APRIL 20, 1922, THURSDAY, WHIG. p THE BRIDGE A Story of the Great Lakes by M. L. C. PICKTHALL - "The Bridge" is a love story of exceptional distinction--a novel so wh so power- ful and so beautiful that it will find very few competitors in its own line. FOR SALE R. Uglow & Co. THE DAILY BRITISH { y { man , for instance, Ly hi: ENCOURAGING SPORTS =2zic In conclusion, "it is ting to M f note that the Canadiar Religious P Educational Council has shaped a departmental programme for boys e and girls "in trajning." This pro- The Sunday School Athletics gramme, while not reducing any of the customary religious training, Do Much For Their De= provides amply for physical, mental velopment. and social activities; it recognizes the needs of the normal growing boy Now that the seassan for Sunday and girl; and it has its full basis School basketball h for an- in Holy Writ, the pattern verse be-| ing Luke II, 62, "And Jesus increas-| other year, it seen au opportune time to review some. of the reasons ed In wisdom and stature, and in for the significant. development, in| favor with God, and man," or in recent years, of church athletics. other words it takes the four-fold | Jesus for its guide. | | WATERY BLOOD development of THIN, It is not so many years ago, when the majority of church-workers, at the suggestion of encouraging or- ganized sports In connection with the: Sunday Schools, held up their | MEANS ILL HEALTH hands in horror. At the same time | | these well-meaning people couldn't| rn junderStand, much less attempt to Rich, Red Blood Brings Bright Eyes explain, the lack of interest, and the | and Rosy Cheeks. | gradual drifting away from thel The girl who returns home from | {church, of the young men and wo-|school or from work thoroughly tired | men who were endowed with Twen-| out will be fortunate if she escapes a | [tieth Century ideas. But now ev- physical breakdown, because this! TEWART'S ATISFACTORY YE E ERVICE Venetian Glass This beautiful European Glass comes in colors of Blue i Our eye examination without drops, | | and Green, and we have a big ves no chance of error, and no af- Joa : range of pieces, including: ter discomfort. With our "Quality COMPORTS BOWLS PLATES FLOWER HOLDERS, Lilasses your eye troubles vanish. CONSULT. ad elr . and the prices are reason- , - able, ranging from $1.50 to $3.75 Registered Optometrist 240 Wellingtor St. Opp. Post Office TEN ROOMED CEMENT [| BLOCK HOUSE with garage, || of Patrick and JEWELERS 100 Princess Street, Kingston Dr. Nash's DENTAL PARLORS 188 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON on corner Charles streets, for sale or to let. Immediate possession. Apply: Kingston Cement Products H. F. NORMAN, Manager OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street Phone 730w. 1 | | oe een, Little said is soon mended, and 1it- tle money is soon spent. Better say here it is than here it | W¢ specialize on Painless Extraction, was. Latest Pyorrhea Treatment and g X-Ray work. pane == -- Our 25% Discount Sale ends MONDAY, APRIL 24th Take advantage of the few remain- ing days and buy that DINNER or TEA SET that you need so badly and erything is different, and thanks to{getting tired so easily is probably the | a larger vision attained in recent| first warning symptom of a thinning | f |years, and If a slang term may be [blood that must not be disregarded if | permitted, "Them days is gone for|her health is to be freservad, | lever." Recognizing the fact that When the blood $ecomes thin and | the young people under their care | impure the patient becomes pale. | have a fourfold nature to be devel-| She not only tires out easily but | oped, the churches and Sunday|cften suffers from headaches, palpi- | schools of Kingston, 18 of every [tution of the heart, dizzy spells and | city in Canada and the United States, [a loss of appetite. {have encouraged their young men In this condition Dr. Williams' |and women, their boys and girls, to] Pink Pills will be. found to have a | engage In healthful - games, in| beneficial action on the blood. Mies | friendly competition with the young-| Delima Lafreniere, St. Ambrose, | sters of other Sunday schools, Man., has proved this in her own | | From this, dates the birth of the case, and advises others to use these | {Sunday School Amateur Athletic As-| pills. She says: 'Before I began the! sociation, which is in line with the|yse of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I felt (needs of the young people of our||jke a complete wreck of my former {churches. It is interesting to note, |gelf, My blood was poor and thin. I [that in Kingston, in addition to the suffered from faint and dizzy spells, | outdoor games in the summer, the|and had backaches and headaches al. | {youngsters have excellent facilities | post every day. I decided to give for indoor games and practices, | pr Williams' Pink Pills a trial, and through the courtesy, and co-opera- by the time Il had used three boxes I tion of the local Y.M.C.A. Here are | fa]t much better and I continued tak- |provided a well-equipped gymna- ing the pills until I felt as well as I sium, swimming tank, showers and| ever gid. For what they did in my [other conveniences, and. it is need-| age 1 cannot recommend these pills too highly." less to mention that these are used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob- | to the 'limit.' Those who have tained from any dealer in medicine, | never witnessed these teams of hoys or girls at work, for the girls are or. by mail 'at 50 cents a box OF Ei Wil- {also keenly interested, may ask [ boxeg for $2.50 from The Dr. {What is the value of It all?" 12,05 wegieine 0p. 