PS STN eo Li 6 THE DAILY BRITIS H WHIG. / ef TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1029, BRITISH WHIG/ PEP FROM POETRY, 89TH YEAR. | Simce society has become concern- ed over the mental and moral degen- eracy which threaten tite tired busi- less man if allowed to choose his |own means of rest and recreation, {and efforts have been made to find (for him plays and music which will {afford him proper relaxation without 100 much letting down of ethical | teaching, it was inevitable that some- one should suggest the reading of poetry. | Such a suggestion has been made {by a clergyman, who says that few | men realize the mental and spiritual eshment that is gained by read- ing the poetical works of the great masters among the poets, who take us out of the cares of the work-a-day . |worid and translate us to a beaqrite: {atmosphere which refreshes us and Pibilahed Dotty What ECR | makes us ready to again take up our fee CO, LI daily tasks with enthusiasm, MITED | ++. President Bven if the tired business man . . . Bader and . | -- [ treshing a TER influence of poetry, it is 24a | rather gq s thing to recom- juend it at this time when the liter- ary standards of the past seem to be discarded and the poets whom we are now told are masters, instead of transporting ue to a restful atmos- phere, delight in harrowing our souls 'with mimute descriptions of the most moat commonplace surroundings, eT TA ' w. Ti "| business men sticks to the masters tor are publisned | CUablished by the literary criticisin ot the Of the past, bug 1a x ---- . | Tennyson ts damned as obnoxiously Attached ts one of the best Joh | effeminite, he needs to watoh lest he Dries offices in Canada. ! hs stouggling ia the lurid -- . | vortex of some master of free verse. | the Edi tual name The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenti by the ABO Audit Bureau of Circulations THE BIOLOGICAL BOARD. In an admirable address before the | Oanedian Club last Wednesday Prof. | A. P, Knight, of the fishery depart- | ment of the Biological Board of Can- . The most appropriate place for a person to wear a wrist watch is | research his wife's wrist. | Which, while of little interest to the rm ---------- I The average man never tosis truly [in the field of science. Dr. Knight Amportant unless he is Spending more | is one of Canada's pioneers in scien- he oan afford, | tific research, and his achievements et ---------- | reflect honor upon himself and on Buccess is largely a matter of mar- | Queen's University, He has oon- the right woman and 18ttng | tributed very valuable informagion Nature take its course, | chang ley that It must be hard for a bald-headed Sutin in.» ® of yoHey Um large amount of 'Wan to convince himself that he is |°>7®0 the country a ant. of | | money, while at the same time a new | life has been given to an indust Hint to executives: You can't de- threatened with extinctton, Only Yelop a spirit of team-work and your | those fully acquainted with the his- gO at the same time | tory ofthe lobster industry on the : | Atlantic coast are able to appreciate : -- | It isn't a mora] sense that makes | the full significance of this. The the flapper seem offensive, It is [lObSter fs a great delicacy, and the dardening of the arteries, { New England states offer a perman- | ent market for the Canadian canners, : -------- It will Probably be some time be- Owing to the plentiful the Russian Soviet boys are in- | Year the revenue of the Canadian %0 another party. fishermen was exceptionally high,. -- There is still a vast field for re- _ The Russian delegates asked for much gold probably because they dy had enough brass, : #8 young as he feels. cific coast stations, and the import- jance of our nationa: fish industry -- | fully justifies the agnual expenditure The length of time between strike (for the maintenance of the stations Settlement depends upon the | ory scientific men who are giving Eth of time between meals, | their services voluntarily should be § EE -- | encouraged, for we have a great deal Hell doubtless has its drawbacks, | yor to learn. It is interesting to note there probably won't be 80Y | that the Bay of Fundy shad is the {subject of investigation. This is one ate MUTE easier oo Te © Tpit the | pr the Sucet " salt Frater fish, at bo than to fmpress the man | Year by yom u. etowing | scarcer, Twenty-five years ago the Soakes the loans at the Yank, | shad Was an dmportant commercial |fish. Only by scientific research can thar hive Saat Swniragss vz | it be saved from extinction, In air is the early morning fiy | a | WORKING oF CONSCIENCE, sgh tte oor isn't con- A conscience which will not permit 'to aged. A lot of young |g, man to eat or sleep until he has We of our acquaintance appear confessed perpetration of a crime for which the penalty is imprisonment RE in the penitentiary certainly operates Some girls grow up and become | Lion great power,. Instances of at- hot ghmitice, but MOT | omits at restitution of something * Mp.and become i. 10 | wrongtuny obtained are not rare. | The government credits Science fund remittances from those who in some way have defrauded it and are driven to a desire to make Payment. However, these Payments without exception, perhaps, are made F mental detectives." 