Daily British Whig (1850), 8 May 1922, p. 9

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SATURDAY, MAY 6, 122, ins BUY KINGSTON MADE PRODUCTS BEAVER price. "SEE US FIRST." 1 7 BRAND HARDWOOD FLOORING Quarter Cut White Oak, plain Red Oak, Clear and No. 1 grades, also Maple, Birch and Beech. We have just the right kind at the right ALLAN LUMBER CO. PHONE 1042, SUCCEED WITH K - - - - - PHONE 38 Bc. SMOKE PEEL CIGAR Bec. McGOWAN CIGAR CO. THOS. G. BISHOP ENGINEER AND MACHINIST Brass and Iron Castings, Electric and Oxy-Acetyleme Welding Corner King and Queen Streets \ Phone 396w. 159 r LEE 'GEO. A. BATEMAN REAL ESTATE J Wellington, BRITISH AMERICAN HOTEL Special Sunday Dinner Served From 1 te 2.80. Price TGe. ERLE R. ASHLEY, Proprietor. POCKET AND PEN C, A. Eaton, Gen. Mgr. Ki Canada Cutlery Co.) Limited Manufacturers of KNIVES mguton, Ont i N GARAGE QENERAL REPAIRS E. B. EDWARDS Phone 3348w. / | 84634 Princess se. a { YOUR DOCTOR'S DISPENSED PRESCRIP- ) TIONS ACCURATELY M. R. McCOLL YOUR DRUGGIST Cor, Clergy and Princess Streets J Yr UAILY menor -- J. R. C. DOBBS MOVES ~~ 10 LARGER GUARTERS Now Located at 44 Clarence Street, Directly Opposite | Former 8tand. Another business change of gen- {eral interest coincidental with May {Day Was the change made by the J. |R. C. Dobbs Company from the prem Ises at 41 Clarence street to larger and more suitable rooms.at 44 Olar- ence street, directly across the street, in the office formerly occupied by the lato Howard 8. Folger. The new [ place, besides presenting a much bet- {ter appearance, offers larger acoom- |modations than the former one, and |1s much more desirable in every way. A curious feature of the change {1s the fact that in the year 1896 Mr. Dobbs occupied the same place which he has now taken over, and was in the bicycle business there, so that it Is somewhat of a "back to the old i situation. | J. R. C. Dobbs & Company handle | typewriters, speclalizing in the Un- |derwood Models, Dalton Adding Ma- | chines, Dalton Adding and Listing | Machines, duplicators, Cadillac Va- cuum Cleaners, Chamberlain Metal | weather strips for doors and win- dows, Globe-Wernicke files, Bling | cabinets and other office fixtures, and accessories for all these things. They | #lso handle fire and accident insur- | ance. "Typewriter Headquarters" is an apt name for the Pobbs establish- ment. The experts employed there i | * as stoutly as you can, without BUSINESS GROWING DAILY George Masoud's Wholesale ce Cream Trade Enlarges. z With the enlarged capacity of his plant and the preparations made to accommodate orders from any part of the country, George Masoud finds that his wholesale ice-cream business is daily growing and that the retail- ers around the adjacent counties are more and more realizing that it is foolishness to pay high prices for ice-cream and to have it shipped for such long distances, when they can get more prompt service from King- ston by means of Masoud's big fac- tory. All over the country-side, in groe- ery stores, general stores, little ice- cream stands, tea--rooms, in fact, al- most everywhere, you will read the big signs '"Masoud's Pure Ice Cream For Sale Hére." It is a boost for Kingston every time this sign is put up and the service rendered by the [business behind the sign is boosting also. C2900 0469905000000 LJ TODAY'S INSPIRATION. #* You are to go the road which # you see to be the straight one, # carrying whatever you find is + given you to carry, as well and 4+ making faces, or calling people * to come and look at you. --ANONYMOUS. ® * > + > <* > > * + > * > * + IAA Z SEE EEE EEX ERX J ADDS NEW LINE, BRITISH WHIG wis INGSTON slr KEEP SQUARED UP. | | | At this particular stage of the | world's affairs the one thing that is constantly in demand is "ready mon- ey." People ask cash in payment for thelr rservices or wares, and credits are reduced to the minimum. The many and strange changes which the world has gone through since 1914 have made people cautiods, even fearful In regard to business and fi- nancial dealings, and in some cases | business has been little more than | a nightmare. From these conditions we are only just emerging and the advance to a better state of affairs can be greatly accelerated by obey- ing the commandment "Keep Squar- ed Up." The other day a manufacturer, a large manufacturer at that, was ask- ed what demand there was for his products and he replied that