~LHE DAILY BRITISH Whig a Tar, son Lonvon nans| ff TODAY TO-DAY THE PEOPLE'S FORUM [ "rnin 3. ll "GRAND LARCENY" Mixers From N.Y. ELLIOTT DEXTER and CLAIRE WINDSOR London, May 6.--Judging by the REACH HEIGHTS OF ACTING IN THIS POWERFUL DRAMA THAT 3 {amount of hootch being consumed THEY HAVE NEVER TOUCHED BEFORE x : TEN £3 a eet SALE {bere by the vanguard of America's ey WANTED GENERAL = --VORSALE tourist army of 1922, the shock TO RENT A GARAGE; MUST BE REA. E. W. MULLIN & SON [troops have arrived with a keen » Tac Phone 1021, .between § i FOUND KING Real Entate 224 Insurance Brokers {thirst and are digging in where GRANI )---TUE. MAY 9th a SWAGGER ouon, OY xg "= DISPLAY AD. ON PAGE TWO. [hooteh is best and oldest. As a son THREE GREAT ARTISTS --LED, JAN d MISCHEL DRIVING SMALL TRUCK OR {siderable amount of pre-war mater y SA and J . Tr ¥ : " = yr car, de yearly position ) CAR. | | OPEN BUGGY AND SINGLE HARNESS. Roly Box a 'Whig. posidl Owner may same at APply at 43 Elm street. |dal of high velocity is easily obtain- CHERNIA : SKY an = ) Et |e 0. TIES ii] , Muller's Bloycie Shop. {A SQUARE STEVENSON GRanp able, there is a daily casualty list. V N AS CHEF IN HOTEL OR GOLD BRAC fw APPLY AT Lino In good condition. Apply 48) While Lord and Lady Astor are . VIOLINIST . PIANIST . 'CELLIST i in tion; best referenc App Whig Office | | EXPERIENCED (LERK APPLY So 26, Whig Office ON CLERGY STREET WEST, | | Livingston Avenue / studying the bemeficlal effects of : i Harn.m's Bak | TEE Ere between Barrie and Division | i HOUSE ax. ATH LARGE prohibition in Amerioa, these thirety "Three of the most remgfKable young men in the World of .sx,| WYNTED TO RENT, SUMMER (OT. streets, a grease cup, belong- | bag AND LOT W @ 2 | Music."--*"The Standard." London England AN EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS, aK fr two 0p. three summin: ing to an automobile. Owner | | Kirn. ariveshed. ete, APPLY to E.| Americans are showing the: Britons , 8 ' © ianing} months. Apply Box P-6, Whig may have same at Whig Of- | » Portsmouth. that parched throats still exist DO NOT MISS THIS WONDERFUL CONCERT m \g B i wa'lg ~4 Zz = . . fice | r ross ocean SPECIAL J fice | SIX OR SEVEN ROOM HOU SE, WITH ROSARY BEADS, ON KING || ooLY, Foun Zhan ou BROKEN -g the PRICES: 28c., BOc., 78¢., $1.00. SEATS NOW ON SALE wwe | modern conveniences, on south Btreet. Apply phone 2224J. | TK Marcos Fork suas 1 . Practically all the popular bars in side of Princess Street. Apply M GOLD RING, ON CORRIGAN ST. rrr OY OF - the hotels and restaurants have fmn- ess Street Owner may have same at 182 : ---- gp | VE YOU A CAR YOU WOULD LIKE Clergy Street. | to trade for a good 8% investment? |POTted champion cocktall 1 | | B | 1 Got -- 4 75 Gore 1 Who MAID ron LIGHT HOLS, Appl € 2 Street ! S WANTED TO TAKE GENTLEMAN'S SCARF ON mee, on Curzon has mov- Clergy atreet briwenn Prot Write Box A-29, Whig Office. from New York, some of whom are TO-D AY WANIYD AT oxcE, GooD WHS: cut ages Brock Street. Men's hair cess and Brock. ONE SIX-YBAR-OLD GENERAL PUR. Paid high ad for farn e able + Se Boys, 20c¢ Shave 10c¢ have same at J W. Brad- pose horse; 1,100 lbs; sound. Ap- outery in England because the We : iE D--LAWN MOWERS shaw'a office. Court House. Ply 30 Plum street or phone 2126J. Chancellor of the Exchequer did not ; . wed and repaired; ve filed OUN > . | SIR DE ee oer tetera eer Ta pon ERAT | rt ma seen. | Toaety Enel ducing he tax" and someot" i r your s e time th (3 Wr . 