Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Apr 1922, p. 22

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: 'ontinental Life Building, Toronto ¥ BRITISH WHIG. 1 PERSONAL ---------- ® THE PEOPLE'S FOR ATTRACTIVE WIDOW, WORTH $18,- 000, will marry. Box §5, Club, Ox-| ford, Fla. | | WOULD YOU WRITE TO A WEAL- thy, pretty girl? tamp please. Lil- lian Sproul, station H., Cleveland, | Onla. © GET ACQUAINTED AND MARRY | well. Send stamped envelope. Chi- cago Friendship Club, 2928 Broad- WANTED GENERAL MEDIUM-SIZED : RE- Apply Box G-8, Whig PRICE | to Sa ADENSED ADVERTISING RATES: flist Icsertion, lc a word Zach con secutive insertion thereafter, half cent a word. Minimum charge for, one Ingertion, 26¢c; three irsertionas, 50 cents. } The above rates are for cash only when charged they are double WTD GEN WANTED, frigerat A ir. TO BUY A SMALL FARM; moderate Apply stating price Box F-8 Whig Office. HELP WANTED. WOMAN, CAPABLE OF PLA ing, to come to house, Apply to 25 Ting street A FEMALE COOK ¥ Missisquol, Ap; boat ards' do and 12 moon and 1 AGENT SELL Bortle Cap Remover sires Abe. Miller Specialty Co, lagd, Detroit. DOCYOR, WANTED TO BE STATION. +d at Plevna, Township of Claren- don and Millar, northern part of Frontenac County. Township Coun- cil will give a grant. J. I. Card Township C K -- vsb---- M E MONEY AT HOME, $15 7) weekly for your spare wriling show cards for us. No can-| vassing. We Instruct 8ud supply] 01; with work. West-Angus Show | Card Service, 17 Colborne Bld, To-| tonto. SALESMEN DESIRING TO FORM 'highly remunerative connection of- fering congenial promotion work of an unusual nature Address for particulars. Chas. Murdock, 1019 W. T. Waggoner Bldg., Fort Worth Texas. p LADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN and light sewing al home; whole o; spare time; good pay: work any distance; charg:s paid stamp for particulars Nalic Manufacturing Co.. Montreal WANTED TO HEAR FROM OWNER having farm for sale; give particu- lars and lowes John J Black, Canada Chippewa Falls, Wiscon=in CUSTOMERS FOR SHOE REPAIRING: work done quickly and neatly. Rubber Heels put on while you walt, Your patronage solicited Workmanship guaranteed, A Goodwin, Charles Street, near Montreal Street. REPRESENTATIVES WANTED BY A great business corporation, in the] villages, towns surrounding: King- ston. Only men or women of 25 years or over, of clean character and having ambition need apply. Address all inquirfes to Box 257, ¥ ingston, Ont GARDENER, EXPERIENCED IN ALL branches, wishes a few private residences to attend garden and] lawns for coming season. Neat work guaranteed. Terms moderate. | Drop a card t3 H. E. Smith, 102] William Street, who will call upon | MILLER MILK and cover to, nd house to house. Sample. 8707 Oak- ° 8 time MEN AND SALESLADIES IN ern Ontario to sell an electrica) med'cal apparatus known ay Violet Ray, highly recommended for rheu- natism, nervousness, headaches, colds, asthma, bronchitis; wanted in every home. Send for literature.! Demonstrations free Attractive proposition. Apply E. C. Smith, 199 Colborne Street TO LET. sent Send na! 98 DIVISION STREET, A FOUR-ROOM- ed apariment. Apply above address. handle line of | | i Man with capital to wholesale basis, high-grade Biscuits; Kingston and vicinity, Ap- ply in person to L. C. Shirley, Fran- tgnac Hotel, Monday, 10th inst, ter 6 p.m. ELEVEN ROOM BRICK HOUSE 70 rent from first of May, facing City Park. Apply King & Smythe af. LODGE ROOMS ON KING STRE formerly cccupled by the 1.O.OF Apply to Cuningham & Smith, WE WANT a SA Ly: agent for each Lus=preseuted coun ty or territory. KExciusive seliins rights; good pay lo energetic rep resentatives. Our agency is valu able. Write Pelham Nursery co Toronto. Ont. WANTED PERSONS TO GROW MUS rooms for us; waste space | lars, out-houses or gardens made yield $25 to $50 per we lustrated booklet and particulars sent for 3c. stamp. Toronto Supply Co.,, Cumstock Building, Toronto = EARN $35.00 TO $00.00 WEEKLY. BE A nurse. Big demand tor good nurse. New