A ------ a ----------------------_ TO-DAY ELLIOTT DEXTER GRAND LARCENY | REFUSE TO LEAVE : mY ALLIES MAKE | Er | are [KING GOES. RUSSIA OFFER == os aos Of Loan of 300 Millon Tein from Pekin in pursuit of To Pay Gold Francs. | General Chang, was ordered to leave the city by the Allied mili- It Will Agree to Accept the Allied Memor- tary commanders here yester- day, as his presence was held to be in violation of the 1901 pro- tocol, Wu refused to leave on the ground that he was acting governor of Chihli province, and would remain as long as neces- sary for this purpose, andum. the Seed Grain, Genoa, May 8.--The fifth week of April 14.-- (By Mall)-- the conference, opening today, will |[very four carloads of seed grain, see the end of the remarkable con- [chiefly wamat, sent to the famine dis- clave, it Is genérally belleved. While |ricts of Russia, are accompanied by &n atmosphere of gloom pervades |a carload of corn or other food to the conference circles because of [Prevent the eating of the seeds by the ungry peasants ber. Lord Northbrook Welcomes . Lord Beaverbrook As a Iz | Newspaper Colleague. | London, May 8 -- King George and | Queen Mary, with a suite including | Field Marshal Earl Haig and Ad- | miral Lord Beatty, left for Belgium | this morning, where they will. be j8uests of King Albert and Queen | Elizabeth, The party embarked at FOOD FOR RUSSIA, Corn and Other Food Accompanies Moscow ALLEN TO-DAY ELLIOTT DEXTER GRAND LARCENY ------ eee. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MAY 8, 1922, differences on the Russian situation admirers of British Premier Lloyd | In aninterview published here just | Dover on the yacht Alexandra, which Gieorge believe that he may yet have Prior to his departure for the Genoa | wag escorted across the channel by | l.eonid Krassin, commis- | ndne destroyers. | some trump card in reserve. conference, Prime Minister Lloyd George and |sar fer foreign trade, said the famine King George and Queen Mary ar- | Foreign Minister Schanzer of Italy districts were supplied with seed [rived at Calals this afternoon. addressed today a strong appeal to grain pot only from the United | the Russian representatives, urging Statgs. hut ulso from. the interior | that to accept the Allied memoran- Provinced-ofi Russia, additional seeds dum In its main points, and-fromis- | being Pyrehaséd in Poland, Sweden, ing Russia an international loan, the Baltic statey, Rumania and Bul- The Russian delegation---had pre- |8aria. ip viously denounced the efforts it al- leged France and Belgium had mada to wreck the conference. They point- Northcliffe Praises Beaverbrook, London, May 8. Referring to the report that Lord Beaverbrook will effect a merger of the Sulton news- paper interests, Lord Northcliffe, writing in the Daily Mail, says Lord | Beaverbrook is a welcome colleague, | and one whose career is a creat to | ® MISS EMMA GILLETTE. Dean of the Washington College of Law, and one « f i America's leading woman law vers, Pr mmm -- THREW HER INFANT FROM CAR WINDOW Veralum Township Q@irl Dis- posed of Babe on Way From Toronto Hospital. ed out that these powers, which pre- dicted Russia's refusal to accept the Allled memorandum had not them- selves signed ft. It was asserted that altogether the proposed loan would amount to three hundred million gold francs. It has been declared that the Rus- slans were asking for three bilifen gold rubles or much as the Allfed offer. Won't Allow Hudson's Bay Ottawa, May 8 that the Hudson's Bay railway would not be allowed to deteriorate to any further extent, was given a delegation of western members and others who waited on Premier King and the cabinet over the week-end. Commons to Divide On Oriental Vote ---- Ottawa, May 8.