27 Uppe 1 : C . - c 1 AB ren; Tatemen, 27 Upper tion apply H. A, Norton. Phone 978. . -- PP a a amu a nyone finding anything ana oon, Tone 374, embers of the House of Commons SW | ET x ishing to re ; ORN|say 'that, as a o v.1P You I) AN EXPERT GARDEN- ¥ 10 reach the owner may | THOROUGHBRED WHITE LEGH | say , consequence, E ' tend Voor Barden and Ie do so by reporting the facts to setting eggs, $1.00 a setting. Ap-| ahd Jae Pn Ew pe Too lush Whi, The bdver- || BYR Roy He Monee Ar The Wonder Picture of the Year ! a Y ay oh. rl Bea tisemen: will be printed in this ne IG op.a card re coiumn free of ch e. ar + ¥ " y WE ARE WRECKING A FORD TOUR- Am Bireet ! Found articles" Joes not 1n- Jk car and have many used parts| OTEanizations are ty or territory." ERoiusis line ble. - clude, lost dogs. cattle, (horses, | Gutule Palmer, corner Bagot and | brighter "pubs," like the continental TR IW Par naar : 4 . pn . att wm Ep pt These, . ma - fuhts. good pay | anerge the rep TOMERS FOR SHox REPAIR . inca ene, 3 Zab maybe oa | Queen | cates, where there can be no *"soak- able. Write Felnam Nursery tu apne He Suickly and ial FORD COUPE. JUST LIKE A NEW ing. Toronto. Ont : "Yoo Ta put on { fa mos Fx Car; cheap for quick sale. Apply| Workmiour patronage Rolie 84 Lower Union, corner Wellington - --_-- - Workmanship guaranteed A te | 5 . R. STEEL SERVICE COR- Goo 'harles Street, near LOST. Street. Plevna News Budget. Th ar Ie h Ths es is yi ices o or Iwi 1 oh os Stree et, | ee TER RR Tr eras Plevna, May 6.--The people wre | ur., May 11th, at 1.30 p.m. 2 r : TTACHED To! BLACK AND WHITE ROUND PUPS mar « f - BAlrer ano | UNE YALE KEY, ATTACHED TO J yi » can furnish t : IN AND SALESLADIES chain. Finder please return to the | suitable for fox or deer Can be wishing for warmer weather to start | 412 ALBERT STREET i who + Ontario to sell an electrical Whig Office. t geen At 241 Alfred, between 2 ang the grass growing, as nearly everyone i gor Mating. ha saneniture set. me Ar . y r r 1 = 2 | hy ine, this a1 x Fis --wrre REY, HIER Rane Ts K.G.H. GRADUATE NURSE PIN -- | --------_ -- wer 1s shart of feed around here. Dr. C. ferns, large Jaraimioray Peg ny of advancement Apply f ( matisn, nervousness, headaches, initials on back of pin "J. A, 1913." | LIGHT FOUR McLAUGHLIN CAR, IM. K Olarke and Mrs. Clarke, Toronto, | hall r Happy Thought Range ¢ p.m. or phone 1062w ! | perial bileycle; both in good condi- | | linoleuma, veouum ol ers, am to 4 pm colds, asthma, bronchitis; wanted in Finder please return to Whig Of- Lion re, . pending - Bagot streets T r every home. Send for literature fice. ! poly oy Bhone 1113W, pe. 8T0 @ few days at ther cot | range, brass and iron beds, oherry > x Proponnia ions Tree Attractive meee een 9% am. and 6 pm. tage, Makie Lake,The Mountain. Rus- | Dadioem wuite. bunk-sauet, tollet Sets . or washin ; - . | | machine, 57 feet hose, itonan utensils, ------ Ing outfit; complete equipment; Agricultural College at Guelph, is qt i electric chandeliers and numerous othey WEIGHING 1,200 LBS. 'asy terms Apply J. K. Carroll his home for the holidays. Mr. and | | articies including Military Bell Tent. , | BEDFORD, Phome 1731, The Auctioneer. SITUATIONS VACANT. Eolborne trea?" E. C. Smitn, 199 FOR SALE. [10 WL. Gas TRACTOR AND DRILL. lH Ostler, who has been attending MAN we OR W om AN TO DISTRIBUTE K TERT Agency, 56 Brock reet. Known 1 sek eces AGE WANTED s wing Waggon. Apply to/ A Add -------- | Mrs. Richard Dawson, Ottawa, are sities; tremends lemand; terri. -- en ee -- M. McKendry, Uattersea siage "ETS OF WHITE NEWSPRINT PA- |. 