TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1922, Faster Gift aster Gifts New Common Prayer and Hymns Presbyterian Hymnal Methodist Hymnal Bibles Catholic Prayer Book and Rosaries Easter Cards R. Uglow & Co. Psalms Stationery MOVIES AND THE EYES Mantle Clocks | Theological College, T WIE LUE at Queen's Theological College Convocation. An eloquent address by Rev. Dr Charles W. Gordon ( ph Connor) moderator of the prions Gen- eral Assembly, featured the proceed- ings of the comvocation of Queen's held on Mon- day night, in Convocation Hall, Queen's University, at which Princi- pal Dr. Bruce Taylor presided. During the Proceedings, R. G. Fry, of Kindersley, Sask., W. J. Walker, of Niagara Falls, and L. B, Smith, of Brockville, were licensed to preach by the Kingston Presbytery, Rev. Dr, Ramsay, of Belleville, moderator of the Kingston Presbytery, officiating. i Mr. Fry was also ordained. Rev. Dr. Malcolm Macgillivray and Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson conducted the | devotional exerciges. Prof. Morgan announced the win- ners of the scholarships, and the presentations were made by Princi- | {pal Taylor, Quite a number of the members of the Presbytery were present, includ- ing Rev. R, J. Craig, the clerk. Address to Students. "You represent the church," said Dr. Gordon, addressing the students of the college. You represent the great church universdl.. You will ADDRESS. THAT ACHE | decided improvement in my health. 1 HE DAI LY BRITISH WHIG. : HEADS AND PAIN | TItis hard to drag along with a head {that aches anc pains all the time. In nine cases out of tem, persistent j headaches are due to poisoned blood, | the blood being rendered :mpure through some derangement of the | stomach, liver or bowels, but no mat- | {ter which organ is to blame the cause must be removed before permanent | relief can be obtained. | BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS which has been on the market for the past forty-five years, removes the cause of the headache by starting the organs of elimination acting freely, and when the impurities are carried | off from the system, purified blood circulates in the brain cells, and the | aches and pains vanish. ' ° } Miss Clara Murphy, Centre Dum- | mer, Ont, writes:-- 'My system was | greatly run down and my blood out | of order. 1 suffered a great deal from severe pains in my head, which | made me feel very miserable. After having tried other remedies I pur- | chased a bottle of Burdock Blood Bit- | ters, and was very glad to notice al took another bottle and it has done | ne an enormous amount of good. 1I| have recommended it to some of my triends, who were in a similar condi. ticn, and they all say it is a wonderful Ladies neat-fitting low Shoes Tans, Brown and Black. mediam heels. Best grades-- $8.00 and $9.00 Abernethy's Shoe Store DAINTY OXFORDS in Low heels, remedy." | B. B. B. is manufactured only by | The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, | Ont. } meee | course they know of the rivairies ana | 1 N€ Te€lgmann School of | . Music Piano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ac- cepted. 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325j. G. Hunter Ogilvie EXCELSIOR LIFE Come and let us commune about that monthly income policy. | emulations of sects "1H times past, {and deplore them. But that day of | religious strife is fortunately pass- ing, and one of the signs of its pass- {ing is the introduction of the Bible {as literature and history into the stand where men can see you, and the church you represent functions religion | "You are experts in religion. You { will meet experts in science and other {lines, but you are experts in the Our window display university courses, The session just science of religion--a science of liv- closing is H is the first 1 i 4 ing right--that which will fit a man : oh Sue's, of Mahogany Mantle | I think, in which a knowledge of the Cl k . {to be a man all round--to be that Bible could co - { f ; oc 8 gives extraor {which God would have him be. Man's {and the a -- DA eee dinary values. Do not Suef Seman was le make of him- | hands of Dr. Jordon, : mens of * es e Re gion is to show "The years of the war were a drain miss these, all guar- || W to play the man. Religion lon the theological students of Can- anteed. $10.00 up. Moving Pictures do not injure the eyesight, but they do cause Groce eyes to give discomfort--| but with proper Glasses, you can enjoy movies! with comfort. Consult| us about eyesight, Specials Eee helps a man to be a good son and ad § a, who being of mature yea - | brother, to fulfill the expectations of [listed almost v4 a man, It y ar Bo. c A man who relates himself |perpetual glory, As a consequence, wit od cannot go wrong in any re- | we have had lean years in theological lation to man. Our business as |classes all over Canada. But when i | teachers in the church of Jesus |the cause is honorable, the evil con- Christ is to try to bring such influ- | sequences are temporary; and al- ence to bear upon others tat they | ready there are marked signs of re- | might think rightly about God. What | covery, More applications were sent | jyrons thoughts we have of the world | in this year to the home mission com- today. No wonder there are many mittee for summer work than the jpopie who do got come to God. But {church could finance, and excellent Kin all | hey i" Bot op away from God imen were disappointed. Also, the gsto | lent 1 oy now m. . numbers in arts having theology in Man's chief end is to glorify God. view are increasing steadily. No And we should live in a way to bring (one gets a fat living out of the honor to God, who sent us forth to |Chyrch: but the days when a cali Hve. In the great war the men of |\ag received to preash the redemp- Canada made Canada noble, No man tion of mankind are not yet over, nor had cause to be ashamed of the name is : ; ; "HE 1is real life measu on his shoulder. These brave men ed by extent of Is it worthy of your home ? Good Furniture is an essential part of the beautiful home. It gives an air of taste and refinement. It is really not how much you spend on the furnishings of your home as how and where you spend it. We offer our experience and ex- cellent store service. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker. 140 Wellingtor St. Opp. Post Office FOR SALE OR TO RENT SEVERAL HOUSES TO RENT on the North side of Princess Street at reasonable rents, or would sell on easy terms. Apply: Kingston Cement Products will as good clothes as your wife? your widow wear J EWELERS I 100 Princess Street, Will your orphans have the ad- vantages of your children? 151 WELLINGTON ST. nn Burnett, Whitby, spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Herbert Burnett, Oscar Babcock, Toronto, is assisting his father, J. Phone 147 for Service. H. F. NORMAN, Manager OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street Phone 780w. If may be your Teeth. Consult: Dr. Nash 188 PRINCESS STREET eT ------ * A deputation called on the minis- ter of finance on Monday in regard to a refund of the luxury tax upon automobiles. r N---- glorified Canada. y "I congratulate you all on your profession," continued the speaker during his address. "I am glad that you are going to give yourself to this great enterprise--that you are going to try and help your fellow country- men to live worthily of their God." The speaker declared that the great job of the men in the ministry possessions, i Bright Days Coming. "The work of the year was carried through with the same staff as last year, that is to say with ome man short. Owing to the action of the Assembly last June in postponing all appointments for twelve months, Prof. Watts, appointed a year ago to the chair of practical theology is H. Mrs. guests of James Denyes. Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Newburgh, are- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald, Kingston, and Mr. fzer, Gananoque, spent Tuesday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elwell Em- mons. spent Wednesday with his mother, Babcock, at the garage. Mr. ani M. Ovens, Fort William, are | Mr. Oven's mother, Mrs. 7 Miss Clara Mec- Green- Isaac Fraser. Dr. E. M. Gordon, Kingston, PASTRY -- What is more delicious than good ' {| was to 'change the heart of a man.' PRE-INVENTORY SALE work of the ministry, L. B. Smith, moderator of the Before Stock Taking, we have decided to give a 25% DISCOUNT {to deliver the valedictory for the | graduates, and he delivered a very | ine address, in which he returned to ON ALL CASH SALES Our stock of Crockery, China, Glassware, Lamps, etc., is the largest | the teaching staff for the splendid | training, and for the many warm and most complete between Montreal and Toronto. friendships formed at the college. Those who passed through the col- | lege owed everything they possessed This Sale is for only a short time. Don't delay as you cannot afford to miss this opportunity to save to the learned and sympathetic teachers. The speaker advocated the "OUR SALES ARE REAL SALES" Robertson's Limited | dence at the college. 73 Princess St. ,. or pastry to complete the dinner? Masoud's Pastry is unexcelled for its crispness and tastefulness. All our Baking is done the "elec- tric" way, and this insures the people of Kingston only of "the best." Lemon Pies Baked To Order Owing to the great demand | we suggest you leave your phone order to prevent disap pointment. Geo. Masoud 238 Princess Street Phone 980. Mrs. A. Gordon. Ross Clark is spending Ris holidays' with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Clark. ! The L. A. S. met at the home of Mrs. George Detlor last Wednesday | afternoon, and all were delightfully entertained by a play entitled "Mrs. Jenkins' Briiliant Idea,' given by eight lady members of the society, also by very fine music given by an Edison victrola. Very dainty refresh- ment were served and enjoyed by the thirty-six ladies present. still in his church in Ottawa. How- ever, he was able to give a course of lectures, which was supplemented by another,course given by Professor | Eakin of Montreal, to whom and to Principal Fraser, of Montreal, our thanks are due for their generous assistance, "I cannot venture on any general remarks, We are looking for better and brighter days ahead. Seven- eighths of the Forward Movement donation of $50,000 has been receiv- ed, and what disposition to make of it is being carefully considered by the board. The mists of confusion which followed the war seem at last to be evaporating. The old message of peuce and good-will is being pro- claimed with new energy. All agencies, pulpit, press and platform, are being inspired by a common aim to. work more effectively together for human betterment. "You young men who are leaving us, now that your college life is over, may the blessing of an all-wise and all-loving Father be with you and your loved ones and inspire you in all your work. We count on you to continue to play your part in the big game, as you have already so well done, and we will not, I am sure, count on you in vain." Principal Taylor added a very few words of commendation to the men leaving the college, and the proceed- ings were brought to a close with the singing of the National Anthem, Cream Puffs. Chocolate Eclairs. His Greatest Gift. New York Globe. The girl had worked in the hospi- tal