THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1922, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ce AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions . -- : ELL IS WORKING *© | J FOR KINGSTON FAIR| SPORTING NEWS : : : GANANOQUE : | Some Person Blundered and He Expects to Secure Special Crafts Being Overhanled. : A Wonder f ul Pair were ¢1-| "Still Case" Did Not Come Railway Rates For the Big | Many of the local boating enthusi- of Floor Brushes t Off. Event. jasts are having their motor-boats, of the |canoes and other watercraft ower- = One waxes and polishes-- The other keeps it spotlessly clean K* There is an old saying about there! Robert 3° usher, secretary-troas- | hauled so as to be ready for the being many a slip between the cup|urer and manager of the Kingston |*UMImer season. A number have al EP your hardwéod floors glistening and spot- lessly clean. Use Boeckh's Floor Waxing Brush and Boeckh's Floor Broom--a wonderful com. bination. {and the lip. Something slipped in! fair, announces that the date set for {ready ventureq out Into the harbor, connection with a case set for hear-| the big évent this year is September | but the air is. still a little cool for ing before Magistrate Farrell, on 19th to the 23rd, .inclusive. He is this sport. Thursday morning, and as a result | making arrangements for the attrac- there was no case. tions and prize lists and planning for The charge of "having a still" |a bigger and better fair than ever. | was preferred against a citizen of | He has tho co-operation of the Retall| Kingston, by License Inspéctor Me-| Merchants' Association and the Board | Bascball and Gridiron. The floor polishing Brush is so easy Cammon, t the accused was con-|of Trade, and a strong drive will be | Malcolm Aldrich, captain of Yale's to rate, because of the extra wide spicuous by his absence' when Mag-|made to keep the fair as Kingston's | [00thall team last fall and one of poli surface. You finish the job in istrate Farrell called the case, and | great attraction before the public | Luis season's baseball nine, will be Lolekes time. It is fitted with a revers- as a result' there was "nothing do-|from the present time on, so that |2Ssistant football coach next fall. e polished handle and ball socket. ing." I psople in the surrounding districts | TRIS 15 in accordance with the cas- Works silently and smoothly. Rubber | guards prevent injury to furniture or may plan to come to Kingston at |{O® inaugurated a year ago when the woodwork, > The floor Broom is made with select- ed bristles. No dust or dirt can escape. As a companion to Boeckh's Floor Pol- isher, Boeckh's Floor Broom is simply ideal. See both at any hardware or gen- eral store. - ON OF PLE IO =e es 1 27.--~The following 2cted to represent the local Oddfellows at the meeting Grand Lodge jn Owen S June: Geo, Baker, H. F. W; don Meggs. Ross Lloyd, Gordon Bates, Jas. Kerr, A. Knig {H. Meggs were elected to represent the local Oddfellows at the t meeting to be held in Gananoque on | May 10th, { Mrs, N. A. Webster has returned home after visiting for the past two | weeks wiht her daughter, Mrs. How-| ard Churchill, {in Montreal. Louis McDonald has returned home from visiting her parents in Athens. | Ernest Grue and Edward McMaster | were in Spencerville yesterday. Ed- To-Night *'Irene." To-night will witness the engage- ment of the perennial wonder of t! musical comedy world, "Irene" at the Grand Opera House. The Vanderb Producing Company again present- ing James Montgomery's delightful musical play, with music by Harry Tiirney. and lyrics by James Mont- gomery, which is in itself a guarantee of the high eétandard of entertaln- ment to be expected. While ""Ircue" is one of those plays which happen in a lifetime wherein a poor com- | pany would appear good and pleas-| ing, 2nd many play brokers made! enticing offers for the road rights, tho original producers have never en- tertained any proposition of this sort, | ward Littlejohn has returned to town Preforring to organize and equipiheir | after a sojourn in Collin's Bay. own companies and keep them under! The Anglican Young People's As-| their personal supervision and con- sociation held on afternoon tea in trol, thus giving an unlimited life to | the Parish House yesterday. Roland