Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Apr 1922, p. 5

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r ' . ic [UMNDAY, APRN, 24, 1922. ) TH E DAI L Y BR IT ISH w H 16 5 } A RAV. W v ; : ~ DENTAL SURGEON, Ki ngsto ton and Vi 'icin vit y BUILDING or mer of Johnson and Wellington ( et | RE-BUILDING - #3 ! -------- Has Been Promoted. | reside. Mr. Newsome's father,)p: H.C. Kindred, Tweed. Dr. S. v z | Since Taking "Fruit-a-tives" Major A. B. Gillies, son of Davig [George Newsome, a retired Imperial | portar has returned to Kingston. = y ; it A Gillies, Carleton Place, has been pro- | soldier, was at once time lockmaster| Carruthers, on graduation from We have a large: catalogue illustrating fine colonnades, i The Famous Fruit Medicine moted to the rank of Lieutenant-Col-| on the same section of the canal. Queen's University, was awarded the' choice panmeling, built-in buffets, cupboards, etc. FOR CHOICE tH | onel | Hoffman scholarship in surgery, and - | P.O. Box 128, Pazrssofto, N.S, | | Resigned as Trustee. waka Dr. L: 3.1 Would be pleased to show yor designs and furnish esti- | . 1 ------------------------ S| rus as appointed assistant to Dr. L. J./ {|| "I suffered with Rheumatism for To Attend Graduation. { J. L. Graydon has resigned his| systin. In that capacity; he has been | mates of anything special needed in the above lines. IV five years, having it so badly at times Mrs. Robt. E. Meyers, Napanee, | position as a member of the Picton { on the staff of Kingston General Hos- ili I was unable to get up. _ | has left for New York to be present collegiate board, and will assume New| ,t5), where under Dr. Austin, he S ANGLIN & CO and ft 1 tried medicines I saw advertised, at the graduation of her daughter, duties as secretary-treasurer of thatlpas had considerable experience in * ° . ( iit! and was treated by doetors but the | Marjorie, at Roosevelt Hospital, on body to succeed the late H. U. Tobey. | general surgery and in surgery of the Woodworking Factory and Lumber Xa Well os FIRST Q ALITY | Rheumatism always came back. [ April 26th. | Mr. Graydon brings to the new posi-| ove ear, nose and throat. « f Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66, Factory I In 1916, I saw in an advertisement | ------------ [tion a good business training and " Phome 14105. WESTERN BEEF i that "Fraitetires" would stop Rheumo- { Is Appointed Coroner. | splendid business ability, and will Honored in Lanark. | < : i tism and took a box, and got relief; | Dr. C. D. McCullough, Wellington, | | make a competent officer. Last Friday during the progress of cok > idl TRY fl then took "Fruit-a-tives" ri ht al * | received word that he has been gazet-| ---- the concert programme, the OppOr-| T= oo. " - li for about six months and I } [ted by the attorney-general of On- Was Buried at Camden East. | tunity was taken by the citizens of ! - IH! never felt my Rheumati since" | tario as a coroner for the county of Mrs. Sarah Switzer, an aged resi-| ranark and community to - express | df | 3 | Prince Edward. dent of Camden East, passed away at| their deep appreciation of Mr. and x M cCeei I JOHN E. GUILDERSON. A iia | the home of her daughter, Mrs. Al-|Mry. C. M. Forbes' services durin | i THE ELECTRIC SHOP : N n i 50c a box, 6 fer $2.50, trial size 250. Sale of Silk Shirts. {bert Warner, near Yarker, on Good | the almost twenty-seven years of res- | arrange for a free trial of the ! NCESS STREET [| At dealers «7 sent postpaid by We received a shipment of Tooke's | Friday morning. The funeral ser-|jdence in Lanark village. Mr. and | A. B. C. ELECTRIC WASHER ome Provo 1182 li Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. silk shirts, which will be put on sale! vice was held on Easter Sunday at{ Mrs. Forbes were called £0 the plat- v 115 Brock Street. Phone 1543. 