he could not fill his orders. Naturally the questioners were all curiosity as to why he did not enlarge his capac- ity to catch the growing demand and in reply he stated, with a resigned sort of smile: "You see that man walking along ithe street out there? Well, he prob- with whom he deals about elght | dollars and sixty-three cents. Abou | one hundred other people owe that | grocer like amounts, some larger, {some smaller. His credits run up to about a thousand dollars. "That grocer owes me four hund- red of that thousand and there are about fifteen or twenty other grocers owing me the same amount. My cred- its for a month run into thousands, ably owes the small corner grocer | 7 KEEP OUR HOME FACTORIES BUSY AN ATTRACTIVE 8 PER OENT INVESTMENT With a Bonus of Fifty Per Cent. Common Stock in Geo. A. Palmer's Used Car & Salvage Co, Ltd Write or call for particulars at the Company's Office, Queen and Bagot Sts. Telephone 41 0]. J -- ASK FOR MASOUD'S ICE CREAM ALWAYS THE SAME ns Princess Street. Phone 980. OALL H. L. BRYANT For CARTAGE OF FREIGHT Phone 1763J Your Cylinder Troubles Over | Try the New Method R. M. CAMPBELL ariging Shop Corner Queen-Wellington Streets 7 -- WM. J. VINCE PAINTER, PAPERHANGER AND HOUSE DECORATOR PHONE 967. 164 CLERGY ST. VINEGARS BUY THE BEST SPIRIT---MALT--CIDER Wilson, Lytle, Badgerow Ceo,, Ltda. Factory, Bagot St, Kinguton, on. | \ r DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED ? FRUITS Grape Fruf! Gra, Oranges, Basanas, rT a M. AMODEO \ M0 Priscess Street. Phone Tr0 r GEORGE NOBES ' ' P. C. LAWSON KINGSTON'S LEADING FLORIST WEDDING, BIRTHDAY AND FUNERAL DESIGNS Green Houses Phone 1174J. Plumbing and Tinsmithing Cy 17 Division Street - . = Phone 986m. ---- | make thetr ds, on request, or at [9 H. Jarvis Yow Handling Nellson"s |stated intervals by arrangement, re- | IH fruit, to- | (Harry) Jarvis, place ribbons, oil machines, repair | " ' ' " The worst of it is that I can't brok Ms, and generally | baccos and confectionery dealer; 0 s that I ca look | ; | whose yestablishment 18 no the cor- pass the buck any farther. My raw after the delfcate mechanism of type- | { materials must be paid for in spot wd {ner of Albert and Princess streets, writers and other office machinery. | {cash or 1 don't get them. My labor, and each month there are more and more of them being left unpaid. Store 770. r Give us a trial, \ SAFES | FOR OFFIOR AND HOME J. R. C. DOBBS 41 Clarence Street Typewriter headquarters J A | THE MARRISON STUDIO Portrait and Commercial PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 1818w. 92 Princess St. > Phone 650 DYEING PRESSIN \. | Allen, the Auctioneer Telephone 252. 232 Brock Street D. 8. COLLIER Successor to Warwick Bros, MY VALET CLEANING REPAIRING VALET SERVICE G { Commencing SUNDAY, APRIL 23rd, ) of J. D. GODKIN & SON 200 Princess St. Phone a4. rm N TELGMANN SCHOOL OF MUSIC Phone 1835J. > 4 216 Fromtemae, Plumbing and Steam L Phone 1420w, 4 REID'S DINING TORONTO EXHIBITION East Side Industrial Phone 2152 Jobbing Work Specialty F. H. HAMILTON Hot Water Heating 131 Alfred St. 7 Quality and First Class Service Guaranteed QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY Fitting, -- HALL GROUNDS Building 7 110 CLERGY STREET PHONE 275 M. LAWSON AUTO BATTERY EXPERT ANY type of Battery recharged, repaired or built to order. Your satisfaction assured. \ Why Eat Poor Bread ? CARNOVSKY'S BAKER out Bread of the highest quality, made from the men who have the kno wiedge and facility for making it FOUR GROCER TROUBLE some, Tot 1! 'FOR IT OR PHONE 111, IT CREATES STOMACH bewt 7 PHONE 1307 PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR THIS SEASON --eelQUR MOTTO "PROMPT SERVICE" Kingston Ice Co., Ltd : ) STUDEBAKER SERVIOE STATION OVERLAND SERVIOE Kingston Auto Sales Co. Ltd Brock & Montreal Sts. Cor. Phone 600. ] r Weber Pianos agi} Dominion Textile Company (Limited) ~~ MANUFACTURERS "PRUE COTTON" +MONTREAL--TORONTO--WINNIPEG When anything goes wrong with "the machine," or 'the little old ro- tary," or "the tinticker," or what- ever name may be applied to a ma- of "Ring up Mr. Dobbs at 819 and tell him your troubles.' Mr. Dobbs Is about the oldest es- tablished man in the typewriter busi- ness in Kingston and his long experi- ence ensures complete satisfaction for his clients, all of whom will be pleased to hear that he has secured better surroundings and accommoda- tion for his