Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Apr 1922, p. 13

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a? THE DAILY BRITIS MONDAY, APR): 10, 1623, 1 HAD BAD COUGH AND BORE THROAT Never neglect a cough or cold however slight. If you do it can have but one result: it leaves the | throat or lungs, or both, affected. Al single dose of | DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP } will help to stop the cough, sootho the throat, and if the cough or cold has become settled on the lungs the healing virtues of the Norway pine | tree along with the soothing and ex- | pectorant properties of other excel- | lent herbs, roots and barks promptly eradicates the bad effects, and the | persistent use cannot but help to bring about relief. Mr. Albert Marsh, Lower L'Ar- doise, N. 8., writes --'"About a year 280 I contracted a cold accompanied by a very bad cough and sore throat. From the Countryside * | Frontenac | é FLORIDA." April 6.--The roads are in bad condition. We are all glad to see {spring once more and welcome the return of the birds. The milkman {made his first trip of the season on Monday. O. 'Storms, Wilton, and | Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Clarke and children, Maple Avenue, were recent John McQuaid, Kingston, retur 2d | Hove today, a son. Mr. and Mr: home today after visiting M d Mrs. Cloakey's for the past week | Sylvester Holden, Sterling, is spend- {Ing the week-end with his uncle, M { Trousdale. Idell Ellerbeck, Moscow, !1s visiting Salome Goslin, Mrs, Stan- ley Woodman, Wolfe Island, is with her sister, who 1s ill. Harold Wart- man is out of hospital and is at his iuncle's, Y. Denfson. Mrs. M. Clow, Kingston, and Fred Clow, and wife, were recent visitors at D. Freeman's Hazel Huffman is home from Syden- 1 sent for the doctor, but what he pre- vigitors at Edward Martin's, School scribed did me so little S004 Bl progreseing favorably under the gan to get discouraged. . '£ Miss & came to see me and asked me if { management of Miss Eva Guess, had ever used Dr. Wood's Norway ham, being ll. The trustees have put |@ new pumpin the school yard. The [cheese factory opens on Monday. CORTE Jamsle Trousdale is home from tne Pine Syrup. I told him I had not KINGSTON MILLS i : and ot him fe % Boi meal April 6.--Mr. and Mrs. W.H |Roapital 35d Is japrovies. Mos, San bottle. I started using it, and after | James have moved to the city, and| 7 4 Mor J: church Suga gn & couple of days I found I was get- | Mr. and Mrs, Lorn Keeler of Joyce-| ! : Te, ro ¥. ' ting relief, and after taking two bot- | ville, have moved in the house. Mr. "est Sproule, West rooke, Was 8 re- tles the soreness in my throat seem- | Kecler has accepted the position as|C°Dt Visitor at M. Cloakey's ed to be leaving ume, so 1 resolved {day operator in the power plant. D.| BROOKSIDE. fo to continue its use, and after J had | i his Graham has been confined to his April 6. --Bawing wood is the used five bottles both my sore throat | Tom with en attack of grippe, A order of the day. The roads hdve {veer in a very poor condition but are and cough were gone, I would not be Lumon is visiting for a few days with without "Dr, Wood's" for any money," | friends in Gananoque. The Yoads| vip UP TapIGly, The sap Des on through this part of the country are |" YIDE . § Price, 35c. and 60¢. a bottl : 5 5 up only by The T. Milburn &o very good. J. M. Campbell of King-| been running si id in these Limited, Toronto, Ont. ston, was a caller at the Mills on |!®8t few days. ny of the armers | Wednesday. 3 have made several trips to the city ! and have received a good price for KEPLER. it. Mrs. Switzer is on the sick list. April 6.