THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1029. THE DAILY BRITISH us omen sy, Wor their health + In constant repair The rush of life to-day overtaxes women's strength and nervous energy. What, then, can you do to maintain health, sosthat duties may be fulfilled? : : It is not medicine or stimulant that your system needs--but super-nourishment to restore deplet- ed vitality. "Ovaltine," a delicious beverage to take at meals or between meals, fills this need perfectly. OVALTINE TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE "Ovaltine" is highly concentrated nourishment, extracted from ripe barley malt, creamy milk, fresh eggs and cocoa, in the form of crisp golden ules. It is rich in nerve, brain and body- ry elements, and is assimilated without the slightest digestive effort. Drink it every day. Easily pri at e or office. Now at ull Camdian as to cover cost of packing and postage. British--and used throughout the Empire A. WANDER LIMITED, (Canadian Office) Dept. F., 27 Front St. E. Toronto. an CONTRACTING AND REPAIRING Distributors for EDISON MAZDA LAMPS, APEX VACCUM CLEANERS, SUNNYSUDS ELECTRIC WASHER Burke Electric Co. 74 PRINCESS STREET - - PHONE 423 | BOYS' surTs F . TE where a number of the brides friends ~~ | Bathered and gave her a kitchen shower, She also received many oth- er beautiful presents. God wishes W | Jane highly respected resident of Tre- { | velyan, where the service was oon- {ducted at the Roman Catholic church. E." V. Dyke has re- * (turned from attending the funeral of |his father-in-law, H. MacKenzie, MUBTON, | Jasper. Mrs. Jacob Warren remains April 10.--Ezra Bayxter and two | ill. Master James Purvis is sons, Keelerville, are stopping at the bon il with flu Farmers have Kearnay house. J. Coon has a gang | gathered their buckets and report an | of men working in his saw mill. 1. excellent syrup year, both in quality N. Henderson and Joseph Loming d quantity. Misses Alma and Ar- {made a business trip to Lansdowneo a= 3 vin spent a few days last {on Thursday last. Ernest Roantree 1s/| '7 x Tat their house at Mal- moving to his factory at Berryton. EE Charles Glenn, BEscott, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bruce spent Suu- at the woel-ond. with friends here. day at W. G. Earl's, Seeley's Bay, Spel J. Darling returned on Satur- LAKE. day to her home at Lansdowne. Miss LEO . Mary Scott spent Friday in Brock- April 11.--Maple syrup making 18 | cite about over, i 2 Farmers who tapped in| -- this vicinity report a good season. CROSBY. The roads are in a very bad state April 8. --A large quantity of at present owing to the recent heavy syrup is being made in this vicinity, rains and the frost leaving them. the prices ranging from $1.50 to $2 J. Rogers and O, Willis are drawing |, gallon. The Women's Institute gravel for the culverfs. Mr. and met at the home of Mrs. W. E. Coop- Mrs, Benedict Fodey and little | por on Thursday. Mrs. Pierre, Phil- daughter, Mrs. Gus McDonald and jooville, is spending a few days in son, Lansdowne, and Bernard Mur- | 4p1e locality, Mrs. John Paul, Gan- ray, Kingston, spent Sunday at J. lanoque, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Murray's, Mr. and Mrs. W. McKen- | gaia Stout. B. M. Cannon has pur- na spent the week-end at James chased a new farm tractor. Mrs. Webb's, The many friends of Mrs. Sherman Stout and Mrs. K. E. James Smith regret to hear of bherlp oun spent Tuesday in Brockville. | serious illness. | Ad are glad to know that Mrs, Will- lam Proud has almost recovered LOMBARDY. {from her serious illness, W. A. Sin- April 10.--Miss Kathleen Kelly, | gleton is able to be around again af- Toronto, is holidaying at the home of | ter having had congestion of the | Sherm Stout, Leonard {her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Kel- |lungs. Sherman , |ly. The various schools in this vic- Stout and Earl Ready attended the { ck and implements {inity will close on Thursday for the Sale of farm stoc np : | Easter vacation, The Ladies' Aid 8t the late William J. O'Connor's, fo on Wednesday, 5th inst., at the North Burgess. Russell Arthurs has | v ) {opened an up-to-date garage here. | parsonage. The burial of the lato William Malloy, who died at the Fred Harrington has secured a posi- tion on the C. N. R. home of his son, George Malloy, Tin- |cap, took place on Sunday, 9th., in- | -- {terment being made in the church of | CHARLESTON. | England cemetery here. The syrup | April 10.