3 PH I! : at a reduced price. Regular value the Methodist church, Camden East,| form, accompanied by Mrs! J. N. Dob- - J. GRACE W. C. CAXNuxs $6 each; our price $3.50 and $4 where she was a lifelong: member. | his, John MacLean and Dr. W. J. re r---- ™~ " PIANO TUNING each. It is & great bargain. Prevost, Lo remaing were laid beside her de-| Scott. Addresses were read by Dr. [Ji = - : Fog moviag of Plano Tuning and Repairing. Brock street, ceased husband, in the Methedist{ Scott and .Mr. McLean made the | IGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, Alse Orgasm Work, | cemetery. presentation of an Elgin watch to Mr. | AGE OF | . . mite i PAY BESCRIFPTION 7 All work guaranteed. . bas Forbes, while Mrs. Dobbie presented | FRAME MOUSE, barn and hen house, en Quel s improves . ! PETER D. BROWN Has Purchased a Cottage. Business Chest Measure. a Limoges dinner and tea set to ments. Price $3, 30. ston Transfer Co. || mersivmsse" "rion smn. || cs urrinston, of the Drme|: rave you ever tried to wear 8 cont Nira. Forhen 1 wan a surprise to [| BRIA bILIe AESLITISS Impieremente, Prive, { Limited, 175 Sparks Street, Ottawa, | pa ig several sizes too small? Com-| (he recipien | SOLID BRICK, Pers or og pb the recipients. Fro t, xhts, gas, 3 piece bath, hot . pi indi Ei has purchased rom the estate of he) fortable--not! If your advertise- | a. heating, hardwood floors, fire place, deep lot, mew garage. th Harold, Kingston, the Rares 8,800. late Hush geld, l HH v Torry ment expendity re is cut too small for Queen's Making Strides. ! Sos 30L1D RICH Frontenas Seest, Slectrie Nights, sas, RT 1 DR. S. E. PORTER Mr. Harrington will take possession] Lo, Busiues (Thest Ineagire Jie) The wonderful progress of Queen's | house on same lot. Price $6,500. ' be Awe, SUNY - | he = y 0. exact'y . W "niversity is but th flection of | Dr. Waugh, Cormer Alfred and Johmsos Streets { | the 1st of June. would do in a too-small coat. It will Huivensity je po Terrien of its M P. TRUMPO i Dentist Twas 173, ? ¥o Erect Now Schoul House, ERrink out ot sieht here broinosg Scotch foundation, declared Jus- * UR - At-a well attended special school | ¢prow out its chest Bu sou that ite) °° 1. M Mowat, In proposing the 237 Bagot Street Phones 704 or 1401w Wellington St. . Phone 238 || ~~ Ae NY meeting at East Lake School House, | ; _| toast of our "Alma Mater" at the i ES 5 | BUI LDING : ? it was decided to erect a new school | clothes. (advertisements) are Dig en=| yyy) reunion. and dinmer of j~~-= du ---- a clde * f : | ough to grow in. s tors { - | house as soon as possible. This will | - _ Queen's Alumni Association at 7 CII Em PHONE 291 | REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? be a modern structure and the site| Was ¥ Toorak Mille con Hest House, Jorontos last Tiarsany | 4 Estimates given by f the new school house will be chos-| as From Royal ary College. | night. e urge e maintenance | ; gRaagicare Or A onufute | 0. A kr d & S i in a very Oh a { Gordon R. Bongard has been tak-| of the old traditions of the university, | 7 les. Motor Cars smd Livery | y oy ce ; | en into the partnership in his father's | so that its halls would ever be filled | kind in conmeéction, Saddle eran 21 Main Street. - Phoue 1670. To Lay New Rails. | firm of Bongard & Co., members of | with students. | falty, Fre-war prices. | The Grand Trunk Canadian Na-|the Toronto Stock Exchange. He Principal Rev. R. Bruce Taylor, | FINKLE & CO. PAYID sory tional is plannnig extensive improve- Ne! ipitess hem tie Roya! Mili- LL D. Hn He pes Feviewed the) ~ " umber ments on their line this year. Be-|!ary Uollege, Kingston, and yas com-{ Work 0 e past year and state | Clarence Street. Kingston, Ont. | Plumbi ) inn} : fs aid % hank h liberal . ng and Gas Work a spect inning May 1st new steel will be missioned in the Imperial/artillery,| that, thanks to the era grant | 8 EB 8) 2 N : 5 y \2 7 the vine re - lalty, All work guaranteed. Ad: |/|.id in the vicinity of Ernesttown being attached to the 5th Army, and | made by the provincial government, i | dress 145 Frontenac Street. » a cmiy © ° participating in the famous March, |they had not only heen able to ¥ | Station. & | Phone' 1277. * | ly. 1918, drive under General Gough.