Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Apr 1922, p. 12

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CALL OR DROP A CARD 3. vine, upholisterer, 216 Bagot St. . W. holsterin Leave or ® THE PEOPLE'S FORUM FiHE DAILY BRITISH CUNDENSE First MAID FO MAID FOR HOUSEWORK. AN EXPERIENCED AURSE; REFER- MAK WE WANT RTISING RATES: mach con- ADVE , lc a word, | insertion thereafter, half rd. Minimum chadgge for} rtion, 25¢; three ir.sértiona, irs secutive WON the day. WANTED GENERAL AN DESIRES HOUSEWORK BY Apply to Box N-12, Whig Office. | only rates are for cash 8 mT above The ab _ are double y dit a A WANTED TO BUY SIX OR SEVEN omed house for cash. No agents pply Box 0-13, Whig Office HELP WANTED. HOt L eld R GENERAL Mrs\T EXPERIENCED keeper seeks pos LADY LEDGER- | tion; able to make and monthly "GXperience. Ap- ig Office trial bala ent; 5 ¥ tox Q-15, W 4 +X Sydenham street, corner West St " ie REFER. M ences required Apply Mrs Bruce; Hopkins, 25 West St a eee ten sete P MONEY AT HOME, $15 to 860 f your spare time | eh ly pald weekly No can- writing show ei vassing. We rds for us instruct and supply ou with work. West-Angus Show Card service, 17 Colborne Bld, To- | w ronto | o R A RELIABLE SALES| agent for each unhvepr ; or territowy. Exec v , good pay lo energetic rep sentatives. Our agency Is valu- ile write Pelham Nursery Co. aronto. Ont Se $50.00 AGENTS --GE AN ENERGETIC, AGENTS nished bath WANTED TO RENT FOR MONTH OF shed house ainin at sitting R. 1. or fur- least room Fourtt ay room, kitchen, d 2 bedrooms. Mrs hone 1807) S FOR SHOE REPAIRIN done quickly and neatly. tbber Heels put on whiie vou aft Your ' patronage solicited 'orkmanship guaranteed. A oodwin, Charles Street, © neap . business corporation, in the lages, towns surrounding King- Only men or women of 325 over, of clean character ambition need apply. inquiries to Box 25 67.1 | WEEKLY SELLING SHINE Spiral Curtain Rods. Agents coin ing money For particulars and iree sample write B. E. Manu- R facturing Company, Dept. , Lon- hl don, Ont. } " IN PROFITABLE commission business of Every property owner our nine SALE m all year your own. ¥ needs some varieties of fardy Red Tag trees and plants, No capital needed. hundred olborne SMEN AND SALESLADIES IN Eastern Ontario to sell an electrical edical apparatus known ar Violet | ay, highly recommended for rheu-~ nervousness, headaches, atiss olds, asthma, bronchitis; wanted in Send for literature free Attractive E. C. Smith, 199 home wonstrations position. Apply Cemplete equipment and instruc - tion free. Write Dominion Nurser: ies, Montreal. ROOM BRICK HOUSE 70 rom first of May, facing City Apply King & Smythe RELIABLE, RE- sponsible man, preferably with large acquaintance, both business and social, to handle an old estab- jished product, in continual use by over 50% of the population Steady income and good profits A quick seller to both the retail stores and consumer Address: Mr. West, 16 8 Toronto LODG FIRS a 63 RI el furnace SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, | ------- tas STOR large or small, Posters, Showcards. m displays a specially, by Shaw at 213 P ess Streel. UNING. PIANO T HAVE YOUR PIANO TUNED BY OUR A wn. Telephone 1544 Mr. Fiyr y, Ltd Ww. Li 1st iY Cla BARBER ed Cann Agency, 3 | ROOMS, bathroom ON KING STREET, the 1.0.0.F Smith. E ROOMS rly cccupled by y to Cuningham & CLASS ROOMS AND improvements; central] Apply 243 Unlversity BOARD; locat- ve. | r 11 DEAU STREET, STONE HOUSE | ght rooms, three plece bath. gas, Apply 47 Rideau Street. FOR FURNITURE AND! clean and dry. Mec-| 86 Brock Street. | AGE erchandise; hon LIGHT cooking, 1799m. 384) HED FOR Bas for Phone URN yusekeeping, floor Ifred stree NINE ROOMED FRAME | fon street, from May | rence Street, Kingston, | ©. K. ROBINSON 'Street. H.C am. RS, Willlam Street, ing hats N AND BOYS WANTED TO TAKE STOR potice that J. W, Curzon has mov- ed to 23 Brock Strgeh Men's hair out 26c. Boys, 20c. Shave 10c re sha le erry MEDICAL. St 52 MAY ra . s 10.3 p.m Hour 7-58.30 m