Daily British Whig (1850), 9 May 1922, p. 2

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AILY B R ITISH Ww HIG. TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1923, THED Sri as to have him for the | uta Providence Ee Ox min YOUR FURS ARE INSURED AGAINST k FIRE, THEFT, MOTHS JOHN McKAY, Limite Manufacturing Furriers 149-157 Brock Street Kingston, Ont. ISIDENHAN STREET METHODIST CHURCH Concludes a Record Year-- James Shaw Has Been Ap- pointed Treasurer. Rev. Dr. R. H. Bell, pastor of | 8ydenham Street Methodist church, {reported to the trustee and quarterly | boards at the final meeting for the {year held on Monday evening that {the membership of the church was {eight hundred, which is the largest {In its history. On account of the |death of Abraklam Shaw, treasurer {of the church, it was found impossi- ble to tell definitely the condition of the finances. When Mr. Shaw passed {away his books were practically com- leted. A committee was appointed to have the books audited and make the official repont for the year, The | secretary stated that the sum of $8,- 817.53 had been raised for, missions, which is $450 more than last year. Of that sum the Sunday school rais- ed $429, Senior Epworth League ! A NEW DEPARTURE For Afternoon Teas, Parties, etc. we have manufactured an entirel y new line of COCOANUT MACAROONS The delicious little confec- have no hesitation in recom- tions are now on sale at all the leading groceries, and we They are just a little different from the average -1ine of Macaroons and we know that you will be delighted with them, mending them, Made in Kingston by CROTHERS Established 1869, REV. R. H. BELL, D.D. $211, and the other missionary so- | cieties obtained very large offerings. The boards passed a resolution of | @ppreciation of the valuable services which the late Abraham Shaw has rendered the church during nis years of service and a letter of condolence will be forwarded to the wife and members of the family of the de- ceased. James Shaw was appointed treas- jurer to take the place of the {] | Abraham Shaw, | A vote of thanks was extended to | % y Vulcanizing a Specialty W. D. JOHNSTON Telephone 881w. 70 PRINCESS STREET of the church, for the able way which he looked after his duties during the year, . it cs The thanks of the boards was ten- dered to E. P. Jenkins, superinten- | dent of the Bible school, who is re- | tiring from that position after six years of faithful service. Thé mem- bers of the board stated that during | the years Mr, Jenkins has heen pre- | siding officer, he has put his whole | heart into the work, with the result | that the school is in a flourishing Edwin Williams, secretary TIRE BARGAINS | | Exceptional Prices | 30x34 Non-Skid .... .. .. | | condition, SOA SOAP Laundry Soap ....5 bars 25¢. Old Dutch Cleanser Handy Ammonia , . . ¢ © $3700--Montreal Street----brick, T rooms, 3 plece bath, electric _ Mght. £ Be eCollingwood Street---de- ached; 7 rooms and bath; hot atr | r ce; electrie light; gas; good " TO LET Street -- semi- detached 10 -3 for 24¢, per month. Possess lon Jaume 1st. Bagot Street -- Furnished flat, |i " May 1st to Sept. 15th. _ 1 Clergy Street---Furnished house s=T rooms, June ist to Sept. 15th, Johugon Street -- Furnished ' Rouse; 8 rooms; Jume iat to Sept, 16th. treet---opposite Victoria - Mack § Park. Furnished or unfurnished Flats. Nietory Monds Bought asd Sold. RH Waddel O'Cedar Mcps Family Brooms . . 6 large rolls Toilet Paper 29c. Cullen's The M CASH AND CARRY Phones 530-800. 86 Broek 5¢, f fe J { What's Back of Backwardness? Statistics prove that in most cases 70%--it's poor vision which we are un- aware of. Fact! Don't guess an long- er. KNOW! Consult us, If Glasses gle Needle we ommend the | on ally advertised "Quality ues- tion" \Shur-on Glasses for dabil- ity, comfort, becomingness. Consult: { Ra ME -- . J. S. Asselstine, D0 REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST 342 KING STREET "PHONE 1019w, | Peter Moffat, sexton, who recently | discovered the fire in the basement jo the church, received the thanks of | the board for his timely action, whicn |saved the building from being | burned, | Dr. A. P. Chown, recording stew- lard, was re-appointed for another | year, Dr..Chown has performed his {duties faithfully and his work is ap- [precited by