the attraction which not only brought | Fair, Kingstoh, was in town yester- them fame and fortune, but establish- | day. * . ed them in thd theatrical world, asa | Myles Smith wag. in Kingston pver firm whose attractions would always | the week-end. A lodge ound 'in 14 list | ALDRICH TO COACH AT YALE. Only Man in Athletic History at \ Mrs Magistrgte Farrell stated that i [football captain returned in that ca- that time. The steady improvement | both a summons and a warrant had | been 'issued in the case, and he was | op the highways and county roads | pacity after graduation. Aldrich ia very much surprised to find that the maka the drive by aiitomobile to |the ODly man in Yale's athletic his warrant had not been executed |y jp real pleasure trip, and | (O77 to captain both the baseball and Provincial Constable Clark left the | pp | expects by that time to |5Tidiron teams. court room quite hurriedly to round- | geeq jal railway rates during | up the victim, fair ! | The stage was all set for the '"Do- 1 _ 'breeders of live stock. dairy » FOR IRISH OLYMPIAD BSL Vel lings" but through some person's cattle, horsos, sheep, pigs and poul- lans for selecting the members of be a welcome visitor to any city, ton, N.Y. 4 tay ok okey, Cony. | blunder they gia not come off. C.iuyare already looking to their stock, jus American ahd Cunedidn teats .theatregoers realizing any produc- over the week-end. A. J. 81 Lora i Webster," was. on: hand to conduet| onl, those intending to enter the (Which will participate in the Irish Ron pues reall ey rods. over ihe we hd 4. Sly, [the prosecution but the "still case" fleld crop competition are setting | Obympic Games in August will be dis- . B 4 be | >» Was a visitor also yesterday. yas just as quiet as its name would cussed this afternoon at a meeting of of the most excellent and wholesome | The. Court of Revision «met yester- | imply. the executive committes recently or Quality. Sas. J use Reynolds presiding. i) Some = "still apparatus" was {ganized in New York to determine bro Bulters ed Sh ldren have £0} | brought into 'the court room but it upon the entries of those atiietes of Walker. The Ladies' Ald of Beit) carried 'out again, when it was Irish extraction in this coumtry and | . > ound that the man charged had not Canada who are eligible to compete { church held a pie social last evening. | put in an appearance in th blessed with an abundance of the " : BL aganes, world's goods when you married her CEE Magistrate Farrell is still waiting The method of selecting the ash- that you own her the same as a piece | CHEESE BOARD OPENING | to hear the 'still case" and Constable letes and the requirements neces- ~ of merchandise? That is the situa-| Whenever you buy a brush, look for the Boar's head trademark. It serves as our guarantee of long service and ab- solute dependability. | NORTH AMERICAN TEAM ' 2 The BOECKH COMPANY, Ltd. Toronto, Canada. Established 1856 BOECKHS GUARANTEED - 4 2 \ BRUSHES aside the best acres fer prize produc- | tion, Mr. Bushell is in daily receipt | of communications asking for infor- mation about the fair, and he is mak- | ing it the chief object of his atten- tien, : NO RAINMAKER FOR SOUTHERN ALBERTA '| Plenty of Moisture So Far This . Year and Farmers Mean to Sow Smaller Agreage. "The Womat Pays." Are you one of those husbands who think, just because your wife was not sary for qualification as « member of the team will be among the matters to be decided at today's session. Clark is on a still hunt for the man o tion in the play, "The Woman Pays," righabginy ' Bats Veen DAK/Es that the Rex Stock Company is play- ing at the Grand Opera House for | the last two days of this week. The | title sounds like heavy drama, but while there are many strong dramatic | situations throughout the play, the E Somedy Clement holds the Jota: and or wo ls, Siaton,_Thuredss aud jo the police station, and the case ot Faye Wintors yo are yale fered. boges sold at 14 a» ty to great advantage in two of the fin. |Sents; the highest price bid. These led it appears that the accused, who . ware secured by George Smith. Lati- . . tas x _ est comedy parts they have played o .