THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. PARADE OF THE PWOR.| froze. | = frost of the Shooting Con- ews | Special Musi c Sale This Week Only ests Held at the 'Barri Regular 40c. and 50c. numbers, 25 c. each . . . . . Five for $1.00. field Ranges. | Mo-Na-Lu, Poor Little Me, Tosti's Goodbye Melody, Song of India,' Always, Birds of a Feather, Bow Wow Blues, Baby Face, Bimini Bay, Cho-Cho-San, Cry Baby Blues, Dapper Dan, Caresses, Do You' Ever Think of Me, Down Yonder, Granny, Humming, | Hold Her Hand, I Wonder If You Still Care for Me, Waiting for Ships That Never Come In, The Last Waltz, A Baby in Love, Mandy 'N' Me, TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1922, STORE CLOSES DAILY 5 O'CLOCK (From Trapper to Wearer) FOXES The 1s: Battalion P.W.O.R, over! 300 strong, paraded to the Cricket | | field again Monday evening and car-| Answer the merchant's ads--it | {riled on with battalion. drill for part will save you money. ! {of the time, the latter halt being de- Sydenham street Methodist church {voted to extended order work, while | has arranged for its Flower Sunday | {the signaliers, stretcher bearers and | on June 18th. | CANADIAN FOXES bands carried on with practice. The| Mr. Swaine, plano tuner, orders | B utiful, fine, fluffy, silkey, training season is nearing the end | received at 10Qy Clergy street w | selected skins in Black, White, 10w, 300 overvilipy 1 leing put [Phone Sibw. vue] 3 | read s for the annual inspection 'ooke"s churc cantata, 'The! Cinnamon, Smoke, Golden Jendingss for ike a : {which will take place on of about the | Rolling Season.' Tuesday, May 30th, | Mimi, I Want My Mammy, Ma, Somewhere mn Naples, She Knows It, Red, Cross and Silver. [12th of June. Next Friday, the bat-|8 p.m. Silver collection, $30.00 and up . Look for the Silver Lining, Say It With Music, Sweet Lady, Oh Me |talion will parade as usual, but the] Mrs, Abraham Shaw, University . : B, {following Monday, being the day on|avenue, is in the General Hospital| Oh My, When Sweethearts Waltz, Wimmin, etc., etc. Your inspection invited. No obligation to buy. * oie oe fing's Jirthasy [1.50 bejrurentoned wis prosmosia. For mail orders add 3c. per copy for postage, JOHN McKAY, Limited |observed, the parade will be}pos:-| Ladies can attend the banquet in| THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Manufacturing Furriers poned until the Tuesday evening. 1Grant Hall, on Thursday, given by! Every Thusray evening. all mem- |the Methodist Conference laymen, PHONE 919. ' OPEN NIGHTS 149-157 Brock Street - - Kingston, Ont. {bers of the regiment who care to| "Gen." McDonald of the unem- | {may meet at the armories for target | ployed "army" was still confined to practice on the miniature range and [the General hosiptai on Tuesday. | each Saturday, range practice is held| Mrs. Henry Scott, who has been | | at Barriefleld, ranges, the bus leav- [ill in the General hoepital for some | ing the armories at 2 pm. There time, was removed to her home | fare light cash prizes awarded each Monday morning. | {week and everything is being done| A number of Americans, who had Ito encourage the young shots. On been touring through eastern Ont- | Saturday last, forty-eight members| ario, returned home yesterday via! of the regiment turned out for the steamer Waubiec. | _ishooting and some splendid scores Miss Myrtle Montgomery, New | | were made. The prize winners Liskeard, arrived in the city Tuesday | | were: {and will spend a few weeks with her | | 1st, |sister, Mrs. Fred Clark, 41 York! 2nd, [street, : i 3rd, | The will of the late Abraham Shaw | 4th, |leaves $2,000 to Sydenham street | 6th, Hallam, J., "Cc" Company. [Methodist church, $1,000 to the Or-| | 6th, G. Baker, "A" Company. |phans' Home and $1,000 to the Gen- | | 7th, E. Honeysett, "A" Company. [eral Hospital. | { 8th, M. Asseltine, "D" Company. | Mrs. Alexandrina Vanarder pass-| | "A number of higher scores were [cd away at her residency, Portland | {made, but are not eligible for the | t>wnship, on Monday night after aj prizes. {lengthy illness. She is survived by | {her husband and two children. ! | Rev. A. J. Hanley, rector of st. | 'THE DAIRY SCHOOL PLANS | ers cathedral, returned on Tues- | | {day from Atlantic City and Lake | | | Placid, hwere he has been the past | | Bullding Will Be 80 x 123 Feet | month tor the benefiat of his health, | | ~--The Cost Will Be | Mrs. John Johnston, for the past | week in the General hospital, was | $80,000. {taken to the home of her brother, W. | Snet---- | J. Smith, Glenburnie, Tuesday morn- The plans and specifications for | ing, having recovered trom her sick- | | the new Kingston Dairy School have ness. | | been received by Prof. L. A. Zutelt, | R---------------------- AR HERE COMES THE BRIDE Sweet June the Month of F ragrant Flowers and Pretty Brides ~~ dt SIN H. Baiden, "Signallers." W. Smith, "A' Company. H. Holland, "C" Company. E. Ryan, "D" Company. A NEW DEPARTURE For Afternoon Teas, Parties, etc. we have manufactured an entirely new line of COCOANUT MACAROONS have no hesitation in recom. mending them. Here are a few suggestions for the new home: New arrivals in pure Linen Cluny Lace, Doylies, Centre Pieces, Buffet Covers, Table Covers--high grade goods: attrac- tively priced from ceereineien... 