Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Apr 1922, p. 6

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v THE DAILY BRITISH MONDAY, APRIL 2¢, 1922, BRITISH WHIG! Tw. AN AID TO PROGRESS. of energy. One tube will multiply a BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY w-- | *N ha roduct of man's genius sound ten times, two tubes in sue- o.gthe: 5 GOD'S RESPONSE! -- It | ! ns ly beneficial in so | cession 100 times, three tubes,-1,000 | has proved generally 800s LEowRt wl | : i ays as has the au-|times, etc. Apparently it 1s notimpos- | | . - . { many Sifteren lity of the great- | sible thus to magnify delicate sounds | © by my name, shall humble them- | KINGSTON'S 3 WE AIM TO HAVE { tomobile. It is a utllity o la BOM A selves, and pray, and seek my face, | ONE -PRICE : THE BEST {57 value, a convenience the import- on time. and turn from their wicked ways; | STORE FOR LESS 1 | ance of which cannot be over-estimat-| Present Snforent in hs Je Rs 1s then will I bear from heaven, and | £4, a medium of pleasure and health { limited mainly to its use in that mar- will forgive their sin, and will heal § | vellous new toy, the radio-telephone. hl i 7:14 i ® ° available to a majority of the peo-|Vv® ! { their land. --2 Chronicles 7:14. t | and a spur to gemeral progress. { Without it, broadcasting would ba ne ua e€a y- £3 ear an ! This provinee derives a revenue of | Impossible. It sajches me faint i H - tomes say wom 1 eet. Toon, | ending macron, snd mares (| Walt Mason | Made-to-Measure Clothes tomcbiles, a tidy sum in itself. Then, | 5 : TRAE POET PHILOSOPHER | N| : : {loud and clear as the original sound, n > 1 t ! the amomeblle industry and rela i 1 more so. Its additional possibili- eo A aber | Hos Rive hardly begun fo Ue appre The Killjrs. || vounc mens [SOCIETY BRAND| HATS (ERNIE Ee ¢ . ance in the prpspertiy of the coun (tated. Mr. Hanson uses it in one de- Jim Jacksen has a brand new bus, | SUITS (Finely Tailored) All 1922 styles. They are > 3 9-1 1 1 | { I = ll n try as a whole ¥iid of every commun- vice by which .a yessel can move {that glitters Yn the. sun, snd he's & ; ity in the land. Through the auto- through a crowded harbor in a fog }proud and happy cuss, whene'er he | YOU N'S mobile's development there. havo without a pilot, and in another de- | makes it run. And we might make | First longs smartly : NG ME 4 been created a great variety of new | ce for the use of the deat. If there | him gladder feel if we would bar] . : SUITS demands that make for increased | any power of hearing at all, surely | be kind, and hand him out the sort tailored, honest. fab- i general business. Strike down this person should be able to hear or- | Of spiel that soothes the voter's mind. | rics Sizes 35 to 42. omparativel new industry and ] Alas, we are not built that way, | fi . "" AL So potan such a business teary sensi wuss wasesiod Xo we're stingy with such talk, and when | - New designs and col- The Claude - Etter "ani blight as never has been imagined| .. 10 apie eventually to Ress | 3° 20% & netghbor Sa) 0 vase] : "Th Student" orings, pure wool Our Big Special aanging 12%/ by the most gloomy of pessimists. |. growing and listen to chemi-| 4. cing 1imbs which wearily we oiy. [J] . e Studen fabrics, $3.00 Haslness 0 : The automobile has waked up the |, changes taking place in matter. | ge push ourselves to Netghbor Jim's, | $ 15 00 A . Editorial Rooms ,... country as nothing else has. It ts] And all so simple. 'How many oth- and try to make him cry. We view | . Th i. d le" Job Omice ... . responsible for more public improve- devices, equally simple in con-| his car and shake our heads, and look | . $37.50 a NEW HATS 4 . conan " Published Daily and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING | Co,, LIMITED { i { rh -- SUBSCIIVTION RATES, ments for the common benefit than .