hospital in Chicago with exceptional hospital facilities is enrolling a limited number of student nursesnf Recognized regis- tered school. "Full maintenance, board and laundry free while studying! Salary $10.00 to start at once. Write for particulars. Ad- dress President, American Hospi- tal, 850 Irving Park Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois. FINST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD: all improvemea's: centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 University Ave, 43 RIDEAU STREET, STONE HOUSE eight rooms, three piece bath, gas, furnace Apply 47 Rideau Street. p---------------- -------------- SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE AT 48 LOW- er Rideau; all modern f{mprove- ments. Apply at 46 Lower Rideau Street . -------------- SIX ROOM HOUSE; GAS FOR LIGHT- ing and cooking, Birch Avenue, $28 May 1st R. Chas. Bell, 130 Clar- e St. en ett enn: HED HOUSE, NEAR WATER front, for two or three months,| from July 1st, with or without gar- age. Apply Box Whig Office. ON GROUND FLOOR, apartment; heated; gas for cooking 230 Barrie Street UR electric Phone. light; Apply FOR FURNITURE clean and dry. 88 Brock Street. STORAGE merchandise; Cann Ageacy, Phone 326. Manager Wanted | COMPLETELY | furnished, private bathroom; gas for cooking; phone . Apply 263 King street. | NINE ROOM HOUSE, IN GOOD LOCA. | thon; all improvements; good gar- | den, Rent $50.00 a month. Apply | Box D-7, Whig Office. | | -- rar ------------------------ SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, IN GOOD LO.! cation; all improvements; good den Rent $32.00 month. App Box D-7, Whig Office. FARM OF ABOUT 100 ACRES, 12 miles from Kingston Rents at $200 a year and taxes. Apply the| J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry. airy rooms and spaces; own jock and key. Irost's Storage, 200-305 Queen St. IPhone 526. Res. 989w. FOUR ROOM FLAT, The Continental Life Insurance Company, with an enviable record of over twenty years' prompt settle- ments and generous dealings, re- quires the services of an honest, en- ergetic man as District Manager. To & gentleman with necessary quali- fications a liberal contract will be #lven. Apply stating age and past employment to: 8. 8, WEAVER Eastern Superintendent, AGENTS WANTED WBEKLY SELLING SHINE Spiral Curtain Rods, 'Agents coin- ing money. For particulars and free sample write B. E. Manu- facturing Company, Dept. PP, Lon- don, Ont. AGENTS--GET IN A IFROFITABLRE all year commission business of your own. Every property owner needs some of our nine hundred varieties of hardy Red Tag trees And Rian No capltal needed plete equ $2200 WILL RENT THREE UNFUR- nished rooms on bathroom flat; suitable for light housekeeping; no extra charges for gas, etc. Apply Box C-§, Whig Office, MAY ist, APARTMENT OF 5 ROOMS, hardwood floors, electric light, gas range, refrigerator, fireplace, tiled bathroom. Apply Kingston Apart- ments Ltd, 69 Brock Street | EGGS FOR HATCHING FOUND | JNTAIN PEN, ON BROCK A FOUNT Owner. may have | calling at 525 Broek | "Phone 11, ROU ST | I MONEY, ON BROC. yy l Aw Bank of Toronto and i Merchants Bank. Apply at Whig Office GOLD RING, ON CORRIGAN ST. | Owner may have same at 182 Clergy Street. GENTLEMAN'S SCARF ON Clergy atreet between Prin- cess and Brock. Owner may e same at J. W. Brad- w's office. Court House. PERSIAN LAMB GAUNTLET picked up on the street. The owner can have same at the police station. SMALL KEY, PICKED UF NEAR corner of Wellington and Brock street. Apply Whig Office. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facis Tha British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed iu i column free of charge. "Found articles" coves not 1n- clude lust dogs, catile, horses, ete These, if lost, may; be ad- vertised tur ia the "Lost column Qe pm -- ee sees cet oe seen | LOST. MAN'S RED SILK SCARF, IF FOUND return to Whig Office. | DLUE SWE IR y morning Kinder turn to 362 Brock Street or phone 1713. FOR SALE. IN GOOD CONDI- | HABY CARRIAGE, Alfred Street tkon. Apply 151 LAND, MODEL 83, FIVE PAS-| senger. 