--Sugar making is the or-|Harold Warner is around again after === AND OINTMENT der of the day. The Sunday schoo: [his recent illness. Little Grant Free- man died on Wednesday from pneu- : has re-opened with H, BE. Johnston ear e mn as superintendent. Mrs. Arthur ig A Fusber Irom here Bttenn. Som Dlotment. Talewm. Sy rey] Smith is confined to her home © loa given by the Ladies' Aid, Can. : Lymass, ia be roe yA [Sa illness. Mrs. B. Donnell is [at Harrowsmith on Wednesday night able to be out again after her recent jMrs. Frank Wallace spent Tuesday RICKETSN operation. Mrs. Stuart Babcock 1s in the city visiting her daughier, home from the hospital greatly im-|Helen, who has been on the sick list Cod-liver oil is the Miss Jessie Willard, teacher, spent proved in health. Harold Horning 1s i ed gs a eu i i 1 fo. Rev. John [the week-e: n Napanee and King- best ih ng in she Bome Srom Santon, Okie, Ro » ston, Lyford Freeman has been Putt made toral calls in < SERRE. mad Dag visiting friends in Sydenham recent- Scott's Emulsion this neighborhood yesterday. Mrs, Laidlaw, Westport, was a recent vis- [1y. contains richest cod-liver oil, abundant in the vita. itor at W. H. Horning's. A. Hoppin's and son Dinsmore, Verona, viisted at mines that every rickety child needs. A. Orser's last week. AT ALL DRUG STORES PRICE, $1.30 and 6Sc. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. ALSO MAKERS OF- I OPN, : AND VaLue LAKE OPINICON. April 6.--The recent fall of snow has nearly all disappeared. The ---- farmers report a fairly good run of LYNDHURST. sap. The local trappers are busy April 7.--S8. Rathwell and R. Slack catching muskrats. The spar mine | have taken the contract to draw 'the at Rock Lake is in operation again. Imail from the station to Morton, The sick are all convalescent. Mrs, | V. Landon is moving into W. Shet- ranules) J. Linklater is spending a few days|field's house. W. Delong is moving For INDIGESTION with her daughter, Mrs. C. Ennis, [out. Mrs. Maggige Dobbs and I. ri Mr. and Mrs, C. Walton are occupy-|Chuse have moved. Fred Spence and 21 12a Ing thelr cottage again at Rock Lake. | Pau] Hefferman have started 10 Anns | Mrs, E. Stokes spent the week-end at make cheese for the season and haa : v {her home, Perth Road. Mrs. Lyon |a good supply of milk to start with. Fine for Neuralgia { has returned to Kingston after They are using the government test, Mousterole insures quick relief from | spending the .past few weeks with |Fish seem to be quite plentiful here neuralgia. When those sharp pains go | hor sister, Mrs. J. Linklater. Just now. The club has just unloaa- Htte of thie oath Yur head, just reba ed a car of hay. Hal Harvey has your temples and neck, BREWER'S MILLS. Just unloaded two cars of feed, Mausterole is with ofl of mmus- April 6.--The roads are very mud- | "Jack" Stefffeld is leaving for the tard, made With blister like dy following the snow storm. Our |States next Monday. the old-fashioned mustard plaster, cheese factory has opened for the season. Quite a number of farmers JUNETOWN., BETTER Toi Bema shore. are making maple syrup and report a April 5.--B. V. Dyke was called to 800d run of sap this last week. Jo- Jasper today, owing to the death of seph Cauley has moved back to Db. his father-in-law, Hugh MacKenzie. Murphy's farm. The lockmen are | Mrs, Jacob Warren remains very fll. preparing the locks for the opening | Nurse Burtch, Brockville, visited re- of navigation. D. Dean is busy | cently at Walter Purvis'. Mr. and sawing logs and grinding grain, B, Mrs. Leland Warren and sons, Murray is spending a few days at his | Smith's Falls, spent the week end father's. - Miss Vera McKendry visit- With his mother, Mrs. J. Warren. ed at her brother's in Battersea. Mr. | Magter Willlam Purvis has been A and Mrs. James Dickson spent Sun- | quite ill. Mrs, Jobn Darling, Lans-|Mrs. M. J. Connolly, who have both senting the Rockport society, called Passed away at the home of his [few days = last week with friends day at J. Cauley's. downe, is visiting her brother, E. Av-| been very ill. Mrs. Connolly is ra-|at several of the homes here on Wed- | daughter, Mrs. George Bell, follow. here. Mr. and Mrs, Earl McClelland . ery. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Avery re-|pidly improving, but Mr. Connglly | nesday in the interests of the associa- ing an attack of pneumonia. The | attended the funeral of his brother, DESERT LAKE. turned last week after several week's | still continues very low, having con- ition. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Foley visit- funeral, which was largely attended [the late Max McClelland at Odessa April 7.--The farmers are buying | visit with their daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) {tracted double pneumonia, Nurse (ed at Norman Purvis', Lyn, on Sun- took place to Christ church, Rev. Mr. | on, Tuesday of 1ast week. Mrs. Jones |® quantity of grain, hay being suchlB T McGhie, London. Farmers have Bissell, Brockville, is nursing him. day last. All are glad to learn that | Pasten officiating. Dr. O'Connor is [4s visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. a high price. J. J. Abrams' Sawing | been very busy with sap, eince the| W. A. Graham is very ill with the|Mrs. Hunt who has been seriously wearing a broad smile. A baby girl | Charles Vanalstine. machine 1s busy in the neighborhood | recent cold spell. Syrup this season is influenza. He is under the care of [ill hore is improving. L. O. Warren | has arrived at his home. Maple| Several from here attended the cutting wood. J. Wilson's saw mill 18 | of splendid quality. Mr. and Mrs. J.|Dr. Bissell, Mallorytown, with Miss | spent last Saturday in Brockville. Syrup is very plentiful and is sell- {variety shower given at the home of cutting a quantity of lumber. Ww. A. Herbison are in Brockville today. | Moxley, nurse in attendance. Miss Anna Warren spent a few days |ing at #2 a gallon. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hagerman at Collins is drawing slabs. Harold -- recently at R. White's, Caintown. McIntyre's Corners for Mr, and Mrs. Snook and family are at his mother's, CAINTOWN. ROCKFIELD., « |Mrs. C. Kahnt and Mrs. E, Andress, Bath Breezes. Abraham Hagerman, A meeting was Mrs. E. Snooks'. Henry Hamilton at April 7.--The heavy snowstorm of April 6.--~The warm sun of the Rockport, at W. H. Warren's. April 5.-- Miss Gladys Topliff, who [held in the town hall on Monday his brother's, George : Hamiitons; [last week has left the roads in A [past few days has playad great havoc -- has been teaching at Toronto, is re- night to explain the hydro electrie | Tressa Morey at -E. Page 8s; May Pagan very bad condition. Several farmers to the snow banks made by the great i o | COVering from a severe illness at the |B¥stem. Mr. Iler was the speaker, and Miss McKeney In Kingston; Wil-jare engaged in syrup making. Good [storm which visited this locality last | ! home of her sister, Mrs. Robert |Mr. and Mrs Wm, Hamilton are liam Deyo and Marshal Wager at E. runs of sap are reported and the |week. The lecture and lantern views { Lennox & A i h ton] Stevenson. Mrs. Albert Hoselton and {moving to Kingston this week. Harry : : Laxatives Replaced By the Use of Nujol Nujol is § lubricant--not a medicine or laxative -- so cannot gripe. When you are constipated, there 1s not enough lubri- cant produged by your sys- tem to keep: the food waste soft. Doctors prescribe Nu- Jol because its action 1s so close to this natural lubri- cant, Try it today. Page's; W. Bauder at Alfred Page's; |syrup 1s of excelllent quality. The [given under the auspices of the baby have - returned from visiting (Mott, of Napanee, is apending a few May Wilson at J. Campbell's; Gene irapping season has opened with the Rockport W.M.S. on Tuesday even- friends at Brownville, N.Y. Miss |days with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Albertson and wife at BE. Page's. recent thaw, and some of the trap- (ing was much enjoyed by those pres- Turner, a returned missionary, gave | Robert Mott, M. Berry, of the Royal Ir-- pers report a very good catch of mus- |ent, but owing to the bad roads and TAMWORTH. very interesting addresses in the [Bank staff, has been transferred to MOUNTAIN GROVE. rats and other furred animals. Mrs. | unpleasant evening only a small April 6.