Ls ed ALLEN TO-DAY EL1A0TT DEXTER GRAND LARCENY -- ee ---- IH UPTONS [ Asked if He Requested AND BRYANT "%z ime Cl FEARED YELLOW PRESS ACCORDING TO DRURY AWAIT REPLY FROM RUSSIA Dewart, | KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1922, To Be Tried on the 13th LE June. To Appear Before Judge Madden on Cotter Shoot- ing Charge. ton, who are now serving a four- Year 'sentence in Portsmouth peni- { ler | Toronto, May 9.--H. H. LK.C., in the legislature afternoon yesterday rors na senor Will the Soviet Reply | clean-up conference held at Queen's | [Park last week, and asked the prem- | he had asked the press representatives | whether it was correct that Be Conciliatory ! to suppress a passage of arms which | {occurred between sie Adam Beck. | Premier Drury replied that {ference only by courtesy. He | therefore, that if something: the premier and | Premier Lloyd George is Re- the | {press had been present at the con- | felt, | had | Erwood Upton and Sherwood Up. | Sango hin 1 was noy 3 the | 2S a ¢ -u 0 IY $1 : hea 3 clon To have divulged, i hou oy |STESTIY awaiting the Sovier reply |Meat seeding in Southern Mantiope have been "spilled" in the manner in| to the Allied memorandum on the ported As Still Very Optimistic. Genoa, May 2.--Genoa today is A eet inmt----. | GOOD GENERAL CROP y | Conditions Most {| Reports C.P.R. Official-- Grain Up in Places. | Winhlpeg. May 9.--Conditions are the most favorable for a general good crop than they have been in many | years, according to Charles Murphy, | general manager of. Western Lines, Canadian Pacific Ry., who return- |ed Saturday from ag inspection trip as far west as Moose Jaw. Practic- lally all seeding has been finished in Southern Manitoba and in many in- | stances the grain is up two inches. { Eighty-five per cent. of the seeding [has been completed in Southern Sas- | katchewan. | With weather ideal conditions has been completed, it was said to- tentiary, and Frederick Bryant, who | ' night by J. H. Evans, deputy minis- is in jail waiting trial on the charge |Which the Telegram made it public, | Russian question, with the fate of of murdering Constable Beard of Napanee on the morning of August | 28th, last, shooting of Constable Cott ter and taking part in general rob- beries, will appear at the sitting of the county court-which opens at the court house on Tuesday, June 13th. at 2 p.m., to answer to some of the charges against them. J. L. Whit- ing, K.C.,, who is conducting the prosecution, when asked by the Whig did not state definitely what the charges will be, but it is understooa that the three young men will be charged with shooting Detective James Cotter and that Bryant may be charged with breaking into Ma- hood's fancy store. It will be re- membered that when the Upton bro- thers were charged with breaking into Mahood's store they pleaded guilty, but would not implicate Bry- ant. Bryant, who has been confined to {In view of the event, [would have been preferable press had not been present. Mr, Dewart retorted that it was a! {matter of duty, and not of privilege, | {for the press to be admitted. Mr. Drury rejoined that the con-|ciliatory, Lloyd George's ferring parties had raised some oh- [jection to the reporters being pres- ent, saying that their conversations could not proceed freely and they would have to weigh {words In view of the manner | which they might afterward be pre- sationalism." Blockade Turkish Black Sea Ports Constantinople, May 9.--A flo- he felt that 1t| if the] the conference hanging largely upon the tone of the Russian response. If the reply is essentially concilia- tory, it is said, France and Belgium will have difficulty in maintaining | their opposition. If highly non-con- position | will become untenable. Premier Lloyd George is still op- timistic, but rank pessimism is pre- that | ailing in most quarters. their | in (Which the fierce | the. Russian question turns. (sented "by a press inclined to sen-! Belgium's objection to c Belgium is the centre around controversy over It is lause seven in the Allled memorandum to the Russians, behind which France is standing in opposition. French President Agrees. Paris, May 9.