--It is considered DO AWAY WITH OLD "DIAMOND" CPR to Build Overhead Crossing Where Its Tracks thirty-five times as | | Cross GTR. | It is stated that the Canadian Pa- Railway to Deterlorate cific Railway Company called for |the erection of an overhead cross- --Definfte promise |ing at a point near where the C.P.R, |tracks cross the Grand Trunk just | west of the Grand Trunk outer sta- the point where {the tracks of the two railways cross {has been protected by a watchman, ( it has béen shown that it was very dangerous to |have the tracks cross at this parti- The Ontario Railway | Board was asked to maka an investi- result that tha | tion. For years, occasions On several {cular point. | gation, with the Canada, He, added that Beaver- | brook's millions had been made by brains, and what Canadians possess in full measure is initiative, confessed that ehe undressed her young baby while carrying it on the train to this town and then threw Would Admit Canadian Cattle. London, May 8.--Lord Ernle, former minister of agriculture, | writing fn the Times, says he is pre- pared to favor the removal of the stigma of Canadian cattle being in- | The discovery of a bundle of baby's fected by disease, by admitting for | clothing on Thursday evening found a definite period of years a limited { lying in front of the Academy thea- number of store cattle. | tre by a Kent street resident, was the first clue. Crown Attorney Ander- son, acting on information supplied by Mrs. E. E. Sharpe, of the Child- The French Chamber of * Deputies | ren'y Aid Society, secured the ser- Controlled by Veterans, | vices of a provincial officer, Paris, April 20.--(By Mail)--Phe | on the clue supplied by the clothing, debates in the Chamber of Deputies {the girl now under arrest was locat- on the military service bill disclosed {ed and interrogated, She is alleged the fact that 350 of the 605 members ' ofthat body served as officers in the | French army, Most of them: have scarcely reached middle life and few | nad left Burketon for Lindsay, she were active in politics prior to 1914. | took the rear seat of the coach. Soon Observers predict that French poli- | after the train pulled out of the a4 young girl is held at the county jail, while the authorities are investigating her story. ------ OVER HALF OFFICERS. Her story Was to the effect that on her return home, after the train Lindsay, May 8.--Alleged to kave] the child through the coach window, | is under arrest and | Acting | | to have made a complete confession, | THE BREACH IS WIDENED Between France And _ Britain At Genoa. | { Over the Fight For Control of the World's 0il | | Supplies. Genoa, May 8.--The struggle for {control of the world's oil supplies {has widened the breach between the French and British delegations at the Genoa economic conference. The French announced intention of invoking the San Remo oil egree- {ment which would prevent the Brit- ish from negotiating separately from {the French to obtain ofl concessions i the former Turkish provinces. | This action, followed reports--which have been denfed--but LAST EDITiUN |DIES RESISTING LAW | HE FORMERLY UPHELD | "Dead Shot Ballew" Killed by UPSET CANOE, renopeonne © FOUR DROWN | Ardmore, Okla, May 8 --Ardmore A Tragedy At New Lis- {bowed at the bier of "Dead Shot" keard on Sunday. {Bud Baliew, two-gun chevalier of the southwest. { Ballew, with former Sheriff Buck Garrett, was the last of the famous {Oklahoma gun men, who had notches jon their revolvers to show how fear- |lessly they upheld the law | J. W. McCormick, police chief at | | Wichita Falls, Texas, killed Ballew | Friday, McCormick, a former Texas |ranger, declared Bud was causing a |d'sturbance in a domino parlor. Mec- Cormick said he attempted to arrest { and disarm him, and that he beat the Oklahoman to the draw. { "Bud Ballow never had a chance," | Buck Garrett said. 'Five bullets through théback."" McCormick is at liberty on $10 000 bond. He surrendered follo | the shooting. Party of Four Young People Were on a Fishing Trip. New Liskeard, May 8.-- Yesterday morning four young people werd swept under the waves and drowned when. sudden squall on Lake Tem+ |iskaming turned over their birch | bark canoe about a mile and a half from shore. The dead are, Norman wing #ontgomery, 16, son of the manager of the Nipissing Central Railway, Percy Wall, 18, and James Wall, 21, brothers, sons of Mrs. Hover, New NEWS OFF THE WIRES Liskeard; Marshall McQuarrie, 18, IN CONDENSED FORM a visitor from Montreal, { was on a fishing trip and had set out. | Tidings From Places Far and for Dawson's Point about three mileq | from the town | Near Are Briefly < Was Water Hemlock. H ---------- y Ottawa, May 8.