FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1022, Suits For Saturday Our window display of these Suits will give an idea of the values we are offering for Saturday. All Suits tailor- ed by Semi-Ready. | All colors and sizes, George VanHorne's Phone 362w. 213 Princess Street. 'A Polychrome Consol Sets These sets comprise a FRUIT BOWL and a PAIR OF CAN- DLE-STICKS-- makes a very suitable gift for the Buffet. DAY could be a bigger event if some people were to get Glasses to make their vis- | 'jon normal and relieve £ye strains. Think about] . Then consult: dd. They are finished in Bright Gilt and Silver Grey, and are priced at -- $10 a set Registered Optometrist 140 Wellingtor St. | Opp. Post Office -- Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 Princess Street, Kingston TEN ROOMED CEMENT BLOCK HOUSE with garage, on corner of Patrick and Charles streets, for sale or to let. Immediate possession. Apply: Dr. DENTAL PARLORS 183 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON "Kingston Cement Products H. F. NORMAN, Manager OFFICE: 60 Patrick Street Phone 7380w. AN Ht ANN Nt ats Character is what you are--repu- tation is what you try to make peo- ple think you are. To know anything about one's self one must know all about others. We specialize on Painless Extraction, Latest Pyorrhea Treatmemt and X-Ray work. OPEN STOCK PATTERNS 'in DINNER WARE We are now able to supply our customers with ROYAL MILTON ROYAL ANESLEY FLORES GOLDENA These are all Johnson Bros. goods, which means the BEST. Come in and sort up with what you need. Robertson's Limited 73 Princess St. SPECIAL y " Women's Brown Calf Oxfords and Strap Slippers, perforated toe caps and low heels. Women's Black Kid Pumps and Oxfords "in odd sizes. : TOCLEAR.............. $3.75 Allan M. Reid SHOE STORE TH E DAILY BRITI Lady Astor, right and her sfter, Mrs. Charles Dana Gib- son of New York. WOLFE ISLAND TIDINGS Cheese Factories Opening-- | --Mr. and Mrs. William Keys Go To Bath. 1 Wolfe Island, April 26.--Frank | Briceland, Kingston, has done a | rushing business in cattle and hogs {since the opening of navigation. | Some of the farmers have commenec- {ed seeding. William "Weir has pur- chased a new Ford coupe. H. Hinck- bey is improving his water front by !adding a wharf and basin for his | small boats. William Keys has purchased the farm consisting of one hundred and jacyenteen acres from Mr. Mallow, { Kingston. The farm lies five miles | from Bath. Mr. and Mrs. Keys were very obliging and good neighbors al- {ways ready to give a helping hand |to the needy. | missed in the community where they {Hved. Duff Cosgrove has returned from | | Toronto where he went to attend the teachers' convention. James Russell is giving his house a fresh coat of Lat J. B. Grant has purchased | | James Stevenson's house and lot in the village. | 'John Weir has returned from To- | ronto where he went to interview the | minister of education in view of op ening the continuation school here Father Scott, Kingston, conducted the. services in the Catholic church on Sunday. Rev. Father Fleming was slightly indisposed. Leonard McGlynn has gone to Ro- chester where . he lucrative position. has gone to Buffalo upper lakes. Thomas Flynn has re- turned from Watertown aftep-spena- ing the past two months with rela- tives accompanied by his son John. Mrs. Rodney Moore, Cape Vincent. N.Y., and Willie and his sister Laura | | Moore, who have been visiting rela tives here, had returned home Sedo Eccles is painting Mr. King's summer cottage here, farmers are starting to plough. The condition of Mr. C. Pyke remains about the same. The Ontario and Wolfe Islanc chéese factories will open the first of May, E. A. Smythe will make former factory and John O'Shea, pro- | prietor of the latter, will make for | his patrons. Harold Burke has purchased the | St. Lawrence cheese factory. He has | had it remodelled and fitted out with | the latest improvements. John Smith | has been engaged as maker. Frank | Creamer, Kingston, spent Wednes- | day here. Mrs, Jas. Stevenson spent a day here this week. --emain George Russell Delco-Light for Battersea. 