THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | v. C. H. Schutt, Toronto, AND PRIZES AT QUEEN'S... Fs = fm) i | very ably taken up in the First Bap-| Rev. C. H. Schutt, Toronto. Mr. | Arts and Science Are Schutt is the superintendent of the | Announced. Baptist missions board, and travels | through Ontario and Quebec. placing | {Arts were announced at Queen's ontdid outline of the work accomplish- | Monday morning: ied was most instructive and interest- | | Colonial History--Margaret Porte- | er told of the growing need in cer- | t I ous, Ottawa. [tain sections of New Ontario for | f1¢ | W.M.0. Lochead fn Political Sci-| young ministers to take care of the A SPECIAL SALE : ence--F. A. Knox, Orono; BE. R.|incoming settlers who desired pro-| i { P. D. Ross in Commerce--Paul| Mr. Schutt stated that the Baptist | Sykes, Ottawa. denomination had done more this | Alexander Laird Fnglish--Alice {last year in mission work than ever |M. Ore, Kingston. before. A special appeal was made / : | | een an f une not given. BR K to take adv tage ol. gen The Maclennan in Greesk--H, R. | Y.M.C.A. Song Service, | N. F. Dupius in Mathematics--yJ, the regular Y.M.C.A. song service on NIGHT FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCE- i MENTS. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY OF | SCHOLARSHIPS, MEDALS | °° re marmsr cuoncn | ---- | ? | Rev The subject of home missions was : 'Winners In the Faculties of !!st church on Sunday evening by, These scholarships and prizes in ministers in new flelds, His splen-! Andrew Haydon scholarship in/!ing to the congregation. The speak- | S -- ------ Smith, Kingston, (divided). per church influences. Ann Elize Stafford in Blology-- | bY the speaker, Jolliffe, Kingston. | There was a good attendance at | quality and workmanship of the > ! Sunday evening. Special musical * 3 H. Findlay, Ki ton. . highest grade, give | Tw ar, 1 noisy Joka H. | numbers were supplied by the oholr | Findlay, Kingston. of St. Luke's church. Miss Grace | LIVINGSTON'S M. Drummond, Bristol Corners, Que, | °F] Secretary of the "Y" presided Gowan Foundation Number III |2t the service, during which expres- C. L. Yoerger, Humbolt, Sask slons of regret were offered at the Ia Prize--Gert _ | passing of the late Abraham Shaw, Seren pte ertruds Dam & prominent church-worker who had -- | Gowan Foundation Number 1--o, | Taft acted as accompanist. The gen- Custom-made Clothes the preference. You'll find distinctive patterns in our | man, Pembroke. French Prize--Eva Alexandria. James C. Rogers Prize in English -Frances MacCallum, Kingston. Prize in Spanish--Doreen Lavell, Boucharnq, always been an ardent friend of the | local Y.M.C.A. Prayer was also of- | fered by the president of the yn, Frank R. Anglin. Besides the chor-| | uses, the programme included solos | | by Miss Prince, Miss Fannie Peters, | + , ATTRACTIVE VALUES IN HOUSE FURNISHINGS Many Special Priced Items That Will Greatly Les- sen the Cost of Refurnishing the Home. [Kingeton. |and duets by Miss Gertrude Hoftani {and Miss McCammon, new Spring Woollen Suits at Arts Medals. 