G. Call for PHILI NAVY CUT TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1922, THE DAILY BRITISH WHI tracting large numbers of people to| Merits of Ruth and BACK FROM HOLY LAND | these routes, rather thaw to the lines | Hornsby Under Debate {running between the Old Country | {and United States ports. The ease | According to 4 : { Acc g to dope being sent north That |and facility attending entry ito a] i | 'a D fn ¢ ast to the | PY the war. correspondents who 878 | or less untried. The story goes that Canadian port n contras ) ® | traveling with the major league | te "re py? falisn urround- | 4 ' {Hornsby had a way of '"'choking'" his red tape" and officialism s baseball clubs on their spring train-| entry United Sta OPES, | ory cuts bat when he first played in St, Louis ing entry into Unitec tates ports, ing trips, the debate as to whether | sir Andrew sald, was an added rea- |. d and that Huggins coached him to StF Andrew ' | Babe Ruth or Rogers Hornsby is the | " yreferme f the Canadian {take a freer swing and to use a much son for preferment o more valuable player 1s on all over H 3 Many A ica he said | , = ra {longer bat. Under this direction routes. Many mericans, the south, Which man would "Fou i d return | | Hornsby materially improved his bat- would in future both go an u ick for you ball nine if you had on-| nFOBS , Atlant Aa C 11 Pp {ting average and has managed to across the Atlantic via Canadian ly one chance? John McGraw says ; » i : Aer {. {hold the average well over .300 ever lines, Hornsby, Perhaps it's his loyalty to Because of the tendency to regara the American trans-Atlantic liner as | than he did of Ruth. The latter came | {to him ready-made as a slam-bang| {hitter from the Boston Red Sox, but {Hornsby came to him, when manag- jer of the St. Louis Cardinals, more a ---------------- THE MAOPHAIL BROTHERS | Bir Andrew Remarks One Can Get a Drink In Quebec. St. John, N.B., April 11.--Sir An- drew Macphail of Montreal, and lt: three brothers, Col. Alexander, of Queen's University, Kingston W. M., an engineer of Winnipeg, and J. G., commissioner of lights of the Mar- ine Department, Ottawa, arrived since, | the National League, but Jawn says | here yesterday on board the Canad- he'd take Hornsby for his, if he had | the resultant ENGLISH TENNIS fan Pacific liner Melita from Liver- pool. Whilst overseas the Macphaii brothers visited the Holy Land. Sir Andrew declared that the ser- vice, and general conduct of affairs aboard the liners running between the Canadian lines many Americans a sort of night club, revelry by night would turn towaras | who did not subscribe to that view or a ship, Sir Andrew McPail sald. People were getting tired of abridgements of their liberties. the choice. {him," says McGraw. "You can't play | Hornsby at all. | right, left or centre on you. iby is the more valuable to a team "You can play for Ruth and get He's liable to shoot Horns- Ayres points out that tennis in England last season was more noted for quantity than IS IN A BAD WAY The new English tennis manual, Lawn Tennis Almanack, for quality. 'Nearly every CIGARETTES 10 for 15 ¢ 25 for 35¢ Rutly is just |tournament had an entry too large for #ts equipment, nearly every club neaded more courts for its members," writes A. Wallls Myers in reviewing the season. "The championships, with one ex- ception, remained in overseas hands, There has been no English singles champion since 1909 and only one Enghsh finalist in the all-comers since 18912, There are today two two English doubles champions, Messrs. Woosnam and Lycett, the first since 1913, but satisfaction at their success must be qualified by the knowledge that no leading Am- orican, Australian, or French pair competed at Wimbledon last June. "The advance in the east--in In- |dia and Japan especially--has been imarked and significant, and the spread of the game in America shows no abatement." (out to' win ball games. a box office attraction." "Give me Ruth for mine," says Miller Huggins, manager of the Yanks. "He broke all run-scoring records last year, got to first base more than anyone else, and was re- sponsible for the most runs." That clinches it for Huggins. "We love you, Ruth, but oh, you Hornsby," is the way the New Or- leans fans look at the proposition. The feat of Rogers in euthitting and outscoring the Babe in the games there have given Hornsby the edge. He at least has the spring cham- plonship in hitting, if that means anything. One scribe points out that, as it happens, Huggins had more to do with the development of Hornsby the Old Country