ey ~ % maiden trip across the Atlantic. ¢ * ALLEN TO-DAY RAYMOND HATTON in 1 "HIS-BACK AGAINST © THE WALL" --_--_ YEAR 89; No. 114, he Dail ALLEN CONSTANCE TALMADGE "POLLY OF THE FOLLIES" -- ete ee KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1922. PARLEY VAIN SAYS HUGHES | | Unless the Russians Change Their Views. United States Will Not: Par. ticipate At the Hague ference. + ---- ' Washington, May 16.--The stated department made public last night the text of a message to Ambassador Child at Genoa declining the invita- tion to participate in the new Euro- bean economic conference at The Hague. "This government," the American Communication sald, "is unable to conclude that it can helpfully parti- cipate in the meeting at The Hague, @8 this would appear to be the con- tinuance under a different nomen- clature of the Genoa conference and destined to encoyter the same diffi culties if the attitude in the Russian memorandum of May 11th remains unchanged." The "inescapable and ultimate The Red River Is Steadily Rising And Flood Threatening Winnipeg of sections of the city, with the ex- ception of throwing open the locks on the Red River at St, Andrew's, 18 miles north of here, Unofficial reports from Emerson state the river fias risen seven feet since Saturday. The river is said to be steadily rising here, : : Officials .of the Dominion Water owers Branch are hopéful the sud- den rise in the Red River will he only temporary in character, as the tributary streams have not risen to any extent. Winnipeg, May 16.--Caused by ex- cessive rains in the states of North Dakota and Minnesota, the Red River at Emerson, 60 miles south of this city, has risen six feet since Sunday, and flood waters tolay threaten Winnipeg. The rise in the Red River water level will prevent flood waters from the Assiniboine pouring into "the Red fast eno to be carried away and alleviate the swollen condition of the Assiniboine, No active steps have been taken yet to prevent possible inundation TRAIN HELD UP, BANDIT KILLED Express Messenger Fired on Robbers Who Escaped to - Waiting Autos. WOMEN DELEGATES REACH THE HAGUE International Women's Coun cil Has An Extensive Pro- gramme Laid Out. The Hague, May 16.--One hundred and fifty women delegates represent- ling twenty-four different countries have arrived in The ABUSE for the meeting of the executive committee and standing committees of the In- ternational Women's Council, Many names prominent dn the women's movement throughout the world fig- ure in the list, besides the committee of honor of Prominent Dutch ladies and the diplomatic corps, Chicago, May 16.--The Golden State Limited, crack passenger train of the Rock Island, was help up at James, Ariz., south of Tuscon, at 1 a.m. yesterday by eight bandits, The robbers stopped the train by placing torpedoes on the rails. After cutting off the engine and Question,'" the American nate said, "would appear to be the restoration of productivity in Russia, the essen- tial conditions of which are still to be secured and must in thé nature of things be provided within * Russia herself." ------ Wonld Join in Enquiry. The state department's communi- cation sald the American govern- ment "has always been ready to join other governments in arranging for an enquiry by experts into the econ- omic situation in Russia and the ne- Cessary remedies." Such an enquiry, it was added, could deal appropri- ately "with the economic prerequis- ites" for the restoration of Russian ' production without which a sound basis for credits would be lacking. In conclusion the American com- munication renewed the offer to "give sérious attention" to any pro- Posals issuing from a Genoa confer- ence or any later conference but add- ed that the suggestions forthe meet- ~ Ing at The Hague in view of the Rua- slan memorandum of May 11th lack- L "the definiteness = which would [overnment in the proposed ILLEGALLY WED COURT DECIDES Valentino Subject to Prosecu- tion For Bigamy For Marry- +. Ing Miss Hudnut. Los Angeles, Calif., May 16.