--President Miller- and will preside at a cabinet meet- ing today when the whole European situation will be submitted to him ter of agriculture. Farmers in the {southern part of the province are well |on with their oat seeding, he added. | Wheat seeding is not so far advanc- jed in the northern district, but is pro- lceeding satisfactorily, Mr. Evans | stated. FORMER ONTARIO MAN'S WILL 0 PROVIE FichT | : Wife's Relatives to Endeavor | to Prove Suicide Preceded Wife's Death. | | Boston, Mass., May 9.--When Wil- liam B. Powell, Boston millionaire and general manager of the.R. G. Dun mercantile agemey shot and killed his wife and later took his own itish Favorable, | * "arrewwer NO FURTHER | { | | Whig ee -------------- | FIREWORKS EXPECTED IN THE LEGISLATURE ALLEN TO-DAY ELLIOTT DEXTER IN GRAND LARCENY Again on the O.T.A. En- forcement. LAST EDMus | EIGHT THE FR When T. H. Lennox Opens "] R ATES PROBE Toronto, May 9.--All the conten- 0.T.A CHANGE Go N Goi | tious government measures have now | t been gixen first reading in' the On- vernment 0 Ng | teen legislature, according to tha | . : | best information. The sessional menu Into Whiskey Business. Is substantially that announced from time to time as bills have been | brought down, and, with the pro- sl f Labo R gramme laid out before it, the conv Minister 0 r eporls viction in the house is that only by { Th tU I nt Situ - | hustling can prorogation come by | That Unemployment Situa- |}: tion Is Easing Outside the possibility of the com- . mencement on Tuesday of the debate Toronto, May 9.--"There is abso-| 2" Premier Drury's hydro-radial bill, | " ;.|the public accounts committee sit- lutel thing in it," stated Hon. W. Pp ; > fhe Do what he had |tings should provide the most in- | E. , | 2 {to say in connection with a despatch | teresting discuseions this week. T. H. [from Quebec to the effect that, faced | Lennox, K.C., proposes on Tuesday | with expenditures on radials and Hy-|!0 proceed with his investigations jdro, the U.F.0. . Government was Concerning Ontario Temperance Act {about to go into the liquor business | enforcement, and the government |along the same lines as it is carried | May take a firm stand at the next out in Quebec under government | Sitting concerning the progress of control. proceedings. In any committee con- "They must have mistaken Mr, (roversy the member for North York Drury for Mr. Ferguson," continued | May be expected to uphold his views | Mr. Raney. 'As far as this govern- forcefully, {ment is concerned there is nothing] In the house itself legislation and Ito it." | estimates can be expeoted to occupy | Premier Drury received thé eli [ping with laughter. "You can give | bulk of the week. Members have {it my unqualified denial," he said. | barely commenced their considera- | "There will be no change in the O.|tlon of the estimates, and many a |T.A. except those which have already | night will have to be put in before been presented to the House by Mr. |the blue book is closed and approv- Raney." ed. It will be legislation in the af- ternoon and estimates at night, with | {hot very much probability of de- |" Toronto, Walter | liberations proceeding on into the Rollo, provincial minister of labor, | early Bours of the morning, The greatly pleased with the improved | 80vernment is 'a little skeptical of {conditions in the unemployment sit-{the wisdom of a 16 or 18 hour | Unemployment Easing. May 9.--Hlon. p- | the attention of the members for the | the county jail for five months, un- tilla of Greek destroyers has |In well-informed circles it ig stated | " | day. y that he is in entire agreement with 111» he paved for what uation which have been noticeable | day der a special guafd, has been a mo- sailed from Brusa under orders del prisoner, It is thought that it | he is found guilty on any of the charges, the judge when sentencing him will take into consideration the time that he has been confiped. to Jail. The Upton brothers, who pleaded guilty on the charge of manslaugh- ter, are still waiting sentence on this charge. It is not likely that Justice Riddell will announce his se a until all the other charges ard dis- CONVICTS ARE SHOT posed of. It is not yet known Whe- ther Bryant will be tried on the charge of murder at this sitting of | A Group of Prisoners Attack