p.m. . MABEE, liam street 2-4 pm, ONE fe ri M.D, CM, 79 Offline hours 7-830 pm 119. ary, own bathroom } AGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN alry rooms and spaces; your rock and key. Frost's City] rage, 299-305 Queen St. Phone 5 Res. 989%w. & ROOMS, | Int, APARTM T OF hardwood floors, electric light, gas refrigerator, fireplace, tiled | Apply Kingston Apart- 69 Brock Street, nge ents Ltd. APARTMENT, ONE corner Bar- SIX ROOM ur room apartment, t water heated. Apply I 5 Ontario St. e and Princess street; all conven. | { MILLINERY. ; Ne MeLAUGHLIN, 12 LOWER will take orders for making, trimming and remodel- Terms moderate UPHOLSTERING. 1 : i Ww TO W, FOR YOUR UP-| d general repairing e at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street | ERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- der In all popular shapes and sizes. | HAROLD MAY pl la st SIX ROOMED, rack good $25. | THREE light four | cold DETACHED, BRICK/ use, Wellington street (near Ba | street) two piece bath, gas, | cellar, rd and shed. Rent Apply 276 University Ave. ! { ROOMS, FURNISHED FOR | housekeeping, on 9 one other fur- light; also Apply Box H-8 bedroom ectric shed "hig i | ist, APARTMENT OF THREE OR rooms--kitchenette, 2 fire aces, 3 plece bathroom. Price In- udes electric lighting, hot and water, hot water heating, recreation grounds King ree Address P. O. Box 112. reet west. iningham & Smith4--< scale, ULLIN & SON Insurance Hrokers one B3fw, Y AD. ON PAGE TWO. FOUND ONE NECK SC ARF Methodist ar Verona, Ont have IN THE shed at person corres- pond 1&8 with Crimmins, Jeweler, Hartington, Ont. and by describing same. SMALL FUR SCARF, apply by phone 1to 1 GOLD RING, ON CORR Owner may have sa Clergy Street. GENTLEMAN'S SCARF ON Clergy street between Prin- cess and Brock. Owner may have same at J. W. Brad- shaw's office, Court House. PERSIAN LAMB GAUNTLET picked up on the street. The pwner can have same at the police station. SMALL KEY, PICKED UP NEAR corner of Wellington and Brock street. Apply Whig Office. ONE FLAT TOP DESK AND OFFICE chair, almost new. Apply 88 Fron- tenac street. | STUDEBAKER SPECIAL SIX, 1019 | model; price $1400. For demonstra- tion apply H. A. Norton Phone 97% tists "Sii------------------ THOROUGHBRED WHITE LEGHORN setting eggs, $1.00 a setiing. Ap- ply H. Kelly, 650 Montreal Street - ------ sn -------------------- AVERY 35-10 TRACTOR, INCLUDING plough and disc. Apply A. Camer- on Hay, 224 Frontenac Street, city WE ARE WRECKING A FORD TOUR- Ing car and have many used parts for sale. Palmer, corner Bagot and Queen ONE ROYAL OXFORD COAL "AND } wood range in Al condition Ap- ply 17 Macdonell street, foot of Earl Street GAR- must be Apply | SEMI-BRICK | age; all improvements, sold Party leaving town. 303 Earl Street FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so reporting the facts The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" coes not n- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, etc. These, If lost, may be ad- vertised for ia the "Lost column een - p-- TWO COTTAGES, WOLFE ISLAND, on waterfront. handy to boat land- ing, large garden; sell cheap to quick buyer, 354 Alfred Street Kingston FOR | WHITE WYANDOTTES; BRED egg production and to win, hatch- ing eggs from Ottawa winner $3.00 per 15.. All star pen, $6.00 per 15. Joseph White, Portsmoutli, Ont BUSINESS THE following PROPOSITIONS IN places Verona, Odes- sa, Wilton, Camden East, Syd- enham, Mississippi and Battersea, also in the city. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, B68 Brock Street. SOLID BRICK HOUSE, TEN ROOMS, all modern lmmprovements; hard- wood floors; three plece bath; Al- bert street, near Collegiate. Apply J. B. Cooke Phone: office 503w; residence S42w A BULL TERRIER, BLACK, WITH white spot on breast and nose Wears a collar. Answers to name of Rex, Finder please phone 2 or call at 242 Nelson St FOX TERRIER, MOSTLY WHITE, with some large and small black spois, wearing a collar Answer to the name of Peggy. Finder kind- notify F. Shepherd, 27 Division FOR SALE. FIVE SWARMS OF BEES IN GOOD shape; also several new bee hives | Apply 679 Princess Street | WICKER SETTEE $18; PIANO LAMP, mahogany base and rose shade $25 Beatty Bros. electric washer, guar- anteed to be in perfect running or- der, with stand and tub, complete for $70. Phone 546F. WII HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF good - second-hand furniture and stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of. wo wil) pay highest prices. J. Thompson 333 Prtucess Street Phone 1600w ---------------------- re WE HAVE THREE VERY FINE square Planos in Al condition, which have been exchanged on new upright Pianos. Just the instru- ment for a beginner, Your choice $125 Terms $10 cash and $5.00 monthly. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd, 121 Princess Street TWENTY-FIVE FOOT FISHING HUL all complete, with oars and cus fons Apply at Knapp's, Barrie. teid. .s RUBBER TIRED BLU IN FI class condition; a bargain for/quick buyer Apply Fred Hafrtrick, | Portsmouth (pti | SECOND-HAND DAYTON COMPUTING 30 4b. capacity; slightly 'rice reasonable 118 Col- reet, Kingston used borne § IN THRIVING VILLAGE, AY UNDER- taking business and carriage shop with stock and equipment com- plete, including hearse, also good SOLID WALNUT PARLOR TABLE; baby's white enamel cot with rub- ber wheels; kitchen table Apply $3 Colborne Street, corner Barrie bathroom | * flat; good locality; gas for cooking; | blacksmith shop with all necessary tools and etc. Apply J. K. Carroll SHEETS OF WHITE NEWSPRINT PA- | Agency, 56 Brock Street. per; size 17" by 23"; 500 sheets for) 40c Suitable for many purposes. Apply British Whig Office. EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM PURE bred White Rocks and Barred Rocks from Canada's best poultry yards. $2.00 for 13, or 8 settings $5.00, Just the price of one set- ing if you sent away for such high- class stock. Orders left at Gil- bert's. Grocery, 194 Barrie Street, will have careful attention. PASSENGER sale at a bargal Apply to J. 8. Johnston, street. Phone 1758J. GUARANTEED BICYCLE | Tires, first, not second qualit $1.95; Tubes 96c., whlle they at Muller's Bieycle Works, King street. Phone 1032w, SEVEN for tion. Bay mr STUDEBAKER . 8ood oondi- | 57] | DOMINION VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE --FOUR hundred acres in King Township, County of York. Lots No. 17. 18, 19 and 20. On highway from Young street to town of Bradford. ¥% mile from railway station and about thirty miles from Toronto, INE ROOMED FRAME HOUSE; electric ligh., gas for cooking, } piece bath and hot air furnace, hardwooc floors downstairs; alse a buildings: frame dwellin 50x25 good barn with stable. Apply to 96] and a modern farm Tooley 40x20, Victoria street, near Mack Street. | two stories, with 22x20 one storey | | attached; drive shed; milk house; large frame barn, 550x150; cattle barn; horse barn. Automatic wind inill. Would take as part payment $10,000 of city property. For full C | particulars apply D. A. Cays, 57 | Brock Street, ingston, Ont CORDWOOD, $10, 811 AND 312 PER cord; stovewood, split, $5.00 per cord; not split, $4.50; all measured | and delivered. Phone 1611m. Yard | in rear of 244 University. W. Bruton, 261 University. Upholstering and repairing done. | EB. J. Goodridge, 244 University Phone 1833J. ONE or Avenue. he 1" LEGAL lar, CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, AMBROSE = BARRIS. A ters and solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning-| ham, K.C.; Cyr'l M. Smith SHEA, LA, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. | CARPENTERING ed bed rooms; tractor 4 1673w DOUBLE BED SITTING ROOM, 1e furnished and three unfurnish- also eight roomed >use, 2-piece bath, gas, electrig ght. hot and cold water, good cel- large hen house, double lot pply 260 Colborne street or phone CTING , ELECTRICAL Couper St. CON- Phone DRESSMAKING. WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER fl FEDERAL ADVERTISING AGENCY, Lid. - 808 DOMINION SAVINGS BLDG. Money