---All doubt as td the nature of the plant which caused |the death of seven members of thd Ont. Recounted. | Irish faction fights to end defin- | itely. { Lloyd George aims to salvage the | Lacroix family at L'Original, | remnant of the programme at Genoa. | Thursday, was cleared up Saturday John Pountney and Edward Les- | when Dr. Hans T. Gussow, dominion age were drowned in. Manawaska botanist, announced that the fata} river. {food was water hemlock. He stated W. H. Brown, Regina, is the 1922 [that he received samples of both the hodes Scholar of the University of cooked and raw plant from threq {different sources, and.all the same ples were identical in nature. Dr, | | | R | Saskatchewan. | ~The death is announced of Prof. | John Edgar, of St. Andrew's Univer- | Gussow stated that this plant was !sity, Scotland. extremely poisonous and was to be | Henry P. Davison, of J. P. Morgan | found throughout Canada from the |& Co., New York, died on the oper- maritime provinces to British Cow ating table on Friday. lumbfia. Earl J. Thompson, Canadian hurd- | | ler, equalled the world's record for | | 76 yards high hurdles at Hanover, N.H. The possibility of the restoration {of penny post next year and the de- | veloping of broadcasting by wireless | telephones is talked fo in Britain. | Por having in his possession a | still, Murney Maracle was fined $200 |and costs for infraction of the Inland | Revenue Act at Deseronto. Hon. W. 8. Fielding, minister of | finance, informed Sir Henry Drayton, Brockville Man Dies, Brockville, May 8.---Willlam A, Reid, a native and continuous resi- dent of Brockville, died on Friday after a lengthy illness, aged seven- | ty-eight. His wife who was a daugh« |ter of the late Willalm Fitzsimmons, postmaster, Brockville, died two | years ago. \The deceased was assoc= {iated with His brother in the hard- {ware business for many years and {had also acted as assessor. The party a |Canadian Pacific Railway was order- repeatedly ed to remedy the situation by placing an automatic switch at the diamond {in the House of Commons that he | would. bring the budget down at as MOTOR TRADE. BOOMS tics for the next generation will be Junction the baby commenced to crv likely that the Commons will divide in the control of men with war re- and behaved as' though it had con- to-night on a motion to exclude alien still persist--that the British had negotiated a secret agreement with Oriental §mmigrants which will be cords, in very much the same manner vulsions, She saw a tleman from where the trains cross. It is stated that when the C.P.R. (engineers made a survey of the sit- pg rcp [uation they decided that the cheap- WOULD SLAY DE VALERA ent and most satisfactory scheme for {the company to adopt would be to A {build an overhead bridge. FOR POLITICAL ENDS Some time ago surveyors were | sent to the city and made a survey 1 | {the new line. It will be necessary to carry the track west. for a short dis- [tance. By taking the track a lMttle |to the west of the. present location, {it will mean that the new bridge as the American Congress was after the civil war. Claude L. Gordon, manager of C. | W. Lindsay, Limited, has purchased | a residence on Frontenac street from | C. A. Eaton. Mrs. C. C. Nash attended the fun- eral at Lyn of the late Mrs. G. F. Purvis on Friday, The members of the Co-operative Club presented Erle R. Ashley, ldte of the British-American hotel, with a stlver gold-lined cigarette case, while Mrs. Ashley was given a bouquet of roses, The many friends of Mrs. James R. Wiskin, 195 Nelson street, are pleas- ed to hear qf her returning home from the hospital efter undergoing a senfous operation, advanced by W. G. McQuarrie, New Westminster, B.C. Collins and ' Griffith Taking Means to Protect Sinn z Fein Leader. London, May 8.