'Brockville, Ont 1answer to this--there is good fellow- ! snip for the young folks collectively, | i under Christian auspices; a ecto | Nf) NEW "PAVING AREAS taste of church union in operation; | !and for the individual church, hero! | is that which promotes a splendid | Are to Be Undertaken Till Last | {esprit d'corps," which must be of ' | value. The older members attend Year's Schedule Is Com pleted. the games in large numbers, to root for and encourage their teams, and they insist on the contestants always 'playing the game," who thereby {learn the valuable lesson of the ne- | cessity of "playing the game' in the] ing schedule laid down last year and | great game of life, for which the preparatory work has | Those people who still retain the been done by the utilities commis- lold and narrow idea that the sole | sion. No new areas will be under- purpose of the church is to simply | taken until the present work has | [cater to the definitely spiritual de-| been disposed of. | | velopment, leaving the entire fleld | This announcement was made at | lof physical, mental and social Pro-| the request of the utilities commis- |gram to agencies outside tho Ckris- sion, whose manager was present in tian church, which are indced in|connection with the matter. H. C. tmany cases entirely out of touch|Nijckle, superintendent of the street | with Christian influcnces, may well | railway company, wag assured that |bear in mind one or two lac! Tre-| there would be no interruption with | garding boydife alone. An 2uthorily |the work now going ahead on On- {on boy psychology has given the fol-|tarig and Brock streets. Sandstone | lowing careful, if humorous' defini- | hocks will be used at the tracks and tion of the average boy, stating that |, tender for these was accepted, upon | this interesting animal is made uD tho advice of the engineer. {as follows: 60 per cent. .fun; 20] A request from the Kingston town- | per cent. curiosity; 10 per cent. {ship clerk for the loan of the road | fight; 6 per cedt. work and § Per | grader was granted. . cent religion, totalling 100 per cent. | An application from George A. {real boy. With the foregoing de-| palmer for the removal of stand pipe, | {finition in mind, Sunday school! armission to'instal a gasoline tank {teachers, and others interested in!a,q runway to his property, was ap- At a meeting of the Board of | Works on Wednesday afternoon it | was decided to proceed with the pav- | boys' work, must not expect the | sroved. same type, and certainly not the! 4, (jaim from Cunningham and | same volume, of religious expression | c ith barristers, for damages from the average boy, as would be | amounting to $59 for injury to Dr. | | McCae's car on Stuart street was| referred to the city solicitor. Members present were: Ald. H. T. save-- 25% DISCOUNT OUR SALES ARE REAL SALES Robertson's Limite 73 Princess St. SPECIAL ; Women's Brown Calf Oxfords and Strap Slippers, perforated toe caps and low heels. Women's Black Kid Pumps and Oxfords, in odd sizes. : TOCLEAR ..... ........ $375 'Allan M. Reid - SHOE STORE | Sargent, acting-chairmen; Mayor Corbett, Alds. Cohen, Richardson, Smith and Driscoll, Leach-Seale Wedding. ® | A pretty wedding was solemnized {in St. Paul's Church on Wednesday { morning at 11 o'clock, where Canon | | W. F. FitzGerald united in marriage | Marion V. Seale, Kingston, to Ross | | J. Leach, Guelph. The bride, who | | looked very charming, was attired in | a sand shade tricotine suit, with hat | to match, and wore a corsage boquet | of Ophelia roses. Mr. and Mrs, Leach | left on the noon train for New York and on their return will reside in| Guelph, where the groom is on the staff of the Royal Bank. few minutes at night putting the family wash to soak in Still on the Move, | The band of gypsies, who were 1 | the rich, cleansing Rinso Kingston on Wednesday morning, i suds saves hours of rub- travelling in motors, reached Brock- | bing next da | ville during the afternoon, and were | y. | ordered out of the city and continu- | | ed on their way east. The women in- | | vaded several of the stores on their arrival 'there, Do not put the Rinso direct from the package into the tub. Make the Rineo liquid first. Mix half a package of Rinso in a little cool water until it is like cream. Then add two quarts of. boiling water and 'When the froth subsides you will have a clear, amber col- oured liquid; put it in a tub of cool or lukewarm water and .you - have enough for a batch of clothes. If the clothes are extra soiled, use more Rinso. i : : Made by the makers of LUX R110 ------ Interment at Brockville, Rev. Gore A, Bell, of Kingston, was in Brockville on Wednesday at- tending to