the court, which will be presided | Guards While Returning over by Judge Madden. Four of the young men who were From Lunch. ( ifted to stand trial on the ak Of assaulting a. Quegn's stu. dent Tn Macdonald park a couple of weeks ago, will have their trial at this court. The fifth yougg man, who was comniitted to stand trial on the same charge, and who was un-|pe eity fire department, who was able to raise the amount of bail de- called upon to ald the. prison auth- manded, has asked that" he be tried [orities. Chief May said that '"be- by Judge Lavell in chambers. It is [ween ten and twelve" prisoners expected that his case will he dis- | were shot. The fire chief said the posed of as soon as the crown is able | qigorder started when a group of to get in touch with some of the wit- prisoners returning from lunch Desses who are at the present out of [the main dining-room attacked the city, guards who were escorting them. Served White Lead For Gravy Powder Ottawa, May 9.--Mistaking white lead for gravy powdet last night, Mrs. Patrick Hunter, 152 Turner street, served din- ner to her husband and two young sons, and within half an hour medical aid had tp be sum- moned, After suffering in- tensely the poison was removed from' their stomachs, to enforce a blockade of Turk- ish Black Sea ports, A Greek battleship has seized the Turkish steamship Ineboli as a measure of reprisal for the solzure recently of the Greek steamship Enosis in the Black Sea. "rColumbiay 8.605 May "9->8averal convicts in South Carolina state penitentiary were shot yesterday by prison guards in putting down a in the NEW CANADIAN STAMPS, Old Colors to be Reeplaced in the New Issue, Ottawa, May 9.---A number of changes in the color of Canadian postage stamps are being made to conform with the new international reegulations, A straw-colored one- cent stamp is being Issued, to re- place the old green cent stamp which has been in use for many years; and as the various offices exhaust their supply -of green stamps, they will be replaced with the new issue. The red two-cent stamp is being replaced with a green stamp, and shoul a six-cent stamp ever beb issued, it will take the red color hitherto distin- guishing the two-cent stamp.' The five-cent stamp is of a violet shade, while the ten-cent stamp is blue, Died Following Operation. New York, May 9.--Henry P. Davi- fon, the banker and philanthropist, died Saturday afternoon at the close of an operation for tumor of the brain at his residence at Peacock Point, Locust Valley, L.L. - The fol. |. § S---- lowing announcement was made by (Let the Americans Recognize the his physician: Russians First, "H. P. Davison died upon the con- clusion of an operation upon an in- filtrating tumor which could only be partially removed." N, i ------ FRANCE WAITS FORTHE US. high official of the government yes- sian Soviet government until the U.S. does. France has kept a free hand in this matter, and it makes no dif- ference what action the Genoa con- ference may take." ---------- At Hamilton, Thomas Beerman slashed his wife with an axe and af- terwards cut his throat and drank Paris green, His wife is in a critical condition, while Beerman is reported to be recovering, 3 ---- Hastings Waters Stocked. Belleville, May 9.--Half a million fry of pickerel, bass and speckled trout will be deposited in Hastings county inland waters, at Stoco Lake, Moira River headwaters, Oak Hill Lake, Ross Lake and Huntingdon township spring creeks. This means that in two years considerably over & million fry have been deposited in mutiny, according to Chief May ot | tess, at the Premier Poincare regarding the at- titude taken toward Russia and Ger many, and concerning: France's re- lations with the entente powers. ---------------- Two Italian Sisters Die In a Suicide Pact London, May 9.--Unable to live | without their mother, Countess Mor- {osini and her sister blew out their | brains as they 1 ide by i 5 DURING PRISON RIOT | ;i"8 as they lay side by side in bed |at their Padua mansion, according to |& Central News despatch from Rome | yesterday. The bodies of the sisters were dis- covered by servants. Each clutchod a revolver and physicians declared the shots fad been fired simultane. ously. Both had frequent]y threaten. ed suicide since the death of their mother, "our best friend." The coun- time their mother's death, attempted to shoot herseit over the body, but was restrained. Since that time both have been close- {¥ watched. Steamer's Rudder Broken In Heavy Ice Field Halifax, May 9.