business, -- WOULD A BRICKLAYER He certainly would not, and, If he would you would not let him. The man for that fob is a qualified clergyman. So {it is with everything. When you have wotk done in any line you should be careful to have a fully qualified man on the job. Take plumbing for instance. Plac- ing of water pipes in positions which readily expose them to severe weather, is one of the most common errors of incompetent workmen. Many of these cases are found when skilled plumbers are called out to thaw out frozen pipes in the winter months. With the proper exercise of foresight these difficulties could (have been avoided and the owners of the properties in which the pipes were situated saved considerable money. One way to avold such troubles is to have work done by a plumbing expert, with a sound reputation for giving nothing but first class work. To give work to some man who will do it at a slight reduction but is not fully qualified is very poor economy in the long run, for more than often it 1s necessary to have the job done over again. : George Nobes, 17 Division street, phone 986M, epecialidés in high grade plumbing and tingmithing and repair work of all kinds, installa- tion of heating systems and water systems in both business and resid- ence buildings. A Chance for the GiN. An old lady of seventy was rather tearful as she bade farewell to her mother, aged ninety-five, whom she had been vating. "Good-bye dear mother!" she sald. "I hope we shall meet again." ° "I hope so, my child," replied. her mother, briskly. 'They tell me you are looking very well."--London Morning Post. STEWART'S DAIRY For Pure Milk 689 Princess St. Phone 2193w A ATTWOOD & DI 277 BAGOT Vulcanizing, Tires; Tubes and Accessories Phone 902m, 7 chine by the office, then it is a case | CHRISTEN YOUR BABY? | has taken on a new line of goods in | Nellson's fce-cream bricks and Ks- |kimo Pies, and will henceforward keep a plentiful stock of both these {commodities on hand. | "Harry's" place is becoming more |and more popular with the peoples {of that district as time goes on, and | especially is it 86 with the farmers |who come in and out Princess street and stop there for their tobaccos, fruits, soft drinks, candies or other little needs or comforts. The farmers find it convenient to stop there anu the country trade of this store is growing dafly. Another feature farmers is that a light lunch is served here at very reasonable prices and at any time of the day and a man may often let his horse stand outside with perfect security while he is having a "snack" bfors the long drive home. which attracts HANCOCK ANTICIPATES MUCH PAINTING WORK "Hancock the Decorator," 166 Ba- got street, phone 1966, says that "Spotless Town" is going to have no- thing on Kingston when the spring season is over and the summer is well under way. This skilled house decorator has had orders coming in fast all spring, and the number of people who are having their houses papered, painted and generally im- proved this year is truly surprising. But like the crowded street car, Hancock's list has always "room for one more" and those people wishing to undertake this kind of work would do well to phone his place of busi- ness or see him about it. There are many attractive displays of wall- paper there and the prices are right, That is why Mr. Hancock is so busy. Lots More of Them. Here is the original of all the mother-in-law stories in the world: As Mr, Caveman was gnawing at a bone in his cave one morning, Mrs. Caveman rushed in and sald, "Quick! Get your club! Oh, quick!" '"Wht's the matter?" growled Mr. Caveman. "Sabre-toothed tiger chasing 'mo- ther!" gasped his wife. Mr. Caveman uttered an expres- sion of annoyance, "And what the deuce," he asked, "do I care what one of my biggest items, must pe paid for every Saturday night, and if it were not, then I'd soon have a big kick from my employees. "And yet these same employees go out from my factory, run up an account with the grocer, and neg- lect paying the account. Why they do it I don't know, but they do it, and because of their thoughtlessness hundreds of small retailers and oth- er manufacturers like myself are forced to clip every expense to the lowest possible mark and are run- ning at next thing to a loss with the business in an apparently thriving condition." This man did not refer to people who are out of work, nor to those who cannot possibly