Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1922, p. 16

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15 THE DAIL FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1922, Y ERITISH WHIG. | ------------ |] NDY AND ICE CREAM Q Superior Ice Cream Is Best Candy' Specials For Saturday CHOCOLATE NUT CARAMELS .....29c. Ib. SEA FOAM KISSES (Vanilla and Maple) 30c Ib. ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ......... 35c.Ib. COCOANUT CREAM CARAMELS . . .30c. Ib. Superior Ice Cream is made under the most sanitary conditions. "Our plant is fully modern, and the Ice Cream is made from only the best in- gredients-- best Cream, best Caned Sugar and best pure Fruits. It is served from our fountain in the same container as the one it was in at the freezer --thus insuring you of more compact and better Cream. Bricks or bulk in several different flavors. ~€ 'Superior Ice Cream Parlor . - Er , Se re 1922 at 1.30 p.mi--Chas. F, Adalr, clerk. AMUSEMENTS What tho Press Agents Say Abou Coming Attractions At the Allen. 4 One of the most intensely drama- | GANANOQUE Township Comeils April 21.--A three days sale opgu- ed in the Lyceum under the auspi€es of the ladies of St. John's church. | Supper was also served and a great tic situations ever shown on the |RUmber patronized the =a Mi Screen can be seen in "The Invisibie | M158 Marjorie SOR an 5s Fear," Anita Stewart's Jatest First -Ottie Root have ier National attraction now playiug at Spending 2 ork with Mrs. am the Allen theatre. In it Miss Stewart C ay =: rr i Taraee a plays the part of Sylvia Langaon, | e hocy : © en : who marries Bentley Arnold after | former Gananoque resident, was repulsing Arthur Comstock, who has brought here on Wednesday for in- Been one of her most persistent sult terment in the Ebenezer cemetery. #8. The situation develops at a din-| H° dled on Sunday last and was a " " | relative of J. B. Turner, Mrs. T. P. flor party, in honor of Sylvia's birth! ¢ rehardson and Mrs. D. E. Jackson. Charles'«Nuttal spent a few days this week in; Toronto. - Mrs. R. H\ Gould, Gaspe, Que, 1s her on a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Donovan. Samuel McKenzie is attending tho Great War Veterans Association meeting in Ottawa this week. Mrs. John Marshall and young daughters, Muskegeon, Mich. are vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Henderson, Main 'street, Gordon Davis, Syracuse, N. Y., spent a few days in town this week. At the meeting of the town cour- cil on Tuesday evening it was 'decid-- ed to apply for the grant for a Car- negie library for Gananoque. The Ladies Auxiliary of the G.W.V.A. were given the privilege of holding a tag day on April 22nd. A number of sheep killed by dogs had to bé set- tled for. Mrs. home after a lengthy stay Kingston Geheral hospital. James A. Thomson and Mrs. y. A score of persons are group- about the table 'and Sylvia is ughing merrily when a figures ap- rs in the door. It is Comstock, Whom she had thought dead; and her face pales and she trembles in fear @8 she looks at what she considers a ghost. "The Invisible Fear" is a tale Of mystery and love--and the birth- day dinner scene is only one of its many thrilling features. At The Strand. In "Her Husband's Trademark," Which opened at the Strand yester- day, Gloria Swanson plays the role 'a wife whose husband uses her uty and personality, reinforced costly dress, asa bait to lure men it money into financial traps. Xt is a ng story, suffused with heart in- fefest with the scenes laid in New York and Mexico. The action in the glosing scenes reaches a high pitch of itement, making one wonder how actors did it without damaging Ives. Gloria herself casts her mor over all, making a bewitehing mal pivot on which the plot re- ves. - Her gowns baffle description d her cating combines the charm nd force which have made her fam- Richard Wayne ,as leading