---- - - | | Lodge of Canada, Hamilton; Cyprus | LATE ABRAHAM SHAW oom | | | Wreaths: Grand Chapter, Royal | | RVIC |Arch Masons of Canada, Toronto: MR. ARTHUR PARKER | FAITHFUL IN SE Ancient Frontenac and Cataraquj Chapter, Kingston; Ancient St ! ® | John's Lodge, A.F.&A.M., No. 3,| 144 R ad 'g?? | Loyal to His Home, Ohuroh, | or Minden Lodge A.F.&A.M. emnmli- h e y ! City and the Masonic No. 253, Kingston; Fidelity Lodge : Order. A.F.&AM., Ottawa; Fort William | Chapter, No. 140 R.AM.; Rhodes | REPRESENTATIVE The tuncral of the late Abrabam (Preceptory, No. 23, Fort William; Aching Feet MONDAY. MaY 8. 0h. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. _ Shaw which took place from the fam- | Geoffrey de St. Aldemar Preceptory td . fly residence, 190 Umversity avenue, | Toronto, Richard Coeur de Lion Pre- | Com Will be with us to-morrow. We will be on Saturday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock ceptory, London; St. Patrick's Chap- i J you have foot roubles Cate 5 out Foot C1 learn how : . . Was one of the largest in the history |ter, Toronto: Moira Chapter No. 7, | fort Foot f hundreds of people pleased if our patrons will drop mn and meet of the city. The service was con- Belleville; boards of Sydenham | i So Visit gue a 3 Coufort Q fering with corns, cal ducted at the home by Rev. Dr. R. H. [street Methodist. church; Sydenham Dept. louses,bunions ind weak y » R. Carry fou have been benefited Mr. Parker, and his new Summer and Fall Bell, pastor of Sydenham street Street Methodist Bible School: Sun- 2 ols r Scholls Dr. Scholl's Foot Methodist' church, of which the de- day morning and S.8, classes; cus: models. . ceased was a lifelong member, assist- | toms staff, Peterboro; Mr. and Mra. ed by Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson, of Chal- | Fred Briggs: Mr. and rs. C. D. mers church. The. service was very (Martin; Dr. and Mrs. H A. Boyce; end our Foot Comfort Demon- Lat Our Foot Comfort J Demonstrator impressive. The casket was covered | Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMillan; Mr. stvator will assist you in arriving i a { George VanHorne's by and surrounded with beautiful and Mrs. - J. W. Wilson; the Mc- at the proper shoe requirements floral tributes, showing the love and |Cartney family. for your feet. . {esteem in which the late Mr. Shaw Broken Arc: W.° M. Campbell; Phone 362w. 213 Princess Street. was held. The flowers were so num- (basket of sweet peas, Mr. and Mrs. Come In oAny Time eérous that it took two cars to con- |J. Ballantyne; crescent, customs and vey them to the cemetery, The body | excise staff, Kingston. was carried from the house to the | Sprays: Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Bry- hearse through an isle formed hy the |ant; Vallette Preceptory, No. 46, ! 5 flowers, which were held by friends | Kitchener; Kitchener Chapter, R.A of the deceased. |M.; Mrs. C. Briggs, Mr and Mrs. W. | The pall-bearers were E. P. Jen- | H. Dalby, the Pannell family, Mrs. | kins, Thomas Mills, and A. F. Chown. | E. A Muirhead and Miss H. L. -- represonting the Board and the Sun- {Chown, Mr. and Mrs. F .R. Anglin, | ------ . day school of Sydenham street { Mr. Thos. and Miss E. A. Driver, Mr. - 3 church, and W. S. R. Murtch, West- [and Mrs. G. E. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. J. |H. Birkett, Miss Olive Woodman, rort, F. Diamond, Belleville, and THR < * William Jackson, Kingston, repre- |Mr. and Mrs W. C Bruton, Mr. and Do you feel weary and | senting the Masonic Order. The Mrs. W. H. Sawyer, Kus. £ J. Hinck- 1 1 uste ; N. Hannaford, Mon- n hea and trustee and quarterly boards of Sy- |ley, Mrs. R. . have pans | || donkam street Methodist church and |treal; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Menzies ; neck after using your | represontatives from the city Masonic [and Mr. Weir, Chinese department. > If ill ind These Lamps have [i lodges marched in a body in the