1 {--kLatin--Fiorence May Richardson, A GRE | } AT PURCHASE | B.A, Stittsvile, | : $ lors SheR=--Mildro E. Hallett, B.A, | Ot Boys' Im od Wash Suits. | p | We have been lucky to be able to to | oT nisk--Mildred E. Hallett, B.A. secure a beautiful range of fast col- . awa, jo in boys' wash suits, These suits English--Bert Case Diltz, M.A, are made up in very snappy styles | Bronte. We contend are the nicest suits | and { History--Harold Falls Cross, | shown for many a long day in Kings- $ | B-A., Mado. . {ton. These sizes, 21% to 8 years. Fo. Economics--Harry A. Scott, B.A, | prices, $2.50, $2.75 and $3. It will . Kingston. | pay you to see them. | Mathematics--Edith a. Tuttle, | The Boys' Shop |'M.A., Tweed. ' | ' i Li lothi House, | Blology--Jeffree Aiken Cunning. | Ths Lion i he : | ham, B.A., Victoria, B.C. | Wanted at North Bay. comes ronnd, there is always a | OR Apa nn. | A despatch from Toronto says that window that needs mew Cur- | FACULTY OF APPLIED SCIENCE. | 43¢ police there have a charge to tains. This Scrm is of excel | mam | prefer against one T. W. M. Duncan | Th Sir Bandtord Thominy prac.| bat OF securing - money unde | andfor eming Prac- | false pretences, It is alleged that he | tical Science Scholarship, $70--w | : » |M. Brown, Owen Sound. | made the rounds of a number of lo The N. F. Dupuis Scholarship, $80 |cal merchants and secured quite a Livingston's |sum of money on the strength of the 75-79 Brock Street R. Stephens, Minden. |--J. E. Quance, velhi | oo 4 | assertion that he had money in the The J. B. Carruthers Scholarship, bank. The despatch- further states " . *"" i If off your route it pays to walk |. The P. D. Ross No.-2, $50--G. p, | | Furse, Thamestord. | ) FINE WHITE SCRIM Very Special 12ic. When Housecleaning time | WINDOW SHADES Very Special 75c¢. ea. The strong rollers are a noticeable point in these Blinds. First quality Shades, usual width, produced by a lent quality, wide width ana maker of good, servieeable will prove Inexpensive if you Window Shades. All wanted have a number of windows. INVITING YOUR INSPECTION BE ------ j350°D, 8. Pasternack, Calgary, | hat the accused was given ~ three | {years in the penitentiary for misap-| | propriating $1,800 from a meat firm | in Toronto, ees ---- Queen Street Mission Band. After a' most successful year, just! FLOWERED CHINTZ | FOR TO-MORROW ONLY | | elected the officers for the coming Science Honor Grad tes. { J. F. Comer, A. G. oa R. H. |Year: Superintendent, Mrs. Ashford it ---- er Im 3 Bell; President, Gage Law; Vice {Myers, R. J. Clench, J. U. M ell; President, g 3 ¢ {C. 8 -Gibson, D. J. Emery, T. Seana. | President, Eleta Garrisan; Record- , 5 | Governor General's Medal 1920-21 | Ing Secretary, Atyon Lennon; Cor- | | Second Year Scholarships. The P. D. Ross No. 1, $100--L. E. ~D. 0. Notman. | responding SPeToErY, Broira Sie Governor General's Medai 1 -22 (ly; Treasurer, Dick Lavall; { Siti Tower, Lottie Ferris; Pianists, Mil- || dred Ferris and Dorothy Gulloch. Home Grown Asparagus now com- {ing every day at Carnovsky's. ANDERSO BROTHERS Limited Phones 458--459. Wholesale 1767. + DAILY MEMORANDUM | ( Four very pretty patterns to choose from---a heavy quality | Grand Concert at the YM.C.A,, Tues- ft { | day night. Tickets 25c. Chintz, suitable for Draperies, Coverings, Cushions, etc. The | British mail will close Jt he Xing. | colorings are all pretty, and are suited for any of these in- dans. vitice at 9 o'cloe Fag | dividual purposes. Full yard (36 inches) wide. Late James Rooney. ~~ i : James Rooney passed away at the | {House of Providence on Sunday. The | RI ERS { deceased formerly resided at Broek- | oO S {ville where he worked as a carpent- for. Ho was minty years of a. ani | HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR KIRSCH CURTAIN ROD | single, and was for the past twelve MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. 