-- Authoritative in- { will cross. the large rock cut through formation comes from Dublin of a {which the Grand Trunk main line passes. It is understood that the track { will have to be moved over for some distance to avoid too sharp a curve, would be more useful to the repubil- | When the new bridge is finished, the can cause 'under than above [¢ .P.R. track will meet the old line, ground." Their plan is to charge the | 2% @ Point near Montreal street. crime against Michael = Collins and | For some time the two railway Arthur Griffith in an effort to rail: [¢0mPpanies have not been satisfied the Irish people to the repuhilomn | With the diamond scheme, for reason banner {of the factt hat it was dangerous and It is believed that Collins acd Gri¢- |Reld up the trains. It the Grand fith are aware of the conspiracy and | Trunk train Yas passing at the time are taking all possible measures te |that the C.P.R. arrived, it meant protect de Valera, whose real politl- {that the latter would have to wait cal friends are also doing their ut- jan the G.T.R. track was clear. The most to dgve his life, [expense of keeping a watchman fs -- {another reason for the C.P.R. being Fight in County Tyrone, | anxious to have an overhead bridge Belfast, May 8.--In a vigorous |erected. fight between armed men and special It is understood that the cost of constables at Castle Caulfield, county [erecting the bridge and moving the Tyrone, this morning, both sides lost | tracks will amount to about $50,000. one man killed, | Falls ---- *| conspiracy to assassinate Lamoumgle Valera. Its stated thateiitee; 1s aro dissatisfied de Valera med wh think that their nominal lea TWENTY-EIGHT NURSES | GRADUATE AT K.G.H. List of the Training School Young Ladies Completing Their Course. The following are the graduates of the Kingston General hospital training school: Helen Wilson, Wingham. Anna Davies, Wolfe Island. Eliza Bellamy, Rossmount. Ethel Brown, Lyndhurst. Helen Howard, New Liskeard. Georgina Ferguson, Kingston. Lorna Sproule, Westbrooke, Mary McLachlin, Renfrew, Anf#ie McLeod, Napanee. Edna M. Snyder, Odessa, Anna McCann, Westport, Mabel O. Wilde, Havelock, Thelda McAdoo, Kingston. Muriel E. Rice, Halleybury. Hylda Shillington, Odessa. Hilda 8. Tarrant, Wolfe Island. Abbie M. Judson, Napanee. Hattie Ellerbeck, Collin's Bay, Hazel Cummings, Napanee. Gladys Campsall, Odessa. Martha Ford, Furnace Falls. Muriel Haffie, Mallorytown. Marjory Taylor, Kingston. Edna Graham, Campbeliford. Myrtle Pero, Verona. Marjory Leacock, Lansdowne. Miss Jarman, Bancroft. Myrtle Dickey, Mallorytown. EE ------------ Found Hanging to Tree, Fort Worth, Texas, May 8.---The body of a negro, Thomas Cornish, brother of John Cornish, one of the victims of the Kirvin mob Saturday. morning, was found hanging to a tree limb to-day by a farmer resid- ing near Kirvin. To test Every Seat, : Montreal, May 8.--Arthur Sauve, leader of the Opposition in the Que- bec legislature, stated to-day that the Conservative candidates would be entered in every electoral division election, testes rerer decree * >» Four Storeys And Escapes Unhurt 'New York, May 8.--A two- year-old girl, Rita Crowley, fell from the third-storey window of her home in Brooklyn early to- day and escaped without a bruise. She fell into a pile of dirt and was not even crying when picked up. -- Pioneer Prospector Dead. Dawson City, May 8. --William | Taylor, a pioneer prospector of the | Klondike, Cariboo and Nevada sil- |ver campsy was found dead Friday in his cabin here. He was 85 years 'old. Two sister survive. They live in Woodstock, Ontario. EE -------------------------------- C890 0099000009%00 ABOLISH OLD RUSSIAN: CHURCH PROHIBITIONS Warsaw, May 8.---A further step in religious freedom has been taken by the Polish gov- ernment In abolishing the pro- hibitions of the old Russian do- minion against the Catholle chureh. THREAT TO BLOW UP U. 8. LEGATION Sofia, May 8.--A threat to blow up the United States legation here ugless the Unit- ed States government brings about the relemse of Sacco and Vanzettt, Italian Com- munists under conviction for murder, has been recelved at the legation, PEPPPFSIISIPPOIL YS PERE PFESIIPINIISTY HUSBAND AND WIFE. My wile wears a black courtplaster beauty pateh.