and Canada was at-| one can get a drink In Quebec, and You know that helps," sald Sir Andrew. DODD'S "KIDNEY Mrs. Therese Oronhyatekha Dead. Mrs. Therese Oronhyatekha, wid- ow of the late Dr. Ackland Oronhya- tekha, founder of the Independent Order of Foresters, passed away in Toronto General Hospital, after a short illness. Before her marriage, Mrs, Oronhyatekha was Miss Ther- ese Hanson, having been born in Christiania, Norway, forty years ago. Mrs, Oronhyatekha lived with a sister, Miss : Doris Hanson. An- other sister, Mrs. Asta Wessman, lives at Renfrew. The waters of Alaska contain over 100 apecies of food fish, MACDONALDS Ciga reffes MACDONALD'S Ciga = [§ C. A. Bogert, of Toronto, qualified at the White Sulphur Springs golf tournament, . OOBB AND SPEAKER NEEDED MONEY THEN Much hes been heard of the first contract that Tris Speaker signed-- To the Car and Motor Boat Owners of Kingston and Vicinity for $60 a month or so--and how old Doak Roberts treasured it and cod- dled it, and probably had it framed. The numerous repeat orders which we are daily receiving from our outside agents prove conclusively that the MONARCH BATTERY is a success and we are here to stay. Now comes the discovery of Ty Cobb's first contract. It is alleged | that it is in the possession of a Dr. Scarborough of Anniston, Ala., where Ty showed up to play ball after he was as good as chased off the Augus- ta team. 4 The story presupposes that Ty didn't sign a contract before that with Augusta. Said Anniston con- tract goes the one Tris Speaker sign- ed $20 better, for, whereas Tris was to get $60 a month, Ty signed for $40. It is to your advantage to have a MONARCH installed in your ¢ar or boat. If your dealer does not carry it in stock call at the factory. We guarantee the Battery, and we shall give you expert service. Monarch Battery Co., Ltd. (AU ¥ HD, MAURIUE ARCHDEACON CORNER OF KING AND QUEEN STREETS Outfielder of the Rochester, N. Y, club, and the fastest man in baseball, whoo Is to figure in a deal by which he is to go to the Detroit club. It is said that Detroit will have to pay Roches- ter $15,000 in cash, besides an out- flelder, Robert Fothergill, who was with chester last year. Under terms of the deal Fothergill must be turned over to Rochester this year, while Arch- deacon will not report until next spring. HINTS 2 SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK DAFFODILS $3.00 PER DOZEN We always have on hand a choice selection of Azalea, Cycla- men, Primroses and Boston Ferns. Floral Designs for Wedding and Funerals a Specialty, LAWSON FLORIST STORE: Corner Wellington and Brock Streets. Phone 770. CONSERVATORIES: 68 Centre Street. Phone 1 1743. I NNN lt NN ENN Nt tl NAN at Nl lt At sat ttn ttl OMMY STEVENS has + one big kick-- . All the boys want to new C. C. M. bicycle. Tommy says, "The fellows pester the life out of me. Be- fore one of them has finished a ride, some other fellow is Coaxing for a Turn They all seem to like my new C. C. M. a lot better than their own bikes." Aside from this one kick, Tommy is tickled to death with his new bicycle. He admits he can hardly blame the fellows for wanting to ride it. It runs so much easier. And when the boys ask him why, Tommy tells them about the C.C.M. Triplex Hanger It reduces friction. And there's a freedom from those mean "tight and loose" spots often developed by other hangers. Tommy says, "It makes a C. C. M. bicycle run so smooth and easy you'd almost think you were riding down grade. And I can feel the Triplex fairly sizzle with power and pt away like mad when I hit er up!" Boys! Girls! Have you rid- den aC, C. M. Bicycle with the C. C. M. Triplex Hanger? Get your father to go to the deal- er's with you and see one. The New Models Are Beauties The last word in bicycle style and smartness. Wond- erfully smooth enamelling that fairly sparkles. And the "bright as sunshine". nickel- ling is done over copper so it can't rust, All C. C. M. Bicycles have the New Hercules Positive Drive Coaster Brake -- the kind that coasts farther and has no clumsy side arm. The C. C. M. is "A Real Bi- cycle for a Real Boy." ride his SUERTE RE 3! Restoring The Battery To Service Btart The Season With A Well-Conditioned Battery BEFORD replacing the battery in a car, which 1s to be again put inte service, be sure that it is fully charged and otherwise in good condition, {ft it has beer under the care of a battery service station, its condition may be assumed to be O. K. and if it has been looked after by the owner, it should be charged unless each cell shows 1280 gravity, wiped