|pay their debts and maintenance ex-! ED AND 7 i 7 . | Shortly after this he was gassed, and | penses during the past twelve . ; : 3 Former Lockmaster Dies. | as a result was blinded for a period | months, but had closed the financial | : § Peop le's For Raw Sore Throat The death 'pecurred a few days of three months, following which he| year with a small balance to their STORED & of : ago at Smith'd Falls of William A. | was invalided home. credit. He thought the university 1) Flopist At the first » @ Faw; sore | Nowgome, aged seventy-three, for fif- iri was making sound, wholesome pro- ! throat rub on a e Musterole with | To Practice en Ee a 177 Wellingto treet. your fingers. ty years a lockmaster on the Rideau 0 Practice at Tweed. gress in all branches of its activities, k 5 A Re ll It goes right to the ith a gentle canal at Kilmarnock, who retired|/ Dr. C. M. Carruthers, Kingston,|but particularly in medicine and ® owers a " 7 || tingle, loosens congestion, draws out | in 1921 and went to Smith's Falls to | has entered into partnership with science. al designs, and wedding Soreness pain. | 9. to order. Phone 1764, Musterole is a clean, white cintment - | : Res., 1187, made with: oll of mustard. It has all A : : : the strength of the old-fashioned mus- STUDY TOUR FOR BOYS. ] v tard plaster without the blister. | : . Nothing erry Musterole for croupy | ro . BROCK STREET, nh Assm--. | dren. Keep it handy for instant | yo. the best thing a father can uy . , BETTER RS USTARD PLASTER | do for his boys is to encourage them | \_ -- : . ' C47 oD AcE v to travel and see something of the | -- es . . py -- world, before they become too keen- ra : : nN 4 - oi ly engrossed in commercial life, | : . ; "> | Travel is a great educator--it en-| \ oa " \ | J riches the mind and fits the youth to | ! . aul, 2 s et better fill his place in life. A nor- | as er ul S eo . ! iho i mal boy js observant--he assimi- ' 5 Id b lates and retains knowledge. Travel | : Na 0 ¥ gives him his opportunity--it fits | N oO eh : him for every phase in life. 1 0 S Within 5 Minutes of A tour of Europe is at present be- l 3 Everything Worth While {ing organized under the personal | | i . supervision of T. H. Matthews, M.A, | { - . Ww R McRae & Co. i » Le (Oxon), Assistant Professor of Ma-| { MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW . v » yd m thematics, McGill University, and! : : H n late instructor-lieutenafit, Royal | - o GOLDEN LION BLOCK. Broadway at 29th St. Navy. In addition local guides will | MODELS BEST VALUES ' \ 3 New be secured to conduct excursions ; : y RRR and give lectures on the artistic, his- 5 : { An High Class Hotel toric, literary and economic signifi $25 00 $28 00 : B= with Moderate Rates ! Sang Of the sights seen and the plac: ° " °® ] Lx " : | es vio . } >, # 3 ' | A most carefully planned and in x ; Popular priced Club Breakfasts § | teresting itineraly has been arrang: 3 00 38 0 A n : ! .---- ed including visits to - Montreal, ° 8 » : ' A Cafeteria--the last word in | Liverpool, Chester, Stratford-on: y : up-to-dateness--just opened | Avon, Oxford, London, Paris, Ver- | d RATES | sailles, Fontainebleau, Rheims, Ly- ~ ; A - i Single Root with bath - $3.00 ons, Hertelles, Cae NE | 9 . A Cholcest quality of Scranton Double Room with bath - 6.00 § | 2¢0, Mentone, Genoa, Pisa, Rome, | Coal. No other kind sold by || | Naples, Sorrento, Capri, FPompell, © us. ¢ og . Vesuvius, Florence, Venice, "Trent, > . | BOOTH & CO. Fp Innsbruck, Munich, the Passion Brey 131 Princess St. : A Grove Inn Yard Phone 183 at