8. J. Lake, the popular hotelman, is installing a Delco light in his hotel and, no doubt, will receive a great deal of comment from the travelling public and also from his American tourists this season. Mr. Lake js to be congratulated on his progressive nees. None are so unreasonable as those who always exact reasonableness. The man who deserves success is the only one who can afford to lose it. to Grow I Sin Sin! Nothing is more ------------ than the Buman skin. It breathes through tiny - mouths called pores If it is kept whole and strong it improves the entire . bodily health. Those who know most about the com- plex structure of the skin appreciate the care that must be taken in deciding what is the safest, purest and best dressing to apply in time of accident or disease. Mauch 'scientific thought and experi- ment was ex in the search for an ideal natural ing substance diol it has actually been found at last, in Nature's storehouse of medicinal herbs. Never in the world's history has there been another preparation like zam buk, Amongst other virtues, it ses that rare quality of actually growihg new skin in Nature's own way. it power in ing that h hurts, whilst tally and in action ointments, zam-buk is fats and mineral com- 3 ee which the skin cannot They will be greatly | has received a | to sail on'the | A number of | for the | A MIRACLE BEFORE YOUR EYES... Jland of her adoption as in that of "FRENE' AT THE GRAND, | -- | Miss Irene Dunne in Leading Role Is a Fine Actress. | Heralded as the most talked of musical play of both continents, | "Irene", was presented at the Grand on Thursday night, large audience. 'Irene' is a masi-| cal comedy quite out of the ordin-| ary, It is of the refined type and most delightful. Miss Irene Dunne, in the leading role, is a fine actress, and the sup-| porting cast is an excellent one. In the role of Irene O'Dare, Miss Dunne is all that could be desired. She is| pretty and graceful, and carries out her part with a 'finished touch that | is most pleasing. Her singing is | [sweet and her rendition of that ever- | popular song, 'My Alice Blue Gown," {was indeed a rare treat. Rollin { Grimes, in the role of Donald Mar- | shall, the romantic lover, was most | | fascinating. He ably fills the part of the millionaire who falls in love t first sight with Irene, of the ten-| ments. To Charles Jerome 'Mas- | |singer goes the honor of being one] fof the best singers in the company. | | His singjpg with Miss Dunne of the | 'Charming to Love You," was the | musical hit of the evening. As Mme. IL ucy, Busby Berkley gave an admir- | |able performance, He is a finished | |comedian, and as' the man-dresser, | put over some great flattery. He is la graceful dancer too. The 'Mrs. !O'Dare'" of Beatrice Belnap, "Bel le truly Irish and very funny. 'To Be Worthy of You," "To Love You,""| and "There's Something in the Air," and "Sky Rocket" are choice | numbers. { The staging and costumes call for | special mention. There is a grand | array of gowns, wraps, and hats, and | [for the women folk especially this |was a big show in itself. . There is| [style and fashion up to the minute. | The lighting also calls for special] | commendation. And there is a won-| {derful transformation from the lux- {ury and miftonaire "Surburba" to |tenement "land in West Side, New | York. The entire production is clean and wholesome, and truly al wonderful performance. The com-| pany has i#s own orchestra. | | BRANCH-McURACKEN WEDDING Miss Isabel McCracken Napanee to the Rector of Selby | Married at | { (Special to«The Whig) | | Napanee, April 27.--At the Church | of St, Mary Magdalene, Napanee, this | afternoon a most {interesting cere- | mony took place when the Rector of Selby, Rev. Theodore Brand, | united in the Holy Bonds of matri-| mony to Miss Isabel Neilson McCrac- | ken, daughter of Mr. James E. Mc- Cracken of Port of Spain, Trinidad, B. W. G. by the Rev. J. H. H. Cole- | man, M. A., Vicar of Napanee, The church was well-filled with well- wishers and friends of the young couple; from Selby, Kingsford, Nap- anee and other places, The ceremony commenced prompt- ly at 4 o'clock when the bride, on the | arm of Mr. Gilbert C. Dicks, of Bir-| mingham, England, representative | for the bride's father and supported | by Miss Boyd of Selby, as bridesmaid, | proceeded down the centré aisle and | were met at the chancel rail by the bridegroom, ably supported by Mr. Harry Edgar, of Selby; as grooms- man, The Vicar conducted the beautiful marriage service in his usual and ef- fective manner, and the music was splendidly rendered and reflects the greatest of prong on organist and choir. The bride entered the church to the strains of Mendelsshn's wedd- ing march, The hymns sung were beautiful and appropriate the first being, "The Voice that Breathed O'er Eden' and the other, "OQ Perfect Love." After the benediction the happy couple left the church to the exquisite music of "Lohengrin"s Bri- dal March." The bride indeed looked charming | and one would never have guessed by looking 'at her that only two days ago she had landed on Canada's shores, at