--It is thought sugar {and sugar making season appears to | making is about over. Some have al- {be at an end--the farmers reporting |Téady gathered their buckets. Born |a very good season. Priges ranged | 8t the home of Mr. and Mrs, T. D. [from $1.25 to $2.00 a gallon. Mr [Spence to Mriyand Mrs. Roy Blan- | {and Mrs. William Hewitt, Toronto, | chard, Addison,Yon Friday, April 7,| {spent a few days here last week with |# SON. The roads are in a bad condi- relatives. They expect to leave short- | tion in this section. Oak Leaf cheese ly for their home in Ninga, Man, |factory opened on Monday with a ( fair supply of milk, JUNETOWN, Miss Cora Kelsey, daughter of S. April 10.--S8everal from here, to- |W. Kelsey and Wilmer Bradley, day, attended the funeral of the late | Long Point, son of Mr, Weldon Brad- Mrs. M. Leeder. She was an aged | ley, Lansdowne, were quietly mar- . ried on Wednesday at the George street Methodist parsonage, Brock- ville, by Rev. Mr. Hillis. The couple LJ | Were attended by Miss May Latimer | | a and Gerald Bradley. The bride and bridesmaid wore navy blue suits with {hats to match. After a short wedd- Ing trip, they returned on Friday to the home of the bride's parents, follow the . happy couple to Long Point where the groom has purchas- ed a farm, Strong wearing i fabrics of all -- {Lennox & Addington] wool goods. There are many various patterns CENTREVILLE, April 11.--The farmers are busy making maple syrup. The snow- and styles to choose from. storm a week ago brought out the sleighs again. The new cheese $ maker, Mr, Anderson, Belleville, has moved here. This hamlet was visit- ed by a band of gypsies on Thursday, E. Doyle and family have moved to R. J. Hannah's house. The remains Mothers, here are some very special values in all wool greys with fine ances. However things were finally settled at a late hour. The cheese factory opens on Monday week. Misses Helen and Marian MoGiH of the, Coberg high school, spent the week-end under the parental roof. LLL TIT (vs PACKAGES |5¢ START OUT ' WITH " > Y A) M > Jhe Jire Sensation of 1921 Vill be your choice y Jorl922 COST NO MORE THAN OTHER MAKES Royal Cafe Zoya Cu INVESTIGATE § The Special Poliey Fine service, low prices excellent. ; ISSUED BY THR food, We cater to both Jadies and gemtle- EXCELSIOR _-- ws. LIFE cov H. K. LEE, Proprietos, SOLD BY of the late Mrs. Patrick McKeown, formerly of Croydon, were placed in the Roman Catliolic vault here last stripes. These regularly sell for $12.50. Easter | -- SALEM, April 8.--A pleasant time was Spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marshall on Thursday even- ing when they entertained about thirty of their friends to a "sugar off." Delicious refreshments were served as well as abundance of suger and all spent @ merry time, Xx: sale at Mr. David Tripp's was held on Monday with a large attendance. On week. The council on Monday bad A Mvely time over Enterprise's griev- Special ENGLISH TWEED SUITS for the Boy who is hard on his clothes. Bria wearing fabrics. . $7.45 > Small Reefers, made from a good | quality unfinished Serge. Special price this week, © To Velvet - BLUE SERGE aranteed all wool Blue ts for boys. Just the. thing for Sunday. al ur Fox's IRISH SERGE REEFERS i Fox's guaranteed all wool with Collars, Reefer for Tuesday evening a large number of their friends gathered at their home for a surprise party, end spent an enjoyable evening, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Vancott spent Friday with Mrs. bee Vancott, Mount Pleasant, J. H. Parliament, Wellington, attended D. Tripp's sale. E. H. Wycott has start od to repair his barn. Mr. and Mis. Ernest Tripp and daughter, Joyce, will take up residence in Totonto. The many friends of Charlies Sager were pleased to see him able to go to Consecon one day recently. The Wo- men's Missionary Society will hold a social in Salem chufch on Monday evening, (Continued on Page 15.) $10.50 A beautiful H. D. WIGHTMAN GOOD EYESIGHT pL Don't delay until headaches or failing sight compel you, but have your eyes properly examined NOW. R. ARTHEY, RO. . Optometrist and Optician 'Phone 2108 for appointment. - FEATURES } High Guarantee ---- Ulustrations H Premium $130.20, Guarantees §, to return In Cash In 21 years ALL THE SMART SPRING STYLES in Ladies' | or 2 Strap Pumps with high or low heels, in Black Kid or Brown Calf. Well made Ladies' Oxfords in good taste for all out-of-door oc- The 'casions--just the type of Shoe for well-dressed women. Men's Tan Grain Brogue Ox- fords. = Men's Brown or Black Calf Oxfords. : Sawyer Shoe Store | Phone 159