'We some- bts fear this Is also true of havitn- illegal means, 1s now issuing Tuble notes The case of an Ohio man, who con- 100,000,000 denominations, but | {°° to the police that he set fire f his bakery several years ago in &re not worth much more than | 1° a ble Sind "-jorder to secure the insurance, goes much further in satisfaction of the : A Prods of conscience than is usually injunction to love your neigh- | the case where conscience acts at n't mean going to the extent alll, It seoms that be was not even it is possible to become involv. suspected, and he secured the money 8 divorce suit, 'which enabled him to discharge some debts and also to start In business again. Then for a dumber of years conscience didn't interfere with his Pleasure. He had the and no- | body knew of bis crime. "It was last Easter," be says, "that the awfulness of the thing possessed me." Sines then he has mot-been able to eat or sloep, and to get rid of the load he confesses and submits himself to a charge of arson, TT There may de disagreement ag to that of which conscience consists. It is certain that as far as external evid- snce goes some people are not troubl- od with it. The Ohio man might have tried fn some secret way to make re. 'stitution, hs thought of 4 : civilized the perfumed toater Tank any higher than the com- RE -------------- © one good thing about 8d hair, It does away with the ¥ of trying to Pronounce the 'Word 'coitfure." C ps a -- sould be brought to realize the re- | The advice is all right if the tired | |ada, gave a glimpse into the scientific i work , being carried on! | average man, is of vast importance | | relating to our lobster fishery,' Te- | supply last | search at both the atlantic and Pa- g to a con- | automobiles or about | 18 persons, holding second | world, Penitentiary is proof of the force ex- jerted. "Conscience doth make cow- {ards of us al," was the lament. of | Hamlet, but jt didn't make a coward |of the person in question. It made {him brave, It gave him courage, for | 1t took courage to make a confession | wider. involved such unpleasant pos- | sibilities. We suspect that a good {many of us would prefer not to have {such an efficiently working con- | science, ---------- {APATHY TOWARD OOAL STRIKE. The policy of "watchful waiting," which is the attitude the people of | | the United States have assumed with | relation to the coal strike in that | country, is apt to prove disastrous. | [And the disaster will be felt In this { Province, since it is from the Peon. | |sylvania mines that we derive our {supplies of the needed fuel . Experi- | ence has taught us how dire that dis- | aster may be, | A time when business and indus- try show distinct signs of coming to | | life after a long period of depression !is not ome for trifling with what may prove a serio | Prosperity. Just now there is plenty {of coal, and the people sit back as | complacently as though they are not | | using up reserves that must be ex- | bausted. one of these days and are | certain to be seriously deplated be- fore many weeks, This apathy toward the strike is Ond might think that the the mines is a mere fnei- | amazing. | closing of these days when '| dent in the business year Rot tobe | seriously by anydody. In | taken very | Peality, it may prove a Very serious | stumbling block. Now is the time to | settle the coal strike; not after dam- {age has been done and industry | checked and injured, | delay 80 together. | dependent upon the { fields, 1t becomes the | tawa government to | possibility of securi other sources in only 4njury to our industries, Privation and suffering among people when winter sets In, | er Since we are so American coal enquire into the DE supplies from but our | 't Walt Mason | THE POET PHILOSOPHER fo : | THE ONE SOLACE, I smoke my grand old pipe by day, I keep it going half the night; and | moralists come up and say, "Such dissipation is a fright; the young be- bold you as they pass, and then for briar pipes they yearn, in which to | Smoke buds, leaves and grass, or any herbage that wil} burn." I've cut out {all the ancient sins that blemished | once my wide renown; I have for- | Sworn imported ging, the pallid beer | and porter brown. My