1 M I , M tory arranged. work pieasani; pay AGENTS--~GET IN A PFROFITABLE driver Per; size 17" by 23"; 500 sheets for! ViSitIng Mrs. Dawson's parents, Mr iberal even for spare time; experi all year commission business of 40c. Suitable for many purposes. and Mrs, Ostler, Plevna. Mr. and | | | | ence « pita ecessary Hrad your own Every property owner ACRES, 90 ACRES TILLABLE, 30 | Apply Britis 'hig Office. 4 T : Con ne rantford, Ontario newrds some of our nine acres pasture, good buildings. Price 0p 7 British Whig Office | Mrs. John Flake and children, | PIANO UNING | as: Bio . verietles of hard $6,500. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, 83 ACRES, ALL BUT THREE ACRES vant, motored to Plevna to visit Mr. PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING and plants. No ¥¢ 3 68 Brock Street. tillable. This farm jg a dandy and 3 PAINTING AND PAPER HANGIN Cemplete equipment and inst u, - eee is within Ave ms hts Hi a Mrs. George Flake. Mr. and Mrs. | asd FOR ere TT "rr 'n free. Write Dominlon Nurser. FOOT VARNISHED SKIFF IN Ply J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock | Roy Bebea spent Sunday at Mr. and PLAYER PIANO ADJUSTING FOR PAINTING AND ¥ APERHANG ies. Montreal si class condition Can be seen Street. Mrs Flake's Mr. and Mrs Albert ing get my prices mpieie ne of on application to the caretaker at it ------ re ------------------------ =} . a i! n : NORMAN HH. BUTCHER Wall Paper pecial this RNERGRTI RELIABLE, RE. Kingston Yacht Club. | AT NEW LUMBER YARD oN cov. called on Mrs. Ohlman Sunday after- 27 PINE STREET - PHONE 1819w n 4 onsible . rete bly wit] Seo DP ANDO os are cession street, rough lumber, dif- noon Miss Jean McKenzie Kings- apna ble nal para Fo ¥ith spcoND-HAND DAYTON COMPUTING ferent kipds' and ranks, alsq . . ke ob large a juain:ance. both business scale, 30 Ib. capacity stightly Shingles. Apply at the yard or § ton, has arrived to take charge of Ta DS ---- . "If cal tu fiandie an vig Satah. used Grice Teasunable. 118 Col. | St. Catharine Street. one of the school classes, as there | LOUD LOOK! LIsTEN © product, in c Wal rne Street, Kingston -- ---- ---------- ee PAPE 2 over 50% of the population BOAAY | circa See | pERETLRLS B . . are too many pupils for one teacher e. Let 2 e 3 ARRED ROCK KGGS . . ome aud, good profits A quick | prpry ACRES OF GOOD LAND; HALF for hatching, $1.00 for 13: White All were glad to have Mr. Gaul here Tom: What do you think of my d t ae e re all stores and "ood garden land; In that noted Rocks, $2.00 for 13; 3 setfings for Sunday evenin He preached a suit? hN We will save you meney. Pearl Street, Too08: Mr. West; 15 tacdening centre, 'Cataraqui. Ap- $5.00. Leave orders at. Giiberts 3 8. pe! Boss: Why don't + / Prompt attention and first class roar! Street, Turont a rly to Box N-6. Whig Office {irocery, 194 Barrie Street. Phone splendid sermon, Mr. Gaul has been ! ¢ y on you try 4 work guaranteed. Jireel For .. A he 254 {very il. John Breen and family are | ©0urse of voice culture for it? W. H. FRANCIS - CHIROPRACTIC HENDERSON FOUR CYLINDE MO- -- te ) i i] 85 sixTH sv PANTING, PAPERHANGIN 4 | tor-cycle and side car. Cheap for BUILDING Lom, 66x132--UPTOWN- moving to the Andrew Laundry place . Phone 20004. rating, glazing. hardwoc ' 1 - cash or will take "Light Weight" in west side--gas, water, sewer, pave- peo) th