man, notable work, and Stuart Hoi- as the villainous husband, holas Ip his end well. "A Barnyard Cava. ier," the comedy on the programme, 18 a riot of fun that does one good. xt week Cecil B. de Mille's "Fool's ** will be the big attraction Thursday to Saturday. Boycott Proclaimed. bifast, April 21.5i-A boycott was b ly to-day at the ly of on merchandise n BeMast, Lisburne, Dromore and -- emergency appropriation of a on aollars to fight the flood wa- now going south on the Missis- river was asked of the United congress Friday by scuthern Ill, resolutions en- the St. Lawrence-Great waterway project were before ean and democratic state 4 F. Shurtliffe, has returned in the tended the Muir golden wedding an- niversary in Kingston this week, Miss Zeipha Cummings, Ottawa, 1s home for the holidays. Miss Rebecca Edwards, Collegiate Institute, Kingston, spent a few days here this week. Mrs. Gilbert Battie is visiting her son, Dr. Gerald Belfie in Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Thomson, Bir- mingham, Mich., were the guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. James A. Thomson this week. Anti-Christian Movement : Spreads All Over China Amoy, China, April 21.--An anti- Christian movement, said to have started with the formation of twenty such organizations in Pekin Univer- sity, is spreading rapidly over China. Christian leaders snd the consular tent of the movement, which is re- ported to be backed by Communist agitators, > § Prof. R. O. Jolliffe, Queen's Uni- versity, is the vice president of the classics section of the Ontario Edu- cational Association. i ! KINGSTON. April 3.--Council met today. Mem- hers all present. . Motion, Sprouic- Weller, that the reeve and Councii- lors Heaton and Graham for ink structions re building cement steps at township hall door and minor re- pairs to the bullding. Motion, Sproule-Weller, that Jas. Henderson and Son be given the right to lock gates on road allow- ance complained of as, being a nuis- ance. Motion, Graham-Sproule, that the forty foot road leading from .the Bath road to King street in Ports- mouth be repaired .in the early spring and Portsmouth council pe interviewed and the government nots ified as to their share in the main- tenance of the road. Thomson and Miss Lola Thomson at] authorities express alarm at the ex] Motion, Sproule-Graham, that this council strongly objects. to the ex- penditute of so much money on the suburban area, particularly as an instance on the road adjacent to rass Creek bridge when other por- tions of the same travelled highway are in places almost impassable. Motion, J. L. F. Sproule, A. BE. Wel- ler, that the clerk request the gov- ernment to grant the township cf Kingston 12 cubic yards of gravel from the supplies on the York ( 2 niles west of Cataraqui) to repair Gardiner's side road (adjacent to the supplies) which was used as a detour and subjected to increased and unexpectely heavy traffic dur- ing the biulding of the provincial highway. clerk write the Board of Works; City of Kingston, requesting the loan of the grader used on the city streets to that clhss when used on the ordin- ary'township road and to assist them in making a selection in their con- templated purchase of a grader. Bv- ery precaution will be taken to in- sure careful handling and full re- sponsibility assumed by the council. Payments ordered: $2.43, V. Doyle charity to Rudrum family; $24.60, A. Edison Smith, rep. Hall chairs; $4.50, Fred Smith, payment of W. Freeman's stat. labor tax, 1922; $10, Jas. Waller granted for extra care to indigents; $4.50, George C. Pillar, opening rd. 26, 1922; $1.65, Jos. Wise, charity for Rudfum family, $4.18 supplies for township hall, $10.47; $15.15, co. Front. tile; $2, George Robinson, rep. washout on Front road; $21.00, E. C. Donnell, 105 hours, opening rd 52; $9.40, Walt. Smith, opening rds. 24-35 in Jany., Feby., and Mch., 1922; $2, Arth. Kemp, filling washout on rd. div. 21; $16, David Smith, 1 1d. wood {shares and maintenance of indig- ent fool one month; $7.85, CC. KR Adalr, for Bell Tel. Co. Council adjourned until May 1st, sre deterniine the utility of a grader of. JLOUGHBORO. Sydenham, April 1.