(ryction, and with equally, great po- | depressed, and say, "It's all done up One your, in aX + 88.00) anything else. The gradually emers-| tentialfties, await discovery fi thie |in blacks and reds, and makes a ; . we TTS nD." "The Moore" Ouf eax, it paid In Mivance ....3600) 4, 204 roads system of Ontario and | gost few years? brave display; but gingerbread and | The University The Bud One year, by mall to rural offices hv | Ome year, to United States jie other provinces is to be Frediton] } Jajup and bruss dou tinake 3 worthy $25 00 $35.00 "The: Grosvenor" . " , "The Landau' (Semi-Weekly kKditien A : . Ome year, by mail, cash stog| to ft. And, due to the good roads;| e- mpeg 1 y | -- ear, if id in advance $1 grass--the make's an also ran. They | : .s ae ¥ , AN ln, ne . . ne] there is tq be a better teten) ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR say its pistons are of - wood, fits] ' The Buckwood springs won't bear its weight, its | $30 00 N E li h BY SAM HILL * § | generator is no good, its frame is out | ; o> . ew ngs, style. : . of date. You might have bought, 5 "The Regent" Don't miss seemng | Our big Hat Special ea tm tmnt so ts mn ----- | of industries and population, since SVL OE- TORN REPRESENTATIY +i! with motor truck transportation the | i ~ | upon the railreads. smaller price, 'a boat that's better | . Letters to the Editor are published A Safe Bet. far; had you but asked for our ad-| : $27 50 these Suits for they $4 50 : are real beauties. F, Calder, 23 St, Johm St. Montreni| F. W. Thompson ....100 King St. W,| country has become less dependent only over the actual mame of the ~~ = } JEST THEY PORGET. ¥aem Jack of vaint Jia nokge and ear vice, you'd have a better car." And | Joh re ; 80, in our poor foolish way--we are | 'Toronto, -- A --------------------------------- : Attaches i8 ome of the best jon! Figures just made public by a Ger- But since he only can paint one, | print offices im "Oanada. man military statistician give a par<| The house will have to wait but human guys--we try to spoil our | . neighbor's day, and turn his grins to | MEN"S FINE SHIRTS At Less Than Wholesale Price ! ¥ * ; tial answer to some of the protesta- | Eat Tububitaue ne ee : ot hi = d ti h nch del tes t! Observations of eat Inhabitant. sighs. ere always doing ricks | 3 4 The circulation of THE BRITISH fous py tue Frene fe ofates. Ai kin remembar When ine familylpy, pes, and tow down tricks they | Tooke and Arrow Shirts , "Tooke and Arrow: Shirts | | Regular $1:60 and $2.00 value. | The $2.50 range. Sizes 14 to| The regular $2.75 and $3.00 Sizes 14 to 17. 7 i 17. . quality, SALE PRICE 98c. | SALE PRICE ........ $1.88 | SALE PRICE Tooke and Arrow Shirts i 1 WHIG is authenticated by the Genoa. The German killed during | yged to gather around the old organ | . | | . | vening to sing hymns instead | 2Te; and Jackson shudders when he | ABC the war was 1,808,548, or at the rate | in the evening to sees the buneh approach his car. | --WALT MASON. | | | of around a radio amplifiar to listen Audit Bureau of Circulations | of 46 tor every hour of the 51 months : to a Tot of jazz. | and seven days, from the beginning "Mon ey talks and It doesn't need aD | of the struggle to the signing of the Progress of Edueation. armistice. "The world, with all these modern interpreter. ' v . inventions, is better posted than' it | Corner Stone of the New Consolidat- {In the forty-three months Russia waed to he," remarked Bink d. Every man should be on the level, | Was in the war her losses in killed| "'ly =, replied Jinks, "until the] wenpgion April 20. LK, but not a low level, were 1,700,000, or gt a rate of 54 short skirt was invented we thought [gy 0 SE) family have reiared i ---- men every hour. The French loss | only chorus girls had pretty ankles home from Safety Harbor, Florida, No man is successful unless he im- | in killed was 1,400,000, or at a rate| 2nd shapely calves. after spending four