this charm is hard to define--but one thing is cer- tain. The popular girl, the success- ful girl, the gay, happy, all-admired of He esh, radiant skin. of a woman's sand years ago. Every day your a coating of dust, little or much cold these clogging de you will soon be ness, blackheads and blotches, How soap Mild, pure, soothing soap, such as Palm- olive, is a simple yet cértain beautifier. Its profuse, creamy lather penetrates the network of skin pores and dissolves all dangerous deposits, Gentle rinsing carries them away. THE PALMOLIVE COMPANY OF CANADA, Limited girl is always distinguished by a Tr How to have this perfect ecom- plexion is the problem of many but we can solve it for you. simple secret, discovered many thou- What spoils complexions soil. Every day you apply powder, and every day most women use a This dirf,"powder and cold cream penetrates the tiny fills them. Perspiration completes the clogging. You can judge for yourself what happens if you fail to wash these accumulations away. Once a day your skin needs care- ful, thorough cleansing to remove The Happiest Time r Life irls, t's a Now, when harm skin accumulates P dirt and general "ne. cream. skin pores and beauty secret. tion-like mast highly its. Otherwise , icted with coarse- small least beautifies at a low price. Thus atra's WINNIPEG, TORONTO, MONTREAL . Also makers of a complete line of toilet articles Made in Canada Volume and iency produce 25-cent quality for When yout skiff 14 thed cleinsed, it quickly responds with fresh, smooth radi- + ance. The healthful stimulation results in natural becoming color. And the lotion- like qualities of of your complexion delightfull clean, is the time to appl Now, powder and that touc| You can complexion and beautify one not so good the means of this simple cosmetic Cleopatra's way With all classic peoples, bathing was a daily rite never neglec Cleopatra's sumptuous marble bath are ample proof of her faith in this ancient Palm and olive oils were the cleansers used--the same bland oriental oils we blend scientifically in Palmolive. The lo- ualities which made them the prized of all old world beau tifiers ace imparted to Palmolive Soap, A low-cost luxury The vast volume in which we produce Palmolive to s mand naturally lowers cost. uantities the price would be at 24 cents. Manufacturing economy * permits us to offer this finest facial soap ou can afford to share Cleo- ne luxury. Use Palmolive or bathing and let it do for your body what it does for your face, Palmolive lather keeps soft. your skin is healthfully cold creanr. of rouge are rfect your good The ruins of ply the world-wide de- If made in Answered Letters, Mary C, "WHI! you kindly print some good lunch or supper dishes? I "can always think of what to have for breakfast or for dinner---but when it comes to lunch or Sunday night supper, I never know what to cook." Answer: Send me a stamped and self-addressed envelope (not a tiny, "or a long, narrow envelope) and I will send you a full page sheet of TPP --" ; |=} IL LUST "18\ © L HH NAR i wt) ) { .recipes I have just had printed up, entitled, "Sevem Good Supper Dishes." These you will find suit- able for both lunch and supper, I will send this to any Reader who writes for ome, provided, of course, they send me a stamped, self-address- ed envelope. J. K. 8. 'Please tell me how to renew the appearance of my real leather hand bag. Also how to clean my silver-plated mesh bag without 1} a Wank TITTY DELICIOUS HONEY TARTS, APRICOT TARTS, JELLY TARTS OYSTER PATTIES TO ORDER ~ THE HOME OF CHOICE CAKES AND PASTRY sending it to the factory to bc polish- ed?" Answer: Rub your leathar hand- bag with neatsfoot oil, Sometimes leather it is improved by sponging with warm soapy water and rubbing lightly with the white of an egg. The silver mesh bag may be cleaned by placing it in a bright aluminum pan with one tablespoon each of salt and baking soda to each quart of hot water used. After boiling the bag in this way for ten minutes, put the bag into another pan, off the range, filled with hot, soapy water to which a drop or two of ammonia has been added, rinse in clear water, and dry well. Silver cleaned by this method has a dull lustre, which to many wo- men is more attractive than a high polish, " BE. C. R. "Will you please print again the Baked Potato Cake recipe you published ast Thanksgiving?" Answer: Baked Potato Cake: Boll and mash 12 medium-size white po- tatoes. Put this mashed potato into two bread pans and make a hole in the centre of the mound in each pan; into these two holes stir the following ingredients, mixed: 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of bread crumbs, 1-4 onion chopped