--The Marriage of Rodolpho Valentino, Screen actor, and Miss Winifred Hudnut, motion picture art director, express cars, according to advices German women, including Maria received at headquarters of the road Luders, "member of the Reichstag, here, the bandits were frightened [are attending for the first time since away without obtaining loot when the war, Harold Stewart, express messenger, | Queen Whilhelmina wij; receive shot and killed one of them, the president ang delegates at the . The robbers planned to blow open /palace, the express safe, said to contain Beside Preparation for the quin- valuable shipments of money, {quennial meeting to be held in 1925, Stewart opened fire. | Probably in America, apn extensive The bandit gang, when Stewart [pro began shooting, rushed to automo- biles and fled, prusued by a posse, Details of the hold-up, stated the | bandits were marching the engineer | |and fireman down the tracks toward | the stalled Sate Biter uncoupling the | engine, when Stewart poked his' of the express car door. ght into day, Stewart fired, the first shot dropping a bandit, mn Pope Eager to See U.8! Game of Baseball rt ---------- NICKLE IS OPPOSED TO AMALGAMATION - re Now York, FT a. pope tor|OF OMe08 of Sheri and High : Scheme. ITEE HIE 6 Witn game goon. -- Toronto, May 16.--Some interest. In donating to the Kaights of Co- lumbus a site for an athletic field at which wag solemnized at Mexicala, Mexico, last Saturday, is void in Cali- fornia, and the bridegroom has made himself subject to criminal process, According to judges of the superior court here. / This condition i= due to the fact that the interlocutory decree of (i- Vorce Valentino obtained from Jean Ackers, his first wife, on January 10, ~1922,-will- not- become" final ual next January, In the meantime, ac- cording to the Judges, Valentino is "Stil 'married to Miss Ackers, ------ Wednesday and Thursday of next Week will be holidays for the Com- mons. Wednesday is May 24th, and, 8s many members want to £0 home, the government has decided to 1et them off for the next day, too, Winnipeg 1s now threatened the Red river flood, Fa -------- reste 800000000000 2 > 4 WORLD'S LARGEST SHIP * * REACHES NEW YORK + * ~~ oa * New York, May 16.--The Ma- # * jestic, fifty-six thousand tons & % displacement, the world's larg- ¢ # est ship, Will receive a tri- ¢ # umphial entry into New York # # harbor to-day at the end of her * by . - ° $es00t00000200000 -- May 17.--At ons o'clock this morning the House voted against prohibition of the sale or manufac ture of oleomargarine in Canada. The vote in favor of oleo was 83 to 57. There was no party vote all three parties break though the Progressives. with the exception of some Ontario and Bri- tish Columbia men, voted against the Ottawa, nox, M.P.P., under Chicago, May 16.--Evidencs conhecting bomb throwers and slayers of two policemen a week 3go with "the big three," Chi. cago's labor leaders, was climed to-day by the state's attorneys, ; Four men have been identified the foot of one of the seven hills of Ing information regarding the ages Rome, Pope Pius XI it was announced oF Shaing in Outer i ee given to here to-day, expressed to Edward L. |the ature last night by the at- Hearfl, director of the organization's |lOTney-general, during the commit- work in Italy, the hope of seeing the ioe ipougsion ut his i le mend American game played. » Which looks for- Pope Pius will be able to watch the Ward to the possible amalgamation Crrioking he {Loh uty fs ofoe of hgh conn and overlooking the field." I want to see 4 : are With my own eyes the development of aay Serie ol gd your work," his holiness said to Mr. N ' eight, he Hearn when the project of the HOSEA! he had ny ne ilsue knights expending $1,000.000 of pri- ; o . vate funds for welfare work in Italy or ior Re le, Do raie men : y é was explained to him. : minority report of the Gregory Com. mission advocating the amalgama- Right to Move Export Hon ut he oes sherifr, Sovuty registrar o © high court and the Liquor Being Tested one, court clerk, and said that he ---- favored an emalgamation of that Belleville, May 16.--sAfter an all ying rather than an amalgamation of day hearing in the Police Court into 'the office of sheriff and high a high con- the charge against George W. Woo. stable. The dutles of the sheriff, he mard of Toronto for alleged breach said, were executive and clerical, and of she Ontario. Temperance act, in| pe wrocre 10t be asked. to leave iris. having liquor aboard a craft--2¢y office, The functions of high con- tor Menicrhiskey being consigned |oiopic and sheriff. Mr. Nickle held for Mexico City from a distillery |, be quite incompatible near here---Magistrate Masson re. : served judgment until May 27th. A similar charge against Charles | AGAINST EXCLUSION Faulkner of Toront mechanic on + OF OLEOMARGARI the Volageur, was wit drawn yester- ---- NE day atternoon. The Commons Defeat the Mo- -- Racing Marvel May Be tion by Vote of 83 to Seen on Canadian Tracks : . Toronto, May 16.