"THE WANTED 10,000 'MUSKRATS WE PAY HIGHEST ,CASH PRICES (XoXo ds) CASH BUYERS -- fFouno, RAw FURS PHONE - 603 RAW FUR DEPARTMENT 157 BROCK ST., KINGSTON, Can. SOHN MS IK AY Limiteo. THE ELECTRIC SHOP Call an@ arrange for a free trial of the A.B. C. ELECTRIC, WASHER 118 Broek Street. hone 1545. F. J. GRACE W. C. CANNON tend Sowards Keep Coal and Coal Keeps Sowards all kinds of CutWood PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. (GARAGE, BAY STREET - - tached brick bungalow, living- 'room, dining.room, kitchen, 4 * bed-rooms, finished attic, "water furnace, hardwood floors, ' electric light, gas. ' $2,400--Victoria Street-- De- "tached frame, cement founda- * tion, 7 rooms, toilet and unfin- ' ish . + brick house, with tennis court, June 1st to October 1st. sliving room, bedroom, .room and kitchen. Victory Bongs bought and sold. 5 A Briscoe Opportunity There are several Briscoe Cars in service in this vicinity that have travelled over thirty thousand (30,000) miles and still running well. One car, an improved model 4-34, ran all last season at a eost of 234 c. per mile. Experts admit it has a truly wonderful motor. Owners are enthusiastic. We can sell you a brand new model 4-34, five passenger Touring Car at the bargain price of $995.00. An a or No other car on the market price. has made such a reduction in ~ ANGLIN BROS. KINGSTON, 'ONTARIO $5,900--Union St. W.--De- . Bargains Fresh Eggs Belleville Creamery ..... Island Rolls hot Granulated Sugar .... Large juicy Dates Rolled Oats Tea, with the flavor .. cg 30, White Rose Potatoes . -28e. peck Mathews Pure Lard Corn Flakes attic. Lot 33 x 132, , TO LET Alice Street, large detached Bagot Street-- Furnished flat, bath- May 1st to Campbell's Soup +++.83 tims 48e. pt 15th. Large Oatsup «+20c., dozen Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS STS, R. H. Waddell ~ SUCCESS --are planted when the eyes are made as nearly 100% efficient as possible. Although we are not aware of it, most of us have faulty eyes, which tend to hamper our success. Army tests show- ed a startling percentage of eye defects ~70%. Know that your eyes are right right now. Have them examined. If you should need glasses, you will most likely want us to fit you with a pair of "Quality Beyond Question" Shur-ons. i REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST KING STREBT = | 'PHONE 1019w. x A WIL EMPLOY 200 MEN On the City's Streets During the Season of Con= struction. 'It is the tention 'of the city en-| gineer Works de- partment to give employment to about two hundred men during the construction season. It is estimated that 'about « hundred apd fifty men will be required in the construc- | tion of the )ernianent pavements | and the rer ler will be required | § jeral repair worl about | the city. Some men will be needed | by the Board of Works department {in the building of the concrete side | walks This will be good news for the | working men, who in many cases | have had very little to do during the | winter months. It had been expect- | ed that the work of paving Brock and and the rd of to do the | menced on Monday morning, but the { underground work, which is being | done by the public utilities commis- | sion, is not far enough advanced for | pavers to commence work. It {s ex- | pected that work on Ontario street | will require considerable time on ac- jcount of the condition of the street. | The side walk on the east side of the { north side, which means that the en- | gineering department will have to be | very careful with the levels, The | first work to be done will be to dig | west side of Ontario street. The {| ground under the track will have to | be dug down for a distances of twen- | ty inches and then a cement base will | ties and steel will be placed. As soon i as the track on the west side is put | In place, the track work on the east [ side will be pushed along. The man- | agement of the street railway com- , pany is very anxious that both tracks | be in place by June so that the traf- | fic will not be interfered with during {the busy summer months, { The civic utilities commission has | completed the work on Brock street {ana the gang of men are| pushing | along the work on Ontario street. This work should be far enough ad- | vanced in a week's time to allow the paving work to commence. | The Board of Works department i gramme, but the engineer is very anx fous to get the Ontario and Brock street work done first. | It might be possible to commence | ment in the very near future but the | powers-that-be are afraid that the | underground work which was done | by the utilitiess commission has not | settled well enough as yet. | The cedar ties, which will be used | by the street railway company, have arrived and are piled on Brock street, They were bought from a dealer who ! resides near Yarker, The road building machinery is | being overhauled in preparation for the opening of the construction sea- son. oy 0 THE WRATH OF GOD, | is always in love, Subject of Discourse by Rev. 0. C. Elliott in First Baptist. Those who believe that