39¢. to $24.00 each Pure Linen Tablecloths with Napkins to match. Cloths : «+... $8.50 up, Napkins $8.50 doz. up Best makes of English and Canadian Sheetings, 50c. per yard and up. Pillow Cottons, all widths . . .35c. per yard up EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES The delicious little confec- tions are now on sale at all the leading groceries, and we They are just a little different from the average line of Macaroons and we know that you will be delighted with them, Made in Kingston by | The case of a young man, charged | CROTHERS Established 1869, | the superintendent, and tenders have | | been called for the building of the {structure in order that it may be | completed this season. FOR Th NEW COTTAGE---Stone barn, hen house and one acre of land; two miles from the city. Price BRICK HOUSE---T7 rooms, electric lights, gas, furnace, hardwood floors, nice verandah, good lot. Price .. ROUGH CAST HOUSE--6 rooms, Upper York. Price 3 pfece bath, ..34,6800 ..$1,650 M. P. TRUMPOUR 287 Bagot Street 'Phones 704 or 1461w The new building will be 90 feat ili On the first floor $4,500---Bagot St. E.--three brick veneered with frame ex- temsion, 6 rooms each and toilet. $4,400--Collingwood Street-- brick detached, 7 rooms and bath, hot air furnace, electric light, gas, good cellar. Lot 38 x 110. TO LET Upper Johnson Street--frame house, 7 rooms, 8 piece bath, hot air furnace, electric light, 88s, $28.00 per month, with use of garage $27.00. Several Furnished Houses, June 1st to October 1st. Victory Bonds Bought and Sold R HWADDELL The McCann Phones 336-800. -- SRA Ae Ar er EE a Choice Rolls and Prints . . lle" Creamery ws Pure Lard TEA If you want something real good, try our quality blend. M All this week we are selling with each 5 1b. purchase, 1 Ib, Cocoa free. 241s. 25c., 5 lbs. 65c. "Save the Difference" #8 Broek St - Give Your Eyes the Consideration Due Them Seeing is by far the most im- portant sense of the human body. And still it is the one most frequently neglected. If your power of speech were 'impaired, or your hearing be Tow normal, you would not hesi« tate abaut consulting a special- fst--and yét good eyesight is ' REGISTERED OPTOM 342 KING STREET SR 50 the easiest to restore if taken in time. - ' It you do not know what it is that is troubling your eyes, or if you are In doubt as to your see- ing power, we invite you to al- low us to make a thorough test to convince yourself of the truth, : e, DOS. 'PHONE 1019w. il | IH { ll | successful tenderer is made. work will be carried out under the{. | by 123 feet, and will front on Barrio | g|Stredt with entrances for trucks and {teams off Barrie street at each end | of the building. The foundation wi'l | | be of lime stone, the first story brick | jand the second stucco. The roof | will be red asbestos tile. | The basement will contain boller | rooms and cheese storage room, On ! the ground floor will be milk and | cream receiving rooms, cheese and | || butter making rooms, refrigeration vats and separators. are to be located the offices of the superintendent and tanks, | dairy inspectors; lecture rooms, lab- | oratories, lavatories, cloak rooms, ete. | The building will present a much | finer appearance than the old ons, {and while it is designed to meet ha | technical requirements, it will be in | keeping with the site and surround- | ings. The cost will be approximate- |1y $80,000. FoI da hoped that contractors may | be in a-position to tender promptly l/ and be in readiness to prosecute the | work, once the announcement of tha The || direction of an architect of the de- partment of public works, Toronto. Rev. Dr. Casey Bereaved. Rev. Dr. D. A. Casey, editor of the Canadian Freeman of this city" re- || Monday of the death of his mother, Mrs. Patrick Casey, at her home in || Newport, Tippérary, Ireland. The || sympathy of his many friends is ex- i | tended to him in his bereavement. || The late Mrs. Casey was the mother i |. of nine children, three of whom wore given to the service of God and re fi| ligion. They are Rev. Dr. Casey, il | Kingston, Right Rev. D. P. Casey, | P.8.M., presidcnt Pallatine College, Thurles, Ireland; and Rev. Sister St. Rita, St. Mary's Convent, Cork, Ire- land, The Late Capt. Daryay. The. funeral of the late Captain Chatiitey Daryaw. -took place from his late residence, 16 Rideau street, to Cataraqui Cemetery, on Monday morning. There was a large attend- ance of relatives dnd friends, includ- ing captains and sailors, by whom he was held in high esteem. The casket was banked with beautiful