: THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. = THE PEOPLE'S FORUM & CONDENSED ADVERTISING ATES Plrst irsertion, lc a word. Zach con- secutive insertion thereafter, half cent a word. Minimum charge for one Insertion, 26c; three iisertiona 0 cents. : he above ratessare for cash only, when charged they are double. HELP WANTED. APPLY BOX 8.30, COOK WANTED, Whig Office meses ne AN EXPERIENCED GE) yant; references requl : Mrs. Hemming, 47 George St. iENERAL WANTED, A MAID FOR GENERA housework; family of two. Apply between 7 and 8. Evening at 170 Barrie Street. AL SER- Apply KE MONEY AT HOME, $15 to $00 HA paid weekly for your spare time writing show cards for us. No can- vassing. We jnstruct and supply you with work. West-Augus Show Card Service, 17 Colborne Bld, To- ronto . WE WANT aA RELIABLE SALES agent for each unrepressyted coun- ty or territory. Exctusive selling Hahis: good pay to energetic rep- resentatives. Our agency Is valu- able. Write Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto. Ont WE ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD MAN JR a car and a little capital We | want a real he-man who always hits on all six and has to be shown | Not one with' a sh-bone In his back, nor "IF" his vocabulary. To such a man we will show the | way to make real he-money. Nat | easy work, but congenial, he-man| stuff. Curiosity and salary seek-! ers not invited. Write In confi- dence and expect reply by next] Thursday. STUDENT NURSES WANTED, | Young ladies of good are urged to enter the field of nursing. The Jamaica Hospital offers a two year and two months' course. Uniforms, books, | board, room and washing furnished, $15.00 per month first year and $20.00 per month second year. | The Hospital is twenty minutes on| train from all the shopping and thea- | tre districts of New York City. Home Surroundings and good care by hospital #uthorities. Good work assured aft graduation. For more particulars, a ply to SUPERINTENDENT, THE JAMAICA HOSPITAL JA 2 families oy. | WANTED GENERAL | ---- eet eee | WANTED TO RENT, SKIFF, FOR ONE > or more months. Apply Box P-6, | Whig Office. MEN'S HAIR CUT, 20c.; BOY 8 cut 15c.; Shaving, 10¢. Curzon, 23 Brock Street HAIR | YW] EXPERIENCED COOK DESIRES PO-| sition as cook, or cook general in a | small family. Apply 170 Bagot St.| GET IT REPAIRED--LAWN MOWERS | sharpened and repaired; saws filed; | knives and scissors ground. Drop a! card to G. W. Bateman, 27 Upper| William street. TRUCK LEAVING KINGSTON FOR a0 © ronto Monday, June 5th; would take load reasonably to Oshawa or To-| ronto. Apply 156 Frontenac Street | or phone 1783J, | LAWN MOWERS GROUND PROPER- ly, carpet sweepers repaired. Wil call at your home. W. Kelly, 357 King street West, formerly 47 El- lerbeck Street. Phone 2047w. CUSTOMERS FOR SHOE REPAIRING work done quickly and neatly, Rubber Heels put on while you wait. Your patronage solicited. Workmanship guaranteed. A. Goodwin, Charles Street, nea Montreal Street. 4 LEGAL IAM & SMITH, BARRIS. ters and solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- ham, K.C.; Cyr'l M. Smith. AMBROSE SHEA, #.A., BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law office, corner uf King and Brock over Royal Bank. Money to loan Phone 1999. CIVIL ENGINEERING. PLANS--SURVEYS--~ESTIMATES T > 8. Scott, BA, BSc. Mem. Eng. Inst. 134 Earl Street. Phone 647. te CUNNINGHAM CARPENTERING HEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER te James Selby, Contractor, 213 Iversity Avenvs. Phone 1598w. AUTO PAINTING. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AND FIN- ishing a specialty, Also Piano and Furniture Polishing. Shop Queen Btreet, rear of Abernethy's Shoe Store, or drop a card to $9 Barrack Street. TO LET. BRICK HOUSE, FACING CITY PARK. | Apply King & Smythe, 71-73 Clar- | ence Street. | GARAGES; RENT REASONABLE, AP-! ply Kingston A artments, Ltd, 69] Brock Street. hone 237. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, HARDWOOD | floors. hot water heating. Posses- sion June 1st. Phone 147. UNFURNISHED FLAT, FOR LIGHT | housekeeping; every convenience; central. Apply 168 Division St. LODGE ROOMS ON KING STREET, | formerly occupled by the 1.O.O.F | Apply to Cunningham and Smith. { FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all mprovemeuis; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 University Ave. A FURNISHED FLAT, COMFORTABLE | and convenient, with balcony, elec-| tric light, gas for cooking. Phone | 1873. . A FURNISHED HOUSE, 318 EARL ST. | will rent for summerMmonths, or for | a year. Apply 318 Earl or phone 1591F. LARGE STONE HOUSE TO RENT MAY | 1st. For particulars apply at Gil- bert's Grocery, 194 Barrie Street. Phone 254. : FOUR ROOMED apartment; all conveniences; hot water heating Apply to White's Insurance Agency. JUNE 1st, A UNFURNISHED | suitable | electric THREE OR FOUR rooms, on bath room flat; for light housekeepin light and phone. FOR SUMMER, TE SPACE AT | "Robinson's Point," Front road; al-| so four large unfurnished rooms. | Mills Company, 7 | FLAT OF FOUR ROOMS, NICELY FIN. ished, separate trance, low rent, immediate possession, Apply HL W, Spencer, 210 Wellington St, King- ston 79 Clarence Street. LARGE DOUBLE FRONT ROOM, FUR- nished; suitable for 2 gentlemen in| down town section; 3 minutes walk | from Princess Street. Apply Box| J-30, Whig. STORAGE FOR dry, airy own Joc . Sigrage, 299-305 Queen St. 526. tes. 989w, Phone RENT AT 69 QUEEN STREET, near Harkness Butcher Shop, a number of single garages. Rent reasonable Apply 185 Queen St. or phone 988w, FURNISHED, LARGE "RONT ROOM, electric light; haif block. from car- line. Apply 313 University Avenue or phone 852w, ONE LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, $5.00 monthly; three unfurnished rooms, $7.00 monthly; use of kitchen and gad stove by arrangement. Apply 323 Montreal street, tnt eee ete AIRY, COMFORTABLE, STONE HOUSE eight large rooms, fireplaces, back FOUND ONE PAIR OF GLOVES AND one riding crop left in auto Owner may have same at C, H., Hall's, 66 Brock Street. PICKED UP ON PATRICK ST, small child's running shoe. Call at 51 Balaclava Bt FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" does not in. clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, etc. These, if lost, may be ad- vertised for ia the "Lost column. LOST. SILVER WRIST WATCH, (PATRIA), on Friday, May 26th. Reward for return to 174 liarl Btreet. CAMEO PIN, ON ORDNANCE STREET, between Sydenham and Rideau Street. Please return to 116 Ord- nance Street. POPP PPPOSPP Peete 3 LOST : Gold Bar Pin, +% and a sapphire, Valued as a keep- # sake. Reward for return to 33 + Division street or Whig Office. Ceres srss asst sem set with pearls eA AE EE EEE ERE XXX J : LOST 3 Silver Pencil (Fynepoint) on 2 Tuesday between the Collegiate + and Grant Hall, Reward for re- * +" Whig Office, turn to 83 Division street or the COPPER IPIOPIPOPRTIES =e FOR SALE. ICE CREAM WAGON, ALSO POP CORN and peanut wagon. Apply 56 Bay St. Cbd pdt d UPRIGHT PIANO, EXCELLENT CON- dition. Apply 82 Lower Union St, or phone 399w, 15 RHODE ISLAND RED HENS, ALSO Bantam Hens. Will be sold cheap to quick buyer. Apply 517 Albert Street. WE ARE WRECKING A FORD TOUR- Ing car and have many used parts for sale. Palmer, corner Bagot and Queen. imipenem ta en emi MILITARY TENTS, BELL AND MAR- quees; also new camp cots and chairs. Apply I. Cohen & Co., 275 verandah, trees, grounds back and front, furnace, gas, three piece bathroom, Apply 38 Clarence St. AN APARTMENT OF FIVE ROOMS, hardwood floors, electric light, | range, refrigerator, fireplace, tiled