clean and the connection-posts scraped bright to insure perfect contacts. Take 5, care that, when replaced, it sets exactly asdt did before removal and that * he connecting cables are attached to the same posts as previously, for <'herwise the ammeter will read charge when a discharge is occurring and vice versa. The hold-downs, which secure it in position, should be securely set up and quite likely will require a retightening after the car has been used a short time. Perfect cleanness of the contact surfaces.of the cable clamps is essential and they should be well tightened. After attaching one of them (with the lighting, ignition and other switches . all "off") touch the other cable clamp to its post and very carefully watch for a spark. If even a very slight one is observed, a leak, in the system Is indicated and should be removed before permanently connecting the other cable. The connections should be well covered with vaseline to retard corrosion. AUXILIARY AIR DEVICES Royal Cafe 157 Princess St. Fine service, low prices excellent food. We cater to both ladies and gentle- men. HH. K. LEE, Proorieton » ' GOOD EYESIGHT Don't delay until héadaches or failing sight compel you, but have your eyes properly examined NOW, R. ARTHEY, RO. Optometrist and Optician "Phone 2108 for appointment. » 148 Princess Street. Answer: The use of kerosene in this manner does some good in softening and removing burned of! and soot that Is deposited on valve faces, seats and stems, but it is doubtful If one treatment has much effect on hardened deposits. Possibly the water also would have a good effect, but you are propos- ing to use quite a large amount of it and a large amount of kerosene, it seems to us. It will be best to apply your suggested treatment, when the engine is hot and just before you are to replace the crankcase oll, so that the kerosene and water that runs down past the pistons, will be gotten rid of when you drain the lubricating system. ett EFFECT OF TIRE DIAMETER And there's a special one that the boy won't outgrow. Equally good for a lad of nine or a youth 'of twenty. Step J. C. T. asks: If I install an into a C.C.M. dealer's and auxiliary air device, such as the in the intake manifold of ask to see : my engine, will it enable me to ob- the C. C. M. tain better fuel economy and fexi- . ty? 18-in. Curved Eat % Answer: Pousihly, but gur ex- Bar Model. pes Loo! perience has been that theses de- CCM: Bicycles cars that have first class carbure- i oy nen Ss RED BIRD -- MASSEY -- PERFECT CLEVELAND -- COLUMBIA "The Bicycles with the C.C.M. Triplex Hanger" obtain as good fuel economy by the carburetor closely, as Canada Cycle & Motor Company, Limited Montreal, Toronto, WESTON, ONT., Winnipeg, Vancouver Absolute Evidence in Favor of Ground Cylinders All high grade automobile engines manufactured in this country as well as in Europe have thei linder bores finish. ed by grinding. Some of the American cars that might be mentioned are: Apperson Hudson Brewster Cadillac Cunningham Dorris Franklin Haynes Holmes In fact, 84% of all the manufacturers of pleasure care use engines with ground cylinder bores, and 91% of the com- mercial motors are ground. Heald Machines are used exe clusively. Automobile owners we have one of these Heald Cylinder Grinding Machines, and can guarantee first class work. Ground Cylinders is a selling point with many enrs. Automotive Grinders R. M. CAMPBELL, the auxiliary air device can bring about. These auxiliary air attach- ments work wonders as to gasoline saving when applied to engines that are running on excessively over- rich mixtures, but not much can be ,axpected from them when attache? to engines the carburation of which is uniformly as lean as practicable. -------------------- eerless ree Arrow Ils Royce Standard itevens Duryes mn NW NN - SILAS <= ould W. BT. asks: "Is the advisa treatment Siow from engl Iv To t quart of kerosene into the arburetor air-intake, while the en- "ine is running, and then follow it ) ip with & pint of water, jntroduced EE = . '0. the same way? ' h Ferguson Appointed Secretary. Civic Boxing Commission, which was Questions of general interest to the motorist will de onswered dy Elmer W. Ferguson, sporting edi-]constituted this week. : Mr. Clough in tMa column, space permitting. If an immediate answer 44 ltor of the Montreal Herald, was ap-| Mr. Ferguson is a well-known mm fesired, enclose self-addressed, stomped enceiope. pointed secretary of the Montreal|thority on sport. 88 PRINCESS ST. 520 MN TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS COMPANY ¥