the membership of the church. During the pastorate of Dr. Bell, {the church has done a wonderful | work and the Boards passed the fol- [lowing resolution: Moved by R. O. Jolliffe, seconded by Elmer Davis: . "That the joint boards of Syden- {ham Street Methodist. church express {B.A.,, DD, on the distinction that {-has just been conferred upon him by [| Victoria University, Toronto, The degree of doctor of divinity is a coveted honor which any minister of the gospel might well prize, coming {| trom such an institution. It 4s an || honor which is not infrequently be- || stowed upon distinguished strangers || whose labors for the church and for the Kingdom of God have merited recognition. But it is an even finer reward when it is granted by the re- ciplent's own Alma Mater for high service rendered at home in the com- mon light of day, where all hava the opportunity of estimating its value and power; We rejoice that In thie case the prophet has hed honor In his own land and among his own peo- ple. Victoria College has many great names on its role of graduates, honoris causa; the addition of the tame of our pastor will in no wise detract from the brilliance of that splendid roll of honor, We feel that Victoria University, in honoring Dr. Bell, has honored itself. "The name 'doctor' means, literal ly, teacher. We welcome this hap- Py opportunity of essuring our pas- tor that his new title is only the out- ward and visible mark of the inward and spiritual grace of teaching xz late | their hearty and sincere congratula- | | tions to our pastor, Rev. R. H. Rell, | | 3 | by STREET | shepherd and bishop of their souls." | Princess Street Methodist Church. At the final meeting of the trus- tee and quarterly boards of Princess | street Methodist church held at the | church on Monday evening, a com- | mittee composed of Fred H. Ruther- | ford, George Pound and P, H. Bak-| |er, was appointed to wait on the | Stationing Committee of the Mont- | |real conference and ask that Rev. J. |A. Waddell, who has been pastor of | {the church for the past four years, | | be allowed to stay another year. The | {members of the board feel that dur- | {ing the pastorate of Mr. Walldell the {church has done a good work, and | {it would be unfortunate if he was | {taken to another field of labor. | The reports of the different com- | {mittees showed that the church had | la very, successful year. The treas- | jurer reported that after all the bills | {were paid there was a balance of | {$143 in the bank. Thers was 80 | [much business to be considered that | {It was decided to have another meet- | the election of officers for | g year will take place. | ing, when | the ensuin Princess Street Epworth League. At the regular meeting 6f the sen- | {lor Epworth League of Princess | |street Methodist church held on! | Monday evening, the election of offi- |cers for the ensuing year took place |as follows: President, E. E. Park- | house; devotional committee, Miss, | Emma Peters; missionary committee | | Miss 0. Spooner; literary committee, | { Miss Maude Quirt; social committee, | {Miss Gertie Peters: Citizenship com- | | mittee, Earl Bruce; secretary, Helen | | Gardiner; treasurer, Ben Karl: mis- | | slonary treasurer, Gladys Clarke; | Iplanist, Miss Mabel Raney. | The pastor reported that the mem- | bership of the church was 396 and | [Loren were 280 families on the | | church roll. The Sunday school en- | rollment is 469, During the fall the | total number received into' the | |church was 62; number removed by | {death, 8; number removed by letter, | |17; withdrawals, 2; total removed, | | The church contributed $662] Missionary Fund of the Meth- odist church. The Sunday school raised $1,000 during the year, The | pastor attended 31 burials during the year. The Women's Missionary | {Society reported that $389.24 was raised during the year. George Pound was appointed re- presentative to the district meeting, |and W. H. Gallagher was nominated as alternate, . i Sr ---------------------- Late Daniel Whalen, The funeral of , the late Daniel | { Whalen took place from his late resi- | {dence, West street, to St. Mary's ca- | thedral, on Monday morning, where la solemn requiem mass was sung by | | Rev. Father M. James, There were | numerous floral and spiritual offer- | lings. The