| twenty-four years old, was not en- iia segeon, The leading roles sre IR | puced the bid. sm deavoring to evade the law, but he Bho Dar of the succcosta man wir SUSIE, DFOLSE was made aver tho SRPScnd that, Constable Clark wud 3 8 ess { price by two salesmen, who declared | go after him and bring him to tt e pc thinks Lhe '""owns" his wire, in that f nat they were never used fairly last lice court when the case was called. his marriage to her, gave her luxur- {summer, and if it were found that fes that otherwise she would not have! ,, ; i : the at . > had. Zana, as the wire, has a aplen- | "le price this week paid at Brockville did part and brings ro the role some [ond Napanee Yas higher, they would Of the fitest acting of her caress. a 108e boards for the remain- der of the season. John Gibson said that the Kingston board was just as good as any other, and he was sup- 3 ported by R. M. Hamilton, who laid man" has its disadvantages if one |... blame on the salesmen for not boasts of a reputation as the tough- | colli sell the hees » est boy in town. That's the embar- | i air cheese on the board. | The First Sales Were Made on Thursday at Fourteen Cents. Accused Rounded Up. During Thursday forenoon, Provin- The Frontenac C cial Constable Clark placed the ac- : ntenac Cheese Board open Lack under arrest and brought him AQUATIC SPORTS ON JULY 1ST. First Regatta To Be Pulled Off in Twenty-Three Years. ' The officials of the Brockville Rowing Club are making every ef- fort to furnish aquatic fans with one of the greatest programmes of sweep and sr alling races ever pulled off on the S. Lawrence course, opposite the club house, on the morning and evening of Saturday, July 1st, Do- minion day. Not since 1899 has an inter-club regatta been held on the course and this Dominfon Day, when the annual regatta of the Eastern Rowing As- sociation will be held there, lovers of aquatic sport will have every op- portunity to see the pick of Lachine, Ottawa, Brockville and possibly To- ronto crews in action for the hand- some trophies hung, up by the Eas- tern Association. The local oarsmen anticipate taking a prominent part in Lethbridge, Alta, April 37. Sofithern Alberta is going to get along without its famous rainmaker this year. resent indications are that Hatfleld would be superfluous. To date this month there has been 2.17 inches of precipitation at Leth- bridge andrthe average holds good over the whole of the south-western part of the province. Even in the territory where Hatfield endeavored to make the rain fall last summer, around Medicine Hat, there has been almost half as much moisture this month already as was produced un- der the tempting of the clouds by Rainmaker Hatfield during May, June and July last year. Southern Alberta farmers, despite ° 25 A SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF CLOTHES OF QUALITY Will Be With Us This Week Only SPECIAL SALE FREE PANTS WILL BE GIVEN AWAY WITH EVERY, SUIT :- ORDERED MADE-TO-MEASURE--THIS, WEEK ONLY. W. J. ROBERTSON 273 BAGOT STREET NEAR PRINCESS STREET assassin rrs-- mer, 75 boxes, and Elginburg 20, re 'INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Interesting Items Picked Up By Our Busy Reporters, Cornwall is to have a Rotary Club, A young woman, who has been on remand on a charge of vagrancy, was further remanded for a week in po- lice court on Thursday. Charles H. Haystead, formerly in Penrod 1s Original. Belng regardeq as a 'little gentle. | | George Leatherland declared that he rassing situacdion - Penrod Schofield | had to facc when he unintentionally | performec a kindness for one of his | fellow citizens. It was quite all right when elaerly Mrs. Smith called him | a "little gentleman' but when his chums» and playmates echoed the tern. it became unbearable, They maan the mistake of calling him a "little gentleman' right in front of a tank of tar left by the street clean- * fog department and in less than halt & minute it's all over. This is one of the inimitable escapades of "Penrod" Booth Tarkington's boyhood charac- ter whom Marshall Neilan has trans. formed to the ecreen in his latest First National attraction which will open at the Allen Theatre today. Dis proving the countless critics who elaimed it couldn't be done. Mr. Neil- an has taken the episodes of Booth Tarkington's creation and welded them into a coherent screen feature bubbling over with mirth and breath- Ing the spirit. of