--Council met at 2 p.m., all members present. Mo- tion, Sina-Spafford, that the clerk be authorized to call for tenders for the purchase of a tractor to operate the township crusher.---Carried. Motion Halferty-Spafford, that Messrs. Sine, MacNamara and H. A. Buek be appointed a committee to collect information, ete., relative to the attraction. of Loughborough to induce summer tourist traffic. The following bills were orderea paid: $55, Dan Carey, sheep killed by dogs; $4.42, H. A. Buck, hall sup- plies; $2, J. W. Silver, road repairs at Perth road; $22.33, H. A. Buck, suppies re E. Vancoughnet. ' Council adjourned to April 4th, at 7.30 p.m,, to decide on tenders for tractor. April 4.--Council met at 7.30 p.m., all members present. Tenders for tractor were received from Massey - Harris and Sawyer-Massey Co.'s. The matter of purchase was laid over, pending a report of Messrs. Sine and Spafford, _who were in- structed to look into the classes of tractors used by neighboring muni- cipalities, "Mption, Halferty?Harker, U. F. Blackslee was given permission fo erect a curb pump in front of his garage. The payment of $100 as as- | Sessor's salary was authorized. Council adjourned to meet Satur- day, April Sth, at 9 a.m. April 8.--Council met at 9 am, all members present. The report of Messrs. Sine and Spafford, re tractor operations was presented. Thé résutt was the ordering of a 12-22 Massey] om H. A. Buck, price $750, f.o.b. Torontow .., . _ Motion, Harker-Sine, thatid oan be engaged tay cledh "up the street near the bridge on ChuPeh streer, and that the clerk post notices for- bidding further use of any street or highway in the municipality as a dumping ground. 1 Council adjourned to meet May 6th, or at the call of the reeve. . Driven to despondency by alleged crooked work on the part of three" men who he claimed had cheated him, Jacob Olson, forty-five years of age, of Danish descont and owner of ten acres of pottery claims on Des- barats' Lake, near Sault Ste. Marie, cremated himself in his small shack. He first set fire to his shack and then shot himself with a rifle, which was found lying by his side, . COND » Y The time loss due to industrial disputes during March was less than during February, but greater than during March, 1921, the Labor Ga- zette reports. There were in exist- ence d the month 19 strikes, in- volving t 2.309 work people, with an estimated time loss of 58.- 943 working days. : SPORTING NEWS Baseball at Almonte. Almonte, April 21.---A well attend- ed meeting of baseball enthusiasts was held here last evening and re- organization was completed for the coming summer, Almonte will enter INTER-COUNTY BASEBALL RECORDS OF 1921 In 1921, the Inter-County Baseball League enjoyed a very successful season. There was one group consisting of six teams, Wolfe Island, Ver: ona, Sydegham, Parham Lakeviews of Kingston, and Yarker, who finished the season in the order named, . Goodfriend, a Reglopolis boy, who pitched in all the league games for . Wolfe Isiand was the lgading pitcher losing only one game to Verona. The Verona team led the league in fielding with a percentage of .920. a team in the Eastern Lanark County League and also a team in the pro- posed Lanark County League com- posed of Perth, Smith's Falls, Lan- ark, Carleton Place and Almonte. The officers elected were: President, A. G. Rosamond; vice-president, N. H. Nicholson; secretary-treasurer, W. M. Johnson; edvisory committee, ham, .869; Wolfe Island, .297 rate. The other teams batted as 229; Lakeview, .205; ball at a was ,258. Yarker, . They were followed by the other teams as follows: 