"troubles: 7 A right. MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1022, DO YOUR BOWELS MOVE REGULARLY, OR DO THEY . Become Constipated There is no medium through which disease 80 often attacks the system as by allowing the bowels to become constipated, and there is no other trouble which flesh is heir to that is more liable to be neglected, because material inconvenience may not be felt, at once, from irregular action of the bowels. When there is not regular action the retention of the decayed and effete matter, with its poisonous gases, soon poisons the whole system by being absorbed into it, causing violent sick and bilious headaches, internal bleeding or pro- truding piles, heartburn, Jaundice, ete. MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS 2 will regulate the flow of bile to act properly on the bowels, thus making them active and, regular, and remov- ing the.constipation and all its allied Mr. Samuel Buckler, Tatamagou- chejN. 8., writes: -- For over a year I suffered with constipation. I took several different kinds of medicine, but could only get temporary relief. I was told to try Milburn's Laxa- Liver Pills. 1 procured two vials of them, but after I had taken one I found that I was relieved of my trouble. I do not hesitate to recom- mend Laxa-Liver Pills for any kind of constipation." Priceyps25¢c. a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by Toe T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. > Sale, Saccesshal Each AAD) bears name #2 AUTO TOPS , RECOVERED and REPAIRED R. H. JONES 390 PRINCESS STREET Phone 152. SORE THROAT 18 A COMMON Al mi WHICH UNLESS CHORES 1 TIME MAY LEAD TO A SERI= OUS CONDITION. SIMILARLY COUGH JT 18 © thenr 8 AT ONCE MUCH [INCONVENIENCE AND SUFFER ING MAY BE AVOIDED, 5 OLD AND RELIABLE REMED 18 FOUND 1§ D8 THOMAS' ECLECTRIC 4__oIL D0 WOMEN WORK AS HARD AS MEN? Yes. And They Must Keep Well and Strong Two Interesting Letters Toronto, Ontario.--"When my hus- band was called back to England in 1914 I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to strengthen me so I could work. I had a trouble that used to make me weak, but I am able to do my work now and am perfectly satisfied with your medi- cine. I still get it at the chemists and I strongly recommend it to any- body I hear of suffering as I did. You may publish this if you wish." ~--Mgs. E. Honnsrowsza, 899 Yonge St., Toronto, n: 9 1 Did Not Feel Like Working "I was in a general run-down eon- dition with a weak back and a tired feeling so that I did not feel Mke working. My mother was taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. ound and recommended it to me, so have taken it and my back is better and I am now able to do my work. I recommend the Vegetable Compound to my neighbors and you may pub lish my letter."--Mgss. JosermAT A. Grexixn; Box 47, Carbon, Alberta. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound should be taken when you fi notice such symptoms-as nervo backache, weakness and irregularity. It will help you and prevent more serious trouble. Give it a fair trial -- LC. HEMSLEY from R. J. RODGER WATCHES and OLOCKS REPAIRED at shortest notice 149 8ydenham St. Phone 20564. 3 EVERSHARP --~= | Basoline « | F rom the Countryside; Frontenac CROW LAKE. April 21/--Mr. Hagen has moved his mill to Parham. Master Wood- row Harris is confined to bed with pneumonia. Mrs. J. E. McEwen ana Miss Beulah McEwen spent the Eas- ter week-end in Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. K. Hanson and family, Perth, spent the week-end at her father's Louis Bain's. "Sandy" Mahon spent 1 Sunday here among friends. Richard Reynolds has moved from his resi- dence in the village to his new home on the farm. Alexander Quinn 1s renting Mr. Reynolds' residence in the village, leaving a vacant house at Crow Lake awaiting & tenant. TICHBORNE. April 19.--The recent heavy rain falls have left the roads in a very muddy condition. Sugar-making has come to an end and a great amount of syrup 1s reported to have been' made, Nearly all the farmers in this vicinity have had to buy feed. The many friends of Mrs. Joseph Harris are sorry to hear of her severe ill- ness. The home of F. W. Harris is brightened with the arrival of a little son. Mrs. Alonzo Kennedy has under- gone a painful operation on her eye but is improving nicely. Mrs. George Bertrim and son Melville, are at Wm. Steele's; Alex. Howes, Oshawa, at Alonzo Kennedy's; Mr, and Mrs. C. Philips at G. Hamilton's; Orvil Me- Even and sister Stella spent their |" Easter holidays at home. MOUNTAIN GROVE. April 21.