to loan. Phone 1999. | see James Selby, Contractor, 212 P University Aveni'a Phone 159% w ' 2 A FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER, WORK done; reasonable price corner of Charles. AAA it romptly 54 Rideau, ~ WANT Distributor 'Sales Agents One of our ¢lients---a manufacturer of a'well-known house- hold article that is used daily, and and retail grocery stores, already han 'will give exclusive selling territory to capital. " This is an exceptional opportunity and in a class seldom open. It offers to the right man a cha and profitable business for himself. Address replies to: -- LONDON - C ED is sold through wholesale dled by over 1,000 stores, a capable man, with some nce to develop a pleasant ANADA ~ ODD LOTS Do you need a half or quarter ton of . 'Coal to put you through t A good chance to give us a trial. James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson St. ho he season? a a STOVES hile they ust, you may have reasonable, as: thy iy 'uy i i x -~ -- EVERY THING 2s. win \- 7, PT) -_-- TY pits ICK BROS, FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS- coll 23 John Street. - ---------------- eee eee A 100 ACRE FARM, REASONABLE| BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, ETC. distance from the city. Bullding In! rg = good state of repair; also ail live, Twc¢ Sofas, $3.00 and $5.00. stock, Implements, feed and ete. : -» Must be sold. Apply J. K. Carroll | Sideboard, $7.00 Agency, 66 Brock Street. | Cook Stoves, $9, $12, $15 and $18 STREET, DETACHED rooms, - hot air furnace, | electric light, 3 piece bath, toile separate, back stairs, hardwoo floors downstairs, deep lot with barn at rear. Price $5,300. Apply | J. K. Carroll Agency, 66 Brock| Street. | ALBERT brick, Several Pianos cheap. 8 Bedroom Suite complete, $30.00. Baby Cariage, $9.00, Organ, $10.00. | One Strotter, $1.50, - NEW SOLID BRICK HOUSE, SEVEN | rooms; attic; hot water heating; | electricity and gas; new barn; gar- | age: hen house; one of the best properties in the west end; Albert] street, near Victoria Park. Applf Learieras naaw ge phone 503%: | FOR SALE OR TO RENT. LARGE STONE DWELLING, 98 EARL street; lately painted and decorat- ed; McClary Sunshin pie toilet; good garage; stables and'yard; open grates upstairs and We buy all kinds of Furniture, LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP Phone 1045 007 P reet USED CARS FOR SALE $150 buys Ford Touring C $200 buys Ford Truck. or could be made into two dwell. ings. Terms reasonable. Apply | Gllbert's Grocery, 194 Barrie St. Ere seme amma DENTAL. DR, A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE 258 Princess Street. Phone 653w. | DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN tists, 159 Wellington street, corner of Broek. 275 buys Ford Roadster. at K63 Mclaughlin Roadster, Marine Engine. Ford Chassis, D45 McLaughlin Touring Car, Chal- mers six cylinder and many others; Chevrolet: Shock Absorbers and many used parts. GEO, A, PALMER. Used Car and Salvage Co. Ltd. Ceormer Bagot and Queen Streets A TWO STOREY DWELLING AND RE- store building, on a corner, also sumed practice at 92 Princess St, "double 'frame dwellings on adjoin- over Banc of Nova Scotia. ing lot, property all in BM re- 1802). Phone =e pair. $8,000. for all or will sell - FIN N cade LOL -------------------------------------------- DR. RUPERT PP. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phone 1860. Open evenings by appolatment. DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS | completed furnace; 8 / | down: make a fine rooming house | WHIG. MOUSPAT, APRIL 17, 1922, METHODIST _ CONFERENCE The Programme Is Outlined. THE BIG - nea -- The Methodist churches of the city are now in the early throes of billet ing the Montreal annual conference, ! which will convene in Sydenham street church on Friday morning June 2nd, under the presidency of Rev. W. S. Lennon, BA. DD. The: ministerial session of the conference will convene several days earlier, namely, on Wednesday, May 31st, at 2 pm. The conference