n- | IE EE Ae TS ---- ishing, ete. frst class work, r WM. A. MARCELAS, D.C, Pa. CO, Cer- part exchange. Jarvis, 621 Prince ss ment. Will give the lots and $1000 tile week. The Pie an the mou : { sonable prices. Wallpaper samples ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd Street cash and take a mortgage from a adn are taking out poles, as John | Ww. KENT MACNEE Estimates submitied. A Moun tees Door, Barrie St. entrance, Kingaton, | __ Street mem Setembro Tesponsible bullder.. Apply Box Flake is going to extend the tele- They | Bank of commerce Building, Brock and 208 Alfred Stree Phone 836m unt. Consultation free. Teleohone | Two LOTS IN COAL MININ TOWN M-5, Whig Office, } : 322J. Hours ¥ ta 12 ara. 1 to § pm | in Alberta, 3% miles from cfty of rE ice on | phone Hne up there ; | King Streets. Phone 701 or 13374, = | General Insurance Ageney BARGAINS IN WALL hanging anc r : vu -- { 69,000, seil cheap or exchange for| We: HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF LE -------- CARPET CLEANING. | PR. GEORGE F. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A. | Ford car. Apply Box 0-8, Whig &ood seconi-hand furniture anq Writing: --Automoblle, Fire, Acoldent, Luey. Chiropractin § . - 0 ] . - "ith : = -- GasyL an Nbrac 220 Bawaitf, and Off t.s, stoves. Any person having stoves | . TO LET. ) | Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, et between Princess and Brock. Tel ee ---------- a ---------- und furniture to dispose of, we wily A" | Kepresenting Only Heliable Companies. CALL MULLER'S BICYCLE WORKS, phone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 am. 1 > FRAME BUNGALOW, FIVE ROOMS, Day highest prices. J. Thompson, HEATED APARTMENT OVER CLAR- | i Pp AIS toe for information on our new carpet 6, and 7 to 9 pm. Spinal analysis | sun parior, outside Kitchen, bath 3 Priucess Street. Phone 1600w. ence street garage. Phone 1994. | cleanir nethods; also oleum 3 t nh { | room, newly decorated and Paint. | sete amp a ma m | -- ee and ollclor ava hi ne 1032w i or popation free. Residential | ed. Price $1,800. Corner lot. Pat. HER YWUHANCE TO PURCHASE A ROOMS, CENTRALLY LOCATED, FOR | 371-3 King stree ee rt rick and Thomas street | used Chevrolet car, in good run-| office only. Apply Dr. u. C. Dewar, | HIGH CLASS > Brno too 2 cee - = : | ---- -- | ning grder and newly Yarnished; 200 Princess street. | | 1 ' CIVIL ENGINEERING | HATCHING EGGS FROM BRED TO Quire avays well taken care of. In. | MERCURIAL, NO DOUBT R NTIN 1p TERING. . lay Barred Rocks, "Canadian Ring- Quire at 174 Princess Street, or 58 ARAGES; RE REASONABLE. AP- -- UPHULSTENING PLAN SURVEYS. ESTIMATES -- 16% Brain no 00 Netting 13 in | Lower Bagot. Ie ly to Ae ta. "0 "Smith, the weather man, hag a | CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. J ANS SURVEYS ATES _. 71, fertile eggs replaced. Apply ---- | rock Street. one 237. hd " MAY WE HELP you ;PALLOR DROF A C. 34 BS Wood 8. Scott, B.A, B.Sc Mem. Eng Temple, 447 Diviston. St NEW MOTOR BOAT, LARGE, 20 Fr. x diop as 0 as his WITH YOUR PRINTING ie, up . 2 & t. | Inst. tar! Street Phone 647.) _ te ------ ee 4 ft. § ins: built last year; engine RIGHT ROOM HOUSE, HARDWOOD | thermometer." REQUIREMENTS? F. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR opi EET " ESSES FOR SALE, OR MADE Barker 4 ns Break. never floors, hot Mo hSating, Posses- "Yes; has a mercurial tempera- 3 y or ing ~~ YEAR MATTRESSES ALE, Mi e Stops: painted and just overhauled; sion June 1st. one . » i olatering 3 ra, Zepain ig MARRIAGE LICENSES to your order, any size, any quan- Sushiens. Apply W. Westlake, | ment, no doubt. ! Ring 243 { + t t ---- tity, lowest factory prices Also *ortsmouth, 1 THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED 108 Clergy Nreet CUAKLES F. ADAIR, CATARAQUR raling, Frontenac Mattress | eee tt 0° rooms, suitable for a couple; all NO JoB 100 smALL COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- Lint suer of marriage iicenses, Company, 377 King Street. Phone | CORDWOOD, $12 PER CORD; STOVE. conveniences. Phone 1783J. | : NO JOB TOO LARGE der in all popular shapes and sizos Phone Tris | 1961J. ' i weod Pn $5.00 per ord; not { Our Prices are Right Upho!stering and repairing done ee restates emstncand | spilt, 50; measured and de- LODGE ROOMS ON KING } -------------------------- i' J. Goodridge. 244 University | A 100 ACRE FARM, REASONABLE livered. Phone 1611m. Yard in| formerly occupied by the TOOT oe Avenue. 'Phone i833J. ARCHITECT | © distance trom tne city. Bullding in ton, $61 Univaiersity. W.'C. Bru.| ' [JIieriY Sooupled by the 10.0. ATE British Whig Publishing Co. rain --_--_ a me - | good state of repair; also all live ton, 2 University, § ¥ d = i POWER, SON AND DREVER ncn. | stock, Implements, feed and. ete -.. T. 6 BY 13 FI ov oo | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; {AA | 306-8-10 King St. B. DRESSMAKING tects, Merchants Bank Chambers, Must be sold. Apply J. K. Carroll] TENTS, » FT. o» BY 12 FT. BY 7 FT,)| all improvemenis; centrally logat- \ ~~ Lika cad corner of Brock and Wellington Agency, 56 Brock Street. 3 iT wall; 8 oz Juck; complete with | ed. Apply 243 niversity Aves i \ -- -- een -- eee | DO nd sla -| - { DRESSM KING OF ALL KINDS DONE | © rr a "a2 ETE on Rie | 63 RIDEAU STREET, STONE HOUSE, J | ! FRESH FRUI 1 5 a rsSlonanle SANE pecial SF FERTILIZERS SFECIALLY PREPAR- Frank w Cooke, 219 Bagot street, | eight rooms, three piece bath. sus, {ill | » o ad O ag Mrs 2 mtr imnt------a + + o-- ed packages for gardens, lawns and ngston "hone 436. i furnace. Apply 47 Ri eau Street. y frey, 254 Bideau. Phone 2019] CUNNINGHAM 4 SMITIl, BARRIS flower beds. Maple Leaf Lime Sul | -- a et oe or PERFECTLY SAFE fre 800d for everybody at any time RE EF id nd solicitors, 79 Clarence phur for spraying. Phone 373 Dom- | BUSINES CROFOSITIONS IN THE THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS; SUIT- Bug Traffic Cop: Huh! (tg a || TOF children and adults, for heal- 3 Kingston. A. B. Cunning- infon Chemical Company, 233 Wel. Ng places: Verona, Odes- able for light housekeeping Ap- | 9 thy and sick--eats for any of them WE 5 % Mn n Street. ilton, Camden Eas -} P r or one| olnch that fellow'll never break an K.C; Cyr'l M. Smith ington Street n t, Syd ply to 30 Plum street ph | a y who stomach trouble, no doctor hill. t Mississippi and Battersea 21267. | opeed laws! We also keep the very best in sea- -- ---- | "NA seh ASSESSES CARPENTER | 5 MHROSKE SHEKA, 3.4. BARRISTEN , MATERIAL FOR SALE--HARDWOOD also In the city. Apply J, K. Carroli| , ; Contractur, 212 And Solleitor. Law office, - stairway, hardwood flooring. beav- Agency, 56 Brock Stre | LARGE STONE HOUSE TO RENT MAY | ian or gt ay n hone 1508w. {Ing and Brock over Ro er board, window sash and glass, = | 1st. For particulars apply at Gil- | || boxes and bulk. mr 9. iwo tables, office desk and chair | 300 PRINCESS STRE -- SOLID bert's Grocery, 194 Barrie Street. | 