conduct is so pure and nice it might become a ad OT queen; no longer do I shake [ the dice, or pi | machine. I've cut out cards and do- | minoes, and crokinole, and all such | games; I read good books | grandma 806s to play bridge whist | with other dames. I know that wick- {edness is vain, I know my old time | course Was rank; it's long since I [ have robbed a train, or pulled a gun- {Play in'a bank. I've cut out all the jevil things, except the pipe that | soothes my soul, and now the moral- |iets, by jings, would see my brier in [the hole. And thats the trouble, all the time, with those good souls who lead crusades; they'd make this oM world so sublime that ail its comfort | wilts and fades. They know not when | it's. time to Stop, since they nave | squelched the Demon Rum; soon {we'll be pinched for sipping pop, or | chewing fragrant sticks of gum. ~--WALT MASON. | } Our Canadian Question And Answer Corner ad biles are & Q--How many automo | there in Canada? | A~--Canada hep nearly 500,000 one to every place in Q--Where and what are "The Border Cities?" A.--The Border Oities are Wind- sor, Walkerville, Ford, Sandwich and Ojibway with a population of 65,- 000, Q.--Who was Brentford named after? A.--The City of Brantford was named efter the Mohawk ohief, Jos- eph Brant, Too Many Babies Pembroke, May 9.--Attention has lately been called to the high rate of infy@s mortality in Pembroke. In the past six months the births have been 74, with the deaths of infants under two years of age 24, or about 33 per cent. A baby clinic was established in the town last fall, and the provincial authorities are to be asked for assistance along education- al lines for the purpose of redue- Ing these alarming figures. us menace to returning | Disaster and 1 duty of the Ot- | order to avo, not | lay the creaking slot | while | ' | NEITHER POVERTY NOR:| | RICHES: -- Remove' far | from me vanity and lies; give me | neither poverty nor riches: feed me | with food comvenient for me.--Pro- | verbs 30: 8. | ALONG [IFE'S DETOUR BY SAM HILL } Sngugge - An Old Tattietale. | We must 8TOW old, no secret that, | May 9--- | For life we know was ever thus, | But #t does surely get our goat | i | When age begins to tell on us. | Observations of Oldest Imbabitant. I kin remember when you hired a | cook to prepare the meals and not | to boss the whole darn family. Boy, Bring Him a Medal. "Is Jones a brave, man? asked | Blinks. | {| "He will buy whiskey from strange | { bootleggers and drink it. Draw your | | own conclusions" replied Jinks, -- Evidently a Case of Too Much Thrift. | (From Court News in Dallas, Texas, { News) | Mrs. Omar Mae Thrift va. Clifford N. | Thrift, atvoros. | | | ---- | Pretty Strong, Sometimes. The breath of Spring { I'd lke to mention, | Not always is Above suspicion. | | | { [ i -- Speaking of Spirits. "I see Conan Doyle declares it is | | the ectoplason that causes levitation | | and spirit raps," remarked Brown. "I @on't know anything about that, ut I can tell him moonshine causes | naps," | br | hesitation and spirit | Black. | -- | A Neat Pair of Curtains, Eh? | (From Birth Notes in Washington, D. C. Post James R. and Marie Ourtain, Boys, (TWINS) (There ought not to be any trouble {in that home getting curtaing for all | the windows). Fool Questions, | I. T. BE. asks: "Is the most popular | | tune in the world fortune? That's | |an old one and the answer is yes, | | Even the bird without a drop of musig | in his soul falls for that one. | | | | | | | | | Heading Toward the Fig Leaf { A news dispatch Says less than fifty per cent. of the women now wear j corsets. And about one hundred per | cent. are wearing only. fifty per cent. | clothes. | Still, we hope #t never will get so | the dear things win not, at least, wear | pleasant smile. ------ Questions For Home Gardeners. What became of your neighbor's chickens that were scratching up the seeds In your garden a few days ago? Oh, 'well, you need not look so! guilty, we don't blame you and hope | {You enjoyed them, but next time be | | more careful where you throw the | jReathera | Stung, W'Gosh! | He took one drink, just One, | And then he took no more, ! "Twas water that he'd bought, } And he wag surely sore. -- Ho! Hum! | "Doe, T am like a clock that's an | run down," began the Patient, | "Yes, I know," growled the Doe, | | "and you want me to furnish a 1 | whisky to | going agai | { We Go Egypt One Better, Says a news item "Egyptian | B&ve a woman control over her | property." Ang America not lets 'em control their own, but their husbands as weil ---- But We Know We Can't, About this time of year, When we are "flat," We think we can clean up Our old straw hat. law | own only also -- Dally Sentence Sermon. Bteel 1s no good