TES EE Life's Social Side Editor of Women's Page, Teles phone 229; Private phone 857w, 2» . 4 . * On Thuysday afternoon Mrs. H. A Lavell, Barrie street, entertained at the tea hour in honor of her guest, Miss Jessie Sutherland, Vancouver, B.C. A blazing fire was a welcome sight to the guests comiug in from wintry wind, one ' of capricious April's unpleasant surprises,and love- ly flowers, yellow California carna- tions, just touched with red, pink, and white spired and, snapdragons were about the cosy room. Thecharm- ingly arranged tea table in the din- ing room was centred with exquisite lace on which rested a tall crystal vase of the rare yellow carnations. Here Mrs. 8. W, Dyde made tea, as- sisted by Miss Marion Redden, Miss May Macdonnell and Miss Ma Chown. Everyone tried to have a lit tle chat with the guest of , honor who is a visitor in Kingston for the unnatural color and corrects greasy skins. Highly antiseptic, Ro 15¢. for Trial Size + HOPKINS & SON, Montreal Gouraud's Or Cream SSrsassERsassnanarsneY if * i first time. The guests included, Mrs G. M. Macdonngll, Mrs. H. A, Tofield, Mrs. Sandford Calvin, Mrs. James Cappon, Mrs, W. Morgan, Mrs James Third, | W. F."Nic- Miss May nell, Mrs. Rigney, Mrs. kle, Miss Annie Fowler, Ford, ™Miss isabel Ross, Callaghan, Miss W. Gordon, - . * Mrs, M. R. Davis, University ave- nue, entertained informally at the | tea hour on Wednesday in honor of Miss Minnie Shaw, when the rooms were prettily decorated with spring flowers and ferns. Mrs, W. Y. Boyd (formerly of Gananoque), Mrs, Rich- W, T. Cc Mrs. Jam mond and Mrs. Louis Vosper assistéd | Mrs. Davis at the tea table. Among {those present were Miss McIntyre, liss * Helen McIntyre, Miss Jennie | Bhaw, Miss Minnie Shaw, Mrs. R. V. Kogers, Mrs. John Fisher, Miss Ger- trude Strange, Mrs, W* M, Campbell and Mrs. William Skinner. . - - Miss Doris and Miss Gwendolen Folger entertained at luncheon on Thursday at the Country Club in ho- nor of Miss Mary Strange. The table was artistically decorated in gold and out with daffodils and soft green tulle, Besides the guests of honor and the :hostesses, those lunching were Mrs. Heber Lafferty, Mrs. J. F Preston, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Edith Carruthers Miss Cecily Ruther- ford, Miss Helen Strange and Mise Harriet Gardner, . . » A surprise . party organized by Capt. Morton was given a welcome by General and Mrs. F. W. Hill, West street, on Wednesday evening, The bours passed merrily dancing to the splendid music of some of the men, including Capt. Lee and Dr. Broom of the famous T.N.T. orchestra. Those present were Miss Eleanor Phelan, Miss Doris Browne, Miss Gweneth CarrcHarris, Miss Francesca Foulkes, Misa'Marjost and Miss Mary Ogilvie, Te LUCKIN'S Popular Stores Central Meat Market Phone 694 Veterans' Meat Market 'Phone 153 VEAL! Fronts ...... 6c. 1b. Stews ...... 5c. 1b. VEAL! Loins . .... 124c. 1b. Legs .......15¢c. lb. PORK ROASTS .. > SP. PORK ....... Hives pies s 200 0b, irra 3c 1h, BUTTER! Choice Whey Butter . .... 36¢. Ib.. BUTTER! Belleville Creamery . . 42c. Ib. WESTERN BEEF ! Hamburg Steak 3bs. .......25¢. Oven Roasts Vaneass 1230. Ib, Raney BF SEE CE CHEESE 2lc. Ib. SALADA TEA " 50c. Ib. SUGAR 10 Ibs. 68c. BACON Sliced . . . .. 30c. Ib. CAMPBELL'S SOUPS Mc. v4 PURE LARD 17c. Ib. EGGS 30c. Dozen « "POTATOES 24c. Peck JAM 41bs.53c. Pure Raspberry 16 oz. Jars 24c. CATSUP 15¢. and 23c. bottle 3 Ib. Pails LARD 54c. : We guarantee 16 ozs. . ed on Toledo Honest | ensures our customers of -- £ FULL VALUE FOR MONEY to the Pound. Weigh- Weight Scales, whi Fran- | ces Macnee, Mrs, Arthus Macnee Mrs, -| Miss Lilla | green, the color scheme being carried | Children of Wealthy Poorly Nourished In the Journal of American Medi- cal Association, Nov. 12th, Dr. Car- ter, associated with Hoover in dis- tributing American food to starving Austrians, shows that 49% of the children of well-to-do Americans would, if in Austria, be forced to eat | State food, because they are under- | size and under-nourished. terials. We eat refined, devitalized foods, and then wonder why children' have adenoids, tonsilitis, small bones, stringy muscles, poor teeth and pale faces. Roman Meal made of three whole grains, retains the essential lime, phosphorous, potas- sium, sodium and iron. Improved the best food for growing children diet. At all Grocers, = bec), Miss Isabel and Miss Grace Mooers, Miss Barbara Bidwell, Miss Lyman, Miss Hill, Miss Laura Ku- born, Messrs, Keifer, Crosby, Alan Hamilton, Troop, Macdonald, Mrs. Arthur McNicol, Toronto, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mahood, Johnson street. . -. - It was a merry group of peopie {| which met at Alexander Atkins home in Portsmouth on Thursday ev- ening to say goodbye to-Miss Anna Atkins who leaves on Saturday for in the General hospital of that city. address aand some valuable ents from both the choir and Sunday Atkins takes with her the wishes of