'Apply to Overland Garage, Wellington street. ov A WHITE WICKER BARBY CARRIAGE, in good condition. Apply morni to 294 University Avenue, or 1423J. BELL T Sue Yields : Compa We advise quick . Good secur AUTOMOBILE TOP, COMPLETE FOR Special Six Studebake lates model. Apply Gibson, 179 Al- fred Street. to J 1920 new Bert CHEVROLET TOURING CAF model; runs and looks like and guaranteed to be as good Stansbury, Palace Rink SHEETS OF W HITE NEWSPRINT PA- id 23"; 500 sheets for J many purposes Apply British Whig Office. FROM ROSE Comb Anconas, winners at Ottawa, | Pleton and Smith's Falls. $3.00 per setting. Apply 349 Alfred St | HATCHING EGGS FROM BRED TO lay Barred Rocks, "Canadian Ring- | let" strain. $2.00 setting of 13. Ap-| ply Mr, Temple, 447 Division Street. | A SOLID BRICK, SIX ROOM HOUSE, all conveniences; gas, front and back verandah, also deep lot for sale, $1,800, $1,000 cash. | Apply 121 Stephen street. DOMINION GUARANTEED Tires, first, not second quality, at $1.95; Tubes 85c. while they last at Muller's Bievcie Works, King street BICYCLE | em | SEVEN ROOM FRAME HOUSE, ELEC- | tric light and gas; bath and closet; gond yard and lawn; north side of | Pine street. For quick sale $2,900 Apply In the evening. 101% Pine Street. NINE ROOMED FRAME HOUSE; electric ligh., yas for cooking, 3 plece bath ana hot air furnace, hardwood flours downstairs; also a good barn with stable. Apply to 96 Victoria street, near Mack Street. CORDWOOD, $10, $11 AND $12 PER cord; stovewood, split, $5.00 per cord; not split, $4.50; all neasured and delivered. Phone 1611m. Yard in rear of 44 University. W. C Bruton, 261 SIX ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, tham street (near Elm vard, shed, improvements, cellar «Rent $16.00 per month, Includes water. Apply 276 University Ave. ipment and fustiu'- tion free. rite Dominion Nurser. tes, Montreal. ENERGETIC, sponsible CHA- RELIABLE, RE. Street) preferably wiih tance, both business of to handle an old estab- lished product, in continual use hy over 50% of the population. Steady income and go rofits: A quick seller to Doth the .retail stores and eonsumer. Address: Mr West, Pear) Street, Turonto. STUDENTS, TEACHERS AND OTHERS writa fo opporturity to carn $1.- 900" in 100 days, spare time, Kaster holid summer holidays or full ime. ate age, whether siudent OF teacher, and how long you can ok MaYerisnce a heccasry ress Mr. Conrad, ager, De- rtment 8, 139 Spadina Avenue, n AN ONE SIX ROOM APARTMENT, ONE four room apartment, corner Bar- rie and Princess street; all conven- fences; hit water heated. Apply I Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. TWO LARGE or unfurr fe light cooking and ROOMS, FURNISHED shed, on bathroom flat, housekeeping electric 234 King street, SIX ROOMED ATTACHED HOUSE, 284 Alfred street; now putting ina 3-| piece bath; all newly scorated throughout; electric light; gas for cooking. Possession y 1st. Ap- ply IL Zacks, 271 Princess Street. MARWIAGE LICENSES CuARLUS ¥. ADAIR, CATARAGU , lssusr of marriage licenses. og 2367 r 13. MAY ist, APARTMENT OF THREE OR | four wooms-- kitchenette, 2 fire! places, 3 piece bathroom. Price in cludes electric lighting, hot and, cold water, hot water heating. | BOATS AND LAUNCHES RT omNSON v rs. opel inky recreation grounds. King west ddreéss P.O. Box 112. CEST ISS INEERING. 'LANS--=SURVEYS--=ESTIMATES -- T, Pray Scott. BA, BSe. Mem. Inst. 123 King Street. Phone 1638). LIGHT, Hyde cut prices, varidty en- Canoes. Bi- catalogues. Engine Ex- out ers, ia ie re og----new, obi it. eyelo motors. oe fan Boat and Teronte change, Judge For Yourself Try a little of our coal now that you may . know where best to order next season. CARD TO W. DRiS- LL OR DRO A coll. 23 John Street | University, | | ! GASOLINE LAUNCH, 27 FEET LONG, four cylinder Buffalo engine, ma hogany deck, speedy. Also seven- passenger Reo car. Both in good | condition. Special value. P, O.