\ SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1023, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG a r__ Ep 0 HEMLOCK We have a large and well assorted stock of Hemlock on hand. You will find that we can meet your needs at right prices, Allan Lumber Co. THE JUNIOR BRITISH WHIG | WORK SPORTS BIGGEST LITTLE PAPER IN THE WORLD ! y FE. H.LEwis ONE REEL YARNS INSTRUCTOR NEW YORK. Y.M.C.A. RADIO SCHOOL THE REST OF THE STORY ! <x gy THE PIRATE ISLANDS rh 5 bea sity "ne THE ELECTRICAL CONDENSER o'8ay," says Joo Taylor, when us|ucan' And the cattle hunters were |, °, 4 ner she told them how she When gas is pumped through a | leak off very quickly. No fellers in the Pirate Six were sitting [called buccaneers. This name finally | | oon sister gone pipe into a tank a certain pres- | tric is an absolute non around in our Cave the other night, |came to be used for all pirates. grandpa's hay oF Jud 4 sid nd sure is exerted by the pump to | of electricity, hawever; $0 BO Ml "I've beem learning a lot about pi- themselves a house by trampling force the gas into the tank. The | ter how good it is, the rates sifice we were hers last time. in down the standing hay Into rooms. gas.is compressible, and the gas Funny how I happened on to it. rgin "We had a parlor and a sitting room within the tank exerts a back "Last Sunday we all drove down to place with double doors between, and bed- press upon the gas flowing Hillsdale, where some of our relatives - rooms and a kitchen and even a into the tank. The back pressure live, because my uncle Ned was home. weeks, barn--" Just then the phone rang. is at every instant opposing the The twins dd not wait for more of oo : flow of more gas into the tank. < . - or and said, "Lora a think, oth ial, When he Preaure of Fae Phone 1042 - « = Victoria Street in the colonidl days it of crackers and an apple , they within the tank equals the pres- i an dM pirate White rest scampered off to the i eDlut their sure exerted by the pump, no egative battery terminal Hi i ts rT, Erandpa's hay was shining in the more gas flows into the tank. The charg STR AE ty Srank oh is, They Saihyied themselves a gas which is then Jasias ot the o [1] " galleons. ¢ ouse apiece, iving rooms and tank is "condensed" and stor He knocks d a lot and isn't |hie big black a ~ which he was | 4Ining rooms and even sun parlors, 1 a valve in the pipe Is closed the REAL ATE, BONDS AND INSURANCE hows _- a, 8 a awful stuck up about. He used to|>"d then they set up housekeeping. pump may be stopped, and tho gas BST " "After dinner Uncle Orvil was read- | twist his beard up inte Uttle pigtaia | 7, TA0 Fel Tun. and the twine will mot leak out of the tank until We pay Cash for Vietery's. tie ribbons on them. the tank is 3 or EE TE aE a. Jam te HE a earerd a ty ow Jies macy Jazpas, yoviatug the ne KINGSTON AGENCIES, Limited peared and folks thought there was and Grandpa--a very redf and A somewhat similar "tank" for 7. 0. HUTTON Phone 708. & pirate ship operating somewhere angry Grandpa, came stamping' right electricity can be made by coating | B. G. ROBERTSON - 67 Clarence Street on the coast, prob'ly some ex-Ger- Charleston, South Caro- | through the walls of the houses, and a sheet of glass with tinfoil on man sailors that had a ship-and were colonts: grasping a twin in either hand, gave each side. If the "condenser," . ~---- pirating, like in.old days. them a good shaking aplece. "Look which is then formed, is con- R Then Uncle Ned got to telling the at ail that good hay spoiled--what do nected to a battery, an electrical about how he'd been down in the n--don' i y West Indies and around South Ameri- 8 ena, i oma & oo). now that Nay pressure is exerted, which causes | ALE ot pa od rod it spolls hay to tread it down that electricity hyip agp the Sons alot o ® Connected wit way? denser unt! e back pressure ol * | 1 ¢ 7 rooms, elec- times when it was thick with pirates. Sheepishly the twins returned home. the electricity equals ts; pressure ie, to SOD BRICK Jouve: (25 uivaisity ayanue; wo The, Pirate Sea Eo > "Mother," they asked, 'what did exerted by the battery. The cur- | ¢ lights, gas, 3-p! » s . Pri . 