--F. 1. M. What does your wife do? in the mext provincial » > +» * * * * * > * + » -* * CE PCP IIE b bb -- PPP 0000000 Bobcaygeon om the train, with whom she was acquainted, and whose at- tention she did not wish to attract She, therefore, proceeded to etrip the baby of all its clothing. When this was accomplished she threw the child from the window of the speed- ing train. On reaching Lindsay she concealed' the clothing on her per- son and proceeded up town, drop- pring them in front of the Academy theatre, NOT COMING VIA CANADA The Prince of Walés to Return by Suez Canal, London, May 8.__The report that the Prince of Wales will return to England from Japan via Canada is declared in the London press to be impossible of realization. It is stat- ed that the prince would Mke to keep his promise of over two years ago to return to Canada to see how his western ranch is progressing, but that so far as his presemt tour is concerned, he is to return _home via the Suez Canal, by alrftedt) the same route as that followed on his out- ward voyage, L "| Canada during the week ended May Russia giving them control of the vast ofl fields in that country. The conference ' showed signs of | disintegration Saturday. German | economic experts started home and several also departed. Louis Bar- thou, chief of the French contingent, | |arrived from Paris and after a ses- | [sion with his eolleagues, went | {Lloyd George's villa to inform him | |of France's attitude toward Russia, |the ten years non-aggression treaty {and German reparations. The fate | lot the conference hinges on the out- | { come of this meeting between Lloyd | | George and Barthou. | | It was semi-officially learned that ! the Russians at a secret meeting dur- | {ing the night decided to reject the {allied memorandum giving the terms lon which assistance would be extend- ed to the soviet government, All| hopes for success of the tem year non-aggression pact were believed ended when the French delegation denounced it would demand as a fundamental clause of the pact, a statement that it does not elter vl phase of the Versailles treaty. Other | delegates concede the Germans would | never sign such a document, { One suggestion is that the con- ference adjourn for a few weeks to ! give time for the various tamgles to | be straightened out. If an attempt | is made to force the issue on any | of them, the result is likely to | collapse. Among those departing | Saturday were M. Joffe of the soviet delegation, who is going to Moscow | to report on the situation; Austrian | Chancellor Schoeber, and Serbian | Finance Minister Kumandf, Crises Not Relieved. | Genoa, May 8.--Prime Minister | Lloyd George of Great Britain, and | Vice-Preamier Barthou of France; held a conference at five o'clock Sat- { urday afternoon which it was stated | that their meeting offered no relief | of the strained situation.of the ecorf:' omic conference. Nothing will be decided definitely, however, it was stated, pending Russia's reply to the allied memorandum. ' Minister Invents Cheap System of House Heating Montreal, May 8.--Much publicity is being given here to the electrical invention of Dr. W. W. McCuaig, at one time of Ottawa, an ordained Presbyterian clergyman, which may revolutionize the seience of heating. It 'is claimed for Mr. McCuaig's de- vice, which is contained in a three- inch cylinder, that it will permit of the heating of an eight-rooged house at 39 cents a day. ------y Fire Losses in Canada, Toronto, May 8.--Fire losses in 3rd are estimated by The Monetary Times at $1,073,900, compared with | Canada, has accepted, an honorary |D C.L. degree from King's College, | December 16th with a buHet in his | he can't be reached by law." pany "at any cost" in the hope that | ¢ combatants fell it wotild /be possible to clear up the early a date as possible. Under parliamentary pressure the | British post office is considering | cheaper cable rates to Canada by the | Imperial Atlantic Cable which Ger- | Prosperity Is Celebrated by many. handed over as part of the re- | Banquet to the McLaughlin parations, . Canon C. W. Vernon, general sec- | Brothers. retary of the Counc!l of Social Ser- | ---- 7 vice of the Church of England in| Oshawa, May 8.