months' winter | ~~ proves on luck by changing it to | of 37 every hour. The total losses : There Are Others vacation. Mr and Mrs Harry Shourds | pluck. in killed were 7,668,300, or at the Says old Adam Breede: "You can't | Of Boston,.intend building a fine resi- | ----r------ rate of 207 men every hour, of which | read much without realizing how | dence here, and will reside here in | FR Lenine at Death's Door--headline. | tho Russians contributed 25%. little you know." the future. Norman Clinton, Horme- ee ' i doct il him "Yes, Adam, and sometimes it just ton, spent Easter with his mother, d hi 2 Heres doving the doctors pu + Bad hor te Rusaisns given up shows you how little the other fel- Mrs. Susie Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. ' 4 01 m e e : iil -- IR low knows, too. , Earl Benson, Toronto, spent Easter " 3 Fra with his parents here. John Awre ' ; Some people nine Slgarer' as throw her sacrificed man-power in Xe 10 a Hard Lites is Ra the house with a oy / i : F 1 t sae 4 s SNC some twin the face of the delegates at Genoa. | ie ne a1 Le always have her |illness. Mrs. Victoria Nash is {ll EE umiga ors . ou It might be well for the belligerent way, at her son's home, and her daughter, ; Pre eteeemtode c.g French to remember that 300,000] And vet, 'tis strange-- Mrs. Sands, New York, is nursing 5 pa | 5 1 Sona oe BP oath Bu more Russians were killed in 43] You'll ind she simply hates her | her. Miss Lillie Madden, Toronto, 3 ¢ : f : Petr in vonvenlieut form, oss, Somethin Pp months of war than the French Jost weigh! spent Easter with her sister, Mrs. : No trouble to use. dentist, probably. . in more than 51 months And those : =o lean Lola Best, Mr. and Mrs. Loran ' . : suseeleaning. Best, T . aste f & ig : : Sl Th fest disinf It D'Annunzio is sick, as reported, 1,700,000 Russian peasants perished | Now, Dad, why don't you hurry up, La ae, epen Be LL k P : 1s atts best with new a; ed Sinfectant, iserably, thousands without ar: 'And hang these pictures quick, and % : Kill ke now knows how he has made a| Misera ms, Best. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton, Mor- : : 8 germs. ' And beat e rm and el the » lot of other people feel, that France's life might be spared. n Ee 3, ean den, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, J stock and low prices, . EE -------- Don't tell me you are sick; F. McFaul on Sunday. ! : o ------------ wi . This is @ free country, so it is no A SENSELESS THREAT, T've put away your fishing rod, A. A. Morden laid the corner PA X coupled th the very Kills moths. ualtfications be- | In response to Will H. Hays' die-| Your golf sticks, too, you'll miss: [stone of the mew consolidated school : 2 i in- sign that a man has q tum against the showing o So ekl Just you play falr, and do your share on Satu afternoon. A few ¢ rr. best service obtain . Try them when houseclean- cause he runs for office, ag g of Arbuckle bi rday peo- fiims-comes intimation of am "out.| °C PTO'® oUF WATHeS Bl. alli Plo were present. Mrs. Benjamin ' 4 . able, ing. * | Burley 1s In Torontd visiting her son. d : The man who wants to avert sus-| gw" ti SOE aw" motion picture league compos- -- ' W. G. Essery spent oF at Woo : % Dr Chown's Store picion will let at least one dandelion ed of actors and others exel Daily Sentence Sermon. y RIP (SICIRUER | ie ry or ce rough | S100. Ie pas Hast Boyce, Bel- blossom grow on his front lawn. from the circle of influences that do- ; herd x. leville, were guests of his sister and \ ' Princess Street. Pho minate the industry. The sooner it| = © -- father on Easter. Frank Garrett, 'of 0 TIRE REPAIRS OF yg me 843 -- Every time we gasp with dread to is organized and attem - HB A pts to do Fool Questions. North Bay, made his annual visit to \ -- ues Liesa Soorge Sipping. % devel business the better. Nothing else ~ T. in oy Jngre thet Samany his father and mother's home