'G. rnb ------ screen doors and coal bin. Apply brick eight room ho with all im- | Phone 254. CANDY ---- ee . cH a No. 1, Couper Street provements; hot air; good size lot { 4 HAVE YOUR PIANO TUNED BY OUR AUTO PAINTING. | chasesarage. Terms to sult pur- | BRICK, NINE ROOMS, 44 UPPER x J AND expert, Mr. Flynn Telephone 1544 | uuu =~ | NINE ROOMED FRAME HOUSE; chaser." Phone 87 or call 90 Barrie William street, hot water heating, | ©. W. Lindsay. Ltd y AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AND FIN. Slectrie Lan, ig for ooking. 3- Street. | Fossesston June lst. Apply 46 a . ishin specialt Gord ung. plece n Ot air furnace, IMMER Ot oa o------ Upper William, | Se -- = aes 2000 li) of Ta barmerani hardwood floors downstairs; also a | SUMMER COTTAGE, FOUR ROOMS Ls | Shoe Store. 800d barn with stable. Apply to 96 and ice hou lot 200 ft. frontage | ON JUNE 1st, A FOUR ROOMED / . - | Erm------ ES Victoria street, near Mack Street. | . th; situate on Georges apartment; all conveniences; hot DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICI e ---- ee et i i Dear Christie's Lake CP.R.| Water heating. Apply to White's 288 Princess Streei. Phone §53w. FINANCIAL TORDWOOD, 810, 311 AND $12 PER Stadion; terms cash. APPIY. to Pub- | Insurance Agency. i Sats reset ---- cord; stovewood, spilt, $5.00 or | © Trustee, Osgoode Ha oronto. | DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. VRS. H. 8. CRUMLEY. FIRE. AUTO. cord; not split, $4.60; al Ped ON JUNE 1st, 13 ROOM HOUSE, ALL tists, 1589 Wellington street. corner bi d Casualty Insurance. 420 and delivered. Phone 1811m. Yard THE FOLLOWING FARM PROPERTY, | modern conveniences; newly deco- of Brock. - 2 . Phone 1753M. in rear of 244 University. Ww. C 105 acres, 65 acres tillable, balance | rated; hardwood floors. Apply 116 DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 89 Bruton, 281 University. anus rood bullings. Will ex-] = Gore Secor Doon setnt : Phone 1380 Ob ity property. Price §6.- | Princess Street. Phone 1850. Open i foanss oF & | > \ pply J. K. Carroll A ency, 56| 89 COLLINGWOOD STREET, EIGHT RSA) She nimant ics 38 Clafonea Sifes "™ THRIVING VILLAGE, AN vvpgn.| HARES mg Ste wT te h o i DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE- st office. with stock and equipment, ar | sas _lor ane, Sood, celiar and sumed practice at 92 Princess St -- plete, including hearse, also good ALBERT STREET DETACHED | = - . Over Bank of Nova Scotin. Phone FRONTENAC LOAN AWD INVEST. blacksmith shop with all necessary brick, 8 rooms, hot alr - furnace, | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN 18023 ie hg Dent Society. incorporateq iss). tools and sto. Apply J. K. Carrol! = siecteie light, 3 piece bath, tofief| Carat ny rooms and s ; your = 8 President Wr ete Nice Agency, 56 Brock Street. | Moors dowack Stairs "hardwood! own Jock ang Reps APices City | SAW HER FLY MILLINERY. oney issued on oity ang rm Rar, ownstalra a al Drorags. I ig ueen St. Phone "My, but John's girls a bird." ane eon! "You; when they met, | saw hor Rs -- properties. municipal and county! USED CARS AND PARTS J. K. Carroll A 56 ------ 'G 7 EB debentur mortgages purchased, 50.00 a - & Y, pan By, 112, OWEN investing i Teron salt. de ails Tourings, RS ucla di | ns bedrooms ROU ASRUEPING, fly inte his arme." - for making, trimming and remode! C. Cartwri | Jsed parts good as new. { bathroom floor; hot and cold water ght, manager, 37 Clar- {A TWO STOREY DWELLING AND | * ing