Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Apr 1922, p. 6

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TUESDAY, AVRIL 11, 103. ene -------------------------------------- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. BBLE THOUGHT. FOR TOMY, Yr A SAFE FORTRESS: --As THE BRITISH WHIG : 80TH YEAP. WATERED EDUCATION. | sympathies of the Progressives oyer A learned professor is out with a | to the government side, The Pro- statement opposing the teaching of | gressives are, for the most part, new {the multiplication table to children. | to the tricks of parliament. They There should de nothing surprising | came to Ottawa with a fixed idea that in the suggestion. The useful has | they were going to conduct the af- little place in some modern schemes | fairs on a business-like basis, Some of education, Bpelling is one of the | of them are excellent,speakers, but superfluities. Why bother with the | so far none of them have shown any mazes of arithmetic ? | propensity for talking just for the | If children are not forced, thinks ! sake of hearing their own voices, a8 { | the mountains are round {about Jerusalem, go the Lord is {round about his People from hence- {forth even for ever,--Psalm 125: 2.! BIBBY'S | ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR | he READY-TO-WEAR and themselves the necessity of being | The deliberate wasting of time by the | J | M ADE-TO-ME ASURE CLOTHES able to multiply. That is a rather | opposition members has disgusted Where They Go To Fall dubious assumption, Few children | many of these new members, who de- | y aq: night a falling star we saw, The more style, quality and wear that is really tke to learn anything. | sire to get ahead with the country's | We're sure that once it was quite Perhaps employers of the gradu- | business without talking for days on | good, put in a Suit, the more style, quality and wear you get out of it. the professor, they will discover for | some of the Conservatives have done, { hic | And then there came a day, no doubt ates of public schools are not so un- | subjects which could be settled in | Witon it 01d 1ard to Hoty wed: reasonable, after all, in asking that half an hour. In this they are show- they know how to spell and figure. |ing a new spirit, and it is a spirit Observations of Oldest Inhabitant. | | which is commendable. I kin remember when the family used | brought in from the of strongest influences of | '¢ have its meals a ot of | kitchen instead of from the corner del- | icatessen, FAILURE AND SUCCESS, ! Are you discouraged by failure | the Progressive party will be to kill Then you will fail, { much of the bitterness which charac- Most of the little failures and lit- | terized the debates under the old tle successes are unimportant skirm- | two-party system.. This was notice- ishes In the battle of life, They are able in the debate on the soldiers' | the manoeuvering, the testing of the | bonus emendment put forward by | opposing lines, the finding of weak { the Conservatives. Time and again | 292/ epots and strong spots, |1t seemed as if the debate would be- | In the hour of skirmish lost, or in | come very heated, but it was found | the zest of ekinmish won, it is well | very difficult to induce much feeling | to remember that the great battle | when the Progressives kept insisting | is yet to be fought. The man who [that the opposition speakers finish | is stricken in heart by the little de- | their talking and get down to busi- | feats and the man who 18 palsied in { ness, It 1s very hand to start a fight | Bought for him. mind by the little victories will be { when a third party is continually in- Prepared For the Worst. on a par when the real test comes. |terfering with an injunction to stop Wife (anxtously)--John, dear, is your Our little failures and little suc- [the fighting and get back to work, so Ue yEsuPance paia up, i yous wh made ! y \ are about equally willing to | it seems as if the Crerar party will | *nd 18 the deed for the lo h 13e creme: E%T aketters to the Editor name' ot "wed | gorve us. They will be very useful | act as a sort of peacemaker between | beta Seposit bos? why ali NEW SHIRTS NEW HATS writer. if we will give them the chance. But | the two old parties. | the anxiety over those things? I have | Fast colors. Special values at | English--New Prices, $6 values if we accept either blindly, as the gift | The position taken so far by the | mo intention of providing the undertak- $1.98 and $2.98 for $4.50 of fate and circumstance, we might [Progressives is a disappointment to | ¢* With & job at present. " New NECKWEAR NEY nam i $4.50 values for Real Silk. Special values at 95¢c. and $1.25 $3.00 Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO,, LIMITED When Their Eyes Are Opened "Pa, what is a period of disillusion- | ment?' asked Clarence, } "The honeymoon, son," replied pa. TELEPHONES: oe i... That explains why Society Brand Cloth- es always cost