Daily British Whig (1850), 9 May 1922, p. 5

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\ { X ] THE DAILY BRITISH -- i -------------------------------------- TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1922, ] RAW. WINNETT 0 HEADS | ---------- -- a ll Kingston and Vicinity ; of Johnson and Wellington Tt is hard to drag along with a head Corner ot Phone 368 that aches and pains all the time. In nine cases out of ten, persistent Building Materials PR -- { headaches are due to poisoned blood, Cheese Sales. = 1 the blood being rendered impure through some derangement of the stomach, liver or bowels, but no mat- ter which organ is to blame the cause jl must be removed before permanent relief can be obtained. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS FOR CHOICE MEATS and FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY past forty-five years, removes the j|| cause of the headache by starting the organs of elimination acting freely, and when the impurities are carried ff from the system, purified blood {li circulates in the brain cells, and the ill aches and pains vanish. | i Miss Clara Murphy, Centre Dum- | {| mer, Ont., writes: --" "My system was | greatly run down and my blood out of order. . il | from severe pains in my head, which . ||| made me feel very miserable. After | B: V. McGeein #{if] baring tried other remedies I puri Il | chased a bottle of Burdock Blood Bit. 282 PRINCESS STREET /ll | ters, and was very glad to notice a PHONE 1182 fi decided improvement in my health. 1 Ii took another bottle and it has done er '| Ile an enormous amount of good. | have recommended it to some of my | A | For moviag of ! FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS and CARTAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 377. Evenings 2231. 158 WELLINGTON STREET Dr. Waugh Dentist {ticn, and they all say it is a wonderful remedy." B. B. B. The T. Ont. is manufactured only by Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, J ma } [PIANO TUNING] Piano Tunlag and Repairing, * || hy ------ | 12 aan D, BReWY. 2307Tm. BUILDING ? 108 Wellington St., Phone 256 PHONE 291 For Furniture or Baggage Transfer. ris with metor track or horse drawing vehicles. Motor Cars and Livery of any kind in connection. Saddle Horses | a speciality. Pre-war prices, 2 FINKLE & CO. | 120 Clarence Street. } WATTS || v2 | Dental Surgeon | People's Florist Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designe, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763, Streets. Phone 2092. Res, 1187, REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given & Son Phowe 1670. O. Aykroyd 1 Main Street. Dr. H. A. Stewart Corner Princess and Wellington er ---- EEE Sm 1+ mom Belleville, 727 at 12 13- 16e¢. Cornwall, 434 at 12 13-16c. County Finance Committee, A meeting of the finance commit- tee for the county of Frontenac was which has been on the market 'for the (held on Tuesday at the courthouse. Two Big Meetings. Kingston will have two big church gatherings at the end of this month {when the Synod of Ontario and the | {Montreal conference will convene in' this city, ------ Holes in Pavement, | I puffered a great deal {'/ There are several good-sized holes | in the pavement on Princess street, especially along the car-tracks, and this causes much inconvenience to auto and" truck drivers. A Shower for Men, Fifty raincoats only in this special purchase, light and dark tweed, fawn friends, who were in a similar condi. | mixtures, all new styles at about halt | last season's price. Come and see them. Prevost, Brock street, Had Hand Badly Cut. Leon Dano, who is a resident ot | | Grindstone Tsland. was severely in-|o jured when his hand was caught and badly cut and lacerated by a buzz saw with which he was cutting wood. . Married in Toronto, Friends in Gananoque have = re- ceived announcements. of the mar- riage of Mrs, Gertrude Hodson Bul-| loch to Frank M. Fairbrother, which took place in St. Stephen's church, Toronto, on April 29th. O Gift For a Worker, The Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist church, Westport, gave a life membership certificate and a life membership pin to Miss Carrie Taggart as a slight recogniz- ation of her valued service for many years in missionary work. ------------------ Girls! Girls! What do you want to do this sum- mer? Just hang around? It fen' being dome these days. There is many a good job Msted in our classified ad- vertisements, and if you can not find the sort of work you want, run an ad of your own--get a job of your own--and earn your own money, Leaving For Sydenham. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rowley, West- morning that many men and women of his flock must have forgotten to allow for the "lost hour," as his con- prevent an adtident, but rode into the girls. Both were given a severe shaking up, but were ngt seriously |port, are leaving shortly for Syden- {ham where they will reside in fu- ture, Mr. and Mrs. Rowley have Ibeen residents of Westport for the past five years and have a large cir- [cle of friends who will be sorry: to {hear of their removal. When Spring Cleaning Don't Forget YOUR CLOCK gregation was remarkably small on Sunday morning, injured" One of the girls created much amusement, as when she was | assisted to her feet, the first ques- | tion she asked was this: "Is my neck cut very much? and when told | that she had not been cut, she scampered off. | ------ Old Merchant Dies, ! Anson Dulmage, seventy-nine years old, retired merchant of Pic- ton, Ont., died late Thursday at the | 'home of his son, Thomas T. Dulmage, | 159 Lincoln road, Walkerville, with | whom he had lived for the past two | -- R.M.C. Exams Over. The final examinations for the year of the Royal Military College closed at noon on Saturday, and the cadets feel that they are on '"'Basy Street" for the remainder of the term. The remaining six weeks of the college term will be taken up | with practical work of a military na- | ture, Y.M.C.A. Boys) Camp. Lumber. Shingles, Lath. Brick, Cement, Asphalt Roofing, Windows, Doors, Interior finish, etcg S. ANGLIN & CoO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. The members of the boys' division of the local Y.M.C.A. intend to hold a meeting within the next few weeks {to make final plans for the annual { boys' summer camp. Mr. Lilley, the Irore" secretary, will be in charge again. This event was very success- | ful last year, and a number of new The Arnprior Chronicle says: All | features for entertainment and in- the patent swat sticks and in this | | struction of the youngsters will be | may be included all the sticky paper, | worked out this season. {used throughout the summer on al -- | frontal attack on the filthy house fly, | Mrs. Wilfred Watt Dead. { will not be as effective as a little phi years. Death was due to complica- | tions caused by old age. The deceas- ed wae the proprietor of a general merchandise store at Picton for more than fifty years. | Let's All Do It. Word was received in Gananoque during the spring season. Rabbits {of the death of Mrs. Wilfred Watt, (are sald to be prolific things, but the [at -Terresdals, British Columbia. |, = fly is the limit, likewise the Mrs. Watt was a daughter of Mrs. | dirtiest; one fly will produce millions | James Dempster, and went with her of others in one n, and the place | | husband to the west about they thrive best and hatch quickest | | years ago. She had been a patient |, © the garbage pail, refuse piles | {sufferer for a long time. Besides her: 4 P! dai tabl Hi {husband and one.son, she leaves her "Ud dirty stables and outbulidings,. Wire Fencing We have just received a carload of Wire Fencing, Lawn Fencing and Gates of all sizes and styles. Get our prices before buy- ing. Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINCESS STREET | Let' v 2 fly | mother and three sisters: Miss Edith oL.3 sWal the Ay before he gets bere, | Dempster and Mrs. Drew Shields ine Ct em | Making Good Headway, | Sensnogue, i Mrs, Frank Britton! About one month ago the boys in | | roit, ch. |Newboro were organized Bader | Scoutmaster Hoffman. Rev. A. W. T Bi A Close Sa, j1| Drysdale assisted in organizing the | wo o gris had a close eall ute now known as 1st New- | {boro Trqop. The citizens who are on the council are Dr, King, F. Bol- | |ton principal of school, Mr. Bawden, | |Jr., and the residing clergymen. | gi walling PE Jow1 | Gerald Williams was appointed As- | or Bh re oe he laa +o (sistant Scoutmaster. The troop is | (making great headway and every- {thing looks bright for association in | Newboro, from receiving serious injuries at the | corner of Montreal and Princess streets at noon Monday, when they {een on the roadway directly in the ---------------------- Outbuildings Destroyed. | last Friday fire destroyed the out- | butidings on the farm of Charles | Cota, three miles from Tichborne | Station. Mr. Cota was away at the time but his wife was at home. The does it not? Yet that is how Mr. J. Cartier says | Zam-Buk is regarded by. his fam- ily. Mr. Cartier, who is a member | of the family of the late