dur- EAR } ALL KINDS Ops that he Is merely reaching for 8 | 44 under the ban erected by Mr, | chimneys in arent draw 20 (ing Baster. Mr. and' Mrs. George A : better hold. : Hays might do would more certainly | samples of there worrer® """™ "7 [Hubb spent Easter at Mr and Mrs. 78 . THOMAS COP - , | Put them out permanently. ; Ernest Leavens, Oshawa. Harold B, 7d § ' Telephone 987. When a man cranks a Ford in tha: Who besides Arbuckle is at pres. If They're Up to Expects C. King, a former Wellington boy, Guaranteed work. Wanting anything In the ' ' k pres tions, i arth jerky way he's probably' keeping ent under the Motion Picture Pro-| To keep up with the styles, is now employed on the editorial staf tery line. Estimates time to the rh f explosive epi- . As of the N _ Dr. TT OF SSDIOSITS SPU | ducers and Distributors" displeasure , A777 one wow see, rain fl and contned 10 hie pow : primed avication. "03 | thets. is not revealed. . What worthy per- Her skirts up te her knees. Dr. Curry, Picton, was in consulta- former would voluntarily enter his ' tion with Dr, McCullough, on Tues- class? This fellow has been acquitted Encugh's Enough. day, of manslaughter by a jury. He is en- oan we wver hall be able ---- titled to a chance to redeem himself world? : A Fitting Tribute Choice farm of 230 acres on in public opinion and may do 80*by| I don't know, but as far ag IT am | The Farmeis' Sun, Toronto. a y ' . good road in good locality, A fitting tribute to the part that one and one half miles from '| right living. But that is quite a dif- | concerned I will be cemtent to got When a woman tries to do her own , rs work lling kids clinging [ ferent matter from exploiting the |th® Wave lengths from over the |tRIS "old guatd" has played in the | village; about 175 acres under ree yelling kids clinging notoriety he gamed by conduct | C°® Pd ever Will try for those | trustees department was the unani- cultivation; 78 acres of fall to her skirts, you can't expect her hocking : y CL | coming over the Styx." ' mous nomination of J. G. Elliott, of " . - ploughed land; first class bufid- call it a "career." . shocking to a large part of the popu- ---- the Kingston Whig, as president of i ings; well watered; well fenc- ' lace. In time he might "come back." J; A. ¥s Prom Missourt. the O.E.A,, this being the year when 1 ed; plenty of wood for fuel. As we look over the list of those | But he would find very rough travel- | (Adv. in Flannagen, 1, Home-Times) a president for the parent organiza- 4 x owner is unable to work classed as the saviors of civilization, | I"8 In company described as "out. ! tion should come from the trustees' ¥ this farm and is very anxious We can't remember that any of them | law." department. Mr. Elliott has been for ' 3 2 Would sell farm with or wore hoods and bed sheets. A big pecuniary risk would be in- & great many years one of the most Shar AY without stock and implements volved in forcing on the public per- a ntrue unless Re prove loyal 'and hard-working qf those con- h by witness to me that fs sy and if nected with the Satin a B i heli For further particulars ap- , , There seems to be some kind of | formers adjudged by the leaders of |T bees wt any more such talk I win | pele Sugtgen on, An z ply: Jaw against having an adult party | the picture industry as unworthy to | apply the law and make them prove eh the oO hich haa : without. inviting some loud-moutned | be exhibited. The fact that the organ- | ¢fore twelve men. Sttingly Borne aud. rowarced Hie T. J. Lockhart fool who thinks he is witty, ization, of which Mr. Mays is the re- p »= still faithful servi ke --- 88 Brock Street, Ki . ---- : sponsible head, has for its object the : --- a he §9 wh nEvon © Other business may be dll, but [raising of the standard of the in. 