Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1922, p. 5

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FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1922. FOR CHOICE } MEATS and FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TIRY B. V. McGeein 282 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 . ya " Ep ------ For moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS and CARTAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 377. Evenlags 2231. 153 WELLINGTON STREET DRAW. WINNEIT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington | Streets Phone 363 Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 256 "x | THE COUGH WITH THAT Tickling Sensation A little tickling in the throat and then a dry, hacking cough think it is not bad enough to bo about, but every hack make a br 1 'n the system, strains the lungs and prepares the way for more serious trouble, How many people have lost =a good night's resc by thal nasty, tick- ling, irritating sensation in the throat? The dry, harsh cough keeps now yon you awake, and when you get up in! the morning you fed] as if you had had no rest at all. DK. "WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP is just the r2medy you require | 8top that irritating, tickling cough vn account of its suething; healing {and expectorant properties. 1 Mrs. P. Johnson. Port Alberni, B | C., writes:--'"I have suffered for | years, off and on, with a tickling | coush. I could not sleep nights and | had to sit up in bed | fact, T coughed so T used to yomit. I jried different doctors' p escriptions until I heard of Dr. Wook's Norway Pine Syrup. I tried it and found great relief after I had taken the first bottle and have not {troubled since. I shall always keep iit in the*house." Be sure and get when you ask for it. Price 35¢. and 60c. a bottle; put up only by The | T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Arms, PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning 7nd Repairing, Alse Organ Work. "All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markiraq st, Phone 2397m. "Dr. Wood's" PHONE 291 For Furniture or Baggage Tramsfer. wing with motor truck or horse drawing vehicles. Motor Cars and Livery of any kind in connection. Saddle Horses A specialty. Fre-war prices, FINKLE & CO, 120 Clarence Street. Kingston, Ont, WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fiesh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and. wedding -bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1137. Sold by W. R McRae & Co. r Choicest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 188 | TO RENT Seven-room dwelling, mod« crate rent. Possession May 1st. Apply 25 Pine Street W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 80 Brock Street Phone 424 i rr ---- HR Tt DID YOU EVER TRY | Wagstafl's Glager Marmalade. Wagstaf's Pincapple Marmalade. Wagstafs Bramble Jelly, We also have a full line of other reialble makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellies for sale ate BON MARCHE GROCERY King and Earl Streets Cons, Mune Ne. B5-2T140 RHEUMATIC ACHES QUICKLY RELIEVED | HE racking, agonizing rheumatic | J acheis quickly relieved by an ap. plication of Sloan's Liniment. For forty Fears, folks all over the world have found Sloan's to be the natural enemy of pains and aches. It penetrates withous rubbing. You can just tell by its health N stimulating odor that it is going to you good. Keep Sloan's handy for neuralgia, | ®ciatica, lame back, stiff joints, 'sore Muscles, strains and sprains, At all druggi eC 30, $1.40. ade in Cana | \ | DR. S. E.PORTER | Corner Alfred and Johnson Streets Phone 1072F, ' BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phoue 1870. : Music | Piano, violin and other stringed The Telgmann School of , Instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ac- cepted. | 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325. mm-- SHAVING SOAP Reduced in Price Good news for men who shave--COLGATE'S and WIL- LIAMS' Shaving Cream and Powder now reduced to .. 35c. + We have after-shave LOT- IONS, CREAMS and TALCUM. New stock at reduced price welcome the shaver who buys his supplies from-- M. R. McColl PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Cor. Clergy and Princess Sts, Phone 82. It will pay you to get your New Suit from us. I. ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET £3 Eery man knows best where his!" 