American boyhood At The Strand. Cecil B. De Mille is one of the big names of a big industry, and' the showing of one of his productions is event in the centre | lost §125 last year on one sale alone by selling at Kingston. "Besides that we were cut four cents a pound jon No. 2 cheese and had to protest to get it fixed at one-half cent, all that should have been cut," he said. Joseph Garrah, president of the board, occupied the chair, and the buyers present were L. W. Murphy, J. Gibson, R. A. Hamilton and George Smith. William Fawcett directed atten- tion to the new government regula- tions regarding the grading and in- spection of cheese for export. There was strong protest against govern- ment interference and the fo'lowing resolution, moved by E. Briceland, seconded by J. Garfah, was passed: "The Frontenac Cheese Board ob- jects to the system of inspection and grading at Montreal by government graders." The secretary was in- structed to send the resolution to Lr, Ruddick. The president introduced Mr. Col- quette; Guelph Agricultural College, who explained the activity of the government in conducting investiga- tions into dairying, the manufacture, of cheese, freight rates, insurance the theatrical business, has furnish- ed the Toronto police with a new cthe in the A. J. Small case. The will case of McCammon vs. McCammon, of Gananoque, will be heard at the supreme court sessions in Brockville next week. An interim injunction has been served on provincial officers, as a re- sult of the sensational seizure of a shipload of liquor at the Belleville docks, last Saturday, whence it was consigned to Mexico City via Oswe- go, N.Y, About twenty-five students attend- ing the school of science at Queen's University have been placed in posi- tions in mines in the northern part of the province. The local office of the Ontario Labor Bureau placed the students. ' The gang of forty men, who have been -working on the new sewer on Dundas street for the past two weeks, was changed on Thursday morning. There are so many who want work that it has been found ne- cessary to work the men in shifts, POKER CASE BEFORE THE DIVISION COURT this fine outlook, are not going to take any chances. They will sow a smaller acreage than for years. They will stick to summer fallow and early spring plowing and make a real effort to farm right. Even the possibility of $1.50 wheat as the result of the every event through lack of work and enthusiasm if some of the splendid challenge cups do not remain in Brockville for the year. and it will not be wheat war in the Chicago pit is not going to shake them from their de- termination to sow a smaller acreage and do it well, Hatfield's $6,000 contract with the ASEBAL SCORES | P HIGH CLASS RINTIN MAY WE HELP YOU WITH YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS? Ring 243 NO JOB TOO SM *"" NO JOB TOO I ARGE Our Prices are United Agricultural SolMety of Medi- cine Hat has been cancelled and the famous towers will not be erected this year, P.W.0.R: PARADE To Take Place Through the Streets Friday Evening. The first public appearance of the 1st Battalion, P.W.O.R., will take place on Friday evening, when the battalion will take a short route route march. The route will be as follows: Montreal, Princess, Welling- ton, West, Kifig, Barrie, Princess, Montreal to the Armguries. All ranks are expected to be on. this parade and to be ready to move off sharp at 8.30 pm. On the return of the bat- International League, Toronto 6, Jersey City 5, Baltimore 16, Buffalo 11, Reading 8, Syracuse 6. Rochester 12, Newark 5, American League. Philadelphia 4, New York 2. Chicago 7, Cleveland 3. Detroit 2, St. Louis 0. Washington 15, Boston 6, National League. Philadelphia 6, New York 4. Brooklyn 10, Boston 1. Cincinnati 3, St. Louis 0. xChicago 4, Pittsburg 3. an THURSDAY LAST DAY The Special Commitiee Ceases which ex-Mayor H. C. Nickle was the chairman, Thursday morning when the last re- llef was handed out to the needy éases. About a month ago it was British Whig Publishing Co. 306-8-10 King St. E. FOR RELIEF GRANTS Its Work--Has Spent About $15,000. | Writing: --Automob Sickness, Plate Glass Burg) Representing Only Reliable Companies A et mts rd. ! | 1} Service PHONE 116 | 24 Hour Day Ser; ice W. KENT MACNE Bank of Commerce Building, Brock