Sir George | Cartier, is Justice of the Peace and Assistant Clerk of the Circuit Court, Montreal. He first discov- ered the wonderful power of Zam- after the blaze had gone down Mrs. Cota noticed the roof of the barn on [ fire 80 that i is evident a spark from {the flue of the house must have been the cause. The contents of the barn included a mower, horse rake and a | quantity of hay and grain and insur- [Se of the house caught on fire and | FURS INSURED AND STORED ourdier's BROCK STREET; Buk by using it for eczema, which it completely ended. ah jance to the amount of $400 was car his family is never without it. | ried in the Lanark County Farmers' | Mutual Phone 2086] °° || Purchased Property. { | Messrs. W. T. Sampson, George D. {Gilbert and George A. Dowsley have purchased from Mrs. Elzabeth Tay- from R. J RODGER | Bor the lor the vacant property on Stone 149 Sydenham St. street, Gananoque, formerly used as a coal yard. The property has a frontage of one hundred feet on Stone street and runs to the river. Boathouses will be erected on the river front. EE | The Telgmann School of usic Piano, violtn and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. ' Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements tor concerts ae- cepted. 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325;, = ---- And Yet Some Forgot. The changing of the clocks and watches on Sunday, from standard time to daylight saving time, appar- ently came as a great surprise to many citizens, in spite of the an- nouncement in the newspapers. One local minister remarked on Monday COAL Choicest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by "Allow me to express my bon tude," he writes, " for the benefit I" have derived from the use of Zam- Buk. Ihave proved Fire nsurance Co. Peter Cavers adjusted the claim, -- Late Mrs. E. G. Porter, Belleville, Memorial to Early Explorer without doubt, the 3 Mrs. Porter, Belleville, wite of B, or Scjems. Its Sgerad healing G. Porter, K.C., and M.P. for West nd curative powers are immense. | Hastings, died suddenly Sunday at- We call it ' Our Family Doctor,' and Brora heart failure, ih 3 Levee Thhout i that Zam. | ed attended morning service at John | Buk 1s always handy, for not only street Presbyterian church, ani does it end pain, draw out inflam. | shortly after reaching home, com- mation and prevent blood-poison- Plained of feeling unwell and expir- ing, but it heals skin diseases and 'ed in a few minutes. Mrs, Porter, injuries in the shortest time Pos whose maiden name was Miss Annie sible. All dealers, 0c. box, | Morrow, was born near Brighton, | | Ont. No family survive, the only son Te a S------ | Lieut. R. Porter, having been killed 'during the late war. Deceased had been prominent in social circles and was identified with several women's | organizations, % Loy SUN LIFE ASSURANCE C0. OF CANADA Assurance in force now 'more us. BOOTH & 00. Grove Inn Yard Phone 138 / ---- J. LL. ABELL District Agent 237 Bagot Street. Phone 704. TO LET Seven Room Dwelling. mod- erate rent. Possession May 1st, Apply 25 Pine street. Hunter Ogilvie EXCELSIOR LIFE Come and let us commune about hly i policy. Will your widow wear as clothes as your wife? Will your orphans have the ad. vantages of your children? 151 WELLINGTON ST. 800d We also have a full line of other reialbie makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellies for sale at--- BON MARCHE GROCERY Cor. King and Earl Streets License No. 5-27149 ie 1544. REAL VALUE IN SOAPS Cream Olive Soap is an excel- lent Soap that we are offering to our customers this week for 8 cakes for ... .28¢c. 'S cakes for .. . 4B8c. 1 dozen cakes . §5c. We have a window full of this Soap. Try a dozen cakes at this special price. M. R. McColl PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Cor. Clergy and Princess Sts. Phone 82, tt cara New and Second Hand Lumber, Irgn Siding and Roof- ing, suitable for barns and gar- ages; several toilets, white enamel Stoves at bargain prices. Apply: -- L Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 Takes form of Primitive Fort a r-- J KLOTHKLAD | Suits for Boys == "Made To Wear Where Others Tear" TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel)' FOR THE BRIDE TO BE From the Best Makers and at Reasonable Pri » Table Cloths, Table Napkins, Lunch Cloths, Serviettes, Towels, Towel- lings, Tray Cloths, Runners, Hand Worked and Lace pieces in all sizes and many other useful articles that faake up the young housekeeper's out-

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