during the war, and when she broke her arm a month ago, she made a sling of a sailor's heavy silk handkerchief, to wear when she went out. | One day she met a sailor whom | she had nursed through a bad attack of flu, and they stopped and talked | for a few moments. The next afternoon he appeared at her house with a small package. "This is my handkerchief," he ex- plained. "I've worn it ever since I've teen in the service--for nine years, and it's never once been untied, I want you to use for your arm.' At first the girl protested she knew how much a matter of pride it was to the sailors never to untie their 'kerchiefs, and nine years! "I'd rather you used it, miss,'* he | Tr at enna 8 ToL HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANOS So she took it--and though some | people might not think it a thing al Now is the time to decide, not think, about that new Piano for Easter. This is the best time to buy. cherish, it is among her most favored DURING THIS SALE possessions. Prices and Terms are low and you will find us very accommodating in our endeavors to make the purchase of a Piano a matter of ease, not an extra effort. Dr. W. 8. Dyde, principal of the theological college, gave.a survey of the work of the year, and also took occasion to thank Dr, Gordon for his visit and eddress to the students. Survey of the Year, In his address Principal Dyde said: "With soldiers graduating end a soldier addressing them, we are not likely to forget the war, To aid us in remembering the great past, and to do what ts in our power to honor those who died for us and civiliza- tion, this tablet was erected last fall by the board of management of Queen's Theological College. Those whose names are carved there are not dead--'Vivunt fortes, orbis pa- catories"--the brave live on, the peace-mekers of the world "The session just closing will be held to be noteworthy for another reason. There are many thoughtful 'people who fail to understand why the Bible should continue to be ta- boo in our educational system. Of Found Them Best She Had Ever Used WHAT MRS. PARLEE SAYS OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. EASTER and our sale of HYDRO FOR ODESSA. There is Much Enthusiasm Over the Proposition. Miss Mabel Martin has resigned her position in the post office, which has been accepted by Miss Beaulah Mohan. Leslie Heath had the mis- fortune to break his arm, while cranking his car last Wednesday morning. Mr. Corkhill, the public school inspector, paid a visit here last Tuesday. Harold Gordon has purchased a new Chevrolet car. Miss A Recreation Park. i 8. G. Livingston, Ogdensburgh, N. | Y., will shortly build an up-to-date | dancing pavilion, store and refresh-| ment room on his property at Edge-| weter park, one mile east of Mor- ristown, N.Y. Ten acres of ground will be thrown opea to the public. Sussex, N. B., Woman Who Suffered Many Forms of Kidney SPECIAL Men's Gunmetal Calf Bluchers, broad toes and rubber heels. Men's Brown Calf Lace Balmorals, per- fogated vamps, medium toes. Men's Brown Military Bluchers. SPECIAL 4.95 Allan M. Reid SHOE STORE | i i i | ! Trouble Sings the Praises of Dodd's Kidney Pills. 'Sussex, N. B., Apr. 10th. (Special) ~~Mrs. L. Parlee, who lives on Broad Street here, is another of that great army of Canadian women who are always ready to say a good word for Dodd's Kidney Pills. Evefy one of them has a reason. "I have found Dodd's Kidney Pills of good value to me," Mrs. Parlee states. "I had typhoid and it left me with milk leg. I suffered also from cramps in the muscles, back- ache, headache and heart flutterings. My sleep was broken and unrefresh- ing; 1 was wiways tired and nervous and I had dark circles under my eyes. "I took two boxes of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills and' they have done me a lot of good. 1 have found Dodd's Kidney Pills the best I ever used." Mrs. Parlee"s troubles came from the kidneys. Ask your neighbors if /gnes Shine spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Osburn, Napanee. The Hydro Electric meeting last Thurs- day afternoon had a large attendance and from the enthusiasm displayed by the parties interested, it looks as if we may have our village, lighted. Dean Babcock left Saturday for Saskatoon, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. James Kenny, who have been visitig rela- tives and friends, >have returned to their homes in Brighton. Mrs. Geo. Stagg and little daughters Helan| one and loses the other. and Jean, who have been spending: the past two weeks at Sidney Sil- ver's, returned to their home in Kingston last Saturday. Mrs. Sidney Arrangements will parking cars, baseball diamond and picnic parties; pslides. Park are twin parks on the opposite shore within view of Brockville, prison--if he steals a land, he's made king. buckle on the same sword. would not wish for rain? be made fer! swings and Terrace also Edgewater and If a man steals gold, he's put in Valiancy and boastfulness never He who hunts twp hares, leaves It every day was a sunny day, who Sproule left Wednesday to visit rela- tive troit. Dr. H. C. Mabee, Mrs. Meb2e and Mrs. E. N. Adams motored to To-{ ronto for the week-end. Mrs. Char | Dodd's Kidney" Pills are not the most | Mrs. Martin, Sydenbam. in Toronto, Syracuse and De: | ley Emmons is visiting her aunt, George In concentrating on the Heintzman & Co. Piano, we d0 80 because we want you to buy an instrument which will last you a lifetime and during that time always be a source of great pleasure and pride to you. Just make it your business to give our store a visit' and hear this wonderful instrument. VasesassEn saan Ses esnseatisaianiuasaiiene MV Al ND SAY b= 121 PRINCESS STREET