pall-bearers were: Sergi. [John Naylon, Capt. James: Mahoney, | | Thomas O'Rourke, John Grooms and | {Matthew Cunningham. or <i. [to the -------- A Drive for Business, The British-American Oil Com- pany, Toronto, have started a drive | for business in the city, the super- | | vision of the new branch being um- | | der George B. McClean, formerly of j Suave. The 'company's new plant on [Rideau street is now ready for { business, -------------------- Convocation Tea, The local branch of the Queon's | [Alumnae Association will serve tea | [in the college cafeteria immediately | | atter Convocation, Wednesday. Ad-| mission 25¢. ------------ Big Boxes Berries are down to 40¢ now at Carnovsky's. , "The Hat Store" Millinery Sale! Our Entire Stock of Trimmed Hats Less Twenty Per Cent. e Customers are ad ment. Ch PHONE 919. Saturday Music Sale Latest Popular Hits All regular 40c. and 50c. hits included. LADIES' HOME JOURNAL FOR MAY NOW 15¢. ar, vised to secure copy now tb avoid disappoint- MOLLY-O ELECTRIC DOLL LAMPS, $2.50 eer up the room with one of these cute | sold at from $9.00 to $15.00. THE COLLEGE sities even wm. Four For One Dollar gest numbers ever printed--over 180 pages. amps. Formerly OOK STORE OPEN NIGHTS All the dainty colors Champagne, Purple, #.8.0400 00s so. 0 0 00 00s pa et Ng 7 Cy \ "Fy = THE HOME OF DIGNIFIED ECONOMY OFFERS AN AT. TRACTIVE SHOWING WASH DRESS MATERIALS hath only look well, small Checks, Stripes, Plaids VOILES AND ORGANDIES and patterns that are demanded by fashion, Terres ceases so .45c to $2.00 yard All the newest materials, including Spero Ratines, Palm Beach. The sh ades include Rose, Copen, Newman & Sh THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE OF PRETTY GINGHAMS but will stand the wash tub. All colors in 25c¢. a yard up SUMMER SUITINGS ~ Ratinspun and Orchid, Grey, Sky, Brown, Henna, Lavender, Old Gold. esses sien. 900 to $1.50 a yard aw WILL VISIT KINGSTON, Watertown War Veterans to Run Excursion Here July 1st, Camp Vimy, Watertown Command, {No. 21, British Great War Veterans of America, are making great pre- | parations for their visit to Kingston {on July 1st. The camp has received | the approval of Mayor Corbett for the (visit, and the mayor has asked the {camp to take the matter up with | the veterans' organizations in Kings- | ton. The desire of the gathering fs, {in addition to the pleasure it will afford, to promote good fellowship | between the veterans in the two | cities. | The Knights of Columbus baseball {team is willing to play the Kingston | Ponies if satisfactory arréfigements | can be made. It is expected that 600 | people, and possible more, will come to Kingston on this excursion, | In a letter to the Whig, J. Ernest Gribbin, director of publeity for the camp, asks that Kingstomians who visitors submit their mames to him | a be in a position to cater to the g : at 26-27 Smith Building, Watertown, N.Y. NOT YET DECIDED. ---- Divi mn of Church Money Yet to Be Settled,. 2 A meeting of the committee, which has charge of the distribution of the funds which were obtained from the sale of Brock Street Methodist church, was to have been held on Monday evening, but on account of i rter meeting of the Rotary Club has been g § e : RIDEAU STREET. : fo Detached solid brick d two streets, 10 rooms, hot and toilet separate, toilet in cellar, hardwood floors, fireplaces, electric lights, gas, side ver- andah, exeellent cellar, good yard, fruit trees. Garage fortwo cars. Snap for quick sale. erms arranged ...........,3 ..... -i=.- $5,400, ALFRED STREET. ~ Semi-detached brick dwelling, 10 rooms, 3 piece bath, gas, hot air furnace, good cellar, fireplaces, attic, good yard and right-of-way. House in first class state of repair. Immediate POSSEEBION iviuvse.c.cis: ioinitivininnie o we - $4,500 E. W. MULLIN & SON EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Corner Johnson and Division Streets welling, frontage on water heating, bath .- Phones 589w anda 5303, ---- FOR THE LITTLE Miss _ New Summer Oxfords Specially Priced at $2.75 (1)~--Brown Side Leather Oxfords--sewn leather soles, wide toes, low heels. Sizes 11 to 2. (8)~--HBlack Calf Oxto leather soles, wide toes, low heels. Sizes 11 to 2. . with sewn leather soles, flat heels. All sizes 11 to

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