Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Apr 1922, p. 2

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' THE DAILY BRITI SH WHIG. THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1922. arr ------ "THE CONCRETIA RELEASED! r 1 | {Letters to the Editor] Re Lumber Prices and Wages. | | Kingston, April 19.--(To the Edi- | The government steamer Concretia'|toT): The letter of Mr. Anglin in | {was brou to Kingston, in tow of | YOUr columns a few evenings ago. was the tug F Wednesday night {evidently intended to be an explana- at 5 pm, nac, } : d is now moored below | tion of the high prices asked by lum- the La Salle Causeway, Capt. John | ber merchants in this city for build- | Donnelly tf the Donnelly Salvage |iBg material. To me, and to many | and Wrecking Company, stated that | Others I have talked with, it was "an | no estimate of the damage could be |®XPlanation that did not explain." | but the vessel will pro-| We are yet unable to see the justifi- the Collingwood Ship- | cation for Kingston dealers asking | building ympany's drydock for re-| $48 per M. for No. 1 pine and $14 | pairs per M for lath when onc sees in the |" capt. Donnally's wrecking crew ar- Toronto daily papers the same luin- [rived at the scene of the stranded | Der advertised at $36 per M, a reduc- [vessel, near the Duck Island, Wed- | tion of 25 per cent, and lath quoted | nesday morning, where it was found | 8t $3.50 and $4 per M, a difference that the Concretia was practically af- | of 75 per cent. : i loat, owing to the high water. Little] It is not surprising that there is difficulty was experienced in moving | little building of residences in King- ] racant a ask- the steamer, and it was soon taken | ton. Owners of vacant lots are ask- in tow and brought safely to the city, | I" unreasonable prices. Pricklay ars The steamer is leaking slightly, but | look for $1 per hour, and accor jus not to the extent that might be ex-|t° union rules are allowed to lay pected. It was fortunate that the ©Rly a certain amount of bricks in I | wrecking crew arrived on the scene | 487. : ! yesterday, in time to remove the ves-| "ith lumber at reasonable prices sel before the storm, as it would pro- | 0d tradesmen willing to do a fair bably have been badly tossed around | | days' work for four dollars there and badly damaged during the rag-| Would be a boom in building. The . ing wind of Wednesday night. | more residences built the more tax- | / : Lei J \TTRACTIVE WINDOWS | payers will there be to help bear a which intended to leave yesterday THAT ARE PLEASINGLY DIFFERENT { share of the taxes. When will the for the head of the lakes, were-held people realize that these things must up owing to the heavy winds Some | "0Te if Kingston is to Tow. f these are expected to get away to- | --J. McDONALD: day, The steamer Mapleboro was float- | MADRAS is the material that will make your windows both attractive and pretty, and at the same time wash and give you entire satisfaction. It comes in White, Cream and Ecru, as well as Rose, Brown, Green, Gold, Blue; also combinations of Gold and Black and Green and Rose. Prices range from ......% 4 ...39¢c. to $2.00 THE NEW AUTHORIZED Common Prayer and Hymn Book For the Church of England in Canada er Which Went {The Steam Aground at Duck Island Practically Afloat. { a | made as yet, | bably enter A complete range in all styles of bindings and type. SPECIAL SHEET MUSIC SALE Latest 40c. and 50c. numbers ... ......... Four for One Dollar THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE PHONE 919, OPEN NIGHTS PHONE 630 SAFE FUR STORAGE Furs ihstred against loss by FIRE, THEFT and MOTH Why worry? Phone to-day. JOHN McKAY Limited ,149-157 'Brock Street EY THE ELECTRIC SHOP, Call and arrange for = free trial of thé A.B. C. ELECTRIC WASHER 115 Broek Street. Phone 1545. W, C. CANNON Be = F. J. GRACE cleared for Montreal this morning, via Cape Vincent, where coal will be | taken on. , i The steamer Maplehill was taken linto the drydock this morning for minor repajrs, 'MusT NOT SPEAR FISH; NINE FISHERMEN CAUGHT --~-- BE NR ! ied from the drydock yesterday and | OBITUARY Sowards Keep Coal and Coal Keeps Sowards all kinds of CutWood PHONE 155. UPTOWN: OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. The Late Thomas Vanluven. The funeral of the late Thomas Frager Vanluven, who died at his res{dence, Collin's Bay, on r'uesday, took place on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Sisco, Col- lin's Bay, had charge of. the service. | The funeral was largely attended. The late Mr. Vanluven very popular in that section of the coun- » SILK MADRAS ty. Deceased was eighty-five : : . . rs. of age, Bad ail- In all the newest color combinations--50 inches wide. ably priced. | Provincial Police Are Res- ponsible For Round-Up on Wednesday. x was - | According to the game laws, it is | illegal to spear any kind of fish, yet | there are many people apparently ig- norant of this fact. Their ignorance hag brought them into collision with the authorities, and on Wednesday, | the provincial police summoned nine | caught red-handed with spears, and a | large number of fine pike, that had | Reason- EN been a A Briscoe Opportunity