--1¢f engage- ments of Morvich, - winner of the Kentucky Derby in _the United States, permit, Canadians will have an opportunity of seeing the three- year-old wonder horse in action some time this fall. This information Was conveyed to the Canadian Presa today by Louis Bloch, Owen Sound, brother of Ben Bloch, owner of the motion calling for the prob (hit: * racing marvel, n on of or EL oleo. The most Pronounced feature i of the vote, however, was that the Connect the Murders [=a jd ean' | fe exceptions, voted for the resolus ee tion, ag o : ------ Legislature Decides On Rake-Off Plan Toronto, May: 16.--Despite the Pleas and protests of guson, Conservative leader, and H. H. Dewart, KC. (South-West To- provincial ney General Raney will Je- the appearance of T. H. Len. 4th Wed wagerings impose a all liquor export companies, ' The Russians ---------- "Iplans tor The lagus conference, ig x ¥ Ne tecept 'the powers" h LIKELY T0 ACCEPT PLAN For Two Commission- ers At the Hague. Lloyd George is Hopeful That the Russians Will Agree. Genoa, May 16.--The British prime minister, appearing personal- |ly at the gathering of British and {American correspondents yesterday | afternoon, explained the agreement | reached during the morning by (he | sub-commission on political affairs. When asked what would happen jit the Russians refused to accept the plan submitted for the discussion at The Hague, he replied there simpiy {could not be any meeting. at The | Hague in that case and that the ef- [fort to reach an understanding witn [Russia would be a failure. | The politcal sub-commission = of | |the conference would meet at 10.39 o'clock Wednesday morning with the Russians, the British prime minister stated, and he expressed his belief { that the plan for two commissions to sit at The Hague would be ac- cepted by M.. Tchitcherin and his ates. When pressed for an expression of opinion whether this dual commig- [sion plan was in reality a compliance [with the Russian request for a mixed commission he smilingly replied: "The two commissions will; meet separately to discuss their individ- jual affairs and will meet together | when it is necessary. They will mix fast enough." While Lloyd George was cheer- ful enough in his expressions it ap-| peared to.observers-that he 'Was ¢on- siderably worried over the situation. He was quieter and more reserved | than at any of his previous meetings | with the prefs representatives, et Sn Oooo REV. THOS. IRWIN -- Phesbyterinn ministers of Lawton, Okla., who married a couple in a pub- lic bathing pool. He must now answer the charge of conduct unbecoming a minister. ---- Pickpockets Must Find Very Heavy Bail Hereafter Montreal, Que, May 16.--~"Ten thousand dollars' cash or $15,000 real estate," represents the low- est bail that judges of the criminal courts in future will grant, pickpock- ets, ------ cts " . In looking over court docket re- cords the judges have found so many instances where pickpockets * with criminal records who have been a rested, only to secure low bail whit thay promptly "Jumped," that no chance is to be taken with the light- fingered gentry in future. It is anticipated that adoption of this policy, together with the heavy sentences which have been meted out_to those convicted of picking pockets, will quickly make Montreal unpopular with the "profession." - CNR. to Try Out Gasoline Coaches Line From Montreal to Picton Montreal, May 16.--Two more miles, these "unit" cars are found Basoline-operated passenger coaches, now under construction in Montreal, will be added to the rolling stock of the Canadian National Railways within a few days. It is hoped to make a trial run from Montreal to Picton or Brockville, before the end of this week. » At the present time, the C.N.R. has four different types of gasoline cars in operation, in addition to two types of battery car, and one type of trollley car. For runs up to 125 65 miles. ; One of the "unit" cars is now in use in Prince Edward Island; other, between Campbellton Bathurst, N.B.; and a third, an on latest development are to be placed on the Picton-Trenton line, on the couver Island. PROHIBITION IS NOT FIGHT OVER A GIRL MAINLY ADVOCATED Religious 'Leaders In Great Britain Eschewed Extreme Measures. rested on Charge of Man- slaughter. Haverhill, Mass.,, May 16. --That rivalry over a West Newbury high school girl prompted the fist fight in which 20-year-old Herman H. Tabor was killed Friday night, was admit- ted today by his opponent, 19-year- old Paul Claridge, also a student at London, May 16.