| Box 278, Gananoque, Ont. | USED CARS FOR SALE | $150 buys Ford Touring Car. $200 buys Ford Truck. | 273 buys Ferd Roadster. i { JK63 McLaughlin Roadster D45 McLaughlin Touring Car, Chal- mers six cylinder and many others; Chevrolet Shogk Absorbers and many | uged parts. GEO, A. PALMER. Used Car Salvage Co., Ltd., Corner Bagot and Queen Streets | { AND DWELLING | of bullding 42x66, Xx 38, stone con-| struction, steel roof, dwelling has! ien rooms, th room, electric! lights, combined hot water and hot | air furnace, X telephone lines, miso store house 25x68, barn 14x43, about 3 acres of land. Good village, | about 20 miles from Kingston | $2,000.00 will handle. Apply J. K.| Carroll Agency, 56 Brock Street. BATEMANS REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE. 700-BRICK VENEER; 7 ROOMS; 3 piece bath room; gas; stable; good sarden. COUNTRY ¥ combined, si and addition 2 ", -- ICK; 7 ROOMS; 3 PIECE bath; hot air furnace; near the Col- leglate Institute. $2400-FRAME; &§ ROOMS; BARN; B, + @and C.; electric lights; easy terms. V. FRONT; SEMI-DE- tached; lot runs to e; large gar- age snd shop. SEVERAL FARMS FOR SALE. R----_ HOUSES TO RENT GARDEN LOTS; LARGE OR SMALL. BATEMANS REAL ESTATE 139 Welllazton Strand | THOROUGHBRED | ONE GURNEY-OXFORD NINEX HOT | FRAME DWELLING OF NI | WHITE I | FARM; HUNDRED ACRES; EIGHTY | | MOTOR BOAT, 32 FT. LONG, GOOD | | wo | DOUBLE BRICK VENEERED DWELL- | | VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE --FOUR | way, Chicago, IIL f FOR SALE | MAIDEN, INHERITING $75,000 ES. | | tate needs manager. Would marry. | Address "Edith," Box 3099, Jack-| sonville, Florida. THOLICS WISHING TO MARRY, wanting Introductions, booklet free | Write Catholic Correspondence | Club, Grand Rapids, Mich. | MARRY---BEAUTIFUL ORPHAN GIRL, | very wealthy. Has a beautiful home and money In bank: will marry. Gentlemen 'please write. Box 6], | Burlington, N. C. | YOUR FUTURE FORETOLD: SEND dime, birthdate for truthful, rei. | able, eonvincing trial reading. | Hazel Hause, Box 216, Los Angeles, | Cal | E. W. MULLIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers P e 530w. } SEE DISPLAY AD. ON PAGE TWO. | Co | rier ---------------- er er ees reins A WHITE WICKER BABY CARRIAGE. | Price $26.00. Apply 16 Markland St. AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, BOAT CoV- ers, etc. Phone 436. Ww Frank Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. WHITE LL horn setting eggs, $1.00 a sett Apply H. Kelly, 680. Montreal Stre good | fire-| Box | | THE WORLD'S LEADING MATRI- monlal club, thousands worth $3, 000 to $400,000; willing to marry: | list sent free. Honorable Ralph | Hyde, 10, San Francisco, Calif. } ee eae. atte. | "THE LEADING MATRIMONIAL Club." Best, largest; ablisheq 17 vears. Thousands wealthy bers wish marriage. Conf.Jdential descriptions free. Only honorabie sincere people of both sexes need write. The Olid Reliable Club, Wrubel, Box 26, Oakliard,| water heater, coils, as new. Also gas log flor place. Apply to Ezra Pringle, 388, Napanee. copper i FARM OF 100 ACRES, 9 MILES FROM | Kingston, 1 frame house, good out- | buildings two wells and spring | Priee $4,000.00. Apply J. K. Car- roll Agency, 56 Brock Street. VE ROOMS, | good hot air furnace; large verandah deep lot, stable and drive houffe. sy terms. Apply J.! K. Carrol ncy, 56 Brock St WYANDOTTEN; BRED FOR egg production and to win, hatch-| ing eggs from Ottawa winner. | $3.00 per 15. All star pen, $5.00 per 15. Joseph White, I'ortsmouth; Ont | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, ®GIRTH. marks, skin cancers, scars, etc., re- moved permanently. Satisfactor:! glasses fitted and furnished after Others have failed. Uoltre removed. | 85 year experience. Dr. Elmer J Lake, Kye, Kar, Nose. Throat, Skia | 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301. se ---- { MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS, | try me; best aud most successful "Home Maker:" hundreds rich, | marriage soon; strictly confiden- | tial; most rellable; years experi- | ence; descriptions free. "The Suc- cessful Club," Mrs. Nash, Box 556 | Oakland. Calif. cultivated; twenty acres wood and pastures Pittsburgh Township; good house, barns, etc; well wa- tered. Apply James R. Darnes, n.