There are several Briscoe Cars In service in this vieir that have, travelled over thirty thousand (30,000) miles and still running well. ing for some time, and his death was not unexpectdd. He was the second youngest son of the late Cor- nelius Vanluven, and was born Murvale. For many years he work- ed on the farm and then accepted the position of county treasurer, WINDOW SHADES at CURTAIN RODS One car, an improved model 4-34, ran all last season at a cost of 2%ec. per mile. Experts admit it has a truly wonderful motor. Owners are enthusiastic. We can sell you a brand new model 4-34, five p assenger Touring Car at the bargain price of $995.00. All charges paid. No other car on the market has made such a reduction in ANGLIN BROS. been speared in the marshes. It was a hard blow to fall after laboring in the cold and wet all day, and taking fisherman's luck, but the law must be upheld and hence the activities of | the police. Last week an order-in-counci] was passed at Toronto, permitting the use of dip nets for taking pike and suck- ers without license. Spearing has ne- ver been legal, and it is not likely to | be made so, for the simple reason that tHe operator mutilates four or GARAGE, BAY STREET - KINGSTON, ONTARIO FOR SALE $4,500 -- Alfred St. Detached frame, 8 rooms, 3 piece bath, electric light, gas, hot air furnace, large lot, good cellar. Easy terms. TO LET Large brick house, 12 rooms, corner King and West streets. | Possession May 1st. '$47.50 per month. RHW adel 86 Brock St. BELLEVILLE FINEST CREAMERY BUTTER MADE OT Ye Potatoes Extra fine, White Rose Pota- 25¢. peck, $1.40 bag Eggs Strictly fresh, new laid Eggs arriving daily . ...20c. per doz. Cullen's : | Up To The Minute Business Requires Above All Else Efficiency "You cannot be efficient if your Glasses are forgotten and left on the parlor table at home whenryou need them that minute at the office. Why not have TWO pair, one on your desk at your place of business and one pair at home? Let us duplicate the pair you are using. We can do so from your pres- ent lenses, : J. S. Asselstine, D.0.5. REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST 5 342 KING STREET "PHONE 1019w, : "Agent for the Little Gem Ear Phone for L the Deaf" Fae | AR, -~ five fine fish for every one that he | succeeds in taking. If spearing were | | permitted the fish would be speedily | exterminated, | A COMEDY WITH MUSIC. { "The Rose of Washington Square," | | Much Enjoyed at Grand, | | which he held for many years. some years he lived in on ily, an Va 1s | is also survived by his wife and one | da seven, passed away at a Kingston | hospital: on was unmarried, a laborer, and a Lu-| theran. { Egansville on Thursday via C.P.R., | {by James Reid, undertaker. For a retired the village of Collin's Bay, Only o member of the Vanluven fam- which consisted of six brothers d two sisters, survive, nluven, the only brother. Mr. Vanluven ughter. Death of George Middlestadt, George Middlestadt, aged twenty Wednesday, Deceased The remains were sent to Mrs. Mary Haffner. Mrs. Mary Haffner, widow of the There was a revival of old times!|ate William Haffner, Mount Ches- lat | produced. the Grand Opera House last night | ney, passed away at her residence | when a real comedy with music was on Wednesday, after an illness "The Rose of Washing-|four months, of Deceased was aged {tan Square" was the attraction, and |eighty-two years and eleven months. | the large audience thoroughly i joyed it. of real comedy runs through the| play. Arthur Blackaller, in the role | character of an old mountaineer in a manner that won repeated ap- plause. It was one of the finest | pieces of character acting .ever wit- | nessed here, | exceedingly well, |ning in the crusty character | "Mother Hickman" also pldyed a| | strong part. The title role was in | the hands of Jone O'Donnell, who {has a charming appearance, and who | displayed ability as a violinist as | well as an actress, There was a striking female chorus, who not! {only displayed good voices but most {of themselves. The chorus numbers | were all well 'sung and the | was very tuneful. musie ox { Where Happiness Dwells | And Beauty Excels A summer day is long in Algon- {quin Park, laviting to out-door pas- | times of all descriptions. The nights | are cool and restful, with clear lakes | reflecting the great stars that hang {low in the Northern skies, and there {is silence, except for an occasional fluted call, the dip of feeding trout or bass and the subdued song of wat- er and stirring leaves, if you would experience such summer days as these, visit Algonquin Park, drink in with your lungs the air. of its heights, with your eyes behold its manifold beauties and you will be- come a lover of this big unspoiled forest of the Ontario Highlands. Reached by the Gradd Trunk Rail- way. Illustrated booklet telling you all about it sent free on application to: J. P. Hanley, C.P. & T.A,, G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. : ------------ The boys of the Junior "B" Diviss jon at the Y.M.C.A. will conduct a hare and hounds paper chase this afternoon, and on Saturday after- noon a similar event will be staged for the seniors and intermediates. t 3 for 4 week at Thursday's