a great deal less in the end. Ho, You never Know What you will get; You may vote dry And still stay wet. Hum! Styles better than ever and prices much lower. New prices-- $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $37.50, $40.00 ------ How It Started One year, to United States He refused to smoke the cigars she (Semi-Weqkly Edition) One year, by mall, eash ..., $1.00 One year, if not paid In advance $1.30 One year, to United States 50 OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES: 3 E Onlder, 22 St, John St, Montreal s W. Thompson ....100 King St. W, Toronto, New OVERCOATS Extra special value at OTHER COATS $15.00, $18.00, $22.50 ENGLISH COVERT CLOTH TOP COATS A beauty for wm $50.00 is ome of the best [1 Attached Joh . printing offices in Canada, as well quit the fight. | the Tories and a source of encourage- - el, ae Sms pave invited The man who, in defeat, can put | ment to the Liberals. The premier, try some of the hootch he has just | {his finger on the causes of his defeat {8s matters now stand, is in a much | made, and I wanted to be sure your | | --the where, the why, the how of it | better position than if he had been |&Tairs were all in shape before you { --ds already well on the road to ulti- | successful in linking his forces with | We"™ | mate victory. : those of the Hon. Mr. Crerar, This And the man' who, in victory, |unton could only have been effected knows how he won, and wherefore, | by making concessions to the Pro- will win again, and more gloriously. | gressives, The proceedings go far have shown that the Progressives, as an independent group, are prepared | to support the government, to give | it a chance to carry on the affairs of the country, and this is not only the best policy for themselves, but it is an added source of strength to thé Liberal party in the house. The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABO Audit Bureau of Circulations -- Fool Questions. G. H. asks: "With the troops coming homie could you say the Watch on Rhine now is to have an American movement?' Officer, don't let this bird live till dawn; shoot him now and end his misery, April showers spoil spring hat _ flowers. o BIBBY'S TAXATION OF THE NATIONS. The British Treasury has estimat- ed the amount of the tayation rev- enue in Great Britain, France, Ger- many, Italy and the United States during the current fiscal year, and also the average of taxation per head in these countries. These estimates have been received by the Bankers Trust Company, of New York, and, reduced to a dollar basis at current exchange, would approximate the fol- lowing comparisons: Fiscal Taxation Year per head Jnited Kingdom..1921-22 $128.90 Germany .s+1922-22 3.48 Franee .......... 1923 61.69 Raky ..oieeanse 1921-22 13.93 United States ....1921-22 32.10 Hint to suckers: When skinners . entice thee, consent thou not, Anybody Got the Answer? This language surely has my goat, For when a man's quite angry They say he is beside himself; Now tell me, please, how can that be? Professional beggars use a little Whine for the stomach's sake. Spinsterhood is simply the tri- fimph of mind over curiosity, Of Course He May Die of Emnul. S-------- Blessed is the man who is too poor to go in for scandals and has to be con- tent to live happily with the wife he has.--Sam Hill. He may not get his i=) BICYCLE TIRES better for what he misses --Canton New Goods Just Received and Guaranteed Th ' Absolutely First Quality waves Rights: Those perquisites and privileges you have the ability to fake. A man always gets credit for hav- : Ing a good idea if he makes money _ out of it. Walt Mason THE POET PHILOSOPHER My Neighbor. My neighbor keeps me in a hole, although he is a kindly soul, who | would not hurt a flea; he's done me {no uncivil trick, and yet the record | makes me sick--he's nearly ruined me. He's always buying gorgeous sults and noble hats and costly boots, he dresses like a king; and shall I let my neighbor shine in splendor costlier than mine? I can't stand that, by jing! My neighbor buys a new sedan that makes mine seem an also-ran, a rusty thing and frayed; and shall my neighbor ride in state while I push around an old tin crate, the first that renry made? My negihbor's wife is just as bad; she paws around our little grad, a new hat on her head; my wife then mur- murs through her tears, 'I've had my punk old Iid for years--I would that I were dead!" I know just how the woman feels, and so I dig up sundry wheeld, a helmet she must buy; we candot see our neighbors prance in pomp and state and cir- cumstance, and not make money fly. My neighbor has 'an ample wad and can afford to walk abroad with dia- monds on his duds, and I just have the wage I. draw, about enough to buy the slaw, the soupbones and the spuds. But I'm a dead game sport, I wot; like other sportsmen I must trot with those who make things whiz; and so my neighbor keeps me broke; I try to leave a trail of smoke as sumptuous as