--It has been very rainy weather lately, yet the roads are in a very good condition as the ground seems to absorb the moisture read- fly. Sugar-making is over, and the farmers are at work on the land. Quite a few attended the Campbell day. tank and pump, in Smith's Falls. P.R. section here. is seriously ill. Mrs, C. visited at Oconto recently. Cowdy's; H. Swimmers, Toronto, at burgh High School, at his father's, R. Coulter's; J. Cox, of the C.P.R,, at his home here; Miss Weston, teacher of the Union School, spent Easter Sunday in Tweed. Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Johnston at H. Card's; F, Thompson and C, Price, Port Mc- Nichol, at their respective ~ homes here; Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood at E. Thompson's. rm, INVERARY. April 21.--Mr. Knight, who passed away last fall, was buried at mand Hill on the 18th. Rev. Mr. Parks, assisted by Misses * Caldwell and Eastman, is holding revival meetings at Leland. There was special services in the Methodist church every even- ing last week. Rev. Messrs Codling and Duffield assisted Rev. Calvert. On Sunday morning, Norman Free- man, B.A., delivered a splendid ad- dress to a large and appreciative au- dience. . > Sympathy goes out to Mrs. F. S. Ferguson,\ who lost her mother on the 19th. e funeral will be con- ducted at Sydenham tomorrow. Mrs, John Arthiir is in poor health. The young people are presenting their play, "Farm Folks," again next week, Miss Gertrude Ieadmen spent the week-end at Dr. A. B. Freeman's, Willlam Garrett has gone to make cheese at Sunbury. J, E. Storms and granddaughter, lia Storms of Wilton spent the week-end among friends here. Miss' Olga Arthur and Warren Arthur of 8.H.8. and Misses Frederika Ferguson Daisy Lake and Myel Barr are spend- ing their holideys at their various homes here. Pi KEPLER. April 21.--The heavy rains of the past week has greatly retarded tarm- ing operations. A few fine days would be very much welcomed. The W.M.8. held the monthly meeting yesterday at Mrs. A. Orser's. W. H. Horning disposed of some fine young horses last week. Frank Johnston has moved to Murvale where he in- tends to farm. Miles Cranston has sold his property to his brother, George Latimer. Those from other parts who spent Easter at Kepler were: Miss Helen Wartman, Toronto, Ont., with her parents; Misses Doro- thy and Gladys Orser, Queen's Uni- versity at Rome; Hercel Babeoek, Oshawa, at Kenneth Babcock's: Miss Helen Bradley, Collin's Bay, at 0, V. Hansen's; W. Keyes and wife, Wolfe Isiand at A. Orser's; H. RE. John. | ston and family visited friends at Newburgh this week. Miss Olga Wartman is visiting at Elgindurgh. Miss Rose Wright is gpending the Easter holidays with friends in Mon- PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencil We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, er ps You and I are prone to think the world is out of joint to suit us. The leaving today for Watertown to re- treal. Mr. Huntley and wife are side. Mrs. Howard Buck {is recover- ing from a severe ttack of grippe. NN fault is with us «~~ the world is oy v. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : : THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER 11 HAD BAD COUGH AND SORE THROAT Never neglect a cough or cold| bowever slight. If you do it can | s have but one result: it/leaves the OO0R~- (OOK WHAT SOomE- ONE'S THROWN AWAY -- GEE = WHAT'S THAT PICTURE FOR 2 throat or lungs, or both, affected. A | ,| single dose ot ] DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP ail will help to stop the cough, sootho BATTERED REUC OF THE Days BEFORE THE WAR. pai has become. settled on the lungs the | healing virtues of the Norway pine tree along with the soothing and ex- 14 pectorant properties of other excel- lent herbs, roots and barks promptly eradicates the bad effects, and the persistent use cannot but help to bring about relief. Mr. Albert Marsh, Lower L'Ar- doise, N. S., writes:-- "About a year ago I contracted a cold accompanied by a very bad cough and sore throat. I sent for the doctor, but what he pre- gan to get\discouraged. A friend came to see me and asked me if ( had ever used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I told him I had not and sent him right away to get me a tles the soreness in my throat seem- For ed to be leaving me, so I resolved to continue its use, and after I had used five bottles both my sore throat (T. BRINGS FORTH TENDER MEM-OR-EEZ. OF TIMES THAT AINT and cough were gone. I would not be without "Dr. Wood's" for any money." | Price, 35c. and 60c. a bottle; put up only by The T. Milburn Co, TR Limited, Toronto, Ont. sh He loves me little who hates me for naught. "Jhree Days onthe On Your Trip to The journey Lawrence holds for the lover of beauty will last for ever in the memory. "Copyright. 