MONDAY, MAY 29, 1929, TH E DAILY BRITISH Gives you a smooth, 'smart-free shave. Pe ---- = will show you -- ALONG dark paths outdoors; down cellar: ip the clothes closet; fixing a punctured tire; finding lost articles in the dark ; there are a dozen uses for an Eveready Flashlight every day and night. & BATTERIES The new Eveready Unit Cell is the handiest flashlight bat- tery made., It gives bright lights and lasts longer. Al ways keep extra Unit Cells in a convenient lace--they keep your Rashlight alive, .al- ways ready for use. Go to any electrical, hardware, drug, or sport- ing goods store for Eveready Flashlights and Batteries. CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBDN CO. LIMITED Montreal Toronte Winnipeg Vancouver They Want what they read about The standards of living for the aver- age family in Canada grow higher each year. The luxuries of yester- day are the necessities of to-day. People in the : Enajiop towns gol on arms want newer things they read about. : stocks of them a re-orde Long Distance. The facturer's warehouse -- their order d for telephone ! Shipments are often made the same day. Up-to-dateness of merchandise is no longer confined to the big city stores--and large sums are not lock- ed up in stock. ' ~ Try it. Have a big store in a snfall Sow, "Use the By to Sell" -- and uy. of your calls can pro be made at the lower Sta- tion- tion rate, very Bell Telephone is a Zamg Di one THE BELL TELEPHONE CANADA by obber or manu- at their elbow ents are alert The mors one boasts o¢ himself th less Guidrs boast about him, . Your EVEREADY FLASHLIGHT | .|1ow ape-men from the east, they found fire, which was First Radio on a Train first railway in Canada to instal a radio apparatus on its trains, T= Canadian Pacific is the Those on the. livestock improvement train of seventeen cars now touring the Province of Manitoba will hear from news of the world as they go Marconi represantatives and working of the ratus. The vemos improvemen Railway. The ject is backed by the Dom hy Livestock Exchange, the Packin It will tour the Western éng and particularly to encourage the breeding of hi part of train with the r fe Te Rp Tria OUR SIRES OF THE ~~ | tural College, Association of Manitoba, The illustration shows -~ (Continued From Page 6) | back an attack of migrating ape-men, | Squat, yellow-brown filthy creatutes | with enormous shouders, short bow- legs and flat faces with gaping, up- turned nostrils. Grom, the warrior, | and Bawr, the chief, knew that they Mad destroyed only the advance-! [guard of a host of bow-legs, and that | |the only thing for them to do, if they | | wished to escape extermination, was | |to leave the home of their fathers, | {Journey toward the setting sun, and | {find a new habitat far from their | enemies. The chief gladly accepted | the offer of Grom to go and find the new location. It was ne. easy task | that he had set himself, for the only | Weapon that he had with which to de. | fend himself against' red ang grey | bearg and sabre-toothed tigers was a spear and a club tipped with flint. If Ay-a, a young woman of the tribe, | who was secretly in love with Grom, | had not followed him and insisted on | sharing his adventure, the hero would | never have returned™to be the de. | liverer of his people. But these two, | scouting through the Jungle by day, and sleeping in the tree-tops at night, came at length, after some wild | fights with grizzlies, to a volcanic re- | gion where they made a discovery | which terrified them at first but | which was destined to save their | lives and to deliver their tribe from | destruction at the hands of the vel- | hences | forth to become the obedient servant and friend of humanity, Man Uses Fire to Scare Animals. Although at the moment they were being closely pursued by two gigantic | grey bears, Grom and Ay-a stood still | | dancing in long lines, above the crev- | ices In the rocks. They did nof know whether the flames were superffat- ural beings or not, but necessity {drove them forward. They shrank | from the heat, but pressed on, and {noted to their intense relief the bears [ees more afraid of the Shining Ones than they were, Grom, who wag a curious person, thrust his wooden spear into one of the dancers, and the result astonished him greatly, But let Mr. Roberts describe for us this eventful moment in the history of humanity, ficiently started, flickered and dieu But it left a spark, winking redly on med wood, Audacious in his consuming curiosity Grom touch- ed it with his finger, It stung smart- ly, and Grom snatched back his fin- ger