bathroom. Apply ingston Apart- ents Ltd. 69 Brock Street, Phone 2317. A FIVE AND A SEVEN ROOMED furnished summer cottage, at East. view Park. Also for sale fine waterfront lots and modern bunga- low. Apply J. D. Boyd, R. R. No. 1, Kingston, -- VERY PRETTY SUITE OF THREE OR four furnished rooms for house- keeping; gas for cooking; on bath- room floor; no other roomers; no objection to a small child. Phone. Apply 384 Alfred Street. HOUSE TO RENT roomed frame house on Improvements, Seven Nelson good berry home. Rent $25.00 per month. Apply| Box R-30, Whig Office. Ontario Street. FORD TON TRUCK, IN FIRST CLASS condition; stake sides; cheap for quick sale. Palmer, corner Bagot and Queen streets. SECOUND-HAND DAYTON COMPUTING scale, 30 1b. capacity; slightly used. Price reasunable. 118 Col- borne Street, Kingston. FORD TOURING CAR, IN FIRST CLASS condition; equipped with shock ab- sorber; tire carrier; all good tires and spare. Price $225. Apply phone 1708w. MOTOR BOAT, 24 FEET BY § FEET a", twd cylinders, 4 cycle, Regal en- ine, reversing wheel; good sea- oat, $200. Apply A. H. Warwick, 39 Divislen Street. WI HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF good seconli-hand furniture stoves. Any person having stoves d furniture to dispose of, wo wil} ay highest prices. J. Thompson, i Princess Street. Phone 1600w. A WALL SHOW. CASE MADE FOR cigars and tobacco; quartered oak; cigarette drawers, etc, in first class condition. Apply Frank Robbs, 185 Wellington Street. AGENTS WANTED SALARY $21 WEEKLY, EXPENSES advanced, not to canvass but travel and appoint local representatives, State age and qualifications. Ex- perience unnecessary. Winston Co, Dept. G., Toronto. AGENTS--GET IN A PROFITABLE all year commission business of Every property owner needs some of our nine hundred varieties of hardy Red Tag trees and plants. No capital needed. Complete equipment and instruc ton free. Write Dominion Nurser- les, Montreal. AN ENERGETIC, RELIABLE, RE- sponsible man, preferably with large a uaintance, both business and social, to handle an old estab. Hshed Fifoduct in continual use by over 50% of the population. Stead 1 and good profits. A quic AUTO AND CARRIAGE PAINTING, EE ---- RTA AUTO AND CARRIAGE FINISHING, Jenkins & Davies, corner York and Raglan Road, Telephone 483M. Entire new Squipment, Satisfac- tion guaranteed. siness or plea- sure cars. Prices moderate, es ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING JAMES HARRIS, ELECTRICAL CON. tractor, 4 Coupe St. Phone w. FURNITURE FINISHING 0 LL OR DROP A CARD TO Ww. coll, 23 John Street. DRIS. ODD LOTS you need a half or quarter ton of put you through the season? chance to give us a trial. 8B Coal to A good James Swift & Seller to both the retail stores and consumer. Address: Mr. West, 16 Pear] Street, Toronto. PARTIES WANTING ROUGH LUM ber and shingles will do well to call at the new lumber yard on Concession street before buying. W. H. Talbot, 8 St. Catherine St. GOING TO BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN Motor-Bleycle outfit; new model Briggs-Stratton Motor Wheel; new Double Bar Indian Bicycle; guaran- teed first class shape. Treadgold's. MATTRESSKS FOR SALE, OR MADE to your order, any size, any quan- tity, lowest factory prices. Also renovating. Frontenac. Mattress Company, 377 King Street. Phone 1961J. THREE BEST KINDS EVERBEARING strawberry plants Americus, Pro- gressive and Suberb---plant them now, 3.00 per 100. Apply 8. Mc- Cormack, 86 Collingwood Street, Kingston, MOTORCYCLES, ONE TWIN INDIAN, $125; one Indian with side car, 180; one Indian Power Plus Side Tr, $325; one Cleveland Light, sé; also Ford Truck, $135. George uller, 371.373 King street. MEDICAL. C. K. ROBINSON, M.D 365 BARRIE Street. Hours 10.30-12 am, 7-8.30 p.m. Phone 1646 