---One hundred land fifty manufacturers, merchants and business men of Oshawa sat conferred next | down to a complimentary banquet | Friday night in honor of Messrs. R. |S. and G. W. McLaughlin, | Oshawa 1s enjoying remarkable | prosperity due to the tremendous business done by the General Motors of Canada, Limited, who are now AN OUTRAGEOUS CHARGE, DECLARES E. W. BACKUS onic ince pian overtime to sap: | with automobiles. Inasmuch as this Who Olaims That *His Rela- | prosperity is due to the efforts of R. |8. and G, W. McLaughlin in having tions With Capt. Huston Were Amicable. Nova Scotia, to be Thursday. | brought the export business to Oshe {awa, the citizens took this opportune ity of expressing their appreclation, Toronto, May 8.--The most swoep- G. W. McLaughlin had just sev ing and qualified denial was given |©ral days previously returned from Saturday by EB. W. Backus to the la three months' trip to the Mediter« charges made in the legislature by |Fanean, visiting eight different coums Major Alex C. Lewis, M.P.P., North-.| tries. east Toronto, The occasion was the| One of the surprises of the evemw resumption of the probe into the [IN Was the statement made by De, ciroumstances surrounding the death | 108, chairman of the evening, tha# of Capt. Orville A. Huston who was | the guests of the evening had do- found in a field at Fort Frances on | Mated a new addition in the form of &° maternity wing to the Oshawa Hospital. heart, At the conclusion of the examina- | tion of Mr. 'Backus, Crown Counse! Waldro#$ referred to the speech of | m---- Major Lewis and inquired whether it | To Use the Rivers of Anatoba fos was true that he had any interest in | Power Production, obtaining documents in Huston's pos- | Constantinople, gApril 15-- (By session or in {nspiging an attempt at | Mall) _A'representative of a Beigian robbery in order to procure these | financial group has asked the Tuike papers. {ish Nationalist 'government at Ane w-'H-48 the most outrageous and | Bora for a concession for utilizing the scandalous charge and innuendo |Fivers of Anatolia for the production which could be spoken, above all by Of eleotricity and for providing me~ a man who is put in a position where | tive power for industry, The govern= | ment of Angora, however, is no: diss {posed to grant a general concession i for all the rivers, but only for some ron, "but if this charge fs not sub. |0f fe principal ones, and that om stantiated, it is the most shameless condition that industrial establishe and damnable thing which has ever ments shall be created. occurred in the history of Canada." | "You can put it down," said Mr. | Mrs. 'E. Gus Porter, wile of the telomere REQUEST OF BELGIANS "lI am constrained in what I am allowed to say," agreed Mr. Wald- | Backus, "that it eannot be substan- | member for West Hastings, died sud- tiated in any way not even in the denly at Belleville on Sunday. slightest degree. If there had been | King George and Queen Mary lef any friction between this young man | Monday for Belgium. and the company, could he have gone to our office a week before his death and have obtained an advance of $500 despite the fact that his account |¢ ' was already overdrawn? Any griev- |® IN LABOR FIGHT ¢ ance which he had must have been ¢ 2 . purely imaginary." |¢ Montreal; May 8.--During a 4 Mr. Backus added that when the & fist fight between two long- @ commission arrived in Fort Frances 4 shoremen on the harbor front , he would be prepared to place at its le over one man using the expres- 4 every servant in his com- '# sion "scab" to the other, the @ | into the water 4 Is and one was drowned. The : 04¢2400000s000004 $e # MAN IS DROWNED case once and for all and expose the | 4 drowned man was not {denti- people who were behind the attack 4 fled. and insinuations which had been made, . $110,600 the previous year, » BY