the removal of his wife's | remains from the vault to the fam- {ily plot in Brockville ecmetery. ! +.Made a Prison Guard, C. Holland, Brock street, has been appointed to the Portsmouth peni- tentiary as a guard. He is a return- {ed soldier, and was at one time a member of the Imperial Army. Following a conference of conimit- tees of the Town Planning Commis- | sion, the Brockville Rotary Club and | the Brockville Rowing Club, the i Rotary Club decided to plant 20 maple trees, as a beginning, sult- ject to the approval of the Depari-| ment of Public Works, on the eas: side of Block House Island, from the! gateway to the outer edge of the| island, i | abundant. It | dandruff and immediately stops itch- | money back guarantee printed | folks EASTER FOOTWEAR STRAP SHOES, BUCKLE 4 od SHOES AND OXFORDS in many up-to-date patterns. ~ We have almost every style any lady could wish for. Abernethy's Shoe Store INVESTIGATE | The Special Poliey § ISSUED BY THE EXCELSIOR ws. LIFE cov SOL» BY H.D. WIGHTMAN £ k H 1561 WELLINGTON ST. - H - .« | High Guarantee FEATURES | Low Premiam E - f Illustration: 8 Age 30 $5,000.00 Premium $130.20, Guarantees q to return In Cash in 21 vents $2,880.00 or $5,000.00 paid-up id insurance, You can easily clean your head of dandruff, prevent the hair from fall- ing out and beautify it, if you use Parisian 'Sage. A lady visiting friends says '"'Paris- ian Sage is the best thing I ever used to make my ha'r wavy, lustrous and also keeps away all ing scalp." This inexpensive invigorator is sold | by McLeod's Drug Store and at all good drug and toilet counters. Be sure you get the genuine Parisian | Sage (Giroux's) as that has the on every bottle. cen on FEET HURT ? Are You Corn and Bunion Crazy? De Your.Feet Ache, Burn, Sting and Draw?! Here's Ins t Relief! Torturing, Joy-kiling Bunions or sore, hot, tired, swollen feet are unnecessary who know about Geero wood Balm---the new foot joy be irritable, cross and peevish Corns anc tender, now for Warm- Why Hmp ing and dodging down the street -- every step an agony? Try this: Before You--gO to bed to-night just rub on a little cooling, soothing, 3 Wormwood Balm Ah; t p Instantly your feet will feel cool a | fine It draws out all the stinging, burning soreness Ii} until your feet could danc for joy No more dangerous corn-cutt )' peeling, no more sticky, burning messes that eat off half your toe. No more rags or plasters Just real foot comfort day in and day out Simple" safe, easy and pleasant to use and not at all expensive, sAt all druggists Get the genuine Geero Wormwood Balm, | Simple Application That Dissolves Blackheads No more squeezing and pinching to get rid of those unsightly blemishes, blackheads. There is one simple, safe and sure way to get them out and that is to dissolve them. To do this Just get | about two ounces of peroxine powder| from your druggist--sprinkle a little | on a hot, wet sponge---rub briskly over | the blackheads for a few seconds | wash the parts and every blackhead | will be gone. | Pinching and squeezing out black-! heads make large pores and you can- not get all of the blackheads out this | way--while this simple application of peroxine powder and water dissolves | every particle of them and leaves the | skin and pores in their natural condi- | tion. Any druggist will sel you the Peroxine powder and about two ounces | will be all you will ever need. | ec ct ort sear Piles! Pyramid Brings Relief EE be ing, bil u are suffering with «tch- ing or protruding piles or hemorrhoids, and if you have never tried Pyramid Pile Suppositories, by ull means do so at once. Get a 60 cent box-at any drug store. Avoid the pain and distress, get quick re- lief and a new lease of comfort. Take no substitute. If you would he to UT hum Beat Dieass Bond: a ress to ramid Drug on Pyramid Bldg, Marshall, _ SIMMONS BEDS BUILT FOR SLEEP Buy a Simmons Bed and Simmons Spring and be sure of that deep, restful sleep which makes for renewed vigor, enthusiasm and efficiency. Simmons outfit cost no more than you are prepared to pay for honest comfort and service. JAMES REID Phone 147 for Service. The Leading Undertaker. 7 Masoud's plant is now running full capacity and we are.able to supply all Ice Cream Dealers with _ the same delicious flavors and the "same quality as before, Geo. Masoud 238 Princess Street - - . Phone 980. meets, ---- Announcement to Ice Cream Dealers PLAYER PIANO WEEK A Player Piano Selected 'from our stock is not alone a Player Plano, but also an histrument which the family planist will be glad to play upon. The simplicity with which the Player Plano is con- verted into a Piano for ordinary, or we might say, and more correctly, exvert playing, is remarkable and gratifying, which proves that the Player Plano will satisfy the whole family, expert and otherwise. This brings to mind another point. The Player Piano is also a demonstrator of pianists, who have long left the novice stage and whose works so reproduced, aro highly educative for those entering the advanced field. Sold on exceptionally easy terms. LL Ty TL TTT IEE T TTI) bn JT CT. Wo dN oSAY. LIMITED 121 PRINCESS STREET 3 KINGSTON eee COTO IL LIT OT ALLILLL a