uccessors to Wm. Davies Co. 272 PRINCESS STREET licUtilities - .- » . Y JOUR REAL PORK PIES 'Phone 597 Different and Better VICTORY Pork & Beans 8c. EACH 14 size 28c. 3 size 25c¢. BEEF! BEEF! BEEF! : (Government inspected) : = want the people to know that they can get a ipod Beef Steak or Roast cut from prime Western 4 OU or it. i Men ender Shoulder Roasts|Choice Short Rib Heef.......123c.1b.! Roasts . .. . .16¢c. Ib. ender Blade Roasts|Finest Prime Rib Roasts Beef ...... ..15¢.1b. Rump Roasts Beef ere hid 180 1b. VEAL--FRESH, CHOICE MILK-FED VEAL ! Splendid quality of Veal to cut up for Saturday's selling. Remember when you purchase Veal at Martin's you take no chance on quality, as we sell gonly the best. | BACON--Delicious and Satisfying_BACON PICKLES (In bulk) Sour Mixed . . 35¢. quart CHOW CHOW 20c. a Pint Back Bacon (unsmoked) specially sliced 35c¢ Ib. Hams--smoked and mild cured . .......35¢. 1b. (Whole or half Ham. A. MARTIN, Limited James R. Baboock passed away on Wednesday after a serious illness of six weeks at his home in Rossmore. He was born in the county of Prince Edward and spent his entire life there. He was "sixty-nine years of age. He followed the occupation of farmer. Boneless Stewing Beef 12%c. Ib. * esa on B neless Breakfast Ba- con, machine sliced sass nave." .32¢c. 1b. Picnic Hams (unsmok- Red) .........22.1h Le BUTTER Dairy Prints--Special for Saturday ..35c. Ib. A pretty wedding was celebrated E the home of Willlam A. Reid, of Sidney township, on April h, when - their daughter, Mary ha, was united in the holy bonds | matrimony to Ausbert Hitchie, In of Mr, and Mrs. 8. T. Ketoheson, 5 Did You Ever | Realize.How Many . Things There Are In The Junior British | HERE IS A (There Is Something Diff erent Every Pirates' Cave Stories Adventure! The "Pirate Six" meets in The Cave every Saturday ind Al Stubbs, the Scribe, is there to record the doings. Plenty of thrills, e Organize a ing. Things To Make and Do Articles every week that tell about new . toys you can build, new games to play, new kinds of parties to give, new ways of mak- ing pocket money. every day. . One Reel Yarns Sports The shirtest short stories for older boys and girls. You can read one in less than "fifteen minutes. Poems, Puzzles, Jokes The kind of petry you ike, be- 'cause it is about the things you ° do; pussies that whet the "detec- tive" in you; jokes that are sure to make you laugh. New features will be added to this list almost every week during Spring' and Summer. , Watch for them. ef at Martin's without paying outlandish prices | COST OF MAKING CHEESE |All Frontenac County Factor- ies Are Upon the Same Basis. {on Tuesday, the cost of manufectur- ing cheese was discussed and it tran- i spired that allf factories were upon | the same . The maker is paid {two and ome-half cents per pound. | {It he is also the proprietor of the factory, he pays for the making, pays | the salesman and buys the supplies. | | The cost of operating Latimer fac- tory last season was $2,465, and of { Thousand Islands $2,200. Different | arrangements exist between patrons | {and factories. For instance, at some | places the patrons accept sixty-five | | cents per hundred pounds for the imilk and their share of the butter | manufactuped. Glenburnie factory |1s operated on this system at present. out of the wofk. i | wage factory, they are | patrons own dhe {able to get a little more money, but | {this depends upon the efficiency of | the maker and his trustworthiness. | The marketing of the cheese is the | greatest problem, for while they know exactly what the production {cost is per one hundred pounds of 23c. Ib, [Sout ie they are not satisfled with | At the Frontenac Cheese Board | ' THE DAILY BRITISH CANADIAN PACIFIC. | Alterations in Train Service, Effec- | tive April 30th, 1922, | Effective above date, trains will |arrive at and depart from Kingston as follows: Train No. 618 from Sharbot Lake will arrive at 7.45 a.m. | will leave at 10.20 a.m. Train No. 613 for |Sharbot Lake and Renfrew, will {leave at 11.45 a.m. | Train No. 612 from Renfrew, Shar- bot Lake and Tichborne will arrive jat 3.30 p.m. Train No. 615 leave at 4.15 p.m. | Train No. 614 from Sharbot Lake | will arrive at 5.05 p.m. Train No. 616 from Tichborne will arrive at 7.35 p.m. | Train No. 617 for | will leave at 10.30 p.m. All trains operate for Tichborne will Sharbot Lake on standard cheese maker gets only a fair | Where the | | | { | ithe difference in prices at the var- | | lous boards 'by which a neighboring | factory may get a higher price, for | | which there is no reason whatever. | {| They want the same price to be paid | {at all boards during any one week. | ------------------------------ {| AM gates open to the bold i ~~ '" LIVER TROUBLE Bad Bilious Attacks When your liver becomes sluggish and inactive your whole health suf- fers. Your bowels become constipal- ed, the tongue coated, the breath bad, the stomach foul and sick, and liver holding back the bile which is 80 essential to promote the movement of the bowels, and the bile gets into the blood, instead of passing out through the usual channel. The only way to keep the liver ac- tive aud working properly, and thus get rid of the nasty bilious attacks, is to keep the bowels regular by us- ing MILBURN'S . LAXA-LIVER PILLS They arn purely vegetable, small and easy to take, work smoothly and gently, and there is nothing of the griping, weakening and sickening ef- fects of the old-fashioned purgatives. Mr. John 8. Caron, Donavon, Sask., writes:--"I was troubled with, my liver and had severe bilious attacks. Laxa-Liver Pills, so