p.m. H.C. MABEE, M.D . M., llam street. Oftice hours asm. 2-4 pm, 7-830 p.m. WIL- 11-12 Phone CARPET CLEANING. reese H. MILNE, ELECTRIC VACUUM AND Carpet Cleaning, Laying and Sew- ing; Hyslop and Cleveland Bl. cycles. Phone 542, 272 Bagot St. Co., Limited STOVE WOOD, SPLIT, $2.50 % CORD; not it, $2.25 % cord; coke, $10.00 ton, last year's price. Cinders for roadways and garages $1.00 cart load; Clinkers for concrete work, 50c. cart load, all delivered. Saw- dust $2.00 cart load. Phone 1611m, . C. Bruton. Yard: 244 University e. Avenu DESIRABLE MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE one of the most comfortable and safe Motor Boats, V bottom, 21 ft. X 6 ft. 6"; new Universal 4 cylin. der, 4 cycle motor with rear starter and reverse clutch, automobile top. Life preserver cushions. Seats six ox ners, Everything in Soud condi- on. en 'or photo. rice $500. F. G. Lockett, 24 Stuart Street. BATEMANS KEAL ESTATE, FOR SALE. FRAME, ¢ Rooms C.. gas In one and $3,800--DOU and C.; t in ome outbuilding. ---- each; B. electric ligh $2A400--FRAME; 8 ROOMS BA and C.; eleciric lights; roi By SEVENAL FARMS FOR SaLm #1,700---FRAME BUNGALO ROO; i nearly new. wis nS, OR A PAIR OF rR ron. houses; a 1 oN. SI350-FRAME; 4 ROOMS LARG warden; north ena CTY R floors thi _e cases and mirrors, ana electric Henly SRE ae a » rge lo ru trees and shrubs; a aa perfect home at a TO RENT ROOMING H 18 House, ROOMS; ALL IM. Y ee ---- --_------ ddd ddd bhp otric| their faces and suffer much for their FOR SALR E. W. MULLIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 530w. SEE DISPLAY AD. ON PAGE TWO. -- | SEVERAL TONS OF GOOD HAY, IN the mow. Mills Company, 79 Clare | ence Street | [ | FORD CAR, FIVE PASSENGER, > IN| | + 800d condition. Apply 209 Welling- | ton street. SOFT | QUANTITY oF HARD AND street. brick. Apply 143 Nelson Phone 618 or phone 1391J. GRANT SIX CAR, IN FIRST CLASS condition; recently overhauled. Ap- Ply 285 Collingwood Street. resem ------ HAVE YOU A CAR YOU WOULD LIKE to trade for a good 8% Investment? Write Box A-29, Whig Office. Antique | Furniture | Something new arriving every | week in old period Furniture. | | | | | | | LESSES ANTIQUE SHOP B07 Princess Street Phone 1045w. | | CHIROPRACTIC WM. A. MARCELLS, D.C,, Ph. C, Cor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone 822]. Hours 9 to 12 ara. 1 to § p.m. DR. GEORGE F. LUUY, DR. JENNIE A, Lucy, Chirovractic Specialists and Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot streat, between Princess and Brock. Tele- Jagne 943w. Hours 9 oles am, 1 to | | and 7 to 9 pm. Sp(nal analysis and consultation free. | Residential calls by appointment. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING FOR PAINTING AND PAPERHANG- ing get my prices; complete line of Wall Paper. Special prices this month; workmanship guaranteed S. R. Lyons, 314 Barrie Street Phone 358w. PPAINTING, PAPERHANGING, DECO- rating, glazing, hardwood floor fin- ishing, ete. first class work, rea- sonable prices Wallpaper samples. Estimates submitted, A. Mounteer, 208% Alfred Street. Phone 856m. jp--_------ UPHOLSTERING. CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, J. Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot St. F. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR vuwpP. Jolstering and general repairing. Leave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- der in all popular shapes and sizes. Upholstering and repairing done. E Goodridge, 244 University Phone 1883J. Ave nue. PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, ®IRTH. marks. skin cancers, scars, etc. re- moved permanently. Satisfactor | glasses fitted and furnished after | Others have failed. Goitre removed | 85 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J Lake, Kye, Kar, Nose. Throat, Skin | 268 Bagot Street. Phone 301. FINANCIAL MRS. H. 5. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. mobile and Casualty Insurance. 42¢ Ear] street. Phone 1752M. STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents; established ip 1860; only the most reliable companies repre- sented. Office 35 Clarence street, opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- ment Soclety, Incorporated 1561. President W. F. Niele, K.C.;: vice resident, A, . Cunningham. oney Issued on city and {arm properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased, investment bouda for sale: deposits received and interest allowed R. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- ence street, Kingston. i eee VETERINARY. DR. H. MURPHY, B.V.Se., VETERIN- ary Surgeon, 680 Princess St, King- ston, Ont, MARRIAGE LICENSES CHARLES F. ADAIR, CATARAQUP Ont, issuer of marriage licenses. Phone 2367 r 12. DENTAL. DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE 258 Princess Street. Phone 652w. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, corner of Brock. RUPERT P, MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Ph. RU PER Street. Phone 1:80. Open evenings by appointment. AYKROYD, DENTIST, UAS RE- PR. ATH] practice at 92 Princess 8t, over Balk of Nova Scotia. Phone 14023. Vanity of Canadian Women. Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada recently heard papers on a variety of branches of knowl edge, representing in the aggregate an enormous amount of Canadian re- search. One of the newsiest items in the literature and history section was the story of the Bohemian settle- ment of Glenside, 50 miles south- west of Saskatoon, which was visit- ed by Rev. Edmund H. Oliver. : The opinions of the original Bo- hemian femininity upon Canadian sisters, as ted by Dr. Oliver enlivened audience considerably. There was only scorn for the lady who sat in the cool of the tonneau while her superior officer inflated the automobile tire. "Canadian wives are lazy and ex- travagant"--this from Madame Bo- hemienne of Glenside. '""They paint vanity." The last phrase was on gc- count of corsets, Dr. Oliver interpret- ed. "Their husbands must harness the horses, and the wives wait while the men make the | fires." // 2 Jl | y's A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY Old Bird: How strange! A drink from this bubbling spring has made a new bird of me! RESENTING THE INSULT Mrs. Homebody: like Jury duty? Mrs. Newballot: | didn't ilke it a bit. The judge addressed me as "my good woman," and I'm not a good woman. I'm strictly modern. 8moke, drink cocktails 'n'every- thing. 'How did you a MIS VOICE THE BIGGEST PART \Aunt: Children should be seen and not heard, Johnny. Johnny: Yes, Aunt; but I'm so small | have to be seen with my voice. UNDERSTOOD! "Hey Bell-Hop! Where's the -- 1 "Sh-h-h-h! * Pll bring it right up to your room--pint or a quart sir?" THAT WOULD NEVER DO "Have you decided where you're going on your vacation?" "No Indeed! Hubby might want to go to the same place | had so lected." THE BLOWER A breezy young fellow named Cap- per, Often speaks of himself as a scrap. per, Who deals in hard blows-- But then everyone knows They are blows thro' his nose or his "gapper". | The Early Crops of Beets and Car. | TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1022. If you want dobing déne, don't call on us, but if you want first-class decorating, then telephone 2090J. for painting and decorating Is' our business. W. H., FRANCIS 35 SIXTH ST, Phone 2000J. re] DAVID SCOTT Pltmber Plumbing and Gas Work a specs falty. All work guaranteed. Ad- dress 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277. ALLEN-NOW BIG DOUBLE BILL WANDA HAWLEY IN "Bobbed Hair" BETTY A450 sox in "For Those We Love" --_ ALL