| R. 1, Kingston. 15 passengers; 6 hp. St engine In good work- order next week. Cash price Apply George ¢Jeffrie, King-| Mills. | HAV: FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF good seconli-hand furniture and| stoves. Any | to carry Lawrence ston ARCHITEOT POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI- | tects, Merchants Bank Chambers. corner of Brock and Welllugton person having stoves| and furniture to dispose of, wg will pay highest prices. J. Thompson, 33) Princess Street. Phone 1600w. ings, all modern improvements;| BARBER west end of city, one block from | car line, yearly rental $700.00. Price $6,175.00. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, 66 Brock Stre J. W. CURSON, BARBER, MOVED TO 23 Brock Street Prices same. Men'g Cut 26c¢ Boys, 20¢ THREE VERY 1 Shaving Two chairs Planos in Al condition, which ha been exchanged on new upright Planos Just the Insiru- ment for a beginner Your ch $125 Terms $10 cas and § monthly Ltd, 10¢ WE HAVE V square CHIROPRACTIC WM. A. MARCELLs, D.C, I'a. C,, Cour- i ner Princess aud barrie Streets. 2nd | noor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, | wnt, Consultation free. Telepnone! ¥22J. Hours ¥ to 12 aru. 1 to 6 p.m eo 5.00 WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER, thoroughly re-cleaned and govern-| ment tested, $4.50 per bushel. F. O.| B. Fraserville, Ont. Any quantity;| bags thirty cents extra. C.0.D or | cash w order John Douglas, | 691 Water strect, io | DR. GEORGE F, LUCY, DR. JENNIE A, | Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and Graduate Nurse, 239 Begot street, | between Princess and Brock. Tele- phone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 am. 1 to , and 7 to § pm. Spinal analysis Nl a tiE---- and consultation free. Itesidential | F R S LE calls by appointment. O A | - p-to-date, Solid Mahogany MILLINERY. with three large mirro hogany front, 30 feet long, National || MRS. MecLAUGHLIN, 112 LOWER two drawer cash register; also |} William Street, will take orders show case and hotel range, in good for making, trimming and remode) shape. Apply at once to Proprietress, ing hats. Termy moderate ae] ee Anglo-American Hotel, City. UI'HOLSTERING. Ont =a Fink, Bar 'SE AND LOT, » MILES FROM city, on Perth road, at Latimer; lot | contains 4 acres, § roomed brick vencered house: in good condition;| new furnace, new woodshed, good cisterh; hardwood floor in kitchen; telephone; one minute walk to school; close to church. For par- tleulars apply on premises. Thomas Graves. re m----te--------------------------a Hou CALL OR .DROP A CARD To Ww. Gavine, upholsterer, 21¢ 'Bagot St F. W. HAHOLD FOR YOUR Up holstering and general repairin Leave orders at or drop A card te 104 Clergy street COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR. der in all popular shapes and sizes, | Upholstering and repairing done. E. J. Goodridge, 244 University; ip Avenue. Phone i833J. 1 = TERETE = undred acres in County of York Lots No. 17 19 and 20. On highway from] | Young street to town of Bradford CARPENTERING 12 mile from railway station and | Fuidinis. frame. dwelling. s0uss.| WHEY TOU WANT rik SARCENTES and a modern farm dwelling 40x20, | pod . . antrester: two stories, with 22x20 he noes University Aven-e. Phoue 1\33w, attached; drive shed; milk house: | | large frame barn, 50x150; cattle pA INTING AND PAPER HANGING barn; horse harn. Automatic.wind mili Would take as part payment y 3 3 310000 of city property. For'sulll WHEY, WANTING od SamNe 0 particulars apply D. A. Cays, 57 A. Mounteer, 208 Alfred Street. Phone 856m. | ack Street, Kingston, Ont King: Town sh BARGAINS IN FURNITU RE, ETC. | BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER; ROOMS | . papered $5.00 per room, including $12.00. paper; neat patterns to choose from | One Parlor Set, $15.00. One Refrigerator, --painting also