--The steamer Dallas, in latitude 47.40 north, long- titude 49.40 west, reports her rud- der broken, and she is in a heavy ice field, says a wireless message. KING FEISAL REFUSES T0 SIGN BRITISH TERS Decrees Assembly to Have Fin al 8ay in Mesopotamia's Affairs. Bagdad May 9.--King Feisal has refused to sign the terme presented by the British high commissioner in- tended to prohibit demonstrations in favor of abolishing British mandate over Mesopotamia, In addition, he bes decreed an organizational as- sembly, which is intended to have the final say 1K the management of the country's affairs. Paris, May 9.--"France," said a terday, "will not recognize the Rus- | Claim Independence, Genoa, May 9. Representatives |of King Feisal presented to the con- ference to-day a memorandum claiming the independence of Syria and Lebanon and protesting agaimst French occupation. -------------- John Holbe, Batula, Pa. is serving his third sentence in jail for refus- ing to have a child vaccinated. Each of the sentences was of five days, Workmen have resumed their em- ployment in shipyards in the Unite Kingdom, including the shipbuilding most ra- | markable and bitterly fought legal battles in the history of Massachus- | etts courts, | Powell, who was a Canadian by {by birth and a native of Port Dover, |Ont., was married to the widow of R. {H. White, one of Boston's greatest merchants. Both Powell and his !wife possessed independent fortunes and the question the courts will hava to decide is whether Mrs. Powell {died first, [estate. Mrs. Powell's relatives will {make the fight, for it is understood | that Powell willed all his poseesslons | [to distant relatives in Canada and .o | charitable institutions here and in { Canada. Sa . Powall dh9¥ 114 'wit 14 the Ifbrary and then went upstairs and ended his own life. Mrs. Powell was still living | when a doctor arrived, but died in a few minutes. The question is whe-| ther Powells' death was instantan- | eous, for he had already shot himselt {when the physician arrived. Ir it {was then Mrs. Powell's estate goes {to her relatives. If he lingered untii |after his wife had died, then Mrs. | Powell's relatives will, it is said get [very little if anything. Miss Mary N. Newall, a maid, de- {clares that Powell and his wife had | frequent quarrels. They led a strange { life, according to Miss Newall, Mrs. | Powell spending most of her tie in | bed. Wealthy as they were they nev- |er entertained. Young Bride Ends Carousal ' By Leaping Into River gee New York, May 9.-- Mrs, Margaret Gallagher, 19-year-old bride of two months, ended a gay night of rounds of Hoboken and Union Hill, N.J., cabarets in the company of Thomas Cassidy, a suitor before her marriage to Andrew Gallagher, and another young couple by leaping into the North River from th® Hoboken ferry- boat, Lackawanna, just drew into its West Twenty-third Street slip at § o'clock yesterday morning, Cassidy leaped into the river in an attempt to rescue her, and both were drawn by whirlpool currents, caused by a reversed sidewheel of the ferryboat, and drowned. ---- Dempsey Returning, Paris, May 9.--Jack Dempsey de- parted from Paris this afternoon when he left for Lohdon. He leaves for home Saturday. He will get into training immediately he reaches home in order to meet/ll comers. Lloyd George says the London Times editor is a malicious falsifier, Two mén carried out suicide pact at Detroit, Mich, since the opening of the spring wea- | Committee Appointed By House of Commons, Premier King Announces De- cision As to Civil Ser- vants' Bonus. - The commons | yesterday afternoon unanimously | suspended the rules of the house in {order that the committee to enquire |Into freight rates, moved by Hon. W, |C. Kennedy, should be appointed | The committee comprises Hon, A. K. Maclean (chairman) and Messrs. | McDonald, MacMurray, Archams | bault, Crear, Forke, McConica, Boys, | German, Euler; Hudson; Johnston | (Last