King Streets. Phone 701 or 13218 General Insurance Ageney | lle, Fire, Acoident, ary, ete. The unemployment committee, of finished its work on nounced that Thursday, April BARBERS '< an important 27, would be the last day. On Thurs- | day morning, Mrs. John Wright, who has had charge of interviewing peo- ple. and handing out orders for food and coal, dealt with seventy cases. Every person who applied was giv: CHRISTLEY & LAWLESS. Hair Cutting 38s, Next to Sargent's iy and marketing conditions, with a view to reaching accurate figures as to cost. Some forty different kinds of factories were investigated in four districts, Lanark, Prince Edward, Hastings, Stormont and Dundas. Wednesday in Parliament. Ottawa, April 27.--The commons spent yesterday afternoon upon a resolution of T. L. Church (North Toronto) favoring early considera - tion of the St. Lawrence and great talion to the Armouries, Major E. B. Sparks, acting C.0., wil} presew® cer- tificates to the N.C.O.'s who qualified at the Royal Schools of Infantry at Toronto and Montreal during the winter months, where it takes place. To-day the Strand theatre presents what many regard as Cecil B. De Mille's finest achievement, "Fool's Paradise." In . its rich combination of splendor, sen- The Plaintiff Was Not Present and Judge Lavell Dismissed Action. Store * versal serial, Eddie Polo, in "The __ Ing. Buckshot was arrested. al ' penis. £ ~# Death 'of Semator Thompson, sation and sentiment, nothing more masterly has been achieved™by this master director. The reckless, rollick- ing life of a Mexican oil town, the | Oriental glamor of Siam with its wonderful temples and strange cus- toms, a variety of scenes and settings unsurpassed in screen history, many kinds of fierce and beautiful animals and birds, the curious characteris- tics and ways of humanity in differ- ent parts of the world--all these form the frame for the wonderful love story of a blind poet, whose pas- sion and affliction together were the cause of strange adventures. As a feast for the eye , apart from the| commanding interest of the story, "Fool's Paradise," is an outstanding 'plece of entertainment. The story was suggested by Lestiard Merrick's "The Laurels and the Lady," which is sufficient evidence of its grip and originality. Followers of serials will + be glad to know that the great Uni- Becret Four," will open at the Strand today. This remarkable chap- ter play is one of the strongest and most elaborate ever produced, and it forms a connected series of films which will give an added pleasure to film fans who make a point of regu- lar attendance. * Indian Shoots Brother. : Bryson, April 27. -- An Indlap mamed Buckshot is alleged to hava shot and killed his brother at Rapid Des Joachims early yesterday morn- Ottawa, April 27.--Senator Fred- erick P. Thompson, Fredericton, N.B.,.dled in St. Luke's Hospital at * four o'clock this morning, after a 1915 to 1916, was expected to arrive du the city late this afternoon. They desired to know which type of factory was giving the best results to the patrons. The information would be placed before the farmers and it was for them to choose how thev would market their cheese. It was the function of the government to do this work, but mot to interfere with production and sales, But the marketing of cheese is mow being given close attention, and govern- ment regulations are being enforced. Mr. Pillar replied on behalf of the board. He sald he felt that the far- mers would bé more interested if the government cowld tell them how they could get more money at the selling end. They knew all about the cost of production, but there was too great disparity between the fac- tory and the retail selling price. "I don's see why we should have to tol- erate the restrictions being placed upon us. We used to be able to sel our cheese to buyers direct upon their grading and inspection." Mr, Colquette replied that there was no interference with the selling of cheese, but the government de- vised regulations fn the interest of th industry, and it was collecting in- formation for the benefit of the stu- dents of the agriculture college who desired to know what the production costs were. William Fawcett asked if they were to be compelled to sell through the co-operative system ,and