ABOARD For the Steamship of : LAUGHTER Sania Captain 'W. KENT MACNEE HAROLD LLOYD || "ehorsomnrs,uiase fret vod King Streets. Phone 701 or 1327). "A SAILOR-MADE MAN" General Insursuce Agency in charge Writing: --Automoblle, . Fire, Acoldent, y. ete. STRAND RD | Sickness, Plate Glass Burg ---------- Hepresenting Only Reliable OT a---------- \ HUMAN MACHINE | PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING needs constant inspection and ad- and PLAYER PIANO ADJUSTING Justment to keep in fine condition and add to its life. OSTEOPATHY NORMAN H. BUTCHER 27 PINE STREET - PHONE 1810w adjusts the bony framework of the body, frees the nerves from impinge- ment, stretches and relaxes the con- tracted ligaments and muscles d brings the life-giving blood t every part of the body, thus we get) "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS" DRS. ROBERT anda EDNA ASHCROFT 204 King St. between Earl & Gore Phone 447 for appointment. Dominion Taxi Service PHONE 116 : 24 Hour Day Service * ee Small Machinery Repairs lawn mowers sharpened, washing machines, electric, hand or water power --also vacuum sweepers and all kinds Hk 966 Cor. King & Princess 'Sts. 24 Hour Servicey Prices moderate, 18 WILLIAM ST. W, a guaranteed, Phone 925J. "CUSTOMER GOOD-WILL" Our customers are the f dation upon which our bu They are the pivot business revolves the power to make it a ccess © failure. It is therefore vitally tm. portant that we satisfy them com. pletely, and this we try to do with our ii f Tobaccos, Cigars, Station- ery, Magasinen, Chocolates, ete, JACK ELDER 260 Princess Street - small machinery repaired. All work | | | ! Announcing the opening of our new Vul- canizing and Tire Service Shop. All work guaranteed. Bring your Rim Cut Tires and have them repaired. ANDERSON'S Vulcanizing Shop 236 ONTARIO ST. TNA NANA A eer SUN LIFE ASSURANCE C0. OF CANADA Assurance in force now more than ....... $500,000,000.00 J. L. ABELL District Agent 237 Bagot Street. Phone 704. | INVESTIGATE | E The Special Poliey ISSUED BY THR EXCELSIOR ws! LIFE cov SOL BY H. D. WIGHTMAN 151 WELLINGTON ST. A ---------- FRESH FRUITS ) are good for everybody at any time ~--for children and adults, for heal- thy and sick--eats for any of them ----no stomach trouble, no doctor bill, We also Keep the very best in sea- son. We also Carry a variety of wholesome home-made candy in boxes and bulk. CANDY AND FRUIT STORE PHONE 273 66 PRINCESS ST. TINY INSECTS Di TROY, rots at Cataraqui. Cataraqui, May 30.--Droves of tiny insects are destroying the gard- eners' early crops of beets and car- rots. The infant daughter of Mr. | and Mrs. Lawrence Bullen was bap- tized in Christ church on Sunday morning, Mr. and Mrs, G. Randall, | Lansdowne, and Mr, T. Randall, To- ronto, have been the guests of J, Baker. > Thé Epworth League held a picnic at Nicholson's Point on May 24th. Mrs. Austin Smith and Mrs. Wilfrid Sproule were delegates to tha W.A. meetings in Napanee last week. Worden Edwards, B.A, is home from Guelph College. Rev. Hons Mick is the guest of Rev. G+ . Sisco. Stanley Smith has gone to Niagara Falls for the summer, i-------- High Guarantee FEATURES j Ne Premiam illustration: Premium $130.20, Guarastees to return In Cash in 21 years $2,880.00 or $5,000.00 paid-up 'nsurance, You may not be able to judge by experiences, but you can give a pret- ty shrewd guess. Don't argue. You can't convince You may respect a man for the [any one. You will make yourself enemies he makes, but you can never angry and the man you argue with envy him. will hate you. HORSE RACES BASEBALL MILITARY SPORTS MONDAY, JUNE 5th Of Every Deseription. PHONE 243 BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO , Limited OXY-WELDING CARBON BURNING Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STREETS °