session of the police court, , New crop Green String' Beans, Spinach and 10c¢ Cucumbers at Car- novsky's, en- |The funeral will take The settings are in North [the residence of her son, William i Carolina and Paris, and a fine vein | H. Haffner, Mount Chesney to Cat-| 270 ii ah Roti aragqui cemetery at 1 p.m. | | Rev. [of "Ensley Hickman", postrayed a Cornelius, undertaker, has charge of | |the arrangements. place frm Friday, John E. Codling officiating. Late John Jamieson. John Jamieson, a highly respected i Elmer Coudy and Miss | resident of Kingston, passed away <"% { Billle Emerson produced some of the [at his residence, 155 Stuart street, O-F. for m | rougher kind of comedy but did it|on April 19th, Miss Helen Man-| fifty-five years of age and was born of |in this city. The deceased was ried on a plumbing business in part- nership with his brothers, | 1 "The Hat Store" Newest Millinery AT POPULAR PRICES If it's new in Ladies' Hats you will find it here, for every day we keep adding new lines-- the very latest correct styles. Except imported models, we trim all our own Hats--trim to your order If desired. Smartly Ready-to-Wear Hats are here in big variety. . 3 SEE Michael | who resides at Murvale, | For many years he cari His wife | price guaranteed, | | | | | i | To fit any window, quality and life | Flat or Round Curtain Rods to fit any window or arch. New low prices. GET OUR PRICES ON FLOOR RUGS, OILCLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS. YOU'LL BE AGREEABLY. SURPRISED, [ Newman & Shaw Kingston's Big House Furnishings Store | { predeceased him, but he is surviv- led by two daughters, Misses May and Louise, and two sons Herbert | sisters, Mrs. Linton and Miss Eliza- beth, Kitchener, and three brothers, | David, Kitchener, Alexander, Wind- | sor, and William, Kingston. Mr. Jamigson was a Presbyterian in re- ligion and a member of St. Andrew's church, also of Kingston Lodge 1.0. any years. The funeral takes place to Cataraqui cemetery lat 4 p.m. Friday under the direction [ot John Cornelius, undertaker, | Must Not Smoke. | During the Belleville Council pro- | ceedings cone of the city fathers was { thoroughly enjoying his cigarette | when Ald. Robinson arose'from his | chair and informed the mayor that | the alderman in question was violat- | ing one of the rules of the council by | smoking. Mayor Hanna stated that Ald. Robinson was right in his eon- | | tention, as it was a violation of the | {rules to smoke during council pro-| | ceedings. The alderman finished his | | smoke in the ante-room. i No Parking Allowed. | Residents of Sydenham street are | pleased to observe the activity of | the police in carrying out the traffic | regulatidns, by excluding autoists | desiring to park their cars in front of their homes. Some months ago, {a petition was presented asking that parking on Sydenham street be pro- hibited, and after considerable delay the request was granted, Former Kingstonian Dead. Edward Bryant, a former resident of Kingston, passed away in Toron- to, on Wednesday, and the remains were brought to the city Thursday via G.T.R. and received by 8. 8S. Corbett, undertaker, who will be in charge of the funeral arrangements. | Strawberries 25¢ Carnovsky's. D. A. Davis, manager of the for. mer Merchants Bank at Lyn, Mrs. Davis and family, have gone to their new home near St. Thomas. Pre. vious to theif departure members of the Union Young People's Society surprised them, and after an evening spent in games and music, presented Mr. and Mrs. Davis with an electric iron, . Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. VanLuven and 'son Jack, were among the guests at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, for the week-end. ; It Is Cheaper To Own Your Home Than Pay Rent A small payment down will finance--s Quebec St.--Frame dwelling, 7 rooms and toilet. $1,875 $2,600 Bagot St. near Earl.--brick dwelling, 6 roams and bath, toilet, electric lights and gas. $3,100 Quebec St.--Detached frame bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, hardwood flooors, hot wat- er heating, good yard, hen house. Nelson St.--Detached frame dwelling, 6 rooms and bath, gas and electrié lights, lot 66 x 132, barn and stable. : E. W. MULLIN & SON EXCLUSIVE AGENTS § Corner Johnsow and Division Streets « « Phones 530w and 8580J. $3,600 \. FOR THE LITTLE MISS The New Spring Oxfords: Now ready with a complete showing\of new Oxfords, for the School Girls--almost every type and slyle of Shoes being featured at lowest prices. , Brown Calf Oxfords----welted soles, wide toes, flat heels. Bites 11 to 3 0t .ooivunuiav. io. Brown Side Leather Oxtords--wide toes, flat heels, sizes 11 10 2a ..ovivenprvens hatanansd Pais darnaias sm'. Same style also in Patent Leather and Gunmetal, Priced also at ...... ua. Tera uvimes smrineannsse SAIS Brown Calf Oxfords--narrow toes, also two strap style with narrow toes. Sizes 11 to 2, Priced at ...... 00 ' Patent Leather and Gunmetal Straps in same sizes-- rama e oe ner i ie nin ne mae rinse og w oes se « $1.70 10 $8.50 'S. J. MARTIN 1890 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 2210 tassassee snesesss $850, * cairn nn

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