1922. by United Feature Sysdbeste sale on the Godfrey road on Tues- ling salesman D. Drew has installed a new (c, Kingston spent the week-end at | Leeder, Wi MTS. | his home here. Harold Poole, Cain- i Dickey, George Flynn is on a visit to friends | up ig spending the Easter holidays | Salter's on Monday. A number of the|,: tpg home of his granddaughter, men have secured work on the C. 8. D. Wilcox. Mrs. G. Summers g,q)) Guild, Caintown, viisted at S. McKivor (1, wilcox's on Sunday. F. A. Reed, AmONE |}55 engaged Alexander the Easter visitors are: D. Youmans Rockport, as gardener for the sum- and son Earl, Kingston, at William mer. Miss Leona Andress arrived home G. Summers'; Garnet Coulter, New- |, ., week, after spending the winter Miss Edna Wilcox and TO. WW, Linls0y wiih oi riie es Ta Oe I A A A AANA el for C. W. Lindsay with relatives in Syracuse, N.Y. Geo. | glehart, 1s visiting "his mother, Mrs. Caintown, were at a. p to offer you. Ifrid Dickey and Blaine | William Thomas, "Hillview Farm." water and steam Alfred | Miss Violet Prasky, Perth, spent Sun- > day with her sister, Mrs. W. J, Boyd. Mrs. George Sproule and dau ghter Reta are spending a few days, write to-- Montreal Quebec St. Joba, N.B. * Kirkwood. Love, Caldwell Mills. Mrs. W. J. Boyd and baby spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. A. Craw- Lanark | this week with Mr. and Mrs. James April 19, LAVANT STATION. ford, Calabogie. ---------- -- Harvery Thomas, En- Nature gives nurture. CONCRETE for surfa but what of the other features to ROAD PERMANENCE Upholders of "building roads for permanence" must--to be consistent--recognize that true permanence calls for something more than merely the right surfacing material. With the adoption of Concrete for the road's surfac besides the surfacing enter into the building of permanent highways of concrete As the initial cost-per-mile increases: more care must Agent . - nard Line cing of course that contribute we ewing Machines, Pho Guns, Rifles repaired and Parts supplied. Saws fled, scissors and edge tools Locks repaired. Keys, Avted & kinds of locks. All ma Lawn Mowers sharpened red. We can ropair any the throat, and if the cough or cold ant is repairable. JM. PATRICK | AGENCY FOR scribed did meso little good 1 be- | QCEAN STEA LINES information and rates Open day and night. [ "PHONE #9. 3 ANSATLANTIC STEAM Lawrence Route, Season a bottle. I started using it, and after Special attention given your a couple of days I found I was get-| or friends going to or returning ! ting rellef, and after taking two bot- | the Old Country. J. P. HANLEY, G.P. and TAGT § Kingston, Ont. y : . Sdiling Lists Now Ready 3 C. 8. Kirkpatrick 38 Clarence St Lawrence Europe from Montreal down the ever - widening St. a thousand thrills that + The Cunard - Canadian liners have, besides their luxurious appointuenes and splendid service, all of the glories of the ver tri State-rooms have 1, 2,3 and 4 berths with wardrobes, electric lights, running heat us your own immediate control. For schedules of sailings and rates, see the Cunard Agent in your town, of The Robert Reford Company, Limited General Agents Toronte Halifax e, we must also realize that other factors Such care in the preliminary work, may require con- ¥ siderable patience before the road is ready for surfacing. | be taken to protect the investment. : " This protection includes : But the inconvenience of the delay, and the increased (@) A proper location. investment, are both amply justified by the permanent (b) The establishment of satisfactory grades. character of the work which results. On main highways a high type of surfacing (c) A Drainage Plan capable of carrying away surface * and'ground water; together with the installation of Culverts and Bridges adequate for the carry- ing of modern loads. x (d) The widening out of the subgrade, " All who are in any way interested in Highway Construction should write for our is needed for the carrying of modern traffic. This higher type of surfacing is most truly an economy when it is accompanied by the higher type of construction throughout. literature explaining the advantages of Concrete for Highway Improvement. - CANADA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED I Canada Cement : Company Byilding MONTREAL