'own shoe binds him. A hungry man see far, tod to get relief, in | THE {2 DAILY BRIT ISH WHIG) _ \ Kingston and Vicinity Returns From Hospital. Mrs. Wilfrid Lloyd has returned to ' Gananogue after having been a patient in the general hospital for some weeks. Attending College Meeting. , Rev. C. E, Kidd, Gananoque, was in Kingston Thursday, attending a meeting of the board of management of Queen's Theological College. i Bad Piece of Roadway. The roadway on Union street, be- tween Barrie and Division streets, is sadly in need of repairs and should receive some aitention from the Board of Works. Went to Ottawa. ' { Dr. D, A. Volume, president of the local branch, G.W.V.A., left for Ot- tawa on Wednesday, as a delegate to the convention of the provincial command which opened in that city Mon Thursday, Preaches In Toronto. St. George's Society, at St. | James Cathedral, Toronto, on Sun ly { He will also preach to the members | of the original 14th and 15th Battal- | fons. to the Sale of Silk Shirts, We received a shipment of Tooke"s | silk shirts, which will be put on sale at a reduced price. Regular value | $6 each: our price $3.50 and $4 | each. It is a great bargain. Prevost. Brock street. > Big Week for Boys, The school-boys are taking full ad- vantage of the extra hours provided for them at the Y.M.C.A., during the Easter holidays. All day long the building is practically given over to their activities, You Can't Get Rich Quick. Through advertising. But you can get rich surely, and if you don't ad- vertise, you won't get rich at all, If you are in business you afford not to advertise, Timely ad- vertising is proper. It is advertis- ing-that strikes the day's note--gets in tune with the community, It is money invegied. nearer ea---- May Purchase Boldt Castle, William H. Warburton, proprietor |of the Thousand Island House, and | lesee of the Crosmon House at Alex- |andria Bay, has announced that an | {effort will be made to put through |the purchase of Boldt castle and | ' PREMIER BENES Of Czecho-Slovakia, one of the dele- gates to the Genoa conference. WHISKEY WAS SEIZED, 200 Cases of Scotch Intercepted hy { the Police. 8t. John, N.B., April 21.--A ship- ment of Scotch whiskey totalling some 200 cases and having an invoice value of $8,400 was seized while being loaded from the warehouse of the Great West Wine Company, near the Thorne whart, to a small schoon- er tied up alongside. The shipment was addressed to James A. Stewart, Charlottetown, P.E.L ' 'The seizure was made by local policé who turned the goods over to the liquor inspec- tors, At Lake Opinicon, Lake Opinicon, April 20.---The late rains have made the roads very muddy. The school has closed for the Easter holidays, and the teacher, Heart Island and present them to the government as a summer home for the Presidents. ' The castle and grounds cost origin- ally $1,480,000 when constructed by the late George C. Boldt, proprietor of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, in New York, 20 years ago. Harding Summer Holiday, It is understood that President spend part of his holidays this sum- mer as the guest of Senator Lowden at his summer home-at the Thous- and Islands, . Advertising Correction, In the half page advertisement of which appeared in the Whig last ev- ening an item was listed as "Men's Suits" from $1.00 to $2.98. This item should have read Men's Hats in- stead of Men's Suits, A Cold Morning. | Dean Starr will preach thie sermon | during the can not | The weather was exceptionally cold night, and early this morning, many of the "mud-pud- {dles'y were frozen over The warm sun of today will be welcomed for a | change. The thermometer register- ed four degpees below freezing early. | me | Life Saving and Swimming. Classes in life-saving and swim- ming are being conducted at the Y.M.C.A. every Wednesday after- | noon, and many of the youngsters, who haven't as yet acquired the art jof a "lish," are, taking advantage of | this instruction. Start Concrete Base Work. | On Thursay the work of laying the | concrete base for the street railway [tracks on Brock street, where the [city is going to put down a perman- {ent pavement. was commenced. All the track work on one side of the [street will have to be completed be- fore the other side is touched. ---- Firemen Called to Office. The firemen received a call to 111 {Brock street 'at 3.20 p.m. Thursday {afternoon to extinguish a slight blaze {which had started there. Some wax | was being melted to seal bottles, and this caught fire when a quantity fell on the floor. No damage was done. The offices are occupied by the Tay- | | lor Specialty Company, The Muskoka Lakes. Nature has been truly prodigal tn {her good gifts to Ontario and pas | blest her with the.riches of scenic Mrs, Stokes, Has gone to her home at Pearth Road. is over and the farmers report a fair- ly good run of sap. The trappers have got their s ly of muskrats and disposed of t at a good