hats Terms moderate ence street Kingston ! % ago. A. PALMER. store bullding. on a corner, also! and gas for cooking. Apply 396 Se -- Trt BuO Ys | Sous ram nies a Tamitt | SEE dren : . ng lot, property all in &00d re-| te | | En TIES I Tae mene rae mor | rate early rental] .080, a rar S BIRTH. [C. K. ROBINSON, M.D. 365 parnir| BATEMANS kEar ESTATE, Easy terms.. This is goon. 31.940 tric lights, &ood cellar, good marks. skin cancers. scars. ste. ro. Street. Hours 10.20-12 am. 2.4 --- . K. Carroll Agency, 56 Botel garden and trees. Apply moved permanently. Satis pm. 7-830 pm. I'hone 1646 | FOR SALE. reet. t's Grocery. PHONE as & duty none of Us can afford to KAP irk. dows it to ur, ', ONE - HE es, and most of all to our. apartment, corner r- 1 keep In fighting trim for . rie and Princess Stock all conven- gaat r the game of life. Are you 100% of- Phone 301 286 i Refrigerators--$s, $10, $12 | iences; hot water heated. 1 ficient? If not, try Os [3 ' -- i . | Der MO ral $3,800--DOU FRAME, ROOMS | Cohen & Co.. 276 Ontario get well and stay well hen one Sn f each; EhLE C.; gas W2 one ns Davenporta--4g9, $12. Passes forty, the best tative i ] a | preven | electric ight Jn one cutbullding. | Dressers--gs, 37. $9. OR or DED SOLD AT A A i Gentleman's Bicycle--4$12, | FA--FRAME; ROO BARN ODD LO 5 | and C.; ee It BA. i By Organ--§19. i lasses fNtted and furnished after - | ere have failed. Goitre removed | H. C. MABEE, M.D. C.M. 79 WIL. | $3,700--BRICK VENBER; 7 ROOM BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, BTC, 8; H Ars' experience. Dr. Elmer J liam street. Office hours 11-12 plece bath room; gas; stable; good N Bye Bar Nose. Throat. Skin am, 2-4 pm, 7-830 pm. Phone! garden. | - Ss Several Planos cheap. Do you need a half or quarter ton of | SBYERAL FARMS YOR ry | Combination Book Case and Desk, $15) a oal to put you throu e seaso SLI00-FRAME BUNGALOW; 5 ROOMS, Rugs {3 35, 85. | Coal put yi th gh th a n nearly new | . % a tria : | a We buy all kinds of Furniture. A good chance to give us | 98500--BRICK VENEER, 8 mooOMS, | . . sun room and store room, § LESSE'S ANTIQUE sHOP bath, el 1 o Princess Street James Swift & Co., Limited : heating. . floors up| Pheme 1043w. yo: a } roughout; good lot; i Foot of Johnson St, et She Tr kine Bowmen | BRICK BUNGALOW, 7 ROOMS, un. Ww. uy bi "lr yas Niro |" floors throughout: built in book Yo treet to town of cases and mirors; and electric | le To rail light, stationary aa an hot wa- ter in cellar, large fru evs: | nd shrubs; a arent fruit at. al i i n. STOVES i Far ' ; HOUSES To RENT ALL MODERN 1. : Automatic gressive an them § 155 WELLINGTON sTRESY ;, Dot water heating: will. Wo take as vart paymen row. $3. 100. A 8 A ext to Bunk of Neva Sestia) While the; ast, you may have ' ; garage. Good location. © « ~ For Cormack, 80 Collings" 5 Me- ! on » ot one teaxonable, as that is my | | MOOMING HOUSE, 18 ROOMS, ALL I. | Street. Kingston, Ont. * - HIBH ALTITUDE | 4 tto. § { : int, APARTMENT THREE eh --. i te peng a" ¢ ras pans le honatier 3 Bee Whatcha doin' with the | Abrebam Lincoln went through J TURK Phone 705 FURNITURE FINISHING | GARDEN LOTS; LARGE OR SMALL. 5 Cludes po pot ating. hot "and | college in a log cabin. . - i = AMES HARRIS, ELECTRIC cold water, wa heating, | "Be our friend's friend but not the L OR DROI* A CARD TO W. Dis. | BATEMANS REAL ESTAT : p hone large recreati ounds. Ki ' A ASA 130 Wellington Sereet | | Lehi street west Address PO. Box 135 a raata : i -