with an exclamation of alarm But by that touch the spark itself was extinguished. That was apn amazing thing. Sucking his finger, Grom stood gazing down at the Spear-tlp, which had but now been so bright, and was now so black, Plain- ly; it was a victory for him. He did not understand it. But at least the Mysterious Ones were not' invinetble, er much the bears feared "His exuMation reached jts climax, however, when' he found a few moments later that 'he could throwing his . This easy conquest over dreaded wild animals made him realize dimly but overpoweringly that he had passed Winnipeg headquarters a radio mechanic accompany the In short |, radio concerts, and receive all the even to the quietest rural places. Two train to insure the successful and maintained by the Canadian Pacific ion Department of Agriculture, the Agricul- ompanies and. the Cattle Breeders' rovinces in the interests of better farm- her-grade and more profitable live stock. lo apparatus at both ends of a carriage, along their itinerary, t train is equip: We invite investors yield to investigate the The twenty-five years ago, business. As a result of 4s a sound investment. 36 KINT ST: EAST MEMBERS: Halifax, N. oS Sherbrooke the Shining Ones, they drove wild | them each a fragment, which they animals out of several caves and after |Swallowed greedily, demanding more; another frightful war with the Bow- (and between the three of thy m the Legs, who were nearly all consumed |Ereat lump of roast tongue qhickly by the strategy of Grom, chief fire- | vanished." The rest of the crowd man of the tribe, they entered upon | Were soon following the example set an era of exceptional comfort and [them by Ay-a. This cave. woman prosperity. But Mr. Roberts does not | appetite was still very lively. So she allow his hero to give way to sloth | hacked off a generous lump of steak, and full-fed ease. He was the luck- |but found that it was rather raw. lest of the early men, for in addition | Then into her brain "flashed an idea, to-his discovery of fire he conferred | She knew not whence, It was as if jt upon humanity a new weapon which [had been whispered to her. She pick- Was to be of great service in war and |ed up a spear; jabbed its stone head in the chase for many thousands of firmly into the lump of meat, and years. It is a pretty story told 1. [thrust the meat Tnto the edge of the chapter eight of this narrative and fire as far as it could 80 without entitled "The Bending of the Bow." {burning the wood of the spear shaft. One day when Ay-a"s first child by (It took her a very few minutes to Grom was a five-year old lad, he sat | realize that her idea was nothing less beside his mother playing with a | than' an inepiration." In this way, ac- whip made of a thin strip of green | cording to Mr. Roberts, a daughter of hide, something over three feet in | Eve did the first cooking in the his- length, tied to one end of a stick tory of the world. That night, when which was several inches longer. He | Grom and his warriors came home, flicked the lash over his mother's | ~~ shoulders and she took it from him and began playing with it herself. At its free end the lash happened to be slit, forming a loop. Idly she bent the stick and slipped the loop over a Jagged knot where it held. The boy snatched at this how but she pushed. eY's rrvear SALT him away and played with lier new foy by pullfhg the cord, letting it make a pleasant little humming sound. Just then Grom came along. He noticed the new toy, then took it from his wife, He twanged it ag she Lad done, studying the new force im- nrisoned in the changing curve. a little later he put a small stone upon the cord, bent the bow a little; and It flew up and hit him in the | movth, drawing blood. After some | further experimenting he fitted a| piece of cane on the string and shot | it into the air, The shaft went up into | the air. Then "turning gracefully | against the blue it came darting | downward on a long slop, and buried | its point in the upturned fat and grimy thigh of an old woman of the tribe who at that precise moment was bending over to pick up a tit-bit from a litter of bones of one of the caves. The old woman yelled, pulled at the shaft, and fled jabbering into the | cave. Grom was elated. He knew that he had made a great discovery, second ouly to the conquest of fire, He had found a new weapon, of un- heard-of, unjmagined powers, able to kill swiftly and silently and at a great distance. All he had to do was to perfect the weapon and learn to control it." A TONIC LAXATIVE Kid or Brown Calf. Phone 159 