his. --WALT MASON. Will Be an Earful. Blinks: What are the wild saying? ' Jinks: "Dunno, but I am darn sure it cannot be as interesting as what the wild radio waves soon will be say- ing." Now is the time to choose [J Garden Seeds. There will be a greater demand than ever this Spring and the wise gardener will make his choice early. We have a large variety of fresh flower and vegetable seeds from the most reliable seed houses--in package and bulk, Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess Street. Phone 848 There isn't room in one small con- tinent for a love of peace and a na- tional aspiration. One can't help wondering what the flapper will find to flap when the gol- osh season is over. DOMINION STUDDED BICYCLE TIRES Regular $2.50 OUR SPECIAL PRICE *1.99 Tubes 99c¢ See our new Baseball Goods, Bats, Balls, Deckers, Mitts. The place where prices and quality are right, MOORE'S 206-8 WELLINGTON STREET, Wonder What He Wrote? (Owen County (Kentucky) Democrat) Author Walker "was 'In 'town Fri- day on business. That internal purchasing power is greater than foreign purchasing power must, of course, be taken into account in commection with the for- eign currencies, The British Treasury also gives an estimate of the Russian tax revenue for nine months (Jan, to Sept. 1922) as 290 million gold roubles and the taxajion per head ds 2.22 gold roubles. As the rouble was approxi- mately equivalent to 50 cents, the taxation as above would be about $1.12 in our money. One will mote how heavily the British tax-payer is burdened in ord- er that the British debt may be re- duced, and how lightly the German tax-payer is hit. Germany is whining that she cannot pay the reparations claims, but she is making little eof- fort, as the above figures show, to tax her people to ehything like an adequate degree. Apparently there is no way to cut pattern of peace without having 8 few scraps left over. Patience, Bo, Patience, "Take my advice, And don't get sore Just keep 'em on A few days more. Nature is kind, and when she gives f man a short measure of brain she frequently makes him pretty, ~--Billy Wood. Nature Is So Helpful, 'Milk fresh from the cow contains 38 to 38 per cent. of water," says a news item. Which shows how little trouble the milkman is put to in order to finish the job. THOMAS COPLEY, Telephone 987. Wanting anything done in the t I Estimates given on all vi a and mew work: ike hard. Those United States senators who put their faith in reservations have bad little Pullman experience. At times, when we observe the di- ¥ection in which this age is headed, We wish it wasn't quite so fast, . BR Spring. We hail with joy Old spring's return, For soon we'll have No coal to burn, orders Shop i The average man has a vocabulary if. 360 words, most of which are sed in combination with the pro- houn "1." At this season of the year it is dif- Peult to distinguish between social | unrest and an acute attack of lazi- pess. A middle-aged man's contempt for youngster who thinks he under ds women 1 always tinged with ssion. Farm For Sale 812 acres, one and one-half miles from village and one mile from school and ch 1 Yi first class frame dwelling; good barn, 86 by 48 and 20 by 48, with basement stables, cement floors, litter carrier and silo, al« so drive house, hen house and hog pen; about 80 acres under Since spring is herg I want to shout My winter pants Are worn out, --Hastings Tribune. RR -- Daily Sentence Sermon. Easy street 18 at the end of the hardest road: THE PROGRESSIVES' POSITION, In the omly division taken so far in the House of Commons the gov- ernment was upheld by a vote of 162 to 42, a majority of 120. This large majority, of course, was made pos- sible because the Progressives, to a man, voted against the amendment of the Tory opposition, and in sup- port of the government, but it gives a fair indication of what is likely to happen in future divisions in the house. Although there is a possibil- fty that occasions will arise when the Progressives will criticize the policy of the government, it is very unilike- ly that they will ever vote against the government as a body. This is News of the Names Club, L. K. Hastens to tell ug I. Will See is Postmaster at Louisa, Ky. I Will See 1s his customary answer when folks down there ask him if there is any mail for them, And speaking of names make your own comment on these lamped In the marriage license column of the Kan- sas City Times: Illuminate Roccaforte, Kansas City 24 Katherine Spallitto, Kansas City ...21 Our Canadian Question And Answer Corner Will sell on easy terms, or would exchange for timber lots. Price $5,000. 48 well to remember, however, the only girls who leap from rs' automobiles are those who Q.--Who is the new Canadian High | Commissioner in London, Eng., and who does he suceceed? A.