cor- | Sydenham street Methodist bible - eyes 50: You wm : I tego. (school. DINING AND TEA ROOM your eyesight needs help ff very pretty Silk f{I"%. cer mourners included 'Mrs, | Sheafs: Lend-A-Hand Circle of : . li Shaw, widow of the deceased; Miss {King's Daughters of Sydenham --and rugs will not cure ff Shades in Old Rose, | Panuell, of this city, a sistend-lan. rotrest church: T. apd Miss M. b iy not dine Nero Whefe --but onl make the de- || Samuel Shaw, a brother, Dr. A. [Asselstine; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. As- bu y [f Blue, Mauve and Old Shaw, Philadelphia; Robert Shaw, selstine, Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Camp-|| Supreme? | fect worse. Ht Gold colors with fl Ottawa, and L. Brock Shaw, bell, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson, | . -- CONSULT?» | fi of this city, sons; Mrs. M. & (Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Knapp, Mr. and Home 8tyle Cooking mahogan cream Mp pendant rs wk Carob. | Mrs. Blur Davis, Misttr EB. soe r ; ogany, mond and Mrs. W. M, Campbe * | Harold, Mrs. M. McKensle, Mr, and Lunch 12 to 2 p.m. ) : 3 ll{of this city, daughters, and among | ® ® . o.0 finish and Cc h ina | the outside relatives, George S. Kerr, | Mrs. Oliver Chown, the Misoce M Dinner 6 to 8 p.m. | Attractive urniture rtunities stands. Very suitable [fl{x.c.. ana Wiliam Kerr, Hamilton, [2nd F. Crothers, Mr. and Mra Arey] nephews; 8. J. Hilton, of Hamilton, [Ibald Strachan, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. | A. Tierney, Prop. 1 ; | 8 y . C. 8S. Ang- for gifts, a nephew, and Mrs. R. W. Ireland. | Singleton, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington. thers rare | lin, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Bibby, Mrs. | ry : Shing. Among siers who were IC. Warwick, Mrs. T. and Miss R. L. | or ve ome dai oom Registered Optometrist | here for the funeral were E. S. Busby, : | | Donnelly, Misses Conley, Miss B. miss his heart-to-heart talks, and he | 100 PURE FELT MAT T'RESSES -- WE will 140 Wellington 8t. Opp. Post Office | . & d lj | Cttawa, chief inspector of customs; { Atnslie, C. W. Livingstone, Mrs. W | || Fred Pannell, Ottawa; O. Clewlo, in- | BIG, Jo V ' * 7" |said that he would be missed in the : : : Kinnear Esterre Lf Peters r sumtome mr coc rape: 13. Gibson snd Miss R. Bryast, Sunday school, church, in fact every. Place on sale next week One Hundred Mattresses TEN ROOMED CEMENT || JEWELERS ll | district; R. H. Bernard, Ottawa, and | onorl Boric. renend especially in his home.| made of pure felt, covered in Art Fancy Ticking. BLOCK HOUSE with garage, | || Harry McDonell, Ottawa. | "The memory and the life of this : ' Whi L. 1 O 1 Pri Kingston [| : | On Sunday afternoon a memorial Ask for Simmons' White Label. Only ... $10.75 on corner of Patrick and 100 Princess Street, Kings The following prominent Out-of- | = ice was held in Sydenham street |*/®3R man may be a blessing to us y $10. town Masons were esent for the all," said Mr. Mills. In closing Mr. Charles streets, for sale or to || Bi funeral: Charies H. Collins, Toran [retucaiat ble schon) Ba) for 1M niils stated that he would be very| ® let. Immediate possession. | - -- "t|to, representing the Supreme Grand {1ate Abraham w, 9r ten yea glad to see Mr. Shaw's Sunday morn- | . Me the 8 G {the deceased was superintendent, and fig class named "THE ADICh a ro 9 Apply: Faster of reizn Grea Priory for twenty-five years he had filled ae Class,' asa fitting tribute | THE. LEADING UNDERTAKER ' : _|the position of assistantsuperintend- |' Lay , e Kingston Jement Products A ESkarss. Moutrenl, Grand Cratos |, The service Wan very imprec ts revered leader for so many | Phone'147 for Service ' . Im » evikle, 8. -- H. F. NORMAN, Manager DENTAL Fast Prodininl Gent Price R, [2% Athair was draped, ig which [50% Jenkins, who Bus been sup- KE: ' '|the late Mr. Shaw's picture was plac» > OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street L Spencer, Trenton, Grand First Prin- let. to: show the vacancy left in the |°Tintendent of the Sunday school for | Phone 780w. Pi AR ORS oipal, Grand Ohapter of Canada; W. schoo) by his demise six years, spoke of the help the late | 7 -- TRI 8. R. Murch, Westport, Past Grand | Mr. Shaw had given him during his a The speakers were Rev. R. H. Bell, term of office, and in speaking to the 183 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON First Principal, Grand Chapter of Thomas W. Mills, and E. P. Jenkins. 