pay their debts or who must let them run until they can gradually gather the money to wipe them out. He referred to those among us who are working steadily and who can easily afford to pay spot cash for what we buy, just as easily as we can pay it after being billed two or three times. It is merely a matter of carelessness, and because of this little neglect on the part of thoua- ands of people, the wheels of indus- try are being delayed and the Im- provement of economic conditions held back indefinitely, "Keep Squared Up." ------------------ The Story of the Fush, Admiral Bir Charles Dundas tells & good story of a Bcotch minister. The subject of the sermon waa Jonah. 'An old.dady in a front pew was most interested. "Now, what kind of a whale do you suppose it was that swallowed Jonah?" he cried. "Aiblins it was a herrin'? Aye, but it was no' a her- rin'. Aiblins it was @ cod? Aye, but it was no' a cod. Then, dearly be- loved brethren, what sort o' a fush was it? Was it a shairk?" The old lady could keep no longer, "Maybe 1t was a whale," she sald. The minister rose in fury and banged her on the head with the '"'gude buk.' "Ye daft bdletherin'® bizum," he roared, "ye're takin' the word o' God oot 0' the mooth o' ane o' His min- silence happens to a sabre-toothed tiger?" isters." Graham-Electric CONTRACTOR AND JOBBER HEATING PADS, ELECTRIC CURL- ING IRONS, ELECTRIC RANGES, TRONS, TOASTERS and GRILLS, Phone 1944 426 PRINCESS STREET Bring us.y And prices right. Free air. 284 Ontario Street, cormer Queen For Leather Goods Stop and look at our display of Made-in-Kingston leather goods in SARGENT'S DRUG STORE WINDOW. Why buy out of town when you can buy at home ? EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE AND RUBBER 00, VULCAN IBING our Tires and Tubes needin Our motto: NEAL & ASHLEY, repairs. Work guaranteed e Alm To Please." IL Best Bread in Town -- USE DOYLE'S BREAD - Phone 1369 oo SMITH'S | MEAT MARKET CHOICE WESTERN BEEF, COOKED MEATS 888 Princess Bt. Phone 799. J \ -- R. H. JONES Auto Tops Recovered \ Phone 152. 800 Princess S¢. BAKER'S DAIRY PASTEURIZED MILK and CREAM B58 Victoria Street. Phone 2083. \ J [| Burke Electric Co, SUPPLIES AND FIXTURES CONTRACTING AND REPAIRING Phone, Day 428. 74 Princess Bt. 7 S-- LATURNEY CARRIAGE WORKS Special Designed Business Waggons--Auto Bodies General Blacksmithing Phone 158. 300 Priucees 51. | \ ( THE KINGSTON | ART STUDIO 84 Princess Street. Phone 3100w, KINGSTON, ONT, \ Pn USE WILMOT'S PURE MILK Telephone 2360 r. 14. \ YOUR REFRIGERATOR Thotle ke Motkad Tih ware 36H Kingston Artificial Ice ZL: Mentreni Street. Phone 693. f THE SONG SHOP 216 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 970w. KINGSTON, ONT. J , Perfumery, Tollet Preparations Dr. Bell WONDER MEDICINE CO. Pe Clarence Street. Phones 514-304 | N YORK SAT ING CO. at Ieaias and Reblocking Specialists ia Ladlew Work 208 Princess . Give ss a tia To 3s. ¥: \ McGinnis & O'Connor Highway Eagiteers and Contractors \ A 0. AYKROYD & SON | * BUILDING CONTRACTORS Estimates Given on New and Repatr Work. 21 MAIN STREET, PHONE sere Battery and ignition Work a 3 Specialty. Telephone 1340. Storage Battery---Serviee Station WILLARD STORAGE BATTERY 19? BROCK STREET Repairs all kinds of Magnetoes, Gen- erators, Starters, Lighting Systems and Storage Batteries. ==ALL WORK GUARANTEED. J ' -- BELMONT DINING ROOM Our Motte, "Service and Quality" A. TIERNEY, PROP. Late Steward of the Frontenn¢ Club 65 BROCK STRERT EE -- Auto Painting A. FOoXx Our Motto-- Pay For What You Get Get What You Pay For KENDRIOK'S GARAGE General Repair Shop Remain in the work shop and see your work done Tel. 1888 373 Brock St. TELEPHONE 275. WARREN & WILLIAMS GARAGE GENERAL REPAIRS, GASOLINE AND OIL. BIG REDUCTIONS IN WALL PAPERS Bedrooms, halls, parlors, for rented houses at 10c. and 12%c. voll. Willlasssvilie and Vieinity Misoils ioe Cream, half put, 13a} i Quarts, Cc. ns, FL75; bricks' Soc. Soft Priaxs a1 pints, 8 for 25c.; pints, 3 for i quarts, 5c. bottle. Netloon's ed Ice Cream Bricks, 38. kimo Piles, 10c. Ibs. Ganong's and Nellson's soft and d, nut osntres--Lo be sold at 3%c. per pound. Fruita, Vv les and T ete, ser Store open from 7 am. ti PHONE 2373M. J. H. JARVIS € ay ana 3 J d dally. 12 p.m. PHONE 155 MoGall's Olger Store '" | Phone 645. Only Pure Fruit Syrups Used : CRYSTAL BOTTLING WORKS 473 Princess Street

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