--The fiva years' campaign in behalf of temperance by the combined religious bodies took a forward step yesterday when the pre- sident of the Wesleyan conferenca entertained a number of Anglican an- line out of Winnipeg.. Others of the Brockville sub-division, and on Vaa- ENDED IN FATALITY|U A High School Student Is Ar- THE REFUSAL OF THE US highly efficient and economical, al-| though the longest run which any. of them makes at the present time is | { To Conference at the Hague Disappointing. Council of League of Nations to Take Up Palestine ~~ Mandate. London, May 16.--Refusal by the nited States to participate in the proposed conference at The Hague will come as a great disappointment here where it was.strongly hoped that the Allles' invitation would be accepted. News of the declination came foo late for this morning's newspapers, which feature des- patches from Genoa encouraging the. expectation of a favorable reply, S-- 'Italian Minister Genoa, May 16.--Foreign Minister Schanzer of Italy was greatly sur- bishops, the president of the Baptist Union, the Presbyterian moderators, Salvation Army leaders and others, Extreme measures were distinctiy eschewed and prohibition was. not advocated in the main. The points emphasized" 'were local option the Prevention sale of liquor to per- Sons under ~ eighteen years of age, Sunday closing and the extension of the licensing law to clubs. On these points. it was considered that every shade of religious opinfon could unite, The Bishop of London was con- vinced an enormous number of peo- ple are on the side of temperance who resolutely refuse to become identified with any propagandist movement, He was equally positive that their opponents were powerful and rich and ready to nd any amount of money to defeat the tem- Perance movenient, While this gathering was in pro- gress In London there was a gather- ing at Manchester to protest against the price of beer. The meeting was called by the district licensed trade, but the. promoters declared that 'it was called because their customers constantly asked for an opportunity to protest the heavy taxation on li- quor. One speaker declared that when ithe late Lord Kitchener wanted men it 'was thoss from the public house bars who immediately answered the call, and did not wait for conserip- tion. A trade union official asserted that :|the prohibitionist was as dangerous as the social revclutionary, PASSWORDS SECURE 3 LIQUOR IN TORONTO Thirsty Among Visiting Train- men Accommodated Until Police Came. Toronto, May 16.--There are many hundreds of visiting trainmen in To- ronto attending their annual conven- tion, and some of them are thirsty. Those who were both thirsty and wise went to a house on Victoria Stregt, and there the police report, rapped on the outer door and gave the password "Mason." mitted, they progressed to .another door where. they gave another series 0? raps, and uttere | the mystic word "Sheriff." Adunritted here, "they travelled to ye: another door, and with other raps of significant ar- rafigement utterad the word *'Dele- gate." Their ho na fides thus estab- lished, they were entitled to purchase from the stock of Herbert Merfill, who is charged with selling liquor contrary to th. Ontario Temperance Act. The pol ca probed the eccret tes of admission, and had a fengthy #nd interesting session, sitting inside the reception room after seizing the stock and arresting the alleged own- er. and turning away many thirsty visitors, - hattan home. FRIEND OF THE POOR FALLS TO HER DEATH A Canadian Lady, Ul From Overwork, Is Killed in New York. New York, May 16.--Believed by her physician to have been beized with a paroxysm of pain while ill from overwork among the poor of the city, Miss Anna MacEdwards, 38, fell to her death early Sunday morn- ing from the window of her apart- merit on the fifth floor of her Man- The body was dis- covered on the pavefient in wo. prised today at the United States re- fusal to take part ip The Hage con- ference, especially at the rapidity with which the decision was reached, which may have a-great influence on further discussions at Genoa. Palestine Mandate. Geneya, May 16.--Pressure from Zionists in all parts of the world has led the council of the League of Na- tions to recomsider its decision not to take up the Palestine mandate at its present session, and the question of placing it on the agenda will be discussed tomorrow. West Newbury high school. The girl is Miss Frances Sonfer, 17, a senior at the school, _ Young Claridge is under arrest on a charge of manslaughter, and he will be arraigned in the district court. Taber, the dead youth, was graduat- ed from the same school a year ago and had been employed as a typist by a Boston concern. Claridge, weeping bitterly, protest- ed that he had fought "clean" and declared he had no intention of ser- iously injuring the other youth. He admitted that their fight, which was a flerce one, was a "squabble over a girl." The death certificate filed by Dr. Francis A. Anthony reads that young Tabor's death was due to '"'hemoy- rhage and shock consequent to force applied violently to the Jaw, causing two fractures of the skull and rup- ture of the left rheningeal artery." Claridge insists that his opponent Was not knocked unconscious by the ---- Referred to Genoa. Geneva, May 16.