done at reasaon- | able prices. H. Rowley Phone! One Kitchen Cupboard, $6.00. . J381w or call at 133 Bay Street Ine chest o J 5 | | One chest of Drawers, $5.00 MEDIC | Tables with ss --------------. | | C. K. ROBINSON, M.D. 365 DARRIR 3. Street. Hours 1030-12 am. 2-4 Several: Dining Room leaves, §9, $12 | One A. B. 4-burner Gas Range with | ovens, $18.00. We buy all kinds of Furniture, LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP Phone 1043w, 507 Princess Street ! THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY OX . limits, known ar the Murdock! DENTAL. Farm, containing forty-thies acres | more or less. now owned by the! DR, A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE | Kingston Brick and Tile Com-| 258 Princess Str Phone 652w. pany. For part'culars as to price! } and terms apply to the undersign-| DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN.' ed solicitor for the company. J. tists, 159 Wellington street, corner | Liivision Street, within the clty of Brock. i DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 B. Walkem, ¥3 Clarence Streel. THAT ISLAND, CALLED BIG ISLAND, Princoss Street. Phono 1850. Open | evenings by appoiatment. i in doe Centre of Loughborough | sake, containing over thirty acres { of mixed valuable timber, and hav. | DE. A1KROYD, DENTIST JAS RE. ing many beautiful sites for sume | sumed practice at 92 Princess St, mer cotiages. The island Is tne| over Bank of Nova Scots. Phone largest In the Lake and about one $023. mile from the village of Battersea. Offers received by Messrs. Nickle, | Farrell & Day, 194 Ontario Street. | p.m. 7-8.30 p.m. Phone SIGNs S1GNS OF ALL KINDS, ASS WORK, large or small, Posters, Showcards, | displays a specialty, by Shaw at 213 Princess St | il i FOR SALE OR TO RENT, LARGE STONE DWELKING, 88 EARL | street; lately painted and decorat. Kingston, Ontario. f } ed; McClary Sunshine furnace; 3. plece tollet; good garage; stables and yard; open Jiates upstairs and down; make a fine rooming house | or could be made into two dwell. ings. Terms reasonable. Apply at Gilbert's Grocery, Barrie Si, USED CARS FOR SALE Chevrolet, 5 passenger ...... Che t, 5 Maxwell, 5 passenger } ctamgatin, § pamseneer won || FRE GRRE, pA AVES: Reo .... y : Ear] street. 'Phone 1T5EM. FINANCIAL | Who died on or about | tament of | among SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1922. | )GRAND To-night + The Rex Stock Co. Presenting COMEDY DRAMA "UNDER WESTERN SKIES" OF THE GOLD DAYS VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS PRICES: 20c., 30c., 0c. ( alliery 10c. GRAND --WED, APRIL 12 | Evening at 8.15 Bargain Matinee at 2.30. WM. H. KIBBLE'S MAGNIFICENT SCENIC PRODUCTION OF UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" 36---PEOPLE--30 VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS BIG STREET PARADE AT NOON Prices: Matinee, Children 13¢. Adults 235c. Evenings 235-30-73¢. a a To ---- MON. TUE. WED. MARION DAVIES in "The Pr rv a -- S| LAST TIME TO-DAY T|Wm. S. HART A "5 N WORD BRIDE'S D BRAND' PLAY" rn cn i St. NAA AAA AAA AAA Pt - ALLEN Dancing Instruction LAST TIME TO-DAY : S5| Elven in the Garden Hall D. Ww. GRIFFITH All the latest dances for 1022----every night from 7 3 all by Pointment--111 Brock St. Mrs. 8. Cohen, In- structor. Hall phone 357. Kesldence phome ISTH, Aan, -- ns nar LOOK! LISTEN 1! Spring Time is ¥ & Time, Let us figure on that job of yours. We will save you money. Prompt attention and first class work guaranteed. 'W. H. FRANCIS 35 SIXTH ST. Phone or. | Income Tax Returns Compiled at reasénable rates. W.