is constituted of laymen and. ministers in equal numbers, and has jurisdiction from Kingston on the west to Little Metis, Quebec. The ten districts into which the conference is divided comprise two hundred and twenty-three {charges. As this is the last year of ' 'the quadrennium between the ses- | sions of the general conference, and the elections to this legislative body of the church take place at the ap- | proaching annual conference, it is expected that the attendance will be a full one, numbering probably well | over three hundred members. This is a large number to billet, and the work of providing suitable entertain- PRE-WAR PRICES STRAND re PE GRAND-Wed., April 19 N. Y. ASTOR THEATRE MUSICAL "ROSE OF WASHINGTON SQUARE" THE GRANDEST MUSICAL COMEDY TOURING CANADA. BEAUTY, YOUTH AND PURITY, BEAUTIFUL GOWNS, DAINTY MISSES--A REAL TREAT 25¢c. to $1.50. TO-DAY JESSE L..LASKY presents 'Wallace Reid ALL BLENDED INTO ONE. Seats now on sale. ~~ | STRAND ment for these delegates will tax the ability of the Methodist people of the city. ~ Three or four features of the con- ference always attract especial atten- | tion:----The laymen"s banquet, which is to take place this year on Thurs- day evening, June 1st, in Grant Hall; the election of the new president, | which will occur on Friday morning immediately after the opening of the | general session of the conference: the | reception service on Friday evening, when probationers who have their course for | the ministry are received | linto full connection with, the confenence; and the: ordination ser- | vice on Sunday morning. The gene- ral superintendent of the Methodist | {church, Rev. S. D. Chown, D.D., { LL.D., will preach the ordination ser- | mon. It is expected also that the | Rev. Dr. Wallace MacMullen, district superintendent of New York district of the M.E. church, along with Pre- | mier Drury of Ontario, will speak at the laymen's banquet. Rev. Dr. Mac- | Mullen will also conduct the spiritual | { conferences with which each day be- |} gins, 'and will preach in the confer- ence church at the evening service. | The pulpits ' of the Methodist TT churches and many of those of the | other denominations will be occupied Income Tax Returns on conference Sunday by ministerial Compiled at reasonable rates. | members of the conference. W. H. SPENCE : 'HE PUTS NO BELIEF | IN SPIRITUALISM PIANO TUNING | Willing to Wager Conan Doyle : $5,000 Ho Gan Expose. | "aren mith waver Manifestations. 27 PINE STREET - PHONE 1810w | | 'W. KENT MACNEE Bank of Commerce Bullding. "rock any King Streets. Phone 701 or 1337! General Insurance Agency | Writing: --Automobile, Fire, Accident | | "I'll wager $5,000, to be deposit-| Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, etc. {ed to Sir Arthur's credit, in my | Representing Only Reliable Companies | bank, and held until the result of | | the test is known, if he will let me | produce some 'psychic phenomena' | for him, and admit it if he finds 1 | can do it as well as a medium can," | { Rinn sald, decisively | "My collehgues in the Society of | American "Magicians can produce | | 'psychic phenomena' which would | | knock Sir Arthur over. He is sim-| | ply the dupe of clever and unscrupu- | lous mediums, and I could prove it if | given the opportunity." | Rinn, who has devoted his spare | time for years to exposing mediums, | ghost-producers and other occult | | workers, is planning a "spiritualistic | | seance" for next fall, at which all the popular "spiritualistic manifesta- tions" will be produced and explain- { ed as plain vaudeville magic. ------ St. Luke's Contributions. St. Luke's church's voluntary, con- tributions on Easter Sunday were {very large. The total in the church offertory Msg $200 and the amount | realized in the children's mite boxes | | was $65, being $12 over that of last | year. A remarkable STEP With i CULLEN LANDIS and { PATSY RUTH MILLER Here's Cullen Landis, who has made such a sensation in Goldwyn Pictures, playing a young ne'er-do- well in an up-to-the min= ute comedy of to-day. ALLEN--Now Special Confetti Dance { AT GARDEN HALL TO-NIGHT McCOR DONT MISS A GOOD TIME ! | New York, April 17.