flowers testitying to the affectionate regard felt for Captain Daryaw. Canon W. F. FitsGerald officiated. The pall bearers were Captains H. Daryaw, James Dix, James Oliver, L. Daryaw, R. Carnegle and James Kirkwood. Queen's GRiduate Dead. William Knafght, a former mem- ber of the Bellevill home. for burial. The late W. W. Knight was a graduate of Queen's usdtandiy in arts, turning to the eity at 9 o'clock. ------------ When we stop to complain tune forsakes us. with having liquor in a place other | than a private dwelling, came befora | Magistrate Farrell on Tuesday morn- | ing, but was enlarged for a couple st days. Mayor Corbett is in receipt of A] telegram from the mayor of Hamil- ton asking that the, member | Kingston in the legislature, Ww. F Nickle, be instructed to oppose the | bill relating to street railway rates. ! Wilson Blue, representing the To- ronto Telegram, and C. N, Lane, ra- presenting the Toronto Star, are tra- velling with the Unemployed Veter- ans to Ottawa. Mr. Blue did eigh- teen miles on foot between Belle- ville and Napanee, Mrs. Tetlock and Mrs. J. C. Ben- nett returned Sunday |from attend- ing the funaral of the late Mrs. 8. G. Tetlock, Barnia. On the way home they spent a few-days with Dr, and Mrs. C..B. Bell, 19 Biggar avenue, Torouto. quality Cotton lated prices, REGIOPOLIS COLLEGE CADETS INSPECTED | Hemstitched and Embroidered---42 inches wide -- extra EIDERDOWN QUILTS "Nothing nicer for a wedding present than a down Quilt. We sell the celebrated English make "McLintock' Venti- Quilts with pretty Sateen or Satin Covers. Floor Rugs, Draperies, Oilcloths--beautiful array. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE 50c¢. each Special low i To Parade to St. Mary's Cathe= | dral on a Sunday Morn- | ing In June. MILLINERY We deal exclusively in models made by the master designers of Canada. Hats trimmed d remodelled. Parisian Shop 322 Brock Street The annual inspection of the Re- glopolis College Cadet battalion was held on the college campus at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, with the! unit turning out about 1 strong, | and going through their arious | manoeuvres to the satisfaction of 5 : |lon, also epressxing his own pleas- the inspecting officer, Lt.-Col. G. H.| ire at the way the boys conducted Gillesple, After the "March Past : ' {themselves during the inspection. Col. Gillespie addressed the cadets, | The cadets ] been drilling for and complimented them upon their | ome weeks most faithfully, under splendid work and general appear- the watchful eye of! Sergt.-Major ance on parade. Rev. Father Nich- | proden, R.C.R., who has been asso- olson also gave a brief address, | ciated with Principal Quinn in the which he thanked Col. Gillespie for | aaministration of the unit. In this his remarks concerning the battal- | {way the very best work possible was | obtained from the boys, and their | discipline and general carriage on | parade would be a delight to a vet- {eran. { It is the intention of the principal | of Regiopolis college to hold a par- ' "The Hat Store" Get Into a {ade to Bt. Mary's cathedral for the { battalion on a Sunday morning in | June, Police Receive Complaints -- Every day the Kingston police re- ceive a batch of circulars from var- lous points, giving particulars about automobiles being stolen, which goes to show that auto thieves are still on the job. Oh Tuesday morning, | {Auto Thieves Are Still Busy | that efty, m Totonto about two cars being It's time for a mew Straw stolen from that city, Hat--no headwear . quite so. comfortable as a good Sailor or Panama. To clean the old one is usually a waste of money. especially at the new prices for good Straws, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 up to $5.00 | Rupert Joyner, Battérséa. Mr. and Mrs. Wellie Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patterson motored to Napanee on Sunday. Earl Wallace has return ed to his home in Napanee. REAL ESTATE $4100--Ellerbeck Ave., new brick, modern. $2600--York street, new frame, E. light, 3- , piece bath. $4300--Barrie Street, frame, modern, $3200--Cherry Street--frame dwelling, gar- age, garden. $6700--Clergy St. West--brick dwelling and extra lot. $9200--Frontenac Street, brick extra lot. and a full list at office. Houses to rent dwelling and Money to loan E. W. MULLIN & SON EXCLUSIVE AGENTS , Corner Johnson and Division Streets - « Phones 889w and 599J. -- -------- -- ES -- FOR THE LITTLE MiSs New Summer Footwear Now ready with a complete stock of new Summer Footwear for the little Miss, featuring all that is new and elegant In shoedom; all sizes 11 to 2 in each style. NEW FLAPPER ONE BUCKLE PUMPS -- wide Straps, patent and brown at .. PATENT OXFORDS at PATENT STRAPS BROWN STRAPS $2.75, $8.00 and $8.50 BLACK CALF OXFORDS at $2.73, $8.00 ana $8.50 BLACK CALF STRAPS Bring the children here to be fitted. ' S. J. MARTIN i890 PRINCESS STREET © . - PHONE 2316