Well made Ladies" Oxfords in good taste for all out-of-door oc- the whole tribe went in for a revel and sank to sleep at last radiant with repletion, Mr. Roberts winds up his story of the carly man with an account of a migration of vast herds of mam- moths which crowded them out of their caves, obliged them to navigate a wide river on rafts and seek refuge on the farther shore. The narrative here, and indeed everywhere, moves with epic simpHcity and directness. We follow the fortunes of Grom and his people with the utmost suspense. The whole story is so vivid that we feel that Mr, Roberts must have been an eye-witness of the events he de- scribes. In imaginative power this veteran etory-writer has achieved his greatest triumph in this romance of the morning of time. ~--W. T. ALLISON. A just estimate of people's char- acters cannot be formed by what others say about them, but one may judge somewhat by what they say of others, The vote on Athens High School money by-law will be held on June 15th. Are Your Investment F unds Yielding 74%? interested in securing a high income First Mortgage Bonds of the Canadian Paperboard Company, Limited Company, whose business Was established over is to-day the largest of its kind in Canada, manufacturing a product that 1s essential in modern a careful investigation of the industry, and algo of the Company, we unreservedly recommend this issue PRICE : 95.30 and Interest, Y1eiCing over 73%. Write for full information, i i Ciinadidn Dobe , Established IQIO * 'TO OMT o LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE ~_A. R. LAING HOTEL FRONTENAC, KINGSTON JOHNSTON ~»WARD MONTREAL STOCK EXCHANGE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE 171 St. James Street MONTREAL Moneton, N.B. 1 Direct Wire Connections. The Latest Development fa Electric Washing Machines --Washes, Rinses Botls and Wringer Dries Without Use of Wringer, Burke Electric Co. - 74 Princess Street. Phone 423 Talent repeats -- genius creates. fords. Oxfords, Men's Brown ALL THE SMART SPRING STYLES in Ladies' 1 or 2 Strap Pumps with high or low heels, in Black casions--just the type of Shoe for well-dressed women. Men's Tan Grain Brogue Ox- or Black Calf The Sawyer Shoe Store 184 Princess St. Man's First Taste of Cooked Meat. Women readers of this book will smile cynically because Mr. Roberts ascribes superior mentality to the man, It is rather bold, that ascend- ancy of Grom in the bow business, but this thoughtful warrior was far from home and his faithful wife was in the centre of the picture on that wonderful day when the art of cook- ing was accidentally discovered, It was late in the afternoon when the old men and women of the tribe sit- ting at the cave mouth were startled at the sudden arrival of a wounded elk which fell dead half-way across the second fire. It seemed like a rare piece of good fortune, but Ay-a grab- bed her bow and arrows for she knew some fierce_animal had been chasing the elk. A moment later and two colossal red bears came tearing round the cormer. The fight put up by Ay-a and Ook-ootsk was sufficient- ly thrilling, but the sequel is our im- mediate concern. For it was after the bears were killed that the Ralf- burhed body of the elk was pulled out of the fire. The portions of the meat which the fire had cooked seem- the threshold of a new world. The girl threw herself at his feet, for he segmed to her a god and she approv- ed his decision to bring the tribe to the magic spot they had distovered where they could make the bright Dancing Ones their eervants and be masters of all things, : A Boy's Whip Becomes the Father of Bows, : It lt Jong betoré the of the Li le Hills, after a rather ex- citing trek, were settled in their new home. Using their new-found allies, people | greedy had ed to Ay-a and the rest to be spoiled. But as Ay-a stood over the carcase the smell of the roasted flesh snticed her appetite as nothlag had ever tempted it before.' She touched her fingers to the well-browned morsel, thén put them into her mouth, The flavor seemed to her more delightful than anything she had ever tastsu before. A moment more and she was | devouring the elk's tongue, which had been cooked to a turn, with guste. "It was the food she all her life been craving. Her two little boys, pulling at her, arous- ed her from her ecstasy. She gave to the For use in was a portion of the £ A Big Bar of Good Soap--Bright, solid soap with fine lathering and cleansing qualities for the family wash and household use. ines shave or slice RISE ** bar direct ing machines ." UR machine--Tt will do fine work.