a large circle of friends. - - . gave a merry boys dinner on Thurs- day nett, who is spending his holidays in town. Games treat of a concert on the radio-phone were among the delights of the even- DuMoulin, Howard Gal S. Ben Cunningham, Jac and 'Arnold Fair, * * . way, T, C. street, entertained at Thursday evening, when three tables were in play the prize winners being R. T. Brymner, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Lyster, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Lee, Miss Torrance, Miss Margaret Bain, Rev. W. E. Kidd and Mr. Borland. - - * Miss Cecile Harwood, Montreal, entertained at three tables of bridge with an informal tea afterwards, in honor of Miss Lucille Jeffrey. Miss Magdeline Herbert and Miss Cnar- lotte Harwood presided at the tea table. Among the guests were Miss Allison Macdonell and Miss Doris McKay, both of Kingston, Ont. Mrs. Colin MacPherson, University avenue, gave a delightful party for her son, Gordon MacPherson on Thursday evening when. her young guests spent the evening in dancing and games a dainty supper being served from a daintily arranged sup- per table. * * - Mrs. R. E. Kent, "Somershy House," was the hostess of a small bridge on Thursday afternoon for Mrs. Douglas Anglin, who with Miss Pamela Anglin, leaves for Montrea on Saturday. -- * eo. Mrs. Campbell Strange, Barrie street, is entertaining at bridge this afternoon for Miss Mary Strange. * so Miss Laura Kilborn, King street, will give a dance this evening. * . - Canon C. W. Vernon, Toronto, General Secretary for the Council for Social Service of the church of Eng- land in Canada, will spend the week- end in town. Miss Eleanore Lyman has decided P remain in Kingston with her unts, the Misses Lyman, King street, until she joins Miss Julia Ly- man. for their trip abroad in May. Mrs. W. A. Jones, University ave- nue, has returned from London, Ont. Miss Nellie Christie, Ottawa, has been spending the week with Miss Perceval, Brock street. Dd Flee 0) i811 Roman Meal porridge with milk is - and corrects deficiencies in modern | Miss Marguerite McLemont (Que- | vu- | Moulin, J. Macgillivary, Dr. McKee, | Stevenson, | Hew Duff, P, Cunningham, Lieut. Il. ! | Bidwell, R. N., Cadets P./ Osler and | Vancouver, B.C., to train as a nurse | Miss Atkins was the recipient of an | pres- | school of the United church, Ports- | mouth, with" which church she has | been associated for many years. Miss | good | Mrs, A. W. Winnett, Bagot street, | evening for Master Bert Win- | with prizes and tha | that Dr. Winnett has had installeq, | ing. The boys present were Theodors | Campbell | Mrs. Philip DuMoulin, Sydenham | britige on | Mr. Lyster and Miss Bain, Winnipeg. | The guests included, Mr. and Mrs. | Our ancestors ate whole grains and | milk, rich in lime and growing ma- | { | { | a FRADAY, APRIL 31, 1waa, | { | | | "BEST BY TEST" For years, Sakell's Ice Cream has been "Best By Test" in Ontario. At our new Ice Cream Parlor and Candy Shop we are carrying in stock Cream which has won us "THE BEST." the same quality of Ice the reputation of having w OUR NEW ICE CREAM PAR- LOR IS "THE BEST IN KINGSTON" Have you been in ? If not, don't deny yourself a pleasure such as this any longer. Drop in and see the Ice Cream Parlor that is the talk of Kingston. 25 different kinds of made Candies, for Sa BIG SPECIAL 35¢. per pound | Watch our window displays! rich, - home- turday only NEXT TO GRAND + Sakell's Ice Cream and Candy Shop OPERA HOUSE Now is the Time to "Put Down" Eggs For Future Use. When t%e price of eggs is low, the thrifty housekeeper preserves them in either "water glass" or lime water to use later on when prices are high- er. April, May and June are the months when this preserving may be done. hc > ""fhe first step of the process fs to get strictly fresh eggs. Seven doz- en is a good amount lo "put down" it your family is of moderate size-- three to five members. The next step is to look the eggs over carefully for delects. Cracked ones may not be used. Badly soiled ones will spoil if you try to preserve them without first cleaning them. The best way to clean them is to wipe them with a soft cloth which has been dipped in cold vinegar, If the vinegar will not clean them, ao not try to use tie.eggs. It is also best to secure eggs that are not fer- tile--but few of us are able to ob- serve this precaution. The Water-Glass Method: The name "water glass is a simple and more casily remembered substitute for the technical term, "'solium sili- cate." This substitute may be bought at any drug store. To preserve sev- en dosen eggs, you will need one pint of the "water glass" and four and one-half quarts of water. Bring this amount of water to a boil, then pour Jit into a three-gallon crock (which you have previously wiped dry) and let the hot water stand in this clean crock until it is cold. Now add to it the pint of "water glass," stir well, and place the eggs In this