finely, 1 tea-cup of butter, 1, teaspoon of salt and 1-8 teaspoon of black pepper. Use half this mixture for each pan of the meshed potato. Butter the top of each "loaf" and bake them 20 min- utes in a hot oven. (The chopped onfon should be simmered on the range in a little butter--not brown- ed--auntil almost tender, before add- ed to the above ingredients.) Mrs. C. D. "Can you tell me how to clean fibre rug? The color is white and green and the white part is sofled." Answer: Scrub the Tug with salty water, using a small, soft bristled nail brush to do the work. If no sa't were used in the water, the light parts of the rug would turn yellow. One cup of salt to a gallon of water 8 about the right' combination to § Mme. B. M. 'Please tell me what to do about my window panes, which seem to have something Mke oil on the outside. I have tried washing them with gasoline, but without suc- cess." Anawer: Try washing them with Lot water to which you have added a generous amount of amonia and suds from naptha soap. A good sand- soap would also help, Mrs, U. "Can one resilver a mir- ror at home?" Answer: No, it must be sent to a factory to have that done. Tomorrow---Easy Menus for the New Malid's First Week, A.a All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkman in care of the "Efficient Housekeeping" department will be answered in these columns in their turn. This requifées considerable time, however, owing to the great number received. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamped and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question--The ditor, DYE BLOUSE OR _ BABY'S COAT IN DIAMOND DYES "Diamond Dyes' add years of wear to worn, faded skirts, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, hang- ings, draperies, everything. Every package contains directions so simple any woman can put new, rich, fade- less colors into her worn garments or draperies even if she has never dyed before. Just buy Diamond Dyes--no other kind--then your ma- terial will come out right, because Diamond Dyes are guaranteed not to streak, spot, fade or run. Tell your cruggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whe- ther it is linem, cottom, or mixed £00dS, / i > | Life's Social Side ' Editor of Women's Page, Telephoa 724; Private phone 857w. . - -. A merry party of young people arrangedéa surprise on Monday even- ing for Miss Florence Emery and lesked Mrs. E. F. Emery to let them | dance in her pretty rooms. Those present included, Miss Isabel and Miss Grace Mooers, Miss Catharine and Miss Isabel Minnes, Miss Helen Totield, Miss Clara Farreil, Miss Gertrude McKelvey, Miss Lillian Fair, Miss Caroline Mitchell, Miss Jessie Mair, Miss Ruth McKinnon, Miss Frances Murray, Miss Helen Nicol, Miss Grace Dunlop, Miss Ruth | McClement, Miss Anella Minnes, Miss Mary Jones, Miss Lois Taylor, | Messrs. Hew Duff, E. Steacy, Mace Mair, J. and P. MacLeod, Hague, Gi ffon, Vanbuskirk, Don ~ Robert- son, Hubert Chown, Shillington, Jack McKelvey, Grafton, Wilkinson, Bert Sutherland, Miller Donnelly, I& Chalmers, J. Root, Don Macpherson, Jack MacGillivary, Paul and Gordon Cunningham, 'Alan Hamilton, LUE Miss Florence Emery, Bagot street s the hostess of a bright girls' tea for Miss Gertrude McKelvey, who was in town for her holiday Miss Helen Tofield and Miss a Farrell poured tea at the tea table {decked with jonqulls, assisted by | Miss Isabel Minnes. The other | guests included, Miss Catharine | Minnes, Miss Evelyn Nicol, Miss | Grace 'Dunlop, Miss Lillian Fair, | Miss Mary Jones, Miss Anella Min- nes, Miss Nevada Best, Miss Caro- line Mitchell, Miss Isabel and Miss | Grace Mooers, Miss ' Phyllis Rough- {ten, Miss Marion Kirkpatrick, Miss | Helen Nicol, Miss Kathleen Bibby, land Miss Lois Taylor. *. - . Mrs. John McKay, "Argyle Place." asked a few old friends of Mrs. John | McKay, Sr., to come in at the tea | hour on Monday to celebrate her birthday and the anniversary of her wedding day. Mrs. Lionel Smith, who had come from Montreal for tho occasion, which is also her own wed- ding day, was present and received her share of gifts and good wishes. . * - Mrs. E. J. C. Schmidlin, Roya: Military College, is giving a small bridge this afternoon for Mrs. Stuari Lady Macdonell. Mrs. John Donnelly, Earl street, is entertaining on Wednesday nven- ing for her son, Miller Donnelly. *® * - Miss Doris McKay, Sydenham street, will entertain the Bridge Club this afternoon. . - Miss Helen Tofield and Miss Clara a a | What the Editor Hears That a lady wants to know why she has to pay a man to shovel her snow and her neighbors, who have several able-bodied men {in their household leave it to the Sun and wind, Perhaps the answer fs that