000 do t hb d th FRAME HOUSE, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, electric lights, gas, 3 "Ever since Christopher Columbus n Jour grandis do to you when he yen! thea ceases io flow, aud the | piece bath, good cellar, nice garden. Price $2,300, with small pay- Lay ema on, | nar ls Ore The pee cd eo oo s down In n . is called the "dielectric," an | . have been over-run with pirates and " must be a very poor conductor of | demser to store the electricity, | STORE and DWELLING in west end with or without stock. have been the scene of lots of adven- | named Lieutenant Maynard found him "Oh, nothing." said the twins, ' elsctricity or the "charge" will f ture. They are right across the old | resting in an inlet in North Carolina. walother Maghed. 4 should have route; you see, where the ships car- He hemmed him in with his ship, and or ie ry," i . l crt rying gold and jewels from the Incas t started, Finally Lieutenant | *8id- : had to follow on their way to Spain. nn sured face . to face with | And the twins agreed that she was I That's why it was such a favorite |Biackbeard and fOught him single- | 'Sht gi, il 237 Bagot Street 'Phones 704 or 1481w hang-out for the pirates. handed, until the pirate fell on the " Y Il : ------ pA \ and hard Lo got at, 2 It waa enn To | Bouin, et. he Rls nt ams Br RALPH BROWN = says, 'Look : their headquarters and be safe." out, or Blackbeard will get you." \ Rapio ENGINEER, CUTTING AND WASHINGTON RADIO Corp GOOD EYESIGHT the old buccezneers to fit them up as | still feel creepy if any one "What's bLuccanesrs™' interrupts| Just then Mrs. Woods came ouf in Bam. showing his ignorance. areoboot. | 2° Jar and called Herb. Joo said 18 TUNED RADIO FREQUENCY TRANSFORMER. "That's 'another name for - was going tell us some more ' ys . | " says doe-- "By the | abou talked Most radio experimenters know | ers may be arranged so that the ' : Toy me vie | Shout re ued 0/; that when signals are too weak to | turning of one Fuoh tunes all of Don't delay until headaches or failing sight nam from. I never heard of it | So we sald »" d beat it. A (2 operate a vacupm tube detector | PE --. nw pines called Tortuga in hg STUBBS, , dpe as to provide some compel you, but have your eyes properly the Carribbean there was a regular Scribe of the Pirate Six. 4 Lo f steppl them up in : Dirate colony. There weren't any a Do a examined NOW. cattla thére, so they went over to R mea TO-DAY'S PUZZLE One way to do this is to use radio Bait ge thar mu a. Yhoy ma Form a word square of words mean- ah - frequency amplification and a : R. ARTHEY RO. cattle. The cattle ran wild. Ing a heavenly body, a story, charity, suitable transformer. A radio Be. 9 and to repose. ' quency transformer has a rather : Tr he aan yu SE 0 . FUERYE: Soyo, Sus low efficlency outside of the band 4 'Phos 2uoat Optometrist-and Optician bmi. "The men hun ca cu ar, ye i one or appointment. - Prin the meat in strips, -and hung it over | Answer to .to-day's: Star, tale, | FEF ot Nave Tangths or Which 3 P frames to smoke, The place where |alms, rest, . - v es gned, unless means are pr them at the same time. It {s thus : vided for tuning it. possible to have several stages of A radio frequency transformer radio frequency amplification, a = ER SE Sy WE AK HEART has been designed, however, each of them being efficient and which is tapped at a number of necessitating no loss of time in nervessaoy | MAIN STREET | Fifi: @=rass | Hoctrical Supplies and Fixtures SHATTERED simple matter to quickly tune the ; switches is made long enough to CONTRACTING 'AND REPAIRING transformer to the band of wave extend through a panel so that Many a woman who should be * | lengths within which the operator the transformer or transformers, Distributors