--Hon. P. C. Larkin, Toronto, is the newly appointed Canadian High Commisssioner in London, Eng. He succeeds Sir George Per- ley, who succeeded the late Lora Strathcona. i En Tat what ou wants 54 5 Bik BUCKEYE | mn colt INCUBATOR may fail at times to get 3 t number, but she has the | beat in the matter of getting --. : brome and Hite breeders-- 1000 Chicks King St. ------------ FARMERS AT STELLA. ~ er of fifteen; father of four- It uBtil we saw that it referred to age, number. The chap who smokes a Turkish in a holder is doubtless 0 get the smell as far as pos- from his nose. -------------------- After a timo the small boy be- to understand that it is wrong quite a natural conclusion to draw far, and it will probably be found torrect as the session proceeds. The whole crux of the matter is that the Progressives know on which side their bread is buttered. Not only do they realize that their group holds the balance of power to a cer- tain extent; they also know that their their only hope of securing what they want Mes in supporting from the proceedings in the house so | 0 tell lies unless you are a parent king to a small boy, After all, we should be grateful to 3 Think of the agony she has d other peoples, who long have the government, In practically ority, although by no' means a silent The talkativeness of the Conserva- tives is also doing much to throw the '{months. The cause of death was Q.-- Which is Canada's chief dis- tributing port on the Pacific coast? A.--Vancouver is Canada's chief distributing port on the Pacific coast especially to the Orient. The cus- tom receipts for 1921 of over $12,- 000,000, an increase of $2,000,000 in a year, indicate the volume ot trade. ~ ------------ NEWS OF NAPANER. Burial of Late Mrs. Birrell--Mother N Frespondent) apanee, April 11.--The funeral of the late Mrs. J. A. Birrell took place on Sunday afternoon. Deceas- ed was thirty-two years of age and leaves a husband and three children, the youngest a babe of eighteen pneumonia, after a week's illness. The remains of the little son of the late Mrs. E. Ross Sills, formeriy Hazel Roblin) were brought to Nap- anee on Monday and will be buriea with those of his mother, whose death occurred but a week ago. J. R. Dafoe is quite ill of pneu- monia. » Maurice Wolfe is in the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, where he underwent hed Will Soon Be Able to Get to Work on the Land. - Stella, April 10.--With the contin- ued fine weather, the farmers will soon be in the fields. Feed is get- ing very scarce in this locality, with a great many of the farmers. Quite a number are drawing hay from Ed- ward Baker's. The Amherst Island Farmers' Club got a car ¢f western feed oats, containing 2,000 bushels, ed of to the members, Between twen- ty-five and fifty head of cattle have died at the Island this winter. Stella cheese factory commenced operations on Monday last, with a small supply of milk. - Great activity is going on in the boat business around the village this spring. J. A. Tugwell is having a lighter built to carry stock across the bay. W. J. Beaubien, ship carpenter, is doing the work. George T. Howard has purchased the sloop Vaterland from TT. J. Hill, and is giving her an ex- tensive overhauling. He has also purchased a large motor launch in Deseronto, which he will bring down in March, which was quickly dispos-| (has been attendifig high school in to cross the bay from above Emer- ald. The ice was shifted on Saturday afternoon, and he was enabled to launch his motor boat and cross to Millhaven. Miss Nancy Burleigh, who has been teaching school at Cres- 8y, has returned to her home here for a few weeks. Reports from Denbigh, April 8.--Miss Pearl Ready, who enjoyed a few weeks with relatives and friends here at her old home, has returned to Mon- treal and resumed her former posi- tion. Gustav John, who for a num- ber of years has been employed in new Ontario, but took a well earned rest and spent this winter with rela- tives here at his native home, also | left again for Sault Ste. Marie, with the intention to resume his former occupation. Miss Anne Kein, who Napanee, was serious taking ill with typhoid fever, has sufficiently recov- ered to be able to safely stand the journey home and hopes are enter- tained for het full recovery. J. Adams and C. Both left for Tweed on business. The public roads are again an ovération a few days ago, in very bad condition since the last BUNT'S HARDWARE heavy snow storm. Farmers, who are busy in their sugar bush, report to have had a few very good runs of sap lately. Germany's negative reply to France's reparation note may lead to further military occupation of Ger- man territory. Captain Raould Amundsen, who hopped off at Central Park, N.Y., on a flight to the north polar reg- ions ip.a wreck at Miola, Pa. SONA LE OAL QUARTET TE VERYBODY'S got to be on the defensive in the wintertime. When winter attacks you throw on another shovelful of coal and stand pat. You'll come a 1 Ton od months going. Crawford Scranton Coal Phone 9. Foot of Queen St.

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