liquid. The liquid must stand two inches above the eggs. Cover airtight to prevent evaporation, and place the crock In your preserving closet-- or in any cool, dry place. The Lime-Water Method: Bring five gallons of water to a boil and let it stand until cold. Then add to it 3 pounds of unsiaked lime and let stand until the water is clear. Pour this solution over the eggs which you haveput into crocks cleahed as above Qirected (washed out with boiling water), taking care to let the liquid rise above the eggs two inches. Cover the crocks tightly and store them in a cool; dry place. (If your family is small, you had better divide this formula in half.) Although both these methods will preserve eggs satisfactorily, I per- sonally prefer the water-glass metn- od to the lime-water method. For, Laura. A Kirkman served by lime-water method have a occasionally--not often--eggs pre- slight taste of lime about them when served. By either method, the preserved eggs should keep perfectly for at least eight months; and many house- keepers have written me that they have kept their eggs even a year with perfect results, using both these methods. I wish to advise brides and other young housskeepers to "take thought for the w" in regard to this subject. Although it may be a slight strain now on their pocket- books to buy a few dozen eggs more than they need to use at the present moment, still they will find that those eggs come in handy next No- vember, at Thanksgiving time, or around Chrisimas---when all house- keepers need a generous supply of eggs for the holiday "goodies." Tomorrow :--Some Good Contrjbut- ed Recipes. = \ All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirk- keeping" department will be answered in these columns in their turn. This re. quires considerable time, however, ow- man in care of the "Efficient House- ing to the great number received. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamped and self-addressed en must be enclosed with the question. sure to use YOUR full name, street number, and the name of your city and state.--The Editor. [Pe win That thirty-five boys of St George's scouts will form a guard of honor for Lady Byng when she pre- sents the graduating nurses with] their diplomas on May 12th, That a girl usually has a good rea- son for marrying, but whea an ex- asperated wife- asks her husband "why on earth he ever married her," it is' almost pathetic to see the puz- zled look of bewilderment that comes into his eyes." -- That Washington is just now pay- ing Canada a decided compliment. Its smartly attired women are wear- ing 'Canadian "homespuns"--all of this material that is available, It is quite the vogue there now, It is also notable that the popular shade is |The flappers are very fond of it, BARNUM'S| EX SOMETHING NEW - Am. ' TRA | BAKERY MERINGUE ROLLS WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY THE HOME OF CHOICE CAKES AND PASTRY | ly popular with the younger element. That the question of seeing that the soldiers in the military hospitals get lots of motoring this summer should be taken up by some of the Kingston clubs. eam That the golfers are looking for- ward to the opening of their beauti- ful new club house. To-miorrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd. Disturbed and unsettled con litions may be read from this day's sidereal --~ movements. The ruling Rgu-e js the conjunction of the Moon with Ura- nus, which promises to bring about abrupt and radical changes which may not be fortunate. There is aug- ury for change of residence aal travel, but these should be under taken with coolest deliberation. There is a sign often interpreted by fhe astrologers as Indicating loss. Domestic affairs may encounter pee culiar or erratic situations. Those whose birthday it is have the forecast of unsettled and irregu- lar conditions with the prospect of change, journey or removals, which should be undertaken with the ute most precaution. Pleasure and com- pany may bring vegret, through un- usual circumstances. A child born on this day may have an unsettled career, with .unusial and erratic ex- perience, unless carefully trained early in life, nil all that is necessary is to take one to three Royal Yeast Cakes a day for a few weeks. Royal Yeast is a food. It supplies the tell us that this vitamine water soluble vitamine which the diet may lack. Scientists is essential to good health. Royal Yeast is highly beneficial in the many cases in wh system seems to be run down. cakes simply add to the diet. Itisa ~nota Dissolve a Royal Yeast Cake in fruit juices or mix it with cereal and milk, and take it at meal time. The chances are in a few weeks the complexion will be clear. For children reduce the amou to one- half or one-quarter of a cake with Send name and address for free booklet - "Royal Yeast Cakes for Better Health," EW GILETT CNP IMIED TORONTO, CANADA. Mewrmgal., Princess Mary blue, It Is particular ES ss