St, John, N.B., after a sev- eriteen days voyage across the ocean from the far-off Island of Trinidad. She was gowned in a handsome smoke charmeuse frock and wore a most becoming hat of a lovely shade of green trimmed with smoke and orange. The bridesmaid looked sweet in a most fetching and beautiful dress of white silk and wore a large lace hat which just completed the pretty picture, The groom's present to the bride was a fine pearl crescent; to the! bridesmaid a goid bar pin set with! pearls; and to W. Gilbew C. Dicks, | a suitably engraved goid rist-watch | The flowers on the altar were beau- tiful specimens of Calla Lillies. The bride was the recipient of many handsome, beautiful, useful and valuable presents. We predict! for her as great popularity in the her birth. Ag for the groom little need be | said as to the brightness of his future and delighted a | SH WHIG. Trunks Bags Abernethy's Suit Cases A shipment of good Trunks has just arrived. We can give you real good Trunks-at $15.00, $20 and up to $29.50. TRAVELLING BAGS SUIT CASES from & $10, $13.50 to $40 Miia. S2upto $25 Shoe Store Coffee and Cocoa If you want the BEST in above lines you can get it at-- Pickering's Se Choice Western Beef .Be. 1b, 8c. to 10c. Pork, all Co ornéd Beef Stewing Cuts Choice Veal, Lamb, kinds of Smoked Bacon-- all | kinds of Canned Goods. 1 | | .43c. * Ib. Choice Creamery Butter . Drippings Lipton's Jelly Powders-- 8 packages for 25c¢. Quick's | Western Meat Market 112 Clergy St. Phone 2011. A A A oi INSURANCE What It Will Do For Your Business The success of your business and the livelihood of the many dependent on it may due largely to your ability and energy as the guiding head. It would be wisdom for the Company to be protect itself against your sud- den death by taking out Insurance on your life . removal through payable to the Company-- the money from the Insurance to be used to tide the enterprise over the perilous re-adjustment per- tod. Let us explain the many as- pects of business Insurance. S. Roughton Phone 810. 60 Brock St, Kingston {ed before the guests departed, Mrs. ~ Prospects now that he will have the ---- NNN Nit aid of such a valuable and charming helpmate, In the six months that he has been incumbent of the parish of Selby he has endeared himself to his parishioners, the services have been better attended than ever before, a greater number of communicants, and more hearty interest evinced in, the work of the church,/In addition | to his populatity and undoubted abi- lity both as a parish worker and a preacher, he has whatever advantage that accrues to heredity; his father is Archdeavon Branch of St. John's, Antigua, his grandfather was the late Bishop Branch of the Diocese of Antigua, and his uncle the Most Rev. | Edward Hutson is Archbishop of the, West India. A long, useful and happy life is the | wish of a host of friends for the young people who have now combin- ed forces to combat the world, the flesh and the devil. ------------------ Spent Pleasant Time, A pleasant time was spent on!' Thursday evening at the home of Rev. A. 8. and Mrs. Duncan, 158 Frontenac stree¥, where about twen- ty-five of the young people of Dethel church gathered to "shower" the) happy couple and extend their eon- | gratulations. A social hour was spent together and refreshments were serv- | Duncan was « formerly Miss Alice Moxley of this city. Convict Competes, i Among the pumerous posters re-| ceived by the Toronto Humane So-| ciety for their prize contest, is one | drawn by an inmate of Portsmouth | penitentiary. It will compete in the | open class. i Use not today what you know to- | i morrow will need. » Attractive Furniture Opportunities For Every Home and Room 1100 PURE FELT MATTRESSES -- we will place on sale next week One Hundred Mattresses made of pure felt, covered in Art Fancy Ticking | Ask for Simmons' White Label. Only. $10.75 James Reid, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER --Phone 147 for Service. 7 ee ------, Announcement to Ice Cream Dealers 3 Masoud's plant is now running full capacity 'and we are able to supply all Ice Cream Dealers with the same delicious flavors and the" same quality as before, : Geo. Masoud 238 Princess Street Fo THE "TROUBADOUR" MODEL Tinstrated above, will give you an idea of the wonder ful values in these instrmmnents. ' The "Troubadour" is a full size Cabinet Model, fitted with Automatic Stop, plays all Records, has exception- ally fine, silent Motor with Spring, guaranteed for two years, and of extri fine finish, at the low price of-- $160 EASY TEEKMS ARRANGED = vv ren ~ Sea IrITED 121 PRINCESS STREEY KINGYTOUN