the lady in question, who has always had the good of her fellow citizens at heart cares whether they go to work with wet feet and her neigh- bors don't, That is where the law should step in, 1 That many people think the old, old story of Jesus and His Love" told weekly from the pulpits of King- ston, preaches the gospel in a way preferable to the house to house dis- tribution of the propaganda of ob- scure sects, That nobody quite so blase and sophisticated as a flapper, who is just recovering from a baby-grande- passion, That the big snow storm didn't frighten away the birds that have come to us, Early in the morning we can hear their sweet carillion, robins, blackbirds and the song spar- rows lovely note, all joining in the chorus, That a New York woman says: "Deliver us from the man with a new motor horn, the woman with a new phonograph, the boy with a new whistle, and the neurotic with a new complaint." . fis vn That the homespuns displayed in the Kingston shop windows are most attractive and will be much used this seasol, > : at THE MARTELLO Tower.| - The Martello tower in Macdon- ald park which was unroofed in the fatal storm of last autumn has been repaired but with the roof green, which seems a great pity to many Kingston people, The old red roof showing among the green trees, was a 'touch of home to the sailors com- ing from the great lakes, and could be seen for some distance as the green roof cannot, Red, tog, is a color used for military buildings and surely we who are so proud of living in one of the three oldest garrison cities In Canada, will weat the travel- Forbes, Toronto, who is the guest of | Farrell gave a tea dance on Satur- day afternoon at Mrs. H. A. Tofteld'sd home on Barrie street, for Florence Emery. _ » - Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, Wést street, | Who has spgnt sometime in Southera | Pines, North Carolina, and in New York, where she was staying with her aunt, Mrs. Broadwell, returnedq | to town on Monday. | Mrs. Hugh Wotherspoon, who | spent a few days in town with Major | Wotherspoon, has returned to Port Hope. Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Eari| street, left on Monday to spend sev- | eral weeks in Philadephia, Pa Mrs. George Bateman, University | avenue, went to Newburgh today. Rev. A. F. C. Whalley, rector of Peter's church, Brockville will be a visitor In town on Wednesday. . * . St. Mrs. John Webster, who has heen at St. Mark's rectory, Barriefield, with her brother and sister, Rev. Al- fred O. Cooke, and Miss Cooke, left for Belleville to spend the week-end with Col. Ponton and Miss Ponton going on to Whitby on Monday.. { Mrs. Pugsley, who was with Mrs. W. W. Chown, Division street, left | for Toronto today { * - » Mrs. Pruyn, Napanee, is with her sister, Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Wel- lington street, Miss Grange, another gister, who has been in Ottawa, has | come to town and at present is in the Hotel Dieu. Mrs. Douglas, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. Garnet Lockett, Kensington avenue, for time, | will leave for Atlantic City this weuk with her g dchildren to join Mr, and Mrs. Lockett. some Mr. and Mrs: L."A. 'Guild, Division street, returned. home Sunday, after attending the Internatfonal Rotary | Convention held in Rochester, N.Y. | Miss Catharine Minnes, who stay- | ed over for the surprise party given! for Miss Florence Emery, left for| Macdonald College, Guelph, today. | Anthony Dumoulin, Hamilton, f{s| with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Philip Dumoulin, Sydenham street. Mrs. Ambrose Shea, Sydenham | apartments, who was to have return-| ed to town on Saturday will remain in Ottawa for a week or so longer, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur B. Cunni:g- | ham, Earl street, returned from At-| | lantic City on Monday, | * . * The mariage of Miss Florence! Jean Potter, Outrement, to Orrin | Bain Rexford, son of Rev. Dr. BE. I} Rexford and Mrs. Rexford, Univer- | sity street, Montreal, is taking place quietly on Easter Monday, April 17th at MacVicar Memorial church. errr St---- lers passing on their way to the | beauties of the St. Lawrence to give us credit for all we have in the way of old fortifications. The artists of | Kingston are raising an outery | against the very bad art of leaving | out the touch of red which throws | the other colors into relief. And | still other people say that the old | tower we have all known since our childhood with its red roof will look like the freakish summer home of an American millionaire if it is left with its green top. RLOTTE BOYLE CLUNE Daughter of Col. Joe ("Klondyke") Boyle, and holder of four world