1f the Dempsey-Carpentier bout is | Canada; Samuel Olewlo, Toronto, Te- superintendent of the Sunday school. Jchelata Ne reed upon Shem the Announcement to arranged, it will likely be held in| We specialize on Painless Extraction, Presenting St. Patrick Chapter; They all spoke of the valuable ser- ced 31 keep ng Store Hen the two Pershing stadium, Paris, June 23rd, | Latest Pyorrhea Treatmeng and | Messrs. Cherry, Cook and Scantle- vice which the deceased had render, a r. ot aw ved rv to, the day before the Grand Prix race. | x.Ray work. bery, Belleville, representing: Moira |¢q to the church and Sunday school. pa i n be orm. rofess [ ---- Chapter, of which the deceased Was| pr Bell when speaking to the|2"d Perform in the memory of our | Yr © rs y | * > A departed brother," was the advice! a life member. {boys in particular, said: "What is nich Mr. Jenn: . ! Rev. Dr. Bell in a few impressive to hinder you being such a man and ig nh 53 Zave tte Stholars | words told of some of the >d quali- | a _| Mr. nkins sal at every day was | good q |living such a life, as the late Abra a day of service for Mr. Shaw. whol ties of the deceased. He said that h Sh. » HH inded the schol- | ham Shaw. e reminde e : ¢ i when he met the late Abrah h | _| Was not afraid to let the world know n 0 aham Shaw |arg that they have no nobler or high that he was a man of Christ. 'oi \ one year ago, there were two impres- (er ambition than to be the man that . ? 1 1 OPEN ) O K \ [ones which he made upon him, viz, (Mr, Shaw was. He said that they ashe he Spolars Hi to ive lke | }f - Masoud 5 plant 18 now running I \J{| M® intense love tor the church, and |could not all expect to be mayor of |iM: 3nd keep him before them as | full capacity and we are able to his love for the pastor, no matter [the city or superintendent of the | Deir ideal. RN whom the pastor might be. To him Sunday schoool, but they could all co eit said Laut some ot vied , supply all Ice Cream Dealers with i es ! 8 C e in Br A { { k w t y ® Sydenham [live so that they would be fitted for from coming in contact with the late the same delicious flavors and the "Abraham Shaw," said Dr. such positions. Mr. Shaw was faith- . \ iH . Thies : . Mr. Shaw, were how he liked to look * Bell, "was not a 'oncer,' his average | ful to the end; he lived his life to the into the faces of the boys and girls, same quality as before. 3 Sunday at church consisted of from | last minute. In closing, Dr. Bell said mn DINNER WARE t ® to four services. Hé led the |that there was no man in the church his love for ue pastor of ike ghyrek, Eible, class on Sunday mornings, at- | whom he would miss more than Mr. itself re Weare now able to supply oir tended, the morning service, assisted | Shaw. ; Samuel Shaw, brother of the late . s the 8B ntendent at the. Sunday | . r = : Thomas W. Mills, a life long|Mr. Shaw, who was present at the Geo Masoud customers with school ih the afternoon, taught his | JOTVICo, Was Sakon. of cor Ju The °, "Ling ; | frien he deceased, spoke of the . class, was generally present for | friend of t . ; : LE . f = 2 "a heautitul sight it was to see-so-many |-Words, and said -he-betteved that if] : Stre: : or} service. The in lie t his brother had a parting message | 238 Princess treet | my I hone 980. the 'en ) , ~ - 7 | orw, in the church on ROYAL MILTON ed has ny 8 lakes Place in jthe | Siidren So Iurwand 19 6 chy their [to give