854; Lukeview, .800; Yarker, .795. The Wolfe Island team led the league in batting. Their nearest rival wgs Sydenham whose percentage Messr8. J. McCabe A: C.. Wylie, P. J. Campbell, E. J. Stafford and P. C. Wylie, W. M. Johnson. Picthn At the annual meeting of the Pi ton Motor Club held Wednestdy night the following officers were elected: retary-treasuref, C. Clapp Spencer; representative of Ontario Motor Lea- gue "Board, Dr. Publow. There over 2,000 motor cars in Prince Ed- ward county and the club is planning a drive for membership on May 24tn, Semieieimepne B ASEBALL SCORES International League, Reading 4, Toronto 1. Buffalo 14, Newark 11. Baltimore 6, Rochester 4. Jersey City 15, Syracuse 6, National League, Pittsburg 10, St. Louis 5, Chicago 3, Cincinnat{ 1. New York 8, Brooklyn 1. Philadelphia at Boston--Rain. American le. Boston 15, Philadelphia 4, Cleveland 5, Detroit 4. . Chicago 4, St. Louis 2. New York 10, Washington §. -------- Notes From McLean. McLean, April' 19.--A . number from here attended the Campbell Miss B: Bailey left here for her home on Friday. A birthday party will be at Willlam Hare's- on Friday, the 21st for Melissa. Mrs. G. Goodber- ry's baby has been fll, but is getting better. Emerson Snider spent Sun- day at Willlam Wagar's. Mrs. Char- les Goodberry and Miss Lena, Mr. Motor Club. { re | sale. Baster Sunday was a fine day. | Johnson, Verona, Spoor, Wolfe Island, .. Jamieson; league representatives, A. { Curran, Verona, G. Lee, Parham, }H. Lee, Sydenham, ............... | A, Lee, Sydenhan:, tJ. Ryan, Wolfe Istand, ........... | Young, Sydenham, i R. Huffman, Yarker,\ Notes From Addison. Addison, April 20.--The - recent rain has left the foads in a very bad {condition. Mrs. JA. McLaren has re- [turned to L. Hewitt's, after a visit {at her home in Merrickville, Mrs. {Ernest Watts and two children, El- |gin, spent last week at Herbert | Watts. The W.A_ is holding # sugar {party at the home of Claude Moul- iton. H. Brown is making prepara- jtlons to move into his new homs: {G. PIke has purchased a néw horse. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blanchard on Friday, April 7th, a son. Sugar- making is about over for the season. The farmérs of this vicinity, who hdve tap , report a good 'season. Arthur "Watts made a business trip Cal Could you wish for your blended by our expert bakers, into those lovely Arrowroot Biscuits? Parham, .876; Syden-. They clouted the follows: Parham, .241; Verona, .232; Individual batting honors wers as follows: H. 9 40 17 29 3 11 3 14 16 6 35 § 13 11 13 9 PCT 429 425 423 412 375 371 367 .361 357 AZ 21 30 36 14 President, Earl Spencer; |R. vice-president, Br. C. A. Publow; sec- | ar AAA to Soperton last week. --R. Moulton entertained a number of their rela- tives on Easter Sunday,' Mr. and Mrs. A. Davis, Brockville, spent the week-end with their brother, H. Davis. A new Bible was presented by R. A. Scott, of British Columbia to the Addison Anglican church on Easter Sunday, where an elaborate service was conducted by Rev, J. Lyons. Miss I, Greenham is spend- ing her holidays with her sister, Mrs. Wesley Henderson, Hard Island, An unhappy men's cart is likely to tumble. Better a bit in the morning. than fast all day. : Many hands make light work. 'What Better Food Babies than these, when v Rich Winter Wheat Flour. Jamaica Arrowroot Flour. Belleville Creamery Butter, MADE FROM Powdered Bugar. Oresutt of Tartar, Baking Soda. Cream and Corn Starch. and Mrs. William Goodberry ana fon were visitors at George Good- berry's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs | Willis Asselstine and son, spent Sun- day at John Raycraft's. Mrs. E. A wee bush is better than no ebel- ter. Brown and girl spent Sunday after- noon with Mrs. W. Wagar. THE PERFECT FOOD FOR YOUNG AND OLD. MADE IN KINGSTON BY - CROTHERS ESTABLISHED 1869. a

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