after it loses fig temper. And a man 4s Just like steel. News of the Names Club. A. R. asks if we knew Etta Wourms {lives near Burketvifle, Ohio? Does i she 80 Into the garden to eat them? | o Reuben Longerbon hai Portland, Ind. 8 Ches Fast Lh Dunkirk, Ina. and , Mrs. Seth Watkins died a fow days ness, at Buffalo, N.Y., he moved from here For the Benet fis Lite Son' Obtained to which place two years ago. | They Are KINGSTON'S ONE PRICE STORE KINGSTON'S ONE PRICE STORE BIBBY'S FINE QUALITY CLOTHES READY-TO-WEAR AND MADE-TO-MEASURE Longs Some very classy models in new 36, cloths. Sizes 34, 35, Fin} Blue All Wool Serge. Fine Grey Worsteds $25.00, $27.50 Fine Tweeds and Cheviots in new colorings and designs $15.00, $18.00, $22.50, $25.00 ENGLISH Fine qu many new models SEE .OUR NOBBY $8.00 HATS Ss Young Men's First ality pure wool Indigo, $25.00--$28. TE OUR BIG $1.98 Shirt Value We ®t the credit from the best Shir makers as giving our cus- tomers the best $1.98 Shirts in Sizes 14 to 17%. Tooke 37, Canada. and Arrow make. Please do not get these con- fused with the ordinary ready- made Clothes, as these are in a $20.00, class all by themselves. . of BLUE INDIGO SERGE SUITS : perfectly tailored garments in at much reduced prices. Extra special value. 50--$35.00--$37.50 BIBBY'S SEE .OUR NOBBY $8.00 HATS Because we only the best makes and give the best work that you can get any- where. A HIGH GRADE GUARANTEED TIRE FOR $12.50. MOORE'S TIRES AND TOYS Rupture Expert Permanently located. No Periodical Visits. For 1orty years we have been fitting Trusses in Kingston. No need for you to go from your own home town for expert ad- vice about your individual case, We are always here, We have the best appliances that afe made, and we guaran tee to secure your rupture and make you comfortable, Dr. Chown's. Drug Store 185 Princess Street. Phone 348 Crutches, Elastic Hosiery, etc. THOMAS COPLEY, Telephone 987. Wasting anything done In the lime. Be tery f repairs and mew work: wood floors of all kinds. Al orders will receive prompt attention, Shop 28 Queen Street. AND TIRE REPAIRS YOU SAY handle FARMS FOR SALR 1--Farm of 478 acres, from church, se cheese factory and Post Oftice: good frame dwelling in od repair; large basement mn ling for one mile 1, store, with silo with stab cattle; HI LIQUID BURT A FRENCH IMPERIALISTIC POLICE DANGEROUS a Declared To Be Wrecking Plans For World Peace. 'London, May 9.--British Labor, through J. H. Thomas, served no- tice on France to-day that the lat- ter's imperialistic policies are wrecking the plans for world peace. Mr. JH. M r Pays Well Earned Mr. Thomas has just returned St. Agathie de Lotbiniere, Que, ay 8th (Special). Enthusiastic over Dodd's Kidney Pills as a family remedy is Mr. Joseph Henrie Mercier, well-known Tribute to Dodd's Kidney Pills as a Remedy. Europe are stronger from Germany, where he has made a minute study of conditions . He let loose considerable criticism in an important speech at Derby, say- ing: "I do not think we were nearer possibility of war in 1914 than We are today. The standing armies in by a million men now than they were at the out- break of the world war. Thus, na- tions are paying In taxation for a War machine out of all proportion to their needs. . "The British people want the eco- nomic conference at Genoa to suc- ceed, having given ample proof of their willingness to standt by France "But France must clearly under- stand her conception of Europe and / "OUTDOORS AND IN"--FOR ALL PURPOSES FOR WHICH GOOD PAINT IS NECESSARY. USE. RE over thirty head of good horss stable and other necessary outbulldings; 16) acres of good land under cultivation; maple bush with over 4.000 large trees; well Jaisred; well fenced. Price $7,000. 2--Farm of 96 acres on York Road, eight miles from Xing ston; dwelling and outbuiid- ings nearly new; about is acres under cultivation. Price $3,600. If not sold within ten days will rent. . PAI 1s. ee -- "her business interests are different than ours. "It 1s common talk in France that mobilization has been ordered, and that all manner of warifke prepara. tions are being made, but England is sick of war and will not have any of it." Mr. Thomas declared that it France follows this policy she must 80 on by herself, as England will not be a party to it. "The situation is so sérious there need to give warning," Thomas concluded. PRING is a rather un- S certain sort of season. ' Tho violets make an ef- fort to bloom 'heath the hurrying wheels of the coal wagon while' that villian, Jack Frost, sneaks into the home that let's the fire go out. Phone your order, that Mr. Crawford ton Coal has sold her 9. Foot of Queen St, -- Mrs. J. F. Reynolds street, West- residence on Church port, to Winifred 8, Breakenridge.