'As tight as o drum, After an {liness extending over a We, understand misquitoes Will taka (dustry would stamp such opposition | But how's a drug get tight year, an affection of the heart, Mrs. _ advantage of the style tendencies to|as inimical to public morals. The When there is A0/rum? Dunlop, beloved wife of Gavin Dun- open up new territory this Season. |pedple would not support it. It wou'd : lop, Carleton Place, died on Wednes- | BUNT'S HARDWARE AND rn : 3 WELLINGTON REPORTS. Prevents contagion, Lite will never be comfortable for the pedestrian until he invents some kind of disguise that will make him resemble a tack, EE ------_------ ES --. -- have rough going with the censors. day. Mrs. Dunlop was born at Ken- -+ HAYE Y, COA < Sh. tallow who never does any-; All of its productions would be sus-§th' 1 more, Out, in 1861. E b thing but wish for a vacation should pected, and that part of the public If you and I could run out of debt Increase Ineomé Exempti NOUGH TO LAST? ------ 88 easy as we run in to debt, we; 1 ona. »" : . ' Ottawa, April 24.--That the ex- "Work, but don't worry," the old | could assert our independence often- 1 emption from income tax for each eh RE "shady." Saw says; but some people don't|er. child be made $500 instead of $200 - Olrancellor Wirth is reported to be work, 80 they .take it out in worry- ae & man luck and fling him in : as at present, is the suggestion con- d ted and gloomy over the A WOSDER vos > ne 3 e Sea. Sa. Ba ~ |tained in a resolution placed on the nce conference, probably be- A little oan hyp a . : ---- ee a hrm Cametien ithor i a h hg) od i i 3 -. a csniotin writte: the I : ep rchambault, Li + member 5 reparations are still demanded. tiny pill bottle, which can be carried | on 8 Jaret ber; of for Chambly-Vericheres,: ! > in the vest pocket! Yet many great' | A~--Ralpli Connor, (Rev. Charles mms ---- is a difference of opinion cos- scientists 'have contributed to 1t,| W. Gordon), has written the largest If you get your living in Kingston, a € the things a young gin ought | améng them Edison, Marconi and De | number of popular novels of any [Stand up for the old town. If you 10 know, but an old girl should know | Forest; m than $1,000,000 have i e Canadien writer, starting with | can't do this, go somewhere else and "Black Rock" and the "Sky Pilot." | get your living. _ 'Dater than te act as though she been spent on its development, and doesn't kpow. . it is the subject of several hundred be Rha, rate the Sepuctive lead. : thd patents. There is the transparent] = z Farmers in the United States are tube, -- of air, with a ~ | | alan Tebeilions of 18377 Tho violets make an et- J said to fear the proposed tariff will tungsten wire, a spiral wire, and a fort to bloom 'neath the Wot boost prices of farm products metal plate. A very simple combina-| hurrying wheels of the coal JLhout raking the cost of what | tion, surely. And what will it do? i Sepp Re Wagon wifle -tust nak remember that there must he crea- which sought them would be disap- tion before there can be recreation. | pointed if they were not a bit . PRING is a rather un S certain sort of season. "ify buy. That # to much toex-| It win ply sound as you mul- --Sweet uo 3 . h that let's the fi ' pect even of a tariff, tiply a number, By means of this ; i -- . Phone iT order kd ge tube, says Earl C. Hanson, President ! "Russia bas named its conditiers Harding's voice was multiplied more | ; i : "Of peace.to the Allies," Says one of! than a million times 'when he gave -- ---- . ad ; o $ 2 x Soviet delegates. And those{ nis tnaugaral address. The function Ce : _ & . | . Crawfor Will probably' got. every-fof the tube is to catéh a feeble wr. In Ean AR ach: 1 Gear { or Evans '(right |p Scranton Coal Phone thing. demanded, and be immensely | bration coming to # aver a wire ang Toit they Sgure It out on|pass that vibratfon on, the same fu home, . : | Quality, but with an added volume - @ & 4 5 gi \ 9. Foot of Queen St.

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