to the scholars of Sydenham | ROYAL ANESLEY Shurch, ug we " ha Tver | desire to follow Christ, and he was street school, it would be "do some- | ed," said the Pastor. "God had given | sure that Mr. Shaw would have been [thing to get nearer to God." Mr. FLO GO B14 power 13, exprevs himself "Dr; | delighted to witness this service. |Bhaw took charge of the Sunday RES LDENA i 20 50 Jeol 5k (0 Saramago. Dr. | 10 IO in ail ther vo kon Whh oT {TBeraing cnet whi ry lay Doll Apoiks oH him She Syurch ig Shaw when he first decided to join [ther hud been the leader for years. < 4 one instance It was a very impressive memorial These are all Johnson Bros. - loyal. and. falta) shevice. When he | ho shurel. He related anie instance | 10 was 2 very long be remember goods which means the BEST Was, Hon Ow same good ' | version, how the deceased stood on|ed by the teachers and scholars. » . he was always et with his fam | ine corner of Johnston and Univer-| While Rev. Dr. Bell referred to Come in and sort up with what hs, Doll spoke of the service |. roncy 'tien Go the loss which the church suffered which the deceased had dered to prayed that peace would come. |by the death of Mr. Shaw, at the you need. ane his city, having occ the posi- fa he was praying, his "prayer |4ervice on Sunday evening, he stated * Jj len of mmsor, niderman, eluirman of | oL Gaswerell, Mr: Chav than tar that It was HE wok or i family the Board of Education, a\member all the way home and told his wire|that no church memorial service of the change in his life. '""Abe,take place on Sunday. '|8haw, as we older ones knew him," } S-------- 9 * ® ¥ x {sald Mr. Mills, "meant business in it was good. : {everything that he undertook. When Reports. Judges to Retire Soon. ey. Dr. Wilson, who spoke on be- |g" decided to live for Christ, he| Quebec, "May 8 L'Evenement published a to the effect that promised God that he would perform the late Abraham Shaw was a mem- aay duty that he was called upon to | Acting-Chiet Jistide Archibald and lo, i tor for fy two years, sald that the [3o, and Mr. Mills stated that his life | Justices Lafontaine, Chauvin. od 3 Princess St. : deceused had obtained more honors nly showed that he had lived { McDougall are to send in their re. | In Masonry than any man y;\t; that promise. signatfoms to the minister of justice | In the Dominion of Canada with one . Mills sald that we would all|and be superannuated very shortly. | aption. "There was no better i known Mason than Abraham Shaw, eit -- | and he was revered by Masons every- ---- where, and where he was best known | ' . we he was loved," said Dr. Wilson. Easy To Wear--Hard To Wear Out fh arr ope | put his lodge where it should be, and > s 1 no matter where he spoke at Masonic gatherings he always had a helpful VY} KE MUSIC I i U R LLB U | perio EER co Mig gn | PART OF THEIR LIVES instrument a good man and a good Mason. : Start early In the od a CUSHION-SOLE The following .is the list of the make 8 good start by : floral tributes: y of Kingston "SERVICE PLUS." All } Crosses: the tami; trustee board : . i t Sa tan 4 Chor th Li _ SHOES FOR CHILDREN of Princess street Methodist éhurch; ; then bottled in sanitary, sterilized Sud are sudorsed set only by . whe are eon (MADE-IN-CANADA) : on, Set Priory of Canada to your door every morning, rain | whe have pl d thelr in our No. 1, Kingston; St. George Chapter costs you no more than the SOLD ON EASY TERMS We carry a complete assortmen Picton; A. C. Garbutt, Plefon; Mr. t. and Mrs. W. H. Davis. Phone your name to PRICE'S DAIRY and try "THE Maltese Crosses: ' Officers and members of Gondemar, Preceptory @ K.T., Brockville; King Baldwin Pre- an 1 ceptory No §, Belleville; Ottawa Pre- . ceptory K.T. No. 32; Cyrene Precep- { tory, Toronto; Superior Lodge of | Pattoction, Fort William; Melita Chapter, Montreal. Square and Compass: Cataraqui 4 Lodge A.F.&AM. Kingston; Royal . vos : nT Edward Lodge, Kingston; Grand : [1 : A Ls i :