--The council of the League of Nations refused today to take up the Russian question; ang" referred Norway's request for inves. tigation into conditions in Russia '0 the Genoa conference. Call Upon Sinn Fein. Belfast, May 16.--The Sinn Fein * blow from his fist, but by striking bis head against the ground when he fell, executive here has adopted a reso- lution in the name of the persecuted and terrorized minority in this city Mo Friday night Tabor took Miss Sonier and her sister, Margaret, to a high schoo! performance. Claridge was there, but after the play he drove away in his own machine. Tabor was on his way home late 'at night when be wag accosted by the othér and the CLASPED HANDS AMIDST GRAVES Foch Tells King Georgé He'll Be "Always Qood London, May 16. -- It is agreed that one of the most impressive in- calling upon the Dail Eireann to es tablish a stable government. The resolution condemns and deplores rule by gun and: declares that the best thedns to acquire peace in Bel. fast is to establish peace in the rest of Ireland, i SE ---------------- i Heaven Used to be Nest Door, Says Wilbur G. Voliva at Chigago, Chicago, May 16.--Temporarily laying aside his contention that the world is flat and is supported by four poles, Wilbur Glenn Voliva, supreme dictator of Zion Olty, has taken over the task of instructing his followers concerning Hell. Voliva is much en raged over the "new fangled no hell Being ad- cidents of the entire tour during the pilgrimage of King George to the cemeteries in Flander and France occurred at Lorette where, standing in the midst of twengdy thousand Al- lied graves, as Marshal" Foch and General Haig met King George sea!- ed their Aandclasp with his own, en- quiring in a voice that was te with- the emotion--he felt : "Toujours bons amis?' (Always good friends?) to which the great Allied generalissimo replied in a voice that broke with feeling: "Toujours, toujours, pour les memes causes and pour les memes raisons." ("Always, always, for the same cause and for the same reas- ons.") ™ : The press of Britain and of France ie unanimous in its tribute to King Géorge, for his demeanor and actio 3 during his pilgrimage to the ceme- teries in Flanders and France. -------- TO BEAT MAURETANIA, Majestic Aiming at Record on doctrine, which has seized the world." x "Hell is a lake of fire under the earth," he declared, "but the devil himself never goes near the place. Satan hovers Gver the earth, directs rab damnad soul as soon as it leaves & e mortal body. These spirits are 100k- ing around all the time for some weak persofis, and when they find one they stick with him until' he dies and then grab his spirit. "Heaven tised to. be under the earth, too, next door to hell, but when Jesus descended into hell, he decided to take Heaven away, so he picked out the good spirits and forme ed a Heaven above." . Ha ------ HAS PLEURAL ABSCESS. . ; Wife of Crown Prince Goorge 5 Greece Critically 111. ' Athens, May 16.---Princess Eliza Queen of Roumania, who has been Voyage, New York, ni " ll for some time past, fs in a very White May 16.--The new te 'Star liner Majestic today is striving hard to beat the record made Sitieal Sundition. She her sister , the M rom a pi abscess, pe he hoj}ds ---- io nana, The Queen of Roumania is expect bourg to New York. ed here hourly. ! It was reported that the Majestic | She left the bedside of her young- Was averaging 24.25 knots oh her | at daughter, Princess Ileana, who fs maiden voyage, and if she encounters |$Uflering from chicken pox, to come Bo more fogs is expected in New |!0 Athens.' York to-day. Je y Bucharest, May 16.--The King The commander, Sir Bertram a Hayes, reports "all well and going Queen of Roumania jedistel} oP Princess Eliza! ; ker for Constanza on Women "Wets" In U.S. on. The Saators vronerous condi . Planning Campaign | ye,' sem to Prosar ; : ---- san New York, May 16.--With "Wines P8000 00s0000004; for women" their rallying ery, lady | o Y ay + > The colonisation minister rom Ises redress to Braiitford Indias Elmira was , Postal' Superistcraent Ross. or is onto, has retived,