--S8ir Arthur | Conan Doyle is challenged to a show | down on his faith in spirits by Jos. | {| F. Rinn, of Brooklyn, a produce | broker and expert magician. ! er; . Track Tips When you train for any track event you will find it a great help to first get the suggestions of athletes who have starred in that event. Turn to 'THE JUNIOR BRITISH WHIG | for a special article on SPRINTING YARKER NEWS BUDGET. Death of a Child--Erecting a New | Ice Cream Parlor, Yarker, April 13.--On Wednesday morning about 10 o'clock, Grant thing about the | Freeman, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. mite box was that it represented the. | Harold Freeman, passed peacefully | self-denial of the children and Was away after an illness of only about | mostly In coppers, the total number four days, He was taken sick with membraneous croup which developed a ee |into pneumonia. He was a bright | ~ Poorly Filled Drains. (and loving little fellow of sixteen | Some of the streets in the up-town' months. The funeral was held on {section of the city are in a very bad | Friday in the M. E. church, Rev. Mr, | condition. On Sunday a citizen's | Down officiating. The floral offerings {automobile got into a drain which | Were beautiful and many. {was recently opened and not pro-| The village was treated to a visit | | perly refilied. Some of the drains, by some real old time gypsies last | {which have been dug during the win- |week. In both the Anglican afd | | ter months by the utilities commis- | Methodist churches there was contri- | |of these being 2,700. Dancing Instruction Given in the Gardea Halr® All the latest dances for 1922, By appointment only. 111 Brock Street. M S. Cohan, Instructoress Hall Phone 357. Res. INTS. "BY AUCTION Thursday, April 20th, 10.30 a.m. at Miss Macintyre's, 347 Brock Street Household furniture, iron beds. rugs, carpets, gas plate and oven, dishes, etc WM, MURRAY, Auctioneer. Valuable Walnut Furniture, 250 < ¥ table Auction Sale King Street, Tuesday, April 18th, 10 a.m, New York rosewood case piano, wal- | nut easy chairs, oak leather seat rock ers, extension tables rugs and car stand rack centre, side and lining chairs, Brussels rets, British plate mirror and writing desk, walnut hall and chalr, writing table, lady's writing desk, mahogany over mantle, whatnot wallnut hall clock, bedroom suites, iron - fy It r v A rs a By I ( C reds, hair red mattresses, folding odd dressers, chiffoniers, Happy Thought range, crockery, glassware, ete ALLEN, the Telephone 252. mantle ward- kitchen- pillows. Auctioneer. Sale Pablie Auction, Wed day, 10th, at 2 o'clock p.m. All the s k and fixtures in and up- 'n the premises, corner of Montreal and taglan Road, known as Lemmon's irocery Store, to be offered as running oncern, if bid satisfactory, C. J. CLARKE, Batlle, robe, vare ailiff's April LOOK! LISTEN ! Spring Time in nting Time, Let us figure on that of yours. We will save you money. Prompt attention and first class work guaranteed. W. H, FRANCIS 35 SIXTH ST, Phone 2000J. ion WE HAVE All cholce fruits seanon----Seed- leas Oranges, Pine le, Grape Fruit, Strawberries, Ba , Apples, Cu- cumbers, Tomatoes: at reasonable prices, Wholesome Home-made CANDY in boxes or bulk, The vk 86 PRINCESS ST. CANDY AND FRUIT STORE PHONE m3 H. B. Wilson ( INCOME TAX SPECIALIST Formerly Assessor Income Tax De- partment of Federal Taxation return compiled at reason- able rates. Government. tice: 86 Brock Street. 'Phone 826 | sion, are very badly in need of re- buted to the starving Russians large pairs or some people will be hurt, [amounts The Ladies' Ald served tea | in the league hall last Saturday even- | ing. The sum of $14 was realized. The roads are in a very muddy con- dition at presént, It is likely that Picton will im- pose a tax of 35 mills on the dolla, for this year. rately; yearly rental $1,080. RS. H. 8. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. Easy terms. This is good. Apply] J. K. Carroll Agency, §% Brock reet. mobile and Casualty Insurance. 420 Ear] street. Phone 1782M. st BATEMANS REAL ESTATE. bound : STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents; established In 1860; only = FOR SALE. 700--BRICK VENBER; 7 ROOMS; 3 the most reliable companies repre- plece bath room; gas; stable; 1 sented. Office 35 Clarence street, garden, opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAN AYD ment Soc ---- 3} 7 ROOMS; 3 .FQIEC bath; hot air furnace; near the Col- legiate Institute. RAME; 8 ROOMS; BARN; B, and C.; electric lights; easy terms. ICK V. PRONT; SEMI-DE- tached; lo: runs to lane; large gar- age and shop. ! manager, 37 Clar- + Eh ANA ence street, ARCHITEOT POWER, SON AND DREYV ARCHI- tects. Merchants corner of Brock and Wellington. SEVERAL FARMS FOR SALE. -- BUNGALOW; 5 ROOMS, nearly new. J. T. Main is erecting a new ice- cream parlor which will be one of the finest in the vicinity, Mrs. Gra- ham, Mrs. Goslin and two daughters, Napanee, spent a few days at R. 8. Burgess', All are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs, Graham at Cole- brooke, She is one of the oldest resi- dents of this vicinity, being eighty- three years old, Mrs, J. T. Main spent a day re- cently 'at Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. Medon Vandervoort and children, CHIROPRACTIC | WM. A. MARCELl>, D.C, P| Cor- her Princess and Barrie Streets snd floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, oy Consultation free. lephone 822]. Hours § to 12 a.m. 1 to § p.m. DR. GEORGE F. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A, Lucy. Chiropractic Specialists and a te Nurse. 239 Begor street, between Princess Brock. Tele- Jone 943w. Hours 9 to 12am. 1 to , and 1 to .m." Spinal analysis and consult n_ free. Residential calls by appointment. \ Try Osteopathy The science of healing by adjust- ment. of the body Osteopathy ad- justs, nature cures. The Osteopath is trained through four separate years of nine months each, in all the medical sciences except drugs. "Health Without Drugs" is our mot. to Twelve years' success in Kingwton. Mechano-Therapy ~-Electro-Therapy DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ASHCROFT 204 King St. between Earl & Gere Phone 447. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE 00. OF CANADA Assurance in force now more than ....... $500,000,000.00 J. L. ABELL District Agent 237 Bagot Street. Phone 704. Belleville, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Vandervoort, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Ottis have gone to Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Russell Hol- land have returned home after their wedding tour. CIVIL ENGINEERING. PLANS--SURVEYS--ESTIMATES -. 8. Necott, BA. B.Sc. Nom Rog Inst. 123 King Street. Phone 1635. PERSONAL BRICK BUNGALOW, 7 ROOMS, H. W. flooés throughout; built in book cases and mirrors, 8 and electric light, stationary tubs and hot wa- ter in ce! PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING large Tees BY WANhING FAI ING or " ; i : T ng done, drop & ca ° and shrubs; a er palt a a A. Mounteer, 208 Alfred Street. bargain, - Phone 866m' BARGAINS IN NALL PAPER ed pered per room, ng er neat patterns to choose from 8 HOUSES TO RENT GARDEN LOTS; LARGE OR SMALL, The death occurred in Gananoque Saturday night of Gilbert Belfie, one of the pioneer residents of the town, and for many years ime of its most influential citizens. He is survived by his widow, and five sons, Bpring is here. Lots of replacing must be considered. If you are an ad-reader you can do more and bet- _ MOLES, WARTS, SIRTH- marks, skin cancers scars, etc. re- moved Satisfactor BATEMANS REAL ESTATE painting also done at Tesson - one 59 Wellington Street Street, le prices. H. Rowley. 1361w or call at 138 Bay CHARLES F. ADAIR, CATARAQUM t., of marriage licenses Phone 3367 r 13. ter "re-placing." -» Dominion Taxi Service PHONE 116

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