Mr. Col- quette, said "No." City Assessor Begins Outside Work on Monday| On Monday, May 1st, City Asses sor Mooers, with his assistant, W. D. Dick, and two clerks, will begin the assessment for 1923. The work will A rather peculiar case was slated for the hearing of the Division court at the court house on Tuesday morn- ing last. The action was brought by | Louis Martin against L. C. Neilson. The sum involved was $9, When the case was called, Judge H. A. Lavell found that the plaintiff was unable to attend the hearing and the action was dismissed. The trouble arose over two unpaid cheques payables to one Spencer. Martin was the third party in the case, and it {is under- stood that the cheques had been turned over to him by Spencer. The defendant disputed the claim on the grounds that the two cheques' were given in payment for stacks of chips in a poker game, and also that when he gave the cheques he was under the influence of liquor. Who is x TR superintendent now Algoncuin ark ows the retire- ment of G. W. Bartlett on the last two years Mr. MI inep ctor of national parks. His pres- Jot Appointment is of & temporary uA- Ure. 5 te | "Every Canadian Boy a Swimmer." After the battalion has been ais- missed there will be a meeting of all N.C.0.'s in the men's assembly room, when a matter of special interest will be laid before them, The galleries are being reserved for the gemeral public nd it is re. quested that they take advantage of this opportunity, but are specially invited to use the galleries so that the floor may be kept clear for ma- nouvre. A short meeting of the officers will take place in the mess rooms imme- diately after parade. The companies will form up on their private parades and move to thei place in the mass as detailed and carried out on the battalion parade, Friday, 21st. The baseball match between "A" Company and "The Drums" takes place at the conclusion of this par- ade, ! To Teach Boys to Swim. . The Y.M.C.A, authorities are now making plans by which every school boy in Kingston will be given in- struction in the art of swimming, the campaign being staged during the last week in May. This is in ac- cord with the nation-wide campaign of the various branches of the asso- ciation in Canada, and their slogan is This system will be practised in for- ty "Y" swimming tanks during May. Want Scven Riveters. On Thursday morning the local office of the Ontario Government employment bureau received a re- quest from a manufacturing concern in Chatham for seven expert riveters, There will be no trouble in filling the positions on account of so many ex- pert mechanics being out of work here, The Baker residence on Pridge Etreet east, Belleville, has been pur- chased by John Dewney. waterways project. senate on the League of Nations. The senate asked for more information regarding the appointment of an ad- ditional judge for the supreme court of Saskatchewan. Contracts for Fleet Let, Washifigton have been let for a fleet of fast mot- or boats to be operated on the De- troit river against smuggling, it was announced hers today. > honest cost accounting on the part of the Hydro Commission's neat New York consulting . nent New York onsulting engineer, testified before counts committee nada's Favor te. Pipe Tobacc en Sir George Foster spoke in the ou ed TO STOP RIVER SMUGGLING tw do Announces. Washington, April 27.--Contracts a concerted drive border . liquor in Canadian $6 1 2] Repudiating all inferences of dis- Chippawa the Public Ac- of the legislatur C tee has been fourteen and fifteen thousand dol- lars worth of relief has been given fund amounting to $6,800. eity council will be refunded by the grants. for the week ending April 27, 1922, were: $633,111.52; terview, Lord Shaughnessy presses the sincere hope that British parliament will recognize the soundness of Canada's position with regard to the embargo against Cana- the last order for this spring. During the time that the commit- operating, between 19 Montreal 8t. t. Of that sum the city council vot- about $8,000 and the Kiwanis ). About o+-thirds of the money spent by the minfon and provinelal government " Bank Clearings Improving. Total bank clearings at Kingston previous week, 17,834.53; week 1921, $784, 0.46. Lord Shaughnessy's Hope, London, April 27.--In a Times in- ex- the ¢