30c¢. AND UP Pe me For Washing and Cleaning . Every home needs the following, all priced to show a saving to. the purchaser. Comfort Soap 25 Boxes, 2,600 Bars, 8 Bars for eoveriiiiiii mm. .BBo RINSON, 2 Phas, for «+. oomeieis' mens os cree iBo brothers, Frank and Peter, Catar- Friends 0d, Sequnintances respestzully . aqui, William, Kingston, and two| POWLEY---At Sunnyside, Cataraqul, on San! Flush, per tin ewe ceeeeoneoo ono... come emeee. 200 i sisters, Mrs, George A. Smith, Cherry May 6th, 1932, Eliza Jane Rose, wi- dow of the late James Powley, Handy Ammonia, 3 for tet meme eee 280. Be ston. and Mrs. John 8.| .aEed 8 years Xuneral from her son in-law's resi- Bénami cake or POWABE secuswms svemensromse ss -14¢ Cataraqui, Tuesday morning at 16 : y y | years at the House of Providence. | The remains were sent to Brockville . PIED. i ing to Sizes and Styles. MORLEY -In Kingston General Hospl- Priced According o S Z y Mofley, sok of the ate Join Mor- For pretty Draperies that hang nicely, the Kirsch Curtain Rods are y ley, highl - ley, Westbrooke, age years. a A lueters Eghiy Fass, Funersl from Jas. Reid's ns | | Un's Bay, passed away at the Gener- standard time, to Cataraqui ceme- not to sag, rust, or tarnish. Come in two widths and three different styles. tery. after an iliness of four weeks. The invited to attend. deceased was a son of John Morley,| PAYNE--In Portsmouth, on May 7th, Westbrook, where he was born for. 1932, Elizabeth Sanderson, beloved LIMITED ---- SPECIAI {by M. P. Keyes, undertaker. Er Albert 2 Late Jok A. Morley. tal, On May Sth, 1922, John best suited. Made from a strong metal, finished in bronze--guaranteed parlors Tuesday afternoon at 32.3 al Hospital early Monday morning Friends and acquaintances respectfully d. wife of John A. Payne aged 170 ty-six years ago. He was a Method- years. orld Ist In religion. Those surviving are| Funeral from her late residence, Ports- his wife, two children, Carrie, aged dayhioht oom. Tuesday afternoon, daylight saving time, to Cataraqui fourteen, and Gordon, aged six, three Cemetery. a ------------ a ---------------- dence, William J. Smyth, Sunnyside, o'clock, 3 TOR Tablets, each + wom eae vee ee... Bg Aor an Minoss ootomn aver] han aa, aouusintances respecttuliy Oastile cakes 6 f ove a ante treme = os oo. three years, the death rred Suap calies 8 for ; 20 [mars raise aera. | oan OF THANE. Olstile Soap, long bar rs atom oem we +] BQ : ceased was born on Wolfe Island, | thelr, many friends ana neighbors Jor bd ---- sins EREEELE] New Styles For Evenin Corn Beef, 1b. 120 was 'Bighly esteemed. . tax, : 5 JAMES REID ! The Old Firm of Undectakers Pickled Pork, 1b, St Set ---- = oo] 80 Jock: a son, Petes 264 and 35¢ PRINCESS STREET ; ' N.Y; veo son, John, Kingston; four Phone 147 for Ambulance Mild Rich Sodas > : 4 Ber rerio Distinction Every Day next week will be Market-day with our New Silver Satin--Grey Suede weather comes the craving and taste for fresh fruits, wid . Rid and Pateuts 2 also new tender Vegetables. To meet the varied widiha A. 10 C. tastes and needs of the hundreds of patrons to our HOSIERY to match. larger Fruit and Vegetable Market very spegial pro- : ; vision is made regarding supplies for this ye of John A. Payne, Portsmouth. De-| Mrs. Tyo and family wish to thank New Cabbage, 1b. aris sty me. arte wn. we +. TQ e = : ¢ S ' i outside Fruit and Vegetable market. With Summer car to arrive, $pecial prices per case LOCKETT'S ment, as mentioned in Saturday's issue. j The chartered banks of Canada have paid $786,653 as income tax and $4,278,420 on note eirculation under the Special War Revenue Act. Four'.young men lost their lives | by drowning at New Liskeard. or doz. lots,