Mountain) Drayton, Halbert Shaw, Jones, Neil, Fancher, Dickie, 1 Vien, Michaud, Stewart (Lanark), jand Manion. : | Mr. Speaker pointed out that the rules of parliament provided that only on common consent of the house could a committee of more than fii= |teen be appointed. He frther pointed | out that the rules, excepting on coms | mon consent, prevented the appoint ment of persons who had voted against the principle on which such committee was appointed. The house gave unanimous consent and the committee was declared appointed. Ottawa, May 9 | Sti Bonus of Civil Servants. ] Hal McGiverin, M.P. for Ottawa, enquired whether any decision had leaving her husband her! before it | -------------- {ther. Reports from the various (Only 100 Jews Have been reached with regard to the (government unemployment bureaus) Entered Canada at Quebec bonus to civil servants. Premier |in the province show that within the King replied that the government past few weeks jobs are becoming Quebec, May 9.-- There win ve | bad reached the following decision: quite plentiful, though he is not | o large number of Jewi immi-| Those receiving $1,200 and under, | wkb had one or more dependents, quite sure of' the situation in the | grants coming to Canada this season, large cities. He is anticipating, {according to Mr. Cutler, agent of He- | 8hould receive the total bonus grant. |however, that within a few weeks brew immigration here. The chiet ®d in 1921. Those without depend- | the situation which has been so seri- ,.ason for this statement is that | ©Nts in the same class shold receive {ous all over Ontario during the past | one-half, In the case of persons res ceiving more than $1,200, but less i ul b 1 Neviated | conditions in Russia are improving, winter w © greatly alleviated. {business is picking up and the S»- : than $1,800, with dependents,; two= thirds of the bonus would be grant |viet authorities, are allowing the ed. In the case of those without de= | people, who were plundered of ali pendents the bonus would be discons tinued. To those receiving from $1, | 800 to $2,400 with dependents ones third of the bonus would be paid. To those without dependents the bonus Leak-Proof. | would be discontinued. In the case a | ot all persons receiving $2,400 and New York, May 9.--Whiskey is be- | over there should be no bonus, coming scarce in New York City and | throughout the state, but illegal beer MISSING WIFE DETAINED. ts being handled in great quantities, according to a statement given out by New York State Federal Prohibi- tion Director Day. The claim was made in the statement that the East- ern Canadian border had been made practically leak-proof, with resultant | near-panic among the hundreds who have been engaged in trans-border rum-running operations. So far as | opleaiehment is concerned, New { RUM-RUNNERS' PANIC {thelr possessions to engage in vari IN EASTERN CANADA |, pursuits once more. The agen lis in receipt of a lengthy letter from relatives in the Ukraine, which tells of the improved state of affairs. so far this season about one hundrad | Yow have entered Canada through Quebee. |New York State Officials Have Made Border Almost | Two Busy Months Ahead. Ottawa, May 9.-- The parliamene tary session entered yesterday upon its ninth week with much achieve~ {ment to its credit but the bulk of jcouver, B.C., where his wife, miss- | the BIg things are yet to come. The ing from her home since April 25th, |!W0 outstanding matters are the is detained by the Canadian immigra. | Pudset and the railway rates ques~ tion authorities. After a long search, | tion, while the discussion of the during which he traced his wife tg | raflway situation on the estimates of New York, Montreal and western { that department and the grain mare Canada, York was notified by the | keting problem will, both take time. chief of police of the Pacific coast | AD 2DDouncement will be made this city that she was held here. | week as to when the budget will be According to York, his wife lett | delivered, and it 1s not cxpected to: home April 25th after withdrawing {be until next week. When Mr. Field. . i {Ing promised that he would be as 35.000 od SR, Hovey from a early as last year, he said as "early jewellery | ' , valued at $2,000, 4 [in the session' rather than at a . arly a date. In 1921 the budget was STR 1 brought down on May 9th. t SECESSION OF UNION. Having regard as to what Is ahead p Was {of them few members expect to shake 1 Somerville Man Notified She Is in ' Vancouver, Somerville, Mass, May 9. --Henry { A. York, of this city, has left for Van- 1 York City's supply of illicit liquor Is at a standstill and bootleggers are heading for Baltimore, Norfolk and other southern port cities in quest of new sources, it was stated. CONVICTED A FARMER, : MAGISTRATE FIRED | Brantford . Ex-Official Takes | . This View as Cause of |Atrican Federation's Leadershi Not Justified. Dismissal. | Louden, May 9.--Reuter's Johan. |M™UCh before Dominion Day. ec nesburg correspondent cables that + d Toronto, May ge Tat the en; engine drivers and firemen's| MEDICINE PRESORIBED HERE, ' oe enquiry was merely 3a excuse Lo union has decided to secede from | ® Bive. fhe atiosuey Feneral d thet ho the South African Thdustrial Federa- | An Ontario M.P.P. Would Know How y + 8 2 ©, tion. This union, which ie one of | Province Fares, the most important of those affiliated | Toronto, May 9.--J. W. McLeod, with the federation, is believed to Liberal, Stormont, has placed the have reached this decision a8 a re-| following question on the order paper during the war period, is the view of sult of the opinion that the tedera- | of the provincial legislature, "How ex-Magistrate Livingstone, of Brant- Son did a Justity Ju leadership ford, who has been recently retired | "© recent Rand strike. on the recommendation of W. E. ll ---- f toes How mavy prosrintious tom Gregory, who, at the request of the Pembroke Shows Growth, } . ma\y attorney-general, investigated "mat- Pembroke, May 9--The popula- | Intoxicating liquozs were issued for. ters in connection with the adminis- | tion figures for this town show an | the same period in each of the fol« tration of law in Brantford.' This | increase in one year of 423. But as | lowing cities: Ottawa, Guelph, Kit= view' of Magistrate Livingstone was {this census was taken in February, chener, Hamilton, Toronto, Strate contained in a letter which he wrote it does not include the many new citi. ford, Windsor, and Kingston? to the attorney-general when it Was zens who have since then come to What was the total amount of intoxi~ announced that he had been dis-|town. With the population of the | °2tINE liquors sold by the license missed. suburbs taken into account, Pem.|COMmmission in the same period? broke's present population fg very near the 9,000 mark, The assess- ment an Increase of $186,249, the total assessment being $5,359, | * 350. | real motive behind the Investigation was to deprive him of his seat on the bench following the conviction of a farmer for using seditious language liquors were issued in Ontario from Gen. Wu has a proposal for the unifying of the Chinese nation. The commons favors restriction of Oriental immigration. . Took Shackleton's Body To Antarctic Gateway -- Montevideo, Uruguay, local waters. ait _ HUSBAND AND WIFE. My husband detests onions,. At banquets and suppers he whispers to 'me: "Aro there onions in the salad?" ~F. A F. What does your husband do? Delegates {o the convention of the Ontar' vineial president, is seated in the centre jus! ¥ yards on the Clyde, bove the boy scouts, 5 . {Captain L. Hussey, of the British | Antarctic expedition ship Quest, re. turned here yesterday from South Georgia Island, the gateway to the { Antarctic, where | body of Sir Ernest | burial. He reports Shackleton for that the burial {in the graveyard of the little | lish church without ceremonies. | | took place at Grytvicken, ig i School Board Judgment. { Port Hope, May 9.--The resigna~ jtion of Judge Ward, who has been {head of the High Sehool Board | magy years, is now in the hands | the council, and fi would not be saps | pristhg it several other members Es [the board did likewise, as & pro | against the action of the Ontario partment of education in refusing & 2ilow the board to appeal the d ion of Judge Huycke in the case [atins Armour vs. the board ~ the dust of Ottawa from their fee many prescriptions for intoxicating ; October 31st, 1020, to October 31st, he conveyed the