price, Mrs. C. Ennis spéfit'a couple of days in Toronto. Mrs. W. Emmons has gone to Oshawa. Mrs. F. Best and children spent Sunday at Chaffey's Locks, Robin Fluke is'spending the Easter holidays with his father here. Mr. and Mrs, P, Wright have Bone to Ottawa. - Master Donald Best has re- turned home after spending a few days with his unele, G. Kerr. C. Tol- son made a business trip to Perth Road Tuesday. Harding, of the United States, will | Barnet Lipman, 107 Princess street, | The sugar season | Ienuts and natural attractions. On of her favored districts is wonderful' { Muskoka, which embodies the trini- fj | ty of famous lakes, Muskioka, Ros- seau and Joseph. It is & paradise of {lake and stream, of forest and {s- (land where "we stand in the heart | jof things, the woods around us are | heaped and dim" and mother earth | |stands ready to reveal her, secrets {to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, to those who have the junderstanding heart. A new public- | ation just issued telling you all about {1t. with splendid map and list of hot- | |els can be had free, from Canadian | | National-Grand Trunk Agents, or on | | application to J. Pp. Hanley, C.P. & T.A, G.T. Ry, Kingston, Ont. ---------- Chinese Christian General. | Rev. S. G. Caswell, now conduct- | | Ing services in the Holiness Move- | | ment church on Division street, has {had some very interesting experi | ences during his long term in the | {heart of China. He was there when China changed from an empire to a | republic, and witnessed some most | {exciting political strife along with | military unrest. Once he was ap- | pointed to act as peace-maker be- | tween two conflicting armies, thus | {winning the confidence of those | |emong whom he. was laboring as a ! missionary. During two years of his | | missionary labors in inland Ohina, | | he spent a good deal of his time with | the noted General Feng's army. This Chinese general rose from a boy in the army to a governor of one of | China's great provinces and from a Buddhist worshipper end Christian | | hater, to a most zealous follower of Christ, | men beconre earnest Christians. Mr. Caswell will be giving some {of his personal experiences with this |army. Hood's liver ills. Do not gripeer irritate. 25a. Headaches Are Usually Due to Constipation When you are constipat- ed, there is not enough lubricant produced by your system to Leen the food waste soft. "Doctors prescribe Nujol because its action is so close to this natural lubricant. Nujol is a lubricant--not a medicine or laxative-- 80 cannot gripe.' Try it today. AP 1 WHY PAY Mr MORE? 4519 When Shall We Meet 489 My Mammy Knows 573 When the Tide Comes 4527 My Hawaiian Melody 575 Valse Bluette 4506 Lucia Sextette The Sun Record Co., 210 . The Song Shap, ee ---- All the Latest Apex Records Can He Had st Our Store EX 10 Inch Double Sided Phonograph Records ~ 65c Economy demands the highest quality at the Apex Records at 63c fulfll this condit lowest price, lon and guarantee satisfaction. ' POPULAR DANCE RECORDS . 4514. Thies O'clock in the Morning56i Granny Again 493 Sheik ; 488 Angel. Child In 570 Swedish Waltz 4 VOCAL RECORDS -. 4526 Leave Me with a Smile 4528 Atta Baby 4524 @ranny INSTRUMENTAL RECORDS 068 The Wee MacGregor 491 Sweetest Story Ever Told" Adelaide West, Toronto, a -- ---- 216 Princess St. When You Think of Muste Think Of Us ton : The Irish tenor, who is recovering from a serious illness, . We have the Treadgold 88 Princess Street. . Get the Habit: "For Records Try Treadgold's First Record when you wami if. prepaid. Msi ws yours. All mall orders Co. Telephone 339. His life was so exemplary | | that he won the confidence of his en- | [tire army and saw thousands of his Pills m-- pretty patents--good wvles.an Black Calf- 'st now--at prices OUR BES $350 to $8.00 Call and see this popular S tore Oxford for Men. Made on last. Our price "oh Brogues and other Oxfords ee ---- $5.50 up. These Shoes are all ne-------- == are therefore sure of the latest BUY mitts Price. JACK. JOHNSTON'S SHOE STOk. Phone 231]. 70 Brock Str. ge! FURS INSURED AND STORED Gourdier's BROCK STREET 7 mis -- Easter Suits and Top Coats MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St, - (One door below Randolph Hotel)) a EC _-- FOR SATURDAY New Cretonnes And Chintz FOR CURTAINS and DRAPERIES All the popular colourings and latest designs attractively priced at 22c¢., JZ o o "9 |g 25c¢., 29c¢., 35¢. to 60c. a yard. . SCRIMS and MARQUISETTES ' "in plain and fancy White, Cream and "Arab shades--a big variety to choose from at 15¢., 18c., 20c,, 25¢. to 75¢ yd. 7 YEH W. N. Linton & Co. § The Wasdron Store. [f [1

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