swim- ming records. The Ploture shows her in ski-ing costume at Rochester, where she lives. teint Individuality in Dress, Fashion may, each season, have its variations. But no women should forget that individuaedity counts above everything. The result is that 4 woman may wear what suits her best and feel sure that she is in the fashion, But she must not wear a fashion which does not sul her. Every clever woman knows by in- stinct tho colors that blend with her tone of hair and eyes, and this is the most essential part of dressing. To be well dressed, one must be wearing the Bulgarian shades which run a riot. Then comes the study of the lines of her figure. It is true Paris says "Slim giris wear slim clothes | and broad brimmed hats" but let it! be slim tall girls whe wear the big hats, Evening a 8 with their high necks covering many a whoily | and boney neck, this apropos of line is a fashion might remain in fashion | to many who are not the proud pos- sessors of plump necks, Millinery should be difficult, a small hat looks | wel on almost any girl, A loose e | welght Miss |} | maturely { full of dandruff, quick action must be | money | this quick, | Into a stiff paste some powdered dela- WAS MADE SLIM ple now stage pec Ma af Just ri sell Marmola Ou Can secure. them mola Co, > 612°W rm cr oA DR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PLLLS FOK WOMEN'S AILMENTS 25 years Standard for Delayed and Paintul Menstruation. Sealed Tin package only, all Druggists or direct by mail. Price $2.00. Knickerbockee Remedy Co., 71 BE. Front St, Tos ronto. ' A REAL HAIR SAVER hair is falling gray, brittle, lif If vour out, pre less and taken to save it. Get from any drug or to let count- er to-day a bottle of Par un Sage and use as directed--there's nothing else so simple, safe and effective, "Before going to bed I rub a little Parisian Sage into my scalp," says a women whose luxurious, soft and flufty hair is greatly admired "It keeps away all dandruff--my hair is never dry, faded or scraggly, but re- tains its natural color and beauty," Parisian Sage is inexpensive, and refunded if not satisfactory, McLeod's Drug Store sells lots of it. rm mm a Embarrassing Hairs : Can be Quickly Removed | (Beauty Culture) Hairs can be easily banished from the under-arms, neck and face by painless method: Mix tone and water, spread on hairy sur- face and in 2 or 3 minutes rub off, wash the skin and it will be free from hair or blemish Excepting in very stubborn growths, one application is sufficient. To avoid disappointment, buy the delatone in an original pack age and mix fresh. | renin dress can easily look slovenly unless it fits, Wrong shoes and stockings; a collar that is not fresh, morning gloves with an afternoon dress will not only take away from the individ- uality of the dress but will spoil the effect. While on gloves, most men do not take enough paing terest in gloves, WOo- and in- To-morrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble Stn mt hectares : Bend WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5TH. Conflicting forces dominate on this day according to the rule of the stars. While there is a sway t courage. important change, removal Or travel, yet there are offsetting tes- timonies pointing to heavy losses and generally unfortunate finan ial con- ditions. Jupiter being in most an- friendly attitude. Those in the em= ployment of others are also under an adverse position of the luminaries, and should be careful not to put their positions in jeopardy, Those whose birthday it {s have the forecast of a year of change, with possibly not altogether fortunate fi- nancial prospects. Those in the em- ployment of others are urged to safe- guard their positions. A child born on this day will be original, intuitive and adventurous, but may he extra. vagant unless carefully trained in early life, and may meet many dift- culties. » "Tell your troubles to the classi- fied advertising department and they will soon cease to be troubles." 0 ens What Queen's Qirls Are Doing Everyone is hard at work on es. says and many hours are spent fn the college library * by the studious ones, . Next Saturday the athletic exhible tion will be given in the gymnasium and in the meantime the girls are hard at work practising all sorts of stunts. One cannot drive through a stone wall. A cr Ag BEAUTY OF THE SKIN 18 the natural desirg of every woman, and is obiaicalic by the use of Dr. Chase » Ointment. Pimples, bisckbeads, | nd redness of the skin, lon and eczema disappear, and vedy. All dealers, or Edwanson, Baies & Co., | Limited, Toronto. Sample free i you | weation this paper. Dr. Chase's PRL } { the skin in lefs soft, smooth and ve