{H., SPENCE 102 Vietoria Street MON. ~TUES WED, SYLVIA BREAMER | i n "THE MAN WITH TWO { MOTHERS" | He had a Mother-in-law! | | Sure! RRR . FARM FOR SALE i PIAN MASTIN'S vii F/ANO TUNING TABLE] Easy and Economical PLAYER PIANO ADJUSTING NORMAN H. BUTCHER 27 PINE STREET PFHONE 1819w | Try Osteopathy | The science of healing by adjust- ment of the body Osteopathy ad- justs, mature cures. The Osteopath is trained through four separate years of nine months each, tn all the medical sciences except drugs. fiiealth Without Drugs" is our mot» 0. oy WHORES ae, Enoch Sigaworth, lat ex ship of Portland, Frontenae¢, Yeom: NOTICE is hereby v Pp the Revised Stat of Ontario 1914, Chap. 121, Sec. 56, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Thomas Enoch Sigsworth, the Nineteenth are required to Twelve years' success in Kingwton, Mechano-Therapy =-Electro-Therapy DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ASHCROFT 204 King St. between Earl & Gove Phone 447. oo day of February. 1922, deliver or send by post prepald, on or before the Eight®enth day of April, 1922, to the undersigned solicitors for the Executors of the last will and tes-| the sald deceased, thelr; names and addresses and a full descrip- ilon of all claims and the nature of] INCOME TAX SPECIALIST securities (If any) held by them, such yn claims to be duly verified. | Formerly Assessor Income Tax De- AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that' partment of Federal Government. Immediately after the Eighteenth day Taxation return compiled at reason of April, 1922. the said Executors Will able rates i . proceed to distribute the said estate 4 . . Phone 326 of | the parties entitled thereto, | Office: 86 Brock Street. then hdve received Specials For Saturda having regard only for the claims Executors shall «20e. Ib which they shall notice And the sald not Le liable to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been re- celved by them prior to the said Eigh- teenth day of April, 1822 DATED at Kingston, Ont . 20e. Ib, 1». . mm veo AB IN, day of March, 1922 CANDY Mixed Chocolates Bon-Rons . Tomatoes ..... Peanut Brittle Peanut Candies .... Fresh Strawberries The vk 88 PRINCESS ST. this 17th NICKLE, FARRELL & DAY, | 194 Ontario Street, i Kingston, Ont Solicitors for the Executors. Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of Bridget Maddignn, Late of the City of King- nt nner of Froateaae, PHONE 2713 inter, cece N i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, FL a --------------. suant to section 58 of the Trustees Act,' R. 8. O, 1914, Chap. 121, that all credit- ors and others having claims or de- mands against the estate of the said Bridget Maddigan, who died on or about the Twenty-sixth day of Janu- ary, 1922, at the city of Kingston, are required on or before the Twenty. fourth day of April. 1922, to send by post, prepaid or deliver to the under- signed for John Carey and Jugtin M. O'Brign, the executors of the estate of the said deceased. their Christian names and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars, in writing, of their claims, a statement of thelr accounts, and the nature of the secur- ity, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shail then have notice, and that the sald execut- ors will not be liable for the sald as- sets of whose claim notice shail not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. ROSE SHEA, Solicitor for the sald Executors Dated AY Kingston, this 24th day of March, 1 ~~ C0. OF CANADA to educate?" 'Lot ma. cermin . our Educational Endowment Policy. J.L. ABELL District Agent 237 Bagot Street. Phone 704. W. KENT MACMNEE Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock sad King Streets. Phone 701 or 1327) General Insurance Agesey Writing:-- Automobile, Fire, Accident Blekness, Flate Glass Burg . ote. Herresenting Only Reliable Companies. EEE Dominion Taxi 'Service PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service TO-DAY 18 "WHAT-TO-DO" DAY The Junior British Whig There is a special illustrated "movie" for girls, telling how to make doll furniture i with spools and cardboard. CUNNINGHAM 2 Sue namRis. And for boys there is an ar- ters and solicitors, rence | ticle on 1} snade ston. A. Cu - tops Ram KG: Cyr Sars ing- | : AMBROSE SHEA, S.A, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law offies. corner of King and Brock over 1 Bank. Mooney te loan. Phose 1995. SEE IT

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