Oberammergau, Nuremberg; May- { ' . TV 3k . ; ence, the Rhine, Cologne, Brussels, | (One door below Randolph Hotel) ff | oy . ; Louvain and Ostend, returning \ oe . -- B 1 1 i ous through: London and Liverpool. Rl This exceptional tour starts from J ] DOUBLE DWELLING ON Attacks Montreal on Saturday, June 24th, MONTREAL STREET 4 ily D: calling at Quebec, by the splendid | U y White Star line steamship "Canopig;' | Investment pays 12%. -to Constipation £12,100 tons). A period of approxi- | Double Dwelling on Quebec mately two months will be occupied | Street. Investment pays 12%. ed, by the tour as by the itinerary the x Jou Jriduesd Dy oo return trip is made from Liverpool . pe W. H. GODWIN & SON 'ood waste soft. Doctors by the fine steamship -'"Regina" C t J Real Esta! Insurance | (16,500 tons) arriving at Montreal Ae wag rescribe Nujol hecauie on Aiigust 26th. re onnes, ; 89 Brock Street = Phone 424 this ction Ts do close to "1. The arrangefénts for this tour are Nujol is a lubricant--not 'most complete and the charge which a medicine or laxative-- , is a minimum one, covers everything so cannot gripe. Try it in the way of transportation, hotel today. accommodation with three meals a day, transfers, sight-seeing fees, in brief all necessary travelling ex- penses for the entire tour. Apply to any agent of the Cana- dian National Railways for farther particulars.--Advt. 7a Chintz and Scrims 'DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstafl's Glager Marmalade. Wagstai®s Pincapple Mar nalade. Wagstaf's Bramble Jelly. We also have 'a full line of other reiaible makes of Marnie lades, Jam and Jeilles for sale at-- BON MARCHE GROCERY Cor. hing and Earl Streets License Noi 0-2T140 This is the season to renew your Window Draperies. We have a big variety of all these seasonable Wedding in Near Future. A most interesting event will take place In the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Napanee, probably on Thursday next, at least it will be very goods at very attractive prices. Phone 1844. P . 7 Interesting to two persons, and per- ; Op -- ---- ({ Packing Eggs Yet? furor omar tepirmicn | TARE erates oor ins honeasd (30000) 31 mm an , ' ve v over ti 5 ' . This is the best time to get [fi] of St. John's Church, Kingstord. The Sth nn wo hy 139,000) fies ing SCRIMS from . . . .15¢. a yard up H-- ihe Hreshust ove with the best event is the approaching marriage y 'One ear, ab prov olf mi od of £34, :van 231 Task ' * ' s . . : of the popular young rector of the , Expe s admi season at a RE NNES ¥. i New and Second Hand 8% pasun of Selby, Rev. Theodore cont at rs 3 Bag 2 truly wonderful C TO from 2c. a yard up. . nu Rook=_} ranch, to Miss Isabel Neilson, dau- : : * qT to oo gare oo ghter of Jimes MeCracken, barrigter, We can sell you a brand new model 4:34, five passenger 2 5 ages: seversi tollets, white on each ta. Pant ot Seat, _ Trinidad, British Touring Car at ha. bargain price of $306.00, 41 charges paid. HIN - ; : J 3 basins, electris light uy your Al 'West Indies. The reason for saying No other car on the market A : x ; shades and second-hard Gas from-- r : that the marriage will probably take price. . =. Hag nade such 4 reduction in { . ¢ oo Sqaves on bargain prices. } . place on the 27th is that the bride i Fa * CHR ; , : . oh 1 dE f M. R. McColl is at present on the ocean, and will \ : : | PB : - \ A L & i most likely arrive in Napanee in tie | | ® ® n . 5 Cohen & Co. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST {ffi for the ceremony to take place on'thé |f B OS. >i . a Br his <7 Ontario 8c. Phones 836, sa7 | [fj Cor. Clersy and Princess Sts. [f date anticipated. The brie will be ; | } Phone 191, The Waldron Store. Ef | : sl $ * 4 : 2 the guest of Mr. and Mrs. MeClew, H s - - KINGSTON, ONTARIO Bridge street, prior to the wedding. \\ : : Sapna

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