for \» strong" and healthy, full of ys a] The Story of Carol Kennicott desires to receive. as thq case may be, are mounted EDISON MAZDA LAMPS, APEX VACCUM CLEANERS, energy is bound hy the shackles o By a clever system of mounting | inside' the cabinet, with only the SUNNYSUDS BLECTRIC WASHER fn TA or comstitutional Bib : By SINCLAIR LEWIS two or more of these transform- knob showing outside, : rested articles Kin mupuniont . turbance has left its mark in tho |'! A Will readors inte tn thesd vadio clos dly co . El t C form of a weak heart, shattered : with the editor by > urke «0 ric 0. nerves, impoverished blood and an Carol was furious. "I don't pre- |probably. There, there! Don't mind ws mail? y exhausted condition of the whole sys- | tend that Will has no faults. But ona {my naughtiness. I have some fresa- pleasure, in the arching flight of) Every minute should be counted 74 PRINCESS STREET - - PHONE 423 In MILBURN'S thing I do know: He's as simple- imade raisin 'coookies for you." swallows, and added to it a solicitide ] precious: RAT . . 3 hearted about what you call 'goings- > HEART AND NERVE Fis on' as a babe, And if he aver were CHAPTER XXVI Shom their nests and family squab they will find a remedy that will suD- [such a sad dog as to look at another Sho' 1otot hier seasons of 'bore ly eof OF the exhausted nerves, |w..gn 1 ceftainly hope he'd haye| Carols liveliest interest was in aer 8 Sorgol he 3 of 1a ' » dom: She said to Hugh, "We're two ne t Ail strcpet n and regulate spirit enough to do the tempting, and | Walks with the baby. Hugh wanted fat Qisrepuiable old: minstrels roatn. } ak rr invigorate the n { ) Sole on od. and 1 i ij dot be coaxed into it, as in your de- jo know whit the bos-eldter ies mld, ing round the world,' and he echoed ONEIDA OMMUNITY., LiMiTED © Mrs. W. W. Pearse, 14 Seaton St., | Pressing picture! What the big cloud Sal $e sho toid | her, "Roamin' round -- roamin Toronto, Ont., writes:--"I was left| 'Why, what a wicked thing *o Al Wah iE LE ADa, ho" wos Sof (YOURE ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT with a weak heart and in a run-down | gay, Carrie!" from Aunt Bessie. i ) 8 us ® 4 but The 'high adventure, - the secret condition from the "flu." My nerves| "No, I mean it! Oh, of course, I|IR the least making up stories, bu place to which they both tied Joyous. ONEIDA N.Y, were badly shattered, and I had|son't mean it! But--I know every | discovering the souls of things. They ly, was the house of Miles and Bea such pains around my heart I could thought in 'his head so well that ne had an especial fondness for the anh Olaf Biornstam. mot sleep much at night, I took sev- . it hitching-post in front of the mill. It Sral doctors' medicings. without get-|c0uIdn't hide anything even if nel "0 0 "(OL Uo agree- | ~ Kennicott steadily disapproved of ting any better. My husband got me | Wanted to. Now this morning--He| \\ = "0 1g of it held the |the Bjornstams. He protested, to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve | Was out late last night; he had to go sunlight, while its neck, grooved by | What do you want to talk to that Pills, and after I took one box I|see Mrs. Perry, who Is ailing, and hitching-straps, tickled one's fingers, | CTank for?" He hinted that a former got relief, and after taking six boxes | then fix a man's hand, and this morn- Carol had ' te ¥o to th '1 "Swede hired girl" was low com- I have been well and not bothered |ing he was so quiet and thoughtful 24 never been awake 10 the pany for the son of,Dr. Will Kenni- since." 0 vo Nd at breakfast and--" She leaned for- Sith ns re avin colt. "She did oY She did | Price, 60c. a box at all dealers, or a feally to t He . mailed direct on receipt of price by Ran, De matey . he she had lived in people and in ideas | ROt quite {ndsratand & hersell: 2 December 20, 1921. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- De h thinking of?" about having ideas; but Hugh ques- | Not know that in the to, Ont. Supposs 18 Wis 89 © | tions made her attentive to the com- | found her friends, her club, her sym- -~ "What?" trembled Mrs. Bogart. edies of sparrows, robins, blue pays, | PAthY, and her ration of bldssed cy- Gain wll or lose all. ; "Whether the grass needs cutting: yollo nes: x Be Tob ainod her nicism. For a time the gossip of -- : Juanita Haydock and the Jolly Sev- zou are na |enteen had been a refuge from the ; CZEM A fag when |droning of Aunt Bessie but the re- Canadian Daily Newspapers Association, PAINT UP! CLEAN Up! ome hr lief had not continued. The Fouas 902 Excelsior Life Building, . * tions. ho}, voltoves Chase' ; N ent for and Skin Irrita. | matrons made her nervous. ioves gradu- | talked so loud, always so loud. They Toronto, Ont, s : is filled a room with clashing cackle; Is the order of the day, and you will find RE eds age; ®e8 (thelr jests and gags they re- : ne ti d. Un everything necessary to do your work here. DO Dear Sirs: We carry a full line of Crown Diamond L ; A Ee Taree Referring to your recent letter, I would . Ready Mixed Paint, Varnish Stains, Floor Mes. Dr. Wests ake Mid 2g Llends that I believe Tape a a highly teste ™ Varnish, Johnston's Floor Wax, Brushes. Trends 1h BloTastine form of advertising. They not only reach channels . Lo Hugh, the Red Swede was Hye jupeastsle to oh by magazines, but they have ' . E : horulg and yowertul petses in an intensive ect not only on the consumer tut Lemmon & Sons : | ation ha trotted after while Miles on the dealer as well, : " 1g 187 PRINGESS STREBF ' . ; ; an wnt ut lax and migratory - a A woman, for instance, who sees an adver- : a nd he Hoch Ont was tisement of COMMUNITY PLATE in her own newspaper : ord ausong swrtal os, fous stu wisry Zed) 1s08 3 once that it must be on sale in her own o i third-class Jyonare ng , town, IMMUNITY PLATE for her is localized and her iM IE DON A from a am buying impulse is greatly accentuated, - "Regina ; sticks, lone playing-cards, and frre- tare, rough She 21a 301 3d. experience that newspaper advertising in his own beautiful than her own dark child, | town is especially valuable to him and can be made sil i NES UA AD wetersara and ie Tone vente tHieyeibly injured toons. Of course, with the dealer, he knows from Ganadian Services , | MY: & Boston Services nu to directly bring him business. Boqk your passage to-day on the new ; et CUNARD LINE * ? : CUNARD LINE A White Star-Domiuion Lice Steamer Salle : ' N.Y. to Quesnstown and Liverpeol vers Sutra , : We feel that newspaper advertising has ; Moptrenl to Liverpeot Fe Re ary AL Ring 8, EB. To ,; : played an important part in helping us to place i ry Soop te ermanta | *Aluc calla 'at Boston, une THA COMMUNITY PIATE in the dominant position in the Tung Su 12]Sept. 16 ......» wAusonis WE Oertoury & Semtiampten a i Canadian tableware market, : pr. 11 May cere nne nd Jit 4 7 Montreal to Plymouth, Cherbourg | May 30170 S0JuIy 11 5.0 Derenearis| _ Lot Sincerely yours, + and London : \ x N.Y. Ply, Cherbourg and Hamboury > ; ' 4 June 17(July 22jAug. 236 ......Andanla| April ${May 13{June 17 +.......Caronia magnificent solitude he marched tv- : Apr. rans ee Ere nen house, whil bewail- duly lAug, SiSept. 3 ........Antonis| WBC 13sec oii Prone a Be § a, 0 e Hugh "m sins ANCHOR-DONALDSON LINE |My 3(May 31Juné 38 .. Laconts two friends played Wilh an 3 Director of Advertising. Portland, Halifax, Glasgow ANCHOR LINE : imperial ' From Portland From Halifax| N. Y. te Glangéw (via Moville) : BLD'RM Apr. "18 .... Saturnia ........Apr. 15 : i May 37\June 3" or ogi This of the consumer and the dealer is the key-stone of % May §lJune {June 3p .. PND oe : «the your prod en eng hich fn osty May 19/June 16*July 14... peered ; to the your or in Ii ; Mar STune ME Tuly 14 : pr, LIVERPOOL AND. : . retailers' interest permanently with your own. ~. ; jesege, : Jssued by The Canadien Dolly Newspepers Association, Head Offics, Toroste, . el