--Mrs, Thompson, Toron-| Methodist church on Tuesday and [the branch at Seeley"s Bay, April 6,--Roads are very muddy. Young came down from Toronto last [number attended, Mrs. Charles {to, is visiting at L. P, wells" Wednesday evening of this week. ---------- week to be with her parents, Mr. and [Kahnt and Mrs. E. Andress, repre-' Charles MgGuire, 81 years of age, | Bernard Brown, Brockville, spent a| A good friend never offends, so A a lie Dr. Nash's visit here to have their ow ' ' ra CH] . I is extended to Mrs. J. French, who -- : HH : | A i 88 et S DAUGHTER'S on Wednesday evening. Dr. Nash : the Teeth." Miss B. Price is the guest teeth attended to. Much sympathy 1 received the sad news that her sister, 0 " -- gave an Interesting address with il- of her sister, Mrs, B. Smith, Miss Maud Thompson fs visiting frienas -- lh ii EAN AAAs eens ime 3 '| Mrs. Simmons, New York state, has passed away suddenly. The Y.P.1.C. + | held its regular meeting in the hail lustrations on "Diseases and Care of at Godfrey. R. Cox at E. Godfrey's. PITTSFERRY April 6.--Much sickness is report- {ed in this neighborhood. Stanley | Winborne lost two valuable COWS re- cently. Mrs. McMaullin, Toronto, 1s viisting with her daughter, Mrs. R. Lumsden, Saskatchewan. -- "My {3 Ranous, here. Mr. and Mrs. Ww. mother had taken Lydia BE. Pink. | Tomlison and baby Harold, King- ham's Vegetable Compound and when |ston, have returned home aftcr I needed suiething for my periods I | Spending a few days with Mr. and Souk it aud ot Sood eu, y Joo | Mrs. John Paddle. A band of gyp- troubles and I know other women | 5168 passed through here on Monday. Who have been helped by it and do | The rural mail carrier was held by She ames da. Max Rerzas, Lums- fhe crowd and used roughly. Others Saskatchewan, | Who were met on the road alone Many cases like this coms io our | were sto 8 10 i Pped. 'A cheese meeting was Botice. Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vege |) 014 At Granite Hill factory by the table Compound lg often recommended by the mother and. the grandmother | PTOPrietor, Christopher Greenizon, for baar in mind, it has been |O0 Wednesday evening. A meeting 100, for Delping women for nearly fifty years. | of the U.F.0. was held at John Wil- something good to eat. {son's on Tuesday evening. oak Other 5 J I : He takes a morning glass of Abbey's Salt to women who know the value of this i fos mia vata] EC a | sep is Homach Swe, his bowels gular, | bride, Trenton, a former resident, . - kidneys C ' blood pure and cool. He likes Abbey's Salt because it is so invi. listed his brother, George Brown. ti a tired feeling, nervous and | Do | Sleepless spells, or have other annoy. |The couple were se ed by the i i i renad gorating and refreshing. Try it yourself. HELE TES ing symptoms caused by some female | Young People Saturday night and in I niin Png Hy [114541 att Bar 1 EH wea Fe TR YP First Thing 7 _in the Morning The man who smiles before breakfast is the man glowing with health and vitality-- has enjoyed a good night's sleep--and is ready for Hii i atl! Lil lt ll HHT LTT inks of your | people a maple sugar party on Mon- ; : 8 Vegetable {day evening at the genial cheese : 'Maker's. Horn to Mr. and Mra Bert ail G trouble, you have onl to ask (return, Mr. B th un, i or oe ad some 4 Town gave the young

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