I took two vials and I have had no more attacks." "TU UMILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS ° are 26c. a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to, Ont. Ee ------A AA AAA AAA AA AA AAA AAA AAA AANA A ---------------------------------- Wig? LIST OF THE BIG, LIVE-WIRE FEATURES OFFERED YOU EACH WEEK : - Day) Home Talent Plays club and put on a show every week. Besides being suitable for you to stage, Home Talent plays make good read." Cartoons Drawn by boy cartoonists who know what other boys and girls like in pictures. Their drawings are about the very things you do' Good tips on camping, hiking, cycling, skat- ing, tennis, rowing--all the sports in sea- son. Advice from experts.' |] Today's Boys' and Girle' Newspaper is a good one. Read it and get your best pal to read it. bilious spells occur on account of the | A friend advised me to try Milburn's CAPT. HARRY C. G. MILLS A cousin of Lord Lascelles, who has come to America to find some excite- ment. Ie Will do aeroplane stunts for a movie concern, ELECT EDDIE GRAND ROTARY PRESIDENT The Ottawa Club Reviews Year of Activity at Annual Meeting. Rotarian 'Eddie Grand, vice-presi- dent of the Rotary "lub of Ottawa, was elected president of the club at its annual meeting AMlonday afternoon in the Chateau Léfrier, in succession to Major Fred D. Burpee. Mr. Grand as one of the organizers of the Ot- wa Rotary olub and served as its secretary-treasurer during the first year, after which he became a direc- tor and eventually vice-president. His election proved to be very popu- lar. Rotarian Jack Allen, a director of the club last year, was the choice for the vice-presidency and the fol- lowing 'were elected as the board of directors for .the ensuing year: Ro- {tarlans Jack Allen, Bob Cameton, Ainslie Greene and John Announcement was made by that Barry Foster, Stiles, the retiring presidemt Germa as secretary of the club and a new official will be belected at a meeting of directors, ---------------- F. W. WEGENAST 'Toronto barrister, who has bee pointed secretary and legal adviser of the commission which will investigate Chippawa-Queenston Hydro canal costs. | ---- n ap- ------------ Against lies, calumnies, ete, digni- ty is the only weapon. Never let any one see that anything said by an enemy has touched you--in short, act as if you did not dream you had any enemies. » : Tichberne, i |Eddie Grand, Karl Conger, Norman | would be unable to continue | WHIG. : | | | Train No. 611 for Sharbot Lake | | | | i | | J i ! | | HERE IS SURELY Great Value A Three-Piece Suit of All-Wool Fabrics in Many Styles and Patterns. YOUR CHOICE ~ These Are Typical Examples of the Splendid Values We Are Offer ing in Men's Clothing | Better Materials, Low Prices and Smart Styles L. Abramson Store Hires Street | Rallway For a Day! | | Saskatoon, Sask., April 28.--In order to celebrate the opening of the Hudson's Bay store here on Mon- day, the company has chartered the entire street. raflway system for the day, from nine o'clock in the morn- ing until six o'clock in the evening, and all citizens of Saskatoon will be enabled to ride free for the occa- sion, A -------- Lavant Station Items, April' 24.--Miss Hazel Ferguson spent Easter vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Burke, Sharbot Lake. W. Fleming, Elgin, teacher, has re- turned to resume his duties, school having been closed on account of | diphtheria in the vicinity. Mr. and | Mrs. Thomas Sproule spent Sunday at the home of William McDougall. The roads, owing to the recent heavy rains, are being repaired under the supervisilon of Robert Barr. N. 8 Lee and D. G. Well, Lanark wera week-end visitors at Thomas e's Samuel Allen is.recovering from an attack of pleuro-pneumonia J. D. Flake is in Perth on business. Fallbrook News, April 25.--L. G: McKerracher re- turned to Toronto today. Mrs. Pet- er McDonald is improving, Rev. Mr Casewell held service in the Method- ist church in Playfairville on Sunday evening. Mr. Orser has closed his "Where the Men Shop" 336 PRINCESS STREET A Briscoe Opportunity There are several Briscoe Cars in Service in this vi that have travelled over thirty thousand (30,000) miles and still running well, * 4-34, ran all last season at a admit it has a truly wonderful One car, an improved model cost of 2%c. per mile. Experts motor: Owners are enthusiastic. We can sell you a brand new model 4-34, five passenge Touring Car at the bargain price of $995.00. Al in gu No other car on the market has made such a reduction in ANGLIN BROS. GARAGE, BAY STREET - - KINGSTON, ONTARIO mine down and moved to Maberly for a time. Robert Moffatt returned to Hamilton today. Miss McMullen returned to her school today. The senior room of the school received a coat of paint in the holidays. Sood nature is generally born with us, Health, prosperity and kind treat- ment from the world are great cher- ishers of it where they find it, but nothing is capable of forcing it up where it does not grow of itself. It is one of the blessings of a happy con- stitution, which education may im- prove, but not produce. : The wise man is never behind time, 'Tender Gums --A Warning Beware of tenderness that warns of Pyorthea, Four out of five people over forty have Pyorrhea-- many under forty, also. Loosening teeth indicate Pyorrhea. Bleeding gums, too. Remember-- these in. flamed, blosding Fame 32 24 30 wany Joctwaye foe § fun 3 1 . ys or tonsi sel Forhan's positively prevents Pyorthes, if used in the teeth become firmer. x the Brush your teeth with Forhan® It cleans the teeth scientifically--Lkeeps them white and clean.