THE DAIL MONDAY, MAY 15, 1922. Y BRITISH WHIG. FUR STORAGE YOUR FURS ARE INSURED AGAINST F IRE, THEFT, ~~ MOTHS JOHN McKAY, Limited > Manufacturing Furriers 140-157 Brock Street Kingston, Ont. A NEW DEPARTURE For Afternoon Teas, Parties, etc. we have manufaetured an entirel ly new line of COCOANUT MACAROONS The delicious little confec- tions are now on sale at all the leading groceries, and we They are just a little different from the average line of Macaroons and we know that you will be delighted with them. hive no hesitation in recom- mending them. Made in Kingston by CROTHERS Established 1869, "FOR SALE ATTACHED BRICK HOUSE--improvements--Colborne Street. Pri ce . NEW FRAME HOUSE--improvements; Alfred Street. Price BRICK HOUSE--all impr tion. 'Price .........." XP Tg re eerrsssceccss.. $5,400 M. P. TR 237 Bagot Street TO LET _ | _- Gore Street-- semi-detached , brick, 10 rooms, hardwood ' floors, electric light, hot air fur- f nace, $60.00 per month. Pos- | Session June 1st. Bagnt Street--Furnished flat. May 1st to Sept. 15th, Clergy Street -- furnished || house, 7 rooms, June 1st to Beg. 15th. Johnson street -- furnished « house, 8 rooms, June 1st to . Sept. 15th. il Belleville Creamery PURE JAM Raspberry--sq Ib. pails Strawberry--4 Ib. pulls... PINEAPPLES domen or case. TEA! TEA! TEA! STORY OF POLICE COURT {Michael McNally Started to Sing After Drinking Some Lemon Extract. There was a short session of the | police court on Monday morning. | Michael McNally was the central fig- lure in the "curtain raiser." 'Michael | holds quite a record for police court attendance, but he has never been { before the court on a serious charge. | His love for strong drink gets him {tneo trouble. { In the old days, when it was not {hard to get a drink of beer or liquor, | Michael used to get his share. Now, | since the "1id" is on the "hard stuff" {he has been trying to satisfy his ap- { petite with extract of lemon. When | arrested Saturday he had a bottle of f remon extract in his possession | which he lad not even sampled, {showing that he had an ample stock. He told the magistrate about getting | lemon extract at local grocery stores. ; It was not known until Monday that McNally was a singer. At least he can sing when he drinks lemon {extract, for about 2 o'clock on Sun- | day morning, he was lying in a door- | way on Ontario street, singing like a (good fellow, He was putting over |"We Won't Go Home Till Morning™ (with variations, but the people of |the neighborhood who were trying [to get a good sleep after a busy week | | | { singing and his little "'sing-song" | was cut short, as a call was sent Into the police station and the songster Raspberry ana Apple, 4s, ..48¢ |i Ill | Collingwood Company's || near the drydock, || here on Sunday night from an in- was corralled.: The magistrate could not overlook the fact that McNally had been be- fore the court so many times, and for this reason the cadi put on an extra dose, making the fine $20 and costs or one month. | IN MARINE CIRCLES | The steamer Aragon was brought to Kingston on Sunday afternoon by the tugs John L. Russell and Glide, and is now at Richardson's wharf. Her carzo of corn is belng unloaded, and the pumps are going at full capacity to get rid of the wat- er in her hold. The vessél was | floated by lightening part of her car- { 80, and by the work of centrifugal pumps. The hole in her side was then plugged, and she was towed to tha city. The steamer Corunna is at the drydock, having damaged some machinery on || the way to Montreal. The Cayuga was floated from the ll | drydock on Sunday and cleared for l{ Torontd at 7.50 p.m. The steamer Concretia is moored having arrived spection trip. The steamer Waubie started the Cape Vincent trip in place of the Brockville today. The Brockville will arrive today from Bay of Quinte ports. The Kenora passed down this || morning on the way to Montreal. The Cataract arrived up on Sun- li | day from Montreal with freight for ll | western ports. The Beaverton passed up on Sat- || urday afternoon from Montreal to || the head of the