the state- ment, "God fs Love," fully de- | scribes God, would have had an un- | comfortable time trying to defend | their view against the attack of Rev. | 0. C. Elliott, who spoke last night {at the First Baptist church from {Rom. I, 18, on "The Wrath of God, | Revealed from Heaven." He drew | attention to the, fact that God's first | manifestation of Himself to a soul and that the | sterner attributes are revealed, only | when the soul repeatedly rejects the mercy and kindness of God. But when there is persistent rebellion and conscious deliberate wrong do- |ing, the time comes when God as- serts His right to reign, and His wrath is revealed against all ungod- liness and unrighteousness. Turn- ing to the scriptures the speaker referred to the expulsion from the garden, the flood, the overthrow of Pharaoh and his host in the Re Sea, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, as particular instances of the revelation of the wrath of God. In closing, he urged his hearers to | accept God's offer of salvation fully | provided for through the gift of His { Bon; so-that they might have the { right to enter into the enjoyment of | His love, and have no reason to fear { "the wrath to come." | At the afternoon service Mr, El- | liott gave the second 'of a series of | deeply spiritual Bible studies on "The Bellever's Union With Christ." He will conclude this series to-mor- {Tow at 3 p.m., with a talk on "The | Believer's Union With Christ in | Glory." At the final service to-mor- | row night his subject will be "The | Last Day." To-night's subject will be, "Hardened Hearts." -------------- 'REV. W. J. McRAY, D.D. : Editor of the Canadian Baptist, whose - death occurred on Wednesday, . . ! mick, Miss Patterson, { Ontarfo streets would have been com- | | street is a great deal lower than the | {up the street railway track on the | | be constructed upon which the new | | has a very extensive road paving pro- | | the work on the Division street pave- | DAILY BRITIS THE GIRL GUIDES | Are Preparing For Their Camp To Be Held In July. ! TLe local committee of Collegiate Girl Guides was entertained at after- noon tea on Wednesday by the local Jrownie Comittee at St. James' | parish hall. After the regular busi-| ness was transacted, with Mrs. I. G. Bogart, thé president, in the chair, plans for the Guide's summer-holi- day-times were discussed. Those in charge of the prettily arranged tea | table were Mrs. Booth, Mrs. Savory, Mrs. Guild, Mrs. Hambrook, Mrs. | Rooney, Mrs. Linton and Miss Wilson The Guides camp will be held from {July 11th to the 25th, inclusive, at Beau Rivage Island. The committee appointed to make plans for the camp is composed of Miss McCor- Mrs. Sifter, ! Mrs. Bavary, Mrs. Otto, and Miss | Henstridge. | THE CAUSE OF BACKACHE Many People Think it is Due to Kid- ney Trouble, ! Every muscle in the body needs | constantly a supply of rich, red blood in proportion to the work it does. The muscles of the back are under a heavy strain and have but little rest. When the blood is thin they lack nourishment, and the result is a sen- sation of pain in those muscles. Some people think pain in the back means! kidney trouble, but the best medical | authorities agree that backache sel-| dom has anything to do with the kid- | neys. Organic kidney disease may | have progressed to a critical point | without developing a pain in the| back. This being the case, pain in the back should always lead the suf- | | ferer to look to the condition of his | | blood. It will be found In most cases | |that the use of Dr. Williams' Pink | Pills to build up the blood will stop | [the sensation of pain in ill-nourished | | muscles of the"back. How much bet- | {ter it is to try Dr. Williams' Pink | | Pills for the blood than to give away | [to alarm about your kidneys. If you | | suspect your kidneys, any doctor | |can make tests in ten minutes that | | will set your fears at rest, or tell you | | the worst. But in any event you | | should keep the blood in good condi- | {tion and for this purpose Dr. Wil-| |liams' Pink Pills are highly recom- | | mended, | Yow can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail| postpaid at G0 cents a box or six| | boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil-| {liame' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. | Has Issued 1,700 Markers. It was announced on Thursday morning that up until the present | [time the local issuer of Ontario Mo- | tor License markers had issued sev- | enteen hundred. This is considered a | very large number, as many owners of automobiles do.not take their cars out of the garages until the first week in May. It is expected that be- tween 2,600 and 3,000 licenses will be issued in the Kingston district this season. Bishop of Ontario To Preach. Canon Scott, Quebec, has asked Bishop Farthing, on account of ill- ness, to be excused from preaching the sermon in Christ Church Cathe- dral at the annual synod service on April 26th. His place will be taken by Dr. Bidwell, Bishop of Ontario. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Produced. On: Wednesday, "Uncle Tom's Ca- | bin" was produced at the Grand Ope- ra House by a company of thirty peo- | ple. The afternoon performance was {especially well attended, many child- ren being present to see this old time favorite play. ! For Colds, Grip or Influenza and as a Preventive, take Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablets. The genuine bears the signature of BE. W, Grove. (Be sure you get BROMO), 30c. Made in Canada, Letters received by Kingstonians H WHIG. Sey PHONE 919. The New Prayer Book for the Church of England in Canada in indi . BE hn Shunh of Engl all bindings and com STORE OPEN FRIDAY An opportunity to make selections from the several bind- ings and styles of type and to avoid the rush of Easter Saturday, TORONTO and MONTREAL DAILY PAPERS There being no mail deliver Y, extra copies of the daily papers will be received. Booklets, Post Cagds, F olders and Flat Cards.™ THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1922. EASTER CARDS OPEN NIGHTS 41 to 49, senses snes Smart Wear. | Suits $29.50 Women's and Misses' Navy Tricotine and Ga- berdine Suits, in smart tailored and box styles. Trimming includes Braid and Buttons, silk lining, with or without belts. Also notched collars. Spe- cially priced for Saturday . . . tie ieieniezetese, $29.50 _------- STOUT WOMEN'S SUITS Smart Suits for Stout Women ---- Navy or Elack Gaberdine and Poiret Twill--nicely trim- med with self color stitching--buttons--notched collors--silk lined--with or without belts. Sizes SATURDAY $35.00 » NEW IDEAS IN HOSIERY ANDSGLOVES FOR EASTER, 'Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" ables for Easter CHIC STYLE COATS Chic Coats for Easter--Velour, Homespun, Polo Cloth and Tweed in smart tailored style and fancy wrap effect. Beautifully lined and with Shawl or Convertible Collars--full backs, also belted models. Prices range from : Fre meccscine. $14.50 to $50.00 100,000 TONS OF COAL Needed by Kingston--Local Dealers Seeking Supply From U.S. Surplus Stocks. The coal dealers are preparing tc seize the earliest opportunity to buy in their season's stocks of hard and soft'coal. Discussing this subject on Wednesday, one prominent dealer from New York state that they have been having the warmest weather for this time of the year, in fifteen years. " ' Jime tries all. rR REY "The Big Hat Store" Easter Hats Buy To-night stated that Canadian dealers would be fortunate to secure the normal quantity from surplus stocks avail- able at the United States shipping points. It is impossible to estimate the duration of the present strike, but it is reported that there is a sub- stantial surplus already mined ana the dealers able to secure vessels ear- ly will be in the most favorable po- sition. Many consumers have al- ready placed their orders for next winter's requirements, preferring to do this to taking chances on any stringency that may result from the strike now in progress. To relieve the rush for Easter Hats on Saturday, our store will be open to-night until 9.30, WE HAT EVERY- - BODY We sell Hats for all ily. Come to- An estimate of the total require- ments of Kingston is about 100,000 tons. Of this, 56,000 tons is hard coal, stove, chestnut, egg and pea size; and 44,000 tons of bituminous are required. This soft coal is usea in boilers, furnaces, steamers and locomotives. There is ample on hand for the balance of the season, but Kingston wil have to depend upon what comes in during the summer and autumn for next winter's needs, although when transportation is not congested it is possible to bring some by rail in winter provided it can be obtained at the mines. It is the possibility of coal shortage that faces the dealers now. Service in Queen Street Church. The special services in Queen street church were continued on Wednesday evening, with a good at- tendeace from the Methodist chur- ches of the city" Rev. J. A. Waddell conducted the services, and the ser- mon was p ed by Rev. R. H. Bell, Sydenham st church, The music was furnished by Sydenham street choir, with Miss Shaw and Ernest Madrand at the organ. Miss Olive Woodman sang "There's a Green Hill Far Away." The services will be con- cluded this evening. ------------------ Annnal tag day, Saturday, for the Orphan's Home, EARL ST. Semi-detached dwelling, 12 rooms, two tile bath rooms, one on second and third floors. Toilet off billiard room in basement. Sun room and extension kitchen. Laundry in cellar. . Modern in every way and situated in the most desirable residential district in the city, Full information may be had at office, E. W. MULLIN EXCLUSIVE AGEN & SON Phoues 589w and 539J, Cerner Johnson and Division Streets + 3 ~ 2 "Frank W. Slater Oxfords" FOR THE MEN Featuring several new lines just received in this q Men. These are made on the new French toe last, in either Black or Brown Calfskin, and selling at special price of $7.00. "These are the last word in style and quality." shoe for UNSURPASSED in workmanship and quality at anywhere near the price. S. J. MARTIN 180 PRINCESS STREET + - = ii,