lakes. The City of Ottawa arrived down Sunday morning from Hamilton and Toronto with package freight for Montreal. The Maplebranch arrived up from ll | Montreal on Sunday night to the Arriving dally. Buy them by the |i head of the lakes. The City of Hamilton arrived up from Montreal this morning with and Toronto. The tulip beds in the city park are being very much admired. Dr. F. Waugh, Wellington street, is attending the Dental convention in Toronto. Mr. Swaine, plano turer, orders received at 100 Clergy street w Phone 564w, The hotels report a brisk business all last week. Some nights the ho- tels were filled to overflowing. The executive .of the Infants' Home reports that the. tag day col- lection on Saturday amounted to over $650. Do you know how to write in a secret code? Read the Junior Brit- ish Whig today. Articles -on that subject every Monday. Sunday was an ideal day in the parks. During the afteroon and evening all the city parks were well thronged, ' Mrs. James Henderson, wife of a prominent stock breeder, in King- ston township, who suffered a slight stroke of paralysis last week, is re- ported to be doing nicely. . : vally's | Ireland on a visit and will did not take very well fo McNally's {tor some months. Rev. Father Fleming, priest, Wolfe Island, has parish gone to away Rev. Father Coyle is officiating in his absence. Capacity audiences greeted the performances of the Alice Dunbar Kilty Revue at the Strand theatre in Napanee and each member of the cast proved very popular with the many people who witnessed the show: Henry Rushton, Fairclough, M.A., professor of Latin in Leland, Stan- ford University, is to get the honor- ary degree of- Doctor of Letters from Toronto University, He is A broth- er-in-law of Mrs. J. M. Machar, of this city. Simacoe Reformer Sold. St. Thoma§ Times-Journal, The sale of the Simcoe Reformer and the retirement of its well-khown editor, Hal B. Donly, is an event in newspaperdom in Western Ontario, and one to be regretted. Mr. Donly, after forty-three years of steady tou, admits: "Frankly I am tired And have come to greatly desire a change." Mr. Donly's sucecssor is P. George Pearce, editor and proprie- tor of the Waterford Star, with Whom will "be associated the mem- bers of his"family. Mr. Pearce has two energetic young sons--cClendon, a practical printer and a linotype operator, and Bruce, who is a uni- versity graduate in arts and within a year of his graduation in law. This is a combipation that is bound to keep the Reformer up to the high standard Mr. Donly set for it, ---------- To Arrange for a Picnic, On Saturday afternoon, May 13th, a joint meeting of the U.F.W.0. members of the county of Frontenac was held in the agricul- tural rooms to make arrangements for holding a county picnic some time in the early part of June. Sev- eral committees were appointed to look after the programme for the day, Premier Drury is to be invit- ed to give an address, also Mise Mc- Phail, M.P, Further items or the programme will be advertised at a later date... ------ The Season's Best, Our made-to-measure suitings for men are of the best of English cloth. Our range of blue and black serges, er ---------- Radio For Eve q ---- rybody By AUSTIN C./LESCARBOURA, Managing Editor of Scientific American Here's the book you have been waiting for. accurate book on Radio Telephones speciall amateur. 352 pages, 125 illustrations. to set up, how to operate and how to "listen in." : Price $1.50. By Mail $1.75. THE COLLEGE BO PHONE 919, \ The first complete, y written for the Teils what to buy, ho OK STORE OPEN NIGHTS * D We Say With wide--Navy or Black, at "VALUES" The best grade BOTANY WOOL SERGE--54 and 56 inches somes eee. $2.50 and $3.00 per yard | Son LOOK ! inch Navy Blue Serge, medium weight for Dresses--all pure Rly ve a te a IY A re reas . Special $1.35 yard New HOMESPUNS two tone effects, 54 inches wide. Y t + for Dresses, Coats or Suits--in all the new Extravalueat ................ $2.50 40 inch BARONETTE SATIN for Sport Skirts, in plain colors. Also brocade effects; guaranteed to wash and retain its lustre. secre nn silninren aie 00 ininiotalletetataie niieielelein te sete. fujs e,0l0,. $3.75 per yard SILKS! SILKS! See our showing of new and dependable Silks, Crepe, Crepe Meteor, Swiss Taffeta, chesse and Fancy Silks, our new low prices. ° including Canton Charmeuse Satin, Pailette, Du- Crepe de Chene and Georgette Crepe. Ali at PICTORIAL MAGAZINE FOR JUNE Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE " » Ne | 999440999900 000 SUMMER IS HERE STRAW "LIDS" OUT Well, boys, it's time to wear 'em. Straw hats made BROCK 8ST. Semi-detached brick dwelling. On a corner. 7 8 piece bath. Gas. Garage. Hot air furnace. Good cellar: House in first Electric lights. - rooms. Side entrance. package for'Hamilton blue stripes, plain greys and colored worgted are of the best material that money can buy, Prices trom $39 to $45 a suit. Prevost, Brock street, ------ To Open Summer Resort. The Queen's Royal Hotel at Lake Possession in thirty days. Excel- $7,200. class state of repair. lent location. - COLBORNE ST. Detached brick dwelling. 9 rooms. 3 piece bath. Gas. Side entrance. Garage, stable and drive shed. Cement their appearance on Princess street on Saturday, so it will now be. in order to get your last year's "lid" or purchase one. We just have a few hundred | pounds of our Special Blend Tea I left at the old price. Take aa- [fii CANON GOULD PREACHES vantage as Tea will be higher. [f ---- 30e. 1b, 3 Ibs. for $1.15 ii | In St. Luke's Church on Anglican Mission Work, ' Mack Street -- opposite Vie- it _ torfa Park. Furnished or un- [i furnished flats, . 4 General Insurance ° * * + * + * + + * +> * CEP eboevedee | _ Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell ; he new shapes and colors are here -- | Pearls and Light Fawns are favorite this All prices ........ .$2.50 to $7.50 ~~ Allarge shipment of new Caps just re- ceiv 1 3 oe . Come in and choose from our immense : [beautifully pictured by er m----puRG YS "| the GFeat War. en up separately by the speaker, as well as an outline of the work in var- § [Ous countries. The work among the Eskimos in the Arctic Circle was Canon Gould, also among the Chinese and Japanese in British Coolumbia. It was the duty to 'be missionaries; concluded §Es i Hi 2 : § ; i ij A i Park, near Carleton Place, will re- open during the coming summer. It haa been closed since the outbreak of ---- ~-THIS IS MOTH TIME Why take chances with your Furs? Our talitios for. : * P0400 00%000%000 John Doughty Has Served : Year on Six-Year Term John Doughty on Monday com- pletédd one year of his six-year term for the theft of $105,000 of Victory bonds, the property of Ambrose J. Small, the missing theatrical mag- nate, Toronto. Doughty 'was brought to the Portsmouth peniten- tlary on May 15th, of last Sgr, It is understood that he is in compar- atively good health, and that he still has hopes of being released be- fore his time 1s up. -------- , Death Claims Mrs. J. Moore. At her home near Laura, Sask. on April 1st, the death occurred of Katherine, wife of John Moore, at] the age of forty years: time, but her death came as a great ' kK to her many friends, The i S ~ some cellar. Attic finished. Good side lawn, ALBERT ST. : Detached frame dwelling. 7 rooms. tric lights. Furnace. Hardwood floors. Private Garage for 2 cars, and henhouse. Lot 33 x 165 $4,400. 3 piece bath. Elec- gateway, $4,200, LOWER BAGOT ST. Semi-detached brick dwelling' tric lights. Cellar. revenue. E. W. MULLIN & SON 2 6 rooms, Toilet. G ES ------ \ A Te Fok Vi, Si Ors Wo are now showing the "Aristocrat" --the new French toe last in this splendid quality shoe for men. Every pair the last word in style and quality, and very moderately priced at-- $7.00 (1)--Brown Calfskin Oxford, "The Aristocrat," plain, straight French toe last, long custom effect. All sizes C. and D. widths, Priced at ...........,0.. wren (2)--Black. Velour Calfskin Oxfords, "The straight French toe, with tip, perfect fitters - quality; C. and D. widths, Priced at -- Aristocrat," plas, Elec- Yard. Bringing in a good ply +' « Phoues 58OW and 580J, ---------- a --